HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-02-12, Page 2THURSDAY, YBBRUARY IS. 1»S«THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
AU Stations
in the East
flK 12 inclusive
Return Limff: 45 daygr'
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Vegetable Plates
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BAGGAGE Checked. STOPOVERS at Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong,
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accordance with tariffs of United States lines. T745
Tickets, Sleeping Car reservations, and all information from any Agent. ASK FOR HANDBILL.
S - — ■—--— — >
Farm News
Dried apple rings constitute prac
tically the only type of dried tree
fruit shipped from Canada to
British market.
In the expansion of
eign trade, -Canadian
established a market
one, British West Africa, where it
enters under an Imperial preference
of eight cents per pound.
in Sierra
days they should be fed bread
crumbs moistened with milk. When
they are about a week old given them
a moist mash composer of equal
weights of corn meal, barley meal
bran and shorts, feeding three
four times a day for
Give the goslings a
then turn them out on
and discontinue feeding of mash.
They should be protected from cold
rains, confined at night until the
weather gets warm, and always have
plenty of shade- and fresh water.
about two
Clear (hitting Second Growth
Canada supplied 2 0 per cent, of
the total wheat imports into Japan;
Australia 55 per cent, and the Unit
ed States 23 per cent. Canada is al
so the chief exporter of lead to Ja
pan, as well as being a leading
souiice, of lumber, pulp, newsprint
and zinc.
cut when the
diameter sige,
tree be, when
highest finan-
Research experiments have shown
that the original quality, flavour and
colour of honey in storage can best
be maintained at a temperature of
40 degrees Fahrenheit, or lower,
and that rapid deterioration, takes
place at 60 degrees F. It the tem
perature is low and constant, ex
tracted honey can be stored inde
finitely without change of colour or
flavour and without fermentation.
Exercising the Breeding Ewes
A heavy financial loss is sustain
ed by the owner of a
woodlot if it is clean
trees are in the small
What size should a
cut, in order that the
cial returns may be realized. Clear
ly, it must varyi with the market
conditions and the species, but there
are several relationships between
trees of large and small diameters
that should be understood and given
careful consideration.
All species of tree should not be
cut indiscriminately for fuelwood as
some, such as white ash, walnut, oak
pine and spruce, on account of qual
ities of the- wood have a very high
value for special purposes and much
higher financial returns over a period
of years will be realized if they are
left to grow to timber size.
All trees have to go through theThe matter of exercising the ewe ' seedling, sapling and polewood
' stages, and during this time the an
nual wood growth is -only a. fraction,
when compared to the annual growth
when it is in the larger diameter
classes. The general rule is that tihe
annual growth of wood on a tree in
creases as the tree increases in size.
A sugar maple tree 2 inches in
diameter and 30 feet in height
likely 25-30 years old. There
a very small quantity -of wood in
tree at tihis stage, and if it is
now, 25-3 0 years will elapse before
a tree 2 inches in'diameter will grow
to take its place. On the
hand, if it was left to grow
years it would likely be 7” to
flock should not be considered very
lightly. If strong lambs are to be
had, pregnant ewes should have ac
cess to a. run at all times. If neces
sary, spread hay on tihe snow so as
to force them to move. This will
help to kieep them in good health.
Avoid crowded quarters. Not
are they unsanitary, but they
the cause of many abortions.
Retain Early Layers
In studying the income from
in 121 farm f l.ocks, it was
that the pullets which laid from 25
to 30 per cent, of their total produc
tion during 'the pullet year in Octo
ber, November and December,
brought a much larger egg income
than the birds in flocks that laid
only 10 per cent, during the three
months mentioned. Tihis was partly
due to the fact that the eggs from
the early laying flocks brought an
average of five cents a dozen more
thon those from the flocks that be
gan laying later in tihe season.
The cost of the feed for the early
laying flocks was only 1% cents
.more per dozen eggs produced than
for the later laying, birds, thus net
ting 3 1-2 cents more per dozen.
Aside from this, the early laying
flocks produced 49 more eggs per
bird per year* than the later laying
flocks'. Higih egg production, with
the largest passible number of eggs
produced during that portion of the
season when they bring the best
prices are very important factors in
the annual income that is received
from the flock.
Raising Geese
The essentials to success in goose
raising are free range and an abun- !
dance of tender grass or clover. The
geese should start to lay about the
middle of March, and the eggs
should be set as soon as possible.
It is advisable to sprinkle the eggs
with luke warm water daily when
wet under the mother goose or under
hens, and twice daily when set in an
incubator. Goslings require warmth
• after hatching and should be left
under the goose or in the incubator
for about two days.
