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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-11-28, Page 5
HENSALL Miss Kathyrn Drysdale is recover ing nicely from her recent opera tion. Miss Doreen Farquhar visited last week at her home in Stanley Town ship. Miss Mavis Spencer, of Dashwood, was a weeikt-end visitor with heb par- j ents here.Mr, Albert Traquair, of Exeter, I was calling on friends in town on Monday.lM-rs, Jas. A. Paterson is in Toron-1 wish him a much earned rest and, to. this week visiting her sister Miss Lynne Ortwein. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt visited for a few days last week with rela tives in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren visited on .Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Her- bert Britton, of Dublin. Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth has returned home after visiting with relatives in Toronto for a week. Rev. W. A. Young accompanied by Mrs. Young and children are visiting in Toronto this week. Mr. George C. Petty is visiting relatives in Toronto this week also taking in the Winter Fair. Miss Mae Simpson, of Detroit, vis ited over the week-end mother, Mrs. L, Simpson. Mrs. Mary Lindy left for Toronto where she with her sisters for a few Mrs. Allen 'Soldan, who has been visiting relatives at Hamilton for several weeks has returned home.(Al number from here attended'the funeral of the late Mrs. John Coch rane at Hillsg»r,een on Monday after noon. iMr. Wm. Hildebrandt and son Alex were in London on. Tuesday visiting a relative who is seriously ill.Miss Annie Jarrott, of Hillsgreen, spent a few days last week here at the home of her uncle, Mr. David Nicol. Mr. Wm. Logan and sister, Miss Thame iLogan, of Varna, visited with Mr. Geo. Douglas and Miss Irene on, Sunday last • Mr. Harold Bonthron, of New Mar ket, and Miss Jean Bonthron, of Lon don, spent the week-end with their parents here. iMr. Launce Batters-by assisted the choir at the United church in Till- sonburg 'On jSun.day last at their anniversary seiwices. iMr. and Mrs. Arthur McMullan son Gordon,, o.f Otterville, were week-end visitors here vvith Mr. Mrs. Lyle -Cassidy. iMrs. McMullen, who, has been iting with her daughter, .Mrs. Lyle Cassidy for the past couple of weeks returned to her home in Otterville on (Sunday. One feature of our new council is that the four already elected are all war veterans. Wm. Shepperd, who was a candidate for the reeve’s chair this year is also a war veteran. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick and son Douglas, of Toronto, were visiting relatives in town on Sunday1 and on Monday attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Cochrane of Hills green on Monday, afternoon. The Mission Band of the United church held a bean supper in the basement of the church on Friday evening. It was not a very favorable night but a good crowd was present and the proceeds amounted to $20. The- many friends, of Reeve Wm. Jones are sorry to hear that owing to ill health he decided to retire this year. Mr. Jones made a splen did reeve and during his two years of office has made a number of nec essary improvements. Mr. David .Robinson, one of the candidates for the office of reeve for 19 3 6, is calling a public meeting o-f the ratepayers to be held in the town hall, on Thursday evening to discuss questions of interest to the village.The Arnold Cirlce of Carmel Pres byterian Church will hold a sale of home made cooking in the basement of the church on Saturday afternoon. Tea will be served from four to six o’clock. A country store will be op erated all the afternoon. Besides the home cooking sale, ladies needle work and other articles will be of fered for sale. The kiddies of the village and vi cinity both young and old are look ing forward to the Xmas tree cele- bration which is being sponsored by the Hensail Chamber of Commerce, the date of which is to be announced shortly. Santa Claus will be here in person and a big time is expect ed. You Youngsters watch this column and we will tell you all about it from time to- time. The Mission Band of the United church held their regular meeting on Sunday afternoon. The meeting opened by