HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-11-28, Page 8THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1935 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE A Bonat Permanent Wave Will help you to achieve that charm and individuality which the modern trend in fashions demand. Scientific operation produces per­ fect waves speedily and uniformly cn all types of hair. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 231w Exeter Markets Wheat, standard 68c Manitoba's Be»t $2.80 Welcome Flour $2.40 Low grade flour $28.00 a ten Bran $21.00 a ton ■Shorts $22.00 a ton Mixed chop $21.00 a ton Govt, standard screening Creamery butter 31c CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.A., B«D, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—(Sunday School 11 a.m.—•“Rivers -of Blessing” 7 p.m.—“Zacliariali” That is right. Don’t forget to help the Kiddies, Dec, 16th H. M. SMITH tBEAUTY SHOPPE Remember December 16th Dairy.bi itter 24 -27’C Eggs,A large 3.2c Eggs A !medium 28c Eggs,A pullets 26c Eggs,B 24c Hogs $7 AC to have your for Christmas 0 0 1 I I LOCALS I I__ ______________1 Diamond rings from $10 up. Buy Bluebirds. (They are guaranteed at S. B. Taylor’s. LOCALS 60c Now is the time Dry Cleaning done before the rush. Ladies’ Dresses .... Men’s Suits .......... We dry clean every thing at pro­ portionately low prices also dyeing. ONTARIO CLEANERS & DYERS Leave at HARNESS’ BARBER SHOP Mrs. Annie Geddes, of St. Thomas visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Kress and son Bobbie and Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Ap­ pleton. spent Sunday in Forest with Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve. Miss Isa- bel Appleton ivho was visiting in’ Forest for over a week returned ' with them. [ NOTICE Persons thinking of doing fall de.-'.rating should get my pre-Christ- inas prices and take advantage of the low cost of paint and papering. See my samples and get prices. I take this opportunity of wish­ ing my past customers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. E. L. JOHNSTON, Decorator I One month from last Monday will be Christmas. Mr. T .Pryde and son Ray were in Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mis, T. O. Southcott spent a few days in Toronto. Messrs. Janies Bowey and Clias. Salter spent Monday in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. George Grant spent a few days in Detroit last week. Mr. F. W. Gladman was at Strat­ ford, on Monday on legal business. Mr. Andy Easton is attending the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto this week. Mr. Aym. Ford, of Usborne, is confined to his home through ill­ ness. Miss Mabel Whiteman, of Kippen, is visiting -with Mr. and Mrs. James MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, A. E. Elliott,^hlinister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—-Two ways of dealing with Africa W. M. S. Thankoffering p.m,-—iSundaj’ ’School. p.m.—Some Modern. Miracles from Two Recent Books Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. S. Wednesday, December 4th, Men’s Union. Speaker, Rev. R. N. Ste­ wart, Centralia. Thursday 7.45 p.m.—Prayer service. 11 3 7 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.-(Second in the series. >on the11 Lord’s Prayer. 3 pan.—Sunday School. 7 pan.—-“A Case of the Blues” Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union■Y. FOR SALE OR RENT—The .pro­ perty .belonging to the Lancelot Hardy estate. One Brick house and land on Main Street, also one acre of land in adjoining field and one frame Apply Ont. hcuse on Elizabeth Street.— to Calling & Morley, Exeter, WANTED—For Rawleigh 800 families in Exeter. ML- MAN Route of Write today. Rawleigh Dept., 202-SA-K, Montreal, Canada. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH FOR wean. SALE—Young pigs ready to Lloyd Hodgson. ltc. Mr. well, 10 11 3 7 Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFanl Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Advent Sunday a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class a.m.—-Holy Communion and Ser­ mon. The Advent Message p.m.—Sunday School in the church p.m.—A Men’s Service. “The Ad­ vent Appeal.” A Male Choir will read the service. 