The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-01-02, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 193G fester Markets On all heads—-at all times. Because better permanent wav­ ing depends on perfect winding, the Bonat self-winder gives the utmost in satisfaction. Speed—Comfort—Safety Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Wheat, (Standard 70e Oats 25 e Manitoba's Best $2.8v Welcome Flour $2.40 Low grade flour $28.00 a ten Bran $21.00 a ton Shiox'ts 822.00 a ton Screening chop $18.00 a ton Chop $18.00 a ton MixedU?hop $21.00 ton Creamery Butter 30-31e Dairy butter 24-27c large 29c. medium 22c. pullets 20c. 19c. C, 18c. $.8.10 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, S. Moore Gordon, B.A., 13.D. Minister Mrs, J< G. Cochrane. organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School Services as usual at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. IB A A A B MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E- Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader New Prints! New Prints!! We are showing a beautiful range of New Prints for 1936. New plaids, stripes and small patterns, They are fast colors and retail for 20c, 25c and 27c per yard Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques and daughter Miss Ina, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs, S. Stevenson at Birr. Miss Berneice Delbridge, a student at Westervelt Business College, Lon­ don, is spending the holidays at her home. Miss Reba iSimmons, training at pital, spent here. The New quietly in Exeter. There were a num­ ber of family gatherings. The wea­ ther was ideal and the main roads were open to traffic. Some of the young people enjoyed skating at the river while others were tobogganing and skiing. nurse-in- iStratford General Hos- New Years at her home Years holiday passed off NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Meeting of the Exeter Horticultural Society will (be held in the basement of the Library on Tuesday', January 14, at 8 p.m. for the receipt of the reports, the election of officers and the transaction of general business. D. ROWCLIFFE, President J, G. STANBURY, Sec’y-Treas. Owing to uncertain road condi­ tions .we are taking in hogs at R. G. Seldon’s weigh scales every Thurs­ day. Other arrangements call be made if necessary. We will also take hogs on rail grading if anyone wishes it. A. W. Etherington Sons. Phone 171 r 6, Exeter. & FOR SALE—That farm property ofi the late Charles Harvey, com­ prising brick house, good barn anjl approximately seven and one half acres of land just east of Exeter. C. V. PICKARD, phone 165, Exeter NOTICE—All orders for coke from the Thames Road Farmers’ Clu'b» should be in not later than Mon^^^xt. P. Passmore, Sec’y. NOTICE All accunots owing to the /firm of Harvey Bros, are now duel and must be settled promptly at theTMill Office. / STRAYED—'Onto part lot/22 and 23, Con. 4, Stephen, a two-frear-old heifer; also strayed from the same farm a red heifer with matk in left ear. Geo. Hepburn, R. R, No’. 1, Crediton, phone 26r2. •SPENCER CORSET individually designed for style or-surgical sup­ port. Phone Mi-s^A^na McDonald, 137ft Hensail. 12-19-4t 1 A SALE /CORN ENSILAGE j $1.00 Per Ton •urs 8 a.m. to. 5 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 12 noon CANADIAN CANNEBS FOR SALE OR RENT—The pro­ perty belonging to the Lancelot Hardy estate. One Brick house and land on Main Street, also one acre of land in adjoining field and one frame Apply Ont. house on Elizabeth (Street.— to Carling & Morley, Exeter, Will cheap horses. buy an unlimited number of horses. Fertilizer er Frank Taylor, Exeter. fox NOTICE Under the provisions of The tario Companies Act, The Rose-Tay­ lor Company Limited hereby gives public notice that it will make appli­ cation to His Honour the Lieuten­ ant-Governor of Ontario for leave to Surrender its charter on and from a day to be fixed by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council, THE ROSS-TAYLOR COMPANY LIMITED By its .Solicitors GLADiMAN & STANBURY Exeter,. Ontario Dated at Exeter, Ont. this 16th day of December, A.D. 1935. On- NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against The Ross-Taylor Company, Limited, are 'required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Sixth day of January, A.D. 1936. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Di­ rectors will proceed to distribute the assets Of the Said Company having regard only to the claims q| which they then shall have notice/ i>ATED. at Exeter, Ont, this 16th day of December, a.d. 1935. GLADMAN & STANSURY, Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the said Company LOCALS 11 a.m,—Communion service. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—'“The Lord’s Horseman.” John Wesley Monday evening—Y. P. S. Friday, January 3rd—‘Men’s Union Thursday, January 9th;Union Ser­ vice, Rev. ,S. R. Johnston, of Lifcan. January 112 th — Special Young People’s Service. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—A message for. the New Year, 3 p.m.—-Sunday School 7 p,m.—'“The Art of Forgetting” Wednesday. 8 p.m.—Prayer Service TRIVITT MEMORIAL z CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Second Sunday After Christinas 10 a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class 11 a.m.—(Holy Communion and Ser­ mon p.m.—Bunday School p.m. Evensong and Sermon “The Epithany” Union prayer service Monday at 8 o’clock. Rev. A. Sinclair, of Hensail speaker. 3 7 C. V. PICKARD General Insurance & Real Estate — representing —- The Great West Life Assurance Co. The Wawanesa Mutual ance Co. The Casualty Company The Consolidated Fire Co. . Covering all lines of Life, Wind, Au­ to, Fire, Liability and Sickness and Accident Insurance Wind Insur- of Canada. & Casualty- here ovei’ town returned to the Christ- parents Mr. 0 II II 1 —■ II Ml <1 ■■ I| Mil II Il n» 111 II mm IQ January, Write 1936, School re-opens Monday. Miss Hettie Sweet visited for a few days in Hamilton. Miss Oliver, of Sarnia, is the guest of Mrs. Wm. Pollen. Mrs. Brooks visited at' Lucan Crossing ovei’ the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Irwin, of Water­ loo, vsiited relatives here last week. Mr. Alvin Rowe spent the Christ­ mas holidays with friends in Toron­ to. Miss Kestle, of Brantford, is visit­ ing at the home of her brother, Mr. C. W. Kestle. The coal-man is having his in­ nings and the ice-man is now plan­ ning to get us next summer. Miss Ella Jones, of (Stratford, is visiting for, a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jones. Miss Nona Chambers, of Algonac, Mich., is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern, of Norwich, spent New Years with the former’s mother, Mrs. Jas. Hern. Miss Olive Wood, Reg. N., of To­ ronto, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood. Miss Marjorie Peai’ce, of London, spent several days s;t the home of her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. W. C. Pearce. ? Mr. and Mrs. jMryon Culbert and family, of Lucan, spent New Years at the home o/ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ker slake. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Abbott and daughter Eleanor visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ah'to Delve in Forest for a few days./ Miss' ‘Florence Norry, of London, spent Christmas at her home and visited in Windsor for New Years. Mirs. A. Gunning returned to Saturday after spending Christmas with her .daughter, Mrs. Wilson Mor­ ley, of Whalen. The fur gauntlet that was adver­ tised as lost in the Tinies-Advocate last week was returned to its owner /Saturday night. Miss M. Armstrong has moved her millinery shop from the Frayne Block into the north sample room at the Central Hotel. Miss Merna Sims has Toronto after spending mas holidays with her and Mrs. K. J. Sims. The officers and teachers of the James St. Sunday School will hold a supper meeting in the church par­ lors on Friday evening. Mt. and! Mrs. W. A. Coon, of Grimsby Beach, are spending the holidays at the home of their daugh­ ter, Mrs. and Mr. M. Walker. Mrs. Herbert Alton and son Har­ vey, of West Wawanosh, visited with Mrs. Alton’s sister, Mrs. W. H. Johnston, for a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Belling and son Donald returned to their home in Detroit on Monday accompanied by Mrs. Belling’s sister, Miss Ger­ trude Francis. Mr. Hugh Creech, M.A., who spent Christmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. N, Creech, returned to his duties at the Banting Insti­ tute in Toronto Thursday. Mr. Kenneth C. Stanbury B'.A.