HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-12-26, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, DECEMBER gG, 198S HENSALL Subscriptions received at the Hensall Post Office for all Daily and Weekly Newspapers. A- call is solicit­ ed. Rents for Post Office Lock Boxes are due the last week in this month and the First in the First New Year Weefc, Those in arrears please up payment, G. J. Sutherland, Postmaster, Hensall make Margaret Mair, of Hamilton, Christmas with relatives, here. Miss Mavis Spencer, of Dashwood, was a week-end visitor at her home here. Mr. Wm. Joynt, of London, visit­ ed over Xmas with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy are spending the Xmas holidays with relatives at Otterville. Mrs. David McLean is spending the Xmas holidays with relatives in Detroit and Chicago. ♦ Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher are spending the Xmas holidays with imembers of their family in Toronto and Windsor. Miss Margaret M/cLaren, of Tor­ onto, is spending the Christmas holi­ days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren. Mr. Harold Bontliron, of Picker­ ton College is spending the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrp. Jas. Bontliron. Mr. Howard Hemphill of Western University,, London, is spending the holidays here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins and family spent Christmas with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer at the Beacli-O’- Pines. In the lists sent out. by the tario Government of the new K. we notice the name of Mr. J. Stanbury. Congratulations, Stanbury. Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London; Miss Lynne Grtwein^ of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ortwein, of De­ troit spent the Christmas holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. Mr. and .Mrs. Lome family, of Toronto, and Mrs. Smith and family of spent the holidays at the Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Bolton, of born Twp.; Mrs. Annie Berry Miss Ellen Ford, of Hensail and Ford ,of Ashfield Twp., left on Wed­ nesday for St. Petersburg, Florida, where they will spend the winter. The regular Sunday services were held in the St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Bunday last with the Rev. Mr. Farr having charge of both ser­ vices. On Christmas Day special Christmas service and communion was held. The scholars of the United church Sunday .School held their Christmas Tree Entertainment in the school­ room of the Church on Friday even­ ing. A good crowd was present and the church was beautifully decorat­ ed for the occasion. An excellent program was given consisting of choruses, readings, drills, songs and other musical scholars. Each their part. At the close of gram Santa Claus arrived present for everyone and a bag candy for the children. Carmel S. S. Entertainment (Mrs. spent On- C.’s G. Mr. Scott and Dr. and St. Marys home of Us- and Mr. selections very' ably by the taking the pro- with a of The scholars of the Carmel Pres- byiterian church Sunday iSchool held their Christmas Tree' Entertainment on Monday evening in the Town Hall The hall was beautifully decorated and the Christmas Tree was loaded with presents. The Hall was filled to its capacity and a program was given consisting of choruses, read­ ings, drills, quartettes, violin solos, and a pantomine play, “Sylvia’s .Strategy” was given with everyone taking their part very creditably. At the close of the program the Christ­ mas gifts were taken from the tree and a cd by splendid evening was repQi’t- everyone. Sell o ol E ntcitainm ent s scholars of the Ilensall Con- hold The tinuation and Public Schools their Xmas Tree entertainment at the school on Friday afternoon. Quite a number of the parents and other friends of the pupils were present. The- Continuation (School pupils all gathered in the III Form Room where there was a Xmas tree beautifully decorated. Mr. Moore, principal of the- school acted as chairman and each form had a part in the program which consisted of musical numbers, dialogues, plays and tap dancing. Santa Claus was present and added greatly to the af­ ternoon, each pupil receiving a pre­ sent. In the Public School all gath­ ered in the principal’s room where another splendid program was giv­ en. There was also a beautifully decorated Xmas tree in this room. Santa Claus called during the after­ noon with a present for each of the pupils and teachers. The schools closed on Friday for the holiday and will re-open on January 6th. ‘ The Late James McDonald The many friends here of Mr. J. McDonald were very sorry to hear of his death which occurred at his home second concession of Stanley Township