HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-09-05, Page 4imVRSDAY, SEIVTEMBER 1035 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE EXETER FAIR ““SLKU'S51’"' 16th & 17th Tuesday Afternoon Attractions Better Than Ever RELAY RACE GREEN RACE 2 Horses, Half Mile Each $8, $5, $2 One Mile $15, $10, $5 Usborne, Stephen and Hay Twps. F.r horses that have not started be fore September 1st, HALF MILE BICYCLE RACES TWO MILES GIRLS’ SOFTBALL GAME HENSALL vs. EXETER Special Attraction in Front of the Grandstand MUSIC BY THE EXETER BAND Come to the Fair! Something Doing Every Minute Prize List for Exhibitors may be had on applying to the Secretary ‘ Wlir.nin.i^——w—yil ... ■■ini* Mi. .'nil ................................................— H - " ■■■■■»■—I Wm, Coates, Pres, T. S. Woods, Treas. R. G. Seldon, Sec’y MARRIAGES BRENNER-SWEITZER—At Dundas Centre parsonage, London, on Wednesday, September 4th, Eve- dyne M., daughter of William .Sweitzer, of Shipka, to Glen J. Brenner, youngest son of Mrs. Annie Brenner and the late EzTa Brenner, of Grand Bend, by Rev. E. W. Young. DEATHS HERN—In Exeter, on Saturday, August 31, James Hern, aged 79 years. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. James Hern and family wish to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends fcr the kindness and sympathy extended during their recent bereavement, also for the floral tributes, the loan of cars and especially to Rev Mr. Elliott. CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs, D. Rowcliffe wish to express their thanks for the kindness shown to them during Mr. Row- cliffe’s illness also, for the lovely cards and fowers and especially the I. 0. 0. F. for their beautiful basket of cut flowers and Rev. Mr. Elliott for his kindness. HURONDALE W. I. The Hurondale W. I. of Exeter district held their regular August meeting -recently at the home of Mrs. C. Cann. The meeting opened by singing the Ode, followed by prayer. The Roll Call, Name of a Flower beginning with the letter of your maiden name. A two minute talk by Mrs, R. Kestle on “Forgive and Forget.” Topic, "Came and Use of Milk” being prepared by Miss Kathleen Strang, although not able to be present, the paper was given by Mrs, W. Kernick. A community song was sung being led by Mrs. A. Hi?ks. A recitation by Donna Parker. A splendid address and. demonstration on removing stains by Mrs. A. Moir. Reading by Mrs, Cudmore. The captains for new members for the coming year are Mrs. A. Rundle and Mrs. W. Ker- niek. The meeting closed with the benediction followed by a dainty lunch served by the committee in charge. The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W« Etherington, the program to be given by the grandmothers. dm .... Hardware Specials ; 5. We mak.e our own Stove and Furnace Pipes front the best stock. They fit. All sizes bn hand in half lengths, full lengths, elbows, tees and tapers. Odd sizes and lengths made on short notice. Flue Stoppers and Stove Pipe Collars and Wire all reasonably priced, WANTED—Old Stoves and Heaters. Highest prices allowed as a deposit on any New stove. Get that cracked and broken glass replaced NOW. Pure Linseed Oil putty................. .................... . 10c. per pound Jiffy-glaze wood stripping complete with nails. Takes the place of putty, highly recommended for poultry houses add stables 1c. per foot or 32 ft. for 25c. Lindenfield’s Hardware, Exeter SD1S REUNION The annual Reunion of the Sims family was held at Springbank on Labor Day, September 2nd. The weather for the day being very suit­ able, the picnic was well attended. About 135 relatives, exclusive of visiters sat down to a bountifully laden table to which all did justice. Included at the dinner table were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Flynn, who had been united in marriage that morn­ ing. At the dinner table the elec­ tion of officers was held -resulting as follows: President, Mrs. Samuel Hedden, London; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Fred Bloomfield, London; Sec’y- Treas., Mr? Thos. Flynn, London; Convenor of spoirts, Geraldine Hed­ den, London; Chairman, Andrew Flynn, Thedford. The picnic for 193 6 is to be held at Springbank on Civic Holiday. The banner for same is being kept by Geraldine Hedden. After a short ball game the sports were held the prizes being awarded as follows: The oldest man present, Mr. John Kydd; oldest woman pre­ sent, Mrs. Robert Flynn; children under 5 years, Ronald Sims; girl's 5 to 9, Vera Sims, Maripn Morgan; bo-ys 5 