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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-10-31, Page 8
G THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31st, J035 Compare Bonat With any other method and you will be sure to avail yourself of the time-saving convenience and com fort of this modern permanent wave. Only chemically pure Bonat sup plies are used. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Dr. Frank Blatchford, of Ft. Wil liam visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. and with his ford. Mr. David been confined four months through illness is able little with the aid of Exeter Markets Wheat 70e. Buckwheat 40e. Manitoba's Best $2.80 Welecmv Fleur $2.50 Low Grade Flour $29.00 a Bran $20 a ton. Shorts §22.00 a ton Mixed Chop §24.00 a ton. Govt, standard screening Chop §20.00 a ton Creamery Butter 28. 29c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 23, 26c. A large 35c. A, medium 32 c. A, pullets 24c. C, 19 c. ton. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, R.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist Morning service withdrawn in fa vour of Main Street Anniversary Ser vices. 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.-—■'“The Radiance -of a Livin Personality.” 7 p.m.—“Peter’s Second Sermon H. Wood. of Usborne, father Mr. F. Blatch- Rowcliffe, who ha»5 to his home for about he eut a crutches. Mr. Cecil confined fro several slowly im- aaround Fisher re- af- the J. Wil able his has crut- N., her Mar- theat been, off through Stewart, who has been his home for weeks through illness is proving and able to. be little. Mr. and Mrs. Harold turned to their home Wednesday ter visiting for a time w’ith former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher. The many friends of Mr. E. Willis are pleased to see him to be around again following accident in, July. Mr. Willis been up town with the aid of ches. Miss Margaret Martin, Reg. who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Hamilton General Hospital, returned to home here on Wednesday. Mrs. tin motored down foil* her. Mr. Wm. McKay, teller Bank of Montreal, who has duty for about six months illness and who has been recuperat ing at his homie at St. Marys, re turned to his- duties last wee.k*. Mr. G. E. Aitken, who has been, reliev ing here, returns this week to the , branch Rev. eupied church interests of the Ontario Temperance Federation. Mirs. Stanley Johnston, Lucan, sang solos at both the morn ing and evening services and in. the evening also sa-nig a duet with Rev. Mr. Elliott. Rev. Mr. Mair, of the Thames Rd. occupied the pulpit of James St. United church on Sunday n&orning last, the pastor,-Rev. A. Page taking anniversary service at Thames Rd. This was Mr. Mair’s first appear ance at James St. since coming to the Thames Road and the congre gation were delighted with splendid inspiring message. at H. the on Kitchener. D. Moyer, of Preston, ac- pnlpit of the Main Street Sunday morning in the his FOR SALE—Beatty 1900 Catar act Electric Washer. Very cheap. W. J. BEER. BRICKOTE— We have secured the district agency for Brickote, a new siding for homes that looks just like brick and fe a splendid insu lator. Let us estimate your job.— W. Cutbush, phone 57j. 10-31-3tp WANTED Used piano for cash, give full par ticulars in, your first reply. Box 195, Exeter. FOR SALE—Number of choice breeding White Leghorn cockerels, government inspectd. Apply quickly. Dan. Hodgson, Cetralia. ltp WANTED—A girl for household duties, preferably to room at home. Apply to Mrs. W. H. Moise, care of the Bank of Montreal. FOUND—A set of car keys piece of wire. Owner may same by proving property and pay ing for advt. Apply at Times-Ad vocate. on a have FOR SALE—/Brand new Renfrew separator. Will sell for cash or ex change for good holstein cow. Ap ply Kenneth Wein, Dashwood. NOTICE The dentists of Exeter desire to call the attention of the public to the fact that their offices are closed every Wednesday afternoon through out the year. FOUND—iln Exeter, on Thursday a sum of money. Owner may have same by paying for this advt. Ap ply at Times-Advocate. Mr. -and Mrs. Seymour wish to state that they have moved from Main Street to “Barnum Lodge” on Andrew Street and Will carry on business from that address as paint er and Paper Hanger and Mrs. Sey mour as Practical Nurse. The pat ronage of their clients will be great ly appreciated. 