HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-07-25, Page 8THURSDAY, JUDY 25th, 1935 For Old Home Week... A BanatTerxrianent Wave that will eliminate your hair worries for the remainder of the summer. Simplicity of operation combined with the Bonat revitalizing process assures perfect results in the shortest possible time. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 23lw This shoppe will be closed from July 15 to July 26 inclusive. H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE PIANO TUNING & repairing. S. Board­ man, formerly 11 years with Heintzman Co. will be in Exeter and district on Thursday, the 25 th. Kindly phone No. 3, S. Martin & Son and your order will be promptly at­ tended to. Every piano thoroughly cleaned and dem'othed. Over 20 years experience. Our motto is: “A First Class job at a Fair and Reasonable Price.” Seeds, Plants, Trees W. L. Clark, of Leamington, Ont., will be in Exeter, at the Central Hotel, during the Old Boy’s Reunion July 27, 28, 29 and 30th in the in­ terests of Seeds, Plants and Trees. Will be glad to see anyone interested during these days. Mr% Clark has sold millions of pounds nf seed and millions of plants and trees. When you think of seeds, think of W. L. Clark. He grew the first Melons in the district for Commercial purposes. He shipped the first car-load of onions out of Leamington. He owns an up-t-o—date Seed Store. He has lectured in nearly every large city on the North American Continent, on plant life and kindred subjects. If interested in any of the above you should see W. L. Clark during his stay at the Central Hotel, Exeter, July 27, 28, 29, and 30.” W. L- CLARK “BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE” A neat little booklet containing space for over 25 names. Just tihe thing you <and your ffriends will Want to record the names and ad­ dresses of Exeter Old Boys and Gills at home for the Reunion. A very, suitable .momento of the oc­ casion. Get your copy at the regis­ tration office, or phone 241 and have your copy reserved. Price 5c. on sale Saturday. See our stock of fine China, Wedg­ wood, Aynsley, Sheeley, Spode, Ma­ sons and Paragon, Royal Daulton at S. B. Taylor’s. FOR SALE—Choice clover honey at Sc per. lb. in customer’s contain­ ers. Ewart Pym, Simcoe St., Ex­ eter. ltp. EXETER WOMEN’S INSTITUTE BAZAAR Home Craft, Novelties, Gifts and Souvenirs for sale at Bowey’s Store. Come and meet your friends. Store opens 10.30 a.m. July 27th to 31st. FOR SALE—‘Choice clover, honey 8c. per pound in customer’s con­ tainers; 50 lbs. or over 7c. Darrel Parker, R. R. 3, Exeter 2tc. OLD BOYS SPECIAL Week of July 25 to Aug. 5 MENS’ SUITS SANITONED 99c SANITONE—The new “beauty treat­ ment” for clothes. A revolutionary pro­ cess wich cleans clothes better than ever before. J. O. BROWN, Mgr, LONDON Exeter Markets Wheat 70e. Manitoba's Best $2.40 Welcome Flour $2.40 Low Grade Flour $28.0 0 a ton Bran $25.90 a ton Shorts $24.00 a ton Mixed Chop $25.0u a ton Govt, standard screening Chop $22-00 a ton. Creamery Butter 24-25e. Dairy Butter 18c-21c Egss, A large 19c. Eggs B, 16c. Eggs C, 14c. Hogs $9.00 Ql —Iff CMMtt U‘—HHMtCBM) MUM 1X1 <> —I U MW> II LOCALS I |^| I M— II IIHI n — IXWHXMHHM OCT WHM IMMSX Miss Alice Handford ' is confined to her home through illness. Auto load* from distant parts are ar Hying every day for the Old Home Wc4k. Mr. and Mrs. Rann, of Brussels, called on Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hop­ per on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Forrest, of New Jersey, are holidaying among the Eaerett relatives. Calvin Heywood has his left eye swollen shut. On Monday afternoon he was stung by. a bee. Mrs. Dan’l Davis ha* returned after visiting with her daughter Mrs. Otto walker at Staffa. Street Commissioner Norry has had the Main Street marked off in white for parking purposes. Mi*. Hardie, of Listowel, is at pre­ sent caring for Mrs. E. Campbell, who is quite ill at her home. Mrs. Irwin Jackson, of Centralia, was taken to Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, on