HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-02-12, Page 4THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1930 THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE BIRTHS HUNTER—In Usborne, on Tuesday, February 11th. to Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hunter, a daughter. DEATHS HIRTZEL—Jn Creditor, on Sunday, February 9th, 1936, George Hirt- zel, aged 77 years, 1 month and 18 days. CARD OF Mr. and Mrs. G,Cudpr^e and family wish to extress thebrsincere thanks for the mary acts^f; kindness extended during |their*’ giiaraijjined illness of the family. J. •*< pp MAIN ST, MEN’S UNION The regulai' meeting, of the Mien’s Union of Main Street United church was held on Wednesday evening, February Sth. Owing to the illness of the president, Mr. Charles Pearce acted as president, The .Scripture Lesson was read by Mr, J. W. Powell Piano solos were given by Harold Jackson and Stanley Smith and Rev. Mr. Elliott sang a specially request­ ed solo. The guest speaker for the evening was Dr. Dunlop, who gave a most interesting talk on the origin of Hu­ ron county and the surrounding dis­ trict; dealing with the founding, in England, in 1885 of the Canada Company, which controlled 1,100,000 acres of land in this district. John Galt, an author and friend of Lord Byron, became its governor and his first assistant was William Dunlop. The speaker gave a vivid character sketch of the eccentric William Dun­ lop. The next meeting of the Men’s Union will take the form of a cro- kinole social. IN LOVING MEMORY OF ROBERT B. gambrill In MemoWam Not as the sun when its course is run And it westward fades away, Did the one we love go up above, For ’twas ere the noon of day, That the Master came and called this name, And said “I have need of thee” And Bob replied as he willingly died ‘‘Thy will be done in me.” For the gates ajar as he crossed the bar, Was the sight that caught, his eye, And just within, where there is no sin, » And none shall ever die Stood his Master dear, He' had naught to fear. From the Lord of Love and Light For He said ‘‘Well done, you have glory won You have trusted and done the •right . For down on earth you had second birth, 9 My love had filled your soul And now with me you shall perfect be Your faith has made thee whole. Let your loved ones know who are down below, And on the gospel feed, That I needed you wrho are good and true, My cherubims to lead. So he sings up there with a soul so fair, And he plays upon his harp; While we upward gaze and count the days, Till we too, shall depart. For within the gates we know He waits Till our souls in .Heaven arrive, And each time we kneel, we keener feel, Bob is not dead, but alive. By Kenneth McMillan, Palmerston ■5 PROFIT IN CHICKS . A profit of $1005.00 in four months from a flock of 700 Large Type White .Leghorns, $6.75 profit over feed: cost in four months. This is the record by one of our customers H. W. Krafit, of Dash­ wood. Over half of these hens were year olds and older or the re­ cord would have been muclh better. Financially proven records like tihe one above should prove that it pays to buy chickis from Trap Nested tStock and that the Breeding work we are doing with our Large Type Leghorns: is giving results. There is good money in Poultry if you start right with a good strain and handle thein properly. The above record made by Mr. Kraft, is absolutely a true statement and if any of you have any doubt in your mind regarding this statement write to Mr, Kraft and he will .assure you this is correct. IT PAYS TO START CHICHjS EARLY. Feed good, yet cheap­ ly and use. good judgment and manage them properly. The Earl­ ier you get your chicks the “more” profit there is. April and May 4 Chicks will make you a good profit. Marclh Chicks will make you more, and February Chicks still more. The above statement proves this. Mr. Krafts’ Chicks were hatched last week in February last year and the has placed his osier for 1,000 February 25th this year. The Chicks we keep for ourselves, will all be February hatched. Broilers,- There is good monejf’ in Early hatched. Broilers. Our Early hatched Broilers always jsell at 18 to 20 c. a lb. and bring around 50c. each live weight agpund 12 weeks old. We are raising about 5,,000 this year. The Broilers from a flock of early hatched will pay .for the cost of thqfchicks’ feed and coal till the time they ar^ sold. You have the pallets for your work. . High Quality Feeds,— The Feeds thatfwe sell are exactly the same asJj8ecT to own Poultry, To