HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-01-16, Page 14» EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 16th, 1936 Sixty-Third Year FRACTURES LEG ESTABLISHED 1873 THE GREATEST REDUCTIONS WE HAVE EVER OFFERED Much Below Cost for Cash Only $19.00 Coats Reduced to $11.95 $23.00 Coats Reduced to $13.95 $21.00 oats Reduced to $12.95 $31.00 Coats Reduced to $20.00 $32.00 Coats Reduced to $22.00 NEW WALLPAPERS SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS lOc. a roll & up The new papers are here. Brighten up your home at small expense with new wallpaper. Gome in and inspect our 1936 range of patterns « ■ ■■ Miss Lorraine Atkinson daughtei' of Mrs. G. iS. Atkinson, is confined to her hopie suffering from a fractured leg. She was skiing on one of the hills on the bank of the river when she fell getting mixed up in the skiis with the above result. ** INJURED Miss Marjorie Hunter Reg. N., met With an accident at the home of her parents in Ushorpe Township on Wednesday of last week when she had the misfortune to fall down stairs fracturing a bone in the left arm, dislocating her wrist and suf­ fering two scalp wounds. SPECIAL SERVICE / OVERCOAT SALE NOW ON Take advantage of our clearing sale of Men’s Overcoats at $10, $13 and $15; also a few good school overcoats for boys up to size 35 at $3 each. Women's Overshoes at $1.00 A table of Women’s Rubber ‘and Cloth Overshoe including both zipper and dome fasteners, brown and black, all sizes at $1.00; also an assortment of small size over­ shoes at 50c. a pair. All Wool Dress Goods on sale at 69c. a yard Here is a real bargain in all wool Queen’s Cloth, 36 in. wide, in colors of wine, browtt, navy, Jblack, rust and Royal blue our regular $1.00 cloth to clear at 69c. yd. SPECIAL—20 webs Spring Prints, 36 inches wide,' on sale at 17c. a yard. STANFIELDS DNDERWEAR FOR MEN ON SALE • Gold Label all wool, Shirts and Drawers, regular price $1.50: on sale at $1.25 Red Label, heavier weight, all wool, Shirts and Drawers, regular $1.95: on sale $1.45 Gold Label Combinations, all wool, regular price $2.50: to clear at $1.95 per suit. Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday Kellogg’s Bran Flakes...............2 pkgs. 23c Royal York Coffee with Demi-Tasse China Cup and Sailer free ............... lb tin 39c. Sliced Singapore Pineapple ..... 2 tins 21c. Raspberry or Strawberry Jam 32 oz jar 29c Superior Bak’g Powder, 8-oz 14c, 16-oz 23c Aylmer Tomato Juice, jumbo tin......... 10c Mince Meat in bulk.........................2 lb 25c Superior Coffee, fresh ground, per lb 29c Oxydol, while they last, 1 large, 1 small 22c Phone 32 Jones & May Phone 32 MAKE YOUR HENS PAY A PROFIT IN 1936 Feed Royal Purple Poultry Concentrate for Best Results Many farmers are getting over 65 per cent, egg production to-day. Compare it with your own. Royal Purple Concentrate with Specific added $3.75 for 105 pounds This Concentrate makes an excellent Laying Mash, Develop­ ing Mash or Hatching Mash according to the way you mix it. Vita Brand Cod Liver Oil for Poultry or Hogs $1.00 a gallon (This brand is recommended by the larger poultry farms.) Oyster Shells, triple cleaned...............................$1.10 per cwt. Grit ............................................................... $1.10 per 100 pounds H-T-H-15 for colds, etc in poultry.........................75c. per can (This product was recommended very highly at Royal Fair) C. I. L. Stock Mineral ......................................... $3.00 per cwt. Sure-Gain Cattle Mineral.....................................$3.25 per cwt. Sure-Gain Hog Mineral ....................................... $3.00 per cwt. Sure-Gain Hog Concentrate ............................... $2.75 per cwt. Cooper’s Dri-Kill Louse Powder ....................... 2 lbs. for 75c. Cooper’s Kerol Disenfectants ...................................quarts $1.00 Hear aboxft them over your Radio X Cut Saws. Axes. Stable Brooms. Shovels. Etc. Traquair’s Hardware A Euchre under the auspices of the Exeter Concert Band is being held in the Town Hall to-night (Wednesday). There has been a splendid sale of advance tickets and no doubt a jolly evening is in store for- all who attend. Mrs. A. Mooney’s many friends in Exeter will be glad to know she is doing, as well as can be expected af­ ter her operation on Monday in St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rycfeman Monday, the week. visited with the family oh the latter remaining ter Mr. Thos. Kestle, Main St., will celebrate his 85th birthday on Sat­ urday, January 