HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-09-12, Page 55 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER JS, JI 935 HENSALL When buying a diamond ring for the Perfect Girl buy Bluebird Dia­ mond® and get a is a perfect stone Jeweller, Exeter. Mr. and'Mrs. M, Wednesday in St. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bonthron spent Monday with friends in Kitchener. Mists Ruby Churchill, of Clinton, is visiting with her sister Mrs. E. Shaddock. Mr. and Mrs. E .Dick and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dick spent Monday in London. Mr. J. Hood, of Stanley Township, visited with friends in town on Monday. Quite a number from town are taking in Western Fair at London this week. Mr. D. H. McNaughton, Returning Officer for Huron-Perth wais in town on Monday. Mrs. McNevin, of London, was the guest last week of Mrs. Robert Bon­ thron and Mrs. Simpson. Miss Kathryn Drysdale left Wed­ nesday for St. Thomas, wlhere she will attend Alma College. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farquhar and sen John were recent visitors with Mrs. James Love Hillsgreen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beattie and Miss Lizzie Harvey, of Seaforth, were visitors in town last week. Mrs. Blowes, of Mitchell, is visit­ ing with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes. Mr. J, W. Ortwein attended the funeral of the late Rev. George Jewitt, at Brussels, on Friday last. Master Bobbie Collyer held a birthday party on Monday afternoon entertaining a number of his friends. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Rowcliffe spent the week-end visiting relatives and friends at Terracotta, near Tor­ onto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Petty spent last week in Toronto the Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Scott, took in the Exhibition. Quite a large crowd of from town attended the annual coun­ ty veterans parade which was held in Listowel ion Sunday afternoon last. In the deciding game of baseball between the West Lorne and Hen­ sail teams West Lorne won 6 to' 4 in a game played at Strathroy on Wednesday afternoon last. Quite a number from here went down to> witness the game. Miss Emma Hawth'orne, Mrs. G. A. Shanabarger, Mr. and Mrs. Will Sutton and Mr. Frank Sutton, who have spent several weeks visiting here with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. S. Merner and- Mr. and Mrs. G. Brock returned to their homes in Texas on Thursday. IFour of our popular bowlers playing in Seaforth Wednesday the Tip Top trophy, the player© ing Messrs. Geo. Brock, Fred Bon­ thron, W. O. Goodwin and Dr. Mc- Taggart. The trophy being 2 suits of clothes. As we go to press we have not as yet heard the results. The Hensall School Fair will be held on Thursday afternoon, Sep­ tember 12th. Several of the county schools will also be in the parade which will be headed from the school grounds by the school fair ha© did success in children taking their exhibits. The Wohelo Church held a weiner roast at home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Brod­ erick London Road, on Friday even­ ing September 6th, twenty young members being present. The even­ ing was spent in games and contests. Weiners, peaches, marshmallow© and coffee were served and a very enjoyable evening was ©pent. A pleasant evening was spent re­ cently at the home of Mrs. Saund- ercock where a number of girls met in honor of Mis© Kathryn Drysdale’s birthday. The evening was spent in playing games and during the even­ ing Miss Drysdale was presented with a pair of book-end© and a fancy boudoir lady, after which a dainty lunch was served by the girls. A number of ’bowlers from Exeter and Hensall put on a mixed tourna­ ment on the Hensall bowling green on Monday evening with 2(8 bowlers participating. Three 10-end games were played. The winners tying yvere decided by local points as fol­ lows: W. Sanders, W. A. Young; W. Sanders, Rowe Dinney; W. O. Good­ win, Rowe, Pryde; Fred Bonthron, Wm. Rivers; Mr. Pickard, J. W. Ortwein. Word was received in town on Monday of tilie death of Dr. David Smith, of Omer, Mich., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Smith, of Hensall and brother of Mrs. Rev. M. B. Parker and Mr. Floyd and El­ dred Smith. Dr. Smith had visited many times in Hensall and had made a number of warm friends who re­ gret to hear of his death. He had been in rather poor health for some time but his death came to his friends. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Mrs. William Mrs. Milton Love, Ewen, Mrs. Peter Eleanor Fiteher, Mrs. and other relatives funeral of the late Rendall at piatsville Mrs. Rendall was a former resident of Hillsgreen, being a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Dove and a sister of Andrew and William Dove and of Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. McMurtrie. Mrs. Rendall underwent an operation for goiter in the Brant­ ford hospital and was recovering nicely before she suffered a stroke certificate that it at S. B. Taylor’s, G. Drysdale spent Thomas, guests of they also Veterans are for be- Hensail band. The been quite a splen- the 'past a great years, the interest in class of the United the ate a shock Dove, Mr. John Mr. and Mc- Miss Love, Mrs. Fisher, Alex McMurtrie attended the Mrs. William on Sunday. and passed away on Thursday even­ ing. of Mrs. (Rev.) the President, presiding. The singing Psalm Murray led in The Scripture lesson was hymn Arnold Circle The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres­ byterian church held their regular meeting at th© home W. A. Young, with Miss Hannah Murray meeting opened by 109,after which Miss prayer, read by Mrs. Roy McLaren, 540 was sung, the roll call was an­ swered, collection taken and busi­ ness discussed. The topic an “Life in Japan" was taken by Miss Irene Hoggarth and was very interesting. The meeting closed with hymn 560 and all repeating the Lord’© prayer. A't the close of the meeting games were played and a dainty lunch serv­ ed around a table centred with a large wedding cake concealing many beautiful towels which were present­ ed to the past treasurer of the Ar­ nold Circle, Mrs. Henry Harburn. The bride in a few well chosen words than toed all present for their beauti­ ful gifts. United Church W. M. S. Th© regular monthly meeting of the W. M. ,S. of the United Church was held in the school roof of the church on Thursday afternoon last, with the president in the chair. The meeting opened by singing hymn 523 and prayer by Mrs. Cross. The roll was called and a letter was read from Mrs. .Sinclair thanking the ladies for the beautiful flowers sent her dur­ ing her recent illness. Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Drysdale were appointed to visit the sick and shut-ins dur­ ing the month. Mrs. Carlisle took charge of the Devotional part of the meeting. A reading was given by Mrs. Carlisle entitled “The of Friendship” and a report Summer .School recently held Thomas was given by Miss Watson. A beautiful solo was giv­ en by Miss Bella Smale, entitld “Oh Dove That Will Not Let Me Go”. The topic, “Hymns of the Day” was tak'en by Miss Murray, who gave a very enjoyable and instructive ad­ dress. Miss Greta Lammie gave a very beautiful piano rendering of “Lead, Kindly Light” and a very profitable meting was brought to close with the benediction. Death off the Rev. Geo. Jewitt Rev. Geo. Jewitt, a former resi­ dent of Hensall and pastor of the Methodist Church here for a number of years, 'passed away at Parkwood Hospital, London, on Wednesday last aged 75 years. .Mr. Jewitt was born in this province and spent all his life here. He had a number of charged in this district among them being Elimville and Hensall. After the Union he continued with the United Church till his retirement. Besides his wife he is survived by three sons, Rev. E. W. Jewitt, Owen Sound; Dr. H. Jewitt, of Leaming­ ton and E. Jewitt, principal of a Winnipeg school and one daughter, Mrs. Rev. M. C. Parr, of Peterboro. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon a service being held in the Hyatt Avenue United Church in London which was conducted by the Rev. J. E. J. Millyard, assisted by Rev. T. H. Green, Rev. Dr. G. N. Hazen and Rev. Robt. Hicks. Inter­ ment took place _ in cemetery. The pail bearers Rev. H. Green,, Rev. ° Rev. R. B. Ferris, Rev. R. iH. Parn- aby, Rev. H. Willans and Rev. J. M. Finlay. Mr. Jewitt’s many friends here were very sorry to hear of his death. Death of John .Laverne Rowcliffe John Lavern eldest son of and Mrs. Olivei\ Rowcliffe, of London Road So the Scott Memori on Thursday eve an operation for complained of feeli Monday and Tuesda nesday Dr. Collyer i he was rushed to the pital for an, operation. It waj that the appendix was ruptured and that nothing could be doner and he passed «way on Thursday evening. 