10-17-4tp. FOR SALE Frame building 18 by 24 suitable for garage; also set of plat form scales capacity 6,000 pounds. Apply to Mrs. Byron E. Hicks, Credit™, or J. W. Morley, Solicitor, Exeter. feet FOR SALE The residence of the late Thomas Mitchell, in Centralia. This is a seven room, brick cot tage, in good repair, with electric lights and coal and wood furnace, hard and soft water, There is a frame stable or garage, about an acre of good garden land. The pro perty is situate oil Main Street op posite the United Church parsonage. For terms and particulars apply to Gladman & Stanbury, Barristers, etc,, Exeter and Hensall or Thomas A. Mitchell, R. R. 1, Centralia. pMwaxi »<wn> n ■— (> o m <; ■—» t> —xn ti mwt n mwi ri n w iQ I LOCALS | i i Ignwnmiwm—»ifmn <i w n wx» iimniwi xi— u — i|J To-night (Thursday) will be Hal lowe’en. Beware of the spooks and goblins. Mrs. Hillery Horton is confined to her room and under the doctor’s care. Mr. J. Elston returned on Satur day from a week’s visit with friends in (London. Mrs. Anderson, of Creditor, is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. J. Morley. Miss Ella Jones, Stratford, visit ed on Sunday -with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones. Miss Gladys Penhale, of London, spent Thanksgiving with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Penhale. Mrs. Albert Gunning spent holiday with hei* nephew, Mr. Mrs. Norman Hern at Norwich. Mr. and Mrs. John N-orthcott spent a few days with their daugh ter Mrs. Marshall, of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. , Beavers visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Kirkby near St. Marys on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMane, of At wood, visited with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Terry, Sun day. Mr. Wm. Walter was laid up for a couple of days the latter part of last week with an attack of appendi citis. Mrs. (Rev.) Med'd and daughter Miss Josie Medd, of London, visited for a week with Mrs. George E. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Peart and daughter Betty, of Rockwood, spent the week-end with Mr. and Geo. Jaques. Mr. Reg. Beavers and Miss Doris Napper spent Thanksgiving with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mr. and Mil’s. W. H. Dearing re turned home on Friday after visiting for three weeks in Sarnia, Pt. Huron and other points. Mrs. Isaac Statham and two sons, of Strathroy, visited for a few days last week writh the former’s mother Mrs. D. Davis. Mr. Gordon-Hilbourne was a vis itor with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chapman, of Hen sall for Thanksgiving. Mr. Jos. Senior, wino has been ill for the past week is still confined to his bed. His friends will hope for his speedy recovery. Miss E. Fletcher, of Glencoe, D. Lippert and son Lloyd, of bounne, visited last Sunday Mrs. L. Sweitzer, William St. Mrs. M. Patrick and daughter Helen, of Windsor, spent Thanksgiv ing and the week-end with the former’s mother Mrs. M. Heywood. Miss Caroline Rqss and Mr. and Mrs. .Sherwood-Creighton were guests of their sister Miss Margaret E. Ross for Thanks giving and the week-end. Mir. and Mrs. Perry W. David, of London’, were holiday guests1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey. Mrs. David stayed for the remain der of the week. Mr. Geo. Stephenson, of Walker ton, county engineer for Bruce, and his sister, Reina, of Varna, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston one day recently. Thanksgiving Day passed off very quietly on Thursday of last week. The weather was somewhat cold and disagreeable. Some of the local hunters spent the day in the woods. A number of the members from Lebanon Forest Lodge, A.F. & A.M. were at Seaforth Sunday attending Divine service with the Seaforth brethren in First Presbyterian church. Thursday and Friday of last week were open days1 for black squirrel shooting and numerous black squir rel pies were enjoyed by local nim- r-ods. The limit was