The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-10-03, Page 8TOVnsDAY, OCTOBER 3«1, 103.1 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE Fall Millinery Styles Demand a Smart Coiffure YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED WITH THE SPEED AND THE PERFECT RESULTS THAT CAN BE OBTAIN* ED ONLY WITH THE BONAT RE­ VITALIZING PROCESS. PRICES TO SUIT EVERYONE. ■Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat 70c. Barley 44e. Oats, standard ,27c Manitoba’s Best $3.00 Welcome Fleur Low grade flour $28.00 a ton Bran $22.09 a ton Shvrts $23,000 a ten Mixed Chop $25.00 a ton Govt, standard screening Chop $20.00 a ton. Creamery Butter 27-2Sc. Dairy Butter 20-23c. Eggs A large 26c Eggs, B., 19c, Eggs, C., l'5c. Hogs $S.35 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, S, Moore Gordon, B.A., 13.D, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School service will be eon- A. Young, Hen- Tlxe service will be follow'd congregational meeting. All adherents are urged ! FHUITATIVES REG. 5()c. for 39c. "WALKER’S DRUG STORE Boy Scouts at Grand Bend The Boy Scouts of town spent a pleasant week-end at a cottage at Grand Bend. Fifteen members of the local troop motored to the Bend Saturday morning. In the after­ noon they enjoyed a game of soft- ball after which they went on an ob­ servation hike divided into two patrols led by Bob. Dinney and Bill Wilson. In the evening they held a weiner and marshmallow roast ar-ound a camp fire and made plans for the fall and winter. The Scouts decided to hold ‘‘Apple Day” on Saturday, October *9th wnen only the very finest of Ontario apples will be offered to the citizens in re­ turn for a donation to the associa­ tion. These apple days have become a feature for raising funds for the maintenance of Boy Scout work. On Sunday morning the Scouts attend­ ed the Grand Bend United church in a body. A heavy jrindetorm came up during the night and on Sunday the boys witnessed one of the greatest storms that has been seen cn the lake this year. Waves dashed over the pier and came up high on the banks along the shore. The two-day outing wound up with a chicken supper in the even­ ing. The Scouts present were Robt. Dinney, Wm. Wilson, Alvin Linden­ field, Warren May, Donald Winer, Ralph Delbridge, Bartie Motz, Leon­ ard Harvey, Tom. Walter, Eldred Simmons, Robt. Southcptt, Murray and Rd. Gordon. The leaders in charge were Ray pryde and J. M. Southcott. 1 I i LOCALS I I 1 Mrs. B. S. Phillips is quite ill at her home on William St. Miss Alice Handford is visiting in Lcndon and St. Thomas. Mrs. W, F. Abbott attended Ilder- ton Fair on Wednesday. Miss Reed, of Bayfield, is visit­ ing with friends in Exeter. Mrs. H. Kyle visited on Thurs­ day with Mrs. M. Dobson at Kirk­ ton, Mrs. Lindenfield, of Zurich, is vis­ iting at the home of her son, Mr. E. Lindenfield. Mrs. Jas. Willis has been confin­ ed to her home through illness but is improving. Mr. J. G. Stanbury attended Court at Bayfield on Tuesday and at Gode­ rich on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks, of Lu­ can, spent .Sunday with his sister Mrs. F. Delbridge. 1 Mrs. Geo. Bonney, af London, vis­ ited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor. Gordon Hewlett, who has been on his holidays has returned studies at Oshawa College. John Blatcliford, of Toronto, LOCALS Currier, oS Stratford, visitors at J. W- A. Van A. Snell Toronto, week visiting O. Southcott. and Miss spent the with Caven $. S. Rally The annual Rally of Caven Pres­ byterian Sunday School was held on Sunday morning in connection with the regular church service. Rev. Mr. Gordon was in> charge and spoke on the special topic “Jesus the Saviour.” The orchestra under the leadership of Mr. Harry Gidley assisted the choir and Mr. Grafton Cochrane sang a solo in excellent voice. FOR SALE Frame building ,18 by 24' feet suitable for garage; also set of plat­ form scales capacity 6,000 pounds. Apply to Mrs. Byron E. Hicks, Crediton, or J. W. Morley, Solicitor, Exeter. NOTICE—Mrs. McTavish is open­ ing a pin-fitting service also dress­ making at the home of her mother, Mr®. J. W. Taylor. FOR SALE Drop leaf cherry table, cherry bed stead, white enamel bedstead, mat- teress, coal oil heater, 3 sections of harrows, scuftler, cutter. Apply to Mrs. Ketchen, Andrew St. ltc LOST—(Fox Terrier, brown and white, lost in accident west of Cred­ iton. Reward, Metcalfe 85 66 w, London. Mr. home to his Mr. who has been up renting his house called on a number of friends while here. Doris Greb underwent an opera­ tion for the moval of her tonsils at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital, Wedesday morning. Mrs. Robt. Goodings, of London, and Mr. E. were recent Powell’s Mr. and Mrs. jack Clark, of For­ est, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Camp. Dr. and Mrs. June Gordon, of forepart of the Mr. and Mrs. T. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston on Monday were: Mrs. I. Jarrett, Mrs. D. Aitkenhead and Mr, Switzer, all of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury and family attended the 100th annivers­ ary of Knox Presbyterian church at Goderich on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, of Ash­ field, cousins of Mr. and Mi’s. W. H. Johnston, who were taking their daughter Bernice to Western Uni­ versity called to see them on their way home Monday. Miss Adele Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hunter, North Battleford, Sask,, who has been vis­ iting with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter, left this week to attend the Ontario College of Art in Toronto. Mrs. G. Knox, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. Chadwich, of Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. H. Nethercott, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. three ladies combe, who her bed for paralytic stroke. |V$n- Friday Mr. and were pleasantly Wm. Pincombe. The are sisters of Mrs. Pin- has been confined to some time following a The morning ducted by Rev. W sail, by a members and to be present. 7 p.m.—“The Anniversary preacher, Rev. Austin L. Budge, M. A., of Hagersville, Clerk and Mod­ erator for 1935 of the Synod of Hamilton' and London. Fowl Supper, October 22nd. Earth is the Lord’s Service, Oct, 20 th. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—iCommunion Service Reception Service p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—,“What does Jesus mean- to me?” Monday—Y. P. S. Wednesday, (Oct. 2)—Men’s Union Speaker: Rev, Win. Mair. Thursday: 7.45—'Prayer Service Subject: Mark’s Goepel ii 3 7 ii JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W, R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION harvest home a.m. and 7 p.im.-—The Minister Roy Allison, boy soloist, of Lon­ don, and male choir will lead the service of song. Thursday at 8 p.m.—Y. P. -S. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service November 10 th anniversary ser­ vices Rev. Peter Bryce, B.D. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity 10 a.m.—(Sunday School 11 a.m.'—Morning Prayer & Sermon 7 p.m.—.Evensong and Sermon THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Offers up-to-date contracts to meet every insurance need. We welcome inquiries Insurance of all kinds C. V. PICKARD Phone 165, Exeter Permanent Waves Your appearance is dependent upon the,beauty of your hair. Spiral, Croquinole, Combination Waves M. Russell Phone 245 Sounds of You will find a splendid assortment to choose from. We are showing the very newest cloths and the collars are excellent quality. We are featuring a special at $13.95 others at $15.95 to $35 NEW FALL CHAMOISETTE GLOVES In a new pull-on style. A smart look­ ing glove at a reasonable price. PER PAIR 69c, FALL DRESSES Come in and see our dresses for fall in all the popular shades. A special range at $3.95 THISTLEDOWN YARN A lovely quality, all wool yam that knits up beautifully and washes well, in all the fall shades. PER BALL 18c, NEW PYJAMA CLOTHS In new bright'patterns that you are sure to like. They are so* warm and cozy PRICED AT PER YD. 30 and 35c. New Models in Men’s Overcoats It is time you were thinking about that. new Winter Coat. We are showing the new cloths and models. They are very smart and the prices are so reasonable this year. See our values at $16.50 and $18.95 IBEX BLANKETS Largest size Ibex Blankets in white or grey with pink or blue borders. A good buy at per pair $2.35 PURE LINEN HAND TOWELING Our regular 20c. quality. This is a splendid quality linen. We are making a special of it this week SPECIAL—5 YARDS FOR 85c. ALL WOOL BLANKETS Beautiful all wool blankets in plain shades. These are O.V. Blankets. They give splendid satisfaction. , PRICED AT $3.95 AND $4.50 MEN’S ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS They come in new plaids and checks; are all wool and give good wear. PRICED AT $2.95 APPLES! APPLES! We will have a limited supply of Fall and Winter Apples. Leave your order early. First Come First Served APPLES Good Cooking Apples 11 qt. basket. 