HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-09-19, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1033
There are several cases of scarlet
fever in town.
Mrs. John Murdock spent Tues
day in Exeter calling on friends.
Next Sunday, September 22, will
be Rally Day in all the churches
a few
was calling on friends in town on
Monday. 1
Mr. Harold Bonthron left Monday
tu attend college at Pickering near
New Market.
Mrs. Leeper and Mrs. Anna Mc
Donald are visiting for a few days
in Toronto,
Mr. Harry Howard and Mr. Geo.
Douglas recently visited with friends
in Thorndale.
Miss Goldie Cross has been con
fined to her home for the past week
through illness.
Quite a number from town were
in Exeter on Tuesday afternoon at
tending the fair.
Charley Fee, little eon of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Fee, is confined to his
home through illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howald, of
London, vsited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Hudson.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Vanhose, of
London, were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson.
Mr. Arthur Dick accompanied by
his mother, Mrs. Jas Dick, spent
Thursday and Friday in [London.
Mr. Chris. Kipper, of lllionis is
visiting with his brother and other
relatives in Hensall and vicinity.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hostin, are
spending a few days this week vis
iting with relatives in Hamilton.
Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London,
spent Sunday at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Miss Alice Dougall has
to Toronto after visiting
parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougall,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas; Simpson have
been visiting for the past two weeks
with relatives and friends in Lon
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pepper, of
Manitoulin Island, visited over the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parliner, of
Toronto, have been visiting with Mr.
Parlmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Parlmer.’
Little Doris Buchanan underwent
an operation for the removal of
tonsils at Dr. Collyer’s office
Wednesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin
children of Farpuhar were Sunday
visitors with Mr .W. L. McLaren
and Mr. an$ Mrs. Roy McLaren.
The Mission Band of the United
church will start their meetings for
the fall and winter months next
Sunday afternoon, September 22nd.
Little Caroline Parlmer, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parlmer was
operated on at Victoria Hospital,
London on Saturday for
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gram
and Mrs. Wm. Foster left
to visit for a week or two' with rela
tives and friends in different
in Michigan.
Mr. Alex. Stewart returned
on Monday evening after a
.ant visit of several weeks
friends at Brussels and in
Members of Mrs. Thos. Richard
son’s family gathered at her
on Sunday last to wish her
happy return® of the day, it
her 70th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bean
moved into the William McKay
house and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moir
and family are .moving into the
house recently vacated by Mr? Bean.
Mrs. Lou Simpson returned home
on Saturday from Detroit where she
has been visiting for some time.
She was accompanied home by Mrs.
Langlois, of Detroit, who will visit
'here for a time.
Mrs; Annie Logan is spending a
week with friends in London. Dur
ing Mrs. L igan’s absence her mother
Mrs. Ann- Hudson, Hensall’s oldest
lady, will visit with her daughter,
Mrs. A. Harvey, at Kippen.
Mr. and“ Mrs. Taylor, of Elken,
' Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Gregon and Miss
Nettie Walker, oif Saginaw are vis
itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Green, Par Line. It is 40
years since they visited this section.
The Women’s Society of the Car
mel Presbyterian church will hold a
meeting at the home of Mrs. Bertha
Bell on Friday afternoon, Sept. 20,
at three o’clock. All the ladies of
the congregation are invited to at
Mr. James Sangster who has been
at Barrow Bay, nea? Lions Head,
for several weeks building a sum
mer home for Dr. Burley, of Mich.,
spent the week-end here with his
family. Mr. Sangster also got the
contract for building a large and ex
pensive summer home for another
Mich, family at Port Frank.
Mr. and Mrs. Will McLean and
children of Hamilton, who have
been visiting here for a couple of
weekjs returned to their home on
Sunday. They were accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and
Miss Gladys Passmore who visited
over the week-end at Hamilton and
Master Douglas Sangster enter
tained a number of boy. and girl
friends at his home one evening last
week, the occasion being his birth
day. Douglas made a splendid host
and a very pleasant evening was
spent in games, contests and a Wein
er roast was held. The young
friends of Douglas 'wish him many
happy .birthdays.
