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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-09-12, Page 4
THURSDAY, SEPTEMKEB 12, 4935 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE km■•I—"■*' EXETER FAIR MONDAY and TUESDAY, IftiL 0 171L SEPTEMBER lUlIl Ct 11 111 s Tuesday Afternoon Attractions Better Than Ever RELAY RACE 2 Horses, Half Mile Each $8, §5, $2 Usborne, Stephen and Hay Twps. For horses that have not started GREEN RACE One Mile $15, $10, $5 be fore September 1st. HALF MILE BICYCLE RACES TWO MILES s GIRLS’ SOFTBALL GAME HENSALL vs.EXETER Special Attraction in Front of the Grandstand MUSIC BY THE EXETER BAND Come to the Fair! Something Doing Every Minute Prize List for Exhibitors may be had on applying to the Secretary Wm. Coates, Pres T. S. Woods, Treas.R. G. Seldon, Sec’y w BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM OSBORNE COUNCIL LAMONT—In Hibbert, on Friday, September 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lamont, a son. HAIST—At Cottage Hospital, Rose point Park, Mich., on Monday, September 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Haist a son, (Donald F.) 21, 1931 Thomas on Sept. falling DEATHS Thursday, Langford, Thursday, McLeish, FLYNN—In loving memory of our dear mothei* Phoebe Flynn, who passed away on August, and our dear father, Flynn, who passed away 1>S, 1931. When evening shades are And we sit in quiet alone; TO' our hearts there comes a longing If we only could go home. Friends may think we have forgotten When at times they see us smile But they little know the heartache That our smiles hide all the while Ever remembered by their daughter Ida and Husband LANGFORD—In Granton, September 5th, Wiliam in his 84th year. LOVE—'In Exeter, on September 5th, Annie widow of the late Lewis Love, in her 59th year. CORNISH—In Exeter North, on Sat urday, Sept. 7th, Sarah Ellen Mills beloved wife of Thomas in her 62nd year. JEWITT—At Parkwood (London, on Wednesday, 28th, Rev, George Jewitt, 75 years. ROWCLIFFE—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Thursday, September 5th, John Laverne Rowcliffe, eld est son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rowcliffe, of No.. 4, Highway, ag ed 10 years. IN MEMORIAM ENGAGEMENT Cornish, Hospital, August aged HEYWOOD—In loving memory of Our dear grandmother who passed away one years ago, Sept. 13th, 1934. Calm and peaceful she is sleeping Sweetest rest that follows pain, We who loved her sadly miss her, But trust in God to meet again. Sadly missed by her granddaughters Othella and Vera, IN MEMORIAM of Mr. James McMaster, St. Marys, Ont., wishes to announce -the en gagement of his niece, Margaret Helen McMasters, to Lawrence Arn old Wein, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Wein, of Crediton. The marriage will take place late in September. pp ago, September bright eyes', a CARD or THANKS I wish to thank the manager and staff of the Centralia Creamery Co.; also Rev. Mr. Stewart and 'Others for kindnesses shown me during my illness. .• James Brintnell CARD OF THANKS Mr. Thomas Cornish and family wish to thank their many neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended during their recent bereavement; al so for the floral tributes and Ioan oif cars and especially to Rev. Mr. Hunt. If and when the nations disarm, says a cynic, some statesmen will Slip in a joker permitting the build ing of battleships for medicinal pur poses. 13 th, tender \guile, HEYWOOD—In loving memory our dear mother, who passed away one year 1934. Two dear, smile, A loving heart that kmew mo Deep trust in God that all was right, Her joy to make some other bright. If sick or suffering one she knew Some gentle &ct of love she’d dp No thought of self but of the other I know’ He said, “Well done, dear mother.” Sadly missed by her Daughter Son. IN MEMORIAM and BUCHANAN—In loving memory of Robert Ernest Buchanan, who passed away one year ago, Sept. 17, 1934. Quickly and suddenly came the call, His sudden death surprised us all; Dearer to memory than words can tell, The loss o-f a daddy we loved so well Sadly missed by Wife and Children Mr. Robt. McMillan, of Seaforth, has been officially acknowledged as the Stevens candidate