When the goslings are ready for
feeding, place a green sod near the
brooder in order that they may pull
the tender shoots. For the first few
8” in
Nearly everyone knows some per
son whom he considers the best cook
in the world. It may be a mother,
a chef, a wife or a best girl. In my
ease it is—-of all things—a teacher
of home economics. This woman is
absolute proof that a dietitian can
cooki not only the fancy recipes so
often attributed to the members of
the profession, but the good every
day foods as well,
bies is tihe vegetable plate oi‘ platter
and hei' advice is to vary the meth
ods of cooking as well as the vege
tables. Serve something boiled, and
something baked, something- fried
and something creamed. This in
sures variety of color, texture and
flavour and will suit every taste.
The vegetable combinations are.
endless and range from the ones
which are simple and easy to those
which require time and patience to
prepare. Vegetables are cooked se
parately and arranged on a plattei'
or plank. Often eggs or cheese are
used to balance this type of meal
and sometimes green peppers, on
ions or tomatoes are stuffed with
a highly seasoned mixture and top
ped with grated cheese. The plates
may be served from tjie kitchen
.rather than the dining room.
Here are some suggestions for
both luncheon and dinner combina
tions, the latter being heavier and
sometimes including a small amount
of meat.
In the center of a plate put a small
mould of savory rice and around the
base arrange sliced, cooked, butter
ed carrots. 'Complete the plate with
grilled slices of tomatoes, raw celery
hearts and steamed spinach with le
mon to give a pleasing color ar
rangement and contrast in flavors
ad texture.
Savory rice is made by- lightly
cooked rice in onion and fat and
adding chopped green peppers and
pimento. Press into a custard cup,
turn out' and serve with cheese sauce.
Prepare tho carrots by slicing and
scraping, then boiling in as little
water as possible. Dress them with
butter, salt and pepper. The tomato
slices may be seasoned, and broiled
or dipped in fine corn flake crumbs
and baked in a well oiled pan, set in
a hot oven. This .combination is
heavy enough for dinner if served
with hot bread of some kind. Bran
muffins are good and it -is easy to
stir them up and bake them, espec
ially. if you are using the oven for
the tomatoes.
A plate suitable for luncheon may
be a baked half of an acorn1 squash^-
French fried potatoes, -cabbage.
beet salad and buttered onions,. Ba/
con corn bread is good with this
There are numerous plates dom
inated by curry powder. Curried
eggs, a peeled banana, steamed rice
and a relish made from ground ap
ples, onion and green pepper form
an unusual menu for the person a
little daring in food experiments. .
Perth 'County fanners know a
thing or two about the art of raising
pigs, according to the results of the
bacon litter competition, series A.,
For this competition the province
was divided into districts and Perth
County was in District No. 3, along
with Huron, Oxford and Waterloo.
In all there were 25 litters entered
in the competition from these four
counties and of those Perth County
had 10. It is more interesting to
note that of the fourteen prizes
awarded for the district Perth Coun
ty captured five.
Percy L. Switzer of St. Marys took
first prize. The winning litter was
composed of 12 pigs weighing 2,252
pounds at 177 days. The twelve pigs
brought ten “A’s” which is particu
larly good standing. Jacob Kalb-
fleisch of Stratford won fourth place
George Lannin and Sons Dublin, 7th
place; Percy Switzer 8th prize and
Peter G. Morrison of St. Marys the
tenth prize. This was the first com
petition where the new schedule- of
dressed grades was applied and
where the litters were sold on basis
of dressed weight and grade.
The Department has announced
that the plan, was most satisfactory
The two litters tied as the youngest
in .the competition were owned by
Peter G. Morrison of St. Marys and
Gordon S. James of Troy.
Lady to tramp who has been beg
ging) ; “And are you mi ried?”
Tramp: “Yes, ma’a 4 I am, but,
(confidentially lowerii his voice)
“if ever I am a widqfKer, I won’t
forget yer/’
igh are imperative,
ruinate the danger
Early attention and care oLa
They,, will hasten recovery and
of serious complaints,
On the first sign oi a cold of congh go immediately
to your druggist* or dealer and got 'a bottle of Dr.
Wood’s Norway Pino Syrup. You will find it help
to loosen the phlegm, stop the Irritating, rasping
cough, end ther tickling in the throat, and soothe the
mucous membrane, »
On the market for 44 yoara, You don’t experiment
when you set it.
cup flour
tsp. baking
tsp. soda
ts.p. salt
2 tbsp, shortening
14 cup sugar
1 egg,, well beaten
% cup sour milk
1 cup”’ all-bran
■Cream, the shortening and sugar,
add egg and sour mjlk. Add bran
and let soak until the moisture is
taken up. Sift flour with baking
powder, soda and salt and add to
first mixture, stirring only until-
flour disappears. Fill greased muf
fin tins two-thirds full and bake in"
a moderate oven (400 degrees F.)
for 20 minutes. Yield: 8 large or 12
small muffins.