singing a hymn and. fol lowed by prayer. The minut es and business followed by a piano solo by Elva McQueen. Miss Verda Watson gave a vary, interesting story on Africa. A reading ■ by Mary Goodwin and the meeting was clos ed with a hymn and the Mizpah ben ediction. (Councillor George Petty, after serving the village fO'r over fifty t years in different capacities is also retiring this year. Mr. Petty was chairman of the first Board of Trus tees for I-Iensall when it was first made a police village. "When, the village was incorporated fifty years ago he was its first reeve. He has served as reeve and councillor a good many times and in 1920 was warden of the County and made a very cap able presiding officer. Mr. Petty has been a splendid citizen and now at eighty years of age he thinks its time for younger-' men to take his place. Mr. Petty’s many friends I with her this, week will visit weeks. and the and vis- - hope for a good many years yet that he might be able to take an interest in municipal affairs. Nomination Meeting' Three in the Field fur Reeveship A fair crowd attended the nomin- at\.n meeting held in the town hall on Friday evening. (The crowd was very orderly and all the speakers ha" a good hearing. The village clerk, James A. Paterson, presided. At eight o’clock the following were nominated: For Reeve: Owen Geiger, by Thomas Kyle and Samuel Merner; Walter .Spencer, by G. C. Petty and W. J. Jones; William J. Jones, by G. C. Petty and Wm. Shepherd; William -Shepherd, by W. Consitt and C. ,'S. Hudson; David Robison, by W. Sangster and W. Shepherd. For Councillors: -G. C. Petty, by Wm. -Shepherd and W. J. Jones; William Shepherd, by G. C. Petty and W. J. Jones; William .Sangster, by W. J. Jones and G. C. Petty; Ernest Shaddick, by G. C- Petty and Wm. Consitt, E. L, Mickle, by W. C. Spencer and G. C. Petty; George B-nock, by -C. S. Hudson and Thomas Kyle; Archibald Hamilton, by. A. L. Case and W. O. Goodwin: Archibald Fil-shie, by Wm. Consitt and T. W. Pari m er. iSchool Trustees: Rev. W. A. Young, by) Wm. Sangster and Wm. Shepherd; Fred Manns, by Wm. Shepherd and' Wm. Sangster; T. E. Drummond, by G. C. Petty and W. J. Jones; George Hess, by Samuel Mer ner and Thos. Kyle. -Public Utilities: Charles Moore, by W. J- Jones and G. C. Petty. -Mr. Paterson, was asked to act as chairman of the after meeting and he called on all the nominees to come to the platform, which most of them did. Mr. A. L. Case, sec’y- treas., of the school board was first called on. He gave an account of his receipts and expenditures, up to date and an estimate to the end of the year, and thought there would be a surplus of about $200. Mr. Case gave great credit to the school teaching staff for the splendid work they are doing. M-r. W. O. Goodwin chairman of the school board gave an. account of the cost of installing the new. heating -boiler in the -school. He stated that he looked on it mere ' as an investment than an expense, as it would pay for itself in a few years in the saving of fuel. Mr. Goodwin also gave great credit to the teaching staff at the school. Rev. W .A. Young, who is a candidate for re-election* to the school board, spoke very] highly of the work done at the school. Reeve Jones was then cdlled on. Mr. Jones first took up county affairs which he covered very fully. He gave the reasons for the change at the Children’s, Shelter, and that the Ontario Government was now. satis fied at to its standing. He touched on the county roads, County Home and of the repairs made at the Court House at Goderich. Mr. Jones also gave a good account of local affairs. He mentioned the oiling of the streets, the different repairs it was found necesisary to make; the suc cess of the Old Boys’ Re-union'and that in the two years he has filled the position of Reeve he has brought the tax rate‘down from 33 , to 30 mills. Councillor Petty gave a short re view of the work done during the year. He thanked his mover and seconder foi' the honor of another nomination, but asked to be reliev- I ed from the duties of Councillor this year. He is 80 years of age and has served this corporation for over fifty years in some capacity, and and thought he -had done his share. Councillors