HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-12-05, Page 8THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5tli, 1935 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE For A Worthy Expression of your Christinas Wishes A Bonat Permanent Wave will give the utmost in satisfaction for months to .come. Only chemically pure Bvnat supplies are used. Specials for the (Tu’istmas Seaseji Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 23lw H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Remember December 16th Exeter Markets Wheat, standard 70c Manitoba’s Best $2.65 Welcome Flour $2.40 Low grade fluur $28.00 a ten Bran $21.00 a ton ■Sh< rts $22.00 a ton Chop $18.00 a ton Creamery butter 30c Dairy; butter 24-27c Eggs, A largo 32c Eggs A medium 28c Eggs, A pullets 26c Eggs, B 24c Eggs, C 19c Hags $7.60 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, R.A., B.R, Minister Mrs, J. G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—'Sunday School 11 a.m.—Devotion to God 7 p.m.—-‘The Prophet of the Highest' Mlonday, Dee. 9—8.30 p.m. Congre­ gational Meeting Thursday. Dec. 19—Christmas En­ tertainment. a That is right. Don’t forget to help the Kiddies, Dec. 16th SPECIAL! Now is the time to have your Dry Cleaning done for Christmas before the rush. Ladies’ Dresses .............. We dry clean every thing at pro­ portionately low prices also dyeing. ONTARIO CLEANERS & DYERS Leave at HARNESS’ BARBER SHOP Auction Sale of household effects Sat.uiday at the home of the late Mrs. Wesley Bissett.-—See advt. on page four. The Canadian Legion will hold a Christmas Tree and Concert in Leavitt's Theatre Cor the kiddies of Exeter cn Monday evening, Decemb­ er 23rd. at 6.45. A regular moving picture shew free for the children will fallow the presentation of gifts, The South Huron Plowmen’s As­ sociation will hold their annual meeting in the Exeter Town Hall, Saturday, December 7 tli, at two o’clock p.m. for the election of offic­ ers and other business. Gordon McDonald, Secretary, “The End of the Lane,” Leavitt's Theatre, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, December 11th and 12th. Admission 20 and 30c, tax included. WANTED — Second hand baby cutter. Will buy or rent. Phone 13 r 2, Exeter. RAWLEIGH ROUTES OPEN for reliable men in Exeter. Good profits for hustlers. Old established com­ pany. No experience necessary. Pleasant, profitable, dignified work. Write today. Rawleigh Dept. ML- 202 P-L., Montreal, Ont. O* ” O —Ml W.1— <1 <1 — II WW 1,1.1. II II ■■■ ,1I *j LOCALS I I_____________________I Just three weeks to Christmas. Christmas Concerts are in prepar­ ation. Mr. Frank Triebner is again con­ fined to his home through illness. Reeve Thomas Pryde is attending County Council in Goderich this •week. Miss Effie Treble, of London, is visiting with her .sister, Mrs. S. Par- s'ons. Mrs. E. A .Amy returned home Saturday after visiting in Brantford and Drayton for a month. Next week the Times-Advocate will print a special Christmas num­ ber in co-operation with the merch­ ants. Dr. J. Toronto, foimer’s ; Thomson. The Christmas entertainment of Caven Presbyterian Sunday School will be held on Thursday evening, December 19 th. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald have returned home after visiting for two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hockey weie in London Friday last attend­ ing the funeral of their cousin, the late George F. Saul, who died quite suddenly. The stores of Exeter are being at­ tractively deciorated fc.r the holiday season. The merchants are display­ ing a wide range of attractive gifts in anticipation of a busy season. Billie, the Mr. and Mrs. pneumonia, with liis two LOCALS E. and Mrs. Thomson, of visited on Sunday with the parents’, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 19,FOR. SALE—15 0 acres, lot concession 7, Stephen Township, wuod lot, excellent clayloam, hip- rcofed barn, two-storey brick house, water works, hydro. Apply to Ed­ ward Morlock, R.R. No. 2, Crediton, Ontario. 24-10-4tp. FOR SALE—.6 h.p. Gasoline en­ gine with speed jack, complete, in good condition. Apply M. M, Rus­ sell, R.R. No. 1, Exeter. 