HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-09-05, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1085 the few HENSALL Ray Paterson left on Monday for Osliawa. Mr. Walter Spencer spent holiday in Detroit. Mr. T. C. Joynt is visiting a days in Toronto this week. Miss Roreen Farquhar visited in Detroit over the week-end. Miss Florence* McDonald, of Lon­ don was home for the holiday. Miss Louise Drummond spent the holiday with friends in Toronto. Postmaster Sutherland is spend­ ing a few days this week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, A. Davey, of Detroit, were holiday visitors with friends in town. Mrs. Agnes McDonald Louden friends Friday day, Mr. Mil ton Ortwein, spent the holiday with here. Mrs. James Clark spent days last week visiting latives, Mr, spent town. Mr. was visiting and Satur- of his London, parents Harry Wilson, of the holiday with a few Kippen re- Woodstock, friends in Otterville Bank of week-end Margaret Harman, of Toron­ to, was visiting friends in town ilast week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton, of Port Dover, visited with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfaff, of Delhi, were holiday visitors with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy spent the holiday visiting with relatives. Mr. -L. Dean, of the Montreal staff, spent the in Toronto. Miss Margaret Buchanan, of To­ ronto spent the week-end at her home here. Mir. James Paterson, Village Clerk <, is recovering from a severe attack <5f neuritis. Mr. and Mrs. Roy visiting -London and fives last week. Mr. William Reid __ . Seaforth is spending a few days with Hensall relatives. Miss Gladys Luker has returned home after a week’s visit in Detroit and Wallaceburg. Mr. Russell Love spent last week ■holidaying along the different points of the lake shore. Miss Mary Scott, of Cromarty, spent last week here visiting with Miss Alva McQueen. , Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron­ to, spent the holiday here with her parents and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Joynt, of Tor­ onto, are visiting with Mr. Joynt’s mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. Mr. and Mrs. J. A Jones, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end here with Mr and Mrs. William Jones. Mt. -and Mrs. Henry Hogarth, of Seaforth, were recent visitors here with Miss Mary A. Hoggarth. Mr. and Mirs. W. Johnston, of To­ ronto' were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlisle spent the week-end at Brantford the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Huntley. Miss Alice Pfaff has returned home after a pleasant visit with her brother and sister-in-law at Delhi. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Devlin, Strat­ ford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett of Hay Township. Bobby and Ruth Hess have re­ turned home after visiting for a couple of weeks with Stanley rela­ tives. Miss Martha Carlisle, of London, spent the week-end here with her parents Mr. and lisle. Mr. and Mrs. son Ross visited Albert Morenz Sunday. At the United chuirch Rev. Arthur Sinclair, -pastor, had charge of both, services. Mr. W. O. Goodwin sang a solo. Judge William Watt, of Cooks- town, Minn., was visiting here last week with his cousins Reeve and Mrs. JtOnes. Mrs. Peter Fisher has returned after a month’s visit with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Walter Moffatt" in Stanley Township. Miss Margaret Buchanan, left on Saturday for Port after spending several weeks home here. The many friends of Mr. Robinson will be glad to hear that he is improving after his recent se­ vere illness. Misses Margaret and Gergie Mur­ ray, of London, have been visiting with relatives and friends in Hen­ sall and vicinity. Mrs. John Passmore and son Al­ bert spent a few days last week vis­ iting with her daughter, Mirs. Will McLean, of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and children spent the week-end at Grand Bend the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes, Mrs. Agnes McDonald is opening a millinery business in the Murdock block which will be known as the Bonnie B-onnet Shoppe. Miss Margaret Dck has returned to Strathroy after visiting for sev­ eral weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Dick of Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Georg© Davis and children, of Toronto, ate visiting here with Mrs. Davis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, R. McDonald. ..... Mr. and Mrs. George Walker ac­ companied by their son Dofiald and daughter Miss Helen spent a few days ilast week in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Keys, with their McLaren were Detroit rela- and friend 'Of Mrs. Wilson John Corbett with Mr. and of Dashwood Car- and Mrs. on R.N., Huron at her James .. .... s= son and daughter, of Kitchener, were visiting here last week with Mr, and Mys. Robt. cnmeron. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Roy ,Verjnilyeq,j ahd Mrs. Harold Callis/.of £>anta Bar­ bara, Calif., are visiting here with Mrs .John Dinsdale and Mrs. Fred Simmons. Mr, and Mrs. Sid Gemmell, Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Al 1 vey, of Kippen, spent Sunday ' with Mrs. Joseph Hudson Sr. other relatives. Miss Irene Douglas, Miss Gran, Miss Helen Swan, Miss Isabel Manson have returned home after spending a pleasant two weeks at Keswick camp. Mrs. G. C. Hass,ell who has been visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein for eral weeks left last week for home in Camden N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Will McLean two little daughters, Geraldine Betty are visiting here this 1 with Mrs, McLean’s parents, Mr. and Mirs. John Passmore. Mr. Will Parke, of the 3rd con. of Hay Township had the misfortune ou Tuesday evening to be kicked by a horse, breaking his arm between the elbow and shoulder, The Hensall Public and Continua­ tion school reopened for the fall term on Tuesday morning with the same staff of teachers as last year. There is a good attendance of schol­ ars, Donald Willard, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Willard was taken to the Seafioirth Hospital on Friday and op­ erated on for appendicitis. At the time of writing Donald is getting along ncely. Labor Day passed very greatly in the village. Quite a number were in Toronto taking n the Exhibition, others at different lake resorts and quite a few were entertaining their friends at home. The Hensall Public Library which has been closed on Thursday after­ noon and evening will be open again on Thursday of this week both af- and will con- and local Day, , of Har- here and Ada sev- her and i and week winter tourna­ playing A. L. Mr. ternojon and evening tinue so, for the fall months. 'Our bowlers held a ment here on Labor both afternoon and evening. Case and Fred Bonthron taking first with four wins plus 10 and J, W. Ortwein and Dr. McTaggart were second with two wins plus 11. Mr. and Mrs. George Laughton, of" Toronto, spent the holiday here with Mrs. Laughton’s parents Mr. and. Mrs. Charles McDonell. Mcbonell'returned to Toronto with them, where h ewill visit for a few days and take in the “Ex.” Dr. and Mrs. James Tapp, who' have been visiting foir the past two months with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J hn Tapp., of Hensall, and M.r. and Mrs. W. A. Scarrow, of Wiarton, intend returning to London, Eng­ land, sailing on the 6th of Septem­ ber- on the Empress of Australia. (Services were observed in Carmel Presbyterian church last Sunday both morning and evening with the pastor, Rev. W. A. Young in charge. At the morning service the choir sang an anthem and Mrs. J. W. Bon­ thron a solo. At the evening service Rev. W. A. Young sang a solo*. The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres­ byterian Church held an afternoon tea on Saturday afternoon on the • Jawn at the home of Mrs. Fred Bon­ thron. Tea was W. Bonthron. and Mrs. W. A. number attended noon. A number of girl friends of Miss Helen Munn, met ot the home of Mrs. W. W. Chapman, one evening last week1 in honor of Miss Munn, who is leaving shortly to train for a nurse, with a- number of useful gifts, very pleasant evening was spent a dainty lunch was served by hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Jaijk Woods, Santa Barbara, Calif., are visiting here with Mr. Wood’s grandmother Mrs. John Dinsdale and other fives. Mr. and Mrs. Woods been on a motor trip through tish Columbia and the Western vinces and are home to Santa son of Vincent Usborne boy. West Lome Team Wins In the baseball match played here on Friday afternoon between the Hensall and West Lome