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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-12-05, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1935 HENSALL Owen Geiger Elected Reeve At the election held here on Mon day to fill the office of Reeve, Owen Geiger was elected by a majority of 24 over Win. 'Shepherd and 104 ovei* David Robison. Out of 534" voters on the lists onlj* 340 voted, the smallest vbte polled in Hensall for years, ^lie day was- stormy and the -roads and sidewalks were very slippery, which partly accounted for I the small vote. Mr, Geiger receiv-, Carried, accounts .read as .fol- Dr. S’milUo and Sam Rannie were visiting in Toronto last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLaren spent Friday with friends in Stratford. Miss Margaret .Slavin is spending a few days visiting friends in Varna. I W. R. Mountain, Relief Inspector, of ■Stratford, was in town on Mon day. | visiting with her Ulster ^Mi? I e(i 156’ Mr' ;ShePh&rd 132 and Mr. | Allen Soldan V lX sibtei, misj Rnb1qnn Tn Pn11 , A iMrs. N. R, C'ples underwent a ser ious operation at her home in Lisp towel recently. Mr. John Govenlock, of Seaforth, County Home Inspector, was in town on Monday. Mt. and Mris. Hawk, of Clinton, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jinks. Mrs. James Paterson lias return ed home after several weeks’ visit ing friends in Toronto. Mr, W. McLaren spent Friday vis iting with his brother John McLar en, of Egmondville. Mr, Wm. Ciollaham, of Detroit, spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Corbett. The Wohelo class of the United church will present a play in the Town Hall on Friday evening. Miss Marion .Sinclair has secured a good position in Toronto with United Church Publishing Co, ‘Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Knight and children, of Kitchener, are spending a week visiting relatives in town, iMr. and Mils. Fred Parsons, of' London, visited Sunday with Mr. and* Mrs. Robert Parsons. The Arnold Circle are holding a ■bazaar and home cooking sale in the basement of the church on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Miss Florence Welsh and Mrs, Harry Horton spent the week-end in Tor onto. Mrs. Ed. Sheffer has been confin ed to her home the last few week© and is not showing much improve ment. ‘ Messrs. John Peters and W. (*• McEwen, of Goderich, were down on Monday tio vote for their .favorite candidate for reeve. ' The Hensall Citizen’s Band seren aded Reeve-elect Owen Geiger on Monday evening. Mr. Geiger gave them a nice donation. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Byres and Miss Lillian McMullen, of Otterville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mils. Lyle Cassidy. Mrs. Rdbt. McLaren, -Sr,, is spend ing a few days visiting with her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Glenn, of Stanley Twp. The Village Relief Committee re quests not to .. will be Hall. Marion McLaren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McLaren was operat ed on in the Seaforth Hospital last week for appendicitis. Marion is now improving nicely. The Hensall Citizen’s Band were hosts to a euchre and smoker in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening of this week. There was a big crowd present and all enjoyed the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walters and Mrs. Agnes McDonald day morning by motor home in Vancouver, B. wishes of their many with them. The members of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins gath ered at the home of their parents on Wednesday last, the occasion being the 3 4th anniversary of ding. A very pleasant and evening was spent. Our oldest resident, tor 1935 Bills and lows: Relief, G< M. Case, bread $5 T. C. Joynt, clothing $4-00 groceries $4.00 ‘ “ milk $5.00, total $18.00, General accunts, G. Boeck, repairs $4.7'5; A. “ ‘ $2.50; J. A. Paterson, Goderich $2.50, tile and coal $3 0.20, wood, ha’l $7.00; J. A. Paterson, re vising voters’ list $30.20; Dr. G. Collyer, expenses inoculations $17.