HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-10-31, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 4 THUBSPAX, OOl’OHBK 31M, 193,-; HENSALL 'Mr, Lloyd Passmore, of Delhi, visiting at his home here. Miss Mavis Spencer has accepted a position at the Dashwood p. Q, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett spent Tuesday visiting Stratford relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Thanksgiving with .Stratford rela­ tives. IMr. Charlee Moore is able to be out again after his recent severe ill­ ness. is seekers by J. Drummond. Mr. Aboa Ben Hasbeen, a Palmist of Great Fame <of Damascus was presept and gave a short address on Palmistry’ which was listened to with much in­ terest. The individual costume prise was won by Mrs, E. Shaddick, who, was dressed as a pirate; best dressed couple, Misses Louise and Beryl Drummond. During lunch the palm reading certainly caused u f< great deal of fun and amusement <r those present. D. McNaugh- of Almonte, the home of Mr. W. J, White, of Alienford, was calling on friends in town on Tuesday. Mr. Harry Cook attended a meet­ ing of the Hudson-Essex dealers in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton, of Port Dover, spent Thanksgiving with relatives here. Mrs. Medinger, of Ashley, Mich., spent a few days last week visiting with Mrs. Holland Little, Mrs. R. L. Coles, of Listowel, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold this week. Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Cameron and son Bobby were recent visitors with London and Morpeth., friends. Mr. and Mrs. James A. ‘Paterson have returned home after .spending the holiday with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, of Crom­ arty, were visitors .Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McQueen. Mrs. Blowes, of Mitchell, is visit­ ing here with her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manns and Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd spent Thanksgiving with London friends, Miss Mae McNaughton, of London spent Thanksgiving here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ton. Mrs. (Dr.) Burey, Mich., was a guest at Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Sherritt for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hilliard at­ tended the funeral of Mr. Hilliard’s mother, Mrs. Boyington, at Simcoe, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale and Mr. and Mirs. J. W- Ortwein spent the week-end visiting at Waterloo and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Will Simpson, Miss Mae .Simpson and Mrs. Miller, Detroit, spent the week-end at home of Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. Mt. and Mirs. Laird Joynt and Harry Jpynt, of Toronto, were holi­ day visitors here with their mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and children and Miss Alice Higgins, of the Beech-O-iPines, were visiting in town on Saturday. Mr. Harold .Bonthron, who it at­ tending school at New Market, spent Thanksgiving here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron, Mrs. Charles McDonnell is spend­ ing a week or two visiting in Toron­ to with her son-in-law and daugh­ ter, Mr. and Mrs.«George Laughton. John Farquhar and John Drum­ mond attended the A.Y.P.A. annual convention held at Windsor last week from Wednesday till Satur­ day. Miss Matties Ellis and Miss Beryl Pfaff attended the Teachers’ Con­ vention held in Ottawa bn Friday and Saturday.' They returned home on Monday. Mr. Thomas Wren has opened up a grocery store in connection with his produce business. The grocery department will be at the main ent­ rance of the store and ha© a splen­ did appearance. Mr©. George Brown, who has been, visiting at the home of her daughter in Stratford foi’ some time has re­ turned home. Her daughter, Mrs. Wilson, came home with her and will remain for a time. The Young Men’s Class also the Young Ladies’ Class of the Carmel Presbyterian Sunday school are hav­ ing a masquerade party at home of Mr©. George Walker, Thursday evening, Hallowe’en. Mrs. J. Lieper and Mrs. Annie McDonald, on Saturday received word of the death of their sister-in- law, Mrs. Percival Carlisle, of To­ ronto. Mrs. Lieper and Mrs. Mc­ Donald left immediately for Toron­ to. of the Dr. the ion Hallowe’en Social The Y. P. S. of the United church held a very successful Hallowe’en social on Monday evening in the school room of the church. , Rev. Arthur Sinclair acted as chairman in liis usual pleasing manner. The meteing opened with singing hymn 162, after which Mr. Sinclair led in prayer. (Selection by the Hyde orchestra, sole, Mr. W. O. Goodwin; piano instrumental, Miss Florence Welsh; song, “Hard Times in Boy­ land,” Mary Clark, Pearl Har.pole, Marian and Jessie Paisley; reading, Mrs. Milton Love. Rev. Mr*. -Sin­ clair gave a very interesting talk on Hallowe’en and what it means. -Sel­ ection by the Hyde orchestra; solo by Miss Bella Smale; reading, Mrs. Raethburne; solo, Dr. Smillie, after which the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. 