Shepherd and Sangster each gave short addresses and would consider if they would run again, and if so asked for good support. -Mr. Geiger was tnen called on gave a good address. He was faring from a severe cold, so not up to. his usual good form, gave some criticism however. Geiger said that he would be a J and suf- was He Mr. ___ can didate for reeve and asked for a good (support. Mr. Hamilton stated he would be a candidate for the council. Mr. Archie Filshie -jevere- ly criticised some of the actions of the school b ard, the library board, the -public utilities and the council. He claimed that as a citizen he had a right to see the minutes of the jneeting of the different boards, *a privelege he claimed he was denied. Reeve Jones then replied to- some of the criticism leveled at the council, and stated that as he had been Poultry Wanted- Chickens and Old Hens Heads, Feet, and Feathers off. Contents of Crop Removed not Drawn Under 4 lb. ... 4 lb. and over •• • i THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 38, 1935 • • • • ••• •• •• • • •• • Canadian Canners Limited, Exeter Phone 28 Deliveries Not Accepted on Saturday Reeve for two- years and in very poor health, he would retire and would not be a candidate for reeve for the next year, 'On Saturday night at 9 o’clock the following had qualified for Reeve: Owen Geiger, David Robinsbn and William (Shepherd; for Councillors: William Sangster, George Brock, Ernest Shaddick and Archie Hamil ton, acclamation; Public Utilities: Charles Moore, acclamation; School Trustees, Rev. W. A. Young, Fred Manns and George Hess, acclama tion, An election will be held next Mon day, Hall December 2nd, in the Town to fill the office of Reeve. CREDITON moving picture show is to in the Crediton 'Town Hall, A held Wednesday, December 4th, under auspices of the Women’s Institute. Two hours of ment. (See advt. front page. Mr. and Mrs. Czar Wilson and son Stanley, of Byron;’ Mrs. Paul Elson, of Hyde Park; Mrs. Wilson, of Lobo 'and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Faulder and son, of McGillivray spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hill. Miss Ila Lamport,/ of London, spent the week-end at the home of her parents. Mrs. Mitchell and babe, of St. Marys, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wein. Mies Helen ‘T'elfer, of London, spent the week-end with her parents M. and Mrs. M. W. Telfer. Miss Martha Pletch, R.N., of Ham ilton and Mr. Harold Pletch, who is attending U. of W. O., visited their parents, Rev. A. E. and Pletch over the week-end. We regret to report that Mr. Bowman, who is in St. Joseph’s pital, London, had a slight operation on Saturday and is improving nicely. Mr. Murray Morton spent the week-end at his home in Southhamp ton. Miss Florence MacDonald and Mr. Roy McKee returned with him on .Sunday and, visited, with Miss Margaret Gettinger. IA1 place last week when by Mr. Lloyd Gaiser, twin calves. Messrs. Earl Haist Fahner arie spending a few days in Dunnville an-di Toronto also attend ing the Royal Winter Fair. Christian Endeavor The regular ‘meeting of the ioir Christian Endeavor of the Evan gelical (Church was held in the Sun day School auditorium last Friday evening with a splendid attendance. The department of (Sympathy and Service was in charge of the gram. Earl Hai-st presided at meeting. After a song service and a numiber o<f short prayers the scrip ture was read by Arthur Gaiser. Miss Thelma Welsh -rendered a piano in strumental. The topic “God’s Gift to Me” was very ably discussed -by El la Morlock. -Gladys Ratz and Fred Kerstin© contributed a vocal duet and Emmery Fahner and Murray Morton rendered' a much appreciat ed cornet duet. Young People’s Union The regular meeting of the Young People’s Union of the Crediton Unit ed -Church was held- in the basement of the church -on Friday evening. The meeting opened with the presi dent, Jack Galloway in the chair. Miss Alwinna Hill took charge of the meeting. Rev. Mr. Johnson led in prayer followed -by the scripture les son by Frederick Jones. Russell Finkbeiner read) the topic for the evening. The Misses Jean Baynham, and Marion Lovie1 rendered a beau tiful duet. A reading entitled “Rus tic Courtship” was