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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-08-29, Page 8
THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1935 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Permanent Waves FOR SPEED, COMFORT, PROTEC TION AND UNIFORMITY, THE BONAT METHOD IS UNSURPASS ED. TRY OUR BONAT {SPECIAL. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat, standard 60c. Manitoba’s? Best $2.50. Welcome Flour $2.20 Lew Grade Flour $28.00 a ton Bran 21c. Shorts 22e. Mixed Choi) $25.00 a ton Govt, standard screening Chop $21.00 a ton Creamery butter 25e. Dairy Butter 18c-21c Eggs, A large 21c Egg B 19c. Eggs C, 14c. Hogs $8.60 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, R.A., B.D, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School 11 a.m.—“Seek Ye First.’’ 7 ,p.m.—“The Coptic Church.’’ rmlliil i^- The boys and girls will be going back to school next week. Let us help you outfit them from our large stock. Many New Fall lines have arrived and are waiting your approval. LOCAL NEWS LOCALS in the Exhibition at Tor- L. Wilson and daughter visiting with relatives at taking in quite ill at will hope Monday next will be Labor Day and a public holiday. Mrs. Hugh Taylor and family are spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May and family are taking onto. Mrs. C. Norma are Atwood, Mrs. Robt. Brooks returned home on Wednesday last after visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and son Gordon are in Toronto the Exhibition. .Mrs. B. S. Phillips ie her home. Her friends for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Blaisdell and son Virgil, of Detroit, visited for sever al days with Miss A. Fish. Mrs. Sidney Davis and Miss Mary Tapp are spending a few days with Mrs .Southcott at Grand Bend. Monday next being a holiday the Times-Adv-ocate will not be publish ed until Thursday of next week. Students who are planning to at tend the Exeter high school are ask ed to register with the secretary this week. Mr. A. W. Johnston of the Excel sior Life, Toronto, spent the week end .with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. Miss Agnes Prebble, of Ilderton who has spent the past three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sillery, re turned home on Monday. Miss Stella Southcott, Mrs. F. M. Boyle and Robert Southcott left on Tuesday morning for Toronto where they will take in the Exhibition. Mr. Thomas Brooks returned to Forest on Thursday to resume his work after spending some time at his home here with an infected finger. Mr. Esli Heywood who has been confined to his home for some time through illness, is not improving as fast as his friends would like to see. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham and Janette, of Detroit and Mr. and Grant, Donald and Mal- last week at Turnbull’s Mrs. Clyesdale,^ Edythe were visitors in the been his holi- ■wellbeen condition Mrs, G. iM. colm, spent Grove. Rev. and and Evelyn home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston on Tuedsay. They have been camping at the Bend during August. Mr. Frank Johns motored up from Toronto and spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. W. Johns. He was accompanied home by wife and family who have daying here. Mr. John Bell has not for several months. His was improved for a time and he was able to be around but he has again been confined to his bed and at pres ent is slowly improving. The Exeter Horticultural Society will hold a Flower .Show in the base ment of the Public Library on Fri day and Saturday of this week. All persons are invited to exhibit their flowers whether members of the society or not. Entries should be in by Friday at 11 a.m. It is ex pected that there will be a splendid display for the visitors otpen and Saturday at 3 p.m. and m. Silver collection. Friday 7.30 p. like t-e of the VACATION NOTICE Dr. Roulston’s Dental Office will be closed for ten days to two weeks commencing about Wednesday, Aug. 28th. Date of re-opening will be announced later. UNION SERVICES Main St. and James St. United Churches 11 a.m.—The last of the union ser vices foi; the summer will be held in Main St. church with Rev. A. E. Elliott in charge. The evening service will be with drawn in favor of the Anniversary of Trivitt Memorial church. Subject—“The Majesty and the Ten derness of God.’’ Thursday Evening—Union prayer meeting in "James St. church con ducted by Rev. Mr. Elliott. G. Clark and daughter visiting in Windsor. s The Times-Adv cate would secure a number of copies paper of Old Home Week. We will pay 5c. per copy in good condition. STRAYED—From pasture field on lot 25, con. 4, Usborne, a 2-year* old red heifer without h’orns, miss ing since Sunday morning. Anyone" having information please communi cate with Wm. Westlake or with the Times-Advocate. ltc..... ....■■■ FOR SALE—Used bicycle in good condition. Apply at G. A. Hawk in’s Hardware or to J. Ridley, ltp WANTED — Middle-aged house keeper in village home of widow and daughter. Mrs. M. Ontario. Apply stating wages to A. Harlton, Clandeboye, ltc. .SALE—200 yearling Leghorns to Lloyd FOR hens, good layers. Hodgson, Centralia. White Apply ltc. HELP WANTED—Girl desiring to attend Collegiate willing to help in spare time at household work in exchange for board and room. Ap ply Mrs. (Rev.) F. G. Farrill, Clin ton, Ont. p.p FOUND—Trailer license No. 21121 T, 1&35. Owner may have same by paying for advt. Apply at Times-Ad vocate. FOR SAjLE—Slabwood for burning. Call Huron Lumber We deliver, fall Co. 'FOR SALE—Fresh Holstein Apply F, GoUings. cow. Mrs. K. June, are The regular weekly bowling jit ney will be> held to-night (Thursday) instead of Friday evening. Miss Jean Stanlake returned home after Spending her holidays in Lon don. Mrs. Braithwaite, of visiting at the 'home of Davis. Miss Ethel Kydd has her home after visiting with relatives in London. Messrs. Gail Browning and Lloyd Cook were camping for a week at Grand Bend. Miss Marion Tookey, of Lucan is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. A. Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Flynn and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDonald vis ited in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman have returned home from a pleasant holi day spent at Wasaga Beach. Mr, and Mrs. Black and Miss Flor ence Norry, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Norry. Mrs. A. Gunning visited with her daughter Mrs. Wm. Tookey, Lucan, at Victoria Hospital, in London on Sunday. Mrs. S. Hedden, Miss Geraldine Hedden and Mr. Wylie were recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kydd. Messrs. J. Schwartz, Justin Kuhn, Aubrey Kuhn and Miss Utah Clarke of 'London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clark. Miss Irene Kydd returned home after spending two weeks in Tor onto and two weeks in London visit ing relatives. Dr. E. S. and Mrs. Steiner and son Tommy have returned to Exeter af ter a pleasant 'holiday with relatives near Rochester N. Y. Margaret McQueen and Alex Thomson, of Brucefield, spent a few days with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bowey. Mr. Peter Case, who has been re ceiving treatment in London Hospit al returned to his home last week and is recuperating nicely. Master Donald Scott has returned to his home in Tillsonburg after vis iting for a week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham and Janette and Mr. and Mrs. G. M Grant and sons visited with Miss Hazel Clark at Guelph on Sunday. Miss Sally Wibwer returned to her homie in London after visiting fOT two weeks with her aunt and uncle Miss F. Hatter and Mr. W. Hatter. Mr. F. W. Shettler, of Buffalo was a pleasant caller at the Times- Adv-Oicate on Tuesday. Mr. and Mts Shettler are holidaying at Grand Bend. Miss Mary Day accompanied Mr. and Mrs. G, Holmbur.g to Toronto to attend the Exhibition and will return with them to Sault >Ste. Marie to vis it for a month. Messrs. Robt. Dinney and Stewart Fuke, of town and Howard Klumpp, 'Dashwood, returned to their homes Monday after camping for two. weeks at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham returned home to Detroit after visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Grant for two. weeks. Miss Janette will re main for another week. Miss Annie Westlake has return ed to London after holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Westlake. Mr. Westlake has not been well for some time. Mr. W. E* Middleton has purchas ed from Mr. F. Wood two acres of pasture land on the east side of the town. Mr. Middleton has had the land rented for several years. Miss Ruth Hills and her mother Mrs. Hills, of Ottawa, visited at the hoime of Mr. and Mrs, George Grant on Thursday. Miss Hills was former ly on the Exeter High School staff. Miss Eva Wigmore, and Bister Mrs. Richards, of London, also (Mrs. Ferguson and two daughters, of London, spent Thursday of last week with Mr, and Mrs. J. Elston. Mr. and Mrs. V. L, Roulston, of Simcoe, visited In Exeter the latter part of last week after holidaying at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. E ‘ A. Howald accompanied them home | on a visit, TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFanl Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlecnlss 11th Sunday After Trinity Detroit, is Mrs. A. S. returned to ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY 8 a.m.