HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-01-23, Page 1*=== SUPPER FRIDAY Qjjffcert followed Proclamation Attend Funeral Shapton, who recently operation for a catar- 28 members of the club after ten o’clock in. truck and returned The drive was not some of the drives ENGLISH DINNER ROAST BEEF & I&bM PVDMNG in Trivitt Mm under the au I. o. o. Ladies Please On account of the death of King George V, the Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion hpwCf"sanCelled the Bingo for thisw^ek. a supper pTmission 35 and 20c. Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m “POPl LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY January 23rd, 24th, 25th George White’s Scandals an /aR star caste SCIENCE” in third dimension technicolor Theatre be closed on Monday, ^u^Uay and Wednesday ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23rd, 1936 Mr. Jonathan Hall, for many years a harness-maker of Parkhill died recently at his home aged 80 years. Mr. Hall has a number of relatives in this community and in September last attended the “Oke” family .-.nion here ,where he carried off first prize in the race for men ever 60 years. .... Messrs W. J. Beer and Hy, Del- bridge are leaving Thursday on a motor trip to Florida, They will bo away tor a few weeks. With glad hearts we greet King Edward the Eighth. What problems await him and the Empire over whose destinies he has been called to preside! With wliat breath talking interest we ask, “What next?” Yet with confidence we pray that in his high place he may be endowed with the best qualities of his grandfather, Edward the Peacemaker, and of his father, George the Good and Gracious! That he has the spirit in him that will justify our high­ est expectations those who know him best assure that theye is every reason to hope. For years he has been the Empire’s best ambassador. For years he has shown a first hand interest in the affairs of church and state and of every citizen who was progres­ sive, enterprising and constructive. Rich and poor alike, well and strong as well as the weak and broken in their country’s service have found in him a friend and helper. For these and scores of other reasons Edward the Eighth comes to his throne amid not only the acclaims of his subjects but amid the" unbounded good will of his. people. “May he defend our laws And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice God save the King.” Mr. John Morley and son, J. w. Morley were in London attending the funeral of the. former^ brother-in- laW, Mr. Eli Heatherley. Mr. Heath­ erly, who waa a one-armed switch­ tender on the & K R., died Satur­ day. in Victoria Hospital following an attempt by surgeons to save his life by amputating his remaining arm after he had been seriously1 in­ jured when struck by a train. prizes. B URNS m ide Lunch Scotwere .the the- Of offic- Rector’s People’s Vestry Elliott, was re­ Creech, Woods; E PARTY 4th, 1936 ODDFfELLOMfeS EU FRIDAY, JAGUAR! All joined in community Refreshments were served J. LEAP YEAR DANCE POSTPONED UNTIL A LATER DATE IF, Ellerington, W. Cun- Sidesmen, L. .E. Day, W. Francis; vocal duet by Mr. W. R. 'Goulding; guitar “LONG LIVE THE KING” ladies. A toast to the Wo Returned From Hospital Mr. L. V. Hogarth, who for past seven months has been in THURSDA from John Keys, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al* bort Keys, north of Exeter, who has been for some time, remains in a criticA condition, He is getting alon W. I. ENTERTAIN The members of the Exeter Wo­ men’s Institute were hostesses at a social evening held in the Town Hall on Thursday, January 16th when they entertained their husbands and families. Mr. B. W, F. Beavers took the chair for a short program which included -readings by Marie Melville, Marjorie Flynn and Betty Harness; tap dancing by Lois Hunt­ er and Marjorie Flynn accompanied by Marion Powell on the violin; monologue by G. Lamport; vocal trio by Gerald and Harold Skinner, and Jim and Mrs. solos by Jim Taylor; chorus by the Institute men’s Institute whs proposed by the Rev. Mr. Down and Rev. Mr. Hunt and Was heartily applauded by the guests, singing, by a committee convened by Mrs. Horry. the __ ____ the Christie st. Hospital, Toronto, where ho underwent a critical surgical op­ eration for a. graft of the spine, re­ turned hems Tuesday evening. This was the second operation, of the kind for Mr. Hogarth. His many friends arc pleased to see him around again The King is dead! Long live the King . 0 King George the Fifth has passed from us, most sincerely mourned by everyone who owned him sovereign lord. Noble and prelate alike owned his fineness of spirit, his sane statesman­ ship and his devotion to duty as he knew it. Prince and peasant alike acknowledged his interest in everything that became a man. Wisdom was his to deal justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with his God. The thoughts of home, of duty to one’s neighbor and . of one’s relation to the Dread Supreme without Whose guidance the utmost human wisdom is but folly, filled his mind every day in which he ruled over one-quarter of the world’s'territory and one quarter of its population. With full hearts we say as his body is laid away for the resurrection, “Well done good and faithful servant.” FRACTURES WRIST Miss M. A. Horton, teacher on the staff of the Exeter