HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-12-12, Page 11THE HOME-TOWN CORRESPONDENT Other Gift Suggestions Electric Irons, Toasters, Grills, Flashlights, Fixtures, Electric Refrigerators, Windshield De-Frosters, Etc. We also sell and service Willard Storage Batteries. Goodyear Tires and Stewart Horse Clippers. Get a fill-up of Kendall 2,000 mile Oil or Quaker State winter Oil and see how much easier your car starts on the cold mornings. I Try us for electric motor service and repairs, Clipper Grinding and Battery Charging. Repairs for all makes of Radios. Harness, Robes, Blankets and everything for the horse. ■- e WE ARE SPECIALIZING IN Christmas Cakes FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON Delicious with the finest of Fruits and Nuts Sold by the Pound or made to order TRY OUR BREAD AND PASTRY - WHITE’S BARELY Let Us Help You Solve Your Xmas Gift Questions We invite you to come in and see our fine stock of Christmas Gifts for everybody. What we haven’t got we will try ’ and get for you ■ ....... ■ ......—■■■— Community Silver Knives and Forks Sets Combination Brush and Mirror Sets Combination Tea Sets Combination Comports Combination Cake Plates China Dinner Ware Gift China Crystal Stem Ware Genuine Hand Paintings Oil Paintings by Irene ‘ Ibbotsons Water Colors by Mrs. N. J. Dore* a Bu!lova Watches Elgin Watches Canada’s Own Lorie Watch Cheap Watches at $4.75 Diamond Rings Signet Rings, Ladies’ and Gents Silver Bracelet Gents’ Tie Holders and Belt Buckles Cliff Links and Bar Pins Necklaces and Many Other Gifts H S. B. TAYLOR Jeweller Calling all Cars! Calling all Cars! Where! COATES'GARAGE CHANGE OIL FOR WINTER DRIVINGIllUVf CHANGE OIL FOR WINTER DRIVING . . . WHi; WHERE YOU GET RELIABLE ANTI FREEZE . . . RADIATORS REPAIRED . . . CARS TUN­ ED AND PUT IN TIP TOP ORDER FOR WINT­ ER DRIVING. Have You a Heater or DeFroster? Come in and let us quote you rock bottom prices FARMERS ATTENTION! Have your machinery or tractor put in order for the spring season. Goodrich Tires, Presto-Lite and National Batteries, * B. A. Gasolne and Oils, Veedol THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 10»5 the 2nd conceS’ * Mark Fiftieth K H and had friend the who were they made roll friends about it. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Exeter a£ Henry Francis, E«>q., '.of 25 Tablei Useful Gifts for all Statham, wlio has won ribbons at London and Newell is attending a the Shriners in London You had hardly let out your first yell on this, terrestial sphere before the local correspondent announced the arrival to a baby­ loving world. When you reached the age for a real birthday party your fiyst (guests, your correspondent told all there and what a fuss over you. When .you got on the honor at school and If you minor scrape he got them hs soon for he wanted to things which might great. All through your High School course he was keenly watching to see if you did anything worthy of note in athletics, letters or debate and when you graduated he again seized the opportunity to put your name in print. When the supreme object of youi* heart’s desire was Avon your corespondent friend seemed to itancjw all about it almost as soon as the “lucky” girl. Once more you were the conquering hero or thought so. The girl may have had other ideas on the subject. If after that you accomplished anything worthy of note, in the Church, (Sunday School or Young People’s Society, the world was told in letter bold, “Home Town Boy Makes Good!” When those near and dear to you were by death taken out of this world, the chief of the col­ umns apparently forgot, their vic­ es and proceeded to laud their virtues and remind the world of their fine family connections, in­ cluding you. When illness overtook you to le,t all the neighbors know so that mayhap the power of their prayers could be added to the •forces of medicine. And some day (should he per­ chance outlive you) will once more use good paper and ink for you. He will probably tell man­ kind far and wide that one has passed who was a useful and Avorthwhile addition to the race, and that you have gone to join the glorious company who have become “guests of God.” Yes, from the cradle of the birth to the casket of death, the home-town correspondent is year friend. He puts you on the map, and if you are Avorthy, helps to keep you there, Black Samatha Gamejs w first, third and fourth. Mr. Walter Heddy has disposed of his 100-acre farm on ", . ' sion. to> Mr. George Jeffery of the Thames Road, Mr. C. F. Hooper was paying $1. a dozen for new laid egg® on Satur­ day. The quantities taken in rang­ ed from 3 eggs all the way to 19 dozen. Mr. Wm. Manson, of the Pharm­ acy .School, Toronto, visited his parents here over Sunday. Mrs, mstseit, who has been visit­ ing Mr. and Mrs, L. Hardy, return­ ed to he home in Marine City, Mich., on Monday. 