—Holy Communion 10 a.<m.—Sunday School. ’ 11 a.m.—'Morning Prayer & Sermon Rev. B. A. Kinder 7 p.m,—Evensong and Sermon Rev. W. A. Townsend. THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Offers up-to-date contracts to meet every insurance need. We welcome inquiries Insurance of all kinds C. V. PICKARD Phone 165, Exeter Permanent Waves Our Combination Oil Perma nent Wave creates a coiffure of beautiful, natural wave and love ly ringlet ends. Prices Reasonable M. Russell Phone 245 First Anniversary This is out first anniversary in the Coal business in Exeter and we wislTto thank our many pat rons for the splendid patronage that has been accorded us. We will endeavour to give the same prompt and efficient ser vice in the future as we have this past year. JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative “We aim to please.” LOCAL NEWS Miss Isabel Russell is holidaying at Pontiac, Mich. • The Main St. Male Quartette, comprising Jas. Francis, Harold' and ■Gerald Skinner and Frank Wildfong were at Bayfield Sunday taking part in the anniversary services at St. Andrews United church. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey motored to Glencoe and ©pent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant. Miss Carrie Davis ac companied the Misses bell. Mr. and bertson and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Cur tis, of Tillsonburg, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook over the week-end. Mrs. Curtis sang a de lightful solo in Jaunes Sunday morning. Mrs. Page, Mrs. C. Mrs. J. H. Jones and Southcott are in St. week attending a gathering of the W. M. S. leaders of the London con ference who are convened at Alma College. Rev. Arthur W. Brown, of Ham ilton, who was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Page at the James Street par sonage over the week-end, was the preacher at the union service in Main St. United Church iSunday morning. He delivered a very acceptable ser mon. Miss Ella Link sang a solo. At the service in James St. Church Sunday morning Mrs. Curtis, of Till sonburg, and Mr. Frank Johns, of Toronto, both sang solos very accept ably. them and was a guest of Mariori and (Lillian Camp- St. Church on W. Christie. Mrs. J. M. Thomas this MR, SMILE says: Do not be foot sore. Use either Cress Corn or Cress Bunion (Salves at Browning’s Drug Store, Exeter. I BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ SWEATERS These are all wool and come in high or V neck. A real good quality PRICED AT 98c. BOYS’ THREE-PIECE SUITS These are real cloths and wonderful values for school wear, 1 hey have one knicker and one golf SPECIAL AT $4.95 and $5.95 BOYS’ BLOUSES AND SHIRTS In a range of new patterns in good washing materials. In sizes 6, 8, 10 and 12 years PRICED AT 75c. AND 89c. SCHOOL FOOTWEAR FOR BOYS AND GIRLS We carry a full range of Running Shoes, Scampers and Oxfords, Our prices are low quality considered. NeW Crown Ducal Dinnerware This is our new stock pattern in Dinnerware.. It is called “Golden Glamour” pat tern and is one of the newest designs with cream ground and beautiful Florentine embossed border 32-PIECE SET $5.45; 52-PIECE SET $12.25. LARGE SIZE LINOLEUM RUGS AT REDUCED PRICES 9 x 12 ft. Regular $12.00 reduced to $10.45 10 1-2 x 12 ft. reg. $14.25 reduced $12.95 12 x 12 ft. reg. $16.25 reduced to $14.95 12 x 15 ft. ireg. $20.50 reduced to $17.95 PAPER BLINDS Crepe Paper Blinds in Green only 36 inches by 72 inches EACH 15c. New Patterns in Inlaid Linoleum Inlaid Linoleums cost a little more, but when you consider they last a lifetime, it surley pays in the long run. Let us qu.ote you prices. Call and see the wonderful patterns. • __ GROCERY SPECIALS I FANCY CAKES CHRISTIE’S DAINTY SODAS lb. pkg. for . . 17c Good Assortment FREE per lb..................18c OUR SPICES AND VINEGAR are fresh and best quality FANCY RED SALMON 1 lb. tin ... . 23c 2 1-2-tins. . . 25c A Beautiful Wedgewood Platter absolutely FREE of charge for Return OF ONLY 3 TEA BAGS We guarantee this to be our regular Orange Pekoe quality Tea SUPREME TOILET TISSUE A real White Paper 5 large rolls . . 