19th, Mr. Kestle has not been as well of late having suffered a slight attack of pneu­ monia. Pie is somewhat Improved at present. Word has been received from Sandy Elliot and H. O. Southcott, that they wore spending the week* end at St. Petersburg in Florida. The weather on the trip down somewhat disagreeable but at present time they are enjoying, climate and the sights, was the the BIN GO 11 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th Fifteen Good Prizes Canadian Legion Rooms * at 8.30 p.m. Admission 25c. Door Prize ODDIIELLOW’S EUCHRE PARTY ERIDAY, JANUARY 24tli, 1936 I. O. O. F. ROOMS Ladies Please Provide Lunch 50 YEARS MARRIED Mr. and Mrs. James Neil quietly Celebrated at their home, Lucan the 50 th anniversary of their marriage which took place January 13, 1886, at the homiei of Mrs. Neil’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Miller, of th<e second concession of McGillivray Township. The late Rev. Mr. Rogers of Ailsa Craig was the officiating clergyman. The bridesmaid was a sistei’ of Mr. Neil, Mrs. Wm. Murdy, who died a few years ago, and the groomsman was Mrs. Neil’s brother, Hiram Miller, Zealand. From marriage until 1919 when they re­ tired and took up residence in Lu­ can, Mr. and Mrs. Neil farmed the third 'Township, three are daughter, Miller, in on the homestead in McGillivray. There ar© nine grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Neil are members of the Anglican Church and still take a prominent part in its activities. now living in New the time of theix’ oh concession of McGillivray Of their five children living, two sons and one Irving and Mrs, Charles Chauvin, Alta., and Marry The Sunday evening service at the Main Street United Church was con­ ducted by members of Y. P. Society. A good congregation was present with Mr. James Francis presiding. The Scripture lesson was read by Mr. Gordon Hilbourne with prayer by Mr. Medd. Two addresses were given, Miss Hazel Smith taking as her subject “Facing up to Life” and Mr. Chas. Pearce spoke on “Religion and Youth.” Both addresses were very forceful and appealing to the youth of today, A Young People’s choir under the direction of Miss V. Gambrill and a duet by Miss Hilda Sims and Mr. Gerald Skinner were also well received. Rev, Mr. Elliot closed with prayer and the benedic­ tion. GOLDEN WEDDING Dr. and Mrs. A. Quackenbush, of Nipigon, former residents of Exeter, celebrated their golden anniversary of their wedding recently at the home of. their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Murdock, 15th concesison of Raleigh Township, near Blenheim. On the same day their granddaugh­ ter Dorothy “Bonnie” Murdock was united in marriage to Mr. Wilfred Ronson, of Cedar Springs. Dr. and Mrs. Quackenbush were residents of Blenheim before coming to Exeter, 27 years ago. About 20 years ago they left here for Nipigon, Northern Ontario. Their two sons Dr. How­ ard Quackenbush and Dr. Bennett Quackenbush, of Nipigon, attended the celebration. A daughter Mrs. •R. W. Runley, of Hamilton, was not present. A number of old neighbors and friends gathered to honor the ctuple and extend congratulations. Y. P. BANQUET On Monday evening the Young People’s Guild of Cav&n Presbyter­ ian Church began the new year with their Annual Banquet. After a sump­ tuous repast, the Secretary gave a full report of the activities of the Guild during 1935. A four-fold pro­ gram has been successfully carried out, meetings being divided into Missionary. Literary, Devotional and Social. A very encouraging finan­ cial statement • was given by the Treasurer, showing that the Guild has made approximately $70.00 of which. $20.00 has been given to the Board of Managers. The officers for 1936 are as follows: President, Alex iStrang; Vice-President, Ethel Kydd; Secretary, Miss A. Brown; Convenors of Committees, Literary, Fred Armstrong.; Missionary., Kath­ leen IStrang; Devotional, Barbara Atki|n|son; Social, Elaine Stanbury; Sick Committee, Helen Grieve, Ilene Webb; bury. Press Secretary, Jean Stan- MRS.J. BEVERLEY PASSES The funeral of the late Mrs. James Beverley, of London, was held on Monday afternoon from the W. A. Hunt Funeral Home in London and the body was brought to Exeter for interment beside her late husband in the Exeter cemetery. The de­ ceased was in her 81st year. About two weeks previous to her death she had the misfortune to fall and fraic- ture her hip. Her maiden name was Alindia Short. iShe was a native of Vancouver where three of her sisters at present reside, Mrs. Ingram, Mrs. Tokley and