on Friday morning after- a lingering illness of over a year. He farmed for years in Stanley and was well known and highly respect­ ed. He was 61 years, of age. Be­ sides: his widow he leaves to mourn his loss one daughter Marjory, Th© funeral took1 place on Monday af­ ternoon from his late home with in­ terment in Baird’s cemetery, Bruce- field. Mrs. McDonald and Miss M., have the sympathy of the whole community in their sad loss. Community Christmas Tree A large crowd attended the com­ munity Christmas Tree in front of the Town Hall on Monday; after­ noon. At 2.30 iSanta Claus arrived in town escorted by Mr. Colin Hud­ son in his horse and cutter and was welcomed by the Citizens’ Band and loud cheers from the kiddies. Re­ tiring Reeve Jones then gave an ad­ dress of welcome to Santa Claus after* which Rev. W. A, Young and Rev. (A. Sinclair and Reeve Geiger were called upon for short addresses, A very amusing feature of the after­ noon was Mr. Jones and Santa in­ troducing a new dance step. Santa and: his assistants then presented a big bag of candy to all the children The draw was made for the lucky ticket for the quilt given by the Women’s Association of the United Church and the winner was Mildred Smillie. CREDITON Wo are glad to see* Mr. D. Mac Isaac out and around again after be­ ing confined to his home for several weeks. Miss Tillie Wein and Misener have returned undergoing operations eph's Hospital, London. .Mr. Roy Lamport was taken Mrs. C. C. home after in St. Jos- to Hospital, London, last he is undergoing treat- Mrs. Ward Fritz and mas with M-r. and Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. Harry family, of Zurich, Miss Haist, of Goderich, spent with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Mr. Royal Haist, of Miss Fortieth Anniversary A very pleasant gathering place on Wednesday evening last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parsons on Queen street, when the members of the‘family'and immed­ iate relatives met together' on the oc­ casion of the Fortieth* Anniversary of their wedding. AU sat down to a sumptuous fowl supper served at a table centred by a nicely decorat­ ed Anniversary cake and golden glow mums. A short program fol­ lowed during which Mr. and Mrs. Parsons were presented with an elec­ tric heating pad carried in by two of their grandchildren, Miss Velina Ferguson and Master Bobbie Par­ sons. Miss Gladys Ryckman, niece of the bride and gl’oom read the following address: Dear Loved Ones,— We are gathered .here tonight to express to you our sincere congrat­ ulations and good wishes on the oc­ casion of the Fortieth Anniversary of your wedding day. Although forty years is a long period of time, yet we’ are pleased to be able to say you have both borne the stress and strain exceedingly well, and that you will with confidence .face the tests that come with the evening of life. We pay tribute to your long de­ voted, happy, contented and virtu­ ous lives. You have been kind, lov­ ing and true parents, good neighbors and loyal friend's. The influence of your lives has exerted a lasting im­ pression for good on those with whom you have been associated. As a slight token of, our apprecia­ tion we the members of your immed­ iate family and your friends, ask you to accept this gift. Our sincere prayer, is that God may continue to bless you and that you1 may still have many more happy years together. ‘Signed by the members of the family and relatives present. Mr. Parsons thanked those pres­ ent in a few well chosen words. !A solo “Silver Threads Among the Gold” was sung by Mrs. Fred Par­ sons and recitations were given by several of the grandchildren. The remainder of the evening was spent in games and social chat. Xmas Sendees in the Churches Xmas services were held in all three churches on Sunday with large congregations attending. At the United church Rev. Arth­ ur Sinclair occupied his own pulpit at both services and the church was beautifully decorated with Christ­ mas trees and colored lights. Special Christmas music was rendered by the choir for the occasion, morning service several were parts dale solos Dr. Smillie. parts in the anthems were taken by Misses Lettie Love and Pearl Elder, Mjessrs. Lome Elder and Claude Blowes and Mrs. Paisley. A quin­ tette was very, well rendered by Mrs. Paisley, Mrs. Hess, Lome Eld­ er, Dr. Smillie and Mr. Cross and another beautiful solo by Miss Flor­ ence Welsh. At the Carmel Presbyterian church Rev. W. A. Young occupied his own pulpit at both services. At the morn­ ing service special Christmas an­ thems were sung by the choir and a solo, “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” was given by Mrs. Young. At the close oil the morning