given by Mjss Helen Finlkibeiner. Rev. Johnson then read a letter -from from Dr. Wilfred, our- Missionary in China. Some -busi ness was taken up followed by the Mizpah benediction in, unison. The rest of the evening was spent in con tests and Bible base ball. The next meeting will be held on December 6. The officers for the new year were elected at the previous meeting and are as follows: President, Jack- Gal loway; Vice-Pres., Frederick Jones; Treasurer, Russell Finkbeiner; Se cretary, Mary Lamport; Pianist, He len Finkbeiner; Assistant Pianist, Audrey Yearley. The following com mittees were appointed: Christian Fellowship, Alwinna Hill; Missionary Doreen .Bakei’i; Christian Citizenship, Helen Finkbeiner; Literary Recrea tion, Andy Mathers. The Social Com mittee, Roy Lamport, Audrey Year ley, Lillian Finkbeiner, Frank Ma thers, Howard Lightfoot. aft THE RED &. WHITE STORE t w • ...... PURE GRANULATED SUGAR PASTRY FLOUR NEW DATES 10 lbs. fop 50c. 24 lb. sack each 59c. 4 lbs, for 25c. be on the excellent entertain- with Mrs. Wm. Hos- ill very interesting event took a cow "owned gave birth to and Harold Sen- pro- the CENTRALIA Everyone please keep in mind the Sunday School Anniversary, Dec. 15, when, Rev. M. M. whiting, a return ed missionary from Japan will be the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson, Helen Wilson and Billy Wilson ited in London recently with Mi', and Mrs. Jas. Ogden. ” Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin, Exeter visited for a few days week with Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Miss Wilda Pollock Reg. N., of Kitchener, visited on Sunday with her sister Mrs. Lome Hicks. Miss Gwen. Hicks, of London, spent the week-end here. On Saturday of last week nice Brown, celebrated her birthday and entertained a ber of young friends at a birthday party. Bernice received a number of lovely presents and a very en joyable time was spent. Marie Huxtable, daughter of Mi\ and Mrs. Fred Huxtable, of ExeteX visited for a few days last wo with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith. Mr. Bill Elliott, of London, spent the week-end at his homo here. The regular weekly meeting oil the Young People's Society was held in the church here on Tues day evening of last week. The meet ing was opened by singing hymn 94 Rev. Stewart led in prayer. The meetinig was then handed over to the Christian Mission Convenor, Miss vis- of last Otto Ber- tenth n’un ORANGE MARMALADE, 32 oz. jar ....... GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE, 1-2 lb. pkg. GOLD MEDAL CHERRIES, No. 2 tins ... WONDERFUL LAUNDRY SOAP ............. each 25c. 4* 2 fpi* 25c. 2 for 25c. 8 for 25c. Beaver Brand Blue Berries....... 2 tins 23c. Keta Salmon, large tin ............... each 10c. Libby’s Pork and Beans, large tin each 10c. Fresh Broken Sodas ........... 3 lbs, for 25c. Choice Quality Mincemeat ..........2 lbs. 25c. Good Cooking Rice ............. 3 lbs. for 14c. Fresh Oysters in bulk...... Fresh Grapefruit ............. New California Grapes... Sweet Potatoes ................. Fresh Celery Hearts ........ Smoked Fillets of Haddie .....per qt. 85c. ....... 6 for 25c. . 2 lbs. for 25c. 6 lbs. for 25c. per bunch 10c .....per lb. 15c. JUST ARRIVED—A SHIPMENT OF NEW RAISINS, CURRANTS, DATES, BLEACHED SULTANAS, CHERRIES, NEW PEELS, CUT OR WHOLE, PINE APPLE ALL COLORS, ALMONDS, WALNUTS, SPICES AND FLAVORINGS, EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE OR MINCEMEAT. Red and White will help the Kiddies, December 16th ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price. EXETER, ONT. We Deliver Miss -Greta Pollard. Hymn 78. The Scripture lesson Psalm 61, was read by] Donald Blair; vocal solo by Mr. Cecil Skinner. Rev. J. B. Moore, of Grand Bend was the guest speaker and he delivered a very interesting address on Mission work in North ern Ontario, dealing particularly with the Elk Lake charge where he had ministered for three years. Miss Hazel Smith, of Exeter, was present and gave a reading. Hymn 5 6 was sung and the meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Jackson, are visiting with relatives in Creemore, Ont. Mr. Kenneth Hodgins and Misses Florence Mitchell and Evelyn Clark