HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-09-19, Page 1t ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 19th, 1935 SIXTY-SECOND YEAR I Special Values in Fall Merchandise 1 I ARM FRACTURED Mrs. G .S. Howard had the mis­ fortune on Thursday last to fracture her right arm when she slipped on the hack verandah. About two years ago Mrs. Howard fractured her left arm above the wrist. BLANKETS Very fine all wool blankets, standard size, white ground with beauti­ ful colored borders, on sale this month at $6.95. Fine all wool bed covers with satin binding, plain and reversible, very special value for early Fall buyers from $4.50 to $6.95 each. Ibex large size ^lannqlette blankets, grey or white with blue and pink borders at $2 35 pair. I Men’s Heavy Jumbo Sweaters $1.95 each Men’s Heavy Jumbo Coat Sweaters, a very warm garment for winter wear on sale at $1.95 each. Heavy Ribbed Underwear $1.00 Garment Men’s Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers. A real good fitting garment for win­ ter wear at $1.00 per garment. ........................................ — .....■■I. ....................II - ’ ..................................I . ................ I ■!......II —.11 ■— SPECIAL—Ladies* Silk and Wool Hosiery, good colors at 39c. a pair or 2 prs. for 75c. Girls’ and Ladies’ Raincoats on Sale at $1.00 We have a few good rain coats for girls and ladies to clear at once at $1.00 each. GIRLS RAINCOATS, HATS TO MATCH—8, 10, 12, 14 year sizes, regular price $3.75 each to clear at $1.00 each. Ladies’ and Misses’ and Girls’ Coats for Fall and Winter in new styles and ma­ terials at very reasonable prices. SEE THE NEW FALL DRESSES FOR FALL AND WINTER Coming, Thursday, September 26th J SUFFERED STROKE Mrs. Wm. Pincombe is confined to her home on Huron street and is in a critical condition following a slight stroke which she suffered Monday night. The left side of the body is affected. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. will now Nel- DRILLING OPERATIONS A large drilling apparatus is in operation on the farm of Mr. son Kestle just south of the town limits in the hope of securing suf­ ficient water for Exeter’s water­ works system. The International Wa­ ter Supply Co.., who have the con­ tract tor securing an adequate sup­ ply for the town’s use, have discard­ ed the small machine which was us­ ed to sink four test holes and set up a larger machine. SITUATION CLEARED have Two New Teachers Have Been added to H. S. Staff. The school situation in reference to the teaching staff of the Exeter High School has been settled dur­ ing the week and two new teachers have been added to the stun. Mr. Gordon Hilborn, B.A., of Hamilton, a Prince of Wales scholar, and Miss Olive M. Stevenson, B.A., of London gold medalist in Latin, commenced their new duties Monday morning and the services of Miss M. E‘. Rose, who hae1 been a teacher on the staff for many years has been dispensed with. The securing of the addition­ al teacher was made necessary by the large enrollment in first form this year. HAND AMPUTATED for a Special Measure Suit Sale Mr. Syd. Miller, of La Salle Tailoring Co., Toronto, will be here on Thursday, Sept. 26th. If you need a special measure suit, come in and see his samples. Medium prices and a guaranteed fit. 0 Phone 32 Jones & May Phone 32 I THEY WILL GET STUNG The Lowe Bros. Company Announce DRASTIC REDUCTIONS in the price of “High Standard” House Paints Ordinary Colors and White to Retail .. for $1.00 per quart NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR HOUSE PAINTED AT THESE LOW PRICES Gallons, all colors ............ Half Gallons, all colors .... Quarts, all colors .............. Pint®, all colors ................ ....................... $3.75 per gallon .............. $2.00 per half gallon ....................... $1.00 per quart .....................................60 per pint Concentrate With Specific Hog Tonic ..............-..... Stock Tonic ..................... Poultry Specific .............. Calf Meal .......................... lb. lb. lb. lb. Royal Purple Royal Purple Royal Purple Royal Purple Royal Purple Shurgain Hog Mineral ..............................