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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-12-12, Page 4
THITOB4Y, DECEMBER 12, 1035 business. » * » THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Snappy weather makes snappy * * * •* The cold snap gave the coal * * * • bin a. sinking feeling. » * * It is important to save minutes; it is essential to save seconds. * **♦ • A great deal of the criticism of of amateur opinion. The League of Nations smack® * * ** *♦♦ » Mussolini is isiaid to have plans. Just 88 too many. issued 88 decrees to further his war • •* • Under the Hawley-Smoot tariff,the American farmer was al leged to pay four times the normal price for necessary farm imple- the smallest number. Bigmeats, thus giving the greatest good to business so often cuts its own throat. ******* * business recovery i® likelyAll signs indicate that the present to continue. That is all the greater reason for us to add to admoni tion of “full steam ahead' the caution “No excuse will be taken for a disaster.” ******** HER SECRET The ten commandments, good solid feeding, plenty of keen clean sport, saving, common sense combined with incomparable steadiness and unsparing toil have brought Britain through. She has saved the Empire by her single-minded adherence to her duty; she in spires the world by her conduct.” * *at It seems too bad, but stern necessity is causing a good many municipalities to shut down on giving extra poor relief at Christmas. Bills mmst be paid and careful councils realize that every extra gift bestowed means an extra dollar from a treasury none too easily supplied. Experience is gradually teaching folk caution. Self help must be to the fore. ****** When the better class of United States citizens read of Italian planes flying low raking the villages and towns of Ethiopia with gunfire and bombs, it must give little balm to their self respect to know that the United States citizens; supply most of the oil and the steel and the gasoline that make such outrages a possibility. It must not be forgotten that a country is responsible for the atrocities it permits. & # $ & * ** * paper, The Journal-Argus the hollow somewhere near 8 inches around WHY, NO! Bre’r Eedy in his fine Stone town tell® of a lady living right over there in his printing shop who cracked an egg measuring the shell the long way and 6 inches in circumference through the middle. That is not all about this wonder. Not by any manner of means'. Three yolks characterized this phenomenon. Nor do won ders cease there! found not “by” cr “over Inside, mind you! pliant fountain pen and calls upon all and singular to beat—not the egg mind you! but. th© record! Oh ray, no! Bre'r Eedy says the yolks were or “near to” cr “oni” the egg, but inside. Not much wonder the editor waves a trium- County Council Hur n County Council opened itajtinued support of the reeves in re spect to patients in hospitals whose accounts are sent to Hui on County for payment. The clerk was com mended highly for his report. Mr. Govenlock, Supt. of House of Refuge, reported that the House of Refuge building is forty years old. The provincial inspector advised certan repairs. Receipts fro<m the sale of hogs were §4,037.84. There was a gross profit of §253il.34 and a net profit fcr the current year of §1,13 0.44 at the home. Communications Received The daughters, brothers and sis ters of the late W. W. Crozier, for merly Reeve of Seaforth, wrote ac knowledging the flowers and kind expiessions of sympathy from the County Council at the time of Mr. Crozier’s passing. A letter from the Canadian Bank ers’ Association with regards to a letter of June 13 outlined the views of Lincoln County to the effect that a lower borrowing rate of interest should be accorded to the county and townships therein. The coun ty’s finance committee is advised to take the matter up with the bankers of the county. The letter also states that the borrowing rate of a munici pality depends largely up-on the price which the municipatity’s public sec urities bring in the market. (Finan ce Committee. The Department of Health of the Province replying to a letter sent by Huron County Council endorsing a resolution by the County of Haldi- mand that, owing to the rapid in crease of Tuberculosis cases the Minister of Hea’lth of the Province be petitioned to undertake a® a pro vincial -responsibility the entire care and treatment of such cases, states that th© letter will be given consid eration. Legislative Committee. A letter from the Council to the Department of Public Welfare, in which they endorse a resolution from the County of Norfolk dealing with the relief problem ail'd asking that the regulations regarding the town ships paying for -relieif recipients who have lived in the municipality from September 1st he changed, received the attention) of the government and the following reply was received by th county clerk: “This matter is now dealt with in the Unemployment Re lief Act -of 1935. It does not specify that the place of residence In which the person Is living on September 1st of any year. September 1 of 1935 will have ho significance what ever in«connection with this legisla December session Tuesday after noon. Warden William Sweitzer complimented the various commit tees and their chairmen on the effi ciency of their work in the past six month's; expressed regret in the death of Reeve W. W. Crozier, of Seaforth and welcomed Reeve Hud- thethe vacancy, to Stewart