HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-08-22, Page 8THURSDAYS AUGUST 22nd, 1935 BON AT Exeter Markets Permanent Waves FOR SPEED, COMFORT, PROTEC­ TION AND UNIFORMITY, THE BO-NAT METHOD IS CNSVRPAS- ED, TRY OCR BONAT SPECIAL. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Wheat, standard 60c. ManitcbaV Best $2.50. Welcome Flour §2.20 Low Grade Flour §28.00 a tan Bran §23.00 a tun. Shorts §23.00 a ton. Mixed Chop §25.00 a ton Govt, standard screening Chop §21.00 a ton Creamery butter 25c. Dairy Butter 18c-21c Eggs, A large 21c Egg B 19e. Eggs C, 14c. Hogs §9.25 Monday, September 2nd will Labor Day and a public holiday. Mr. Rowe Dinney spent a days at Grand Bend lasst week. Miss Irene McKelvey, of Ingersoll, is the guest of Miss Alice Handford. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Koch are spending two weeks at Barrow Bay. Miss M. Broderick has returned aftei’ holidaying in London and Zu­ rich. Mrs. Atkinson, of the .past month with Mrs. R. H. Fynn. Mr. and Mrs. Max cago, are guests with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hind. Master Billy McCreath, of Kincar­ dine, is visiting with his grandmoth­ er, Mrs. I. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rollins spentA Sunday in town. Mr. Joe • Creech returned with them on a visit. Mr. W. -S. Cole and son Harry, Mr. N. Hockey, Charlie Cox and Allen Fraser spent Sunday in Detroit. Miss Vosper and Miss Vera Rowe spent the week-end at London, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold John­ ston. Mrs. Smith, of Toronto, who has spent several weeks with her mother Mrs. I. Armstrong is returning home this week. Miss iLuella Stanlake, of Stephen, had the misfortune to sprain her left ankle quite badly when she tripped over a board. Mrs. Victor French and Miss Flor­ ence, of Wetaskiwin, Alta., are vis­ iting with the former’s Wilbur Martin. Mrs. C. H. Sanders Mrs, McAvoy and Miss ers are spending a couple of -weeks at Wasago Beach. Miss Alexia Atkinson -of the Oak­ ville Public School staff has return­ ed home after visiting her sister Mrs. Mrs. R. H. Flynn. Mr. Frank Johns and Mr, Cairns, of Toronto., spent the week-end with the former’s family at the home of Mrs. Wellington Johns. Mrs. A. Lammie has returned to her home in Detroit after visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. Christie, and with relatives in Hensall. Ervin Greb underwent an opera­ tion for the removal of his tonsjls at Dr. Browning’s surgery on Thurs­ day last and is coming along nicely. Railways, steamships and -coach lines are offering reduced fares for the period of the Canadian National Exhibition. Motorists are given LOCAL NEWS LOCALS Main St. and James St, United Churches VACATION NOTICE Dr. Roulston’s Dental Office will be closed for ten days to two weeks commencing about Wednesday, Aug. 28th. Date of re-opening will be announced later. London, spent her daughter Woick, of Chi- sister Mrs. and family, Annie Sand- The Canadian National Exhibition will open in Toronto on Friday. Mr. Philip McAllister, of Ottawa, is visiting in Exeter and vicinity. Miss Olive Lawson, of the Telephone staff is week. Mr. and Mrs. F. ily are holidaying ^Iitchell. Norma and Hugh Wilson are visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dayman in Hensall. . Miss May Jones is holidaying with her mother at “T'he Mayflower" at Grand Bend. Mr. Robt. Wilcox, of the Jones & May staff, is holidaying at his home at EUmville, Rev, Jas. and Mrs. Anthony, of Motherwell, called on friends 'm town on Tuesday. Miss Anna MadLaren, of Toronto, spent the week-end under the parent­ al roof at Cromarty. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers returned home on ’Sunday after visiting for a few days1 in Toronto. Rev. M. A. and Mrs. Hunt have re­ turned home after a pleasant holiday spent at Ipperwash Beach. Mr, and Mrs. McVittie and son, of Hespeler, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Elston. Mrs. E. Lindenfield, Miss Lulu and Arnold, are visiting with rela­ tives in London for a few days, Mr. Grant Sanders, of Camden, N. 