The Liberal-Conservatives of the
Huron-Perth riding will hold a con
vention-in the Town’Hall, Heftsail,
on Friday evening of this week,
September 20th to nominate a can
didate to ........................
of Huron'
Wm. Joynt, of London, spent
days last week at hi® home
Richard Welsh, of Exeter
principal speaker. This will clear
away all doubt as to a Conservative
entering the contest. There will be
church on
the pulpit
A. Townsend, of the Church of the
Redeemer, London, and in the ev
ening by Rev. M. A. Hunt, rector of
Trivitt Memorial church, Exeter.
The church was beautifully decorat
ed for the occasion and the choir
gave special music. Rev. Mr, Farr,
rector of St. Paul’s church took Mr.
Townsend’s work
morning and Mr.
in the evening.
From now to
campaign will be
day, October 7th a regular nomina
tion meeting will be held in the
town hall, Hensall from 12 to 2
o’clock, presided over by the Re
turning Officer, D. M. McNaughton,
of Bayfield. Immediately after the
nomination meeting about 15,000
post cards 'ill be mailed out, each
voter on the list receiving one,
giving the date of the election and
the place in the polling sub-division
where the poll is held. At this elec
tion no one whose name is not on
the list can v-ote.
Thanksgiving services
in St. Paul’s Anglican
Sunday. In the morning
was occupied by Rev. W.
at London in the
Hunt’s at Exeter
election day the
brisk. On Mon-
Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.P.'S., D.D.S.
,At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the post Office, in Zu
rich, last three days of week.
Will be running every day of the
week for the season.
4 tp. Alex. Zimmerman, Dashwood
$50.00 REWARD for any informa
tion leading to the arrest of chick
en thieves in this district. Lakeview
Poultry Farm. Kenneth Wein, Dash
W. Ort-
with her
and Mr.
contest the federal riding
-Perth in tile Conservative
Ex-mayor William J.
of T-oronto, will be the
Redpath Granulated Sugar ...... 10 lbs. for 52c
FRESH SODA BISCUITS..................
GOOD COOKING RICE.....................
HEREFORD CORN BEEF ................
SLICED PINEAPPLE ..........................
LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS, large tin
KETA SALMON, fancy quality........
Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, Mr.
and Mrs. George Krueger, of Elk
ton, visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Mary Haist.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W- Goodman have returned to Detroit after spending a
few days with the latter’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder.
Miss Wealthy Schroeder, of Tor
onto, is visiting at ’the home of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroed
Quite a number of the community
attended the anniversary services
Emmanuel Evangelical
Zurich o-n Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Georgetown, Mr. and
Grotz, Mr. Ralph. Grotz, of Wallace
burg, Mr. and Mrs. W. Krotz and
daughter Francis, of Millbank, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel
o-n Sunday.
Preparations are getting under
way for the fowl supper which will
be given by the Evangelical church
on October <10th.
The monthly meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute will be held in the
Institute rooms on Friday, Septem
ber 20.
T'he Sr. E. L. C. E. will resume
their weekly meetings on Friday
evening. The program is in charge
of the department of worship, Miss
Ruby Finkbeiner, convenor.
Rally Day services will be observ
ed in the United church Sunday
Schqol next Sunday morning. Every
one invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Luckner, of
London, were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fink
Week-end visitors at the Evangel
ical parsonage were Rev. and Mrs.
L. H. Pletchi and son Carl, of Pem
broke and Margaret of Kitchener;
Miss Laura Nienkirchen, of Pem
Mrs. Norman Kleinfeldt has re
turned home after spending several
days at Lonon with her sister Miss
Cora Stahl and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Homar pletch visit
ed with Rev. and Mrs. Pletch over
the week-end. They left for Chic
ago where they will make their fut
ure home.