'Contests ,were held and a dainty lunch was served. The programme was arranged bp Miss Mildred Slcruton, Miss Gladys Luker and Miss Vefda Watson. Fim and Frolic Evening On Monday evening the Young People of St. Paul’s Anglican church were entertained to a Fun * and ♦Frolic evening in connection with Hallowe’en. There was a splendid* program and the costumes were beautiful as well as very amusing. Prizes were given to the winners of the different contests and f-or the best costumes. The following pro­ gram was given, with the Rector of the church, Dev. Mr, Farr, acting as chairman. Rev. Mr. Farr gave a very interesting address oh Hal­ lowe’en; a recitation by Mary Good­ win which was followed by a pan­ tomine. An impromptu speech was given by Louis Clark on Prize and Forfeit; J. Drummond won the pea­ nut race and the hit or miss prize was won by T, Lavender. Fortune CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard and Greta ylsited with relatives in Thed­ ford on Thanksgiving Day. >Mr. and Mrs. Truman Mills, of Komoka spent Thanksgiving with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton recently visited at the latter’s home in Bly th and also in Wingham, The ladies of Centralia who were entertained at the home of Mr. Geo. Thompson in .Sebringville on Wed­ nesday of last week were; Mrs, Pen­ warden, Mrs, L. Hicks, Mrs. A. Hicks, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Fletcher, Miss and Mrs. Brooks. Misses Jennie and Rachel Wilson visited with relatives in Strathnoy and Ailsa Craig on Sunday. (Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden and Harold were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. (Stephen, in Woodham. Miss Wanda Willis and Mrs. Ir­ win Jackson, who have been confin­ ed to. their homes owing to illness for the past couple of weeks are able to be out again. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, of Clinton, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents Mr; and Mrs. A. Brooks. Mr. Howard Horton, of the O.A.C. Guelph, spent the week-end with Mr. Herman Hodgsion. iMrs. 'Otto' Brown and Bernice ©pent Saturday of last week with Mrs. A. Brown, of Crediton. Mr. Trevethick, of Crediton, gave and interesting talk in the Sunday School service here on Sunday. Rev. (Lewis, of Kirkton, took charge of the evening service on Sunday and delivered an interesting and inspiring: ©ennon. The services in the church here -on Sunday next will be withdrawn in favour of the Anniversary services to be held in the Whalen Church. The Sunday School service will be at 10.30 a.m. j Miss Jean Thompson, of Sebring­ ville, visited over the week-end with Miss Marie Fletcher and Miss Au­ drey Powe. Mrs. Baskerville and Mrs. Broken- shire, visited with, relatives around Crediton during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sleamon and June visited with relatives in Brant­ ford, on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. J. G. Jones, of Exeter, visit­ ed witli Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard on Tuesday of last week. 'Mrs. Fletcher and children and Miss Evelyn Clarke spent the week­ end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. .Moody, of Usborne. The member of the W. M. <S. held a special meeting on Tuesday of last week They decided to have a baz­ aar in connection with their Chicken Supper. Qn Friday evening November 8, the members of the W. A. on the Fairfield line will hold social in their school, spend' a real enjoyable Mr. and Mrs. George Gerald and Mr. and Mrs. Godbolt attended a. surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis in Saintsibury; the occasion being the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Davis. ■Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden, Harold, Mr. Thos. Neil and Mr. and Mrs. wm.