•........... . $3.00 per cwt. Shurgain-Hog Concentrate ....................... ».......<••• $3.75 per cwt. Shurghin Cattle Mineral ........v.................. ................ $3.25 per cwt. Let us estimate your heating requirements by installing a New Idea or Pease Economy Furnace. We can secure parts tor all makes of furnaces and stoves at a very reasonable price. We have installed a new set of tools for making furnace and stove .pipes, tees, etc._____________ ___________ ■___ _______ Traquair’s Hardware 0APPEAR SUCCESSFUL Mr. J. G. Stanbury was in Toron­ to on Monday and Tuesday at Os- goode Hall as Counsel tor the defen­ dant in the case of Allen vs, Allen. The action was tried at Goddricli in June by His Honor Judge Costello on reference from the Supreme court and judgment was given fo.r the plaintiff. A large sum of money is involved in the dealings of these two Ctofterich brothers as lio.rsebuyers. The Defendant appealed and on Tuesday the appeal wAe granted and the case sent back to the local judge. • W. ProodfOrOt K.C., of Toronto and R. 0. Itays, of Goderich, tepresent- od the plaintiff. Has Thrilling Experience Mr. S. J. Hicks, of Toronto, spent L Barnum was right. One has only to go’ to a country fair to find there are still suckers looking for easy money and that everyone is not broke at least when they go to the fair. Crowds attract crowds like honey attracts bees and mingling with one of the crowds at the Exe­ ter Fair to see what was the attrac­ tion we noticed a gambling wheel •with a gentleman of a well-known nationalty behind it and-we conclud­ ed that anyone who could beat that combination must be good. The op­ erator was not long in passing o,ut five dollar bills on a 50c. bet to five or ®ix perSons at a time. It looked like easy money. The funny part of it was that the men who were making the big wins came to town And left again on the same with the operator but the public were not supposed to know Having' seen these gentry operate at Kirkton and Zurich Fairs last year and Exeter this year and as all end­ ed identically the same we concluded the thing is regular routine. A num­ ber of persons loose small sums of money and never say a word; a few loose larger sums and grin and bear it and then someone looses a pile of money and a holler is raised either by the person or his friends. After a good deal of argument with the police and the fair officials a com­ promise is made, some of the money is returned, the concern folds its tent and leaves tor fresh pastures and more easy money. One man lost over $20 on Tuesday; another $40 ■and a third is reported to have lo§.t over $10'0, $45 of which was hand­ ed back. truck that. Mr. George Frayne, of Usborne, had the misfortune to have his right hand severed at the wrist when it was caught in the knives of a blow­ er while threshing operations were in progress on the farm of Mr. A. J. Penhale, of Stephen on Thursday of last week. Mr. Frayne has employed in threshing MoFalls for the'season, something went wrong ting box for the straw ged. Mr. Frayne put been with Mr. G. On Thursday and the cut- became clog- his hand in the box while the machine was in motion and the hand was severed. He was brought to the office of Dr. Dunlop and was immediately rush­ ed to St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon­ don, suffering .considerably from loss of blood and shock. For a time his condition was considered serious but he is now getting along as well as can be expected.. SUCCESSFUL FAIR Rain Theatens To Spoil the Day— Gat'd Showing in Some Classes, Others Light. Exeter Fall Fair was well attend­ ed Tuesday. Rain in the morning threatened to spoil the attendance and no doubt kept away a number of exhibitors, but as the sun shone forth shortly before neon many of the farmers dropped their work and cam© to Exeter for the ing day of the year. There was a good showing of some of the finest * cattle and poultry show was good and in the indoor exhibit® the ladies work had a splendid display. Weth­ er or not it is because the farmers are very busy or that there is a shotage of roots and