1-Ie was born 10 years ago 'on the home farm on the London Road lx4 miles south of Hensall and was the eldest of a family of three children. He was a bright lovable boy, highly regarded by his relatives, friends and companions and was a constant attendant and member of the Unit­ ed 'Church (Sunday School. His death came as a severe shock t'o his par­ ents and relatives. Besides his sad­ ly bereaved, parents he leaves to mourn his loss one little brother and one little sister and his grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John, Rojwcliffe^ of the London Road and Mr. John McLean, of 'Chiselhurst. A private funeral was held from his parents lioiine on (Saturday afternoon inter­ ment taking place in the Exeter cemetery. The pall bearers were Six uncles of the deceased; Robt. McLean, Ross McLean, Glen McLean Lloyd McLean, Reg. Knight and A. Rowcliffe. The floral tributes were very beautiful and included a love­ ly wreath from his Sunday school class. Eight members of his Sun­ day School class acted as flower­ bearers. Rev. Arthur Sinclair pas­ tor of the United Church had charge of the funeral service. Among those who attended the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mi’S. Ross Mc- Leah, of Detroit, Miss Helen Row­ cliffe, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Rowcliffe and children have the sympathy of the whole community in their sad bereavement. . Hensall, Sept. 8, ’35 Regular meeting of the Village Council held this evening at 6.30 Circle of the at St. Ver da a the Brussels s were M. .Stewart, Mr. the th, passed away in spital Seaforth i'lfgVast following appendicitis. He unwell • on and on Wed- as called and Seaforth Hos- gXsound, red and Carried. reported re the amuse- also the renting ,of the Shepherd that the fol p.m. in the council chamber with all members present. Minutes of the last meeting were read. petty and Shepherd that the minutes be adopt­ ed a® read. Carried. Shepherd and gangster that the Clerk write and enquire about the Jimmie Caldwell case at Woodstock Hospital. Carried. Reeve Jones reported re the clean­ ing of the streets. Petty and Robison that the Clerk return the two full rolls of five cent amusements tickets to the depart­ ment for credit. G. Walker ment tickets hall. Petty and lowing correspondence be filed: Let­ ter from County Engineer also from Canadian Performing Rights Society Carried, ■ Petty and Robison that the Club write to W. Harvey as regards the payment made him for drawing gra­ vel. Carried. Bills and accounts read a© fol­ lows: County of Huron, gravel and grad­ er $48.75; Bonthron & Drysdale, supplies $24.43; A. Spencer & Son, supplies $18.19; School Board, sur- rent expenses $1,000.00; A. Hilde­ brandt, labour streets $1.10; A. Smith, labour streets $1.70; Hensail Hydro, hydro $4.45; R. Broderick, teaming park $1.20; G. Gram, team­ ing streets $1.35; O. Twitchell, re­ lief supplies 75c.; J. Meidinger peat Patterson, total, $1,- for hall $13.00; J. A. Premium on bond $8.00; 123.52. Robison and Shepherd account© as read be paid $7.30 rendered by A. Spencer & Son for roofing material. Carried. Sangster and Shepherd that the tax rate for 19 35 be set as County 4.8; Village 7.6; Library .5; Deben­ tures 7.4; School 9.7 or a total of 3 0 mills. Carried. Petty and Robison that by-laws 6, 7, 8, 1935, be given first reading. Carried. Robison and Petty that by-law 6, 7, 8, 1935, be given second and and final reading and finally ed. Carried. Robison and Petty that the cutting on the several private pro­ perties be charged to the respective owners the same to be charged ate taxes on the collector’s roll for the year 1935 by the Clerk. Carried. Petty and Robison that we now ad- jo urn. that except the the third pass- weed Jas. A. Paterson, Clerk DASHWOOD 111 Lu Dr.W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week at office over the Post Office, in rich, last three days of week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Zmimerman, Zurich, were Sunday visitors 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Haugh. Miss Hilda Snell returned to troit on Tuesday after spending vacation with her parentis. Mrs. .Hy. Hoffman and son Harry Mrs. M. Tieman, Mrs. Stacey Mrs. M. Kleinstiver attended funeral of Mr. C. Buehlow, of cago, in Walkerton on Monday. Mr. W. Matthews and sister Roxie, of London; Miss Hilda Snell Mrs. Wm. Snell took; a motor to1 Niagara Falls, Buffalo through