teams the West Lome team won 6 to 5. At the end of the 9th inning the score stood 5 to- 5, so another inning was played, West Lome breaking the score. The game was fast and ex­ citing all through and was witness­ ed by a big crowd. A third game between these two tea-ms wilj, be played at Strathroy on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Robt. BengOugh, of Midland, Mich., and who were form­ er Hensall citizens were visiting in Hensall and vicinity last week. New Books The following is a list of the new books recently added to the Hensall Library: poured by Mrs. J. Mrs. H. Arnold Young. A large to enjoy the after- Miss Munn was presented A and the now on their Barbara. Jack1 Woods, a New Fiction "Trails Meet” 'Rocking Arrow” ‘Seven Men Came Back” “Doomsday” 'The Wild Bird” .‘Wild Strawberries” ‘The Fortress” ‘Oltj Man Mystery” 'Range Land Justice” . ‘Young Rennie” ‘All About Jane’ 'Seward’s Folly” of rela- have Bri- Pro- way is a former Bower Bower Deeping Deeping Footner Thirkell Walpole Fargeon -McCulley Hugo De la Roche Pamela Uynne Marshall Hauck I Binus j BU-Rolt Baldwin Widdemer Hum® ‘The ’Advances of Harriett” Bottom© “Come And Get It” Ferber Hous© of the pour Winds” [Buchan Gold Comfit Box" Williams Obcession of Victoria Gracen” [Hill Archers fit the Years" Boilen Broad Arrow” “Life, Love and Jeanette” “The Secret Adventure” “The Mystery Hand” “ILove’s A Puzzle" “Golden Rain” “Murders Form Fours” <41 “The “The “The “The ”The “Fear by Night” “Here Comes the Sun” “Green Light” “Kindy’s Crossing” “Time Out of Mind" ‘‘Good-Bye Mr. Chips!’ Non Fiction King’s Geese”“The CREDITON 'Sj •ill MMlillllil m THE red & white STORE Redpath Granulated Sugar ...... 10 lbs. for 52c f Raine Wentworth Loring Douglas Jackson Field Hilton i Buchan i i Extra Specials I. PURE CLOVER HONEY...........5 lb, or 10 lb. pails, 45-85c. SUGAR CRISP CORN FLAKES............................. 4 for 25c. GOOD COOKING RICE .......................................3 lbs. for 14c. READY-CUT MACARQNI ...................................per pound 5c. SLICED PINEAPPLE ..............................................per tin 10c. LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS, large tin ................................ 10c. KETA SALMON, fancy quality .......................... per tin 10c. 4> 1 LARGE TIN FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER —1 FANCY GOBLET FREE — 25c, Missionary talk entitled it shall be given unto Mrs. Russel Clarke and L. Thayer, Lon- Gettinger visit- days last week. I ■> Wonderfql Laundry Soap ........... 8 for 25c. Palmolive Soap................... 3 cakes for 14c.' Zinc Sealer Rings ............... per dozen 20c. Golden Spray Cheese ... 1-2 lb. pkg. 2 25c. Peanqt Butter in bulk...........2 lbs. for 25c. Fancy Assorted Biscuits ......... per lb. 15c. No. 1 Cooking Onions ......... 8 lbs. for 25c. Good Cooking Apples ...... per basket 25c. Large Fresh Celery .............per bunch 10c. Fresh Grapefruit ........................ 4, for 25c. -----7............... ........ FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—PEACHES, BANANAS, ORANGES, CAN- TELOUPES, GRAPES, TOMATOES, CABBAGE, CUKES, RED AND GREEN PEPPERS NEW POTATOES, ETC.; ALSO A FULL LINE OF BEST PICKLING SPICES AND VINEGAR. A FULL LINE OF ICE CREAM, ALASKA BON BONS, CONES AND BRICKS AL­ SO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DRINKS ON ICE ! ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver Wein, Maleeta Wein, Mrs, Sylvester Wuerth, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pfaff and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist and family and Earl Haist, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein. Detroit, home of resumed Mr. and Mrs. Collingwood, Jr., of Pt. Huron, and Mrs. Ed. Allen of Pt. Huron, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wein and spent Labor Day in London with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. B- C. Watts and family, of Hamilton, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. M. S. Finkbeiner, Last Sunday being Missionary Sunday Mr. T. Trevethick gave an interesting “Give and you.” Mr. and son Glen, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle and daughter Janet, of Exeter, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark. Rev. and MrS. A. E. Pletch visit­ ed a