were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pfaff and chil- were Sunday Otto dren, of Dashwood, visitors with Mr. and Brown. On Thursday evening a successful Chicken served in the the schoolroom of the church here. The bazaar in charge of Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. (Rev.) Ste wart, Mrs. Esser.y and Mrs. Powe also proved a success. Following the supper a good play entitled ‘“Closed Lips” was put on. by the Zurich Young People. Music was provided between acta. The November meeting of the W. M. «S. was held at the home of Mrs. Lome (Sholdice on November 21st. Mrs. Allie McFalls led in the devo tional exercises. Hymn 90 was sung in opening the meeting. A number of papers written by Negro poets .were read by, Mrs. F. Bowden, Mrs. L. Hicks, Mrs. Allie McFalls. The devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart. The Scripture les son, Acts chapter six, was read by Mrs. F. Bowden. Mrs. A. McFalls led in prayer. The introductory re marks on the new Study Book were given by' Mrs. L. Hicks. A temper ance paper by, Mrs. F. Bowden; vo cal solo by Mrs. Fletcher. 'The first chapter of the Study Book, “The New Africa” was given by Mrs. A. McFalls. Hymn 81. Mrs. Penwarden gave a short report on the morning session of the Presbyiterial held at for was and Mrs. of last Supper week was Elmiville. After short session business discussion the meeting closed with singing hymn 94 benediction by, the president. KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe daughter Roxie, attended the Royal Winter Fair last weak. Mr. and Mrs. L. Fletcher spent part of last week with Mrs. Frank Smith of Aylmer. M. and Mrs. Chester Hazelwood-, of Detroit, spent part of last week with friends in the village. Mr. W. Hazelwood returned with them for the winter months. The Paul family helped with the concert in Cromarty last Tuesday night and was much appreciated by all.(Mrs. Ira Marshall is visiting with friends in Toronto and taking in the Winter Fair . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis and Lome spent Sunday with friends at Munroe. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey God'bolt, of Centralia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopkins spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C Hotson. 0Mr. Gerald Cluff, -of London, spent the wealth-end with his parentis Mr. and Mrs. John Cluff. Miss Gladys Shier, of London, is spending a month at Rev. Mr. Par sons.We are very sorry to hear little Mary Parsons is, under doctor’s care for a month. WHALEN and that the Miss Marjorie Qke of near Exeter is holidaying with Mrs. Walter Gun- 1 J1Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson spent the week-end in St. Mays with the latter’s sister, Mirs. Alice Parkin Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ogden, Miss Aletlia Ogden and Mr. Harold Sut ton, of London, visited on Sunday WAN TED LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY Dressed Ducks, Geese and Turkeys Highest Prices Paid Write or Phone SWIFT CANADIAN CO. Phone 216Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ogden. Mrs. Eagleson, of Grand Bend, visited during the past week with her niece, Mrs. 'Thos. Gunning. (Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire and Mr. and Mirs. Frank -Squire and families visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mill- son, of Lucan, on Thursday even ing. Friends of Mr. Allen Jaques will be pleased to learn that his condi tion is very much improved and that he is able to be up for a short time each day. Mrs. Frank! -Squire spent Wednes day, in Exeter -with Mr. and Mrs. N- Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arksey visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, near Centralia. Mrs. -Geo. Squire and Velma at tended the -Makins-Westilake wed ding in Exeter last Wednesday. W. M. S. The November meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Millson on Thursday after noon with 13 members and 5 visit ors in attendance. ‘The 1st vice- president, Mrs. Hazelwood, presid ed. Following the devotional ex ercises prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Stewart. A letter of thanks was read fr-om