23c 59c lb. WHILE IT LASTS I pkg. RINSO—FREE with 4 catkes Sunlight Soap For . ... . 22c Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Phone 16 i© TORONTO MARKETS HOGS DECLINE 25 CENTS, LAMBS 50 CENTS LOWER Trading in Cattle SlowZ and 3,000 Head Held Over Mcfndiay’s Live Stock Receipts Cattle ............/....■.............. 4,450 Calves ................................. 1,480 Hogs .......................... 910 Sheep and Lambs ........... 2,330 Lambs and hogs moved lower on the Toronto live stock market Mon day, while cattle, calves and sheep held steady. The lamb division lost 50c. while hogs, after opening with bids 50c lower, finally settled at a 25c loss. Trading on the cattle di vision was very dull, especially on •killers, and 3,000 head were unsold. Best butcher cattle sold at $£.50 to $6 and choice weighty steers brought $6.40 as tops. Cows moved from a top of $3.65 down to $1.50 to $2.25 for manners and cutters, with the bulk of good at $3.25 to $3.50. Fed calves held at $7.50 to $8.25 tor choice and at $6 tor med- ilim. .Stockers were fairly active at $3.50 to $4.75. Bull trade almost at af standstill. Calves closed unchanged at $7.50 to $8 for choice vealers and at $3.- 50 to $4 for grassers. Common veal ers made $5. Sheep were steady at $1 to $1.50 for culls to $3 to $3.50 for good light kinds. Hogs dropped 25c packers buying at $8.75 f.o.b. for bacons, $9 off truck and $9.25 off" car. Lambs elosed with a 50c loss :*$7 for good ewes and wethers, for bucks and heavies and $5 to for culls. Hog Quotations Losses on bacon-hog prices .con tinued (Monday with London drop ping 40c and Brantford 20c. Other reporting market points were un changed at last week's low close. Prices: London, $8.60; Kitchener, $8.60; Hull, $8.75; Stratford, $'8.60; Peter- boro, $8.75; Brantford, $8.90; and Chatham, $9. at $6 $6 Mr, Chas. Harvey is confined to his home and is under the doctor’s care. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Batson and family called on Rev. and Mrs. Dun can McTavish at their summer resi dence at Bruce Beach on Sunday. Mr. McTavish is recuperating slowly from his recent operation, ai Si Gents’ Furnishings A complete line of gent’s summer apparel. New Shirts, Ties, Socks, Hats, Caps, Etc A DISCOUNT ALLOWED ON ALL SUITS r ORDERED NOW QUALITY. SERVICE AND REASONABLE PRICES Dresses & Suits Tailor Pressed 79c WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER ft Mrs. [Lottie White, of Montreal, who has been spending •four months at her old home iStratford visited her brother W. H. Johnston and is re turning with her son Oliver, has been .in Toronto judging this week. who butter Miss Cauf- one Mr. and Mns. E. IL. Moore, Alice Moore and Miss Rose grove, of Thamesville, spent ' day last week with Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Page at the James ,St. Parson age. Miss Laurence Moore spent several days with them. A Mr. John Bolton, Miss Charlotte Bolton, and Mr. Clifford Ready, 'of ( St. Marys, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. E, Lindenfield. Miss I Lulu Lindenfield returned with them to St. Marys, to spend the remainder of her holidays aifter visiting a week in London. Mr, II. J. Creech, M.A., an honor graduate in chemistry Of, Western University, London, who has been awarded a Research Fellowship at the University of Toronto, is leaving Saturday for Toronto where he will be engaged in cancer research work at the Banting Institute. •’j Mr. and Mrs. ,S. Stevens, of Ann Arbor, Mich., visited on Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Traquair. The following have been callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston recently: Mr, and Mrs. Da vid Alair, of Niagara Falls; Miss D. A'lair, of London, former scholars of Mr. Johnston; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Herbert and Reina, of Varna and Mr. W. W. Cooper of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. T. pryde, Douglas and Bob returned Monday after a sinotor trip to North Bay. They paid a visit V5 the Dr, Dafoe Hospital at Callander and saw the quintuplets. There were around five hundred autos from all states af the Union that visited the place when, the Prydes were there. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Brucefield Monday Ing a reception to Leonard Boyce, newlyweds. The ev ening was pleasantly spent in danc ing and just before lunch Mr. and Mrs, Boyce were presented with two handsome wicker chairs. Mr. Boyce Is a school teacher at Teeswatef. Bowey were at evening attend- Mr. and Mrs.