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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-09-19, Page 8
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1935 Fall Millinery Styles Demand a Smart Coiffure YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED WITH THE SPEED AND THE PERFECT RESULTS THAT CAN BE OBTAIN- ■ ED ONLY WITH THE DONAT RE VITALIZING PROCESS. PRICES TO SUIT EVERYONE. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Plione 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat 64c. Bariey 41c. Oats 25e. Manit ba’s Best $2.85 Welcome Flour $2.20 Lew Grade Flour $27.00 a ton. Bran $21.uo a ton Shorts $22.00 a ton Mixed Chop $25.00 a ton Govt, (standard screening Chop $20.00 a ton. Creamery Butter 27c. Dairy Butter 20-23C. Eggs, A. large 27c. Eggs, B., 19c. Eggs, C., 15c. Hogs $8.75. I i LOCALS i U MBHHHIHM> HM0MHMM <1 WIMHl ■||||l I KI— THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon,, R.A., B.D, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.in.-—The Minister 7 p.m.—The Minister MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader Lucky Number Contest Mr. E. A. Howald, Exeter, won the Marshall Mattress given at Exeter Fair. LUCKY NUMBER 3359 The draw was made by Miss Agnes Patrick, Staff a. E. R. Hopper Furniture Dealer Funeral Director aau O A N C E Will be held in Leavitt’s Dance Hall, on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25, 1935 Breckenbridge Orchestra Goderich The regular meeting of the W. I. will be held Tuesday, Sept. 24th, at 2.3 0 at the home of Mrs. M. A. Hunt. Thames Road Farmers’ Club are booking orders for hard coal, Alber ta ecal and coke. All orders for hard coal must be in by Monday, Sept. 23rd.—Percy Passmore, Secretary FOR SALE—Home of Mrs. At kinson, two storey brick house less than one block from Exeter High School and Public School. Phone 3 4j Apply at house. PULLETS FOR SALE—70 Barred RvCk Pullets O. A. C. etrain, start ed to lay; also one good mare 1600 pounds. Apply to Jos. Ferguson, lot 33, con. 4, Usborne. 2tp WANTED TO PURCHASE—Good driving mare. Apply, stating age. P. O. box 276, Exeter. 9-19-2tp. FOR SALE'—Young Durham cow freshened in September. Apply to Times-Advooate. ltp FOR SALE—House and barn, two storey frame house 21x28 also frame barn 30x50 on lot 22 con. 8, Ste phen. Apply to Gottfried. Wein, of Crediton. 9-19-4tp FOR SALE The residence of the late Thomas Mitchell, in Centralia. This is a seven room, brick cot tage, in good repair, with electric lights and coal and wood furnace, hard and soft water. There is a frame stable or garage, about an acre of good garden land. The pro perty is situate on Main Street op posite the United Church parsonage. For terms and particulars apply to Gladman &-Stanbury, Barristers, etc., Exeter and Hensail or Thomas A. Mitchell, R. R. 1, Centralia. FOR SALE—Slabwood for fall burning. Call Huron Lumber Co. We deliver, TORONTO MARKETS DECLINES IN HOGS RANGE TO 25 CENTS Steers, Heifers Show’ Loss of 15c. Live Stock Receipts Toronto, Monday Cattle ................................. 7,500 Calves .................... .......... 1,540 Hogs ...................... ............ 1,19/) Sheep and Lambs ....... 2,320 Losses were general on the Tor onto live stock market Monday with sheep and lambs the only divisions holding at last week’s clodng levels,, Steers and heifers, of the cattle di vision, lost 15 cents; hogs dropped. 10 to 15 cents on trucks, and 25c. on cars, while calves were,, fully 50 cents lower. Cattle movements was very slow and ‘4,300 head were left- unsold. ■ ’ , Good butchers told at $5.50 to $5.- 75 with choice up to $6. Some choice heavy steers in late sales brought $6.50 to $7, while weighty steers sold from $5.75 to $6.50. Butcher cows were steady at $2.50- to $3.65, with a few Westerns up to $3.75. Fed calves sold from $.6 to $8.50, while a few common butchers went as low as $3.50. Butcher bulls brought $3 to $3*50 and bologna® held at $2.50 to $2.75. Good Stock ers and feeders sold at $4.50 to $5.- 25 with common downwards to $3.- 25. The calf division closed with a 50 cent loss at $8 for a general top and up to $8.50 for Bine. Common veal- ers sold down to $5 tfhile grangers brought $4. Hogs Settled lower ati$8.75, f.o.b. for bacons, $9.10 to $9.15 off truck, and $9.50 off car, Lambs and ©keep closed steady, the former at $7 for good ewes and wethers and $5 to $6 for culls and bucks, the latter at $1 to $3.50 per cwt. Thursday 7.30—Prayer Meeting 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 11 a.in.