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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-01-16, Page 8
THURSDAY, JANUARY ICtb, 1930 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE On all heads—at all times. Because better permanent wav ing depends on perfect winding, the Bonat self-winder gives the utmost in satisfaction, Speed—Comfort—Safety Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat 72c Oats 25 c Manitoba’s Best $2.80 Welcome Flour $2.40 . Low grade flour $28.00, a ten Brun $21.00 a ton Shorts $22.00 a ton Screening chop $18.00 a ton Chop $18.00 a ton Mixed Chop $21.00 ton Creamery Butter 30-31c Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S, Moore Gordon, R.A., J3.D. Minister Mrs. J. G< Cochrane. organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School flMIiilil i Flowers For All Occasions Funerals, Weddings — and — Novelty Plants and Ferns E. AND M. BISSETT Phone 150w Exeter A reception and dance was held in Kippen Hall on Tuesday evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alan John ston, (nee Gladys McLean). During the evening the young couple were presented with a beautiful kitchen cabinet. Everyone enjoyed a real jolly time. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route in Exeter. Real opportunity for right man. We help you get started. Write Rawleigh Co., Dept. ML-202-O-A, Montreal. FISH—Whitefish, .Salmon, Fresh Fillets, Smoked Fillets, Herring at The Ideal Meat Market. High .school girl wishes board in return for light housework! or car ing for children. Apply Mrs. Hubert White, phone Crediton 29rl4.ltc. three cords butter 2 4-2 7c A A A B 0 $8.10 large 21c. medium, 18c. pullets, l'6ic. 15c. 13c. TENDERS WANTED—For cords of hard maple and three of beech, cut 2 ft. long and piled in woodshed at .S. S. No. 4, Stephen. Tenders .received until January. 18. A. J. Amy, Sec’y.-Treas., Crediton. 2tp. FOR SALE — Several pure bred Hereford Bulls, 10 to 14 months by imported! sire. Fred H. Carbert, Staffa, ILot 9,’Con. 7, Hibbert, phone Dublin. l-9-2tp. FOR SALE OR RENT-r-Part or all of property belonging to the Lance lot Hardy Estate: One brick house and 3 and one-half Lots on which it stands; one acre of land in ad joining field; one frame house and one ILot on Elizabeth street, for fur ther particulars apply to—•Carling & Morley, Solicitors, Exeter, Ont. l-9-2tc. Owing to uncertain road condi tions we are taking in hogs at R. G. Seldon’s weigh scales every Thurs day. Other arrangements can be made if necessary, take hogs on rail grading if any wishes it. A. W. Etherington Sons. Phone 171 r 6, Exeter. We will also one & FOR SALE CORN ENSILAGE $1.00 Per Ton Hours 8 a.m. te 5 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 12 noon CANADIAN CANNERS Will cheap . horses. buy an unlimited number of ~ '■ foxhorses. Fertilizer oi’ Frank Taylor, Exeter. NOTICE Pursuant to the regulations made under the authority of “The Ontario Weed Control Act, 1935,” the coun cil of the Township of Stephen here by gives notice that Edward Willert, of Centralia, has been appointed Weed Inspector for the year 1936 to enforce the provisions of the Act in the said Municipality. Herbert K. Eilber, Clerk Crediton, January 14, 1936. COUNTY COUNCIL The first session of Huron Coun ty Council for 193,6 will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, commencing on Tuesday, January 2.8th, at 2 p.m. Council will be in session until Fri day 31st. All individuals or deputations de siring to address Council should notify the County Clerk so that regular business ' interrupted. All accounts, tenders tions for grants should be In the Clerk’s hand not later than Monday til© 27th. J, M. ROBERTS, County Clerk in advance will not be or. ap-plica- When You Have a HORSE or cow You want Removed phone or Write ta WILLIAM STONE SONS Limited Phone M Ingersoll Cl I Il mm || || 1 <............Mil II MM Il II »— II ■■ |Q i l I LOCALS I i I |4|» Ml II W II O—III —I I —II l«o»<) Mr. S. J. Elliott is ill at his home. Mr. W. F. Abbott spent several days in Toronto last week. Mr. Fred Parsons, who has been quite ill, is again able to be out. Mrs. Charles Jinkts has returned to Hensail after visiting with friends in Exeter. Mrs. Simmons, of Chiselhurst, has been visiting friends in Exeter for a few days, Mr. H. T. Rowe was taken week and is confined to his and under the doctor’s care. Dr. and Mrs. Lindsay, of stock, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Dow. Mrs. Hugh Dolphin and son, of London, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Benson Tuckey. Miss Jessie Monteith is visiting her aunt and uncle Mrs. and Mr. S. R. Prebble in Ilderton. Mr. A. L. Stewart, of Montreal, visited with 'his mother Mrs. John T. Stewart the past week. » Mr. Reg. Beavers, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Miss Emily Knipe,, who has been visiting with her sister Mrs. W. D. Sanders left Sunday for Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen spent Friday last at the home of the lat ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. George Earl, Miss Hattie Handford, Woodstock, is visiting with her father Mr. ford and 'her sister Miss Handford.. Mrs. P. W. David and son of London, spent Wednesday home of Mr. and Mrs. H‘. C. Master Grant remaining for a days. Miss Margaret Martin, a