few days in Milverton this week. Miss Lyla Haist is spending a few days with Mrs. J. don. Miss Marguerite ed in Detroit a f©w Mr. and Mrs. Howard Renney and . Miss Bessie Hastings, of spent the week-end at the Mr. and Mrs. John Hirtzel. Mrs. Herb Fahner has her position in th© Millinery depart­ ment of Zwjcker’s store. Mrs. (3has. Zwicker and son Gerald are attending Toronto Exhibition this week. Mr. Murray Willison, of Thorold, spent the holiday with Mr. Gerald Zwicker. Mrs Ed. Calfass, of Saskatchewan, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Em­ mery Fahner. The Evangelical church have set -•-Thursday, October 10th, as the date for their fowl supper. Arrangements were made at a congegational meet­ ing following the evening sevice on Sunday. Judge Costello- held division court in Crediton Wednsday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber were in Toronto last week1 attending the Ex­ hibition. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Green, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Han­ nah, of Wayne, Mich., '.week-end at the home Gaiser. .Rev. Mr. Pletch and are attending Toronto Exhibition. Mrs. Henry Haist has returned after spending a week with KoeRzow, of Detroit. We are^lad to report that don Ratz is improving nicely his recent operation in >St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mrs’ Lester Maclsaac and daugh­ ter Sylvia, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Maclsaac last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bower, of Detroit,, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mac- Isaac on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Treller, of Detroit, visited a. few days with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahner. Mr. Arthur Haist, of Toronto, spent a few days at his home here. Haist Reunion The ninth annual reunion of Haist families which .was held Bald Eagle Lake, Mich., was a cided success under the leadership of Judge Brown, of Bad Axe, Mich. About 150 members of the family and friends were present from Cred­ iton, Exeter, Niagara Falls, Ontario, and from Flint, Pigeon, Detroit and Ann Arbor, Mich. During the busi­ ness session officers were elected as follows: President, Chris. Haist, of Crediton; Vice-Pres., John L. Haist, Niagara Falls; Sec’y-Treas., Leona Braun, Pigeon. The following direct­ ors tfere appointed: David family, Howard Haist; Michael Haist family, Harry Haist; Christian Haist family, Mrs. L. Dixon; Justine tBraun family, Carl Braun; A.ugust Haist family, Earl Haist; Jacob Haist family, Mrs. Clifford Hill. Boating and softball constituted the program of sports which rendered the afternoon a most enjoyable for the younger generation and meeting of oltt friends added to enjoyment of the older guests. spent the of Mr. John son Harold Mrs. Gor- after the at de­ Haist one the the A special feature of the afternoon was the very interesting and inspiring talk given by Rev. Edward’ Braun, of Rowan, Mich. Special recognition was also given to Miss Gertrude Haist retiring secretary for spending much time and effort in compiling a family tree. The reunion will be held next year at Niagara Falls. Those who attended the reuiiion from Crediton included, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Holtzman and family; Clarence Holtzmann, Mrs. Leah Hol- DASHWOOD SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, CLINTON, ONT. FALL TERM BEGINS, SEPTEMBER 9, 1935 You cannot attend a better School, so why not register now. COURSES — Stenographic — Commercial — Secretarial Special Classes Arranged. M. A. Stone, Com. Specialist, Vice-Pritt. B,J?. Ward, B.A., Prin. CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Thus, Lee, on Wednesday of last to Mrs. P. Humble, of Sarnia, spent a few days with her mother Mrs. Finkbeiner last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bums, of Port Hur­ on, spent a few days with her mother Mrs. Witzel. Mrs. May and Miss G- Ehlers, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Oestricher. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tieman, of Ham­ ilton, are spending their vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Guenther, of Windsor, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther. S. Willis Mclsaac, who spent his va- 'cation in Detroit has returned. Dr. Lome Tieman returned Middletown, N. Y., on Tuesday after spending his vacation with his -par­ ents; -Mr., and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher spent a few days at Toronto' Exhibition last week. Miss Gertrude Hoffman is visiting friends in Kitchener. Dr. Eugene Tieman, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mc'Isaac and family, who spent their vacation here returned to Windsor on Satur­ day. Harry Hoffman spent a few days at Toronto Exhibition this week. School re-opened on Tuesday with Mr. G. Keeler as Principal, Miss Pepper and Miss Martinson as as­ sistants. Quite a number of scholars from here are attending ’high school at Exeter this' year. Mrs. L. Bender is spending a few days in Brantford this week. Miss Thelma Johnson, of Simcoe, was a guest at the home of Mrs. Jas. McFalls and Rev. S. W. McFalls over the week-end. WOODHAM Tuesday evening last was the scene of a happy gathering in the basement of the church when the young ladies’ Sunday School class presented Mrs. Gordon Dykeman (nee Nina Mc­ Naughton) with a lovely green and buff granite shower, she being a re­ cent bride. An interesting feature of the evening was a mock wedding. Miss Hilda Rundle played the wed­ ding march and Miss Dorothy Camm acted as minister and performed the wedding ceremony, Jack Tomlinson as bride and Miss Doreen Paynter as groom and made it very amusing. Contests and games were indulged in. At this same gathering the young men’s class were guests of the evening and a dainty lunch was served at the close, by the teachers of both classes. The Woodham Mission Circle girls visited the Elimville M. C. on Wed­ nesday evening last, the former put­ ting on the program and the Elim­ ville girls served a dainty lunch. Miss Rhoda Thompson entertain­ ed a few of her girl friends Thurs­ day afternoon last. , Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire visited on Sunday last with friends at Sea­ forth. Mr. and Mrs. J. Louth and little son, of London, who' has been holi­ daying for two weeks at*"tho latter’s patents Mr. and Mrs. "tVhitefotd Switzer, have returned home. Mt. F. Spearin, who has been en* Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight and her daughter, Mrs. C. Brokenshire, of Detroit, returned home on Thursday of last week after holidaying for a week at Ipperwash Beach. Miss Iva Willis, of Exeter, visited with Mrs. Thos. Willis last week. Mrs. Richard Parker visited with her parents in Brinsley week. Mrs. Rex Mills, of Wyoming spent' Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills. She was accompanied home by her daugher Marilyn .who had been visiting here with her grand­ parents for a few days. Visitors during the past week with Mrs. Brokenshire and Mrs. Basker­ ville were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brok­ enshire and family, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Brokenshire, Lon­ don. Mr. Fields and family, who have been on vacation for the past couple of weeks have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brown and Ber­ nice, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pollard, Mr. N. H. Pollard and Misses Greta Pol­ lard, Muriel Steeper and Hazel Smith of Exeter, spent the week-end at “Kamp Kumfort” cottage, at Grand Bend. Rev. and Mrs. R. N. Stewart and Lorraine have returned home after visiting for the past few weeks with relatives in Chatham and Montreal. Mr.s. L. Mills, of Woodham, is vis- ting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills. Mr. Arthur Luxton, of South Bend, Indiana, visited over the week-end with Mrs. Thos. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reeder and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Jackson spent the week-end with Mr. Jackson’s par­ ents at Creemore. Mrs. George Johnston and sister Mrs. Wm. Walters left on Saturday of last week for North Bay where they will visit with relatives for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carruthers, Lon­ don, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham Jr. Mrs. Thos. Lee, of Brinsley, Mrs. K. Carter and children, of Clande- boye, visited on Labor Day with and Mrs. Richard Parker. Mr. Kenneth Hodgins visited Sunday with his grandparents, and Mrs. R Hodgins in Granton. Miss Evelyn Clarke, of Goderich, has returned to resume her duties as school teacher. -School re-opened on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lochner, London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ■George Baynham Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner en­ tertained Rev. H. W. and Mrs. Hag- elstein and family, of Fullarton, on Thursday ast. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C, J. O’Brien were Miss Mary O’Brien, of London, Mrs. Lundy and son, of Detroit, Mich. A number from the village at­ tended the Decoration Day services held in St. James cemetery, Clande- boye, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Powe and family attended the Armitage picnic on Labor Day. The Herbalist, Lyle Leffler, Ot­ tawa, put on an interesting program here on Tuesday evening week. ELIMVILLE We are pleased to report that Mr. Philip Johns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johns, who has been in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, suffering from infantile paralysis, was able tO’ return to his home on Wednesday of last week and at time of writing is getting along as well as can be expected. 'Mrs. John Ford, of London, spent two: days the end of the week with Mf. and Mrs. H. Ford. Misses Florence Bell and Mary Johns were at Toronto Exhibition, this past week, Mr. and Mrs. A. McFalls and Bon­ nie, of BiddUlph, were Sunday vis­ itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs* Wm. Bradshaw. Miss Birdine® Mc- Falls, who. has been holidaying with the latter this past week returned home with them. The Mission Circle girls entertain­ ed the Circle of Woodham church on Wednesday of last week. A very fine program was supplied by the visit­ ors. Lunch was served and a pleasant time spent in games, Mr., and Mrs. Ernest Pym family also Mrs. Cephas Pym Sunday visitors with Mr. and J. Herdman. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones, don, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. were Mrs. very etc. and were Mrs. Lon- Harry Johns on Monday, and Mrs. George Earl, of Zion, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Wm. Routly. Mr. ■on Mr. of this uiarence noiizmann, ivirs. jjean — — tzmdnn, Mrs. Louisa Schwartz, Mrs. gaged for the past two months help- rrttAUkAA hftYVAdt. WlfB MT. Mil*ing with the harvest with Mr. Mil­Mary Haist, Mrs. Thomas Mawliin-' i_„ ---- — -ney, Lily Haist, Mrs. Henry Haist, I ton Hooper has returned to St. Marys Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth, Mrs. G. to attend High School. Woman bone, and “Man is nothing but a groan and a tank of air. is nothing but a a hank of hair, rag, brag, a a GREENWAY Schools re-opened on Tuesday with Miss Ruth Kleinstiver, of Dashwood; Miss Verona Gagan of Ailsa Craig and Miss Ardella Portice, of Park­ hill as teachers at the North, West, and Corbett schools respectively. Miss Nathalie Hutchinson spent a few days last week with. Misses Ruth and Pearl Carruthers. Mr. Robert Brunswick is spending a week with his sister in Toronto. Several local young people held a weiner roast at Grand Bend last Friday evening. Miss Myrtle Luther, of London, is holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Luther. The many friends of Mr, and Mrs. Russel McIntosh sympathise with them on their recent sad bereave­ ment, the death o-f their only daugh­ ter. J ’ Master Jack Hutchinson is visiting relatives in Detroit. Messrs. David Woodburn, Byron Brown and Ted McPherson have re­ turned to Toronto and Misses Ruby Pollock and Martha Nichol to Ham­ ilton,* to' > resume their duties aS teachers... Miss Irma Goodhand has received a position^ in the D’Erina Deacon Music Shoppe in London. Erma will be greatly missed in the church and community life, but her many friends wish her the best success. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Curts and family were: Rev, and Mrs. Melvin Lempke and fam­ ily, of Clary Centre, Nebraska, Mr. ■and Mrs. Fred Lempke, of Pontiac, Mich, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown and Miss Lucille, of Grand Rapids, Mich. What might of resulted in a more serious accident, occurred last week when Mrs, Roy Poston, of Detroit, a visitor of Miss Dorothy Rellittg, .lost control of her car and was ditch-' ed about three-quarters of a mile west cf Greenway. Mrs. Poston re­ ceived injuries to her knee and arm The car was badly damaged.