Miss Gertrude Underhill, of Na-
pinka, Man., spent several days
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Rosina Stahl and cousins .
Rev. L. H- Pletch, brother of A.
E. Pletch, preached twoi excellent
and impressive sermons to large
and appreciative audiences on Sun
day morning and evening.
Effective decoration with plants
and flowers made a colorful and re
ceptive setting for the 61st anni
versary services of Zurich Evangel
ical church on Sunday. The church
was filled' to capacity for both ser
vices. The guest speaker of the day
was Rev, G. F. Barhel, of Calvary
Evangelical church, Kitchener. The
addresses both morning and evening
were of a thoughtful and deeply
spiritual nature. The ch'oir consist
ing of thirty men under the direc
tion of Rev. E. Burn and the organ
ist, Mrs. Harry Hess, rendered ap-.
propriate music.
-On Wednesday afternoon of last
week, stortly after two o’clock, fire
broke out in the large driving shed
belonging to Bernard Brown, a
farmer just south of Crediton. A
bucket brigade formed by neighbors
and townspeople worked vigorously
in order to save the other buildings.
Although nothing could be done for
the shed jtself, a large straw stack
a short distance away added not a
little to the difficulty. A compar
atively new binder, tractor, buggy
and several other mpiements
destroyed with the building,
origin of the fire is unknown.
Mirs. N.
Kit-Mr. Robert J. Moore, Jr., of
chener spent the past week with his
aunt, Mrs. Jos. Moore.
Mr. Gerald Cluff is spending a
couple of weeks in Toronto.
Mrs. ‘Alf. May is holidaying with
lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgan s-pent
Sunday with Mrs. F. pridham of Mt.
■Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson, of Car
lingford were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Langley, of To
ronto spent the week-end with their
unde, Mr. Amos Doupe.
Miss Nettie Routly has returned
to London having spent the past
two weeks with her sister, Mrs. A.
Mr. Lome Marshall spent the
week-end with friends at Granton.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft and Mr.
and Mrs. E. Rader spent the week
end at Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Chesna, of Bir
mingham, Mich., are visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Willert.
Mrs. Geo. Merner and son Milford
and Mrs. A. Tieman are spending
a week with friends in Detroit.
Miss Gertrude Hoffman who
been visiting in Kitchener has
turned home.
Gordon, youngest son of Mr. ..
Mrs. E. G. Kraft wa>s taken to St.
Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Sun
day where he was operated on for
mastoids. We understand the op
eration was successful and we hope
for a speedy recovery.
Rev. and Mrs, Hendich and Misses
Anna Tiernan and Ger try de Hoff
man attended the Religious Assemb
ly in Kitchener last week.
Miss Jarmaine Armstrong, of Lon
don, is visiting with Mr.
Rev. T. Luft assisted
arj’ Services in Monkton
Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman and
family visited relatives in St. Thom
as on Sunday.
and Mrs; O.
in. Mission-
on Sunday.
Miss Marie Hodgins, of London,
is holidaying with her apnt, Mrs.
Thee. Willis.
Mrs. Wm. Martin, of Exeter, vis
ited for a couple of days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brown.
Mrs, Spencer, of St. Thomas, Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Hitch, of Toronto,
visited on Monday of this week with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills.
Miss Margaret Hicks, R. n., of
London, spent a few days last week
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Hicks before leaving for Mon-
the"treal to begin her work in
Children’s Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz
daughter, of Dashwood, visited
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
at her
Wonderful Laundry Soap .......... 8 for 25c.
Palmolive Soap ...............3 cakes for 14c.
Zinc Sealer Rings ............... per dozen 20c.
Golden Spray Cheese .. .. 1-2 lb. pkg. 2 25c.
Peanut Butter in bulk.......... 2 lbs. for 25c.
Fancy Assorted Biscuits ........... per lb. 15c.
No. 1 Cooking Onions 50 lb. bag 59c.
Good Cooking Apples per basket 25c.