Note: If sweet milk is used in
stead of sour rn-ilki, omit the J tea
spoon of soda and use 2| teaspoons'
baking powder, and allow the bran
to soak for at least 10 minutes.
1 1 cup flour
% tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking
kt lb. diced :
in the hope that much greater in
terest might be revealed in them. ■
The paper of the day was in,
charge of Rev. B. Farr, of HensalL
who selected a hobby as his subject
and spoke on “Fishing.” The speak
er dealt with his subject in a very
informal way and stated there were
three reasons why men went fishing,
viz: for pleasure; for business; for
fish. It was the fishing for pleas
ure that^ occupied the attention of
Mr. Farr. He suggested among
other things that some people went
fishing in order that 'they might
think, that they might be alone with
their thoughts and hazarded the
opinion that it might have been for
this reason that tho disciples at the
suggestion of Peter might have gone
fishing following, the crucifixion of
Jesus. Mr. Farr also suggested
Fiat there was required in fishing
a great deal of that virtue called
patience and this virtue vfas no ess
necessary and useful in the work of
the pastorate, Following the paper
there was considerable exchange of
opinion and many words of appre
ciation were offered to Mr. Farr for
his splendid talk. At the conclus
ion of the meeting the. National An
them was sung and the chairman
pronounced the benediction.
The members then adjourned to
the dining, room where a delightful
lunch was served by Mrs. Chand-
led and the appreciation of the As
sociation was ably expressed to Mr.
and Mrs. Chandler for their hospit
ality and to Mr. Farr for his talk;
by Rev. W. A. Young and Rev. A. E.
Sales Books
are the best Counter
Check Books made in
Canada. They cost no
more than ordinary
books and always give
We are agents and
will be pleased to quote
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Toronto Daily Star and The Times-Advocate ......
The Globe and The Times-Advocate ......................
The Mail and Empire and The Times-Advocate . ..
The London Advertiser and The Times-Advocate
The London Free Press and The Times-Advocate
The Family Herald & Weekly Star and Times-Advocate 3.00
Canadian Home Journal and The Times-Advocate........ 3.00
Canadian Magazine and The Times-Advocate ................. 3.00
The Chatelaine and The Times-Advocate ......................... 3.00
Country Gentleman and The Times-Advocate .............. 3.00
The Delinator and The Times-Advocate ........................... 3.S0
Good Housekeepng and The Times-Advocate ....... 5.00
Ladies’ Home Journal and The Times Advocate..... 3.00
MacLean’s Magazne and The Times-Advocate ............... 3.00
McCall’s Magazine and The Times-Advocate ....... 3.00
National Geographic and The Times Advocate ....*.... 5.75
Ontario Farmer and The Times-Advocate .... 2.50
Pictorial Review and The Times-Advocate .......... 3.00
Red Book and The Times-Advocate ......................... 4.50
Rod and Gun and The Times-Advocate ............... 4.00
Saturday Evening Post and The Times-Advocate . 4.00
Saturday Night and The Times-Advocate ................. 6.00
Woman’s Home Companion and Tire Times-Advocate 3.00
World-Wide and The Times-Advocate ................. 6.00
The Exeter Times - Advocate
Those sh^rp pains, those quick twjrfges, those duR,
aching paps are a warning your^pfmeys are weak
df^not go unheeded.
^HTstarts to ache and
re you years of suffer-
you will only put your
Ftliem right by using Doan’s
W’’’ 4^Others hii^B^mo doubt, been saved from years of
egg, slightly
% cup sugar
£ cup- bran
1 cup -cornmeal
1 cup milk
Combine egg and sugar thorough
ly. Add bran, cornmeal and milk.'
Sift dry ingredients and add to first
mixture. Pour into greased .pan..
Sprinkle bacon over top. Bake for
about 20 minutes in a moderate ov
en (400 degrees F) Brown the-crust
and crisp the bacon by placing the
bread under the broiler for a few-
minutes. Yield: I pan 9 inches;
The batter may be baked as corn
sticks, or spread in a thin layer and'
cut into finger lengths.
» —-— -----------i
Ministerial Association
The February mooting of the
South Huron Ministerial Association
was held on Monday afternoon, Feb
ruary 3rd, at the homo of Rov. E. F.
Chandler, Kippen, with a fair at
tendance in view of the unfavor
able condition of the roads. Rev. S.
R. Johnson of Lucan presided and
Rev. W. A. Young, Of Hehsall, led
in prayer. The Week of Prayer ser-
| vices worts reported on and it was
■ fe’t that the attendance at those
gatherings was on the whole much
I lower than the services warranted'.
• It was felt however, that they
should bo continued again next year
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