35c FREE! FREE! A beautiful Wedgewood platter or milk jug with 3 lbs. Orange Pekoe Tea 59c WOOD Leave us your order for Hard Maple All Body Wood $12.00 per cord KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES 2 pkg................15c EXTRA SPECIAL Salada 'Tea, Yellow Label Per lb.................50c Southcott Bros Phone 16 Phone 16 I I BOWLING NOTES The weekly jitney wound up the bowling for this season. The club has1 had a successful year with in­ terest in bowling increasing with the season. The prospects for next year are better than they were a year ago when the club was reor­ ganized. The rink comprising Mrs. Telfer, Ulric Snell and H. C. Rivers won, the Friday evening tourney with three wins plus 19. C. Tan- tjon, E. R. Hopper, J. M. Southcott and W. E. Sanders were second with two wins plus 6. The greens have been reseeded and are being put. in condition fo.t the winter. Display of Suits and Overcoats I By Mr. Hudgin, stylist from TIP TOP TAILORS Wednesday, October 2nd He brings with him a special display of model garment and suit lengths. Tip Top values are unequalled anywhere in Canada. The quality of British woollens—the smartness of their styles— • you MAN WANTED—To do fall plow­ ing. Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE Quebec heater, hand washer, Ford chasis and motor, Chevrolet chasis, extension table, small range, good organ. R. E. Balkwill. STRAYED—iFrtfm lot 7, con. 5, Hay Twp., about Sept. 10th, a two- year old steer, notch tn- upper corn­ er of right ear. Information will be gladly received by A. J. Penhale, R. R. 1, Exeter or phone Crediton 17 r 34. 6fc3 ton were pleasantly surprised-to have a visit from Mr. and Mr®. Wm. Kilpat­ rick, of Oskaloosa, Iowa. The form­ er was an old school chum of sixty years ago in Aehfield, S. S. No. 9, where they attended school. Mr. Kilpatrick is a very successful baker in Oskaloosa city and he has two boys now in business with him. They have been on a motor trip for several weeks and were on their way home visiting two of hi® sisters, one- in Guellph and the other in To­ ronto. They came by the Soo and saw the Quintuplets and pronounced them very fine babies. Approaching Winter WANTED—Girl or woman for hi tel work. Apply tO' Central Hotel Itp FOR SALE—House and barn, two storey frame house 21x28 also frame barn 30x50 on lot 22 con. 8, Ste­ phen. Apply bo Gottfried Wein, of Crediton. 9-19-4tp Caven Circle The ladies of Caven Congregation­ al Circle met in their monthly meet­ ing at the home of Mrs. Everitt Johnston on Tuesday afternoon. The devotional exercises were taken by Mrs. Clarence Simmons. , Busi­ ness of importance was discussed and it Was decided to hold a fowl supper on Tuesday evening, October 22nd, following the church J versary of October 20th. A and social hour was spent lunch served. The sound, of coal bins being filled means that Winter is approaching. Are you ready with an ample.supply of D. & H. Cone-Cleaned Anthracite? This coal will more than please you. It is long-burning, does not clinker, and leaves little ash. In fact it’s a flexible fuel that is easily controlled and adapts itself to all weather con­ ditions. Order a supply from us, we'll make a courteous delivery that will leave your home and yard spic and span. Phone 157 We aim to please z JAS. P. BOWEY un Life Representative When You Hav£J/ ' y HORSE OR COW You Want Removed Phone or write to WILLIAM STONE SONS Limited Phone 22, Ingersoll Main St. g. S'. Rally The Sunday School of the ’Main St. United church held a very suc­ cessful Rally service on. Sunday af­ ternoon. There was a splendid at­ tendance. A special number was sung by the primary Department, a solo by Betty Elliott, duett by Mis'ses Hilda and Merna Sims, trio by Misses V. Gambrill, H. Dignan and M. Follioki and quartette by Messrs Jas. Francis, F. Wildfong, Harold and Gerald