for the Huron- Perth riding in the coming Federal election. PREPARE FOR WINTER , There is nothing quite so convenient in the house as a bathroom with hot and cold water Let us give you an estimate for your requirements TORRID ZONE—The all steel furnace with extra radiating surface, extra large feed door for wood or coal. Deep ash pit dooi' which mak-ete it an easy matter to- get a shovel right to the back. No cemented joints and with brick fire pot so that there will never be the expense of tearing down to recement nor to replace fire pot. This furnace is made in the same manner as a steel boiler absolutely gas and dufet proof. We also give a ten-year guarantee with every “Torrid Zone.” This is the cheapest furnace made. SEE ED. LINDENFIELD FOR PRICES Lindenfield’s Hardware, Exeter KIFtKTONwere appointed namely, Mrs; James Squire, Mrs. Wm. Mills and Mrs. W. Rodd. Miss Hannah Rinn invited the ladies to come to her home for the October meeting, was brought to a way. Lunch was mittee in charge hostess. The Sacrament per was observed Sunday morning last. The stork visited th© homes of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webber and Mr. and -Mrs. Bob Marriott and left a baby girl at both places. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Doupe attend ed the Toronto Exhibition a few days last week. Miss Merle Squire visited Sunday with Miss Marjory Parkinson. I TRIP THROUGH N. ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. G. ,S. Howard Miss Evelyn of town and Mr Howard, of Hensall, spent last week touring through Northern Ontario. (Leaving Thursday, August 29th they motored to Triple Bay near the Martyr’s Shrine at Midland where they remained -over night at a cot tage occupied by a nephew and family. On Friday they continued on through Orillia, Huntsville, etc . to- Callander where they joined the host gathered to see the eighth won der of the world, the far-famed quintuplets. About 20V autos and upwards of 1,000 anxious folk from every Province in the Dominion and from mans7 states of the Union stood cn tip-toe awaiting the opening of the (gate to admit them into an in ner enclosure still several feet from the dwelling. When the. bolt was withdrawn there was a rush for van tage points. At the appointed hour 3 o’clock1, the “little ladies” were brought out, one by one, by the nurses in attendance. The names of each in turn was shown on a large card and after a few -moments of cooing, kicking and clapping the first gave place to the second and so on .till each had performed her little part. No cameras were permitted inside the outer fence. A violation of this order resulted in the show being called off but after the last tot was taken inside permission was given to take snaps. Continuing the trail they reached North Bay and from there for five miles the road went up down hill rpund curves and rocks till the Height of Land crossed aird Temagmi was reached. The lights of this town was a wel come sight after the night-drive up from “the Bay.” The next day completed the trip. Cobalt and New Liskard are pictur esque towns. The vast clay belt presented a different sight. Farm land took the -place of rock's and fields of grain were in stook. After a day spent visiting several acquain tances and old neighbors the road was retraced to North Bay. Along the way a traffic officer was inves tigating an auto mixup and at an other point several tourists had a porcupine treed and were trying to dislodge it with sticks and stones. The second lap of the tour was via Sturgeon -Falls, C-opper Cliff and Surbury to Blind River where Miss Evelyn is engaged as teacher. After a few hours’ rest they motored back to Espanven where they turned to Little Current on Manitoulin Island. This portion of the road is attractive rocky in general but more habitable. The 45 miles drive across the is land was very delightful. Beautiful farmfe and buildings were seen every where. The road was good but choppy in places. Soon after reach ing -South Bay '.other tourists arriv ed and, when the Normae put in its appearance twelve waiting autos were in line to cross t'o Tobermory, a two- and a half hour sail. After disembarking the line-up of cars headed for