Large Fresh Celery .............per bunch 10c.
Fresh Grapefruit ......................... 4 for 25c.
Phone 102
“Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver
Mrs, David Baird and
John Baird and Mr.
Sims spent Sunday
Mr. and
sons, Mrs.
Mrs. John
Quite a number from here took, in
London Fair last week.
Mrs. Sam. Baynham returned
day to Forest after a few days
at her home here.
e'en Eber, Mrs. Leonard Wein
son Marvin-and Mrs .Jacob Sims
son Willow visited Sunday with
and Mrs. Alex. Hamilton, at Grand
and Mrs. Harry Lewis
on his success at the London
Exeter Fairis.
; Mr. and Mrs. John Hern, Mr. and
Mrs. John Johns and son Tennyson
and Mr. Henry Hern spent Tuesd.ay
in Exeter with Mrs. Kyle.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques and
daughter Ina, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern.
The school is closed owing to the
illness of the teacher, Miss Lorraine
Mr.'and Mrs. Ephriam Hern, Law
rence and Hazel visited on Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myron
Culbert, at Lucan.
A ^number in the community at
tended Exeter Fair.
Warren Brock is showing his
horses at Stratford Fair this
We congratulate Mr. Brock
Muriel Steeper spent Sunday
home near Parkhill.
Ken Carter and children, of
Clandeboye, visited on Sunday with
her sister, Mrs. Richard Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson of
Sebringville, called on friends in
the village on Thursday evening of
last week.
Miss Wilda Pollock, R.N., and
lady friend, of Kitchener, spent
Tuesday of last week with the
former’s sister, Mrs. Lome Hicks.
Miss Kathleen Hicks, R.N., who
has spent the summer months at
her home here, left on Monday for
New York to resume her duties
there. She was accompanied as far
as Montreal by her sister, Miss Mar
garet Hicks, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor, of
Usborne, were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden.
Mr. Donald Hicks attended West
ern Fair in London last week and
made a splendid showing in hurdle
jumping with his horse. He
posed of his horse while there.
Miss Evelyn Clarke spent a few
days at her home in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Penwarden,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, of Clin
ton, visited with Rev. and Mrs. V.
Robb, of Bluevale, recently.
Mrs. Russell Schroeder spent Mon
day of this week with her sister
Mrs. Robert Smith, who is confined
to her home owing to ’illness.
Surprise Party
A happy gathering assembled at
the home of Mrs. John McFalls,
when about 50 women of the Assoc
iation of Centralia United church
met to surprise her on the occasion
of her eightieth birthday. After a
short programme of readings, solos
and • club swinging, which was pre
sided over by Rev. Mr. Stewart, the
most important item was the read
ing of an address by Mrs. Andrew
Isaac and the presenting of a pair of
bedroom slippers and a bouquet of
flowers by Mrs. T. Boyes. The af
ternoon was brought to a close with
the singing of a hymn and a dainty
lunch was served.
AV. M. S. Meeting
The September meeting of the
W. M. S .was held at the home of
Mrs. F. Penwarden, Mrs. Stewart
leading the devotional exercises.
Opening with hymn 255 and reading
responsively, 1st Psalm, after which
all repeated the Lord’s prayer, a
paper “The New Grandmother” was
read by Mrs. J. Blair, a solo was
sung’ by Mrs. C. Skinner. The de
votional leaflet was1 read by Mrs. A.
McFalls, a paper “Understanding
Friends” was read by Mrs. A. Mit
chell. Hymn 261. The talk on the
study book was given by Mijs. 0.
Skinner, Mrs. A. Isaac read a paper
on “War Talk.” M*s. A. McFalls
led in prayer. Hymn 414 was sung.
The meeting was then taken over
for business discussions by the
president. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted. It
was decided bo sell Xmas cards this
year again, It. was also decided to
Jhold the meeting in the homes.’ It
'was nwied and carried that Mrs.