to 9, Earl Sims, Wilbur Ed­ wards; girls 9 to 12, Dorothy Kydd,' Norma Sims; boys 9 to 12, Buddy 'Sims, Wilbur Edwards; girls 12 to 1'5, Ethel Kydd, Irene 'Kydd; boys 112 to 15, Bud Sims, Harold Edwards bean guessing contest, Bert McFalls; girls over 16, May Sims, Dorothy Sims; married woman’s race, Mrs. F. Bloomfield, Mrs. I, SimS, Mrs. Irene King; married men’s race, Lawrence MacDonald, Bert McFalls John Hedden; kicking slipper, Eileen Sims; young men’s race, M. Sims', Bod Edwards; women’s bal­ loon race, Mrs. Jack Kydd, Mrs. Irene King; curliest headed baby, Gordon Sims; men’s boot and shoe race, Murray Neil, Jack Hedden; grandfather’s race, Sam Hedden, T. Flynn; youngest- baby girl, Gwen. Sims, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Sims; youngest baby boy, Barrie Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alex, Hamilton, Grand Bend. A prize was given Mrs. A. Rowe, Clawson, Mich., for coming the futherest dis­ tance. People were present from Exeter, Crediton, Centralia, Lucan, London, Thedford, Parkhill, Grapd Bend, Windsor, Detroit and Claw­ son, Mich. The picnic was a decid­ ed success in every way. Miss Gladys Kestle has returned to her duties as teacher at Copper Cliff after! spending the holidays with- her father, Mr. Nelson Kestle. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. E. A. Amy was in Burford recently where she was called owing to the sudden death of her brother- in-law Mr. Albert E. Amy. The engagement has been announc­ ed of Verda Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims, of Exeter, to Crescent Dayman, of Usborne Town­ ship, the wedding to take place quiet­ ly early in September. Mr. Richard Terry attended the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. James Terry,of Moncton on Monday. She was in her 84th year. Her bus­ band predeceased her a few years ago. ARMITAGE REUNIOIN The fourteenth annual reunion of the Armitage Family of Biddulph and London Townships was held at the old Biddulph homestead on Con- cesison four on Labor Day about 135 were present. A short program consisting of addresses by Herman* POwe, Henry Hodgins and T. H. Stanley and songs by Mr. Sid Hod­ gins and little Jtoyce Ward. The of­ ficers for 193 6 were elected as fol­ lows: President, Raymond Green- : lee; Vice-Pres., Eugene Armitage; Secretary, Mrs. H. Powe; Treasurer, Percy Armitage; tables and kitchen committee, Mrs. Will Armitage, Mrs. H. Hodgins, L. Hodgins, Mrs. W. Isaac, Mrs. J. Turner and Mrs. W. Davis; grounds committee as last year; sports committee, London Township folks. A splendid pro­ gram of sports was put on by the' Saintsbury people and was thor­ oughly enjoyed by all. Race for children under five and from 5 to 10 years, boys; boys 13 and under, Charlie Weir, Arnold Lewis; boys 13 to 15, Ray Shoebottom, Arnold Lewis; young ladies race, Clara Armitage, Jessie Armitage; bean ■guessing contest, Eugene Armitage; fat man’s race, L. Hodgins; young men’s race, Wilson Armitage, Eu­ gene Armitage; older married wo­ men’s race, Mrs. L. Hudgins, Mrs. Florence -Stanley; young women’s race, Mrs. Harold Armitage, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Hunt; grandmother’s race, Mrs. A. Powe, Mrs. F. Armi­ tage, Mrs. Hy. Hodgins; grand­ father’s Tace, Alex Sceli, Billy Wil­ son, Hilton Armitage; pattern dress race, Wilson Armitage and Miss Cobleigh; slipper kicking, Audrey Fletcher, Greta Fletcher; finding the ladies slipper, Wilson Armitage, Eugene Armitage; dressing the men Clata Armitage and Wilfred Bilyea, ( Gordon and Annie Bilyea; feeding the monkeys, Harvey -Godbolt and Jessie Armitage; filling the jar with clothes pins, Henry Hodgins; feed­ ing breakfast, Clara Armitage and Wilfred Bilyea, Mrs. N. Hunt and Gordon Armitage; hoop race, San­ ford Wilton’S side; rolling ball from foot to' foot, Sanford Wilton’s side; necktie race, Audrey Powe and Al­ den Walk-et; potato race, Arnold Lewis; bean board, Mrs. Harvey GOdbodt; wheelbarrow -race, Chas. Weir and Charlie Corbett; beauty • race, Greta Isaac, Mrs. Roland Hod­ gins. They were present from Lou­ don, Ettrick, Mt. Brydges, Exeter, Granton, Lucan, Woodham, Arva, Lambeth, Centralia and Saihtsbury. Those from a distance included Mi&s Florence Stanley, Carsonville, Mich; Mr. and Mrs, F,red Hord, Mr. La­ verne Cobleigh, Detroit; Mr, and Mrs, Wilmer Armitage, Thamesford; Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Elston, Dun­ dalk; Mr. Wilfred Eilyea, Wood- stock. MITCHELL MAN MEETS INSTANT DEATH ‘George W. Miller, age 60, living a mile