12-5-3tc Horse clippers and shears sharp­ ened at Sivern’s Shoe Hospital. STRAYED—?From East Half of Lot 21, Con. 5, Stephen, a two-year- old heifer, with mark ’on left ear. Any information will be gladly re­ ceived by Frank Triebner, phone 26rl6 Crediton, R. R. No. 1, Exeter. FOR SALE—Young Shorth-crn bull, 3 spring two 2-year-clds. Apply Gre-b, Exeter. pure-bred calves and to Simon ,ltp FOR .SALE OR RENT—The pro­ perty belonging to the Lancelot Hardy estate. One Brick house and land on Main Street, also one acre of land in adjoining field and one frame house on Elizabeth .Street.— Apply to Carling & Morley, Exeter, Ont. MAN WANTED—For Rawleigh Route of 800 families in Exeter. Write today. Rawleigh Dept., ML- Will 'buy an unlimited number of cheap horses. Fertilizer or fox horses. Frank Taylor, Exeter. GTRAYED—•Onto lot 3, Con 4, Hay, a roan, steer yearling. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to Leslie Richards, R. 1, Exeter, phone 18 r 21, Crediton. STRAYED—From lot 6, con. 6, Hay Township, two steer calves part Hereford, also a two year old steer. Apply to Wm. F. Alexander, phone »2rl3, Hensail. 3tc. STRAYED—A small grey year-old steer, small mark in left ear. In­ formation gladly received by Chas. E. Aidworth, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone Dashwood 36 r 11. 1128-2tp STRAYED—-From Lot 8, Con. 5, Hay, a two year-oldr-steer, with square notch in upper corner of right ear, Any information to Asa J. Penhale, R. R. No. 1, Exeter, iphone Crediton 17r34. il-19-tfc STRAYED—From a farift on the 4th concession of Hay> Township, a grey heifer with pig ring in lower side of left ear. Information, gladly received by A. L. Luker, Hensail, R.R. 2, phone 91rl0, Zurich, 3tp. WANTED—15 head of cattle to feed ou pure alfalfa hay. Apply to George Link or Geo>, Palmer, Dash­ wood R .2, phone 34r21. 11-21-tfc FOR GALE—I have listed for sale seveial medium sized houses in good repair and well equipped. Prices very reasonable.— 'C. V. PICKARD, Phone UGG, Exeter, Ont, MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA llev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—“The 'Story of the Proud Son” 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—“The Appeal of the Master” Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. S. Wednesday, December 4th, Men’s Union. Speaker, Rev, R. N. Ste­ wart, Centralia. Special Music. Thursday 7.45 p.m.—Prayer service. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader li a.m.—Third in the Series on the Lord’s Prayer, 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—"The Failure of Success” Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union Sacred Cantata, “The Coming of the Messiah,” Sunday even., Dec. 22 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH I Fur Trimmed Winter Coats Prices We still have a large range of coats to choose from at great­ ly reduced,prices, trimmed with squirrel, sable, seal, opos­ sum, wolf and muskrat.. * 14-months-old son of Archie Davis, is ill with The little fellow along sisters has just recover­ ed from an attack of the measles. Mr. James Creech, of Rochester, N. Y., Mr, Young Creech, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter ■of London, visited at the Mrs. Catherine Creech on Dr. Jackson has moved residence on Main .St. formerly oc­ cupied by Mr. Cook and has opened up an office in residence. Mr. and Mrs. troit, attended late Mis Dearing, home of Sunday, into the connection with liis Leo. Saleken, of De- the funeral :o£ the Hewitt on Tuesday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Blaisdell spent the U. S. Thanksgiving holidays with their cousin Miss Anna Fish. Miss Fish returned with1 them to Detroit on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dickins, Saints- ■bury, and Mr. and Mrs. JJarold Hunt­ er and daughter, Barbara, of borne, visited on Sunday with and Mrs. F. Coates. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Luid, Jr. daughters Margaret and Dorothy, of Moi ton, N.Y., were visitors with Mrs. Luid’s sister, Mrs. E. S. Stein­ er, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carey and Mr. George Grant visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant in Glencoe on Sunday. Mrs. Grant’s mother, Mrs. McBain, who has many friends in Exeter, is quite ill. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was at Goder­ ich on Tuesday as Counsel for the defendant on the case of Allen vs. Allen. The defendant succeeded in an appeal to Toronto last spring in having this action retrial. A large bale of articles was sent day School to Dr. Savage in Peace River. Many of her other friends here contributed to the shipment. Mr. A. E. Andrews, of Pointex, Sask., who accompanied the remains of hi3 mother, the late Mrs. Thomas Andrew, who died in Prince Rupert, B.C., to Gorrie, where they were laid to rest in the Gorrie cemetery, is at present visiting with relatives and friends in this community. Winter appears to have settled down in earnest. Cold weather has prevailed during the week. During the latter part of the week snow and sleet dovered’’ the ground and both pedestrians and motorists found it difficult in getting around. Num­ erous cars have been reported in. the ditch. Congratulations to Col. w. J. Hea- man, of London, formerly of Exeter, whio on Monday was elected an aider­ man of that city and also to another Exeter Old Boy, W. H. Gregory, who was elected Mayor of .Stratford on Monday. Mr. Gregory was mayor lof Stratford during the years of 1921 and 1922. Mrs. Gladys Rousom has disposed of her residence on William St., to Mrs. Thomas Hern, of Usborne. The deal was- put through by C. V. Pick­ ard, real estate agent. Mrs. Rousom Will hold an auction sale of household effects Saturday next intends leaving to visit with uncle, Mr. Inksater, of Paris, advt. of the sale appears foul’. * Us- Mr. and referred back for warm and useful from Caven Sun- Margaret Strang- We are offering for the days Manitoba’s Best Flour HARVEY BROS. on her . and her An page next ten at $2.65* Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss Mac.Faul Choir-Leuder, Mr. Middleuiiss The Second Sunday in Advent Bible Sunday 10 a.m.—U-Go-I-Go' Class 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon “The H ly .Scriptures” Rlom. 15:4 p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “The Teaching of Jesus” ,St.-Luke 21:33. p.m., Thursday Chloir Practice p.m., Friday Chancel Guild and U-Go-I-Go Class Christmas Concert, Fri., Dec. 20th. 3 7 THE FINEST XMAS GIFT A GREAT WEST LIFE month- ly Income Policy that will guar­ antee happiness for your family for the Xmases to come. Enquiries Appreciated C. V. PICKARD Phone 165, Exeter UP-TO-THE-MINUTE PERMANENT WAVES Finger Waves and Marcels Care, Courtesy and Cleanliness s.M.. Riis sell Phone 245 I am going December 16th to help the Kiddies Mrs. Hugh Taylor returned home Monday after visiting in Toronto for the past week. George Schram, aged 65, a native of Exeter, died near Goderich Sun­ day morning. Deceased is survived by hiis widow, three sons and four daughters. When You Need Alberta Coal Phone 157j A car just arrived JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative We will go twice to help the Kiddies December 16th When Yon Have a HORSE OR COW You Want Removed pliono or Write to WILLIAM STONE SONS Limited Phono 22, Ingersoll For Everybody troubled with colds, cough, croup, bronchitis, tonsilitis, tonsil and throat ills, GybiTla Spalir’s is THE •remedy to use, it’s safe, dependable, with quick good results or money backi. All Druggists. SILK LINGERIE Vests? Bloomers, Panties, Slips at lowest prices SILK HOSE The season’s newest shades Chiffon, Crepe or service PER PAIR $1.00- WOOL BLANKETS In plain or reversible weaves $3.95 to $7.50 each TOWEL SETS In a variety of colourings 50 TO 75c. Christmas Merchandise Now Ready Our tables are filled with goods suitable for Christjnas gifts. Give practical gifts ( this season. They are always sure to please. LADIES’ GOLASHES In rubber or velvet $1.50 AND $3.00 PER PAIR SILK AND WOOL HOSE Splendid value AT PER PAIR 29c. STAMPED MATS Many new patterns 25c., 65c. AND 75c. LINEN TOWELLING with blue, green or yellow borders SPECIAL AT 5 YDS. FOR 85c. Outstanding Values in Men’s Overcoats A silk or all wool scarf given with each coat. NEW FUSED COLLAR SHIRTS The fqsed collar requires no starch to re­ tain its appearance $1.95 MEN’S SCARFS All wool scarfs in the new plaids EACH $1.00 SWEATER COATS A fine weave in blue, brown or heathei* $1.95 COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS A large assortment, all colours and sizes EACH $1.00 GROCERY SPECIALS HONEY Pure Clover qt. sealer ... . 32c SUGAR Granulated or Brown 10 lb. for . . . 50c NEW DATES Finest Quality 4 lb. for ... . 25c PEANUT BUTTER Harry Horne’s 2 lb. for ... . 25c NEW MINCEMEAT Very Choice 2 lb. for ... . 25c CORN FLAKES Sugar Crisp 4 pkgs, for . . 