Skinner. Mrs. Victor French, of Wetaskiwin, Alta., (nee Winona Howard) a former pupil of the school, made a few in­ teresting remarks. Mr. J. H. Jones gave a very instructive illustrated address using a magnet with nails o.f various Sizes with which ’he de­ picted the drawing power of Divine love. The superintendent of the school, Mr, B. W. F. Beavers, pre­ sided. and the excellence of their tailoring are all presented to with the latest creations from famous stylists. One price only $24.00 xf , I ____________ have samples of Ladies’ Coats . ^iade-to-measure by Tip-Top »'• anm- work with FOR SALE The" residence of the late Thomas Mitchell, in Centralia. This is a seven room, brick cot­ tage, In good repair, with electric lights and coal and wood furnace, hard and soft water. There is a frame stable or garage, about an acre of good garden land. The pro­ perty Is situate on Main Street op* poslte the United Church parsonage. For terms a‘nd particulars apply to Gladtfian & stanbury, Barristers, etc., Exeter and Hensall or Thomas A. Mitchell, R. R< L Centralia. 15th,MUSIC—'Commencing, Oct. Miss Gambrill, A.IL.C.M., announces the opening of a class in Dashwood, Group or indivd.ua! training in .gui- tar, violin, piano ana voice. Phone 161, or write Exeter for information, HOT WATER BQTTLES (Guaranteed) Regular $1.00 for 69c. Regular $1.50 for $1.29 at WALKEWS DRUG STORE WORKS .GOOD, ” Sybilla Spahr’s remedy is sold and used by nearly one thousand Druggists in Ontario, Why? because it WORKS, it’s good for you too, for throat, colds, cough, catarrh, hay fever and tonsil ills. AU Druggists. Main Street Young people The Main .Street Young People held their weekly meeting on Mon­ day with Mr. G. I<och, Fellowship convenor, in charge. There was a good attendance. Miss Ina Jaques read the Scripture and Miss Violet Gambrill gave a piano solo. The business was taken by Mr. James Francis and the current event dis­ cussed was “Has Men or Women 'had more influence in the world.” There was a lively discussion and a resolution made that women have. Mr. Medd gave a very interesting and profitable talk on “How Did Jesus reveal God.” C. G. I. T. The opening meeting for the fall months of the C.G.I.T. was held on. Saturday afternoon at the home of Miss F. Hunter. The meeting opened by everyone heartily singing “Fol­ low the Gleam,” after which all re- Ipeated the Lord’s Prayer. Mrs. Tay­ lor was introduced as a new leader. It was moved by Grace Strange and seconded by Ardys McFalls that we have two group® and that Ruth Tay­ lor, Mary Van Camp, and Laurene Beavers meet with the leaders to make plans for the coming year. At the Presbyterial meeting at Elim- ville on October 3rd the secretary Irene Van Camp will give the re­ port of the years activities and the | winning play “Lydia, Seller of the Purple” will be presented. A letter ’from Miss Baillie was read inviting I the girls to the rally at Clinton on October 4th. It was announced that there is to be a conference of I the Boys’ and Girls’ Work Board at. lWingham. ’Doris Harvey and Bar* jbara Dinney were elected to procure Wing- have Grace Strange were nominated to display them at the W. M. S. and Mission Circle meetings. Sing-songs were sung after which Miss Hunter serv­ ed a very dainty lunch. Kirkton Fair is being held to-day ’transportation to Clinton and with a large crowd in attendance. A ham, The Christina® cards full report will ba given next week, arrived, and Ruth Taylor and j James Street W. A. The regular meeting, of the W. A. of James st. Church was held on October 1st. The devotional period was taken, by Mrs. C. W. Christie, who read part of the 3rd chapter of 1st Corinthianb and gave a brief, helpful talik on building a spiritual life. Mrs. Steiner then took charge The secretary being absen't Mrs. H. Jones was appointed secretary pro tern. It was decidec* on motion to purchase a new .electric-door-bell for the pa'rsoniage. .Final arrangements were made for the Harvest Home services to be held on October 6th and the concert on the following Tuesday. A program followed which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. H. C. Carey and Miss F. Hunter gave instrumental solos and-Mrs. Williams and Mrs, Doupe sang a duet, Tea was served, The committed in charge being convened by Mrs, S. McFalls, .