--The Pastor 7 p.m.--The Pastor. Monday-—Y. P. S. Reserve October 7th for a concert at James Street Church. Mr. and Mrs?. Geo. Layton will give a talk '-on their trip in Main St. Church on Friday at 8 p.m. Musical number^. Light lunch. Adults two for 25c.; children 10c. BAND CONCERT A Band Concert will be held in Victoria Park Sunday afternoon at three o’clock by the Exeter band. Everyone welcome. Silver collec- Mr. Alonzo Hedden, of London, visited in Exeter for Fair Day. Mrs. Paisley, of Orillia, i® visiting with her son jack and Mrs. Paisley. Mrs. Peter Frayne is visiting for a week with her son Russell in Brant ford. Mr. Frank Sweet, of Sarnia, spent the week-end visiting with relatives in town. Mbs Mabel Whiteman, of Kippen, spent Fair Days with Mr. and Mrs. James Bowey. Mr. jack Mallett, of London, spent Fair Day with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing. Miss Flossie Goulding R.N., of To ronto, is a guest with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding this week. Mrs. James Etherington, of Us borne, isipent Wednesday of last week in town with Mrs. p. E. Willis. Mrs. Wm. H. Stratton, nee Mar garet Ann Fawcett, of Hibbert T(p. died, recently in her 73rd year. Rev. Borden and Mrs. Cunning ham and daughter Betty, of Millbank visited in town during the past week. Dr. and Mrs. Roulston have re turned after a two weeks’ vacation, part cf which* was spent in Quebec Province. Mr. Ed. Howald won the Mar shall mattress given away in a draw by E. R. Hcpper at the Exeter Fair Tuesday. Mr. Gordon Gaiser, of Detroit, Mich., visited recently at the home of Mrs. L. Sweitzer and Mrs. M. Hewlitt. Mr. Marvin Howey, who has been with the Bank of Montreal, at Ayl mer, has been transferred to the Peterboro Branch. Two new cases of typhoid fever have developed since last week. Mr. Cecil Stewart and Mr. Ed. Ward are confined to their homes, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hooper, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fanson the forepart of the week taking in Exeter Fair, Mrs. J. H, Jones with her class of girls from the James Street Sunday School enjoyed a weiner roast on the banks of the river Friday after noon. Mr. Jas. Francis and Miss Ina Jaques spent a few days in Bright during the past week and attended the Brown-Francis wedding on Wed nesday, Mr. Ray Prdye, who has spent the summer with the Canada Steamship Lines iplying between Toronto and Lewiston, returned home Wednesday of last week1. Main St. held a s-ocial evening and weiner roast at Riverview Park on Monday evening. There was a good attendance and a jolly time was en joyed by all. Rev.'R. E. and Mrs. Southcott and son Jack, of Mt. Brydges, accompan ied by Miss Hazel Pound visited on Monday with the former’s mother, Mrs, C. A. Southcott. Mr, and1 Mrs. Hugh McDonald, re turned to their home at Essex on Sunday ofter visiting for a few days with Mrs. T, McCurdy and Mr, and Mrs. J. R, McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dearing and daughter, of Port Colborne, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells and daughter of London, visited over the week end.' with Mrs. A. S. Davis, Mr, Preston Dearing was success ful in winning nine prizes with ten Dorset Horned sheep at the Western Fair. Mr. Dearing is showing his sheep in Stratord this week. Flight Lieut. W. I. Riddell, Camp Borden, with Mrs. Riddell and little daughter Visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard for a few days last week. Mr, Riddell is a brother of Mrs. Pickard. Mr. Wm. BalkwilL who- has been confined to his home for several weeks suffering from the results of an accident, lias not been well during the past week, but at pres ent his condition is improved. The executive of the James Street Sunday School are holding a social gathering and weiner roast at the cottage of the superintendent J. H. and Mrs. Jones at 'Grand Bend this Wednesday evening. Blue Bird Registered Perfect Dia monds from $15.