8 p.m. Friday—Prayer Service. Andrew. This is the first Sunday in church’s year. May we start year right by our attendance in God's House. Services cn Sunday will be held in the church. st. the the Will cheap horses. buy an unlimited number of horses. Fertilizer oi: Frank Taylor, Exeter. fox aFOUND—North of Exeter, lady’s blue purse. Owner may have | same by pioving property and pay­ ing for this advt. Apply at Tirnes- Advccate. STRAYED—From Lot 8, Con. 6, Hay. a two-year-old heifer with a notch out of both ears. Any infor­ mation gladly received by Sam. Jory R. R. No. 1, Exeter, phone 17r41, Crediton. STRAYED—‘Onto lot 3, Con 4, Hay, a roan steer yearling. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to Leslie Richards, R. 1, Exeter, phone 18 r 21, Crediton. STRAYED—’From lot 6, ccn. 6, Hay Township, two steer calves part Hereford, also a two year old steer. Apply to Wm. F. Alexander, phone &2rl3, Hensail. * 3tc. STRAYED—A small grey year-old steer, small mark in left ear. In­ formation gladly received by Chae. E. Aldwcrth, R.R, 1, Exeter, phone Dashwood 36 r 11. 1128-2tp STRAYED—-From Lot 8, Con. 5, Hay, a two year-old-steer, with square notch in upper corner of right ear. Any information to Asa J. Penhale, R. R. No. 1, Exeter, iph-one Crediton 17r34. 11-19-tfc STRAYED—From a farm on the 4th concession of Hay Township, a grey heifer with pig ring in lower side of left ear. Information gladly received by A. L. Luker, Hensail, R.R. 2, phone 91rl0, Zurich. 3tp. WANTED—15 head -of cattle to feed on pure alfalfa hay. Apply to George Link or Geo. Palmer, Dash­ wood'R .2, phone 34r21. 11-21-tfc FOR SALE—I have listed for ^ale several medium sized houses in good repair and well equipped. Prices very reasonable.— C. V. PICKARD, Phone H65, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE Frame building 18 by 24 suitable for garage; also set of plat­ form scales capacity' 6,000 pounds. Apply to Mrs. Byron E. Hicks, Crediton, or J, W. Morley, Solicitor, Exeter. feet Mrs. Byron E. Hicks, notice Take notice that a meeting of plot owners and others interested In the STONE CHURCH BURYING GROUND will be -held on the proper­ ty on Monday, December 2ndr-1935 at 2 -p.m., for the purpose of ap­ pointing three trustees Tor periods of three years, two years and one year respectively with power to make rules and regulations and to •provide for the maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery either by the creation of a Perpetual Care Fund or otherwise. BATHD November 15th, 1935. Jamel Hlghet, T, A. Wiseman. Chairman Secretary Bowey. Mr. I-Iarcld Ross, of Sarnia ,spent the week-end with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ferguson, of Lon­ don, called on friends in town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilfong, Frank and Miss Ruth, spent one day last week in Stratford. Mr. John Dignan left for Kings­ ville, to spend the winter with his daughter Mrs. Brown. Mr. Geo. Huntej is again able to be out after being confined to his bed for a couple of weeks. We are sorry to state that James Westlake is not at all and is confined to his room. Mrs. Mary Winegarden has return­ ed home after spending 'three weeks with her brothers in London. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Aidworth and Miss Mary E. Northcott visited in Stratford one day last week. Mrs. Edna Hearts, of Toronto, visited ever the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick. Mr. Ray Creech has been engaged to teach the Lumley school in Us- burne following the Christmas holi­ days. Mis. Duncan Aikenhead, of Kip- pen, was a visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. Johnston re­ cently. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Trevethick, of Brinsley, visited one day last week with the former’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy. Mrs. M. G. Kydd, of Toronto, and h<>r sister, Mrs. G. Gloucer, of Kit­ chener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham and daughter and Mr. Thos. Watson, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. George Grant. Mr. J. G. Stan.bury attended a session of the Board of Review at Stratford on Wednesday, as Solicitor for an estate in Blanshard Township. Mrs. Rd. Johnston, and Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, of Ash,field, visit­ ed with the former’s brother Mr. W. IT and Mrs. Johnston on Saturday. Mrs. Frank Wild-long has return­ ed to her home after visiting for a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Grassiok, Varna. Mrs. Kestle’s Sunday School class of James Street church held a pleasant social evening at the home of Miss Barbara Dinney, on Friday evening. Messrs. Charles and James North­ cott, of Melfort, Sask., are here ow­ ing to the illness of their mother Mrs. Roger Northcott, whose con­ dition is quite serious. Messrs. W. F. Abbott and Jack Wade motored to Wiarton on. Mon­ day. Last week the former spent several days in Toronto visiting the Royal Winter Fair. Mrs. Harriet McKenzie, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. James Willis and other friends and relatives, returned to her home in St. Paul, Minn., on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson and family are this week moving from their apartment above the store on Main Street into the residence of the late Mrs. Allien on Gidley Street. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Abbott, the formdr a prominent lawyer of Ed­ monton and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ab­ bott, of Granton, visited with their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Abbott on Sunday, THE FINEST XMAS GIFT ” A GREAT WEST LIFE month­ ly Income Policy that will guar­ antee happiness for your family for the Xmases to come. Enquiries Appreciated C. V. PICKARD Phone 165, Exeter UP-TO-THE-MINUTE PERMANENT WAVES Finger Waves and Marcels Care, Courtesy and Cleanliness M. Russell Phone 245 I am going December 16 th to help the Kiddies When you burn D. & H. Cone- Cleaned Anthracite you’ll be sure of cozy warmth all winter. So put your mind at ease and order to­ day. “D. & H. Makes warm Friends.” Phones 157 j and 157w “We Aim to Please” JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative We / ail will go twice to help the- Kiddies December 16 th When You Have a HORSE OR COW You Want Removed Phono or Write to WILLIAM STONE SONS Limited Phono 22, Ingersoll Fur Trimmed Winter Coats at Reduced Prices We still have a large range of coats to choose from at great­ ly reduced prices, trimmed with squirrel, sable, seal, opos­ sum, wolf and muskrat. I I SILK LINGERIE Vests* Bloomers, Panties, Slips at lowest prices SILK HOSE The season’s newest shades Chiffon, Crepe or service PER PAIR $1.00 WOOL BLANKETS In plain or reversible weaves $3.95 to $7.50 each TOWEL SETS In a variety of colokirings 50 TO 75c. Christmas Merchandise Now Ready Our tables are filled with goods suitable for Christmas gifts. Give practical gifts this season. They are always sure to please. LADIES’ GOLASHES In rubber or velvet $1.50 AND $3.00 PER PAIR SILK AND WOOL HOSE Splendid value AT PER PAIR 29c. STAMPED MATS Many new patterns 25c., 65c. AND 75c. LINEN TOWELLING with blue, green or yellow borders SPECIAL AT 5 YDS. FOR 85c. Outstanding Values in Men’s Overcoats A silk or all wool scarf given with each coat. NEW FUSED COLLAR SHIRTS The f^sed collar requires no starch to re­ tain its appearance $1.95 »■ MEN’S SCARFS All wool scarfs in the new plaids EACH $1.00 SWEATER COATS A fine weave in blue, brown or heather • ' $1.95 COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS A large assortment, all colours and sizes EACH $1.00 GROCERY SPECIALS i HONEY Pure Clover SUGAR Granulated or Brown 10 lb. for . . . 50c NEW DATES Finest Qqality 4 lb. for ... . 25cqt. sealer . . .32c PEANUT BUTTER Harry Horne’s 2 lb. for ... . 25c NEW MINCEMEAT Very Choice 2 lb. for ... . 25c CORN FLAKES Sugar Crisp 4 pkgs, for . . 25c For Your Christmas Cakes and Puddings—At Lowest Prices and Best Quality New Fruits, Peels, Raisins, Shelled Walnuts, Shelled Almonds, Currents, Dates, Cherries, Pineapple Rings Flour Advanced This Week—Get Your Supply at Old Prices Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Phone 16 I Ii * Wins Fourth place Miss Marion Po-oley, of Winchel- eea, who was awarded the silver medal for the best essay written by a secondary school student in this district in the -recent Canadian Legion contest has .been awarded fourth place in the provincial-wide contest, iThe -subject of was “How Can Canada to World Peace.” .Miss to be congratulated on she has received. the essay Contribute Dooley is the honor Use This troubled with colds, cough, croup, bronchitis, tonsilitis, tonsil and throat ills, Sybilla