- 80; J. Pfaff, removing rubbish, hall $1,50; Municipal World, supplies $4.'5'3; Mrs. A. Cudmore, gravel, streets, $3.3'5; R. B. Dick, gravel, streets $114.50; F. W. Hess, printing $41.00; A. W. E. Hemphill, supplies and postage $6.05; A. Spencer & cement, sidewalks $4.55; J, and labor, shed ; Hensall Hydro, hydro, hall Scott’s A. B. Rowclil’fe, Taylor, repair sidwalks expenses to W. R. Davidson, H. McEwen, I Robison 52. In Poll No. 1 A the J I vote was Geiger 106, Shepherd 60,' Robison 22. Poll No. 1 B, Geiger. 55, Shepherd 66 and Robison 30.The Council was elected by accla-' mation. The new council will be: i Reeye, Owen Geiger. Councillors, William Sangster, Ernest .Shaddick, ■ Archie Hamilton/ George Brock. | Son, The newely elected Reeve has been Passmore, bulbs Reeve of Hensall a number of times,! $4.95; 7” . . has also been County Warden and ! $7.19; Chamber of Commerce, Xmas- sxr* the citizens of the village feed any transients as they taken care of at the Town left on Sun- for their new C. The best friends goes their wed- afternoon Mrs. Ann Hudson, 915 years of age, was out early to vote on Monday. -She was accompanied by another elderly lady and on entering the hall they were greeted by Village Clerk Pat erson with his cheery “Good Morn ing Girls.” s Prof. Dorland Lecturers ■Prof. Dorland, of Western Uni versity, London, gave a lecture -here on Friday evening in the Town Hall - sponsored by the Hensall Library Board. He took as his subject “The League of Nations”, and gave a very interesting address. There was only a small number present but those who attended were well paid for coming out. Missioai Band The Mission Band of the United churc-li held their regular meeting on Sunday afternoon with a good attendance. The meeting was op ened by singing hymn 429 after which the Lord’s prayer was re peated. The Scripture lesson was read by Mildred Brock followed by a reading by Elva McQueen. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted followed by roll call and offering. A reading was given by Shirley Hedden and a solo by Max Zuefle. A very interesting story on 'China was »given by Miss Mildred Smillie. Hymn 432 was sung and the meeting closed by re peating the Mizpah benediction. has no superior as a County Coun cillor, and we -fvish the new coun cil every success. Successful Euchre and Dance A big crowd attended the euchre and dance in the Town Hall on Wed- nesray evening last, which was spon sored by the Hensall Chamber of Commerce, the proceeds to fre in aid cf the Christmas Tree Fund. The hall was brilliantly lighted and dec orated and there were balloons and caps for everybody. There were 37 | tables for the euchre players. Danc- . ing, both new and old was indulged j in to the music of the McKay orches- i tra. Harry Horton was the caller for the square dances. During the interval a splendid lunch was serv ed. The following were the prize winners: Ladies, first Miss Minnie 'Reid; 2nd Miss Florence Welsh. Gentlemen, first, Warren 2nd, Melville Traquair. Lucky ticket was won by Mrs. Otto hen. Death of Ivor Sangster Ivor, little son of Mr. and James Sangster, passed away Thursday morning while being taken to a London Hospital for treatment. He had been poorly for several days and taking a turn for the worse on Wednesday night, it was thought adviseable to take him to the hos pital but he passed away before he arrived there. H^s father, Avho was working at Timmins, New Ontario, was imme'diately notified and he ar rived home on Friday. Ivor was a bright little fellow and will be sad ly missed by his family. He was 2 years and S months old. Besides hiir father and mother he is survived by 4 brothers and 3 sisters. The funeral took plac$ from the family home, Broek street, Saturday morn ing, interment in Hensall union cemetery. The funeral was in charge of the Rev. Arthur Sinclair, assisted by Rev. W. A. Young. The pall bearers were 3 brothers of the deceased David, George and James and his cousin Douglas ‘Sangster. The flowers were very beautiful. Amongst them were a spray from the Cradle Roll of the United church spray from the firemen, spray from Mr. and Mrs. James Vincent and a pillow from Mr .and Mrs. Archie Hamilton. Council Minutes December 2nd, 1935 Regular meeting of the yillage Council held this evening at 8 p.m. in the Council Chambers-with all members present. Minutes of 2 pre vious meeting read. Petty and Shepherd that the minut es be adopted as read. Carried. E. S'haddick appeared for the rink committee for the Chamber