HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-01-23, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY. JANUARY 23r<l, 1930 HENSALL Parsons were Mr. and Mrs. who left here i Mrs. Frank Farquhar is visiting with hex’ brother in- Hillsgreen, Mrs. Lippert is seriously ill at the home of hex* daughter Mrs. George Fee. Mr. Daniel. McNaughton, Bayfield, was calling on friends in town on Monday. Mi\ A. Stewart has been visiting with ’friends and relatives for sever­ al weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred week-end visitors, with .Robt, parsons'. Mi-; Herb Hoggarth, some time ago for New Ontario has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff, Ailsa Craig, were recent visitors their parents here. Mr. and Mx’S. G. Cook and Harry were recent Wroxetex* relatives. The many friends Robinson are sorry seriously ill'‘at his home. Mrs. Harry Coleman, of Varna, is visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colexnan. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beavers daughter, of Farquhar, visited Sunday with relatives in town. Harold1 Bell, son of Mrs. Albert Bell had his tonsils removed by Dr. Dunlop, of Exeter on Saturday. Miss Norma Hudson, of London, spent the week-end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. 'Coliix Hud­ son. Mr. Albert Passmore, spent the week-end here with parents Mr. and Mrs. more. Mrs. Otto Stephens time been taking care phen’s mother Mrs, Stephens of the Parr Line. Miss Annie Consitt left on Mon­ day for a trip to Kentucky and Ten­ nessee where she wdll visit friends for a time. Mrs.' Ross Dick and son Douglas have returned to their home in Tor- weeks visitors of Mr. to hear with son with James he is and on of Delhi, his Pass-John has for of Mr. some Ste- been a sev- is un- she will accom- Exeter. resident visiting onto after visiting for several in this vicinity. Master Geo. Otterbein has quite ill lately suffering from ere attack of. bronchitis and der the doctor’s care. Miss Helen iSwan left -here Tues­ day last fox' Florida where spend the winter. She was panied by Miss Jeckell, of Mrs. Joe -Case, a former of Hensail, who has beexx relatives and friends in the village has returned to her home in Toron­ to. Mrs. Maulklnson, who recently .underwent an operation in a London Hospital for the removal of a catar­ act in one of her eyes, is improving nicely. The Congregational Meeting of the United Church will be held on Monday evening January 27th. The meeting will .be iin charge of .-the Young People’s 'Society.4 The Hensail 'Chamber of Com­ merce are putting on a skating car­ nival in the local rink on Wednes­ day evening, January 29th. Splen­ did prizes are being arranged for. The Wohelo Glass of the United Church 'Sunday School presented the play., “The Girl in the Fur Coat” in Zurich on Friday evening of last week. some cess. On death Monday evening the bell on the Hen­ sail Town Hall tolled for 10 min­ utes. Deep regret is being ex­ pressed on all sides of the death of His Majesty. The annual .Scotch concex't under’ the auspices of the Young People of the Garmel Presbyterian Church will be given in the Town Hall on Friday evening January 24th. Willie Bell, Scotch comedian will give part of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walters, who left here some time ago to visit friends in Vancouver B. G., have left Vancouver’ for Los Angeles, Cal. where they will make their future home. Mrs. Walters was formerly Miss Florence McDonald. The ice on the Hensall skating rink is in excellent condition and large crowds enjoy the skating ev­ ery evening. On Saturday evening one of the largest crowds of the season was on the ice. Mr. Ed. Mc­ Queen is the very efficient manager. The euchre and dance sponsored by the Hensall Chamber' of Com­ merce on Friday evening last in, the Town Hall was well attended. The prize winners for the euchre were: Ladies, 1st, Mrs. Glenn Bell; Ladies, 2nd, Mrs. Tiros. Butts; Gents 1st, Mr. Wm. Hyde, 2nd, Mr. A. Work­ man; lucky lunch ticket, Mrs. A. Foster. Mrs. Alex. Ellis, of Aberdeen, S. D., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lind­ say and other relatives in the vil­ lage. She was a former resident of Hensall and before her marriage was Miss Jennie Murray. Mr, and Mrs. Ellis were the first couple mar­ ried in the Presbyterian church af­ ter it was built (now the United church.) The Hensall Chamber Of Com­ merce held their regular monthly meeting in the Town Hall on Friday evening. After the business part of the meeting the-Rev. Mr. Chandler of Kippen was called on for an ad­ dress./ Rev. W. A, Young rendered several solos and Dr, Smillie gave a pleasant solo. A very pleasant time was spent by all present. The play was given time ago and was a real here suc- receipt of the news of the of King George of England on Constable Appointed At a special meeting of the village council held on Saturday evening Mr. 