Wiarton. Each and all expected a rough ride but were pleasantly surprised to find the road good, except a few miles not yet completed. A few miles from “The Tub” a big La Salle car from Pen- ama was lying on its side on the rocks the driver, as a result of too much speed, having lost control. At Port Elgin a few hours was s-pent visiting the Frec'kileton family. A good, trout dinner with friends in Kincardine was the climax of 1210 mile tour. and. H. sixty- and over was The meeting close in the usual served by a assisted by the com-' Sup-of the Lords in thils church on Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shier, of Granton. Eric Humphreys and Jean the past week with Misis M. Mrs. visited Berry. Rev. of one charge Those that attended Toronto Ex hibition were Miss Lizzie Collie, Mr. E. N. Shier, Mr. and Mrs. R, Humph reys, Dr, Campbell and Mr, John Morpeth, Mr. Rueben Switzer is sporting a new Ford V8. Quite a number from this vicinity attend London Fair this week, Mr, and Mrs, John Cluff visited with friends in Mitchell on Sunday, Lewis attended the funeral of his friends on his former Pelee Island last Thursday. Sale on Nov- Notice from Drain Asis-ess- Notice from The Municipal Council' of the Township of Usborne met at Elim- ville on September 7th with all the members present. The minutes of the meeting of August 3rd were read and confirmed on motion of Berry- Cooper. Correspondence—Notice from Co. Treas. of C-ounty Tax ember 12th.—Noted. County Clerk re Mun ments—-None pending. Hydro Commission re Hydro rates to be added to the 1935 Tax Roll. Receipt of copy of Highway Act and amendments. Louis Beaver interviewed the council re outlet across Con. 10-11 on Walker D. & W. Course Award. Berry-Ballantyne: That the Road Superintendent examine and repair if necessary ' ~ ~ Lot 2, 'Con. pair outlet, A copy of port received from Tuckersmith Twp and provisionally adopted pending the .action of the Tuckersmith Council and that the Clerk notify assessed parties. Passmore-Berry: That in prepar ing the 1935 Tax Notice the follow ing be stated; Taxes due on Decem ber 14th, after that date a penalty of 4 per cent, shall be added with an additional J of one per cent, ad ded on the 1st of each succeeding month until paid. By-law No. 5, 1935, re levying rates for 1935 was read and adopted pn motion, of Ballantyne-Cooper. Treasurer’s- Report—1934 received $200.00; Exeter gravel $.12.64. Passmore-Berry: that the ing bills be paid: ■ Dr. prof, services Teddy Johns $18.50; Frank Gollings, relief supplies $12.- 50; Luther Reynolds, weed cutting $6.75; Ewart Pym, ditto $3.50; W- Horne, ditto $8.06; John Johns, do. $29.70; Clarence Ford, do. $27,90; Wm. Bradshaw, do. $1.75; Allen McLean, do. $1.85; Fred Cole, do. $24.34; Wm. Hodgert, do. $24.00; Arthur Campbell, do. $li6.63, Bert Venner, ditto, $3.50; .Snell Bros., welding, '5-Oc.; Louis Fletcher, team work $6.65; Norman Brock, gravel ling $15.53; Henry Ford, superin tendence $6'6.90. -Council adjourned to meet in its regular meeting on Saturday, Octob er 5th at 1 p.m. Henry Strang, Clerk and the Gorvett Bros., 11, be requested to re the Mitchell Drain Re- JAMES STREET W. A. the ELIMVILLE Taxeis Treas., follow- Fletcher, The regular monthly meeting of James Street W. A. met on Thurs day afternoon September Sth. The meeting opened by use of hymn 133, Mrs. S. Mc-Falls read a Psalm and prayer by Mrs. Sharpe. The minutes were read and adopted and after business matters were-dealt with, ar rangements were made for Harvest- Home anniversary to be held on Sunday, October sth, Rev Mr. Page will be in charge, assisted by the or ganist with men’s- choir and Roy Allison, an eleven-year old boy soloist of London, who was awarded the gold medal at this year’s Cana dian National Exhibition, Toronto. It was also decided to hold a musical in the church the following evening. It will be of outside talent, consist ing of highly recommended artists. A splendid reading was given by Mfes Marjorie Lawson and at the close -of the meeting tea was served. Mites Eula Herdman visited for a couple of days last week with Mrs. A. McFalls, Biddulph. Mrs. Jas. Beer, of Exeter, spent a few days- recently with Mrs. Chas. Johns. We are very pleased to report that Philip Johns is able to be up and around after his recent illness. Mr. Allen, of Toronto, was here the first of the week auditing the Township’s books. London Fair is the attraction f-or many this week. Miss Bessie H-artnoll returned to Exeter on Wednesday after spending a month with her cousin Mm. Chas. Johns. Miss Margaret Johns commenced a course at Clinton Business College on Monday. Misses Florence Bell and Dorothy Johnsare attending High School. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Malcho and son Billie, of Stratford, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns. The 20th Of October has been chosen a« our Anniversary date. Rev. Coulter, a former pastor, will be the preacher. Further particulars later. WOODHAM A good attendance marked the September meeting of the W. M. S< held at the home of Mrs. Albert Scott o.n Wednesday afternoon last, the president Mrs. Fred Doupe pre sided. Mrs. Charles Camm read the Scripture Lesson and devotional leaflet. A splendid poem was read by Mrs. Wm. Mills and Mrs. Wilbur Wynn gave a prayer. The Misses Violet Squire and Ver.na Scott fav ored with a guitar duet and prayer was offered by the president, Mrs. F. Doupe. Mrs. Whitfield Switzer re viewed a chapter in the Study Book, “Bnildertei of the Indian Church” Mrs John Camm gave a temperance pray er. The roil was called and a short time taken for business. A letter was read announcing the September Rally to be held at Tavistock -on Friday, October 4th and delegates ZION The Mission Band will hold their September meeting on Saturday af ternoon in the church commencing at 2.30 o’clock. The anniversary services of the Church will be held on the Sunday in October. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern and daughter Frances celebrated, wedding anniversary Saturday motored to Palmerston, Harriston and Wingham where they visited with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lingard and daughter Lauretta and Bernice, of St. Marys visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pym and family, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Waas and daughters Lorraine and Marion and Mrs. McGillivray Knowles called on friends in the community on Sunday Mr. Warren Brock is at the West ern Fair, Lond-on, where he is show ing several of his fine horses. We wish him every success. The W. M. S, held their Septem ber meeting on Thursday afternoon September 5th at the home of Mrs. George Earl with fifteen members present. The president had charge of the meeting which opened with singing, “When Times of Tempta tion Bring Sadness and Gloom” and repeating the Lord’s Prayer. The roll was called and the minutes of the last meeting were read and ap proved. Mrs. Earl Johnston was appointed delegate to the conven tion at Elimville which is to be held the last week in September, Ar rangements were made for the cele bration of the 25th anniversary 'of the society which will be held the first part of October. The Scripture lesson Matt. 7th chap, verses 1-11, was read by the president; The De votional leaflet was read by Mrs. H. Hern; prayer was 'offered by Rev. Mr. Peters; solo b.y Myrtle Earl en titled “A Wonderful Saviour.” Sev eral members took part in the hymns fo-r the out-of-doors; a reading on “■Stewardship of ^Thankfulness” by Myrtle Earl. After singing oiples of Jesus Why Stand Ye Idle” the president dismissed meeting with prayer, AUCTION SALE first little their and “Dis> Here I the — of -— HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS IThe undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell public auction at JOHN STREET, EXETER — on — SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th, 1935, at 2:00 O’clock the following: BREAKFAST SET—4 chairs, 1 table, 1 buffet. Stool, 3 odd kitchen chairs; 2 kit chen tables; child’s high chair, large cutting table, Electrolux cleaner, 3- piece Chesterfield; cedar chest, baby buggy, DINING ROOM SUITE—6 chaiite, table, buffet, china closet. Walnut smoking stand, end table, Walnut folding table, 4 walnut chairs Bosch electric radio, 3 table lamps, 3 bridge lamps, upholstered chair, rug 6x9; 2 Congoleum rugs 6x9;; 5 scatter rugte, .Walnut