353535 your admiring neighbors heard got into any apparently for- as he was told, play Up the make you 50 YEARS AGO December 10, 1885 Reddy-iHayes-At the residence the bride’s father, Exeter, on the 10th irist., by Rev. Mr. Dickson, Mr. John Reddy, of .St, Marys, to Eva, eldest daughter of Mr. J. A. Hayesi, of Exeter. \ Mills-Francis- At the . Methodist parsonage, Elimville, ion the 3rd Inst iby the Rev. W. H. Gane, Mr. Geo. Mills, oif Kinkton,* to Alma E., fourth daughter Us bo rue. YEARS AGO December 8, 1910 Mr. A. J. Rollins, of. London, vis­ ited with friends here last week leaving Friday for .Seaforth. Mr. G. W. Harrison left Friday for 'Waterloo to ta'ke charge of his dutieisl as manager of the Bank of Commerce. Mrs. G. H. McDonald with her little son, of Newton, Ohio, is the guests of ‘her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Snell. Mr. Geo. Bawden, one of Lucan’s alderman, waisi a visitor in town on Friday last. Messrs. John Taylor, John Moir and Sandy Bawden are in Goderich, the two former attending County Council. Mrs. Frank Wright went to Port Arthur on Tuesday to visit her daughter. Mr. Wright accompanied her aid far as London. Mr. John Spackman left Saturday to visit his grandson Mr. Clifford Spackman and at the same time take in the Guelph Winter Fair. Mr. Harry Smith, who attended the Fat Stock Show at Chicago with a nunnber -of his thoroughbreed cattle was succesisful in capturing several prizes. y From the report of the Minister of Public Works it is noted that during the fiscal year $799.29 wasi ex­ pended at Grand Bend harbor. Op­ erations were commenced 'on July 9th and consisted in the construction of an approach 85 feet long and 10 feet wide. 15 YEARS AGO December !), 1020 Mr. Earl Spackman, manager of the Merchants Bank at Thornbury, has been transferred to Bury, Que. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. HaAvkins after spending several months in the West returned home on Saturday. Mr. T, IL meeting of this week. Ml w .J several red Hamilton Winter Poultry SIioavs was successful in ‘Winning first and third at Guelph with Moudanas. Ml Hec­ tor Rowcliffe at Guelph with his Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George Mills two of the oldest residents of Kirkton, marked the 50th anniversary of their marriage, in good health, and still as active as most of the other villagers. George Mills and Alma Francis Avere united in marriage on Decem­ ber 3, 1885, at the parsonage of the Methodist Church, Elimville, County of Huron, -by Rev, Mr. Gain. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Mills settled in Kirkton Avhere, for 50 years, they have enjoyed the friend­ ship and confidence of a host of friends. They have one son, Francis A. Mills, hoav in Western Canada. Mr, Mills has been a shoemaker for 5 3 years, making all kinds of boots and shoes, especially the men’s long or high-top boots, and the high­ heeled riding-boots. For a number of years these hoots were sent as far afield as British Columbia, Avhere the men of an industrial camp Avere supplied through, their manager AVho formerly lived at Kirkton. During this length of time it is safe to say the number of pairs made foy Mr, Mills would run well into five fig­ ures, or, if placed heel to toe Avould reach four and a half miles. In his busy life Mr. Mills found time to. serve as Secretary-Treasurer of the I. O. F. for 12 years, and as Aveigh master of the community scales for 23 years. Both have rich­ ly contributed to community and church life whenever possible, Mrs. Mills for many years, teaching a Sunday School class of girls in the local Methodist church and acting as secretary-treasure- of the men’s Institute equally as long, For Convenience The boon of electrical labor-savers is one that every housewife appreciates more and more as the years go by. More of her energy and more of her time can be devoted to things more important if she has the facilities to as­ sist in her housework. We have a complete line of electrical accessories. Welcome gifts at lowest prices. Exeter Public Utilities Phone 127 Be Santa Claus to Your Feet A useful gift for him or her FOR HIM Romeo Slippers $1.45, $1.95, $2.75 Soft Soles Padded Heels 95c, $1.19 English Felt, 89c Slippers in leather 98c $1.19 The New Velvet 98c, $1.69 Soft Sole Padded Heels Leather or Felt 49c, 59c Juliets or one strap Felt 98c, $1.19 Warm Slippers for the Kiddies from 49c to Buy her a pair of the new Velvet Galoshes, brown or black, at $298. Rubbers and Galoshes for all at Low Prices. Hosiery the Useful Gift Supreme FAMOUS Wonder Top Chiffon Semi-Service 75c. CORTICEELI Crepe Chiffon $1.00 HOSE The New Mira Clear as Cryst Chiffon $ A gift box for every pair See our display of Knitted Goods, Cushions and Special Lines Wm. H. Partlo, Prop. Exeter, Ont. Holiday The holiday table in every home should groan with the weight of choice quality Meats and Poultry . . . Here you’ll find tasty foods at low prices ... all specially reduced for the festive feasts. Shop here if you want to save on choice Christmas Meats and Poultry. Choice Beef, Pork, Lamb, Smoked Bacon, Smoked Ham, Picnic Hams, Cottage Rolls, Weiners, Headcheese ........................ RIVERS* QUALITY MEAT MARKET “For Service and Quality9 Phone 9, Exeter