(00 up at $. B. Tay lor’s, jeweller. You will find a splendid assortment to choose from. We are showing the very newest cloths and the collars ai*e excellent quality. We are featuring a special at J. ♦. $13.95 others at NEW FALL CHAMOISETTE GLOVES In a new pull-on style. A smart look ing glove at a reasonable price. *> PER PAIR 69c. FALL DRESSES Come in and see pur dresses for fall in all the popular shades. A special range at $3.95 >i F. THISTLEDOWN YARN A lovely quality, all wool yarn that knits up beautifully and washes well, in all the fall shades. PER BALL 18c. NEW PYJAMA CLOTHS In new bright patterns that you are sure to like. They are so warm and cozy PRICED AT PER YD. 30 and 35c. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader Rally Service in Church and Sunday School 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.—Rev, E. Chandler of Kippen Rally Service at the Sunday School at 3 ip.m. to be addressed by Mr, Chandler. Thursday S p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday—TfRally Service by the Y. P. S. with weiner roast. November 10th anniversary ser vices Rev, Peter Bryce, B.D. Oct. 6th, W. A. Anniversary 10 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlexnlss p.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class and Sun day School. 11 a.m.—(Morning ‘‘The Trinity 7 p.im.—(Evensong “St. Matthew Harvetet Home September 29th. Prayer & Sermon of Graces” and Sermon the Apostle” Services, Sunday, THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Offers up-to-date contracts i meet every insurance need. We welcome inquiries Insurance of all kinds C. V. PICKARD Phone 165, Exeter Permanent Waves to Our Combination Oil Perma nent Wave creates a coiffure of beautiful, natural wave and love ly ringlet ends. Prices Reasonable M. Russell Phone 245 Don’t Wait too Long or we’ll wake dp some morning in a house like an ice-box and no coal in the bin, and don’t forget to ask for D. & H. Cone-Cleaned Anthracite again. It is so easy to control in Autumn and yet gives ample heat in zero weather. Phone 157 We aim to please JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative When You Have a HORSE OR COW You Want Removed Phone or Write to WILLIAM STONE SONS Limited Phone 22, Ingersoll In our issue last week it was stat ed that an automobile belonging to Mr, Wm. Bradshaw, of. Usborne, had sideswipped a car driven by Mr. John Fletcher. Mr. Bradshaw in forms us that the opposite was the case. However the two cars came together on the road and Mr, Flet cher's car took to the ditch. Mr. Chester Lee7- of Lucknow, has moved his effects into the resi dence of Mrs. E. Willis, Main St. Mr. Lee is a former proprietor of the Central Hotel and we understand he is ope'ning up a business in Ex eter. Tuckersmith Township council have set the 'following tax rates for 1935; County rate 6.1 mills, town ship rate 2.5 mills, school 2.5 mills, and other rates as requisitioned. $IR. FOOT writes; For twenty years- I suffered with a, corn, Cress Corn Salve removed it, At Browning’s Drugstore, Exeter, New Models in Men’s Overcoats It is time you were thinking about that, new Winter* Coat. We are showing the new cloths and models. They are very smart and the prices are so reasonable this year. See our values at $16.50 and $18.95 IBEX BLANKETS Largest size Ibex Blankets in white or grey with pink or blue borders. A good buy at per pair $2.35 PURE LINEN HAND TOWELING Our regular 20c. quality. This is a splendid quality linen. We are making a special of it this week SPECIAL—5 YARDS FOR 85c. I ALL WOOL BLANKETS Beautiful all wool blankets in plain shades. These are O.V. Blankets. They give splendid satisfaction. PRICED AT $3.95 AND $4.50 * r MEN’S ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS They come in new plaids and checks; are all wool and give good wear. PRICED AT $2.95 Phone us your order for Grapes and Peaches Prices the lowest.Quality the Best. Southcott Bros. Phone 16Phone 16 BOWLING NOTES The weekly bowling jitney will be held on the local greens on Friday evening of this week. There was a good turnout out of the ladies last Friday and it is hoped there will be more this week. Prizes are awarded the winners, the entrance fee being 25 c. There was a splendid turnout at the bowling jitney -on the local greens Friday eveuing of last week. The ladies are turning out in larger numbers and appear to be quite en