New York state over week-end. We are pleased to report that Herb Willert who has been confin­ ed to hi©' home 'for some time is proving slowly. Mr. Robt. Hopcroft who spent summer at 'Crystal Beach has turned home. Quite a number from here are tending London Fair this week. Dalsflnvood Evangelical L.A. & W.M.S. The Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. of Dashwood Evangelical Church held their regular meeting in the church balsement recently with Mrs. William , Snell in the chair. The program con­ sisted of a very practical address on “Friendliness” by Rev. W. S. Hen­ rich, readings y Mrs. Wesley Wolfe and Mrs. R .H .Taylor, a piano duet by Mites Verna Birk and Mrs. Ver­ non Schatz and a vocal duet by Mrs. J. M. Tieman and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher. Mrs. David Tieman pre­ sided for the business session at which 47 sick visits were reported. New committees were appointed as follows: visiting, Mrs. W. S. Hen­ rich and Mrs. D. Tieman, Mrs. Witzel and Mrs. Neeb. At a meeting of the Executive following arrangements were made to hold a missionary reading contest through the winter .months with Mrs. L. Morenz and Mrs. R. H. Taylor as captains. The losing side are to enterain the win­ ners at a supper. CREDITON EAST and Z ti­ , of with De- her and the Chi- and trip and last Mr. im- the re- at- THE ED & WHITE store Redpath Granulated Sugar • • •. 10 lbs. for 52c f Extra PURE CLOVER HONEY...........5 lb. or 10 lb. pails, 45-85c. ...........4 for 25c. ..3 lbs. for 14c. per pound 5c. ....... per tin 10c. .................. 10c. . per tin 10c. SUGAR CRISP CORN FLAKES............... GOOD COOKING RICE ............................. READY-CUT MACARONI ................... SLICED PINEAPPLE.................................. LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS, large tin ..... KETA SALMON, fancy quality ................ ROLLIE’S GROCERY Quality always higher than price.Phone 102 We Deliver Wonderful Laundry Soap Palmolive Soap ................. Zinc Sealer Rings ............ Golden Spray Cheese ... 1-2 lb. pkg. 2 25c. Peanut Butter in bulk per bunch 10c. ..... 4 for 25c. EXETER, ONT. ......... 8 for 25c. 3 cakes for 14c. . per dozen 20c. A FULL LINE OF ICE CREAM, ALASKA BON SONS, CONES AND BRICKS AL­ SO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DRINKS ON ICE FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—PEACHES, BANANAS, ORANGES, CAN- TELOUPES, GRAPES, TOMATOES, CABBAGE, CUKES, RED AND GREEN PEPPERS NEW POTATOES, ETC.; ALSO A FULL LINE OF BEST PICKLING SPICES AND VINEGAR. Fancy Assorted Biscuits ........... per lb. 15c. No. 1 Cooking Onions ......... 8 lbs. for 25c; Good Cooking Apples per basket 25c. Large Fresh Celery Fresh Grapefruit ......* 1 LARGE TIN FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER —1 FANCY GOBLET FREE — 25c. 2 lbs. for 25c. CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. Heatherley, of Lon­ don and Mr. and R. Motz and family, of Exeter, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mr®. H. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff and De­ lores, of Woodham, spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Brokenshire and children, of Guelph, spent Sun­ day With Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Anderson returned them for a visit. Mrs. Wilson Anderson _ day© last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder near Fairfield. Mrs. Sam. Baynliam, of Forest, is visiting for a few days at her home here. Mr. Lorence Baynham, of Exeter, spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. Eli Lawson is visiting in Ex­ eter with her si'ster Mrs. H. Parsons; her brother Mr. Esli Heywood is Anderson, home with spent a few Messrs. Howard and Ralph Haist, of Fenwick spent the the home of Mr. and Finkbeiner. Mr. M. W. Telfer after spending his vacation ham and other points. Mr. of Hamilton, relieved him. ton of the local bank is two week© vacation at his Southampton. Rev. Mr. Pletch, Ruby Finkbeiner, Norma Finkbeiner, Marguerite Amy and Gertrude Amy ar© attending the Religious Educational Assembly at Kitchener this week. Miss Alma Smith is spending this week in London. Miss Alma Hastie, of Kitchener, and Mis© Myrtle Pletch, R.N., Ham­ ilton, were present at the Pletch- Black ceremony at th© ^Evangelical parsonage on Monday. Interesting to friends both in Il­ linois and Ontario was the wedding in Crediton, Ontario, of