Spahr’s is THE remedy to use, it’s safe, dependable, with quick good results or money> ’back. Alb druggists. e. .................. Our personal Christmas cards are now cm display at the Times-Advo- cate office, come in and see onr assortment. Priced from 75c. per doften up, % Present Pageant at Thames Road On Friday evening last the mem­ bers of the James Street W. M. S. and Mission Band presented their missionary, pageants at the ‘Thames Road church under the auspices of the W. M. .S. Rev. Mr. Mair open­ ed the program and a duet was sung by Mr. Mair and Mr. Moo die. The James .Street Societies then tool­ charge when about forty members took part makin.g a /very interest­ ing and entertaining evening. Every­ one was then invited down stairs were refreshments were served and a social time enjoyed. Bcjoks Worn Travelling' Library jAi case containing 30 booikis from the travellling library of the depart­ ment at ‘Toronto, has, been -received at the Exeter Public Library. The readers of the library have the priv­ ilege of reading these books for the next four months, when they have to be get-urned. The following are a few names in the collection: "Bird Portraits in Colo,r,” Roberts; “The Hooked Rug,” Kent; “Over African Jungles,” Johnson; “Grimm’s Fairy Tales”; “Raleigh and his World,” Anthony; “The Mysterious Island,” Verne; “Stories from the Bible,” De la Mare; “Northern Lights,” Chap­ man. Women’s Institute The‘November meeting of the Ex­ eter Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mirs. Geo. Jaques/ The president Mrs. W. H. Harness pre­ sided. Following community sing­ ing the business was dealt with when it was decided not to apply for a government grant. 'The treasurer reported $22.86 receipts from the “Trip Around the World.” A dona­ tion, will be given to the Canadian Legion, Byron Sanitorium and the County Home. 'The program whs on Peace, Education and National Re­ lationship. The Honorary President, of the Legion, Mr. Pryde, called the 'Two minutes silence was ob- ................I In solo by Mrs. Goulding ac­ companied by Mrs. V. Kestle. Mr. Elliott gave the talk on “The Sign- ifance of Remembrance Day.” ‘The meeting closed by singing the Na­ tional Anthem. Lunch was served and a social time spent. roll. _- ------- - , .served. Rev. Mr. Elliott led prayer iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiii!^ Suitings and Overcoatings A SPECIAL LINE OF V? inter Overcoats special price of $1O.OO1 Silvertones at $14.95 & $20,001 BLACK, GREY AND TAN GLOVES FROM $1.50 UP THE NEW PLAID TARTANS ARE ALL THE RAGE IN ALL COLORS $ J ,QO UP You go, I go, to help the Kiddies, December 16th Dresses & Suits 79c WE CALL for and deliver Caven Y. P. Guild The Young People’s Guild of Caven '“Presbyterian chu-rch held a supper meeting on Monday evening. It was, decided to have the Grand Bend Dramatic Players give their play “Correspondence Courtship” in the Sunday, School room the follow­ ing Moftday evening, December 2nd. Mr. Gordon, then gave on interesting account of the ideal missionary—* his character and hie, attitudt to­ ward, people in foreign countries. Pictures showing interesting scenes in China were passed around the circle. He also had some Chinese millet seed which was planted grew to a height of at least four here in Canada. and feet Main Street Y.- p. Yhe Main Street Y, P. met on Monday etching With Miss Hazel Smith in charge. Mr. Medd led in prayer and Florence McDonald read on the Scripture. A piano solo was given by Violet Gambrill. The cur­ rent event discussed was “Will im­ posing of sanctions on Italy .bring about peace.” There was no- reso­ lution made. Mr. Elliott then gave a very interesting topic after which he took charge of the election of of­ ficers for 1936: Honorary Pres., Rev A. E. Elliott; President, Mf. James Francis; Vice-Pres., W. E. Balkwill; Secretary, Mr.. Chas. Pearce; Assist­ ant (Secretary, Miss Gladys Ryckman Treasurer, Mr. Gerald Skinner; Ad­ visory member, Mr. W. G. Med-d; Press Corr., Miss Florence McDon­ ald; Assistant Press, Miss Marion Powell; Pianist, Miss Violet Gam­ brill; Assistant Pianists, Misses Dor­ othy iS-ims and Ilene Andrews. Con­ venors: Fellowship, Mb G. Koch; Missionary, Mr. g. Hilborn; Citizen­ ship, Miss Marjorie Medd; Literary, Miss I. Kirk; Recreation, Miss Helen Dignan and Mr. Gerald Skinner,