and a quarter south of Mitchell was instantly killed at 10 o’clock, Monday night when his light coupe was wrecked against the abutment of the Collison House bridge on Main Street, Mitchell. He was found pin­ ned within the crushed car which had been driven astraddle the steel bridge support and was dead when aid reached h'im. Miller was driving west toward his home when his car swung over the side of the bridge approach and turned over on its top crushed into a mass of wreckage. Mechanics at Edmunds’ garage ran to the car and removed the driv­ er to the garage. There was no ’eye witnesses found lof the crash. ■Coroner Dr. J. M. Armstrong, of Mitchell empaneled a jury that viewed the remains at Hewitt’s un­ dertaking parlors and adjourned un­ til September 10 at 8 p.m. Miller lived with his niece, Mrs. Aar n Steinaeker, just south of Mit­ chell with a brother, John. Another brother, Matthew Miller, lives on Usborne-Hibbert townline. Mrs. Jack Harris, of Munroe, is a sister. COMMUNICATION Buffalo, August 12, 1935 Miss Mabel Follick Exeter, Ontario Dear Miss Follick: For some time it has been in my mind to write and tell you what a great and lasting pleasure it was to re-visit Exeter and her people, and enjoy fellowship once more with many of those I knew in boyhood days. I am directing this to you because you had most correspondence with me, and because I realize you must have put a tremendous amount of personal effort and time into mak­ ing a success of our “Re-union,” but those who were associated with you must be included to share the grate­ ful feeling that springs from my heart at the wonderful meeting I was permitted to share in. Certainly it was the embodiment of “the thrill that comes once in a lifetime” to join in the Re-union proceedings, and I beg you to com vey to the correct authorities the thanks of myself and the apprecia­ tion of my family for the glorious day we spent in Exeteir. As I can­ not normally hope to attend another Re-union, should one occur at some remote future date, we hope to re­ turn soon and see the dear old place in quieter aspect, and with enlarged opportunity of visiting old friends and acquaintances. With deep respect and admiration for those who promoted the affair, I remain ' In all sincerity yours R. Dyer-Hurdon CAVEN CIRCLE The regular monthly meeting of Caven Congregational Circle was held at the home of Mrs. G. J. Dow on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Rod El­ lis as President was in the chair. General business looking to the fall term was discussed and it was decid­ ed toi hold a cooking sale at Miss Grigg’s store on Saturday afternoon of this week. The devotional period ■was led by Mrs. Strang and a very pleasant social hour followed. FIRST REUNION OF OKE FAMILY Riverview Park, Exeter, was the rendezvous of about 77 members of the Oke family on Wednesday after­ noon, August 28th. The afternoon was spent in sports consisting of races'for the younger generation, while the meeting of old friends ad­ ded to the entertainment of the old­ er members. Owing to the cool­ ness of the atmosphere the party adjourned to James St. church where tables were laid for supper, everyone doing justice to the good food provided by the Radies, As this was the first gathering of the Oke family an executive was chosen' with H. O< Southcott acting as chair­ man. The officers are as follows: President, Luther Oke; Vice-Pres., C. Frayne; Sec'y-Treas., Miss A. Acheson; lunch committee, Miss Della Oke, convenor, Mrs. Robt. Dayman, Mrs. Alda Simmons, Mrs. G. Hockey and Miss V. Essery; con­ venor of sports qom., H. O. South- cott. Mrs. C. Dayman gave a brief Outline of the early history of the Oke family who> came to Canada from Devonshire, Eng., fh 1832, set­ tling first near Bowmanville. The Oke homestead was the farm how occupied by Mr. James Oke, Cen­ tralia. It was decided to hold a picnic next year at Riverview Park, f A reading was given by H. O. South-1 cott after which the distribution of prizes for the afternoon races was made as follows: Ball race, Mrs. C. Frayne’s side; most graceful walk­ er, Mrs. J. Dinsdale and Mrs. M. Sheere; kicking the slipper, Beat­ rice Dayman, Edna Dayman; step­ ping 100 yards, jack Frayne; step­ ping! 25 yards, Olga Martene; throwing softball, Edna Martene, A. Acheson; race five and under, Ron­ ald Southcott, Joce Simmons; 9 and under, Kenneth Frayne, Ida Dayman; ypung men’s race, Ross Oke, Ray Frayne; married men, t*. O, Sobthcott, James Oke; single ladies, Sdtia Dayman, Olga Martene married ladies, Mrs. Oke, Mrs. C. Simmons; men over seventy, Jona­ than Hall, Chas, Dayman. Used Car Bargains 1931 Ford Coupe. Like new. 193Q Ford Coach $250.00 1929 Dodge Sedan $225.00 1927 Willys-Knight Sedan 1927 Ford Coupe 1923 Ford Coupe . 