HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-09-26, Page 5DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., p.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week at office over the Post Office, in rich, last three days of week. CIDAR MILL OPEN Will be running every day of week for the season. 4 tp. Alex. Zimmerman, Dashwood and Zu- the were Mrs. J. Schroeder, who attended the funeral of her father the late Mr. Jacob Weber and has been visit­ ing here returned to her home -in Osmabrook, N. D. We are pleased to report that Rev. S. A. McFalls, who has been on the sick list for a few days is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hamacher bridal couple have returned from a honeymoon trip to Detroit. Mrs. Jacob Weber has purchased Mr. J. C. Reid’s property and will move to town shortly. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wildfong Sunday visitors in Hensail. Mrs. Mervyn Tieman and Nancy Anne are spending a few days with friends in Sarnia. Mr. Ernest Koehler, of Zurich, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Oestricher. Miss Ella Martinson spent the week-end at her home in Almira. A very successful quilting was held in the basement of the Evan­ gelical Church last Wednesday. Miss jarmaine Armstrong, who has been visiting with relatives the past week returned to her home in London on Sunday. Mr. and trude and visitors at Mrs. C. London Hospital last week where she will undergo an operation. Brother Agnellus, of Brookland, D. C. and Mr, and Mrs. W. Pickelle, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Held. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Link was the scene o' a happy gath­ ering on Sunday, September 22nd when the family of Mrs. Katherine Link assembled to celebrate her 85th birthday and also that of her .^daugh­ ter, Mrs. J. Jacobs. She was com- pletely taken by surprise. After con­ gratulations and good wishes were said all enjoyed a hearty chicken dinner. The afternoon was spent in social fellowship. Mrs. Link; is en­ joying a fair degree .of health and is still able to perform many o'f her household duties. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bawden and daughter Helen and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Blanshard and daugh­ ter Ida Mary, of Exeter; Miss Ida Link and Mr. Wm. Bell, Brantford and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pilkey and daughter Elda, and ley, appointed: Membership, the Execu­ tive; Engagement, Addison Tieman, Mgs. T, Klumpp, Harry Hoffman; Social, Mrs. A. Kellerman, Mrs. A. E Oestricher, Program, Vice-Pres., Purchasing, the leaders; tation, Wolfe, This which has made remarkable progress since the majority had never (played an instrument before. Rev.’ Henrich deserves much credit for this suc­ cess through his untiring and effic­ ient leadership which he has so freely given -both in public and pri­ vate. The personnel of the band is as follows: Cornets, Harry Hoffman, Maurice Klumpp, Mrs. Betty Taylor, Kenenth Wein, Mervyn Stade, Hu­ bert Retsemeyer, Sheldon Wein, El- food Truemner; Trombones, Miss Florence Baker, Mrs. Alvin Keller­ man, Floyd Wein, Garnet Wildfong, Earl Witmer; Baritones, Mrs. Thos. Klumpp, Wesley Wolfe, William Kleinstiver; Altos, Miss Gertrude Hoffman, Mrs. A. E. Oestricher, Ross Guenther, Milford Mason; Bass, T. Klumpp, Lloyd Eagleson, Albert Goetz; Clarinets, Miss Phyllis Reid, Miss Jean Weber, Stuart Wolfe, Ho­ ward Klumpp, Murray Wolfe, Mer­ vyn Tieman, Fred Hopcraft, Hilton Truemner, Gerald Mason; Piccolo, Donald Oestricher; Drums, Addison Tieman, Gordon Eagleson. ber tice Garnet Wildfong; and Leaders; Transpor- Mervyn Tiernan, Wesley Thomas Klumpp, Floyd Wein group of young musicians was organized one year ago A num- of new members are in prac- and are expectd to join shortly. CREDITON EAST her fHE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CREDITON li!kJ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2(J, 1935 i 4.' Mrs. Hy. Ho'ffman, Ger- Mrs. Stacey were Sunday Kitchener, Weinburg was taken to Mrs. Jos. Bullock is visiting parents Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gower at Elimville. Miss Helen Bullock spent the week-end with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gower at Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Heatherley and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kelly, all of [ London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Metz. Mrs. Sam Baynham, of Forest, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baynham and family attended the funeral of their niece the late Mrs. Mitchell of near Centralia on. Monday. Mrs. Eli Lawson, home of her sister Exeter. Mrs. Chris. Rau her home after a few days' visit Exeter with her sister, Mrs. J. Mor­ ley. Miss Verda Hoffman, of Kerrwood, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brown' and