Fletcher be the Scout for Centralia
in Mrs. Thompson’s place. The
society decided to hold their an
nual .chicken supper on November 21st. Hymn 247 was sung, with the | For China and something good
benediction pronounced by the pre- see our Spode China Dinnerware at
sident. S. B. Taylor’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Stuart accom
panied by the former’s mother Mrs.
Stuart and daughter, of Detroit, cal
led on friends here on Sunday.
Misses Eilien and Angelia Mulli
gan, of Detroit, called on friends in
this neighborhood on Sunday.
Mrs. Martha McPhee, is visiting
friends at Stratford this week.
Mr. M. Doyle, is spending a few
days with relatives at London.
iMr. Frank Pickering, of Detroit,
spent the week-end with his brother'
Mr; John Pickering, 12th concession
Death of Joseph Guinan
This week sees another of our
oldest and most respected and es
teemed residents of this community
in the person of Joseph Guinan, who
passed away on Monday morning at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. M.
Ryan, at age of 82 years and 1
month. Mr. Guinan was well known
in Stephen township, where he was
assessor for the past forty years.
He was a man of high ideas honor
able in his dealings and was noted
for his strict integrity in his home
life he was kind and affectionate
and is survived by a family of three
daughters, Sr. Carmelette, of Dub
lin; Sr. St. Michael, Chatham and
Mrs. M. Ryan, with whom he lived
for some time, two sons Rev. Fr.
Vincent Guinan, of Assumption Col
lege, Sandwich; John Guinan, of De
A number from here attended Ex
eter fair on Tuesday.
Gordon Kraft, son of Mr. and Mrs
E. G. Kraft was rushed to St,
Joseph’s Hospital on Sunday where
he underwent an operation for mas-
toids. We are glad to report he is
getting along as well as can be ex
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgins, of Mt.
Carmel spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Mason,
Miss Janet Turnbull spent the
week-end at her home near Grand
We are glad to report that Miss
Jean willert who had her tonsils
and adenoids removed in Dr. Taylor’s
hospital, Dashwood, and who has
been quite ill for the past couple of
weeks is Improving fairly well.
M¥. and Mrs. Jas. Ziler spent Sun
day in Seaforth.
Quite a number from
munity attended Exeter
Mr. and Mrs. Everett
this com-
Faii* on
Mary Drago, who has been
her mother for some time
her home in New Yortk this
Doupe, of
Anderson, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake.
Miss Greta Fletcher visited
week with Mr. and Mrs. Warner
Roberts of I^ucan.
Miss Genevieve Kerslake, spent
week-end with Miss Elaine Denham
of Kirkton.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women’s Association, of Elim-
ville Church, was held at the home
of Mrs. Freeman Horne on Thurs
day of last week with a good attend
Mr. Lloyd Spore and Mrs. Jean
Jackson, of Toronto, visited with
Mr. .and Mrs. W. J. Veal on Tuesday
of last week.
Mrs. Fox, of Toronto, spent one
day last week with Mr. and Mrs. F.
The farmers have been busy the
past week hauling their Canning
Factory corn.
Sunday .visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
George Davis were: Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Alexander and family, Mrs. Ag
nes Alexander, of Lumley; Mr. and
Mrs. Ewart Pym and family, of Ex
eter, Mr. Harcld Davis, of Thames
We are glaa to see Mr. Roy Brock
able to be out again after his recent
The W. M. S. met in the school
room of the church for their regular
,monthly meeting. The opening
hymn was “Far and near the fields
are teeming” and call to worship
taken from Janies 4: s and 10 by
the president. The Scripture les
son was read by Mrs. G. F. Wren,
followed by singing “What a Friend
we have in Jesus.” Minutes of the
last meeting were read and approv
ed and the roll call was answered
by a verse on trust, an*d hymn sung
“Simply Trusting Every Day.” The
devotional leaflet was read by Mrs.
A. Cudmore. The topic “High
Lights on the Blue Book” was taken
by Mrs. J. M. Glen, leader and Mrs.