1928 Reo Truck, 2 ton . 1930 Ford Truck, 11-2 ton. SANDY ELLIOT Ford Dealer Phone 64 EXETER Special low prices now on our 1935 Denjonsrtator Cars CAVEN PICNIC ‘The annual Sunday .School and Congregational picnic of Caven Pres-j, byterian Church was held last Wed­ nesday afternoon at Turnbull’s Grove. Despite the threatening weather, there was a good crowd present. The afternoon began with a rousing ball game followed by a hoop race and a full list of sports after which everyone did ample jus­ tice to’ the picnic supper. The follow­ ing are the results of the sports: Peanut Scramble, Peter Ellis, D. Gordon, Bobby Pryde; Primary class race Peter Ellis, Robert Stanbury, Neil Stanlake; Junior boys’ race, D. Gurdon, Bobby Pryde, Harry., Ellis; Junioi’ girls’ race, Irene Kydd, An­ nie Mason, Dorothy Kydd; inter­ mediate boys’ race, David Gordon, A. Ellis, Douglas Pryde; Senior boys’ race, Murray Gordon, Richard Gor­ don, Richard Stanbury; young ladies race, j?Tthel Kydd and Kathleen Strang, tie, Irene Kydd; young men> race, Jack Stanbury, Richard Gor­ don, Alex Strang; married ladies’ race, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Stanbury, Mrs. Stanlake; married% men’s walking, Mr. Stanlake, Mr. Pryde, Mr. Strang; clothespin race, Alex Strang and Elaine Stanbury, jack Stanbury and Ethel Kydd; three-legged race, (1), Annie Mason and Irene Kydd, Dou­ glas Pryde and Bruce Gordon, Mrs, Ellis and Alex Ellis; three-legged race (2), Richard Stanbury and Dick Gordon, Ethel Kydd and Elaine Stan­ bury, Jac’k Stanbury and Alex Strang shoe race, (1), girls, Irene Kydd, A. Mason, Dorothy Kydd; shoe race (2) boys, Douglas Pryde, Bruce Gordon, Douglas Gordon. DEARING FAMILY PICNIC The fifth annual picnic of the Dearing family was held on Labor Day at the picnic grounds of Mr. C. Isaac, gas station, No. 4 highway. About 45 members were .present A sports program was run off with re­ sults as follows: tots' race, Shirley Taylor, Helen Lightfoot, Joyce Wil­ lard, Lorna Tayor; boys’ and girls’ running race, 10, years, Marjorie Essery, Donald Dearing; boys under 15, Glenn Robinson, Bill' Essery; single men, Jack .Essery, Bill Stan­ lake; single women, Rosa Dearing, Luella Stanlake; married women, Mrs. H. Lightfoot, Mrs. Beaver, mar­ ried men’s race, Ern. Willard, Archie Robinson; mysterious woman, E. Willard; guessing contest, Mrs. A. ESsery; kick the slipper, Mrs. Brav­ er, Mrs. Lightfoot,; lunch basket,'P. Webber’s side; Dionne family, Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, Rosa Dearing and P. Willard; woman walking 25 yds. Mrs. Percy Webber; largest family on grounds, Wesley Dearing; shoe scramble, Mrs. A. Robinson and Wm. Stanlake; prize for a family with the most generations qn grounds, Chas. Isaac, four generations; youngest person, Russell Beaver; dropping the clothes .pins in bottle, Mac Beav­ er. A sumptuous supper was serv­ ed at six o’clock, followed by a short business meeting. The newly elected officers are: Wesley Dearing, presi­ dent; Rosa Dearing, secretary-treas.; Mr. Chas. Isaac, grounds committee Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robinson, of London; Mr. and M.rs. Hairold Light­ foot and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Beaver sports and lunch eommitteee. After the business meeting a game of ball was played and the rest of the even­ ing was spent in music singing an’d dancing. It was decided to hold the picnic for 1936 on Civic Holiday at the same grounds. WHALEN Miss ILillian Spearin, o>f London, spent the Holiday at the home of Mr. Geo. Parkinson. Several from this community at­ tended the funeral of the late Mr. James Hern in Exeter on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ford, Dearborn, Mich.; Mrs. Mollie Tyrer and Mr. Alex Thomson, o£ Stratford and Mr. Reed, of London were visitors over the holiday with Mi*, and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning were at Greenway on Sunday visiting the latter’s parents. Mr, hnd Mrs, Geo. MHldoii are spending a few days with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Jas. Hern, Exeter. Margaret Hern, Lorraine Hern and Ronnie Squire returned to Exeter as students of the High School. KHIVA .School re-opened here on Tuesday with Miss J. Turnbull, of Grand Bend