Mrs. A-bercombe, Mrs. Harry Welsh, of Exeter, is also a sister. Her husband, the late Jas. Beverley was a furniture dealer and funeral director and before coming to Exeter he conducted business in Brantford and Hensail, He died in the spring of 19'20. Of recent years Mrs. Beverley made her home with lier only) daughter Mrs. Charles Mc­ Kenzie, 11 Lyndhurst Place, Lon­ don. The latter at the present time is quite ill in Victoria Hospital. Four grandchildren also survive. The fun­ eral service was conducted by Rev. J. W- Gordon, of Calvary United Church, London. Rev. A. E. Elliott, of Main Street United Church of Which the deceased was a former member while a resident here assist­ ed in the service at the grave. 'The pall bearers were: Messrs. Victor Snell, Win. Statham, Elmore Tuck- ey, Clifton Davis and Chas. w. Ford, all Exeter old Boys from London and) Earl Paton, of Glanworth. Among those who accompanied the Yemalns to Exeter were Mr. Charles McKenzie and children, Miss Fern Short, Mr. and Mrs. Bari Paton and Mfr. Sutherland, of ML Brydges and Mr. and Mrs. D. Lewis, Ailsa Oraig. EXETER COUNCIL Monday, January 13th, 1936 The inaugural meeting of the Municipal Council elect for the year 193 6 Was held in the Town Hall at 11 a.m. The members elect took and sub­ scribed to the necessary oath of of­ fice, as follows: For Reeve, Thomas Pryde; for Councillors: J. Welling­ ton Hern, James W. Morley and Ed­ win M. Dignan, after which the Reeve called on Rev. A, E. Elliott of the Main ‘Street United Church to open the meeting. Mr, Elliott lead in devotional reading from the 12th chapter of Romans verses one to nine and First Epistle of peter, 2:17 and then extended congratulations to the old and new members of the Council. The Reeve expressed his thanks to the members and to Rev. Mr. El­ liott for taking part in the opening exercises. The Striking Committee for 193 6 was appointed on motion of Dignan and Hern as follows; Councillors Morley and Hern with the Reeve. Adjourned to meet at 7.30 p.m. After the adjournment the Reeve accompanied by the Clerk visited the home of Councillor Rowe where the oath as a councillor was sub­ scribed to and1 signend by( Mr. Rowe. The adjourned meeting was held at 7 p.m. Abs. Councillor Rowe. Min­ utes of the morning meeting were read and approved on motion of Hern and Dignan. Mr. J. J. Cox appeared and address­ ed the council re a recommendation to the Liquor Control Board for a Beverage Room License. Action de­ ferred until full council present. Dr. Fletcher, M.O.H., appeared be­ fore the council re immunization of school children and pre school chil­ dren to scarlet fever and diptheria. Serum would be supplied by the De­ partment of Health free of charge.. The report of the striking com­ mittee appointed at the morning meeting was read and accepted as follows; Roads and Bridges—E. M. Dig­ nan, J. W. Hern. •Finance— Rowe. 'Cemetery- Morley. Property- Dignan. The first Chairman of the Committee. Reeve shall be ex officio a member of all committees. Motion per Hern and Dignan. It was decided to hold the regular meetings on the second and fourth Monday of each month. Motion per Dignan and Hern. Mrs. R. N. Creech ed a member of the for 19 3 §-37 and 38 Hern and Dignan.' Messrs. R. G-- Seldon and B. M. Francis were reappointed members of the Cemetery. Board on motion of Dignan and Hern. Messrs. H. C. Rivers, G. Flynn and J. Norry were appointed fence viewers on motion of Hern and Dig­ nan. E. Treble was reappointed a mem­ ber ofHhe Board of Health at a sal­ ary of $10.00 on motion of Dignan and Hern. T. Collingwood was reappointed Truant Officer at a salary of $10.00 on motion of Hern and Dignan. E. Cornish was reappointed ringing the town bell at $8.50 month on motion of Dignan Hern. J. Norry was reappointed as Street Commissioner and Constable 'at a salary of $2.00 per day.. Dig­ nan and Hern. It was decided to order eight co­ pies of t’he Municipal World and 50 dog tags. L. J. Penhale, Chairman of the Exeter Public Utilities Commission, presented a resolution of the Com­ mission that part of lot 19, con. 2, Usborne, belonging to Garnet Frayne and being the land on which the springs are situate, comprising two acres more or less, be expropriated and that right of way be acquired from the Thames Road to the parcel for vehicular traffic and from the same to the pump house for laying pipes. Moved by Councillors Hern and Dignan that a by-law be prepared in accordance with the request and submitted to the council and that Gladman & Stanbury. be employed to prepare the by-law. The following accounts were re­ ceived and ordered paid: R. N. Rowe funeral expenses, Mrs. Brintnell and Norman Sanders, $70: Treasurer of County of Huron hospital fees $34.