Jean Mac­ intosh Black, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black, of Gorrie, Ont., Monday afternoon, September the 9th, to Homor Louie Pletch, B.A., of Chicago, eldest son of Rev. and — — . - bride, who winsome in a gown of French chif­ fon figured in autumn shades with matching brown accessories. Rev. A .E. Pletch, father of the groom performed the ceremony. Immediate­ ly after a buffet luncheon wa© serv­ ed. Mr. and Mrs. Pletch left by motor for a trip north. The bride wore travelling, a ©mart green wool suit and a Siberian cross fox fur, a gift of the groom. They will reside in Chicago. week-end at Mrs. W.H. has returned in Wing- McMane, Mr. Mor- spending home in Mrs. A. E. Pletch. The was unattended looked GRAND BEND Mrs. Lyda McMorran, who. has been visiting her sister Mrs. John Holt Sr. returned to her home in Pt. Huron Sunday. Mrs. R. Ravelie, of the Blue Water Highway, north, visited with Mrs. Nancy Ravelie on Sunday. Miss Mary Lafond, of New York, lias bought Mark Wild’s house and two acres of land. Mrs. Walter England visited her friends in Shipka and Crediton .last week. Miss Enid Holt, who nas been clerk in J. W. Holt’s store for the past four years has left to work with Mrs. Peter Eisenbach. Miss M. White and Mrs. Draper, of Pt. Huron spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard. Miss Lenoa Dewey ha© with Mr. J. W. Holt for a work in the store. Mr. Wm. Roberts, who engaged time to Mr. Wm. Roberts, who has been at the burg with his saddle Jhorses halts returned to his home in Listowel wit'h his family. MT. CARMEL The C. W. L. will hold a social at the hall on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thealing and family, of Detrjeit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Thealing’s cousin© the Misses Theresa and Margaret Hogan. JMr. and Mrs. Leo Morrison, Detroit, spent a few days at of - the home of their uncle Stephen Morris­ on. Mr. G. P. Culhan, of Buffalo, New York, spent the week-end with hl® friend Mrs. J. H. Dalton. A number from this neighborhood attended London Fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McNeil and family, of Kingston, are visiting for a week with the latter’s brother Mr. James Breen. Mr. and Mrs. John Barry return­ ed to their home in Detroit after a two. weeks* vacation with Mrs. Bar­ ry’s brothers Gerald and Dennite O'Rourke and other relatives hero. Miss Hanna Carey, of Hamilton, seriously ill at the home of Mrs. Par-1 is spending a few weeks at the home sans, of her sisters the Misses Carey. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, CLINTON, ONT. PAIL TERM BEGINS, SEPTEMBER », 1935 You cannot attend a better School, so why not register now. COURSES — Stenographic — Commercial — Secretarial Special Classes Arranged. M. A. Stone, Com. Specialist, Vice-Brin. B. F. Ward, B.A.,,Prin. WINCHELSEA CENTRALIA Fred Delbridge, of Exeter, in this community on Thurs- last week. and Mrs. George Davis and spent Sunday with Mr. and at Byron, of Detroit, week at his Quite a number from this com­ munity are attending London Fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake and Genevieve spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stone, of Thames- Road. Mrs. J. E. Creery and Mrs. N. Davis, of Kirkton, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Theron Creery. Mrs. visited day of Mr. family Mrs, Clifford Hotham, Mr spent home. Mrs. spent Wednesday with Mrs. Clarence Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Battersby, of Hensail, visited with the latter’s parents Mr. and. Mrs. Wesley Hey­ wood on Wednesday of last week1. Miss Violet Sprague, of Toronto, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coleman and son Bobbie spent Saturday afternoon with friends near Stratford. Theron 'Creery, a few days last George Godbolt,■of Centralia, HARPLEY Con-Miss Ruth Love is attending tinuation school at Grand Bend this term. Mrs. B. Read, of Toronto, Mrs. E. Hodgson, of Clandeboye and Mr. B. Hodgson, of Detroit, visited at Mr. Mansell Hodgins’ on Thursday. Miss Chrystal E. Hayter is at­ tending the London Technical School Mies Maude Hodgins is holidaying in Detroit at present. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love, Mr. John Love and Mr. and Mrs. Art Baker at­ tended the “Ex” in Toronto last week Mesdames Anne Campbell and E. Robison and Mr. Norman Martin, all of London, visited with Mrs. Cath­ erine Hodgins on Sunday. Mr. Raymond Eagleson is attend­ ing Exeter High School this year. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carruthers and three daughters Pearl, Ruth and Willa Erie. spent the week-end in GREENWAY Fort Diamond Jubilee services will be held in the United Church on Oct. 6th with Rev. Mr. Johnson, Credit­ on as speaker and on Oct. 13th with Rev. Harold Willans, of London, as speaker. Rev. Willans was pastor here from 1915 to 1917 and will be welcomed back again. The annual fowl supper will be held on Thurs­ day, October 17th. Miss Loi© Brown spent last week in Toronto attending the Exhibition and visiting with her brother Mt, Byron Brown. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carruthers and daughter spent the weekend in Ft. Erie and Niagara Falls. Miss Pearl Brophey ha® returned to her home here after spending the summer at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray spent Sunday in Port Huron. Mr. Edmund McPherson who will celebrate his ninetieth birthday this fall caught a porcupine in his buish on Saturday evening. We notice in a London paper the engagement of Miss Winnifred Wil­ lans to Mr. W. C. Downing, of Tor­ onto, winnifred is a daughter of Rev, and Mrs, Harold Willans, a former pastor here. Miss Dorothy Belling i© visiting her cousin Miss Mary O’Neil, Clan- deboye. Mrs. Thomas Willis, Miss Wanda Willis and Miss Flossie Davey visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Thompson in Sebringville. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell were Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mitchell and family, of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mitchell, De­ troit, Mr. E. Cole, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks spent Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. ' and Mrs. Pollock in Ripley. Mr. Cliff Brokenshire, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight. He was accompan­ ied home by Mrs. Brokenshire and. daughter Bernice. Mrs. Annie Brok­ enshire went as far as Sarnia and. will visit with friends there and in Windsor. Mr. and Mils. Miles McCabe and. son Mac, of Walkerton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. O’­ Brien. Mrs. Baskerville is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. King. Mr. W. K. Mitchell, of London, visited with his parents Mr and Mrs. J. Mitchell on Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lee and son, of Brinsley, were Sunday visitors at th© home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker. Misses Mary O’Brien, and Gwen. Hicks, of London, spent the week­ end at their homes here. Miss Edith Davis spent Monday at ■r home in Exeter. y Donna and Maxine Bowden a/e spending the week with Miss Lillie Dobbs in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. John Willis and fam­ ily, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davey. Mr. James Brintnell has been con­ fined to his home with an attack of appendicitis for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Brokenshire and family, of Guelph, visited with Mrs. Baskerville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Seele, of Cranbrook, were recent visitors with Mr©. Bask­ erville. Mr. Trueman Mills visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills for a few days last week before go­ ing to Burlington. The monthly meeting of the Wo­ men’s Association was held in the basement of the church on Sept. 5th. The meeting was opened by Singing hymn 151 followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The lesson Psalm 63 was ’ead by Florence Mit­ chell; Marie Fletcher then gave a piano solo which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Wm. Bowden gave two temper­ ance readings Mr©. R. N. Stewart and Greta pollard rendered a vocal duet, “Back to the Faith of Our Fathers” Miss Flossie Davey gave a reading; hymn 262 was sung after which Mrs, W. Bowden took' the chair for the business session. Hymn 109 was sung and Mrs. Stewart closed.' the meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. A. Essery, Mr®. M. Fletcher’, Mrs. Thomas Willis and Mrs. J. Blaih FOREST Miss Olive Wilson returned home after spending a week with friends in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frayne, By. Frayne, Tho®. Stewardson and W. P. Sercombe spent Wednesday of last weak at the Toronto Exhibtion. All roads will lead to Exeter Tues- day next the big 'day Of Exeter Fair.