of Commerce re the taking over of the rink property. Sangster and. Petty that the village council accept the rink/ property for a consideration of $500 and that the Chamber of Com merce are to supply the deed for same. Carried. Robison and Shepherd that the Chamber of Commerce ’appoint a rink committee and the same to have the approval of the Cohncil to manage the rink. Car- rife d. The Clerk reported the purchase of the Eisenhoffer property at the County tax sale; also reported re the Caldwell case and the relief cases. ISangster and Petty that the Clerk write the Ontario Hospital, Wood- stock and injuire as to the condition of Mrs. Caldwell’s health and see if it would be possible to move her to the County Home. Carried. Correspondence read as follows: T. C. Joynt re glass; relief .report; M. O- H. report; Ontario Hospital, Woodstock; Fire Marshall; J. M. Govenlock. Pdtty and Robisop that the .re port of Dr. 'G. Collyer, M.O.H. be ac cepted as read. Carried. Robison and Sangster that take no action .re the letter of T. C. Joynt. Carried. Petty and .Sangster that the Reeve notify the Fire Department as re gards the pipe at the front of the town hall having a leak. Carried. Robison and Petty that we grant the Chamber of Commerce $10 for the Christmas Tree Fund. Carried. Petty and Shepherd that we pay J. A. Paterson. $25 as relief officer Schilbe, lunch Step- Mrs. early M. we -Poultry Wanted- Chickens and Old Hens Heads, Feet, and Feathers off. Contents of Crop Removed not Drawn Under 4 lb. •• •• •• •• 11c 41b. and over •• .. •• •• •• *• 13c Canadian Canners Limited, Exeter Phone 28 , Deliveries Not Accepted oil Saturday Tree grant $10; School Board, cur rent expenses $700.00; J. A. Pater son, R, O., election $5.00; Geo. Hud son, constable, election $2.50; R. Higgins, P, C. election $2.5 0; Geo. Parker, P. C„ election $2.50; N. Blatchford, D.R.O., election $3.00; J. Hudson, D. R. O, election $3.00; J. A. Paterson, relief officer $25.00; Geo. Walker, bal. salary $93.75; J. A. Paterson, bal. of salary, clerk $45.00; ‘C. Cook, treasurer $67.5 0; Geo. Hudson, salary, constable and water tank $5 8.50; Dr. G. Collyer, salary, M.O.H. $70.00; J. A. Foster, salary, motor mechanic, F. D. $25. Total $1,313.82. Petty and Robison that the ac counts aas read be paid. Carried. Sheplierd and Sangster that the constable be, instructed to collect the poll tax at Robison adjourn to at 8 p.m. once. Carried. and Petty that we now meet again December 18 Carried. James Paterson, Clerk. “The End of^the Lane,” Leavitt’s Theatre, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, December 11th and«12th. Admission 20 and 30c, tax included. CREDITON Su'nday being Missionary Sunday a missionary program was given. K. Tay’lor and Teddy Jones gave a well rendered duet entitled “Jesus Loves' the Little Children.” Don’t forget the Christmas con cert to be given in the United church on Wednesday evening, December 18th. Miss Margaret Jones, of Kippen, has’returned home, having spent the/ past few weeks with relatives ihere£z Messrs. Irvin Ratz and Russell Finkbeiner visited in Fullarton on, Sunday. The C. I. C.- class of the Evangel ical Sunday School presented a. pro gram during the Sunday morning session. Wm. Schwartz acted as chairman; H. K. Eilber led in pray er. A class quartette consisting of Chris. Haist, G. E. Faist, Ed. Mor- lock and H. M. Faist sang “The Old Home 'Church.” The scripture was read by Dan Finkbeiner followed by a song ;by the class entitled “Thine for Service.” Wajrden Wm. Sweitzer and depu ty-reeve Chester Mawhinney are at tending County Council at Goderic$r this week. * Mr. 'Charles Fahner although at a loss of his eyesight is getting along as well as can be expected in Toron to General .Hospital. His maw friends hope he will soon be able to return home. We are glad to report that Mr. D. Maclsaac has returned home from the hospital and is getting along nicely.We understand Martin Morlock is still confined to his home. We hope* he will soon be able to be out. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Trietz^ of Sarnia, spent the week-end witlr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trietz. Dir. and Mrs. Morrison and family,. of Toronto, visited a few days withj Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahner. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz and daughter, .of near Elginfield, called on friends in town last week. Mr. and Mirs. Howard Renney, of ‘Detroit, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hirtzel. Miss Loreen Himtzel, of Centralia, spent Sunday at her home here. t Miss ILulu Kerr, of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr. Mr. W. H. Wood, of Toronto, vis ited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr. Miss Irene Fahner and Mr. LoijU Morlock visited last Friday with former’s father Mr. Charles Fahner of General Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodman, of Detroit and Miss Wealthy Schroe der, of 'Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Schroeder. We regret to report that Mrs. (Dr.) Misner underwent an opera tion .for appendicitis at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, Tuesday morning. She is getting along as well as can be expected ft 1 s will] 2 8 pkg. 31c. for 25c. for 25c. for 25c, 2 ™ RED & WHITE STORE PURE GRANULATED SUGAR PASTRY FLOUR ........................................... NEW DATES ................................................... QUICK QUAKER OATS WITH CHINA GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE, 1-2 lb. pkg. GOLD MEDAL CHERRIES, No. 2 tins... WONDERFUL LAUNDRY SOAP ............. Beaver Brand Blue Berries....... 2 tins 23c. Keta Salmon, large tin ............... each 10c. Libby’s Pork and Beans, large tin each 10c. Fresh Broken Sodas ........... 3 lbs. for 25c. Choice Quality Mincemeat ..........2 lbs. 25c. Good Cooking Rice ............. 3 lbs. for 14c. Pure Castile Soap ....... 10 cakes for 25c. Fresh Oysters in bulk.................per qt. 85c. Fresh Seedless Grapefruit ......... 5 for 25c. New California Grapes ....... 2 lbs. for 25c. Sweet Potatoes ................... 6 lbs. for 25c. Fresh Celery Hearts ........... per bunch 10c Smoked Fillets of Haddie .......per lb. 15c. Fresh Frozen Salmon ............... per lb. 18c. JUST ARRIVED—A SHIPMENT OF NEW RAISINS, CURRANTS, DATES, BLEACHED SULTANAS, CHERRIES, NEW PEELS, CUT OR WHOLE, PINE APPLE ALL COLORS. ALMONDS, WALNUTS, SPICES AND FLAVORINGS, EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE OR MINCEMEAT. Red and White will help the Kiddies, December 16th ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver hi ing boxes and the men gave a liber al, offering amounting to $40. It was decided to hold ouir annual meeting on Wednesday, December 11th, A vote of thanks to the ladies for sup per by Mr. H. Beavers and to the men for the program by toip Sims. L’ //Everyone reported an "/evening. .zdEvangelieal Y. P. gJPfia regular meeting of T?eople’^-*'League of the Evangelical church' was held last Friday even ing/ with a splendid attendance. /Miss Laylna Smith presided over th© '/meetip-g. The Scripture lesson, was read/by Ray Morlock followed by a wp^al duet by Miss Nola Faist and ■ >Mrs. G. E. Faist. The topic was dis cussed by Rev. A. E. Pletch. Miss Marguerite Amy contributed a piano instrumental. An interesting feature of the program was al debate 1‘Resolved that the Pulpit is more ^effective than, the Press.” The af firmative was taken by Alvin Fink beiner and Emery Fahrner and the negative by Chester Mawhinney and •Arthur Amy, no decision being giv en as to Mrs. Clay- enjoyable L. the Young the winners. Presentation meeting of the Youngl League Friday evening a y/At a /People’s very pleasant occasion took place when Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wein recently married and active members of t‘he league, were presented with a f /beautiful silver flower basket. El- -''don Smith presented the gift and Miss Adeline Geiser read the ad dress tg which Mr. and Mrs. Wein responded in words of grateful ap preciation. The same .evening at choir practise the members of the Evangelical choir presented Mr. and Wein with a beautiful silver 'lWuit dish. Miss Lavina Smith pre sented the gift and Eldon Finkbein- Ce'r/tead the address. Mr.z and Mrs. rWfein responded in warm words of appreciation, for the fine gift and /extended to the youn^ people a cor- ANTED LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY Dressed Ducks, Geese and Turkeys Highest Prices Paid Write or Phone SWIFT