Windsor chair, large mirror, chime clock, 8 day, smalL table ,2 rocking -chairs, 2 fold ing caf.d tables, deck -chair, (refrig erator, washing machine electric, 1 clothes dryer, cQt and mattress, 1 child’s cot, mattresis- for childs cot. Wooden white bed, spring and mattress, white 'dresser, white mirror •Steel bed, mattress, spring, odd table. BEDROOM BUITE—bed, dreteser, drossing table, chifforobe. TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYjLOR, Auctioneer J. C. LIVINGSTONE, Proprietor p leer Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada* They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction* We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First *.I.MiiiMll.ilh ............................................ .. has by AUCTION SALE — of --- STOCKERS AND FEEDERS To be sold at FREI) ELLERINGTON’S FARM 3 % miles East and 2 miles North of Exeter, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 19th Sale to start at 2.00 p.m. 120 HEAD STEERS AND HEIFERS From 600 to 800 Pounds TERMS—CASH McARTHUR, Proprietor W. NAIRN, Auctioneer. j. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of JOHN SIMMONS, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, farmer, who died on the Thirtieth day of June, A.D. 19-3 5, are requir ed to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or be fore the Thirtieth day of September, A.D. 1935. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER Giv en that after the said date the Ex ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, Ont., this 10th day of September, A.D. 1935. GLADMAN & STANBURY Hensall and Exeter Executors’ Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of ALEX ANDER BUCHANAN, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, retired farmer, who died on the Ninth day of August, A.D. 193 5, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of September, A.D. 1935. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER Giv en that after the said date the Ex ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, Ont., this 10th day of September, A.D. 1935. GLADMAN & STANBURY Hensall and Exeter ExebutOrs’ Solicitors SHERIFF’S SALE OF LANDS COUNTY OF HURON UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an Execution against lands issued out of the Tenth Division Court of the County of Huron to me directed, in an action wherein W. J. Johnston is the plaintiff and Mrs. E-liza Rebecca Baird (wife of John Baird, Grand Bend) is the defendant, I have seiz ed and taken into execution all the right, title and interest, and equity of redemption of the said Mrs. Eliza Rebecca Baird into and out of the following lands and tenements, viz: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of -land and premises situate, lying and being in ’the Town- of Stephen in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and being composed of a portion of the south half of farm lot number one in the Lake Road East Concess-ion of the said Township of Stephen, which may be more particularly described as follows, that is to say: COM MENCING at a stake planted on the road allowance -of the Lake Rd. East Concession and at a distance of twenty-two rods north from the south-west angle of said lot number one; thence easterly parallel with the southern boundary a distance of thirteen and one-third rods to an angle; thence southerly parallel -with the westerly limit a distance of three rods to an angle; thence westerly parallel .with the northerly limit a distance of thirteen and -one-third rods to an angle arriving at the said road allowance; thence northerly along the said road allowance a dis tance of three rods arriving at the place of commencement, containing '.by admeasurement one-(juarter Of an acre of land be the same more or less. All of which I shall offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House, Goderich, On Saturday the fourteenth day of Sep tember, 193’5, at the hour of eleven o’clock in the forenoon. ROBT. JOHNSTON, Sheriff, County of Huron Sheriff’s Office, Court Hottse, Goderich. May 30th, 1035. Magistrate (to Irish witness): You say the accused threatened you? Witness: Yes, begorro. lie said I’ll whitewash xour yard with your blood.