HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-10-03, Page 4Ml THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 103S THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE VOTE FOR fl GOLDING BIRTHS « CHAPMAN—<In Biddulph, on Tues­ day, Oct. 1st to Mr. and Mrs. Ger­ ald Chapman, a daughter. MILLER—At Centralia, on Saturday Mrs.September 28th, to Mr. and Andrew Miller, a son. MARRIAGES CONSTITUENCY OF HURON-PERTH, SOLICITS YOUR SUPPORT ON A POLICY ABSOLUTELY OPPOSED TO TARIFFS WHICH RESTRICT AND HAMPER TRADE; A POLICY OF ECONOMY IN ADMINISTRATION; A POL. ICY WHICH RECOGNIZES THAT IN ORDER THAT CANADA MAY RETURN TO PROSPERITY IT IS ESSEN TIAL THAT MORE ATTENTION BE GIVEN TO LEGIS­ LATION IN THE INTERESTS OF THE BASIC INDUST. LIFE-BLOOD OF THE COUNTRY. DIES, SUCH AS FARMING, FISHING, MINING, AND LUMBERING WHICH, OF COURSE, ARE THE VERY W. H. GOLDING, LIBERAL CANDIDATE FOR THE HJARRIS—DEARING — In Trivitt Memorial Church on- Saturday, September 28th, Rosa Mae, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dear­ ing, of Stephen, to Mr. Percy Lloyde Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harris, of Hibbert, by Rev. M. A. Hunt. DEATHS GUNNING—In Blanshard, nesday, September 25th, Ellen Taylor, beloved Frank Gunning,. aged 60 Wed-on Florence wife of years. CARD OF THANKS toMr. and Mrs. Rd. Johns wis’h thank all those who so kindly sent flowers, cards, letter, boxes of fruit, and delicacies, during Philip’s ness. CARD OF THANKS ill- ex-Mrs. Held and family wish to press their sincere thanks to their neighbors and friends for floral tri­ butes, loan of cars, and the many other acts of kindness shown dur­ ing their recent sad bereavement. CARD OF THANKS VOTE LIBERAL 'Mr, Wm. Cook wishes to extend his sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for the many kindly in­ quiries received and to those who sent flowers and cards during his recent illness.PP Vote Golding ELIMVILLE Inserted by the Huron-Perth Liberal Association W. A. held a cold meat sup- the chu/’ch last Wednesday crowd. The program was well \V» A. Meeting The above society met at the home of Mrs. Percy Passmore, president, opening with hymn 48 and prayer and Scripture reading by Mrs. Wise­ man. Minutes and roll call “My Favorite Hymn” was well responded to. After the business a program was given under., the convenorship of Mrs. Pollen, Mrs. John Hqdgert gave a very pleasing piano solo, Hunkin and Mrs. Pollen, gave a duet Mrs. Gollings gave a reading, Mrs. Squires gave a solo accompanying herself on- the guitar. The roll call for next meeting “A Favorite Salad” After singing hymn 414 the pastor closed the meeting with prayer, Tea was then served by Mrs. Ballanytne, Mrs, J. W. Hackney and Mrs. Dun­ can. 3 Mrs. SHIPKA McPherson, of Parkhill, the week-end with AUCTION SALE — of — STOCKERS and feeders —i to be sold at — FRED ELLERINGTON’S FARM 3-4 miles East and 2 miles north of Exeter, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER lltli, 1935 Sale to start at 2.00 p.m. 120 STEERS AND HEIFERS From 600 to 800 lbs, TERMS—CASH MCARTHUR, ProprietorJ. W. NAIRN, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE rela-of — HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Church on Sun-, Anniversary ser- Sunday School The Effects of the late Mrs. May Campbell The undersigned auctioneer has re­ ceived instructions to. sell by public auction at William St., Exeter, on held close and GREENWAY Next Sunday in the United church Rally Day will be observed in the Sunday School hour and at 2.45 p.m. Re-opening and re-dedication service will be held with Rev. J .W. John­ son of Crediton as the speaker. Re­ decoration of the auditorium has been completed and a special invi­ tation is extended to all to attend these services. The Harmony class of the United Church Sunday School held their first meaning this fall on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curts. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David Holland (nee Miss E. Shep­ hard) who were recently married in the manse at Grand Bend. Mr. John Laurie had the misfor­ tune to break his arm last week, caused by cranking a car. Mrs. Roy Sheppard, of London, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert English. Miss Verona Gagan- spent the week-end with her parents in Ailsa Craig. Many in the community attended Parkhill Fair last Friday. The many friends of Miss Mae Wilson will be glad to know she is enjoying her holiday immensely with friends in Oshawa and Toron­ to. ST. MARYS Fall Fair October 9 & 10 SPLENDID EXHIBITS Speeding in the Ring, 1.30 Oct. 10 2.17 Tr^t or Pace purse $75.00 2.28 Trot or Pace purse $75.00 Many special attractions in front of Grand Stand DANCE IN TOWN HALL 8.30 pan. October 10th Gents 50c. Ladies Free COMMUNICATION GRAND BEND WHERE ARE WE? Editor