vegtable® and fruits but the showing in these lines were exceptionally light. The mer­ chants of town had numerous splen­ did displays. There were a large number of tents and concessions on the grounds and all seemed to. be doing fairly well. On account of the rain the horse race was called off but the running race was made in two heats ■ever a muddy track. The Exeter band provided splen­ did music and the Canadian Cow­ boys of London, entertained the crowd. The Exeter girls softball team defeated the Hepsall girls 10- 7. Winnie White and Olive Caldwell were the pitchers for the Exeter girl® while Bella Smale was the Hensail Pitcher. The line-up was as follows: Hensail, Bella Smale, p; D. Thompson, e; Irene Harburn r f; Beryl Pfaff If; Susan Passmore 2b; Marion Sinclair cf; Letty Love ®s; Joyce Scruton lb; Mildred Scruton, 3b. Exeter, Ethel Kydd 3b; Agnes Cutting cf; Margaret Cutting rf; Winnifred White p and If; Eleanor Abbott 2b; Grace Snell ss; Marjorie Grant lstb; Gladys Ryckman c; Olive Caldwell 'If and p. Winnie White had one strike-out and two' walks and Bella Smale two outs and cne The score Hensall .... 2 Exeter ..... 0 Bill Balkwill and were the umpires. The lows: 2, 2; 4, 4. owner by William and Robt. Rundle of Woodham. The results of the judging were as follows;. — JUST ARRIVED — A Fresh Assortment of Neilson’s Chocolates pound box 50c Grieve’s Sandwich one outstand- horses. The walk. by innings: 10 1 0 0 2 strike- KNEE-CAP SPLIT ' A simple accident, yet one which has been attended with serious re­ sults, happened to Mr. Ed. J. Shap­ ton, 3rd concession of Stephen Twp., on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mr. .Shapton was in the barn oiling some machinery and was standing on an orange crate when he overbalanced and fell off. He struck the right knee on a corner of the box and fractured the knee-cap as well as severing some of the liga­ ments. He was brought to Exeter and was immediately taken to Vic­ toria Hospital in London. On Mon­ day an operation was performed when it was found necessary to wire the knee cap and place the leg in a plaster cast. Mr. Shapton will be confined to the hospital ftor some time in consequence. He will have the best wishes of many friends for his early recovery. About two weeks ago Mrs. Shap­ ton slipped to the floor injuring her left arm. On Thursday of last week the day after Mr. .Shapton was takeii to the hospital, Mrs. Shapton again hurt her arm and an examination by Dr. Fletcher revealed that she had' suffered a fracture below the elbow. Mrs. .Shapton was taken to Victoria Hospital carrying for an X-ray and she is now her arm in a plaster cast. ___________ HEAR PREMIER ABERHART “The Place of Better Food” — Smokers’ Supplies — Carolina Jubilee Singers will be at Grand Bend United Church on — Saturday, Sept. 21 at 8 p.m. Adults 25c Children 15c Liberal Rally In the interests of W. H. GOLDING, Liberal Candidate in the Riding of Huron-Perth, at 0 10 6 0 2 Gerald 2 0 Skinner 0— 7 x—10 resulted as fol-running race Woodham Boy 1, 1; Tony Jr. Queen Mary 3, 3; Dartyy M. The first two horses were HORSES Agricultural—Brood Mare accom­ panied by foal, Wm. Hamilton & Son, Fred Dawson, Nelson Keyes; Foal, foaled in 1935, Wm. Hamilton & Son and 2nd, Wm. Bowden & Son; Filly or Gelding, 3-year-old, Robt. Hamilton, J. Gelinas & Son; 2-year- old, Wm. Hamilton & Son, Nelson Keyes, Clayton Frayne; 1-year-old Wm. Hamilton & Son, Nelson Keyes; team, Warren Brock, R. J. Scott; Diploma for best animal any age, Robt. Hamilton. Heavy Draft—Brood Mare accom­ panied by foal, Garnet Jacobi, Rd. Yellow; Foal, Rd. Yellow, G. Jacobi 3-year-old filly or gelding, R. Yel­ low; 2-year-old, Lorne Hay, Garnet Jacobi; 1-year-old, G. JacobijTeam, Jas. Scott, R. J. Scott, fErnest Mc­ Alpin; Diploma for best animal any age, Jas. Scott. Wagon Horse—Brood Mare, Wil­ fred Mack, Clayton Frayne; Foal, J. Gelinas, C. Frayne, W. Mack; 3- year-old', B. Williams; 2-year-old, W. Decker; 1-year-old, W. Decker, C. Godbolt; Single Wagon Horse, W. Decker & 2nd;Pair wagon horses in harness and carriage, W. Decker, B. Williams. Roadsters — 3-year-old, Robt- Rundile; Pair