nmke the most profit feed good fegd^ft the cheap­ est price. Note t>he®rofit Mr. Kraft had, he uses of " eeds through­ out. JFfl?' Chick Starter,- 1 Prices areMown, quality up,- Day* Old Mixed Chicks from Feb.JPMarch $13.50 per 100 Day Old Se®d Pullets (Guara^ d 90% $28.00 per 100 Started Chicks^- our We have battery .capaci^of 6,000 chicks at one time started 2c. extra for the^irst w^k brooding and 3c. for second week. Five Week Old Pallets, We .have purchased a two storey Building in Exeter on Station •Street. It is being remodelled into a four storey Pullet House with hot air automatic furnace with the latest hot and cold room brood­ ing, system. Also Feed and Sales Office. Come and see our Pullet House and discuss your brooding problems with us. 1. Send for our 193.6 Catalogue and price list containing val- ■ uable Feeding and rearing information. ’ • 2. Our new Catalogue will be ready in a few days. . ■ 3. You can order from our last year’s catalogue.* Prices are the same as last year. Discount. Our Catalogue gives information on our 5 per cent, off for early orders. BOARD OF EDUCATION The inaugural meeting of the Board of Education was held in the Public Library on Wednesday, Feb­ ruary 5fth at 8 p.xm Absent A. O. Elliot and J, M* Southcott. The 'Chairman, referred to the es­ teem in which the retiring member Mr. L. Day, had been held and also welcomed the newly elected trustee, Mr, Jno, N. Willis- Rev. M. A. Hunt then opened the meeting with Scrip­ ture reading, prayer and a brief ad­ dress. The Oath of Allegiance to the King, was administered to all the members present by the Reeve. The Chairman thanked Rev. Hunt and the Reeve for their services af­ ter which the declaration of office was subscribed to by the elected member for the town, Messrs. Dear­ ing, Willis and Delbridge and the County, .R. N. Creech, The following was the order of business then submitted and approv­ ed. Per R. N. Creech and Mrs. Beav­ ers; That Mr. Wm. May be re-elect­ ed chairman. Per C. V. Pickard and Mrs. Beav­ ers: That R. N. Creech be Vice- Chairman. Per G. Lawson and F. J. Delbridge That Miss MacFaul be Secretary- Treasurer. Per R. N. Creech and W. H. Dear­ ing; That Mrs. Wm. May be Library Representative for 1936-37-3 8. Per G. Lawson and. J. N. Willis: That the Chairman or Vice-Chair­ man and Secretary-Treasurer be em­ powered to sign all cheques for the transaction of the year’s business. Per W. H. Dearing and R. N. Creech; That Committees remain the same excepting that Mr. Willis take the place of My. Day on the Insur­ ance and Building and Grounds Committees. Committees to read as follows: Insurance.—J. N. Willis, C. V. Pickard, F. J. Delbridge; Teachers’ Supply & Study Courses—Mrs. Beav­ ers, R. N. Creech, G. Lawson and W. May; Building and Grounds Com­ mittee—W. H. Dearing, J. N. Wil­ lis, J. M. iSouthcott, A. O. Elliot; Scholarship — G. Lawson, J. M. Southcott, W. H. Dearing, Principal Wethey; Fuel and Supplies—F. J. Delbridge, C. V. Pickard, A. O. El­ liot; Finance—R. N. Creech, Mrs. Beavers and W. May. Pei’ R. N. Creech and G. Lawson: That the date of meeting be the sec­ ond Monday of each month; also that the Chairman be empowered to call a special meeting at any time for consideration of special busi­ ness on twenty-four hours notice or that any other three members may request the chairman to do so, or five ratepayers. Per C. V. PicWd and F. J. Del- bridge: That the requisition asked from town for the year be $9,000. Per F. J. Delbridge and J. N. Wil­ lis: That Mr. W, Mr. Creech and My. Lawson^^wa committee to at­ tend the mSfelic meeting on Wednes­ day eyenmg, February 12th. Mr. to be chairman of this com- miitee. Public School report was read per chairman. Number on roll De­ cember 226, January* 224. Atten­ dance lower on account of prevail­ ing illness. Miss Horton had suf­ fered from a fractured arm and was unable to attend school for two weeks. Mrs, Ellis had acted as the substitute for her. Some supplies were needed also humidifiers for the rooms 2 and 6. Hig|h School report also read per chairman. Number on roll for De­ cember and January 167. Attend­ ance badly affected by the illness among some public school pupils as some parents felt it wiser at that period for their children not to at­ tend. Bad roads had also contri­ buted to non attendance. Per Mrs. Beavers and G. Lawson Adoption of the two reports; also that supplies as requested be secur­ ed. Matter of humidifiers to be left in the hands of the Building and Grounds Committee. Per G. Lawson and F. J. Delbridge Payment of following accts.