Times-Advocate It is highly entertaining these days to -read the various press views of Mr. Aberhart and Social Credit. We do not pose as an economic authority, but we have a sneaking suspicion that the success of his plan will depend very largely on those, who hold the purse-strings in Canada. It does not seem to us, that our economic plan under the two-party system is such a howling success, whereby a priveleged few have all the money and chances in life and a million are unemployed and on relief and the rest of us have to support this vast machine. The Social Credit plan may be srazy but we will have to admit that it is con­ siderate of the citizen 'and is human whereas money and the state come first with the old order. We read that Mr. Aberhart could carry on his plan for a number of years before the sum of money re­ quired could even equal the amount given away by Premier Taechereau, of Quebec, to foreign capitalists. Is t-he Social Credit plan more absurd or impossible than the seeches and policies put forward by our old two parties? Ending employment in three days—or Mackenzie King at last, emerging from behind a smoke screen with some eleventh hour pol­ icies—which we have needed long ago—ibut he wants our votes now— maybe he will not get them? We have been pretty dumb—'but you can’t fool all the people all the time —(Have you noticed how quiet we are perhaps we’re thinking? Two-old party system you’ve fiddled too long, while Rome was burning—adieu to you! We can take “Reconstruction— the farmer is asking only for a square'deal and he believes that fair and honest trade practice by “Big Business’” with him, will give the farmers a big boost. We have -a se­ cret admiration for the man- Harry, Stevens who had back-bone enough to stand up for ‘honesty in business’ against untold opposition. How many of ub could have done the same thing? You will win. Stand pat. Tip-Top Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason re­ turned home after a few days trip to Kentucky. The report a trip and a good time. Mrs. Gordon Ulens, Mrs. B. and Mrs. Emery St'ibber, who been in .St. Joseph’s Hospital, are all , home and doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Disjardine returned on- Saturday after a visit for a couple <of weeks at Leamington. Miss Irene Gill has gone to London for the winter. The heavy wind on Sunday blew the big dredge and driver in river up on the sand. It will some time t-o release .it. Mr. Buster Ravelie was .in Marys an- Monday visiting his sister Mrs. Sim Dewey. .Mr. and M,rs. Walter Statton vis­ ited in Forest on Saturday taking in the Mr. ed to owing and was rushed to Victoria Hospital for appendicitis where she is doing nicely after the operation. Mrs. Ellen DesjaT.dine and Mrs. C. E. Atchison entertained at a mis­ cellaneous shower at the Brenner House, in honour of the recent mar­ riage of Mr, and Mrs. Glen Brenner, nee Evelyn Sweitzer. A very enjoy­ able evening was spent by all in bridge and dancing till the wee hours of the morning. The bride and groom were the recipients of many handsome and useful gifts. During the evening a fake bride and grooim registered at the BrenneT House and danced to the strains of “Here Comes the Bride.’” All join­ ed in wishing a long and happy mar­ ried life to Mr. and Mrs. Brenner. good Craig have the take St. fair also. Bruce Bossenberry was call- Fo.rest suddenly on Thursday to his daughter taking sick THE AVERAGE MAN’S PRAYER not in scholarly lang- I know You won’t humble petition, 18 inch* Enameled Range, complete with Reservoir and Warming Closet to sell at cost Special for Friday & Saturday 20 inch Range, White Enamelled and Nickel Trim complete with Warming Closet and Reservoir at cost price If interested in stoves it will pay you to see these,' Lindenfield’s Hardware, Exeter (Lord, I speak uage, But somehow, care; For mine is a Mine is the average man’s prayer. My thought, I’ll admti are not liant. My wishes—ah, You know them There are many of .me and brethren So many, it’s needless to tell. You know I am one -of those pluggers I go out each day and I fight. And sometimes I’m ibeaten, discour­ aged, And God but I’m weary at night! I bark at my wife, who is patient, I bully iny kiddies, who cry. I know I could be better natured, But often ... I don’t even try. But You know how rough things are running; How business is all in a hole. A man’s got to. sweat for his living, And struggle with body and soul. Lord, help me to face life with cour­ age, And bless every thingy that I do. I’m d-urnb when it comes to this praying, and the bril- well my reply upon You* days of my dear that I have. On the But I trust Watch over ones; They’re all square, I wish I could make this more lofty, But It’s only the average man’s prayer. Kathleen Lamb The per in evening when- a fairly good was present, supplied by the Paul family and Rev. Parsons, of Kirkton and Mills Bros, from Woodham also Miss Greta Hunter, of London. Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas was a visitor in this vicinity on Sun­ day. The regular monthly meeting of the Live Oak Mission Circle was held on Wednesday, Sept. 25th at the home of Miss Eula Herdman. Miss Helen Murch had charge of the meeting which wax opened with hymn 284 and the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. The Devo­ tional Leaflet: “Friends Forever” was given by Gladys Johns. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The roll call was answered by eight members af­ ter which some business was dealt with. Readings were given by Mrs. H. Delbridge, Gladys Johns, Marjorie Delbridge, Laura Ford, Helen Murch Eula Herdman and Beryl Brock. Part of the chapter of the Study Book, “Those Poor' Missionaries” was given by Laura Ford. The meet­ ing was closed with hymn 3 47 and the Mizpah benediction. Mr. Fred Visited over tives here. There will be no preaching vice in the United day on account of vices in Crediton. be held as’usual. iMiss Ruth Lamport, who has been at Ilderton for the past two weeks returned home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scolsmer and babe of Bay- field, visited Sunday with relatives here. iMr. and Mrs. )Austfh Sturdy and Chester, of Goderich, visited on Sun­ day with relatives. Communion) service' will be on Sunday, October 13th at the of the regular service. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarke Doris -visited Sunday with relatives here. Next Sunday will be Missionary Sunday. Special instructions will be given in the Sunday School. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Keyes were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scolsmer and Kenneth, Bayfield Mr and Mrs. Austin Sturdy ; Chester of Goderich and Mr. . Wm. Clark and Doris of Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Loekner, of London spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Loekner. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the Parkhill Fair last Friday. Warden William Sweitzer and Mrs. Sweitzer entertained over fifty guests at a reception given on Sept. 24th in honor of their daughter Evelyn, recently married to Glen Brenner of Grand Bend. The rooms were beautifully decorated with pink and white streamers. The wedding cake was centred on the dining-room table on a fillet lace table cloth with pink candles in silver holders. The bride received many beautiful gifts. After a dainty lunch the evening was spent music. and and playing cards and Special CREDITON EAST and Mrs. L. Pifer, of Chat- Mr. town, spent Mrs. H. Pfaff Hamilton and HURONDALE W. T. The Women’s Institute held a very interesting meeting recently at the home of Mrs, W. Etherington. The program was in charge of the .grand­ mothers. singing and prayer, was responded by Which I Do Not Suffer.” . inunity song was then led A. Morgan*; reading by Mts. solo by Mrs. Cudmore; events were then given by Oke; reading, Mrs. Down; hibit of members first photo proved most interesting; solo, Mrs. C. Fray- ne; reading Mrs. G. Bolton. Several business items were discussed after which the meeting closed by sing­ ing “God Save the Knag.” Lunch was served by the committee in charge. Community night will be held in Thames Road Church, Fri­ day, evening November 1st. A cook­ ing sale1 will be held at Traquair’s Hardware store, s,ome time tober. date. The meeting opened with The Roll Call “Things From A com- by Mrs. Strang; current Mrs. L. an ex­ Watch closely for in Oc- future THAMES ROAD Wm. and Mrs; Mair return-■Rev. ed from Schrombury Tuesday after spending a few days with friends the pastor taking anniversary ser­ vices there on- Sunday last. Rev. Wm. Banday, of Varna, will address this congregation and Roy’s Sunday. Mrs. D. Coward was a visitor with friends at Beamsville, returning with Mr. and Mrs. RauSom. . There certainly was no scarcity of peaches in this locality this seas­ on being distributed by truckers. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kennedy, Lon­ don, were recent visitors for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jeffer­ ies. Shower Mr. P. .Stone was hostess neighbors and friends to a pleasing miscellaneous shower honor of Miss Alma Etherington on her approaching marriage to Mr*. Harry Thar, of London, a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all, Alina expresed her happy appreciation to all for their kind wishes to her. A very delightful lunch was served at .the close. Mr, and Mrs. L. Shier spent Sun­ day with her parents here. with very L in FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1935 at 2 o’clock the following I dresser, 1 chest of drawers, 3 stands, commode, library