roadsters in harness and buggy, Currie & Tervit; Single roadster in harness and buggy, Cur­ rie & Tervit and 2nd. Judge—W. L. Mossiip, St. Marys. CATTLE Herd—•Consisting of 3 females, 1 bull open to all beef breeds, Wm. Oestreicher, R. N. Peck, E. J. Pym; Shorthorns—'Aged cow, Robt. M. Peck, Wnn. Oestreicjier and 3rd; 2- (Continued on page 4.) GRAND BEND Wednesday, PJiLSeptember zSOtil at 2 p.m. SPEAKERS: JOHN FRANCIS POULIOT M. P., before dissolution, fo.r Temie- couata, one of the oustanding French orators of to-day. R. C. McLACHLIN President of the Twentieth Century Club. W. H. GOLDING THE CANDIDATE Don't Fail to Hear These Speakers, They have a message for you. LADIES WELCOME cd “God Save the King” Issued by the Huron-Perth Liberal Association REMINISCENCES On another page will interesting letter from Fenwick, of Banning, taining some reminiscences of the early life of the ' Fenwick family which settled in Exeter about sixty years? ago. This is the first of a ser­ ies of articles to be written by Mr. Fenwick and mo doubt they will be read with a great deal of interest as Mr. Fenwick is a meet descriptive and entertaining writer. A letter written by Mr. Fenwick to Mr. Sen­ ior, president of the Old Boys and Old Girls Association was of such an interesting nature that we wore prompted to write to M,r. Fenwick and ask him to submit a few articles to. which the first issue. be found an Mr. Getorge Calif., con- he graciously consented of which appears in this are interested in DinnerIf you Ware see our stock at S. B. Taylor’s Jeweller. the forepart of the week with his grandmother, Mrs. Sander®, at tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Walker, of Stephen. Mr .Hicks fecently re* turned from a holiday trip to the Pacific coast and was on his way to Honolulu when ’tho boat he whs on collided with a freighter during a dense tog and after experiencing the thrills of a ehipwreck at sea boat and passengers returned’ to Van­ couver. Mr. Hicks spent some time in Britis.lt Columbia and as he is a railroad engineer, enjoyed peri-ence of piloting one of locomotives through part Rockj^Mountains. the ok- tli e liu go of th© Capture Porcupine When Mr. Ed. McPhersbn and his son-ift-laW Fred ghettler, of Buffalo, N. Y., were on their way to get Mr. McPherson’s icows in his woods -one and a quarter mile® west of Green­ way they were much surprised to find a fine porcupine in the woods. With a rope they made a noose and caught the animal around thd neck but unfortunately choked it to death. It is reported that this is the first of its kind seen in the neighborhood during the last 50 or 60 years. Mr. McPherson, who is at present in his 90th year, remembers when porcu­ pine were unite plentiful. A number from Exeter were at Seaforth Sunday evening to hear Hon. William Aberhart, premier of Alberta, and native son of Seaforth expound his social credit policies in Ftfrst presbyterion church. Social credit, he told the audience, was ap­ plied Christianity. Long before tho service started the large auditorium was packed, three hundred chais having been placed to accomodate the visitors. Some stood through­ out the service while others were turned away. POLITICAL MEETINGS Hon. W. D. Euler, M.P., of Kit­ chener, will address a meeting on behalf of the Liberals At Zurich on Monday evening, Sept. 23.rd. Hon. J, F. pouliout and others will speak on Wednesday afternoon at Grand Bend in the interests of Wm. Golding and Ross- Grey, Mr. W. H. Moore, M.P., for South Ontario and others will hold a meet­ ing in Exeter on the evening of Tuesday, October 1st on behalf of Wm. Golding. KIRKTON’S fba'lgl FAIR Tuesday and Wednesday OCTOBER 1st and 2nd SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Lady Driver, 1st prize by The Robert Simpson Co. A Silver Plated Comport value $9.00 Speeding in the ring Running Race Obstacle Race School Parade arid Drill Open Trot or Pate Farmers’ Trot or Pace Relay Race on Horseback Foot Races Stunt Performing on Horeback WOODHAM FIFE AND DRUM BAND IN ATTENDANCE Admission—Adults 25c.; Children 10c* HUGH BERRY, President AMOS POWE, Sec’y.-Treas. Woodham, I’. O. Kirktxm, O.