'George Fee was appointed con­ stable of the village. Three tenders were received, Levi Rands, Alex Hildebrandt and. Geo, Fee. Mr. Fee’s application being accepted. The new constable will take over his duties on the first of February. Arrive at Daytona Reach Word was received last week from Mr, John Bolton who left here before Christmas for a trip to Flor­ ida with Mrs. Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. T, perry and Miss. Ellen. Ford, After a very pleasant four day trip they arrived safely at Daytona Beach where they will spend several months Mrs. Bolton, who has been in very poor health foi' several years is re­ ceiving a lot of benefit from the trip. Donald Hoggarth Injured What might have been a serious accident happened to Donald Hog­ garth on Thursday last while work­ ing in Geo. Mickle’s & Son’s mill. He was putting on a belt when part of his clothing caught and before he could be released by Mr. Ezra Kipfer nearly every stitch of cloth­ ing was torn from his body. 1-Ie was immediately removed to his home Where it was found he had several broken ribs and was severely bruis­ ed. Hockey Player Injured Mr. Harold Foster, who is a member of the Seaforth hockey team while going to Kincardine with the team to play on Tuesday night had the misfortune to have his shoulder bone severely wrenched when the car overturned in the ditch. It was at first thought that the bone was broken but an X-ray at the Seaforth Hospital showed that the bone was not broken but severely wrenched. Harold was able to return a few days. home in Church Services ■Services .in our various ser- the the the churches were well attended on Sunday last. At the Carmel Presbyterian church Rev. W. A. Young took both vices very acceptably and at morning service Sacrament of Lord’s Supper was observed. At United Church Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied his own pulpit at both ser­ vices. In the morning Mr. Harry Horton sang special parts in the an­ them. Dr. Smillie “very ably took Miss Fisher’s place at tljjg organ. At St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Rev. Mr. Farr delivered very excellent discourses at both services. CREDITON Bible Study 'courses that are be­ ing held every Thursday evening in the Evangelical Church are fairly well attended, Inspiring messages are given by the pastor to the in­ spiration of all who attend. Every­ one cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Decker and Mrs. Verde Haberer, of Zurich, vis­ ited with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Galser last week. Mr, Fred Gaiser is under the doc­ tor’s1 care as the result of a fall when he received several cracked ribs. His many friends hope he will sqon be out and around again. Miss Lulu Gaiser left last week for Hamilton where she resumed her duties as professor of biology in McMaster University. Mrs. Wm. Biehle has returned to her home in Buffalo after assisting for a number of weeks in the house­ hold of Mr. Wm, H. Gaiser and the late Mrs. Gaiser. Your Paper Our one aim is to make paper worthy of the town co-operation is solicited, ■write any item of news that is of lo­ cal interest. We are as close to you as your telephone and will welcome any news from you at any time. We are endeavouring to get a 100 per cent. Crediton subscription list in 193 6. Ask youx* neighbor to sub­ scribe to the “Times-Advocate” for 193 6 and enjoy the newsy, breezy, reports of the doings of civic, church and community organizations, as well as other items of local interest. Send your out-of-town friends the “TimesiAdvocat'e” each week. It is a letter from home to those ■boys and girls who reside in other and cities but who ai'e always to refer to Crediton as town. ,‘Two The Living cently at the Finkbeiner where a delightful social time was spent. During the course of the evening two presentations were made. In honour' of their teacher, Mrs. Irvin IFinkbeiner, a recent bride, the class presented her with a table mirror and flowers. Marguerite Amy, who is leaving shortly to train for a nurse in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, was present­ ed with an 'Umbrella. Games were played after which a most delicious lunch was served. 0 Mr. and Mite. H. K. Eilbcr on jTlieir *25111 Anniversary January 18, 1911—January 18, 1936 (by Crediton -Correspondent) Twenty-five years of life together! Greeting on this Silver day! May light hearts and sunny weather Still attend you on your way. Twenty-five year,? to , love cherish, 'Twenty-five year's to1 have .hold, Hand in hand you’ve reached Milestone, Fashioned of some Silver stone. parents Simpson, Sunday Mr, and visited with Mrs. Exeter on Satur- our local and your Phone or towns proud home my Presentations ■Links Class met home of Miss Norma re­ United Y. P. S. The Young People of the United ■Church held their regular- meeting on Monday/ evening with a good at­ tendance. After the opening exer­ cises, a poem “One 'Short Hour” was given by Dorothy McQueen fol­ lowed' by the Scripture ILesson by Bob Passmore. A very interesting address on “The Life of Rudyard Kipling” was given by Norman Sin­ clair after which a poem entitled, “Fox' All We Have We Are” was read by Mildred Smillie and another poem entitled “L’Envoi” read by L. Love followed by a solo “God of our Fathers” by Lome Elder. A num­ ber of current events was given by Alex Filshie and Clarence Smillie aftei’ which Rev. A. .Sinclair lead ixx prayer. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth of Ail&a Craig, visited - on with the former’s Mrs. P, Simpson, Mrs. J. Mitchell Hector Taylor in day of last week. Mrs. Wellington, Rpkei' ‘underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday of this Her many friends wish her recovery. Mr. Elmer Reeder, who receiving treatment in Hospital, London, fox* the past couple of weeks will be able to return home the latter part of this week. Mr. S- xienry attended the Dairy­ men’s Convention held in London on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. D, Davis, of Exeter, visited with Mrs. Clara Abbott and Miss E. Davis on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham Jr. visited with Sunday. Mrs. John fined to hex­ suffering from axi abscess in hex’ ear. Messrs. Gordon McDonald, Don­ ald Hicks, Richard Parker and Kenneth Hodgins attended’9 the ev­ ening program of the Dairymen’s Convention iix London on Wednes­ day of last week. The village trustees appointed fox- the present yeai' at a recent an­ nual meeting were Messrs, Bruce Fields, Wm. Willert and John Pol­ lard. On Friday evening of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton and Mr, and Mrs. Tom Smith were pleasant­ ly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham Jr. A successful supper and program was put on in the basement of the church on Friday evening of last week undei’ the auspices of Group No. 1, of the Woman’s Association. The School Trustees appointed for the present year at a recent annual meeting were Miss Agnes Anderson, Mr. George Baynham and Mr. Wm. Willert. week, a speedy has been Vitcoria relative? in Shipka on McFalls has been con- home for several' days SHIPKA To and and this WOODHAM To Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber Crediton, Ont., on their Silvex’ Wed­ ding, January 18, 19 3 6. By/ Mrs. J. W. Lawson, Crediton, Ont. “ CONGRATULATIONS” Two Friends, we’ve known them many long years, 'Y Just how many I cannot say But have found there. xtrue blue ways ' "y That is whyj we aye scaring theix’ joy today. 7 ?"T The regular meeting of the Y. P. Society will be held on Friday ev­ ening. in the church. Mrs. Wm. Ratz entertained some of her friends to a quilting bee on Friday afternoon last. The Ladies Aid had a quilting Bee On.Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer. Tenders are being received at the present time fox' the caretaking of the 'Shipka United Church. An executive meeting of the Sun­ day School was. held on Tuesday ev­ ening last at the close of the con­ gregational meeting. Supt. Mr. Ed. Lamport was in charge for the pur­ pose of any changes being made in the school. A motion was passed that Temperance Instructions- will be given every three months instead of every given by executive the near ■was tendered, to Rev. J. Johnson for his work) during the past year. al- Y. P. S. Meeting s The regular meeting of the Youngs^ People was held on Sunday evening*^Twenty-five yeaufM^hey have .Tannfl.rv 19th. -with Annie Gilfillan.-ir married i ' been January 19th, with Annie Gilfillan,j^ married /w ' ' -............. ~ ’ ----Beexx as. happy as two turtle doves Shared their joys and sorrows to­ gether Daxjfc ^clouds disappeared with tnMr love. does^pne good to know just such a cbuple< Tihat^have kept loves sweet vows W1 these years Not grown with the years, soux’ and grouchy But will kiss and chase sorrow and tears. Citizenship Convenor in charge. Tim* meeting opened with a hymn and the Lord’s Prayer in unison, after which Mrs. Wilbur Wynn read a story, “Does Education Pay’’. Violet Squire favored with an instrumental and Graydoxx Camm read the .Scripture lesson, Laura Rundle gave a prayer and Mrs. Fred Doupe tooikl the topic and gave,a story. The roll was call­ ed by Viola Jaques and the meeting closed in the usual way. The Community meeting will be held in the basement of the clxurcli on Thursday evening of this week, commencing at eight o’clock. Every­ body welcome. GRAND BEND Mrs. Lizzie England, who is Victoria Hospital is much improved Her many friends are glad to know this. Miss V.elma Baker is taking her place in London again. Mr. Wilbur Dewey visited at St. Joseph last week. Mrs. Mary A. Gill returned last' week) from London where she was staying with 'hex* sister who is sick in the hospital there. Mrs1. Mary Drago, of New York, is Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank iStatton for1 a week or so. Mrs, N. Shelling, of 'Sarnia, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard. Mrs, Maggie Holt was called to Pt, Huron owing to the serious ill­ ness of her sister there, Mrs. Walter Station, who has been on the sick list, is somewhat improv­ ed. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Holt are visiting in JPt. Huron, The Young People are putting oh their play Friday evening, Mr, Pfile is all smiles over the ar­ rival of a baby boy. in married It To you both we send hearty congrat­ ulations, May the next twenty-five bring fox* thee A brighter Sun, a more glorious rainbow Trials and troubles float, softly away with the breeze. CREDITON EAST Mr. Edgar Horney of Dunn- ville, and Mrs. Horney and children of Exeter, spent iSunday former’s sister, Mrs. and Motz. Mrs. Chris. Hoffman, been confined to her bed two weeks is improving and up and around again. Mr. Eli .Sims, met with an acci­ dent last week while cutting wood for Mr. L. Hey. -Some way a limb struck him oh the head cutting a hasty gash which, required a few stitches. Mr. Fletcher Gower and daughter of Corbett, spent a few days last week with her daughter Mrs Mr. Kenneth Wein. with Mr. the Wm. who the has past and Correct this sentence: “If you not sure you can finish paying it/' said the agent, “I’d rathqr accept your first payment?* are for not YOUNG MEN YOUNG WOMEN I’JI-J!,!1 J!,-!!.|!1!-ft.. •■■!,« I...j|iiI'lli The Huron County Brunch Ontario Department of Agriculture — invite? you to attend ,— Short Courses in Agriculture and Horne Economics to be held in For further information and a complete outline of these Courses, write: IAN MACLEOD, Department of Agriculture, Clint on. Ont. KHIVA to make this rink pos- Marys Hockey team met hockey team and defeat- last week with the Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kraft, of Mitchell, Mr, Wm. Deitrich underwent a very serious operation last Tuesday in 'St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. This is the second operation in the last three months and his many 'friends hope it will prove success­ ful, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Held, of Kit­ chener, visited latter’s parents Hanover. Miss Lorna spent iSunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert visit­ ed with relatives in Melborne last week. Mr. Sanford White, of Centralia, spent Sunday with Mr. IStebbins. Messrs. Gerald and Rourke entertained a their friends to a dance last Tues­ day evening. Miss Mildred Neeb is visiting with friehds in Greenway. past time. Much credit should be given to the men who- are giving their time sible. The St. our Juniox- ed the local lads by the score of 3 to 2. Tne annual meeting, of the Kirk- - ton Public Library met last Wednes­ day. The following people were el­ ected to office: Mrs. R. Morrison, Mrs. T. Tufts, Mrs. N. Watson, Wm. Roger, R. Humphreys, Ottis Sawyer, Rev. Mr. Lewis, Rev. Mr. Parsons and :S. Anderson. Mr. T. Tufts acted as chairman. This library is a credit to our village and should be patronized by all. and Mrs. C. Dennis O’­ number of THAMES ROAD month. An invitation was Mrs. Milton Ratz for the7, to meet at theix’ home in future. A vote of ,thanks ZION Miss Myrtle Earl, of Exeter, spent the week-end with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl enter­ tained a number of their friends on Friday evening. A large number of the young­ people spent Saturday evening at the skating rink at Winchelsea. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Earl will enter­ tain the iSenior Bible Class at their home on Thursday evening January 23rd. Mrs. Thomas Hern Jr., is confin­ ed to her home with the measles. Mrs. Ross Hern and little daugh­ ter spent Wednesday of last week with her uncle Mr. F. Gunning at Whalen. Mr. Harold Hern sold a horse to Mr. Dow which he delivered in Exe­ ter on Wednesday last. Class Entertained On Friday evening of last week the Junior Bible Class were enter­ tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern. There was a short program consisting of musical num­ bers, solos, reading, etc. A short business meeting was conducted when the class elected their officers for 1936 as follows: Pres., Miss M. Hern; Sec/y.