McDonald, Mrs. Turnbull, Mrs. Ed
gar Cudmore, Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs.
Ed. Chappel and Miss Janet Chappel.
The meeting closed with singing and
The anniversary services will be
held on Sunday, September 22nd, at
2.3 0 in the afternoon and 7.30 in
the evening. Rev. W. A. Walden,
of Empress Ave. United church, Lon
don, and president of the Conferen
ce will be the speaker for the day.
Special music by the choir. A cor
dial invitation is extended to all.
Miss Margaret Dr-over, of Sea
forth, returned to her home after
visiting with relatives and friends
in the -community.
The Kippen East W. I. will meet
at the home of Mr. and Mrs; Ed.
Chappel this Wednesday for the re
gular monthly meeting.
Miss Mary Pybutj is spending a
few weeks with her brother, Mr. W.
Pybus. '
Mrs. Robert Bragg and family, of
Burford, is visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pybus.
A number from here attended the
Exhibition at London last week.
Farmers Attention
Why Feed Non-Laying Hens?
Have yours flock culled by Mr
Vahey, a poultry expert
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Phone 216
Swift Canadian Co.
left for
Mrs. Bert Craig, wclo was rushed
to St. Joseph’s Hospital for an op
eration is getting along nicely also
Mrs. Emmery Stebben, who is in
the same hospital is doing nicely.
Mrs. Joe "Oliver is spending a
week or so with friends in London.
The school fair drew a good crowd
on Friday last.
Mr. Rtoy Holt while cranking his
tractor had his arm broke below the
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brenner re
turned froiii their honeymoon and a
reception was given them at the
Brenner House. The bride was the
recepient of many useful and costly
Quite a number took- in the West
ern Fair last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hamilton
have moved to Thedford where they
intend to spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Desjardine
and little son have gone on a va
cation for a couple of weeks to
Wheatly and Leamington, visiting
friends on the way.
• You won’t want to miss hearing
the Caroline Jubilee Singers in the
United church Saturday night. Come
and bring your friends.
A cold meat supper will be served
in the church Wednesday, Septem
ber 25th, followed by a splendid pro
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns, and
Mr. Ed. Johns were in Sarnia last
Saturday on business.
Misses Vinetta
visited with Mr.
Routly last week.
Mrs. Edna Fox,
has spent the past
relatives in the community went to
London on Friday last intending to
leave for her home tills week.
Mr. and Mrs .John Herdman and
Eula and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brad
shaw and David wete Sunday visit
ors with Mr. and Mrs. John
man at Strathroy.
Miss Mary Johns went to
ford the first of the week to
Normal School.
and Ella Routly
and Mrs. Wm.
of Wnnipeg who
two months with
and Mrs. Wm. O’Neil andMr.
family and Mr. Robert McCullough,
of Detroit, spent the week-end at
the home of Mr. F. Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. Mellville Gunning
and Mrs.'spent Sunday with Mr.
Culbert, near Lucan.
The W. M. S. meets at
bn Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Farquhar, were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire.
Mr. David Bath, of London Twp-
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. E.
Rev. Mr. Johnson, of Crediton will
Occupy the pulpit in this church on
Sunday afternoon next at 2.30.
Mr. and Mrs. George Squire, of
Granton, spent Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. H. Squire.
Several from this community at
tended the Western Fair last week.
the church
Bam Burned
During the threshing operations
at the farm of Lloyd Young Sth con.
Colborne township, flames belched
from the blower and the barn was
totally destroyed with a large quan-
tity of stored' hay.
J. A. Lawrence, C. N. R. agent, at
the town office, Goderich, Appeared
before Magistrate J. A. Makins on
Thursday last and was charged with
fraudently converting to his own use
more than $1800 of the company’s
money. He was remanded until
Sept. 19th, on $5,000 bail, Mt, Law
wns recently arrested! la Chi-
He had been in the C. N. R..
for thirty years.