-Essery and family spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Kerr in Lon­ don. Mrs. Clara Abbott and Miss Edith Davis spent Thanksgiving at the lat­ ter’s home in Exeter. Miss Scott, Supervisor of the Kit­ chener Hospital and Miss Wilda Pollock of the same hospital were week-end guests with the latter's sister Mrs. Lome Hicks. Mr. J.’Kessel and Mrs, Brown, of Dashwood, visited on Friday of last week with Mrs. Armstrong. Miss Lillie Dobbs, of Stratford, visited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden. Mr. William Boyle, of visited with relatives in during the past week. Mrs. Lome Hicks is her home in Ripley. Mr. Kenneth Hodgins holidaying for the past relatives in Granton, Greenway and Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. J, Waetnage moved back into the village last week after living for the past few years on farm in McGillivray. (Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks ed for a few. days last week Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Baines, Chat­ ham. While they were there Mrs. Hicks yisited in Windsor and spent a day or two with Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ ley Copeland; Mr. Hicks and Mr. Barnes went on a pheasant hunt to Peleb island and brought home some fine game, .Mr. and Mrs. T. Boyle, of Toron­ to, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Mc­ Fall© on Monday of this week, Mr. Garf, Thompson is off work for awhile owing to ill health. The regular mooting of the Y, P.' S. was held Tuesday evening last with 40 members present, The meet-j ihg was opened with hymn 196 and prayer by our president Garf. Thom­ son. The minutes were read and dent. The meeting was then taken: over by the Missionary Convenor, | Greta Pbllard. Hymn 221 was sung' The Scripture, Psalm 107 was read by Evelyn Clarke. A ladies quar­ tette consisting of Mrs. L. Hicks, Mrs. D. Parker, Greta Pollard and Mrs. M- Fletcher, sdng “From Every Stormy Wind That Blow” which was greatly enjoyed by all. The Bible Study was taken by Rev. Stewart. Mr, J. H. Jones, of Exeter, was the guest speaker for the evening and gave a wonderful address on “Per­ sonality,” A vocal duet by Mrs. F. Penwarden and Mrs. W. Essery was much enjoyed. The meeting was- clos­ ed with the society’s favorite hymn 43(6, and Mr. Stewart pronounced the benediction. GRANULATED SUGAR ............................... PASTRY FLOUR .............................................. QUICK QUAKER OATS ................................ RED AND WHITE BANTAM CORN BROOMS—GOOD QUALITY—5 STRING ...10 lbs. for 49c. WITH YOUR ORDER, ...............................24 lb. sack, EACH 59c. ..........................large.package, EACH 20c, .................................................2 tins for 19c, ................................................... EACH 35c, DASHWOOD Dr.W, D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office .over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. Mr. Vernon Schatz is confined to hits home suffering from an attack of rheumatism. Miss Kathleen Merner is visiting in Detroit, Willis Mclsaac .has returned after spending a week in. Detroit. Mr. Keeler, Miss Pepper and Miss Martinson attended the Convention at Ottawa. Miss Oneida Restemeyer nurse-in­ training at St. Joseph Hospital, Lon­ don, spent Thursday afternoon with her parents. Rev. and Mrs-. Sauer, of Mildmay, attended the funeral of the Rev. Henrick on Monday. Messrs. Haroia Kellerman Louis Fisher, of Fergus spent week-end at their homes here. Mrs. W. B. Love and granddaugh­ ter Miss Luella Neely, of Dorchester are spending a week with the form­ er’s niece Mrs. A. E. Oestricher and Mr. Oestricher. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Humble, Mrs. Miles and Mrs. Granger, all of Sar­ nia, attended the funeral of the late Rev. W. S. Henrick on Monday. On another page will be found an account of -the golden, wedding an­ niversary ' of Mr. and Mrs. George Koch. In the account the name of the eldest daughter, Mrs. Joseph Doerr, of Laird, >Sasik>., was omitted; the second daughter being Mrs. E. Thiel, of Hensall. The grandchild­ ren in Laird, Sask., presented their grandparents- with a beautiful fram­ ed 50-year marriage certificate. late and the i i i a hard time Come and evening. God bo It and Harvey London, tho village visiting at has been week with their Visit- with Death of Peter Martene Peter Martene, a lifelong resident of Stephen Township passed away on Thursday; at his home on the 7th concession after an illness of about a month. He was in his 62nd year and is survived by his widow, who was formerly Miss Mary Becker, his mother Mrs. Jos. Martene, three daughters, Irene, of Detroit; Olga, and Esther, at home and a son Ed­ win also at home. There are also a brother Henry, of Stephen and two sisters, Mrs. Southwick, of Mt. .Clemens and Mrs. Fred Dixon, Lon­ don. Funeral services were held at the Lutheran Church Dashwood, with Rev. T. Luft officiating. Inter­ ment took place in the Bronson Line Lutheran Cemetery. Brucc-Hayter A quiet wedding was solemnized on Thanksgiving Day by Rev. Kil- linger at the parsonage, London, when Miss Theada Hayter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayter was united in. marriage to Mr. Joe Bruce aon of James and the Bruce, of Truro N. >S. was becomingly gowned in green. Roberta crepe with brown ac­ cessories and wore a corsage of Talisman roses. Hei’ attendant was Miss Reta Hayter, sister of the bride, who was gowned in manila brown gloria crepe and wore a cor­ age of Sweetheart roses. The groom was supported by Archie Green, of Windsor. After the ceremony the bride and groom left on a short honeymoon the bride travelling in a diubmet satin faced crepe dress, jungle green cloth coat with squirrel trimming and accessories to match. They will reside in Windsor. Zion Lutheran Ladies’ Aid Entertains A m’ost enjoyable evening ©pent last Wednesday when Ladies’ Aid of Zion Lutheran church Das-hwo'od, entertained the Ladies’ Aid of Trinity Lutheran Church of London. About 25 of the London­ ers motored to Dashwood and were welcomed by the Dashwood ladies in the church basement which was beautifully decorated with flowers, autumn leaves and evergreens. The member©’ husbands of both Aids were ala invited and quite a num­ ber were present to. enjoy the hospi­ tality of the Dashwood ladies. The evening was pleasantly spent ac­ cording to a well arranged program drawn up 'by the entertainment committee of the Dashwood Aid con­ sisting of Mrs. Louis Rader, Mrs. Ed. Walper ahd Mrs. E. G. Kraft, Speaches of welcome were given by Mrs. Arnold Kuntz and Rev. Theo. Luft; response by Rev. C. J. Kll- linger, of London. Community sing­ ing, miusical numbers and readings followed by several contests kept tho gathering of 100 people interested until the committee on refreshments made the announcement that lunch would be served. This committee. In the persons of Mrs. J. Schroeder, Mrs. F. Schlundt and Mrs, Phil, Fas- siold- served a very tasty lunch of sandwiches, cake, pumpkin pie and coffee. At a late hour this evening of fellowship drew to a close, an oc­ casion enjoyed by all present and with the repeatedly expressed desire that the future may bring more events of this nature, late The Mrs. bride jungle was the R. & W. Spaghetti ........... tall tin each 10c. Golden Wax Beans...............3 tins for 25c. Libby's Pork & Beans, large tin ......... 10c. Sugar-Crisp Cornflakes.................4 for 25c. Golden Spray Cheese...1-2 lb. pkg. 2 25c. Broken Sodas.........................3 lbs. for 25c. Free Running or Iodized Salt 2 pkg. for 13 R. & W. Pumpkin ................. large tin 10c. Good Cooking Rice.................3 lbs. for 14c, Large Meaty Prunes, new fruit 2 lbs. 25c, Choice Quality Mincemeat...2 lbs, for 25c, New Cooking Figs...................3 lbs. for 25c, Sweet Potatoes ....... 6 lbs. for 25c. Fresh California Grapes.......2 lbs. for 25c, Fresh Celery Hearts ........... per bunch 10c. Fresh Cabbage ................................2 for 15c» DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS—ASSORTE D FLAVORS 6 FOR 25c. JUST ARRIVED—Smoked Fillets of Haddie jACADIA CODFISH .................... per pound 15c. .... per lb. 15c. LAST CALL FOR APPLES—SPIES, MACINTOSH REDS AND SNOWS ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT i Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver Popular* Pastor, Rev. W. S. Henrick Called by Death < The congregation of Dashwood Evangelical Church are mourning the death of a beloved pastor, Rev. William S. Henrick, who passed away! on Friday morning, October 25th, 1935, at the parsonage in his 66th year. (A week! age he was stricken with a paralytic stroke from which he failed to "rally. His cheerful personality won him a host of friends, both young and old, in­ side and outsidp of the congrega­ tion toy whom he will be greatly missed. Beside© his present congre­ gation his former charges at Gold­ en Lake, seven years; North East­ hope, seven year®; South Easthope one yeai* and Roseville, seven year©, join in expressions of regret. He was well known as a musician and band leader and gave unselfish­ ly of time and talent in behalf of the Dashwood -Christian Endeavor band which at the time of his death consisted of over 50 instruments. He leaves besides his widow, who was formerly Miss- Mary Cress-, two daughters Mrs. E. Hiller, (Florence), of Sarnia; Mrs. H. Riepert ((Hilda) of Toronto-; and three sons, Walter, at Toronto,; Carl at Kitchener and Norman at Cobalt. There are als-o five sisters, Mrs. Fo-rd Kuppf (An­ na) of Waterloo; Snyder (Caroline), Mr©. J. K. Smith Swift Current; Mrs. W. Glister (Lin­ da) of Swift Current and Mrs. Car­ michael (Lucy) of Toronto. ~ I brothers predeceased him. Following a private service at the parsonage, a p-ublic service was held at the Evangelical Church at Dash­ wood at 1-0.30 a.m. on Monday with the following ministers assisting in the service, Revs. J. P. Hauch, D.S.; of .Stratford; S. R. Knechtel, of Kit­ chener; F. B. Meyer, of Sebring­ ville; A. W. Sauer, of Mildmay; Burn, of Zurich; A. E. Pletch, Crediton and S. W. McFalls, Dashwood, Rev. Denny Bright, London, also was present. As the casket was being carried from the parsonage to the church, the Chris­ tian Endeavor Band of which the la-te Rev. Mr. Henrich was leader, plajied “Safe in the Arms of Jesus” and “In the Sweet Bye and Bye”. Special musical numbers given dur­ ing the service were an anthem bj" the c-hoir “Heaven Is My Home”, a Ladies’ quartette, “Jesus Saviour, Pilot Me”, a duet, “Others” by Mr©. J. M. Tieman and Mrs. T. Klum.pp and a solo “Evening Prayer” by Harry Hoffman. Beautiful floral offerings were sent by the following, The Sunday School, a pillow; The C. E. band, a lyre; the choir, Junior and Inter­ mediate Leagues, Senior League and Mission Circle, Ladies’ Aid and W- M. S„ Fehls Hardware, Kitchener; Miss Isabel Cowan, London; Mr. and Mrs. H. Cress, Elmira; Maeller Ltd, Sarnia; Miss Arlene Schaeffer, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Cookson and family, New Hamburg; Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cress- and family, Kit­ chener; Mrs. A. Cress and family, London; Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Smith, St, Jacobs; Western Canada Flour Co., Toronto and from hi® sisters of Waterloo and Toronto; also friends in Sarnia. Following the service, lunch was served) for the mourners by the Ladies* Aid before proceeding to the Kitchener-Waterloo cemetery fjof burial. Members of the C. E. band accompanied the funeral cortege to Kitchener where the Band rendered several numbers at the graveside as a tribute to- their deceased leader, A large crowd of sorrowful friends from the community of Kitchener had gathered at the cemetery before the arrival of the cortege. Among the minister® present at the grave­ side were Revs. H. A. Kellerman, D. S., of Waterloo; J. P. Hauch D.S., Stratford; G. F. Barthel, Kitchener; E. E. Hallman, Kitchener; E. Ft. Bean, Listowel; L. H. Wagner, Rose­ ville; J. E. Bonder, New Hamburg; E. Burn, Zurich; A. Clemens ilton; C. H. Cornwall, Elmira; J. Dengis, New Hamburg; W. J. Zim­ merman, Bridgeport and- W. J ger, St, Jacobs. ? i WINCHELSEA Quite a number from this com­ munity attended the Thames Road anniversary on .Sunday last. Miss Joy Whitlock, qf St. Thomas spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray and family spent Thanksgiving Day with friends at Walton. Mr. and Mrs. M. Feltcher, Exeter, spent Thanksgiving with Mr, Mrs. Walker Kerslake. iMr. and Mrs. W. E. Fletcher Marjorie spent Thursday with and Mrs. Ed. Stone at Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher and family attended the 40 th wed­ ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, F. Davis, iof 'Saintsbury, recently. (Mr. and Mrs. W. Kerslake and Mies Mabel Fairbairn, of Hensail; Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall, London; Spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Walker Kerslakle. Mr. Harold Davis, of Road, spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Ivan Brock. and and Mr. Thames and Mrs. Cranston of Waterloo; (Florence) of Two E. of of of Ham- Yea* ZION iMr. and Mrs. G. Jones and and Mrs* L. Rowcliffe visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern. Mr. and Mrs-. Lloyd Ashton and family, of London, and Grant Taylor of Exeter, spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern. The many friends of Mr. Allen Jaques are sorry to hear of his ill­ ness and hope for a speedy recovery. Also- Mr. Jess Horne, who' has- had an operation in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Peart, of Rockwood, visited with the latter’s brothers Messrs. John and Melville Hern and other friends on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hern were entertained at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dobson, Kirkton, on Friday evening, in hon- oi’ of their thirtieth wedding anni­ versary. Miscellancons Shower A miscellaneous shower was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Batten in honor of Miss Thelma Jaques, bride-elect on Saturday of this week. The gifts were presented in a decorated wagon drawn by Gladys Batten. A ■wedding was performed and other musical numbers. In a few chosen words Thelma thanked present for the beautiful gifts, dainty lunch was served. Mr. on mock well those A CREDITON EAST Sam. Merner is seriously home here. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff and illMr. at his Mr. daughter Delores, of Woodham, is visiting the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr. iMr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and Mrs. Frank Scheiding and Mr, T. H. Yuli, all of London, and Mr. and and Mrs. R. Motz and family, of Exeter spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mrs. Ann Collingwood has return­ ed to her home in Hamilton after a few days’ visit with hei* sister Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mrs. Sam, Baynham has returned home after a few months* stay in Forest. Mr. and Mrs. IT. Kuhn are ing relatives in Windsor and troit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Horney Miss Irma Ferguson, visit- De* and of Kippen, spent Sunday with tho former’s sis­ ter Mr. and Mrs. wm. Motz, Mrs. Henry Motz has returned home aftei* a two> weeks' visit with her daughter in London. Mr. and Mrs, L, Piter, of Chatham spent Bunday with the latter’s father Mr. Sam. Merner and Mr. and Mrs. David Baird. Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon and son Russell, of Grand Bend, spent Thanksgiving with Mr, Sam, Morn- er and Mr. and Mrs. David Baird. WOODHAM Mr. H. D. Lang, barrister, of St. Marys, addressed the Sunday School here last .Sunday on the Temperance cause. Rev. Mr. and Mr©, Lovegrove and William left Tuesday morning of this week for Northern Ontario to take in the (Jeer hunting season. Miss Madeline Rundle entertained a number of her girl friends Tues­ day evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire and Violet took in the Anniversary Ser­ vices at Thames Road last Sunday and also* visited with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann. Mrs. Gordon Dykeman, of Galt, visited for a few days with her par­ ents here und on Thanksgiving Day ,was joined by her husband and they returned' home Friday morning of » last week. Harry Spearin, of St. Marys, was a week-end visitor with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott and family spent Tuesday last in Lon­ don, ■Mr. and Mr©. Louth and babe, o£ London, were the guests of their parents on Thanksgiving Day and on Friday Mrs. W. Switzer and Mrs. Louth and babe left for Sudbury to visit the former’s daughter Mrs. Leslie Jinn. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire and daughter Violet were entertained Friday evening last at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Monty Dobson, Kirk-f ton. Mr. and Mr©. Wm. Rodd were' ■Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson liar. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. I. the fiowl supper at Elimville Thanks­ giving Day evening. Mr. and Mr©. John Camm and Evelyn.; Mr. and Mrs. Delmar John­ son attended the funeral of the late Miss Hudson, urday afternoon Miss Dorothy Bend, spent the home here. Miss Rhea Mills took in niversary services at Thames Road last Sunday. Mrs. visiting Head. Squire, of Farqu- Fred Doupe and McCurdy took in of Granton last. Camm, of week-end Grand at her the An- Clarence Gunning has been for a few days at Lion’s MT. CARMEL Messrs. John Hall and James Dal­ ton, of Goderich, called on friends 1 here last .week. Mr. Stephen Morrison received the news of the death of his sister Mrs. Lavine, of Detroit last week. Mrs. Ed. Ash and babe, of De­ troit, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, Joseph McKeever. ■Mr. Jack Morrissey and mother, accompanied by Mrs-. McPhea, Miss Annie McPhea, Mrs. T. Rowland, spent Sunday with friends at Strat­ ford. Miss. Lizzie Miller returned home after spending several .weeks at Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Doyle, of Lon­ don, spent a few days here last week. Mrs. Martha McPhee attended the funeral of her sister-in-law the late Mrs. Smith of -Crediton last week. Miss Mary Campbell returned to her home on Sunday after a pleas­ ant visit with friends at D-ublin. Miss Winnie Madden, of Toronto, spent the week-end: at her home. Mr. Frank Hall, of London, call­ ed on friends here on Sunday. Miss K. Morrissey, spent home. of London, Thanksgiving Day at, her OYSTER SUPPER L. O. L. 492, WOODHAM MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4 th Followed by splendid concert Snppor served at Adults 45c> plus tax; Jno. Thompson, W.M. 5.30 p.nu Children 25c. It. Marriott, £eo’y.