CANADIAN CO. Exeter Phone 216 DASHWOOD CENTRALIA Mr. Sid Henry was in Toronto foi’ X a couple of days last week attend ing the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and .Mrs. Wes Hodgins, of London, visited with Mrs. Thos. a is on Sunday. is. Chas. Isaac, who .has been ined to her home, owing to ill ness for the past week is improv ing. y Mr. Kenneth Hodgins spent the- jjj/eek-end at his home near Green way / Mrs. Brokenshire is able to be up 1/ again after being confined to her home with an attack- of pleurisy. ^•Mr. and Mrs. ‘ ‘ ' and son Glen, on 'Sunday with Esser y. y Mr. and Mrs. ____, __ __ Mrs. E. Thompson and daughter, ofi/ London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Parsons and Mrs. Ker- Mr. and Mrs. R. Parker and daughter spent the week-end with Mvf and Mrs. Thos. Lee in Brinsley. UMr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, of Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks. ,.Miss Muriel Steeper who has been Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office .over the post Office, in Zu rich, last three days of week. Miss Anna Tieman spent the week end in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rutledge, of Kintore, spent the week-end with tire latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold, Reta, returning home with them to spend a few weeks in Kintore ahd London. Miss Gertrude Hoffman is spend ing a few weeks in Kitchener. The play entitled “Too Many Par ents” which was presented by the Parkhill y/oung people last week was well portrayed by the actors and was enjoyed by a large audience. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hlofifman and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman were Sunday visitors in Kitchener. School Section No. 8, Hay, lone and a quarter miles north of Dash wood will hold their Christmas con cert Ion Friday evening December 20 at 8 0 Clock. .niias xuuriei deeper wuu litis ueeu Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen visited in ^ith- Mrs. Otto Brown for the past Parkhill lafet week. four months obtained work in Archie Robins-on // of London, visited v Mr. and Mrs. Alvin S. Davis, Mr. and (/ KHIVA ykhiva School Concert will be held on .Thursday evening, December the /9th. A good program is being pre pared by the children and the young people of the section. Mr., and Mrs. Harry Lippert mov ed last week to Chiselhurst where Mr. /Lippert intends running a chop ping mill. Mr. Lloyd Lippert, of Ibourne is moving this week unto e Lippert farm. Miss llene Willert visited last week with relatives in Toronto. Miss Ila Mason spent Sunday with Miss Jean Willert. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and fam ily, of Kippen, visited the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sunday. latter's Neeb on c.- h a p v ft P P t P n» 4 Miss Tillie Wein is in St. Joseph’s pth Hospital, London, where she under went an operation Tuesday. She is getting alone picely. The W. M. IS. .of Crediton United church will hold their anniversary service on December l'5th, at 7 p.m. Rev, Melville Whiting will be th minister. The Evangelical Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. held their annual Thank- offering meeting last Wednesday ev ening in the basement of the church with a chicken supper. The mem-1 bers inviting their husbands and; friends. There were 29 members j present and twenty two visitors. Af-1 (or the “ did pre the pr solved Powor Amy and Mr taking beiner ing the affirmative. |7 four months has obtained work in Fullarton and left on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis and famly, of Exete/r, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Thos. Willis. Sunday School Anniversary will be held December 15th, when Rev. M. M. Whiting, returned missionary from Japan will be the speaker. Death cf Mr. Henry Rader Henry Rader early resident of this community passed away <on Wed nesday November 27 after an illness extending over several years. He was in his 85 th year and is surviv ed by his widow who was formerly Miss Caroline Neeb. Before retir ing to Dashwlood about twenty years ago he operated a farm on the Lake Road twlo- and a half miles west of Dashwood now owned by his son Ernest. The deceased was horn in