—B. W. F. Beavers, supplies $4.90; Jones & May .supplies $9.60; Grigg Station­ ery, School books and supplies $31.- 57; H. T. Rowe, .coal $302.35. Adjournment. K. MacFaul, Secretary ROAST REEF SUPPER AT JAMES STREET CHURCH A hat roast beef supper attracted a large crowd of people to James Street Church on Tuesday evening where the W. A. served a bountiful menu. .Following the supper the choir put on a.varied program in the auditorium which received many fa­ vorable comments from the audience The program was as follows with Rev. A.” Page as chairman; 'Choir, “.Song of the Bells” from the “Chimes of Normandy" by Plan- quette; organ, “Loves Old Sweet Song” Malloy; Scotch solo, T, Wood- Ward; reading, M. Van Camp; vocat trio, “Lullaby” by Wilson, Mr, and Mrs. Goulding and Dawson; Gipsy chorus, Mrs, Coates, Misses Christie, Sheere, Lindenfield, Salter and Stone; piano duett, /Maypole Dance’ by S. Smith, Misses P. Wood and R. Finkbeiner; reading, R. Rowe; quin­ tette, “Believe Me If All Those En­ dearing Young Charms", Mesdames, Elliot, Williams, Lindenfield, Messrs. Sanders and Monteith; Scotch solo, C. Godbolt; choir, Mountain Stream Beethoven; “Old Folks at Home" by Foster; duet, “The Battle Eve," Bonheur, Messrs. Cutbush and W. R. Goulding; ladies chorus, “Sweet and Low” Barnby; reading, Grace Strange; organ, “The Bumble Bee" Tsohaikowsky; solo, “Twickenham Ferry” Pearl Wood; reading, Ruby Finkbeiner; Cook’s chorus, Messrs. Woodward, Jackson, 'Cutbush, Quinn, Shapton, Godbolt, Lindenfield and Monteith; trio, “Cornin’ Thro’ the Rye” Miss Link, Mrs. Goulding and Mrs. Elliot; reading, R. Rowe; men’s chorus, “Keep Sunny” Lorenz; choir “To Greet the Spring" Mendelsohn. ' Owing to the stormy weather that has prevailed for several weeks pre­ venting many of our subscribers from coming to town the Times-Ad- vocate has decided to extend the date of the draw for prizes in the subscription contest for two weeks until February 29th. MAIN ST. MISSION CIRCLE The monthly meeting of the Main St. Mission Circle was held at the home of Miss Marjorie Medd with Miss Hilda 'Sims in charge. The meeting opened with the singing of “There is Work to Do For Jesus" and “Sweet Hour of Prayer” fol­ lowed by prayer by .Mrs, Layton and chanting the Lord’s Prayer. Miss Hazel Smith gave a very fine reading wliich was enjoyed by all. The .business was then taken by the president Miss Helen Digpan. Two of the Janies Street girls Misses P. Wood and* Margaret Johns .favored with, a vocal duet. Miss Marjory Medd gave a demonstration on “How to serve an ‘informal luncheon” and she gave many points that were of great interest to everyone present. She also sh<‘. ved how a table should be set for a formal dinner and how it was served. She also told that many different menus could be usgd. She had chosen a menu which she took great pains in preparing this demonstration and she gave it in a very able manner. She also gave points on etiquette which were also very interesting. Marjory had learned much of this while she was at college and she had some very interesting facts. The meeting was closed by the singing of “Jesus keep me near the Cross” and the repeat­ ing of the Mizpah benediction. A game was then played by everyone present. It was a game where the blanks where to be filled in with the names of trees. A social hour was then enjoyed by all. GA VEN W. M. S. (QUARTERLY TEA Tile combined regular meeting .and quarterly tea of the Women’s Mis­ sionary Society of Caven Presbyter­ ian Church was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. W. Gladman. The devotional period was in charge of Mrs. Will .Sillery. The members were specially favored with a program provided through the kindness of the officers of the Sal­ Lakeview Poultry Farm Kenneth Wein, v Manager Feed .Store, Pullet House and Sales Office Open every day from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Incubators 2500 Layers, Trap Nesting Phone 78, Station St., Exeter Phone $7r7, Dashwood Wanted I , Green stove wood in exchange fof kitchen range Don’t go ^yith col^f hands. ment of mitts 5d Boys to We still have a lalge asso and gloves foAMen a ■'■MM POULTRY EQUIPMENT The. reliability..jpU;Jamesway poultry equipment has become bo well known that •’JameBway Hatch : is equivalent to a guarantee of qual ‘ Insides Incub hen use the ■<’ irooders, J^ooders, •steel neV ,^rmm^ Buy from your focal Jamesway dealer or write direct to >- equipment has bee ‘■Jgmesway Batch