table, sew­ ing machine, Victrola and records, organ and stool, 2 rugs, 1 carpet, diming-room table and 6 chairs, 2 settees, and' 3 chairs to match, 5 kitchen chairs, 3 rocking chairs, 1 Morris chair, 2 benches, couch, 4 pr. curtains, dinner dishes, 3 lamps, sealers, Good Cheer range, Oak Treasure heater with pipes, 3-burn- er oil stove, 1-burner oil heater, wash tub and boiler, lawn mower, cross cut saw, sledge hammer, 25 gal. oil barrel, number garden tools' 3 beds with springs and other num­ erous articles. TERMS1—CASH ANDREW CAMPBELL, Agent FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE: THOMAS WILLIS, late of the Village of Centralia, in the County of Huron, Manufacturer, deceased. ALL PERSONS, having claims against the estate of the said deceas­ ed are required to. send full particu­ lars' of their claims duly proven to THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, London, Ontario, one of the Execu­ tors of the Will of the said deceased not later than October 5th, 1935, after which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED this 18th day of Septem­ ber, A.D. 1935. MRS. E. MAY WILLIS, Centralia; Ontario THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY London, Ontario by their Solicitor, J. W. MORLEY, Exeter, Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr. ham, spent the week-end with and Mrs. David Baird, and Mrs. S. Merner. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Schenk and son Paul, of north of Sunday with Mr. and Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex son Barry, of Ailsa Craig, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Le­ wis. Mrs. Wilson Anderson has return­ ed home after three weeks’ visit with her daughter and son-int-law Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brokenshire in Guelph. Mrs. Henry Motz who has been, confined to her bed for a few weeks with inflammation in her leg is able to be up again. • Mrs. Rappin-, of Detroit, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rau and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein and children and Mr. artel Mrs. Leonard Wein and son attended the reception given Mr. and Mrs. T. Wein near Sharon on Monday evening. Miss Edythe Sweitzer, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. RE: GARNET STEWART ATKIN­ SON, late of the Village of Exeter*, in the County of Huron, Doctor of Dental Surgery, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the .estate of the said deceas­ ed are required to send full particu­ lars of their claims duly proven to the undersigned Solicitor for the Administratrix with Will annexed of the estate of said deceased not later than October 5th, 1935, atfer which date the eaid Administratrix will proceed to. distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the .claims received. DATED ber, A. D. of which notice has been this 18th day of Septem- 1935 J. W. MORLEY, » Solicitor for Administratrix Exeter, Ontario TENDER CALL CULVERTS, US­ BORNE TOWNSHIP Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and marked “Tender for Three Culverts Boundary, Us­ borne, Tuckersmith,’’ will be ce'ived until 3 ip.m., E.S.T., Saturday, October 5th, 1935 f-oir the construction of two 10 x 5 and one 8x6 flat slab, reinforced concrete culverts on the proposed Mitchell Drain, at Cons. 3 and 4 Us­ borne Township. . Plans specifications and form of contract may be seen, and forms of tender obtained at the office of the Township Clerk, Henry Strang, R. R. No. 1, Hensail, Ontario, and the office of the Engineer, S. W. Archi­ bald, 284 Dundas St., London, Ont., after Friday, September 27th. A marked cheque for 10 per cent, of the contract price must accomp­ any each tender. The lowest or any tender not necesst ily accepted. HENRY STRANG Clerk, Usborne Twp. 1930 canne re­ lada was a net Im- etables but since a net export­ tent, the ex­ porter ffrat ye er to*a ports in any year of tomato products to the United States (virhere the pack was short) was exceptionally heavy. sih.g eing hfgher than in since 1929 when, shipments NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Matter of the Estate John Janies' Kernick Notice Is Hereby Given that all persons having claims against the Estate of John James Kernick, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 10th day of June, 1935, are required to- send in or deliver to the undersigned Administrator on or before the 5th day of Oct., 1935, full particulars of their claims, and Notice is also given that after that date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the Assets' of the said Estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have Notice. Dated at Blyth, Ontario, this lGtlh day of September, A.D. 1935. Thomas Kernick, Administrator, Blyth, Ont Blank Check Books for Sale at this Office