daughter, Kay, of Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoffman. Miss Margaret Kuhn, of London, spent Wednesday at her home here. A is visiting at the Mrs. parsons in has returned to in Mr. Jack Winder son Jackie and Miss K. McKin- of Sarnia. McGregor-Devine pretty autumn wedding wasA solemnized at noon on' Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Devine, of Stephen Township when their daughter, Luella Fern, became the bride of Mr. Lloyd McGregor, of Parkhill. The bride, who was i en’in marriage by her father ' very pretty in white, wearing traditional veil. The .ceremony 1 periformed on the lawn under pretty arch by Rev. W. S. Henrich, (pastor of the Dashwood Evangelical Church. The bridal attendants were Miss Olive Walper and Ford Gregor, brother of the groom, lowing the ceremony a wedding ner was served, after which Mr. Mrs. Lloyd McGregor left for a hon­ eymoon at Niagara Falls, on their return they groom’s fine Dashwood WOODHAM splendid a-ttendancne marked giv- was the was a Mc- Fol- din- and will reside on the farm near Parkhill. C. E. Band Annual Election The Christian Endeavour Band of Dashwood Evangelical Church held their annual election .of officers in Tieman’s hall, recently. The treasur­ er, Mijss Phyllis Reid reported the total amount raised during the year $151.73 and a balance in the treas­ ury of $30.19. Addison Tiernan, the president was re-elected for an­ other year. The other officers are: vice-president, Mrs. -hos. Klumpp; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Gertrude Hoffman; Leader, Rev. W- S. Hen­ rich; Ass’t -Leader, Harry Hoffman; 2nd Ass’t Leader, Howard Klumpp; Librarians, Ross Guenther and Mur­ ray Wolfe. The following committees were A Rally Day services held here Sun­ day last at 10.30 a.m. The Superin- lendanf, of the Sunday School, Mr. Fred Doup© was in. charge. An int- teresting address was given by our pastor, Rev. W. Lovegrove and splendid readings and solos ' were rendered by members of the school. Anniversary services will be held at Z’i-on on the Mitchell Road on Sunday, Oct. 6th. Rev. Mr. Vance, of London,' will spwaic in the morn­ ing and Rev. Mr. Meyers of Thames Road at the .evening services. Friends of Mr. Charles Camni will be sorry to know of his recent illness. We hope for a speedy re­ covery. Miss Thelma K'irkby has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomp­ son for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon- Dykeman, of Galt, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc­ Naughton. Mr. and Mrs. Lesley Sinn and three children, of Sudbury, were re­ cent visitors at the home of the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whit­ field Switzer. Messrs. Wm. Thompson and Jack, spent last week-end in Toronto with their sister Mrs. J. Labmotke. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creery and children, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire. Mr. Wm. Rundle was successful in winning 1st prize at the horserace at Exeter Fair, Tuesday afternoon of last week and Robert Rundle took 2nd prize. CENT A MILE BARGAIN EXCURSION ROUND TRIP (Minimum Fares: Adults 75c: Children 40c.) Friday, October 4 from Exeter To Brantford, Chatham, Chesley, Clinton, Durham, Exeter, Fergus, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell, ^Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, TORONTO, Walkerton, Wiarton, Wingham, Woodstock. ALSO ON FRIDAY, OCT. 4 To Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Belleville, Kingston, Gananoque, Brookville, Prescott, Momsburg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterbord, Campbellford, Aurora, Newmarket, Allandale, Collingwood, Meaford, Penetang, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, North Bay and all intermediate points.' ALS O TO All Towns in New Ontario on lines of Tomiskaming & Northern Ontario Rly.. Nipissing Central Rly. and on C.N. Rlys. to Kapuskasing, Hearst, Parry Sound, Sudbury and Longlac Minjng Fields._________, Fares, Tickets, Return Limits and Train Information from Agents. Ask for Handbill. tbmd CANADIAN NATIONAL •------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—• N. J's DORK, Agent, phone 46w» Mr. and Mrs. Harrott and son, Donald, of Toronto, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ratz. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morlock and son Frederick, Mr. and Mrs. Emmery Fahner, Calvin and Nonma spent Sunday with friends in Kit­ chener. Mr. Gordon Gaiser has returned to Detroit, after spending a few days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Doebel and daugh­ ter, of Milverton, visited at the Evangelical parsonage on Sunday. Mrs. Russell Clark and son Glenn, of Detroit, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Clark. Bev. W. F. Dreier, of Milverton, will occupy the pulpit in the Evan­ gelical church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Pletch will be the Anniversary speaker at the Milverton Evangelical Church. Mr. Harold Pletch has left for London where he will take a pre­ engineering course at the Western University. Rally Day services were observed in the United Church Sunday School last Sunday. Papers entitled ‘‘Let­ ter to the Early Church” by Audrey Yearley and “No dark or lonely corners in God’s House” was given by Fred Jones. 