service the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Hutton was baptised. In the evening a musical program was rendered by the choir consisting of mixed quar­ tette, Miss Irene Hoggarth, Mrs. J. Paterson, Messrs. R. Y. McLaren and Jas. Bengough. A chorus by the ladies of the choir; an anthem by the choir; male quartette, Messrs. W. A. McLaren, W. A. Young, James Bengough and R. Y. McLaren; solo, Mr. Young and a mixed quartette, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McLaren and Rev. and Mrs. Young. The Carmel Church was beautifully decorated for the Christmas services. took At the service several anthems given by the choir, special being taken by Mrs. M. Drys­ and Katherine Drysdale and by Miss Florence Welsh and in the evening special A cheque for $72.40 was received from (lie Liquor Control Board by the treasurer of Hay Township, be­ ing the 20 per cent, refund on bev­ erage authorities in this township. I ™E RED & WHITE store | St. Joseph’s week where ments. Mr, and daughter, of Zurich, spent Christ- K. Eilber. Hess and Gertrude Christmas Haist. Chicago, spent a few days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. French and family, of Toronto, are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs- Herman Oestreiclier. Miss Myrtle pletch, of the Moun­ tain Sanitorium, Hamilton, spent a couple of days at the Evangelical Parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trevithick spent Christmas in London. Mr. Roy Lamport underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, Wednes­ day of last week and is getting along nicely. Mr. Fred Kerr entertained a number’ o'f his friends from Hamil­ ton, London and Tillsonburg to a friendly shoot and duck dinner on Wednesday of last week. Nominations of the Township of iStephen will be held in the Town Hall on Mionday. The nomintion town trustees will be held Mon­ evening. A good attendance of ratepayers is requested as there some important matters to be for day the are brought up for discussion. Holiday visitors in the village are Miss Matilda Oestricher of Windsor; Harold Pletch of Western University London; Miss Velma Guettinger, of Chicago; Miss Dorothy Fahner, of Stratford; Arthur Haist, of Toronto; Miss Lulu Kerr, of Toronto; Mr. Howard Johnson, of Toronto; Miss Lyla" Haist, Miss Ila Lamport, Lon­ don. During the recent temperance campaign which was sponsored by the W. C. T. U., the United church Sunday School had five pupils re­ ceive honor certificates. The Sunday School presented them with prizes. First prize being a Bible; 2nd a hymnal; 3rd, a Testament. The fol­ lowing are the winners: Seniors, E. Hill; Lillian Finkbeiner: Juniors, Laura Woodall, Jean Jones, Harvey Lovie. Christmas Service A well attended and much enjoy­ ed Christmas Carol Service entitled “Christmas Around the World” was held in the Evangelical Church Sun­ day evening. Ten countries were represented in song.. The Bible story of Christmas as given by the Heralds. The carols were chosen to fit into each scene of the story. A large choir led in singing of the carols. A group of young people representing the different countries in which the carols originated were on the platform; also a group of young people representing the Her­ alds telling the Christmas story. Three .shepherds entered the ser­ vice in worship at the manger. Three representing the Three Kings of the Orient, added interest to the service. Of special interest was the singing of the junior girls “Away in a Manger.” This service was very beautifully climaxed when all the voices pealed forth in the carol “Festal Bells are Ringing.” Every­ body went away from this service much delighted by this well rend­ ered service by the choir and young people. Presentation The Christmas entertainment of the Evangelical Sunday school was held Wednesday evening, December 25th with a fairly large attendance. The pastor, Rev. A. E. Pletch, led in an impressive devotion after which the primaries and juniors rendered a half hour of recitations and exer­ cises. A large number of Sunday school scholars presented a pageant entitled “God With direction of Mrs. This pageant rendered and sion upon- the joyed by all. the service was the presentation of a Alladin Lamp to Mr. Arthur Amy, superintendent for a number of years of the Sunday School. After a few very fitting remarks by the pastor the presentation address was read by Mr. G. E. Faist, Mr. Chester Mawhinney presented the To Mr. Arthur J. Amy, Supt. of the Evangelical ■School, Crediton. Dear Mr. Amy: Believing that every Us,” under the Lorence Wein, very effectively a deep impres- was made audience and was en- A special feature of gift. Sunday man is worthy of recognition, and