thusiastic. There were six rinks in the play, the winning rink being composed of Mrs. H. C. Rivers, J. A, Traquair, J. M. Southcott and M. Telfer, skip with'two wins plus 17. The second prize was won by W. I. Rddell, H. C. Carey, Jas. Bowey and G. Anderson, skip, with one win plue 6. THE PENNY BANK The total am unt of money on de posit in the penny bank, Exeter at the end of June was $929.28. The comparative figures of a year ago were $988.86. The average weekly percentage of pupils in the school depositing during May, and June was 36. The total amount on de posit in the four hundred and sev enty-five schools is $1,288,955.72. CORN AND WEINER ROAST Members of James street choir gathered around a huge bonfire on (Friday evening last at the home of Mr. Glarence Down where a very en joyable time was spent in the form of a corn and weiner roast. Every one did ample justice to the menu and a real social time was spent, A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Clarence for his hospitality and all joined in singing ‘‘For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow.” Mrs. Callis and’ Mrs. Vermilyea, of Santa Barbara, Calif., who are at present visiting their .mother Mrs. John Dinsdale, of Hensail, called on Mr, and Mrs. ,W. H. Johnston one day last week. They were pupils of Mr. Johnston when he taught at Grassick’s school, near Kippen. Mt. Charles Arthur Luxton, of South Bend, ind., who, while visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Willis, was stricken with a serious illness, has sufficiently recovered to be able to return to .his home, Mr. Luxton Is being accompanied home by hi® nurse, Mrs. I. M. Willis, Mr, Luxton is a sori Of Mf. and Mrs. Percy Lux ton, an Exeter old boy and girl. ^lllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM New Fall Suitings J New Fall Hats . . |New Fall Mufflers . . (New Fall Ties =New Fall Spats ft I . . $2,75 and $1.00 50c $1.00 • ••••• • « • • • Pyjamas, Shirts, Etc. Dresses & Suits Tailor Pressed WB CALL FOR AND DEM VI® Up Up up 79c W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. IF! Among the visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. H- Johnston during the past week were Dr. and Mrs. Victor John- iston and Mrs. Samuel Morrison, of Lucknow, nephew and niece; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston, of Ashfield; Mr, Joseph Mallough and Mrs. Tthos. Alton also of Lucknow. They attend ed the (Fair at London and also vis ited at Union near Pert Stanley. Rev, Percy Banes, B.A., of Bright, conducted the services in Main St. United Church on Sunday last preaching two very acceptable ser mons. The pastor Rev. A. E. Elliott and the male quartette were at Bright conducting the anniversary services and assisting with the mus ic. Mr. Banes visited with his sis ter, Mrs. G. Hepburn, of Centrala, JAMES STREET W. M. S. The regular .monthly aneetihg of the W. M. S, of the James St. United church was held Thursday afternoon. The meeting opened with singing and prayer with the president in the chair. After business whie.li includ ed arrangements for the W. M. S. anniversary, Sunday, September 29th to be followed by a chicken pie supper, Mrs. Mantle took the chair and led in prayer followed by Mrs. Christie, Mrs. Sharpe and Mrs. Del- bridge. A real treat, in the form of talks, was given by the ladies who attended the school of leaders at Alma College, St. Thomas. Mrs. C. W. Christie spoke on the general trend of the meetings, toward a higher standard of Christian life and an increasedi activity in missionary work. Mrs. J. M. southcott gave an outline of the‘worship periods and mentioned the building and use of the amphitheatre in connection with the college. Mrs. (Rev.) Page gave an address on Rev. Dr, Brown’s lectures on the different religions, such as Moharnedism, and Mrs. J, H» Jones spoke on the -children of Af rica and of the famine in Angolia. Mrs. (Rev.), Hugh Taylor spoke of the slimmer school of Huron county near Goderich, in which she took part and which was Well attended. She felt that it aught to be a real benefit to the. girls. Mrs, /Luther and Mrs. B, Blssett then shng a duett. Tim program was thorough ly enjoyed thanks bo the ladies who took part. Arrangements were made to> hold a ’‘Family Party” supper and program on October 22nd. 9