as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. J, Hutchinson and Miss Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hutchinson, of London, spent the last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagleson and Mr. and Mbs, William Mason. Miss Evelyn McCann has returned home after visiting relatives in De­ troit for a couple of weeks. Messrs. Edward and William Wil- lert and mother Mrs. H< Willert, of Centralia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Willert. Mr. and Mrs, James Ziler and Mr. and Mrs, George Rosendahl, Dash­ wood, spent Labour Day with their friends in Walketon. Miss Ruth Guenther, of Dash­ wood, visited last week-end with Miss Reta Willert. Mi«. J. Hopkins and son Harold, of st. Thomas, visited last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Stade. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanover, of Buffalo, spent Labor Day with the former’s parents Mr.' and Mrs. J. Hanover, HARPLEY Mr. and Mrs. L. Grieve, of Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Murray, Idras and Irene, of Thedford, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. F. Fyre and Mr. Cook, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with Mrs. Joe Carruthers Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love and Manville spent Sunday in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Gill and Mrs. E. Gill Sr., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Colin Love. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Warner, of De­ troit, visited over the week-end with Mrs. Warner’s mother. Miss Ethel Oliver and Miss Taylor of London, visited over the week­ end with Mr, and Mrs. Will Love. Mr. Partichule, called at Mr. M. Hodgins’ on Friday on his way home in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kiplan and Shirley visited with Mr. and Mrs. W Love on Labor Day. ■Misses Orva and Ila Bestard vis­ ited one day last week with Ruth and Helen Love. VOTERS’ LIST 1935 Municipality of Stephen Township, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Vot­ ers1’ List Act and that I have posted up at uny office at Crediton on the 19th day of August 1935, the list.of all persons' entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elecr tions and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor­ rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 9th day of Sep­ tember, 1935. Dated at Crediton this 19th day of August 1935. HERBERT K. EILBER, ‘ Clerk of Stephen Twp. .. Crediton, Ontario SHERIFF’S SALE OF LANDS COUNTY OF HURON UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an Execution against lands issued out of the Tenth Division Court of the County of Huroti to me directed, in an action whereiiLvV. J. Johnston is the plaintiff and Mrs. Eliza Rebecca Baird (wife of John Baird, Grand Bend) is the defendant, I have seiz­ ed and taken into execution all the right, title and interest, and equity of redemption of the said Mrs. Eliza Rebecca Baird into and out of the following lands and tenements, viz: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of Gand and premises situate, lying and being in the Town- o,f Stephen in the County .of Huron x and Province oif Ontario, and being composed of a portion of the south half of farm lot number one in the Lake Road East Concession of the said Township of Stephen, which may be more particularly described as follows, that is- to say: COM­ MENCING at a stake planted on the road allowance Of the Lake Rd. East Concession and at a distance of twer-ty-two nods north from the south-west angle of said lot number one; thence easterly parallel with the southern boundary a distance of thirteen and one-third rods to an angle; thence southerly parallel with the westerly limit a distance of three rods to an. angle; thence westerly parallel with the northerly limit a distance of thirteen and one-third rods to an angle arriving at the said road allowance; thence northerly along the said road allowance a dis­ tance of three rods arriving at the place of commencement, containing by admeasurement one-Cjuarter of an acre of land be the same more or less. All of which I shall offer for sale, by public auction at my office in the Court House, Goderich, on Saturday the fourteenth day of Sep­ tember, 1835, at the hour of eleven o’clock in the forenoon. ROBT. JOHNSTON, Sheriff, County of Huron Sheriff’s Office, court House, Goderich, MayJ 80th, 1'985. Helen-—They shy that girl over there puts all her father makes on her back. Youth—Evidently he must be out of a job now.