The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-10-24, Page 8THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1085 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Compare Bonat With any other method and you will be sure to avail yourself of the time-saving convenience and. com­ fort of th:s modern permanent wave. Only chemically pure Bonat sup­ plies are used. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat 70e. Buckwheat 40e. Manitoba’s Best $3.00 Welcome Flour §2.60 Low grade flcur $30 a ton. Bran $21.00 a ton Short® $23.00 a ton Mixed Chop $25.00 a ton Govt, standard screening Chop $20.0u a ton Creamery Butter 28, 29c. Dairy Butter 23, 26c. Eggs, A large 31c. Eggs, B 25c. Eggs C 19c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—-“The Radiance of a Living Personality.” 7 p.m.—The First Miracle by an Ap.vtle, i 1 It Will Pay You to See Our Values in LADIES’ AND MISSES COATS I I SPECIAL THANKSGIVING TURKEY DINNER LOCALS 50c. CENTRAL HOTEL Exeter J. J. Cox, Proprietor LOCAL NEWS Mrs. S. Morlock, C-redit- on Mrs. L. Sweitzer last Mrs. John R. Hind and McDonald are visiting in Mr. Jas. Francis spent a few days In Toronto the beginning of the week. Mr. and on, called Tuesday. Mr. and Miss Lulu Toronto. Mr. M. Elford, who has had a ser­ ious siege of illness for several _ weeks, is again able to be around. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gaiser, of Detroit, Mich., passed through here on a business trip north. Misses Emily and Mary E. Down, of London, are visiting with their brother, Rev J. W. and Mrs. Down. Uncle Tom’s Cabin will be pre­ sented in Leavitt’s Theatre on Mon­ day, October 2 8th by the Lincoln Amusment Co., Admission 25c. and 15c. Mr. J. J. Cox, of the Central Hotel has leased the Royal Hotel at Mit­ chell from the Pubic Utilities Com­ mission of that town. Mr. Cox is having it remodelled and refurnish­ ed with splendid equipment similiar to that of the Central Hotel. He is also having it fitted up with ladies and gents beverage rooms, It will be closed for a couple of weeks while repairs are being made. FOR SALE—/Brand new Renfrew separator. Will sell for cash or ex­ change for good holstein cow. ply Kenneth Wein, Dashwood. Ap- FOR Ing St. Kiikton RENT—(Residence on Carl- Apply to C. Upshall, phone 64r8.ltp. NOTICE The dentists of Exeter desire to call the attention of the public to the fact that their offices are closed every Wednesday afternoon through­ out the year. FOUND—iln Exeter, on Thursday a sum of money. Owner may have same by paying for this advt. Ap­ ply at Times-Advocate. The regular meeting of the Exeter W. I. will be held at the home of Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers on Tuesday, October 29th at 2.30 sharp. This will be the grandmother’s meeting and will the grandmothers please bring their aprons. FOR SALE—150 acres, lot 19, concession 7, Stephen Township, wood lot, excellent clayloam, hip- re of ed barn, two-storey brick house, water works, hydro. Apply to Ed­ ward Morlock, R.R. No. 2, Crediton, •Ontario. 24-10-4tp. ITCHY TOE and Smelly Font have disappeared since Crees Corn Salve is sold by Browning's Drugstore, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour wish to state that they have moved from Main Street to “Barnum Lodge” on, Andrew Street and will carry on business from that address as paint­ er and Paper Hanger and Mrs. Sey­ mour as Practical Nurse. The pat­ ronage of their clients will be great­ ly appreciated. 10-17-4tp. FOR SALE1—.Doors, windows and scantling, glass showcases, large heater wood or coal, writing desk and other furniture. Apply Chester Lee. 10-17-2wp STRAYED—Small grey year-old eteer, small cut lower edge of left ear. .Information glady received by Chas. Aidworth, R. R. No. 1, Exe­ ter, or phone 36rll, Dashwood. 