25c For Your Christmas Cakes and Puddings—At Lowest Prices and Best Quality New Fruits, Peels, Raisins, Shelled Walnuts, Shelled Almonds, Currents, Dates, Cherries, Pineapple Rings Flour Advanced This Week—Get Your Supply at Old Prices Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Phone 16 -53 Main St. Mission Circle The December meeting of Main St. Mission Circle was held at the home tof Misses Hilda and Dorothy Sims on Tuesday evening. The meeting was opened with singing af­ ter which Mrs. Layton lead in pray­ er. The Scripture lesson was read by Lillian McDonald. A delightful piano duet was given by Misses Violet Gambrill and Marjorie Medd. In the absence of the president the business was conducted by Miss Olive Lawson, vice-president. Mite boxes and T. O. envelopes were brought in for the year. Reports were given of the year’s work -by the treasurer and secretary and the election of of­ ficers for the ensuing yeai’ was con­ ducted by Mrs. Layton, resulting as follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs. Layton; Pres., Helen Dignan; 1st Vice-pres., Hilda Sims; 2nd Vice-Pres., Ina Jaques. The Circle was divided in­ to three groups to arquse a little competition, and each president was appointed a convenor, each to take charge of a group. iSec’y, Violet Gamibfill; Asst. Sec’y, Dorothy Sims; Cor. .Sec’y, Ruth Pearce; Treas., Olive Lawson; Temp. Sec’y, Lillian McDonald; Sec’y of Christian Stewardship, Marion Powell; Press Correspondent, Thelma. Hockey; Asst. Press Cor., Eleanor Abbott; Pianist, Eileen Andrew; Asst. Pian­ ist, Dorothy Sims; Stranger Sec’y, Marjorie Medd; Sec’y of Mite Boxes, Ruth Elston and Florence McDon­ ald; acting scrutineers were Olive Lawson and Florence McDonald. At the close of the meeting a social time was spent and lunch served. James St. Mission Circle Elect Officers Over thirty five were present at the annual meeting of the Willing Workers Mission Circle on Monday evening at the home oP'Miss Viola Hodgson, Mrs. Page presented the motion after discussion and the girls unanimously decided to become an Evening Auxiliary starting with the new year. The treasurer reported $316.39 raised by the Circle during the year. The nominating commit­ tee brought in the slate of officers for the coming year which were adopted, Miss AliOe I-iandford took charge of the program. Devotional reading by Miss M. Salter; prayer by Mrs. Page; duet by Mrs. H< C. Car­ ey and Miss Pearl Wood; solo by Helen Penhale. "The Study Book on Suitings and Overcoatings A SPECIAL LINE OF W inter Overcoats specicai price of $10.00 Silvertones at $14.95 & $20.00 WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Dresses & Suits TX “ You go, I go, to help the Kiddies? December 16th EXETER, ONTPHONE 81 ai ry BLACK, GREY AND TAN GLOVES FROM $1.50 UP THE NEW PLAID TARTANS ARE ALL THE RAGE IN ALL COLORS $ 1 ,OO UP Africa was taken in a very capable and interesting manner by Mrs. Car­ ey. This part of the meeting then closed with the benediction. A was unloaded each1 che receiving a gift. Lunch was served, everyone enjoy­ ing a social time. Tile are the officers: Hon. Pres. Rowe, Mrs. Amy; Pres. Christie; 1st Vice-Pres., I-Iandford; 2nd Vice-Pres., Miss May Jones; Tfeasurer, Miss Jean iSheere; Assist., Treas., Miss Stella oott; | field; met; ---- ---------- - --- . - ..Stewardship, Miss Beta Rowe; Birth­ day Box Supt., Miss Gertrude Fran­ cis; Mite Box Supt., Miss M. Salter; Missionary Monthly Supt,, Miss D. Salter; Finance Com., Rota Rowe, Jean sheore, Mrs, Lindenfield, Mrs, Hockey, Mary MeKalg. '^prettily decorated Xinas tree tollowing Mrs, J. Miss Celia Misg Alice ,, Treas., Miss Stella South- Secretary, Miss Lulu Linden- Assist. iSecretary, Mrs. Wit- Dor. Secretary, Mrs, Paisley; Main St. Y. P. U. At the .regular meeting of the Y. P. U. of Main Street Church Mon­ day evening a Missionary program was provided with Mr. ““ " " will was read by Eleanor comment by Marion Pio well. An. in­ teresting reading was given by Miss Marks entitled, "William Henry.” The current eVent for discussion was “Should women have an equal place with men in prlofessional and politL cal realms.” Resolution was pass­ ed that women should have the right to enter an.y profession for which they are fitted and can give their best service and that women should have equal remuneration with mon. with equal service. Mr. Mawson gave the missilonhry talk on "Home Coun­ try and Homo Town." Wm. Balk­ in the chair. Scripture lesson Abbott with The remainder of this year free to new subscribers.