Mrs. John Hodgson for fruit presented her on her. 68 th birthday on November 17th. Mrs. ✓Melville Gunning sent her appre ciation for fruit sent her during her illness. Mrs. Geo. Arksey read the Scripture lesson. Readings -were given by Jean Morley, Mrs. Switzer and Mrs. F. Squire. Mrs, H. Squire very capably reviewed the first chapter in the study book "The New Africa”, talk on Several cussed, charge elected Mrs. Wm. Morley; Mrs. Hazelwood; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs H. Squire; Secretary, Mrs. Pullen; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. Arksey; Treas., Mrs. Ogden; Secretary of Christian Stewardship, Mrs. E. Squire; Stran gers’ Secretary, Mrs. Wilson Mor ley, Mrs. Foster; Supply Sec’y., Mrs. Geo. Millson, Mrs. E. Squire; Tem perance Sec’y., Mrs. John Hodgson; Baby Band Sec’y., Ruth Hodgson; Missionary Monthly Sec’y., Mrs. F. Squire; Press Sec’y., Mrs. F. Squire, Elva Morley; pianists, Mrs. Foster, Gladys Squire; Mission Circle, Hon. Pres., Mrs. Thos. Gunning, meeting closed with singing benediction by Mrs. Hazelwood. An Hilarious Three-Act Comedy “TOO MANY PARENTS” By Parkhill Young People Tieman’s Furniture Store, Dashwood FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29th at 8 p.m. Par-kihill Male Quartette Between Acts Admission: Adults 25c. Children 15c DASHWOOD ■She also gave a short the author “Donald Fraser”, business matters were dis- With Rev. Mr. Stewart in the following officers were for the coming year: Pres., 1st Vice-Pires.,' The and MlS(T3LLANEOUS SHOWER FOR BRIDE AND GROOM A lovely evening was spent recent ly when 100 relatives and friends gathered at the home of Wm. Beck er of Stephen Township, in honour of his eldest son Arnold and his bride, formerly Miss Lillian Webb. The early part of the evening was spent in progressive euchre when the prizes were awarded to Mrs^ W. Stadev Henry Eaglson, Mrs. D. Snid er and Mr. C. Woido, Refreshments were served and the remainder of the evening was spent' in dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Becker were the recipients of many, useful gifts. Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over’ the post Office, in Zu rich, last three days of week. Mrs. Nancy Ravelie, Bend, spent last week Weber. Rev. S. W. McFalls funeral of a friend in ! Friday where he also week-end. Mrs. S. Ireland and son Lawrence of Guelph, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman. Dr. Eugene Tieman, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with his parents. Miss Ella Martinson accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Verne Schatz mo tored to Toronto and spent the week end with friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. Haist, of Zurich, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. D. Schroeder. iMi-ss Verna Kraft, who in the hospital in London erating at her home here. Mrs. Lane, of Dorchester, is visit ing with her daughter A. E. Oestricher. A three-act comedy in Tieman’s furniture day evening, November 29th under the auspices of the Young Men’s Bible Class. Parkhill Male Quartet will be in attendance. Mission Circle Meets) The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle was held in the church basement on Tuesday even ing with Albert Goetz as chairman. The meeting opened with a song service conducted by Gertrude Hoff man. The scripture reading was taken by Lloyd Guenther from the 96th Psalm, followed by the roll call and reading of the minutes. The meeting was then in charge of the president Gertrude ------ conducted a debate poverty rather than develop character.” and 'Stuart Wolfe taking the affir mative side while the negative side was taken by Anne Tieman and Chester Gaiser. Dr. Taylor, Gordon Keeler and Earl Gaiser acted as judges and after very careful con sideration Dr. Taylor announced that the negative side were th winners by throe points. The meeting was closed with the creed. “I Would be True.” of Grand with Mrs. J. attended the Simcoe last - spent ' the Mr. and has been is recup- Mr. and Mrs, will be given stare on Fri- wTi oHoffman “Resolved that riches tend to Ella Martinson For gifts in watches, rings, silver ware, jewellery and china see S. B Taylor,