graduate of the Hamilton General Hospital has been successful in passing her examinations and is now “ ed Nurse. The U-Go-I-Go Class Memorial Church are business and social evening on Fri day at the 'home of Miss Mildred Murphy. Mr. H. C. Carey, barber, is off duty suffering from an infection in the right hand. It has been caus ing him considerable pain but is somewhat improved at present. Mr. Stanley Peters has returned to Atwood after visiting for a week with relatives in this community. He was accompanied home by Jack Blair on a visit. Mrs. Edwards, of Montreal, is vis iting with her daughter Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Dow. The latter is con fined to her bed suffering from an attack of pleurisy. Mrs. W. Hl Moise the first time since eter on Thursday, from 3:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon and 7:30 to 9 in the evening. Miss Vina Fisher, of Hamilton, at tended the funeral of the late Paul Coates on Tuesday of last week and after visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates, returned to her home Saturday. Miss Marion after spending in London and don township, sisted with her violin at an enter tainment in the school. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stan'bury and family spent .Sunday at Woodstock visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Webber and family. Mrs. Hardy, mother of Mrs. Webber and Mrs. 'Stanbury, re turned after a weeks’ visit with the former. Lester, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rundle, who was receiving treatment in st. Joseph’s Hospital Lon don, last week .for an erysipelas abscess was brought 'home Thursday and the little lad is getting along nicely. Dr. Lionel Stevenson, of the staff of the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, will address a meeting in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Thursday, January 16th at 2.00 p.m. He will deal with the two subjects, contag ious abortion and Mineral Deficiency Disease. Mrs. C. Heywood was hostess to a progressive euchre for the Trivitt A. Y, P. A. on Monday evening, A Very jolly time was spent at cards after which lunch was served. Ed. Ward wen the gents high score, Mrs. Wm. Ellerington, ladies high, Miss Ruby Wood, lone hands and Elgin Luxton the consolation prize. t Oh Friday afternoon of this- week the Exeter Agricultural Society will hold its annual meeting iy. the Town Halt Exeter Fair is one of t'he out standing events in Exeter during the year and merchants and citizens gen erally should combine their efforts to futther this worthy enterprise. All who are interested are invited to be at the meeting on Friday af ternoon. LOCALS H* ill last home Wood- Hand- Annie .Services as usual at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday If a.m.—Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Monday, Jan. 27 at 6 p.m.—’Congre gational Supper followed by An nual Meeting. Friday 8 p.m.—Preparatory Service Grant, at the Caery, few a Register- of Trivitt holding a will receive for coining to Ex January 23rd, Powell lias returned a week with friends with, cousins in Lon- While there she as- MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—The Minister p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—The Minister 11 3 7 Monday evening—Y. P. S. Thursday—'Prayer iService at 7.45 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.--“Fainting-”11 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7' p.m.—.‘“The Power of a Resolute Minority” Union Prayer Service Tonight (Wednesday.) TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH 10 11 Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFanl Cfaoir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 2nd Sunday after Epiphany I a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class . a.m.—.“The Great Supper.” Communion service will follow the morning worship. p.m.—iSunday School p.m.—“God Is.” 3 7 Friday, S p.m., Preparatory Service Monday, -January 27th, Congrega tional supper at 6 p.m. followed by< annual meeting. .All members and adherents are requested to be present. The annual vestry meeting will be held Monday evening in the Parish Hall at 8 p.m. C. V. PICKARD General Insurance & Real Estate • — representing — The Great ’West Life Assurance Co. The Wawanesa Mutual ance Co. The Casualty Company The Consolidated Fire Co. Covering all lines of Life, Wind, Au to, Fire, Liability and Sickness and Accident Insurance Wind Insure of Canada. & Casualty ■ Phone 165, The Left-Hand r Exeter a Woodworking Shop AT ELIMVILLE For Your Repairs Your Old Furniture made into new. All kinds of woodwork. Lathe .Turning—a Specialty Phone 25r9 Kirkton Have you had a MAGIC GLOW FACIAL or an OIL OF TULIP WOOD. PERMANENT WAVE IF NOT—PHONE M. Russell Phone 245 Alberta Coal A car of Alberta Coal has just arrived. Leave your order now. JAS. P. BOWEY ^'Insurance of all kinds” Rhone 157w What A Comfort for children who suffer from bron chitis, croup, cough, eolds, catarrh, tonsil and throat trouble Sybilla Spahr’s remedy is It works!, good results or back. All Druggists. at $13.95 It will pay you to buy one at this low price. We offer every Overcoat in our stock at Greatly Reduced Prices. MEN’S FINE SHIRTS WITH SEPARATE COLLARS These are values to $2.00. We are clear ing them this week for EACH 99c. MEN’S COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS Tooke’s make. A full size shirt in good washing material. Another special for • this week. Reg. $1.50 EACH 99c. MEN’S HEAVY RUBBERS Sizes 6, 7, 8 only. The regular price is $2.25. While they last SPECIAL AT PER PAIR $1.79 MEN’S .HORSEHIDE MITTS A genuine horsehide mitt with good wool lining and cuff Regular $1.00 value SPECIAL AT PER PAIR 75c. NEW PRINTS! NEW PRINTS!! 