Burgholtz, Province of Hessen, Ger many in 1871 and came to Canada in 1868 a lad of 17 years and settled in Stephen Township, Huron Coun ty. Infirmities of old age made him practically bedfast for the last few weeks and he quietly and peacefully fell asleep in the Lord Wednesday afternloon at the ripe old age of 84 years, 9 months and 25 days. Be sides his widow he is Survived by two sons and a'-daughter/of a form er marriage Ernest, Louis H., and Mrs. Edmund Walper, all of Dash wood; also four daughters of his later marriage Mrs. Edward Willert, Dashwtood; Mrs. Allen Bills, of De troit; Mrs. Herb Wein, of Dashwood and Mrs, Martin Laub, Hay Town ship. 26 grandchildren and a large circle of relatives and friends sur vive. The funeral which was large ly attended was held on Sunday af ternoon from bis late residence to Z< n Lutheran church with Rev. T. Luft officiating. Six grandsons Alvin Walper, Norman Waiver, Lloyd Rader, Ervin Rader, Harry Willert and TJoyd Willert acted as pall bearers, Interment took place in the Bronson Line Lutheran Cemetery Those who attended the funeral from a distance wore: Mr. and Mrs. George Rader, of Howard City, Mieli.t Miss Barbara Rader, Grand Rapids; Mrs, Lo Roy Dolmauteer, of Flint and Mrs. Allen Bills, of De troit. Y. P. U. The regular meeting of the Y. P. U. was held last Tuesday evening. The meeting opened with hymn 133. Cecil Skinner led in prayer. Mr. Ste wart conducted the business part of the meeting owing to the absence of our president. Tire meeting was in charge of the Literary convenor, C. Mitchell. Andrew Blair took the chair. Hymn 284. The scriptu’re lesson“was read by Reg Hodgson. The Bible study was conducted by Mrs. Stewart and -Mrs. L. Hodgson sang a solo. The topic was given by Herman Hodgson, he gave a very interesting talk on the life of Sir Adam Beck. Mr. C. Skinner and Tommy Walker than gave a selec tion on their violins after which C. Mitchell gave a short talk on the late Andrew Carnegie. The meeting was closed by singing hymn 296 and Mr. Stewart pronounced the benediction. WOODHAM / Dr. Rogers, of Whitby, • interesting address at the ■people’# meeting here on /evening last. f Dn Thursday evening of last week he “'Fni&ndly Young Men’s class” of Our unday School was entertain- a vension supper at the par- soii/^e by their teachers Rev. Mrs. egrove and Mrs. Jas. Squire. A ^Si'y enjoyable evening was spent in dmes and music. At the close of tl^e evenllig’s entertainment, a meet ing was*’ called for the election of offi>er§/ for the coming year. They ’ as follows: Pres., John Tofnljfason; 1st Vice-Pros., Russell Secretary, Fred Parkinson; surer same r/ive and Mrs. Jame. On Tuesday evening io Young Ladi< ay School assc of Miss Olivo T. and presented h green granite shower, ford made a short and appreciative reply. Games and contests wore enjoyed. Mus. Howard Anderson, of Wash ington, Ont., spent a few days last week at the homo of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Shier, Kirkton, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Sinclair. gave an : young Sunday Fred Wendell Camm teachers Mrs. Rev. Squire, of last m’ Class of the Sun- inbl(’d at the homo angford, brido-o’oet, pr with a cream and Miss Lang- and Love- week KIRKTON Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Wallcom and family visited Sunday at the -homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Doupe. Mr. M. Hammond and W. Cluff fipent the week-end Johnson of Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Thelma visited Sunday with Etholyn Smith- of St. Paul’s. Miss E. Walkout visited with het friend# in London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lewis, of Highland Grave, Now Ontario, spent the past week at the latter’s parent© Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Switzer, a splen- iteni on “ Re mo re Arthur gave ; ebate has Mr. Mawhinney Mr, J. Fink- ................. Fahner tak ing the affirmative. Those discus sions proved very interesting. Mr. Emery Palmer gave a trumpet solo Selections by the men’s chorus and remarks by Rev. Mr. Pletch, The ladies brought in their Thankoffer- ■.-upper the men gram. An interestin. "gram was a d that the Pulpit than the Press.” Chester the negative and and Mr. Emery with Mr. Marshall Jim ahd Miss I