10-10-3tp. FOR SALE—Body wood. Call the Huron Lumber Co. We deliver, tfc. FOR SALE Frame building 18 by 24Frame building 18 by 24 feet suitable for garage; also set of plat­ form scales capacity 6,000 pounds. Apply to Mrs. Byron E. Hicks, Crediton, or J. W. Morley, Solicitor, Exeter. FOR SALE The residence of the late Thomas Mitchell, in Centralia. This is a seven room, brick cot­ tage, in good repair, with electric lights and coal and wood furnace, hard and soft water. There is a frame stable or garage, about an acre of good garden land. The pro­ perty is situate on Main Street op­ posite the United Church parsonage. For terms and particulars apply to Gladman etc., Exeter A. Mitchell, & Stanbury, Barristers, and He ns all of Thoma® R, R. 1, Centralia. | •O 1 i i •a COOKING SALE The Hurondale W. I. are holding a cocking sale at Traquair’s Hard­ ware on Saturday, October 26th at 3 p.m. A hot fowl Thanksgiving Supper is being held at Elimville Thursday evening in connection with their Diamond Jubilee services. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader The minister will be in charge of both services on Sunday. Ser­ vices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, The Rev, H. D. Moyer, of Preston, will speak at the morning service in the intere®ts of the Ontario Temperance Federation. Mr. Stanley Johnston, of Lucan, will sing both morning and evening. 3 p.m.—(Sunday School Monday—Y.P.S. Visit of Centralia Young People. Sunday, November 3rd.—‘Annivers­ ary Services. Preachers, Rev. W. Craw and Rev. WT. A. Walden, both of London. /........ . - .... .......... -------- - JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader W. M. S. ANNIVERSARY = ,r= Hli a.m.—Rev. Wm. Mair, Thames Read. p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—The Minister Subject: “The Gospel in a Nut­ shell” 3 7 Mrs. are Mrs. Ladies’ Choir Thursday at 8 p.m.—Y. P. S. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service November 10th anniversary ser­ vices Rev. Peter Bryce, B.D. i We offer you such a fine assortment to choose from and the prices very tempting. Priced from $12.95 to $29,50. are BOUCLE SCARVES The new Scarves come in bright colors in stripe and plaid effects THE PRICE IS $1.00 WOOL CREPE In the best selling shades for fall and winter wear, 54 inches wide at $1.50 PER YARD THE VAN RAALTE LINE In gloves, hose and underwear. Cut and style the smartest to be had PRICED AT $100 I PYJAMA CLOTH These cloths can be had in stripes floral patterns; 36 inches wide at 30c. AND 35c. PER YARD or Our Overcoats Have Style and are Priced Right • We are showing the newest styles and materials for Men and Young Men. Dark Grey’s and Brown’s are very popular PRICED AT $16.95 STANFIELD’S UNDERWEAR Are tailored to fit. They also wear well. We offer a popular number in com­ binations at each $2.00 NEW WOOL SWEATERS With the V neck and dome fastener. The newest things for school wear EACH $1.95 5 STRIPE FLANNELLETTE PYJAMAS They are cheaper than you can make them yourself. Good patterns and all sizes. PER GARMENT $1.59 * FLEECED LINED SHIRTS & DRAWERS In a real good quality made by Dodds. These are specials values at 79c- Large Size Linoleum Rugs at Reduced Prices 9 ft. by 12 ft. Regular Price $12.00—-Reduced to $10.45 10 1-2 ft by 12 1-2 ft Regular Price $14.25—Reduced to $12.95 12 ft. by 12 1-2 ft. Regular Price $16.25—Reduced to $14.95 12 ft. by 15 1-2 ft. Regular Price $20.50—Reduced to $17.95 GROCERY SPECIALS TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M<. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlexniss con- with first are Mr. Joseph Senior was taken ill on Tuesday and is confined to his home. To-morrow (Thursday) will be Thanksgiving Day and a public holi­ day. Mr. Lamont and family have mov­ ed into Mr. Terry’s house recently vacated by Mr. Brown. Mr®. Miller, and two sons, of Lon­ don, visited with her father Mr. L. Day, over the week-end. Mrs. W’m. Rollin®, of London, had her tonsils removed at Dr. Fletcher’s hospital on Friday last. Mrs. Jas. Hern and Miss Olive Hern are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. N. C- Hern, of Norwich. Mrs. Wesley Biesett suffered a stroke on Wednesday morning and is in quite a serious condition. Judge Albert E. Down and Down, of Houston, Minnesota visiting with Rev. J. W. and Down. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Winterbourne and Mr. J. L. Tucker, of Norwich, were guests on Sunday at the home of Dr. Roulston. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stoddart, of 'Forest, visited for a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech. Mr. Ed. Ward, after being fined to hi® home for six weeks typhoid fever was out for the time on Monday. Mrs. Waghorn and children now settled in Mr. J. Blatchford’s house on Main .Street. We welcome them to Exeter. Mr. Wrm. Balkwill, who has been confined to his home for some time following a serious accident, is again able to be around. Miss Margaret E. Bonis, a former teacher of the Exeter H. S., is at present taking pcstgratuate work at McGill, University, Montreal. Miss Lillian McDonald, who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, London for some time, is improving nicely and is expected home shortly. Mrs. H. C. Wood, of Hamilton, has moved her household effects to Exeter and will reside in future with her brother, Mr. H. S. Walter. Mrs. W. Anderson, Mrs. F. Sweet and Mrs. James Morley visited in Sarnia on Sunday. Mrs. Sweet re­ turning to her home after visiting wthi relatives here. Mr. Dawson Goulding is again able to be around following his recent operation at the War Memorial Chil­ dren’s Hospital, London, for mastoid trouble. Mi®s Eleanor Abbott, who recently underwent an operation for appendi­ citis, in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don, has sufficiently improved as to be able to return home. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Penhale will attend Convocation exercises at Western University on Friday even­ ing when their daughter, Miss Helen will graduate with her B. A. degree. In the account of the death of Mrs. Jas. Beer which appeared in this paper last week it was mention­ ed that Mr. Chas. Oke was one of the bearers. This should have read Mr. Chas. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. A, McDonald Free­ man, of London, and their infant daughter called on Mrs. Peter Gar­ diner, Andrew St., on Saturday. Mrs. Freeman was formerly Miss Marg­ aret C. Graham, of the Exeter H. S. staff. • Mrs. W. F. Abbott has been visit­ ing her daughter Mrs. Arto Delve in Forest for a few days. Miss Eleanor who has been operated on. for ap­ pendicitis is getting on well and will be home in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Rowe, Mies­ es Vera and Reta and Bobby Din- ney motored to Brown City, Mich., last week. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Pedlar, wlm .had vis­ ited there for several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Windsor. ' The Boy Scouts of Exeter held a successful Apple Uay on Saturday and were delighted with the splen­ did response to their appeal. They disposed of six bushels of McIntosh Reds, the proceeds of which amount­ ed to $30.65. Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity 10 a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class 'and Sun­ day School. 11 a.m.—'Morning Prayer & Sermon 7 p.fm.—Evensong and Sermon THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Offers up-to-date contracts to meet every insurance need. We welcome inquiries Insurance of all kinds C. V. PICKARD Phone 165, Exeter Permanent Waves Your appearance is dependent upon the beauty of your hair. Spiral, Croquinole, Combination Waves M. Russell Phone 245 WHEN YOU NEED COAL PHONE 157J For a clean, cdurteous delivery of cone-cleaned anthracite, the low-ash, clinkerless fuel that masters every weather condition- We not only recommend it, guarantee it. We aim to please JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative on ' CONCERT —. by —* EXETER CONCERT BAND In Leavitt’s Theatre SUNDAY EVENING AT 8.30 Silver Collection Ted Wai per, Director we When You Have a HORSE OR COW You Want Removed Phone or Write to WILLIAM STONE SONS Limited Phone 22, Ingersoll WHY use medicine by the spoo.n full when Sybilla Spahr’s in drops does more good to treat throat, bronchitis, cough, colds, catarrh and tonsil ills, .results good, or money back, try it. All Druggists. Mrs. Wm. Lavertyi returned bo her home here on Saturday last after attending the .funeral of her mother near Wallaceburg, Mr. and Mrs, James WanleSs, of Duluth, visited for a few days Mr. and Mrs, R. N. Creech, left here Wednesday for NW to visit with their daughter. With They York NEW PRUNES Large size 2 lb. for ... . 