five squirrels to a hunter and several secured their full quota. A splendid band concert was given in Leavitt’s Theatre on Sunday ev ening at 8.30. A large crowd was present and enjoyed the various numbers including hymns, overtures marches and minuets, under the cap able leadership of Mr. Ted Walper. Mr. Thus. Pryde acted as chairman. It may be of interest fro Exeter High School frO1 read that Evelyn Sippell, a former member has finish ed her senior matriculation at the Hanover High School; standing first all year in a class of twenty-six, passed with honors and is now at tending Mr. London Aubrey visitors J. W. Powell accompanied them home, re maining until Wednesday* evening when Miss Marion Powell will play the violin over the radio from CFPL Lchdon, ot 6,45. LOCALS the and Mrs. Mrs. Mel- with the Stratford Normal. and Mrs. Bart Powell Twp,, and Mr. and Bough, of London, in the home of Mr. and Powell on Sunday. of Mrs. were Mrs. Mrs. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Ch-oir-Leader CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY 11 a.m.—Rev. Walter Craw, B.A., B.D., London. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Rev. W. A. Walden, B.A., London, President of the London ■Conference. Special Music Monday—Y.P.S. Wednesday, Nov. 6th—Men’s Union open meeting, Speaker, Mr. Bed ford. Old time musical program. Thursday 7.45—Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, November- 13 th Savage, of Pontiac, Mich., speak. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11. a.m.—'Ctommunion Service Every member is urged present. p.m.—Sunday School. Evening service withdrawn in fa vour of Main St. Anniversary. Thursday at 8 p.m.—Y. P. S. Wednesday, 8 ©.in.—Prayer Service November 10 th anniversary vices Rev. Peter Bryce, B.D. 3 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M<. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFanl Choir-Leader, Mr. Middleuilss Twentieth Sunday After Trinity 10 a.m.—U-Go-I-Go1 Class 11 a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser mon. “An Apostolic Exhortation” Eph. V, 18. 3 p.m.—Sunday School in the church Evening Service withdrawn for Main .Street Anniversary. 8 p.m.—Friday—All Saints’ Day. Service in the Parish Hall THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Offers up-to-date contracts to meet every insurance need. We welcome inquiries Insurance of all kinds C. V. PICKARD Phonexl65, Exeter Hairdressing Finger Waves and Marcels PERMANENT WAVES Phdne for an appointment M. Russell Phone 245 Our Biggest Asset Is a Satisfied Customer reputation and future de-Our .pends on Satisfied Customers. This is why we sell D. & H. Cone-Cleaned Anthracite, the best, mod depend able all weather fuel we can obtain. D. & H. comes from the richest coal seams and is cone-cleaned and rigid ly inspected. We take pride in our delivery too! It’s courteous and dependable. •Order a supply today of our Pea Coal. Car just arrived. We aim to please JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative PHONE 81 ST It Will Pay You to See Our Values in LADIES’ AND MISSES COATS We offer you such a fine assortment to choose from and the prices are very tempting. Priced from $12.95 to $29.50. BOUCLE SCARVES The new Scarves come in bright colors in stripe and plaid effects THE PRICE IS $1.00 THE VAN RAALTE LINE In gloves, hose and underwear. Cut and style the smartest to be had PRICED AT $100 WOOL CREPE In the best selling shades for fall and winter wear, 54 inches wide at $1.50 PER YARD PYJAMA CLOTH These cloths can be had in stripes floral patterns; 36 inches wide at 30c. AND 35c. PER YARD Our Overcoats Have Style and are Priced Right We are showing the newest styles and materials for Men and Young Dark Grey’s and Brown’s are very popular PRICED AT $16.95 STANFIELD’S UNDERWEAR Are tailored to fit. They also wear well, we offer a popular number in com binations at each $2.00 STRIPE FLANNELLETTE PYJAMAS They are cheaper than you can make them yourself. Good patterns and all sizes. PER GARMENT $1.59 FLEECED LINED SHIRTS & DRAWERS In a real good quality made by Dodds. These are specials values at NEW WOOL SWEATERS With the V neck and dome fastener. The newest things for school wear 9 ft. by 12 ft. Regular Price $12.00—Reduced to $10.45 10 1-2 ft by 12 1-2 ft Regular Price $14.25—Reduced to $12.95 12 ft. by 12 1-2 ft. Regular Price $16.25—Reduced to. $14.95 12 ft. by 15 1-2 ft. Regular Price $20.50—Reduced to $17.95 EACH $1.95 f •* 79c- .a Large Size Linoleum Rugs at Mircea M GROCERY SPECIALS NEW PRUNES SUGAR .CORN STARCH^ Large size Granulated or Brown 2 lb. for ... . 