public School, slipped on some ice near her home Thursday of last week*just as she vas starting for school in the after- She continued on her way aiM called at the office of Dr. Dun­ lop. where it was found that a bone h$l been fractured in her right ist. Mrs. R. Ellis is supplying in ler place at school. BAND EUCHRE The euchre held in the Town Hall Wednesday evening of last week under the auspices of the Ex­ eter Concert Band was well patron­ ized, 35 tables being in play. Mrs. Wm. Smith, Exeter North, won the ladies’ high prize; Frank Taylor the gents high and Gordon Appleton, lone hands. Refreshments served at the close. VESTRY MEETING The annual vestry meeting of Trivitt Memorial church was held in the parish hall Monday evening. The Rector, Rev. A. M. Hunt, presided. Reports were received from the various organizations showing that they had been quite active during the year and were in a very favor­ able position. The election ers resulted as follows: Warden, W. E. Middleton; Warden, Fred Ellerington; Louis Day, Sr.; Treasurer, Members of Select Clerk, M. W. Pfaff. Vestry: Mrs. N. J. Dore, Mrs. Ach­ eson, M. W. Pfaff, W. Cunningham, P. Durfsford, Dan DOW, Mrs. W. ®. Winer, C. Canton, J. W. Morley, John Triebner. Delegates to .Synod W. E. Middleton, M. W. Pfaff; sub­ stitutes, ningham, Matthew, Alvin Cornish, W« Eller* ington, Chas. Triebner, Oren Winer Calvert Chambers, S. W, Sims; Auditors, N. J. Dore, J. W. Motley. COMPLIMENTED At the Division Court in Exeter on Monday Judge T. M. Costello and the members of the legal fraternity present spoke in very complimentary terms of the splendid efficient ser­ vice rendered by Mr. R. N. Creech during the thirty years that he bad been clerk of the court. Mr. J, H. Grieve has been appointed ’to position and was welcomed at court. MOTOR LICENSES There has been a rush for the new 193 6 automobile license plates, dur­ ing the past week and the office of G. M. Grant, issurer, has been a very busy spot. The big rush came on Wednesday, January ‘15th, when there was a steady stream all day long with the office filled to over­ flowing. Over two hundred licenses were issued that day. Up to date about nine hundred licenses have been taken out. The letters on the markers issued here are NN and NO. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society was hold in the Town Hall on Friday afternoon of last week. The report showed that the society had had a success ful year with finances in fair con dition. The election of officers re suited as follows: Pres., Wm. Coates 19t Vice-Pres., Jas. Grieve; 2nd Vice Pres., Dan Dew; Directors, Thos Pryde, Win. Oestricher, Leslie Rob insoii, Geo. Westcott, Clark Fisher L. Hirtzel, Cecil Rowe, Fred Eller- ington, Hyt Bifirling, Mrs. W. S. Howey, Mrs. Geo. Jaques, Mrs. Wm. Thompson; Hon. Directors. Ben Wil­ liams, Wm. Andrew, W. Lt* Geo. Penhale, R. G. iSeldon elected secretary and R. N» treasurer, succeeding T. >S. R. H. Sayers and Dr. Steiner were appointed auditors. Wesley Switzer, former treasurer of Blanshard Township, dropped dead' late Monday afternoon in the stable of his Blahshard Township farm. He was 55 of age. Surviving are his wife, three daughters and a son. all at home BAG 66 “JACKS” Members of the Exeter Gun Club motored to near Lucknow Tuesday for their -weekly jack rabbit drive and they brought home with them 66 rabbits, left here shortly the morning in a about seven p.m, as successful as the club have held near here, how­ ever, the men did not cover as much territory as usual. The culb have been selling the jacks to a firm in Toronto. The*first shipment con­ tained 10i0 jacks and a recent ship­ ment was made up of 3'58 rabbits. / WITH THE SICK % Mrs. Wm. Preszcator is ill in Vic­ toria Hospital, London. Miss A. Green is in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where she is re­ ceiving treatment. Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rowe, of Hay,, has been ill with ap­ pendicitis, but is improving. Mrs. Wellington Baker of the 2nd concession of Stephen, underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday and is getting 'along* nicely. Mr. James Gardiner, of Farquhar, recently underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, head trouble, nicely. Mrs. James underwent an act of the eye at St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, is making a splendid recovery and is expected home short­ ly. ----------------------------------------j----------------- The Tlmes-Advocate are giving away sixteen prizes to subscribers who pay for the paper before Feb­ ruary 15th. First prize $5.00; five $■2.00 prizes and ten. $1.00 Subscribers in arrears who pay for more than one year will be given a coupon for each year paid for. ial Parish Hall s of the f 30th '6 to 8 p.m. Lucky ticket on quilt will be drawn Admission 35c. Thames Road Chjrfch In accordance with the Proclamation issued by?' the Governor General TUESDAY, JAN. 28,^.930 will be olserved as a$)ay of Mourning for the la|e King George V, $ Servicelwiil be Wield in Trivitt Memorial ureh at in ’iftlch the , townffand dis- .ite. attn'imM 1 Servicoiv- Trivitt Mam. 110.30 a.i|. churches of triet will tfc Fufthe'r XhhoWcement of the service Will joe given in bach, church^on*Sunday . All cltlzens^'h.ro urgently requested to observe the day' fittingly. ■ THOMAS PRYDE, Reeve