80 pieces of New Prints and Broadcloths have just been taken into stock. You will like the new patterns. They are all fast colors Priced at 19c, 20c, 25c and 27c COMFORTER BAT Our special two pound Bat opens out f Uli size of comforter SPECIAL AT 59c. PRIDE BAT Made from the finest cotton grown and one of our best sellers EACH 75c. PURE LINEN TOWELLING This was bought last season before the advance in Linens SPECIAL AT 5 YDS. FOR 85c. SHEETS HEMMED FREE THIS MONTH We hem all sheets sold this month free and have some very good values in bleach ed sheeting at 45c. TO 75c. REMNANTS!REMNANTS!! We have just finished stock-taking and have many real bargains in ends that will be sold at a fraction of their values. See them. Wall Paper in Room Lots at Bargain Prices We have just gone through our Wall Papers and picked out a number of rioom lots of Wall Paper that we offer at less than half price. GROCERY SPECIALS PEAS 3 cans for . . . 25c 8 P & G SOAP 8 bars for . . . 25c .. -111- I ................................II -I III-.-. J DRIED PEACHES Very Choice Per lb................19c AYLMER SOUPS , All Flavours 3 cans for . . 25c CORN 3 cans for . . . 25c JEWEL SHORTENING 2 lb. for ... . 25c CORN SYRUP 5 lb. pail for .35c 10 lb. pail for 65c PLUM JAM jar ... 25c Crosse & Blackwell JAM Raspberry or Strawberry Large jar .... 33c Southcott Bros Phone 16 Phone 16 Ll Correction In our rport of the Annual Meet ing of Caven Presbyterian Congre gational Circle last week we made a typographical error in the amount which the women’s organization had turned over to the Managers. It should have read $550.00 instead of $50.00. This was in addition to their care of the’Manse and other activities sponsored by them. O. G. I. T. On Tuesday evening January 14, 1936, a joint meeting: of the Inter mediate and Senior. C.G.I.T. was held in the basement of James St. United Churc'h. The meeting opened with sings^-songs after which Ferrol Fisher and Elsie Robinson led in the worship service. The affiliation ser vice was read with Mrs. Christie re presenting the W. M. S. Mrs. Taylor then took up th© missionary study, after which the two groups separat ed for business discussions. Games were held followed by lunch. Miss Hunter graciously thanked Mrs. Tay lor for her very splendid leadership in the C. G. I .T. The meeting closed with “Taps.” .z Evening Auxiliary The first meeting, of the newly formed Willing Worker’s Evening Auxiliary of James Street ,Church was held o|n| Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Page. The president, Miss Celia Christie,-opened the meet ing and conducted the business. It was decided that the four groups under the leadership of Misses Ella Link, Mabel Hay, Viola Hodgson and Mary Moiiaig would undertake to raise a certain precentage of the ob jective, Miss Viola Hodgsotni then took charge of the meeting. Scrip ture reading by Mrs. Witmer; mis-* sidnary for prayer by Miss Jean Sheer©; prayer by Mrs, Page, The Study book was taken by Misses V. Hod-gsoii, M. Horton, Flossie Huflter and Marjorie Deibrldgo. A bleasitig duett was sttiig by Mrs, A, O. Elliot I and Mies Jean Sheers. The meet money j mg closed' with the beriedictidn. The group in charge served lunch. /when applied. SJ Stock Taking Sale Big Clearance in all Lines In order to reduce our stock, previous to stock taking, we are offering special bargains in all lines. Dresses & Suits gStf 79c WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER* ONT. Main Street W. M. S. Th© January meeting of the Main Street W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Andrew Campbell on ’Thursday last. Miss T. White con- ducted the devotional exercises in a creditable manner, Mrs. Ed. Walker read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Pearce read the devotional leaflet “Spirit of Social Brotherhood” af ter which the president Mrs. Wick wire conducted the business follow ed by Mrs. M. Quance, convenor of suggestive programs, Mrs. A. Camp bell, Mrs. G. Jaques and Miss’ White. Mrs, J. W. Powdll read leaflet. Prayers w.oro offered Mrs. Pearce for the missionary Rota Kilboutn, after which meeting was olosed. T. thd by Dr. the Trivitt W. A. The W. A. met at the home of Mrs Oran Winer. The meeting opened with hymn 95 followed by the Lit any and Prayers by the President. The minutes of the last meeting wore read and adopted followed by the roll call which was answered to by a verse from Proverbs. Plane were mode for the year’s work mat erial to be brought to begin another bale for .St. Paul’s iSehool on Blood Reserve. Mrs. Middleton gave a pa per on Current Events of the work ih the W. A. Hyimn 320 was sung Mrs. Bierling gave a reading “For Prayer Partners.” Rev. Mr. Hunt closed the meeting by the benediction after which a social hour was spent. “You can love your Neighbor and be stupid enough not to know how to love him.M“-Jrhomas G. Masaryk.