of West who the person the County Wa- was Reads sen, who fills council. Reeve Wm. wanosh asked who accused Commission of taking money in a car deal. Reeve Haake in. explaining re ferred to th© nomination meeting in G-derich at which time he re ceived at: acclamation as reeve. He said that he had given his report and asked if there were any que®t- tions. when someone asked how much each member of the commis sion had teceived in the deal con cerning a new car bought for T. R. Pattersen, County Engineer. The questioning ratepayer had stated that it was rumored that they had received several dollars apiece. The reeve stated Douglas MacDougall was the man who asked the question and that later MacDougall had in formed him that he had got his in formation from A. J. Goldthorpe, of Colbe me Township. Reeve Haake declared that he would like the wai ter further investigated. Reeve Cardiff, of Morris, also a member of the Commission, corro borated Mr. Haake’s story and claim ed they had saved the county mor© than §100 in the car deal. He abso lutely denied that he had received any money in the deal; nor Messrs. Eckert, Haake of the Road Supt. Reeve Eckert stated he would like the man who made the state ment to come and prove it. Reeve Ellliott quoted Mr. Haake as saying that “it was just a ru mor,” and felt the Cowmiesion should ignore it. “I feel there was no reflection on any member o£tth© Commission.” Reeves Eckert and Hudson mov ed that Mrs. Merton. Reid be re appointed to the Moth ere’ Allowance Board for 19316. This was tabled for further discussion. Six Ontario counties endorsed the resolution of Huron County Coun cil deploring the tendency of the Provincial Legislature to increase its authority. Clerk Gives Report Clerk J. M. Roberta in a compre hensive report, suggested the con- PALM OLIVE MEN’S SHAVING SETS 79c. WILLIAMS SHAVING SETS 98c. STATIONERY—W& have a complete new stock of Boxed Stationery, lastest de signs, suitable for ladies or men, reason ably priced 25c, 39c, 49c, 89c, $1. and up. FLOWER DEPARTMENT—We have a wide range of seasonable potted plants also special Christmas pots, prices ranging from 50c. up; also orders taken for cut flowers. LADIES’ BRUSH, COMB AND MIRROR SETS latest designs $1.50, $3.95, PHONE 50 EXETER, =-s="~ tion.” Legislative Committee. A communication from the De partment of Highways, in answer to a letter from the county in which was enclosed a copy of a bylaw, pass ed at the June session -cf the council, In which ten stretches ef road were added to the county system, stated that the letter would receive the earliest attention ef the government. The Department of Agriculture wrote stating that the resolution of Huron County Council that the Rus sian thistle be added to the list of ncxieu® weeds, has been turned over to the Director of -Crops, (Seeds and Weeds Branch to deal with. Fyled. Replies were received from the folk wing regarding the motion of the council which favors the aboli tion of Provincial Legislatures and the resolution in which the council deplores the tendency of the Provin cial Legislature to increase its au thority; the office of the Prime Min ister, in which the secretary (in th© absence of the premier) acknow ledges the receipt of the letter; Wa terloo County, endorsing the resolu tion; County of Wellington, endors ing the resolution; County of Len nox and Addington and Brant Coun ty, informing the council that the resolution was fyled; Lincoln County endorsing the 'resolution; County of Wellington, stating that the resolu tion was not endorsed; County of Brant that the resolution regarding the retention of powers and author ities of County Councils was endors ed; County of Wentworth, no action taken; Welland County, that the resolution would ibe placed before the council at it® next meeting; United Counties of Leeds and Gren ville that they endorse the resoiu tion; County -of Perth, that they en dorse the resolution on centraliza tion of power and that the resoiu tion on abolition of Provincial Lqgis latur es was fyled. Up to Municipalities A letter fiom the Department of Public Welfare, the Old Age Pen sions Commission replies to a tel ler from th© county which endorses a resolution from the County of Len nox and Addington regarding re muneration of clerk, for work done on Old Age Pension® applications. The reply states that th© Ontario Old Age Pensions Act places the re sponsibility for taking application and to. to _ the muncipalities and that it is not the & & $5 a Drug Store $7.75 AND UP CUTEX SETS Complete range 35c, 65c, $1.25, $2.50, $4.50 YARDLEY’S TOILET SETS Attractive selections 85c, $1.00, $1.50, 2.00 AND UP Toilet Water, Perfume, Dusting Powder, Compacts, Talcums investigating applicants, upon intention of the Commission to ask that any change be made in the Act, Fyled, A resolution from the County of Essex, that “whereas a number of ar ticles concerning th© abolition of Countj’ Councils have appeared in the press and it has been said that th© question will -be an issue at the next session of Legislature, and whereas the county councils have been an inexpensive administrative body since 18*42 and since the mem bers are in personal contact with the ratepayers and .know the need® of the people; be it resolved that the Council is opposed to any move to do away with County or Township Councils and that they feel that it is; a step in the wrong direction. Legis lative Committee. Approved Highway A resolution from