25c 10 lb. for ... 50c lfedKr^f715c — Lushas —CRISPY SODAS CORN BEEF JELLY POWDERS The Better Kind Fresh Very choice 3 pkgs, for . . 25c 2 lb. box for . 25c 2 tins for . . . 19c NEW MINCEMEAT PEANUT BUTTER Fresh Very Choice Harry Horne’s BROKEN SODAS 2 lb. for .... 25c 2 lb. for ... . 25c 3 lb. for ... . 25c Southcott Bros Phone 16 Phone 16 Mani Street Yowig People On Monday evening the Centralia Y. P. visited Main, Street Y. P. There was a large attendance. Mr. James ■Francis welcomed the visitors- after which Mr. Herman Hodgson took change of the program. Miss Flor ence Mitchell read the scripture and Rev. Stewart led in prayer. The mix ed quartette comprising Mrs. F. Penwarden, Mrs. W. Esser,y, Messrs. Tom Bioiyes and Homer Buswell, sang after which Miss Lillian Kennedy gave a reading. Mrs. R. Fletcher sang a solo and Mrs. Cecil Skinner played a violin solo after which Mr. Clifton Mitchell gave a very interest ing and profitable address. A piano, duet was given by Mrs. F. Penwar den and Miss Greta Pollard. Then the ladies’ quartette com prising Mrs. R. Parker, Mrs. R. Fletcher, Mrs. L. Hicks and Miss G. Pollard sang very nicely. The prop gram was much enjoyed by all, Mr. James Francis and Mr. Gerald Skin ner took charge of a few games "af ter which lunch was served. Accessory Bargains MEN’S SMART MUFFLERS $1.00 AND UP NEWS SPATS AT $1.00 A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HANDKERCHIEFS 2 FOR 25c. AND HEMSTITCHED LINEN, INITIALED AT 25c. THE ARROW SHIRT HAS THE NEW AROSET STARCHLESS COLLAR AT $2.00 NEW SILVER TONE OVERCOATS AT $14.95 HATS TO MATCH $2.75 J Dresses & Suits Tailor Pressed WE ©ALL FOR AND DELIVER EXETER, ONT. When You Have a HORSE OR COW You Want Removed Phone or Write to WILLIAM STONE SONS Limited Phone 22, Ingersoll WHAT A COMFORT, for children who suffer from bronchitis, croup, cough, colds, catarrh, tonsil and throat troubles when Sytbilla Spahr’s remedy is applied, it works, good results1 or money back. All drug gists. Hot Water Heaters $3.95 and up, BATTERIES—A large stock to choose from, 11 Plate to 17 Plate Liberal allowance on your old batteries. Don’t miss the big dance to held in the Exeter Pavilion on Wed nesday, November 6th. The epon- ■ sons have- -been fortunate in obtain ing Ron Buchanan and his music ’/.for the occasion. Ron and his b-oys have recently returned from Toron to, where Canadian work. Now is the the time to change to Winter Oils and Anti-Freeze Our prices are always right. Winter Storage for your car. A few spaces left at $2.00 per month. SANDY ELLIOT ford dealer they were playing on the Radio: OoimmissionA net- “FREE” NEW PERFUMEA want yiou to try this sensa- new creation “ISLE OF CAP- Send only, your name and ad- to receive a generous Sample our R. E. and Mrs. Southcott and son Jack, of Mt. Brydges, spent the week-end with the former’s mother, Mrs. C. A. Southcott. Mr. Southcott conducted the services at the ,St. Marys United Church Sunday Rev. Mr. Agnew, of St. Marys, con ducted Harvest Home Thanksgiving services at Mt. Bridges, a former charge. Mrs. Sidney navi® and Miss Mabel Follick accompanied Mir. Southcott to st. Maryg and spent the day with relatives. ISLE OF enough to We tional RI.” dress of powder drawer wof lingerie, i fumed for months. Do not mise this write today to THE FRANCE 2443 CAPRI sachet keep a whole delicately, per- FREE offer. CANADA CO. Rouen Street Montreal Trivitt Memorial A. Y. P. A. On Monday evening the members and1 friends 'Of the A. Y. P. A. held a Hallowe’en Social in the Parish Hall. A program of games, for tunes and cointests and musical numbers by Jack Harness and T«jm- my Walker were enjoyed.' Those Winning prizes for. costumes were? Ladies’ fancy, M-S. wm. Filerington ladies* comic, Wm ~ " fancy, Robt. comic, Vernon Heywood, Davis; Ellerington;