'Rev. Johnson gave an interesting illustrated talk. Dr. G. R. Fromm and Mrs. Fromm of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thompson, of Cheboygan, Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morlock last Wednesday. The regular meeting of the Cred­ itor W I- was held in the Institute rooms on September 20th with 25 members and visitors present. The president opened the meeting by singing the Ode and repeating the Lord’s Prayer. The Old Oaken Buck­ et was sung. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Roll call was answered by “Something new in canning”. The motto was, “Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to greater achieve­ ments pf tomorrow.” Miss A. Smith gave current events. Song. Miss A. Smith .occupied the chair for following program: piano solo; Mrs. D- Mclsaac gave a paper on Canadian Industries; Miss E. Brown gave a paper on Agricul­ ture and Horticulture, Miss N. Fah­ ner sang sweetly “A Sunbeam”. The hostesses, Mrs. E. Guettinger, Miss A. Smith, Mr. G- Schwartz, Mrs. A. Amy. A vote o'f thanks given by Mrs'. E- Lawson seconded 'by Mrs. G. Mawhinney to all who helped make the meeting a success. The regular meeting of the W. I- will be held Tuesday 1st at 7.45 p.m. A er has been, engaged. The Y.P.S. of the Will held its annual on Sunday evening next, September 29t>h. Mr. Wesley Cope, of Forest, who is a leader of Young People’s work in Lambton County will be the speaker for the evening, music will 'be furnished by People’s Choir, Everyone dially invited to attend. Miss Hazel Woodall, who has re­ sumed her teaching duties near Parikhill and Mr. Elgin Woodall, of Detroit, spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodall. the Miss M. Amy, night, October special speak- United church rally services Special a Young is co-r- x HARPLEY Mr. Mansei Hodgins, Mrs. Love and Misses Ila and Beulah Hod­ gins went to Toronto end where the latter Normal School. Mrs Hodgins returned on panied by Mr. B. J. has been on an extended motor trip through Western Canada during the summer months. Mr. Floyd Taylnr was a week-end visitor in Toronto. Mr. Kenneth Hodgins, of Centralia spent the week-end with his father, Mr. J. E- Hodgins. ■ Mrs. M. Hayter has returned from Detroit, where she was a guest of her son, Mr. A. Hayter. Mr. Ervin Fischer spent the week­ end with his parents in- Dashwood. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late* Mrs. Henry Battram., Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller called on her brother Mr. Newton Hayter on their way home to Detroit after having bben on a motor trip Eastern Canada. Ross over the week- two' will attend Love and Mr. Monday accom- Hodgins who to =s xs: ' THE RED & WHITE store Redpath Granulated Sugar . .* Extra r Specials i FRESH SODA BISCUITS.................... SUGAR CRISP CORN FLAKES........ GOOD COOKING RICE.................... LARGE MEATY PRUNES .................. SLICED PINEAPPLE..................... LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS, large tin KETA SALMON, fancy quality .......... 1 lb. pkg, 2 for 25c. .............4 for 25c. ......... 3 lbs. for 14c, 2 lbs. for 25c. per tin 10c. 10c. per tin 10c, 1 LARGE TIN FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER —1 FANCY GOBLET FREE — 25c. Wonderful Laundry Soap ........... 8 for 25c. Palmolive Soap.................. 3 cakes for 14c. Zinc Sealer Rings ............... per dozen 20c. Golden Spray Cheese ... 1-2 lb. pkg. 2 25c. Peanut Butter in bulk ............2 lbs. for 25c. Fancy Assorted Biscuits Good Cooking Onions Good Cooking Apples per basket 25c. Large Fresh Celery Fresh Grapefruit .... per lb. 15c. 50 lb. bag 59c< per bunch 10c. ...... 4 for 25c. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—PEACHES, BANANAS, ORANGES, CAN- TELOUPES, GRAPES, TOMATOES, CABBAGE, CUKES, RED AND GREEN PEPPERS NEW POTATOES, ETC.; ALSO A FULL LINE OF BEST PICKLING SPICES AND VINEGAR. A FULL LINE OF ICE CREAM, ALASKA BON RONS, CONES AND BRICKS AL­ SO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DRINKS ON ICE ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT. Phone 102 We DeliverQuality always higher than price Forever.’’ by and and was sub- was the CENTRALIA ti-onal Leaflet “Friends . Sentence prayers were offered Mrs. John Essery recently visited Mrs. Chas. Johns, Mrs. peters with her sister Mrs. (Dr.) Heigh-| Mrs. Elford. Minutes were read way, in London, Mrs. Jas. Mitchell relatives in Lucan on last week. Mr, and Mrs. Otto Bernice visited with the mother, Mrs. A. Brown, in Crediton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton spent Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O. Thompson and Jean, of Sebringville, were the guests of Mrs. Thos. Willis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard visited with Mr. and Mrs. P. Nichols in Parkhill, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker are moving into Mr. Geo. Thompson’s residence. Mr. and Mrs. Pollock, of Ripley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Smith daughter, of Thames Sunday with Mr. and Davey. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marie, of Exeter, were .Sunday visit­ ors .with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith. ■Miss Gwen. Hicks, of London, spent th© week-end with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks. Sunday guests with Mrs. Byron Hicks were Mrs. John Essery, of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Essery and family, of Usfoorne, Dr. and Mrs. Heighway, of London, Mr. and Mrs. N. Heal, of Fullarton and other friends of Buffalo. Mr. Gordon McDonald and Mr. D. Hicks attended Stratford Fair last ' week. * Mrs. Richard Davey was taken to London on Monday of this week for an X-ray. Her many friends will be glad to know that she is improv- ng nicely. On Sunday, October 13th the an- ual Thank Offering services will be held in the church here. Rev. Page, of James Street United Church, Ex­ eter, will be the guest speaker for the morning service and Rev. Mair, of Thames Road for the evening service. Special music will be pro­ vided by the choir. Th© services will be at the usual hours, 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Milton Mitchell and family and to Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham Si’, in their sad bereavement. ’ visited with Monday of Brown and former’s and Road, spent Mrs. Richard Huxtable and ELIMVILLE CROMARTY Rev. Mr. Sneider, of Kitchener, occupied the pulpit In the Presby­ terian church on Sunday last and preached a very 'forceful and Scrip­ tural sermon, taking for his text the first commandment “TTliou Shalt have no other Gods before me.” The Farmers’ Club have given the corner store a coat of paint which adds greatly to the appearance of the building. Mr. Colby, of Stratford, has pur­ chased the store and merchandise of Mr. Reid and has moved with his family to- Cromarty. We wish Mr. Colby success. Miss Marie Scott who has spent the summer at Goderich has return­ ed home. Mrs. S. A. Miller returned home Wednesday after visiting with her friends in Toronto and St. Cather­ ines. Rev. Mr. Denny, a former pastor, of Cromarty called on his many friends last week. Miss Mary Curtis, who has been. visiting friends in London arrived I by the scripture home on Friday, Peters. L.. Mr. Scott Whaley, of St. Marys, visited in this community last Wed­ nesday. Mr. Kenneth Johns was laid up with the flu a few days last week. The South Huron Sectional W. M. S. Convention will be held on Thurs­ day October 3rd in this church. Mr. Howard Johns returned home this week after spending the sum­ mer months at Milk River, Alberta. Farmers in this community are very busy silo filling, the corn being well matured and a very good crop. Dr. Walter Johns, of Waterloo, spent the week-end at liis home. Mr. Bert Herdman has been on the sick list. Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Johns also Ruth and Edward, of Hamilton, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mr. Paul Johns who has spent the summer working for Mr. W. Johns returned to Hamilton with them. , The sept. W. M. S. meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Hy. Ford. Mrs. Elford had charge of the pro­ gram. Meeting opened with call to worship and singing the hymn "Je­ sus United by thy grace" followed . \ » reading by Mrs. Mrs. Davis read the Devo- adopted then roll call which answered by seventeen members ject “Service.’’ Another hymn sung and business concerning Sectional Convention to be held here on October 3rd was discussed. A number of readings “High Lights on the Blue B-jok” were given. “Blest be the Tie that Binds” was sung and prayer followed by the benediction. A ten cent birthday tea was served at the close. HENSALL Miss Mary McGregor visited last weak with her sister in Goderich. ’ Mr. Albert Passmore left Tuesday ' for Hamilton where he will attend College. Miss Gladys Luker has returned home after Toronto. Rev. W. home after in Ottawa. Miss Ethel Robinson has been iting with friends in Woodham the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron spending a c-o.uple of weeks at their cottage at Grand Bend. Service at the United Church was withdrawn Sunday evening owing to th© Chiselhurst Anniversary. Mrs. Alex McMurtrie is visiting for a few days with her sons Stanley and Hay Townships. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case returned home Saturday after a pleasant vis­ it with relatives Rev. and Mrs. Morpeth, visited town a few days Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. N. Batter&by Stratford on Thursday of last week. Mr. David Robinson has returned home after visiting with his daugh­ ter at Millbank for weeks. Mrs. (Dr.) Reid, is spending a few visiting her -parents Sheffer. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Colvin and Mr. John Colvin, of Lobo Township, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Miss Kathryne Drysdale, who is attending Alma College at St. Thomas visited at her home here over the week-end. Miss Lizzie Haney, of Seaforth, visited fin'r a couple -of weeks with Miss Hannah Craig and other friends in Hensall and vicinity. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell and chil­ dren returned home Saturday- from a motor trip to Nova Scotia and other points for the past four weeks. -Services in Carmel Church on Sunday were taken by Rev. Mr. Mc­ Donald, of London, in the absence -of Rev. Mr. Young. At th© service Mrs. Young sang a solo. Mrs. Ruth paisley, Mrs. E. Ran- nie, Mrs. D. Cantleon, Mrs. George Hess and Miss Ethel Murdock re­ turned home Thursday after a pleas­ ant motor trip to Orillia and Cal­ lander. Th© Library Board intend holding a tea in the council chambers on Friday evening, October 4th. Tea will be. served frohi 8 to- 10 p.m. All who are interested in the Hen­ sall Pubic Library should make an effort to attend. The young people of Carmel Pres­ byterian Church held a very success­ ful weiner roast at the home of Mr. Ward Forrest on Friday evening last There was a good crowd and the ev­ ening was spent in games and con* spending a few days in A. Young has returned spending the past week vis- tor are in in Detroit. M. B. Parker, or with friends in last week. Launce Battersby visited in the past two of Port Rowan, days this week Mr. and Mrs. E. evening ORDER ROOFINC NOW ESTIMATES FREE IJ/L Two great values in Metal Roofing. Ex­ clusive patented features guarantee weather-tightness and easy applica­ tion. For new roofs or re-roofing. Send ridge and rafter lengths for free estimate. Wn n«a » Eastern Steel Products PRESTON ONT. rAcromcsAisoAT Montreal £. Toronto tests. Weiners and coffee were serv­ ed. Mrs. John Fisher visited her little granddaughter Caroline Palmer in London on Saturday. Caroline was operated on for mastoid trcrible at Victoria Hospital about two weeks ago and is .getting along nice­ ly and expects to be able to leave the hospital in another week. The Hensail Chamber of Com­ merce will hold a meeting in the Council Chamber on the evening of October 2nd at 8 o’clock. This will be the .opening meeting to arrange for the program foi’ the coming seas­ on. Election of officers will be held and everyone interested in the welfare of Hensall is cordially in­ vited to attend. The Mission Band of the United Church held their first meeting of the season on Sunday afternoon in the schoolroom of the church. The meeting opened with singing a hymn and prayer. Miss Verda Watson- gave an outline of Africa .which the study, for the year. The closed by all repeating the benediction. The meetings held every Sunday afternoon during fall aud winter months. Rally. Day service was held in the United Church on. Sunday morning, The service was mainly taken by the Sunday -School scholars: The Scrip­ ture lesson was read by Mildred Follick; Mr. R-obt. Passmore gave a very interesting talk on Rally Day and what Rally day means; quar­ tette by four boys, Bobby Hess, Ron­ ald Parker, joe Marks and Beer; Miss Pearl Elder gave a read­ ing on Sunday School work; will be meeting Mizpah will be John Ing on Sunday School work; Rev. Arthur Sinclair gave a talk to par­ ents and Sunday School workers which was listened to with much interest; girls’ quartette by Jessie and Marion Paisley, Pearl Harpole and Mary Clark. The attendance was splendid from the cradle to the home workers. WHALEN Mrs. Alice Parkinson, of St. Marys is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Millson for a. time. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sutherby, o-f London, were .Sunday visitors Of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley. Miss Evelyn Parkinson, Kirkton, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Parkinson. Mrs. Thos. Morley and Mrs. Wal­ ter Gunning returned home Friday from London where they spent sev­ eral days with their sister. Mr. and Mrs. Henb Langford are holidaying with relatives at Muskoka Friends' of Mrs. Frank Gunning will regret to kno ■ her condition is still very critical with no hcipe of re* eovery. The W. A. will meet at Mw. Wal­ ter Gunning's home on Friday af­ ternoon.