‘ of the law firm of Aylesworth & Co., was home from Toronto for the Christmas holiday. Miss Helen Stan­ bury spent the whole vacation here. The next session of the Ontario Legislature will open on January 31, but it is not anticipated that Prem­ ier Hepburji, who left recently for the South, event. Rev. Dr. delivered sedmons on Sunday when he occu­ pied the pulpit of Caven Presbyter­ ian Church both morning and even­ ing. Word has been received by Mr, J. G. iStahbury of the death of his brother-in-law, Robert F, Stelck, at Edmonton, Alta., on the 19tli ult. He was formerly principal of the Enrich Public School. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Westlake and sons, of the Bluewater High­ way, near Bayfield, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Stan- bury on iSrmday-. bury returned New Year, Will be present for the Winchester, of Toronto, forceful and eloquent Mr, Jack Stan- with them for the Phone 165, The Left-Hand al Exeter Woodworking Shop AT ELIMVILLE For Your Repairs Your Old Furniture made into new. All kinds of woodwork. Phone 25r9 Kirkton Start the New Year Right with a MAGIC GLOW FACIAL and an OIL OF TULIP WOOD PERMANENT WAVE M. Russell Phone 245 When You Have a HORSE OR COW You Want Removed Phone or Write to WILLIAM STONE SONS Limited phone 22, Ingersoll of at Of Mt. the Lon- Day. is spending a with her par- S. Grant. Miss Marjorie Medd is Visiting foi’ two weeks in Brampton and Toron­ to. Rev. R. E. Southeott, Brydgos, spent New Years home of his mother. Mrs. Millar and children, don, spent several days at the home of her father, Mr. L. Mrs. H. C. Carey few days in Glencoe ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Miss Grace Christie, of Woodstock, spent the latter part of last week Visiting with MisS Ruth Fraser. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Stirling and family, of Lucan, spent New Years with Mr1, and Mrs. Hector Taylor. Messrs. .Sandy Elliott and H. O. Southeott are leading the latter part of thia week for A vacation in Flor­ ida. 1 Men’s Stanfield’s All Wool Underwear at Reduced Prices Now is the time to buy Stanfield’s All-Wool Underwear at reduced prices,— GOLD LABEL REG. $1.50 FOR $1.29 RED LABEL REG. $2.00 FOR $1.59 BLUE LABEL REG. $2.25 FOR $1.95 New Chintz for Comforters A fine range of new patterns and colorings. This is opr regular 25c. line. We are making a special of it for January. 72 IN. BY 90 IN. BATS PRIDE BATS / This is a large Bat and opens out the full size of qi^ilt. We have only two cartons. While they last. Special at 59c. Made from fine Chinese cotton. The finest bat that money can buy PRICED AT 75c. All Sheets Hemmed Free This Month All sheeting bought during this month we will hem free of charge. Leave us your order early. Unbleached sheeting 45c. to 50c. Bleached 65c. and 75c. M GROCERY SPECIALS Good DAIRY BUTTER Per lb...............25c APPLES Good Cooking 11 qt. basket . 40c A REAL BUY 4 pound tin JAM Raspberry, Strawberry or Cherry 59c each Pure Clover / HONEY 10 lb. pail... 80c i PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb.. . 55c BLUEBERRIES For pies j 2 cans for . . . 25c ■ Southeott Bros. Phone 16 Phone 16 LOCAL NEWS Miss Margaret Ellerington, nurse- in-training at Victoria . Hospital, London, spent New Years at her home here. Miss Caroline Wells, of London, is spending the holidays with' her grandmother, Mrs. A. <S. Davis and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Christie and daughter Jean spent New Years with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. ,£J. W. Christie. Miss Evelyn Lindenfield, nwrse-in- training at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, spent the holiday with Mr. Mrs. E. iLindenfield. Mr. !A, Person, Mrs. Bonnie daughters and Mrs. Armstong, London,, called on relatives friends in town on New Years. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Earl and Miss Myrtle spent New Years Day at the home of Mr. and W. J. Brock, of Zion. Mrs. EarL spent the past few days with her son and daughters there. Miss Bernice Caldwell, who has been in training as nurUe in Guelph Hospital, has been successful in pas­ sing her examinations and is now entitled to her degree of Registered Nurse. M. A. B. Medd, B.S.A., and Mrs. Medd, of Napanee, visited with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd. They also visited in Lon­ don and (Forest before returning to their home. Dr. James Jarrott, of New York/ and his sister, Miss Etta, who teach­ es school in Toronto, were visitors in the home of W. H. Johnston last week. Dr. Jarrott has studied in England for two years and is now in New York as a nose and throat specialist* He and his sister attend­ ed the funeral of their uncle, the late James McDonald, of Kippen. Miss Martha Hunter has return­ ed to Exeter after visiting with her sister, • Mr. Lammie, of Hensail. Mrs. .Henry, aged 92, who resides with Mrs. Lammie had the misfor­ tune to fall on some steps fracturing her shoulder. The latter has been active in church work and has many friends who while regretting the cident will hope for her recovery. Try This and and of and ao medicine, Sybilla Spaiir’s for trouble in the throat, cough, (bronchitis and tonsil ailments, good results money back, it works wonders, Druggists, Big Reductions in all lines of Gent’s Furnishings, Suits and Overcoats r In order to reduce our stock, previous to stock taking, we are offering special bargains in all lines. Dresses & Suits 79c WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Miss Jean McQueen, of London Normal, visited for a few days with friends in town. Addresses James St. Congregation Mr. Donald Gladman, >student i College, Toronto, holidays Mrs. F. evening at James St. United church Mr. Gladmdn spoke of his work while a student missionary at Hil­ ton Beach on St. Joseph’s Isle near Sault Ste Mairie. He delivered a very interesting discourse. Mr. Gladman. also spoke to the Sunday school in the afternoon. B.A., a in theology at Emmanuel “ , is spending the with his parents, Mr. and W. Gladman. On Sunday Main Street League The regular meeting whs held on Monday evening in charge of MisS Hazel Smith, the Literary convenor. There was a large attendance. The Scripture lesson wad read by Miss Uorothy Sims and Rev. Mi*. Elliott led in prayer, The business was taken by Mr. J. H. Francis. Pro­ grams of meeting for the first Six months of 19316 were distributed. Mr, Gerald Godbolt gave a very In­ teresting and profitable address on "What Does it Matter/’ A solo Whs beautifully rendered by Miss Ail Pollard and miss Dorothy gave a very fine reading. Groth HicltS Assisted With Music Mrs. Stainton and son Donald, of St, Thomas, visited over the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gould­ ing. On Sunday morning’ Mrs..Stain­ ton sang a solo in James St. United church and in the evening a 'quar­ tette was sung by Mrs. iStaintok^ Mrs. Goulding, Walter Cutbush and\ Charles Monteith. Rev. Mr. Stain- SI ton and Keith motored up the fore­ part of the week and visited for, over New Years with Mr. and Mrs; Goulding. Christinas Entertainment The postponed Sunday School En­ tertainment was held at Caven Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening of last week. In spite of the Weather 'and the conditions of the roads which prevented any of the rural families from attending there was a good attendance. The program consisted of choruses, dia­ logues and individual selections of song and recitation which were all Well presented and received gener­ ous applause. Tlie main contribution Was a play entitled “Satisfaction .Guaranteed” written by. Miss M. E, Ross and very cleverly interpreted by the young people. The prises were presented by Rev. 6, Moore Gordon B.D., and the gift, boxes of candy and oranges by Ganta clans. 1 b « r