especial­ ly when he has given his unselfish service as you have for a number of years as superintendent of the Cred­ iton Evangelical Sunday School, we, the officers, teachers and scholars, ask you to accept this Alladin Lamp as a small recognition of our ap­ preciation of. what you have done to make the school the flourishing in­ stitution it now is. We trust you will have many happy hours of enjoyment of this gift and that It Will bring back the thought that it is a remembrance of A S the Old Year draws to a close we welcome this op­ portunity of thanking you for your liberal patronage of this store, and we sincerely wish you all a most HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 EXETER, ONT. “Quality always higher than price.” We Deliver the Sunday School which has learn­ ed to regard you with the highest esteem. With best wishes for this Christ­ mas season and for a Bright, Happy and Prosperous New Year We remain yours faithfully, The Officers, Teachers and Scholars the Crediton Evangelical Sunday School of DASHWOOD W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. A memorial service will be held on Sunday evening, December 29th in the Evangelical Church when a tablet in memory of the late Rev. W. iS. Heinrich will be unveiled. Rev. J. P. Haugh, of Stratford, will be the special speaker for the even­ ing. Appropriate music will be giv­ en byr the choir and the C. E. band. Mr. 'Czar iSteinhagen of the Cana­ dian Bank of Commerce, Tavistock, spent last Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen. Mr. Chas. Baumgarten had the misfortune to fall and break a small bone in his ankle. We hope for a speedy recovery. The annual Christmas festival in the Evangelical Church on Monday evening was a decided success. The miscellaneous part of the program was well given and the Cantata en­ titled “Good Will T'o Men” with the beautiful lighting effects operated by Rev. H. E. Roppel, brought great praise from the audience. Miss Reta Hayter, of spending the Christmas her home here. Mfrs. ,H. Hoffman is Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mclsaac and family, of Windsor, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac. Mr. Willis Mclsaac returned to Detroit, with (hem when he will spend the Christmas vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Mclsaac Mr. Jacob Kellerman and Czar are spending Christmas in Toronto. Baumgarten received the sad news of the.death of his son Charles J., who has been residing tn Marshall, Michigan. He was taken to the hospital and underwent an operation for appendicitis from which he nevei’ received. Mr. Baum­ garten has the sympathy of his many friends. Mrs. S. Oestricher and son are holidaying In Kitchener. Dr. arid Mrs. R. H. Taylor daughter Anne spent Christmas in London. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther and son Jerry, of Windsor, and Miss Rose Guenther were Christmas vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guen­ ther. Dr. Eugene Tieman, of Hamilton, spent the holiday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Smith and daughter Joan, of Windsor and Mrs. Brown and friend of Detroit, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. Among those who spent the holi­ day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hayter were: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Miss Grace Hayter, of Windsor, Mr. G Williams, of Landon, Mrs. Lena Wil- lert and son Edward and William, of Centarlia. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Willort spent Christmas at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. T. Hopcroft. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold family, of Zurich, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Christmas visitors at the homo of Mr. and and Mrs. Kintore; sold and and Mrs. M. Dr. London, holidays visiting is at in Mr. Chas. and Marner, of Christmas G. Merner. Mrs. P. Fassold were Clarence Mr. son Mr. Of Fas-. Mr. Routledge, and Mrs. Walter Bobby, of London, Ratz and son Jack, of St. spent ship k a. a Miss Anne Tieman spent the holi­ day in Hensail. Miss Thelma Fisher, of Strathro’y, is holidaying with her parents. Miss Oneida Restemeyer, of Joseph’s Hospital, London, Christmas at her home. Mrs. P. Humble, of Sarnia, was a Christmas visitor with her mother Mrs. C. Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Birk and Miss Verna Birk, of Guejph, are visiting this place. Mrs. Ezra Bender is confined to her home through ilness. Mr. and Mrs. A- E. Oestricher spent Tuesday in London. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz spent Xmas in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz. Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and two sons and Mrs. John Baird are spend­ ing Xmas in Thedford with rela­ tives.*Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner and children are spending Xmas with Mrs. Merner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rocky, in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Merner are spending Xmas with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Rebecca Stewart, in Exeter. Mrs. Wilson Anderson is spending a few weeks in Exeter with her sis­ ter, Mrs. J. Morley and latives. Mr. and Mrs. stewart Baden, spent .Sunday with er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn. Mr. and Mfs. J. Bullock and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and two sons are spending Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gow­ er, at Elimville. other' re- Kuhn, of the form- GREENWAY The annual Christmas concert of iS. S. No. 13, McGillivray was held on Thursday evening with a large crowd in attendance. The first part of the program was given by the pupils of the school and all the num­ bers were exceptionally well render­ ed. A silent drama entitled 'Daughter’s Quiet Evening at Home’ and a play “Rooting for Ruth” were very ably presented- by the young people of the section. Mr. Jim Tay­ lor, of Exeter, was present and de- . lighted the audience with several I fine vocal solos with guitar accom­ paniment. At the close of the pro­ gram Hazel Hodgins, one of the pu­ pils read a very appreciative address to the teacher, Miss II. Woodall and Lloyd Thompson on behalf of the pupils and ratepayers presented her with a beautiful pearl on amber toi­ let set. Although completely taken by surprise, Miss Woodall made a suitable reply thanking all for their kindness to her and assuring them that the time, spent among them had been a pleasure to her. Santa Claus then arrived and delighted the hearts of all the children present. The proceeds amounted7 to $26.75. MT. CARMEL Messrs. Dennis and Gerald O’­ Rourke is spending the Christmas holiday with friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ann, of Detroit, with the latter’s parents, Mr. Mrs. Joseph McKeever. Mr. John Barry, of Detroit, ed on friends hero last week. Mrs. Corie O’Brien, Earl and Vir­ ginia retu-rned home last week after spending a few weeks with friends in Detroit. Mr. John Morrissey purchased a how Chevrolet truck last. wook. Ash and Francis spent Christmas and « •call­ | SHIPKA Miss Violet Sharpe, of Auburn, is spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs. John Sharpe. Miss Ila Sweitzer, of London, spent Christmas at her home here. 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clarke, Thed­ ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bren­ ner, of Grand Bend, spent Christmas day at the home of Wm. Sweitzer. Mr. Wray .Sweitzer days last week with Thedford. The entertainments church and school were tended. The children taking their parts real well. The Ladies Aid packed and sent boxes to the sick and shut-ins of fruit, candy, nuts, cake and cookies. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gale at­ tended the fifteenth wedding anni­ versary of the former’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Blake, at London, on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Dietrich, of Windsor, spent Christmas at the formers home Mrs. J. Dietrich’s and: family. Miss Mildred Lamport from Strat- frd spent the holiday with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lamport. Mr. Ed. Grigg is spending a week with friends at Lake Smith. The annual meeting of the Sunday School and election of officers will be held on Tuesday afternoon, De­ cember 31st. Mrs-. James Flypin, of Crediton, Is at present ■waiting on Mrs. Jacob Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. spent a relatives put on in well HARPLEY few at the at- Miss Edith Love was rushed to the hospital in London on Sunday where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Her many friends wish a quick .recovery. Miss Crystal E. Hayter, of Lon­ don Technical School, js holidaying with her mother Mrs. Margaret Hay­ ter. Miss R. E. Kleinstiver and pupils of S. S. No. 10, Stephen, are to be congratulated on their excellent Christmas program which they pre­ sented in the ,school Thursday. Misses Ila and Beulah Toronto Normal School jng the Chrsitmas holidays their father Mr. Mansell Hodgins. Miss Helen Love had the misfor­ tune of getting her hand crushed in the car door last Saturday. room last Hodgins, of are spend­ wit h This is going to be a terrible world for a lot of y oung people when they run out of thrills. D G Gl* Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Hortie Printer First » 1 t