If Canada’s leading poultry- sway oil and coal burning reduced in price) battery ra and waterers of all kinds, jlying cages, oat sprouters, oat and complete brooder houses, ufacturers of all kinds of sheet metal building materials Eastern Steel Products ) A M £ S W A y 1 GUELPH ST DIVISION ——— PRESTON, ONT Factories also at Montreal and Toronto EXETER BOY HONORED Mr. George E. Beavers B.A., of Toronto, has been given the signal honor ofi beipg chosen by Chancellor Wallace of Victoria College to re­ present the former graduates of that college, on a committtee to prepare a program for the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of Vic­ toria College. Mr. George Beavers B.A., of Van­ couver B. C., a great uncle of George E., is one of the oldest living grad­ uates of Victoria College now in, his 91st year. He graduated in 1874 when the college was* located at Co- bourg. In his graduating year he xvas awarded the prize for obtaining the highest standing in Hebrew. This prize- wag a fulL leather bound copy of tihe French Revolution; now in the possession of his nephew Mr, B. W. F. Beavers. On the first page of the book is the coat of arms of the University and the words: University of Victoria College Cobourg Hebrew Prize Presented to Mr. Geo. Beavers May 27, 1874 •Sam’l $. Nelles D.D., President BURIED AT STAFF A The remains .of Mrs. Robert Liv­ ingstone, who passed away at her home, Hamilton on .Saturday were conveyed to the home of >her sister- in-law, Mrs. Melville Gray, Staffa- Mrs. Livingstone had been ill for the past 15 years from arthritis but was bedfast foi' only two and a half days, the immediate cause of her death be­ ing pneumonia. Born at Staffa, she was tihe daughter of Hugh Miller and the late Mrs. Miller, Sask., and was in her 517th year. She was a member of the Anglican Church. Besides her husband she is survived by three brothel’s- and one sister, all in the west.. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon with a private service at the home -of her sister-in- law, followed by a public service in the Anglican Church -at 2.30 o’clock. Interment was made in the Staffa cemetery. Mr. G. J. Dow’s auction, sale of horses advertised for Wednesday has been postponed until Friday. AUCTION SAUE —- of — 30 ONTARIO BRED HORSES at Exeter Sales Barns FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14th 1986 commfiHicing at 1 p.m Horses fro one year old up to five. Good ses from .5 to 10 years old. Als^Some cheap work^ff^*- A number of cords of hard, dry; •block-wood, 12 inches long. TERMS—CASH G. J. DOW, Proprietor IV. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Fai'Im Stock and Implements •McNeil & Nairn, Auctioneers, have- received instructions from Henry E. Switzer, to sell by Public Auction, at Lot 4, Concession, 5, Blanshartl Tp. lmile east of Kirkton^, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th Commencing at twelve-thirty o’clock sharp, the following,: HORSE'S—-Mare, 11 years old; Bay horse, 9 years old; Bay horse, 7 years old1; carriage horse, good in every way. CATTLE—9 cows, consisting of 2 cows, due in February; 2 cows, due in March; 1 due in April; 1 due in June; 1 due in July; 2 due in August; Farrow cow; 2 yearling steers; 4 spring calves. HOGS— good HAY jfND GRAIN—25 torn choice id hay; 100 buy gi-’’"- 00 bus. oats; SO-dSywhoat: 20 bj^s potatoes; Qu^Blny of roots. iaTPLEMENTS- ... er, 7 ft. cu:i DJ&ring cultivi 2 FleugjF ^prrowjgpw; Wr^yFagon with box, ^wngs; top buggy, cutter, sleighs, hog rack), hog crate, gravel box, hay /sows, due in April;1 ixed Post & Wood Jeering mower; ; Dump rake, Roll­ flows, No. 21; one 2- 5-section harrows; 1 seat and loader, hay rack, 1-man rack, 16 ft. fanning mill, set scales 2,000 lbs. capacity; grain pickier, cream separ­ ator, .2 set team harness, set single harness, good as new; paid new horse blankets, grain bags, hay fork ropes and pulleys, block and tackile, washing machine and wringer, coul- dron kettle, pails, shovels, forks, chains and a lot of articles useful on a farm. No reserve; everything will be sold a® proprietor has sold his farm. TERMS—CASH HENRY E. SWITZER, Proprietor McNEIL & NAIRN, Auctioneers SIDNEY ADAMSON, Clerk NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS TRIVITT MEMORIAL W. A. The W. A. held a meeting in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evening at* eight o’clock. The meeting opened with hymn 318 followed by Prayers taken by the President. Psalm. 