- 95; Jones & May, town hall 25c.; W. C. Pearce, relief officer $1.37; H. T. Rowe, coal town hall $34.50; Severn Winer, gravel $1.20; Treas. Co. of Huron, police officers manual $2.25; Harry .Smith, labor $2.75; Wm. Andrew, labor $2.75; W. H. Harness, labor $2.00; Ed. Harness, labor $2.00; Chas. Little labor 75c; Wm. Webster, labor 75c; Garfield Stanlake, labor 75c; Rd. Davis, team and tabor $12.60; Wm. Johns, team and labor $10.77; Petei’ Colemail, team ahd labor_$6.60; Percy Hewitt labor $6.50 $5.25 ~ ‘’ B‘. Preszcator. Towh Hall, Rivers’ Meat Market, $4.1' 92; 'Southcott Bros. $2.91; Other reliefs, Cook’s Grocery, $2.00; Jones ahdi May $6.0)1. The salaries of the members of the Council were set at $3.00 per. •meeting for the Reeve and $2.00 for members of the council; the same for the members of the Public Utilities Commission. The salary of the clerk and treasurer, Joseph Senior, was set at $500 per year. Communjieation. was received from the County Treasurer re a proposed County by-law setting license fee for slot machines at $150 per annum. The Reeve was instructed to support the by-law, From the Ontario Municipal As­ sociation re membership. Filed. From J- W. Monteith, Chartered Accountant, re audit. Filed, Council adjourned. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY of the Exeter was held in on Tuesday, Vice-president, the absence of the president. The annual meeting Horticultural Society the Public Library Mr. William Ward, occupied the chair in Mr. David Rowcliffe, The report of the Secretary-Treasur­ er as audited was presented and showed that the society had a,-. mem­ bership in 193 5 of 107, which "was an increase of 34 over 1934. The sum of $147.91 was spent in civic im­ provement and $141,15'9 for plants, bulbs, etc. The balance in the treasury at* the end of the year was $7.81 with some outstanding ac­ counts. The meeting discussed ways and means of raising funds this yeax* to meet these claims and de­ cided upon several courses. A Flower Show will be held in August and a Spring Entertainment with a special speaker and slides will be a feature. The members were sorry to have a letter from Mr. David tendering his resignation. Mr. Row- bliffe has given many years of en­ thusiastic service to the Society. The election of officers resulted as fol­ lows; Hon. Pres., S. J. .Hogarth; Pres., Geo. S. Howard; 1st Vice- Pres., Win. Ward; 2nd Vice-Pres., Miss Vera Esseryi; Secretary-Treas­ urer, J. G- Stanburyi; auditors, Wm. J. Ryckman and Andrew Campbell; Directors 1935-3 6, John Hunter, E. C. Harvey, Jesse Elston, Miss Ada Andrew and Mrs. R. Skinner; 1936- 37, Dr. G. F. Roulson, J. W. Powell, Mrs. -T. Dinney, Miss L. M. Jeekell and J. M. Southcott. Parks Com., S. ,M. Sanders, E. Walker, Archie Ry­ ckman and Mrs. J. W. Powell. Rowcliffe The J. w.Morley,H.T. —J. w.Hern,J.w. -H. T.Rowe,E.M. named shall be the was reapipoint- Library Board on motion of for per and the Russell Robt. Brooks, labor 'Moore, labor labor $3.00? $2.75, Relief: are giving subscribers before Feb- The Times-Advocate away sixteen prizes to who pay for the paper ruary 15th. First prize $5.00; five $2.00 prizes and ten- $1.00 prizes. Subscribers in arrears who' pay for more than one year will he given a coupon for each year paid for. DANCE EXETER PAVILION FRIDAY, JANUARY 17th Shorty Grant and his Orchestra Leap Year Dance FRIDAY, JANUARY 24th Watch for further announcement LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY January 16tli, 17th, 18th George O’Brien in “HARD ROCK HARRIGAN” CHARLIE CHASE COMEDY TECHNICOLOR. TRAVEL TATK MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY January 2Oth, 21st, 22nd Metro-Goldwyn-Meyei* presents “The Bishop Misbehaves” Comedy Drama with Edmond Gwenn and an all star caste TODD & KELLY COMEDY • Coining — “Geo. White's Scandals” B U R W S’ — in Thames Road Church on FRIDAY, JAN. 24 Scotch Concert followed by a supper Admission 35 and 20c. Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m. Annual Meeting —* of the — Exeter Agricultural Society will be held in the town hall, exb,ter, Friday, January 17 th at two o’clock p.m. For the purpose of receiving reports election of officers and' the transac­ tion of any other business in the in­ terests of the Society. A meeting of the directors will be held at 1.30 o'clock WM, COATES, R. G. SELDON, p-.ni, President •Secretary