-Treas., Miss Mary Earl, Teachers, Mrs. Warren Brock, Mr. Harold Hern, a program and lunch committee were also appointed. The remainder of the evening was spent in games and contests after which lunch was served. The next social evening will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephriain Hern. Winners Announced The winners of the recent W.C.T.U. Temperance contest have been an­ nounced, the Sunday School again having one hundred per cent, write on the examinations. Senior class, Kenneth Hern, 2nd in south section, 4 th in in the class, county 10 and 11 years, Jean Brock, 2nd in south section, 3rd in the county; Juniors, 8 and 9 years, Erlma Ja­ ques, 2nd iin south section and 2nd in county. Marjorie Earl, 4th. Ail the papers have been sent on to Ot­ tawa with exception of one. the county, Mary Earl, fourth south section; intermediate Marion Pooley, 2nd in the and south section; juniors, WINCHELSEA Theron Creery, of Detroit, a couple of days at his home Launce Battersby, of Hensail, last week with her parents Mr. spent here. Mrs. spent Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Heywood. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd family, of Woodham, visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher. Miss Marion Pooley attended the social evening of the Young People’s Bible Glass on Friday evening held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel­ ville Hern at Zion. Mr. W. A. Coleman attended the Dairymen’s Convention in London on Wednesday last. , 'The new community skating rink has got away to a good start where young and old are enjoying them­ selves to the fullest. The official opening was- held on Wednesday ev­ ening. and on Cub reporter: I’d like some advice please, on how to run a newspaper. ‘ Editor: You’ve come to the wrong person, son, ask1 one of my subscrib­ ers. KIRKTON Mrs. Annie Tufts is holidaying with her son Harold, in Toronto. Mr. Mao Maloy has closed his home at Anderson for the winter months and is staying with Mr. Roy Francis. Our local rink was well patroniz­ ed Saturday night, about SO enjoy­ ed themselves in this good, clean During the winter months when days are short and chores are many the distance to the chopping mill is a problem. We understand Mr. Pol­ len has installed a mill at the village and is prepared to meet the need. We wish him success. At the Young People's meeting on Wednesday, Mr. Jim Miller was in charge of the devotional exercises. Rev. Mr. Peters gave a short talk on the importance of a “hobby” in our lives apart from our regular routine work, as being a forceful element for good, physicially, mentally and spiritually. He also gave several of his poems and lantern slides of some beautiful sunsets, each and all con­ tributing to a very interesting even-, ing. A hearty vote of thank's was extended to Rev. Mr. Peters at the close. Women’s Association The W. A. of Thames. Road church met at the Manse on Thursday with the President, Mrs. A. Hunkin in the chair. The meeting opened with a hymn, “Ta'kie Time to be Holy.” Rev. Wm. Mair led in prayer; Mrs. Alfred Hunkin read the Scripture lesson 24th Psalm and thirty-three members responded to the roll call. During the business, arrangements were madejn connection with the “Burn’s .Supper” on the 24th. Group five will have charge of the next program which will be held in the church and roll call responded to by “A labor saving-device. Group two (Boundary) then furnished a splen­ did program, Mr. T. Stewart accom­ panying the songs and choruses on the guitar. Readings were given by Mrs. Harold O’Brien, of Kirkton, Miss Alice Hackney and Mrs. John Selves. After which hymn 293 “Thee will I Love, my Strength, my Tower” was sung and the pastor dismissed with prayer. Quite a number of visitors were present. CENT A MILE Round Trip Bargain EXCURSION Minimum Fares Adults 75c Child 40c; fr°m EXETER and all adjacent C.N.R. Stations EDI I AM ^1 Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque,-Brookville,rltla IO Pm^Jott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, CampjilMlford,. Newmarket, Allandale, Penetang, Collingwood, Meaford.Bawffb, Orillia,Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, North Bayjjlrarry Sound, Sudbury. All towns in New Ontario on line of TemiskajjHng & Northern Ontario Rly.; Nipissing Rly.; Kapuskasindrtonglac Hardrock, Geraldton, ' Fri. JAN Jn to TORONTO J^ Exeter, Femus, Goderich, Gue! Ingersoll, Epncardine, Kitchjwgd Falls, Owtaf Sound, Pai-1 St. MaryfLSa: Wiarton, and FriJ) SffiWSx'd, Chatham, Wicy, Clinton, Durham, uijagwgncuinilton, Hanover, Harriston, (fpLoficIon, Listowcl, Mitchell, Niagara ■■giPiaixLx'erston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines, ,^dfnampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, ■JBWoodstock. k N 31 Locally between Important Stations at which 1 ’ ■ Excursion Tickets are sold—Ask Ticket Agent For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult nearest Agent. See Handbills CANADIAN NATIONAL•------------------------------------------------• Are Your Or Are H Bowels Regular They Const! BesMtiy biU qraaaiity hi to •■secure regular action of theJftwdte, therefore, when the IhrW ■fejlfectiw, failing to secret^, bSe in arfucient quantity, arc small all drag storm. Hate the bowels Y haw & &ee. Z » not gripermotion every day. They *r ateken. 25ft. a vial at