97 was< read alternately. Slides were shown on their Study Book. “The Jews and the World Ferment” and the lecture was given by Rev. Mt. Hunt, The meeting closed with the benediction and a social half hour spent. vation Army. Capt. Gentle and Lieut. Huckaby, of Exeter with Staff Captain Bracie of Toronto sang two numbers in a very sweet and capti­ vating manner and Lieut, Huckaby won many words of, appreciation for her splendid reading. The topic for the day “The need of Missionar­ ies in Africa” was taken by Staff Captain Bracie who showed a com­ prehensive kinowledge of her subject Her address was most instructive and inspiring. The Seaforth Army Officers were also present. Quarterly tea was served by the committee in charge and the business meeting was in charge of the President, Mrs. Sil- lery. HIBBERT NATIVE SUCCUMBS IN WEST Willianr Balfour, of Mitchell, re­ ceived word Monday from Moose Jaw, of the death of his brother, John W- Balfour, in his* 67th year. Mr., Balfour suffered a stroke about two years ag,o, from which he never fully recovered. Born in Hibb,ert Tp. on the old Balfour homestead, which is now occupied by a nephew, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Balfour, Following his marriage and prior to going West about 35 years ago, the late Mr. Balfour farm­ ed near Russeldiale. He was a mem­ ber of the Presbyterian church later United. Besides his widow, former­ ly Miss Mary Dctw, he is survived by two sons and ' one daughter also three brothers, George, Manitoba; Frank, Milland and William, Mitchell and two Sisters, Mrs. J. C. Blan­ chard, Detroit and Mrs. A. Moore, of Petrolia, RE: THOMAS HARVEY late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Miller, deceased, carry­ ing on business under the firm name and style of HARVEY BROS ■CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav­ ing claims against the estate of the said deceased are required on or be­ fore the 25th day of February 1936 to fyle at $e office of HARVEY Bros., Main Street, Exeter, full par­ ticulars of <heir claims, duly veri­ fied, after ^fhich date the executory will proceed to distribute the^M sets of tWsaid estate havingj^ard. only to^Hie claims of wly^^thotice has be^f. received. «fTTAKE NOTlg^’that all ac- owing the,;ig^d deceased and m of Bros, are now d payaW^at the office of the Acd^ffts remaining unpaid el! ffgyiary 25th, 193 6 will be ceq^wr collection. -..■^reed this 4th day of February J. W- MORLEY, Solicitor for Executors, Exeter, Ontario Main st, y. p. The regular meeting of the Main Street Young People was held Mon­ day evening with Miss Dorothy Sims in charge. After singing two hymns Rev. A. E. Elliott led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was taken by Llly- an Ma.iDonald. Miss Helen Smith then gave r reading. The tonic on I ‘“Pir Count’”' and ITheinMovM I was «bly f ;!ten by Mr, Gor- I don Ililho'r .. The meeting 1 *1; inging the hymn "A Volunteer for Jesus” and repeating the bene­ diction. TRUCK AND SNOWFLOW COLLIDE Oil Tuesday morning Bean’s bread truck, of Hensall, driven by Mr. Ray Lamnile collided with a snowplow in a snowdrift about a mile north of Exeter, but fortunately little da­ mage- was' done. The Hensall truck was going south' and the plow was on its way north. Slow progress w: being, made through the drifts and with thrt whirling snow caused y the winds together with the snow noth motorists were throwing up neither of the drivers saw the other until a few feet away. ‘The bumper and one of the fonderg of the truck were damaged. Rte the best Counter . Check iBooks made in Canada. They cost ho mpre than ordinary bonks and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required* Your Home Printer First NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others havihg claims against the estate of ANNIE McLElSH LOVE, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who difd On the Fifth day of September A. jp, 1935, are required to forward thiir claims duly proven to the underdfigned on or before tho Twenty-fourjli- day of Februaf^J" A. D. 1936/ AND NQ^IOE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that jfter the saidjOe the Exe­ cutor wi|r proceedjWFdistribute the estate hqVing regi^d only to the claims Of whicyhe then shall have notice.*/ 0 DAWDayExeter, Ont, this 30th day of vfffluary A*D,, 1936, GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall Executor’s Solicitor Some Consolation Poet: “Do. you think there is any chance of my. getting this poetn in your magazine?” Editor; “There may be. I’m not going to live always.”