'J., is holidaying for two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Sand­ ers. Mrs. Wm. Wilson and son Robert, of Stratford, are visiting with and Mrs. Wm. Laverty for a days. Miss Ruth Frasei’ returned day after visiting for three weeks with Miss Grace Christie in Wood- stock. t Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Powell Marion, Mr. Stephen Powell ■been camping at Grand few days. ( Mr. and Mrs. W. H. turned home the latter 'holidaying Bell this fam-A. May and with relatives at Mr. few Mon- and have Bend for a Dearing re­ part of last every consideration, in the matter of, week after holidaying for two -weeks parking facilities. Mrs. J. P. Petzold (nee Lairra Hooper), of Greencove Springs, Florida, who has been visiting with Miss M. Broderick and relatives here and in Toronto, left Wednesday for her home. She was accompanied home by hei’ mother, Mrs. A. Hoopei’ who will visit with her. WANTED—Woman for general housework, good cook for family of three. .State age, experience, refer­ ences and wage expected. Apply box 280, Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—At the home Of Mrs. (Dr.) Atkinson—1 baby carriage, 1 coal -oil heater, - small baby chair, 2 wicker chairs, 2 rocking chairs, 1 doll carriage, 1 brass doll bed, 1 sewing basket, upright on four legs; 1 wheel barrow, nearly new; 1 long tethering chain for cow or horse. HONEY FOR SALE—Choice light honey at a reasonable price.—-Fred Cole, Exeter. . ltp. LOST—Brown suit coat on Wil­ liam 'Street, Exeter, on Saturday ev­ ening. Finder please leave at Times-iAdvocate. the FOR BALE—SlaJbwood. for burning. Call Huron Lumber We deliver. fall Co. FOR SALE—Fresh Holstein Apply F. Collings. cow. All those owing money to the late Dr. Atkihson will kindly make ar­ rangements for settlement before Sept. 1st at the home of Mrs. Atkin­ son, Andrew St., phone 34j. for sale The residental property of late Mary Ann Jones, in the Village of Exeter. For .particulars apply to Percy Webber or Roy Webber exe­ cutors or J. W. Morley their Solicit­ or, Exeter, Ontario. 8-15-3tc the Grand Bend Property for Sale— Consisting of two large lots, well lo­ cated on Main St., refreshment booth 2 bowling alleys. All can be bought at less than value of lota.C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter FOR SALE- 8c a lb. any one over 7 c 1 Exeter. Choice Clover Honey . in customers’ containers; customer -taking 50 lb. or lb. Darrel Parker, R.R. 3, 2 bp. FOR 8c. a lb. dilation SALE-—Pure clover honey in your own containers; re* on 50 lbs. ot oven or can at Grand Bend. Mr. and M.rs. Mil-o Snell and their - daughter Mary have returned to their home after holidaying ^.t Grand Bend f6r two weeks. Dr. and Mrs. 'Gorrell, returned to their home in Winnipeg last week af­ ter visiting in. this community since Old Boys’ week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Potts and their daughter Miss Audrey, of Toronto, spent the week-end iw'i^th Mrs. C. A. Southcott at -Grand Bend. Rev. and Mm J. H. Stainton, Ron­ ald and Keith, of iSt. Thomas, visited the beginning of the week with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding. Mrs. L. V. Hogarth, visited with Mr. Hogarth at Christie Street (Hos­ pital, Toronto, over the week-end. Mr. Hogarth is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Hillborn, Hamilton, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Will Chapman, and other friends returned home on M-onday last. Miss Dinah Elston left Monday to return to her home in Edmont-on af­ ter visiting with her brother Mr. J. Elston and sister Miss A. Elston. Mrs. Kaufman, who has spent the past year with Mr. W. A. Turnbull left last week to visit in Port Huron before returning to her home in De­ troit. Mr. Joseph Mallough, of Luck­ now; Mr. and Mrs. Richard John­ ston and son Cecil, of Ashfield, spent a day with Mr. and'Mrs. W. H. John­ ston recently. Mr. R. H. Sayers has returned to his duties as manager of the Cana­ dian Bank of Commerce after holi­ daying with Mrs. Sayers at Grand Bend an-d Strathroy. Mr. Peter Welsh, of Donnybrook, called to- see Mr. and Mrs. 'one day last week. He over all the good crops on along No. 4 Highway. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Neale, who have been holidaying with the latter’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse, at Brucefield are returning to Elora the latter part of this week. Mrs. T. O. Southcott and Miss June Gordon left Friday last to visit in Preston. turn to het home in Toronto after spending several weeks here. Mr, and Mrs. Orby Kestle spent the week-end in town. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Kestle who spent the past two weeks visiting in Detroit with them. The engagement is announced of Mary Penelope, daughter of Mt. and Mrs. O. R. Francis, of Bright, to New­ ton Brown, of Cayuga, the wedding Johnston remarked his drive Miss Gordon will re- U-lAvLAVli Uli (JV VI IUVCA VI VttM j W 4* vi Vdj UftCt, Lilt? WcvlU,lU£ supply In new palls. Wesley Bearing; to take place quietly early in -Sep- Creditoil 1ML 8-l*2tc| tember. in Hensail In will • be 7 o’-clo’ck charge of the morn- Congregational Picnic at Grove on Wednesday, THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE SUMMER DRESS CLEARANCE I i ■XA i 'BEGROCERY SPECIALS 25c Also our Spices are strictly fresh and the finest quality Choice CLOVER 10 pound pail 5 pound pail quart sealers Don’t risk a failure with your pickles by using cheap vinegar Let us sqpply you with the best KILL THE FLIES Fly Swats, Fly Pads, Fly Coils, Fly Spray AT LOWEST PRICES HONEY 85c. 45c. 35c. Bathing Suits and Beach Robes We offer all bathing suits and beach robes at reduced prices. We also have a few damaged suits we are clearing at less thanhalf price. For a refreshing Drink try Harry Horne’s PUNCH Orange, Lime, Lemon and Grape Per bottle . COLORED TURKISH TOWELLING A good washing and wearing towelling We bought a quantity to get it at this price, 2 YARDS FOR 25c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, 8. Mopre Gordon, B,A., B.D. Minister G. Ooelmme, organistMrs. J. 10 a.m.—-Sunday School During August services held in the evening at only as Mr. Gordon has the service ing. S. S. and Turnbull’s Aug. 28th. Cars will leave the church at 1.30 p.m. UNION SERVICES 10 11 Rev. Page in Charge a.m. Sunday School a.m.—James Street ‘‘The Elder Son” p.m.—Main Street “Prison Experiences” The James St. Choir under leadsrship of W. R- Goulding lead the service of song. 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. Mu A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Tenth Sunday After Trinity a.m.—..Sunday School, a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser' mon. Rev. Beverley Farr, Hensall Evening service withdrawn Anniversary Services, Sunday Sept. 1st -Special Preachers 10 11 THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Offers up-to-date contracts to meet every insurance need. We welcome inquiries Insurance of all kinds C. V. PICKARD Phone 165, Exeter Permanent Waves For the holiday season have a Permanent Wave. CROQUINOLE SPIRAL COMBINATION CROQUINOLE ENDS M. Russell Phone 245 Don’t Forget tp Order COAL Safeguard your home against chilly days NOW and the bitter cold weather ahead by stocking up with our thracite. Cone-Cleaned An- Telephone now 157 P. BOWEY i All Summer Dresses to clear at greatly Reduced Prices. The sizes are broken but a good choice still remains. SUB. STANDARD SILK HOSE , Our regular dollar quality only these are sub. standards newest shades. PER PAIR 59c. PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTH This is a lovely quality double damask cloth and comes in several good patterns. 72 INCHES BY 72 INCHES $3.50 ANKLE SOX In white, sand, red and green, good wearing sox of exceptional value. SIZES 5 TO 10—PER PAIR 15c PURE LINEN TOWELLING Suitable for roller or tea towels. This is real value. 18c. A YARD, 5 YARDS FOR 75c. HATCHWAY NO-BUTTON UNDER­ WEAR -The kind both the boys and men like with no buttons to come off. BOY’S 75c MEN’S $1.00 RED ROSE SALMON large can . . . 10c PUFFED WHEAT Per pkg. .... 10c PUFFED RICE 25cI MEN’S BLUE WORK SHIRTS The best value we know of for the money. Full and roomy. ALL SIZES, EACH 89c SPECIAL IN BLEACHED SHEETS Of a splendid quality bleached cotton 2 yds. by 2 1-2 yds., heipmed and ready for use. SPECIAL 2 SHEETS FOR $2.25 ...................................... —I- .............—■ Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 2 pkgs, for . . 15c Kellogg’s Bran Flakes .... 10cper FRUIT JAR RUBBERS Per doz...................5c ZING RINGS Per doz....................20c Southcott Bros. 4 i Phone 16 s TORONTO MARKETS LAMBS ADVANCE 50c. Toronto Live Stock Generally Weak —Trading Slow Toronto Monday’s Receipts 6,800 1,500 1,050 1,100 Gents’ Furnishings Don’t Wait! JAS. Sun Life Representative “We aim to please.” * LOCAL NEWS? This years pageant at the Cana­ dian National Exhibition is' entitled “Zodia”. It is a .glamorous panora­ ma of the seasons in which a water ballet and other striking features are introduced. Mr. Frank Willis and two daugh­ ters and the former’s brQther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, ■of Springside, Sask., visited with friends in Exeter and Grand Bend last week. Mr. W. L. Kress is relieving .for Mr. Telfer, manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Crediton. Mr. J. M. Barr, of Brussels, who came to Exeter from the Tillsonburg branch, is relieving here. Mr. and M.rs. F. W. Gladman and daughter Marion, left on Wednesday of last week on a motor trip to St. Joseph’s Isle to visit their son Don­ ald, who is in charge of a mission station for the United Church. Miss May Armstrong returned home the latter part of last week aft- ter visiting with her sister, Mrs. Mq- Creath, of Kincardine. Mrs. Ann- strong also spent a few days with her daughter, ■car dine, here. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. two daughters, Ethel Sault .Ste. Marie, who iting with Mrs. Holmburg’s father Mr. L. Day are leaving Friday for Guelph and Toronto where they take in the Exhibition before turning to their home. Mr. and Mrs. ’Thomas Blake daughters Grace and -Olive, Daniel Alton, all of Ashfield, ed with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ston one day last week, Mrs. is Mrs, Johnston’s sister, who her leg and this was her .first long trip. She can go ut> and down steps with a can®. Cattle .............................. Calves ............................. Hogs ............................... Sheep and Lambs ........t. Cattle trading was very slow thro’- out Monday’s session of the Toronto live stock market, an-d. with the dull­ ness came 25 to 40-cent losses on steers and ’.butchers. Other grades of the division .closed about steady with istockers forming the bulk of sales. Holdovers . totalled 3,000 head. The tone of the general mar­ ket was weak, with the exception of lam-bs which .gained 50 cents. Off truck hoigs, the only grade to settle lost 35 cents, and calves dropped 50c while sheep held steady. Best weighty steers ranged from §6.25 to §6.75, with common down to §5. Top butchers made $6 with the bulk at §5 to $5.50. The gen­ eral top on good cows was $3.25, with a few u,p to $3.50, Bologna bulls lost 25 cents at §2.75, while the majority Of good, light kinds made $3..25 to $3.50. Calves closed weak and '50c lower at tops of $'8 and the hulk of good at $7.50. -Grass calves went between $3.50 and $4, While common to med­ ium kinds moved at §5 to $6.50. -Off cars hogs did not settle. Off trucks dropped 35c.fo $9.65. Lambs were 50 higher at $5.50 to $6.50 for culls and bucks and $7.50 for good ewes and wethers. Sheep held at $1 to- $3 cwt., according to quality. Bill McCreath, of Kin- is spending the holiday^ Holmb-urg and and Jean, of have been vis- will re- and Mbs. Visit* John- Alton ■broke school close. A complete line of gent’s summer apparel. New Shirts, Ties, Socks, Hats, Caps, Etc - A DISCOUNT ALLOWED ON ALL SUITS* ORDERED NOW QUALITY. SERVICE AND REASONABLE PRICES Dresses & Suits Tailor Pressed 79c ANY ORDERS LEFT WITH ME WILL BE CALLED FOB W. w. TAMAN PHONE 81 BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI A Dark Breakfast “Mother,” said the Sxnall boy, “can I have a dark breakfast this morning?” , ...“A dark breakfast?” echoed Ins mother, puzzled. “What do you mean dear?”The boy replied, “Well, mummy, daddy told you to- give me a light supper and I’m hungry now.” Mistress—Mandy, I’ve heard about your hard luck, I’m terribly sorry. Mandy—’Deed, ma’am. Ah ain’t had no hard luck. Mistress—-But your husband; was he not killed in an accident today?” Mandy—Yes, ma’am; but dat’s his hard luck1, not mine. and I’m hungry now/The holiday season for pupils is fast drawing to a (Schools will reoipen a week from next Tuesday. j Mr. A. A.- Ericson, of Rochester. N.Y., motored here Saturday spent the week-end with Mrs. Eric- j wmci. son and son Will at the home of Mr.1 g0?,“’ „„„„ and Mrs. Wm. May. They left on ™ ’ ’M'Ohday tor their home. Mrs, Eric-;®“' LWitsAlctnoefl son and son Will spent Old Hoime ^nd that was for speaking T191ted £or S6V'CK’-^^ody in Miss Hilda ,Sims, stenographer at. Gladman & Stanbury’s office, is on a two Weeks’ holiday and expects to I visit (London, Thamesford, and Tor­ onto. Little Miss Margaret Jones, who rias -been visiting with Mr. and Mrs, H. J. iSims tor two weeks will return With Hilda to Toronto. Mar­ garet is tour years old and is from the Fresh Air and sunshine Club. Office Was Enough ___ was talking with great vigor and against corporal .punishment for boys • • ; which he declared never did any Will He Nover Learn She—“Why don’t you like girls?” He—'“They’re to biased.” She—“Biased?” (He—“He, bias this- and bias that, he exclaim-II but once in my the the Out of Season Sl'HSV Waiter—Have you anything, sir? Disguested Diner—Well, for Christmas pudding, but that was so long ago you’d better bring me a hot cross bun-, 0 ordered I asked In deference to popular demand the professional swim Marathons ^tor both imen and women at the Cana­ dian National Exhibition this year have (been reduced th five miles. There will be sprint events, too, for .both pros, and amateurs. 1 *• Fed Up Wife (turning from squalling kids) ‘Well, how is your new novel coming Husband—“Fine! The hero is just ready to propose to the girl. Wifo~“Wen, tell, her to say no.”