25c SUGAR Granulated or Brown 10 lb. for . . . 50c CORN STARCH in bulk 2 lb. for ... . 15c — ILushus — JELLY POWDERS The Better Kind 3 pkgs, for . . 25c NEW MINCEMEAT Very Choice 2 lb. for ... . 25c CRISPY SODAS Fresh 2 lb. box for . 25c CORN BEEF Very choice 2 tins for . . . 19c Fresh BROKEN SODAS 3 lb. for ... . 25c PEANUT BUTTER Harry Horne’s 2 lb. for ... . 25c Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Phone 16 of at in ten the for LOCAL NEWS •M;r. and Mrs. R. B. Colloson, Lome Park, spent the week-end the home of the Misses Keddy Usborne. Mrs. Colloson i® the pro­ vincial president o.f the Women’s In­ stitute. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. M. Aitken and son Billy, of Toronto, and Mrs. Hay and daughter Mary al^o Miss Jennie McLean, Seaforth, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston on Saturday afternoon. Dr. Aitken was formerly pastor of the Kippen Presbyterian Church but now lecture® in Toronto Normal School. The hydro went off about o’clock Monday evening leaving town in complete darkness about an hour. A short circuit in one of the wires on the high tension lines on Andrew street set fire to one of the poles and it was necessary to turn off the power while repairs were being made. Mr. Hector Taylor has rented the farm of his neighbor, Mr. John Bell south of Exeter, which he will work in conjunction with his own proper­ ty. Mr. Bell will hold an auction sale of farm stock and implements on Wednesday, October 30th. .See advt. on page four. Hot Water Heaters $3.95 and up, BATTERIES—A large stock to choose from, 11 Plate to 17 Plate Liberal allowance on your old batteries. Now is the the time to change to Winter Oils and Anti-Freeze Our prices are always right* SANDY ELLIOT FORD DEALER Fall Goods on Display New Fall ==New Fall Hats . iNew Fall Mufflers New Fall Ties New Fall Spats Suitings $2.75 and up e • • $1.00 up 50c up . '$1.00 Pyjamas, Shirts, Etc. We have samples of Ladies’ Coats made-to-measure by Tip-Top ni Post-Nuptial Shower A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mis® Mary Ar- ’ mour, (Waterloo St., London, in , honor oC Mrs, Harry Thar (nee Alma Etheringtcn.) Miss Helen Hender­ son, on behalf of the girls o>f Mis® ’ Helen Allison’® class, of Colbprne St. United church presented the bride with a clothe® basket filled with cream and green ’kitchen utensils. Main Street W. M. S.. Main Street W. M. S. held their meeting on Thursday afternoon. The meeting was led by Mrs. K. J. Sims. Mrs. Layton took up the chapter on the study boolki while M,nsp. Campbell offered. prayer for the Missionary. Mrs; Wickwire con­ ducted the business part of the meet­ ing. Rev. J. W. and Mrs', Down returned from a five weeks through Eastern Ontario and bee. have trip Que- James Street Mission Band The Mission Band of James St. held their autumn Thank Offering meeting in the church on Tuesday afternoon at 4.3'0 o’clock. The par­ ents and interested members of the W. M. 8. were their gueets. The president, Jean Appleton, presided. After the usual opening, a chorus was given by the younger members of the band. Other musical num­ ber® were a mouth,-organ solo by Neil Jones and a violin solo by Ca­ therine Armstrong. Appropriate readings were given by Norma Par­ sons and Florence Southcott. Dur­ ing the wor®hip service prayer was offered by Francis King and - Jean Appleton. The Scripture lesson was read by Bessie Brooks. Mr®. H. Taylor was the guest speaker. Using two Chinese dolls as illustrations she told of the dres® and customs of boyis and girls in China. An inter­ esting feature of the meeting was the presentation in well chosen words, by Mrs. A. Rage of a Mission Band life membership to Mae Snell.