th© County of Bruce that they approve -of the lsgli- way boundary of Bruce and Huron being made a Provincial Highway was left with the Good Roads Com mittee, The County of Norfolk asked the endorsement of Huron County of a resolution that owing to the increase of the weed menace and the cost to the municipality the Department of Highways is requested to revise the statutes to make it compulsory for each ratepayer to cut the weeds in the roadway bordering his premises. Legislative 'Committee. Hullett Township sent a resolu tion that all municipal clerks shall forward to the township clerk a copy of each registration -of births, creaths and marriages that they may be plac ed on fyle as permanent -records, and that the county clerk urge the. gov ernment to make this a provincial ruling. Legislative Committee. ;The .Lucknow Public Library Board asked that the council give them a grant this year and informing them that a number of improvements have been made such as a card index sys tem and removal of shabby and ob solete books. The Board also points out that most of their readers are residents of the county. The letter was left with the Executive Commit tee.A request was read from th© Exe cutive of the West Huron Women’s Institute asking that the county give them a grant of $10 0 since their only source of revenue is from the collection taken at their annual meeting and a small grant given them by the Provincial Government. Executive 'Committee. A petition with 36 Huron County ratepayers names attached, was. read. ■The petition asked that the Ninth Concession, -of Grey Township be kept -open during the 'winter season. Good Roads ’Committee. A communication from the De partment of Mines of the province requested that th© names o-f all well drillers in this territory be forward ed- to the Natural Gas Commissioner. Fyled. „A bill from Parkw-ood Hospital of §4'9 for an indigent patient -Of Exe ter was received together with an explanatory letter from* Mr, Th Off. Pryde, Reeve -of Exeter, who stated that he felt that the county was re sponsible for the patient, Finance Committee. A bill was received from Wing ham 'General Hospital for the sum of §213.3 O' for an incurable patient from Wingham. Finance Committee. The Reeve of Wingham isent a let ter asking that the case of a boy now receiving treatment at Woodstock Hospital be entered, as an incurable one and that the matter be taken up with the proper authorities. Exe cutive Committee. Highways sent a copy of an order in-council approving of the taking over of three sections of road by the county as ipassed in by-law 20 of the June sessions of the council and a copy oif which was forwarded to the Department of Highways. The ap proved sections were; in the town ship of Hullett, the road between Concessions 10 and 111 from High way No. 4 at the Village of Londes- bcro, easterly to the road between Lots 5 and 6, thence southerly to the Huron Road to the south limits of the township; the read between, con cessions 8 and 9, in the Township of Usborne, from the Thames Road, No. 8, southerly to the Provincial High way; in the townships of McKillop and Hullett, the road between con cessions 8 and 9 from the east town line, McKillop Township, westerly to the roads between Lots and 6 Hullett Township. ■Seven other stretches of road, in cluded in the by-law, were left un approved by the 'Government, among them, Cambria Read in the town of Goderich. Deputy-Reeve Turner: “Does it give no reasons flor net passing the other sections of road?” Reeve Cardiff: “Do I understand that practically all the roads approv ed are in- the south of the county and none of the others?” The matter was referred to the Gcod Roads Committee. A letter from the Department of Public Welfare asking that the coun cil isend their recommendations for appointments to Mothers’ Allowance local board as soon as possible since the new boards are to' become active January 1, 1935, was read and on motion was tabled. Lack of space prevents us' from giving a full report of the County Council this week and it will be printed in next week’s issue. do the fellow m-oney ' If you rent a house, you landlord a favor; but the who charges you rent for thinks he is doing you a big favor. Committee. Take Over Reads The pt-oviheial Department YARDLEY MEN’S SHAVING SETS Real Value for your money $1.00, $1.35, $1.85, $2.65 AND UP COLGATE MEN’S SHAVING SETS 98c. Shaving Brushes, Razors, Shaving Lotions, Cigars and Cigarettes. Military Brushes, Hair Brushes Ward’s Ladies Wear Blouses, Skirts and Satin and DANCE Satin and Dresses Crepe SETS Crepe SLIPS Satin & ;Crepe Gowns First Quality Full Fashioned Crepe Hose Chiffon Service Weight 69cFirst Quality Come in to see our table Xmas suggestions ........ lb. 39c . 25c to $1.00 .. 50c to $2.50 Luscious Nut Filled Candies lb. 50c GRIEVE’S SANDWICH SHOP Delicious CANDY Goodies for'Gifts . ; . for the family ... for friends. Candy, a token of your good wishes. Some criinchy nuts . . . some chewy toffee with a dash of rum ... the curiou^ flavor of fruit jellies . . . It’s not the low cost . . . it’s the good taste that counts . when you| give goodies for gifts. Mixed Nu^ts, choice selections........................ ..... ^Rumimies” Toffee for stocking staffers............ -Real English Toffee in tin boxes............................... Fancy Boxed Chocolates ........................................ .... Special Candy for School and Church Christmas Concerts 2 lbs. for 35c