Monday for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kress and family have returned from their holidays spent at Grand Bend. Mr. Marvin Howey, of Aylmer, is holidaying with his parents at their summer cottage, Grand/ Bend. Mr. Howard Dignan, who has been holidaying in Northern Ontario, re­ turned to his home here Wednesday. Miss Ella Jones, of Stratford, is holidaying for a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hill, of Tor­ onto, are here tor Old Boys and are visiting with, the former’s mother Mrs. Aidworth. Dr and Mrs. D. A. Bowerman and grandson Donovan D. Dutton, of Menomonie, Wisconsin, have arriv­ ed and are visiting with Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Down. Mr. Stanley Walter, of the Bank of Montreal staff, Hanover, is on his holidays and visiting with his father Mr. H. S. Walter. Miss Dianna Elston, of Edmonton, Is visiting for a month with her brother and sister Mr. J. Elston and Miss Annie Elston. Mrs. Stanley Wilkie, of Stratford, returned to her home Friday after visiting with her parent* Mr. and Mrs. James Westlake. Mr.. Chas. Campbell i6 motoring down with a party from Winnipeg for Old Home Week. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Campbell. Mr, and Mrs. John Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, of Car.nduff, Sask., and Mr. Sid Thomp­ son, o>f Manitoba, arrived on Tues­ day for the Reunion. ? . Mr. Win. Triebner of the Federal Custom* at Edmonton, has returned to his home after holidaying for two weeks with his mother, Mr.s. Frank T.riebner. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE GREETINGS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Coclmme, organist 9.3U a.m.—Sunday School 19.30 a.m.—-Old Boys and Old Girls Service Guest Preacher—Rev. R. Allan ■Cranston, of Welland, assisted by Rev. James Foote, of Carlton Place Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, of Co- bourg and Rev. W. A. Young, of Hen^all, the latter representing the Presbytery of HuiYjii. A tablet will be unveiled to the memory of Rev. William Martin and Mrs. Martin whO' labored here for 26 years, Mr. Justice Melville Martin of Regina officiating. The address of appreciation will be delivered by their old friend Rev. J. S. Hen­ derson D.D., of Vancouver, form­ erly of Hensail. Mrs. George Dur­ ward, of Simcoe formerly Miss Margaret .Sharp and Mr. L. C.> Fleming, of Galt, will sing. 7. p.m.—Guest Preacher—'Rev. Jas. Foote, soloists, Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn of Calgary, formerly Miss Anna Mar­ tin and Miss Blanche Senior. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister 9.45—Sunday School. 10.39 a.m.—'The newly inducted minister, Rev. A. Page, will be in charge. Rev. R. E. South- eott, of Mt. Brydges, will preach and -will be assisted by Rev. T. A. Wright, of Walters Falls. 7 p.m.—Rev. J. W. Down will have charge of the service. Rev. C. W. Down, of Saskatchewan, will delivei’ the sermon. It is expected that Rev. D. McTavish will be present. Special* music by former members of the choir. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Sunday School withdrawn 10.30 a.m.—'Rev. A. E, Elliott in charge. Rev. John Walker, of Hickson, will preach. 7 p.m.—Dr. Walter, Millson, of Both-^ well. Other ministers are expected to ■be present. Former members of the choir are expected to assist in the music for the day. Grocery Suggestions for Old Boys TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M<. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 8 a.m.—Holy Communion 9.4'5 a.m.—-Sunday School and Rect­ or’s Bible Class 10.30 a.m.—Morning Prayer and 'Sermon. Rev. Canon Perkins, of Chatham. 7 p.m.—'Evensong and Sermon. Rev. A. A. Trumper, of London. Old Boy* and, Old Girls choir at the morning service. THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Offers up-to-date contracts to meet every insurance need. We welcome inquiries Insurance of all kinds C. V. PICKARD Phone 165, Exeter Summer Dresses We have in stock all the new summer styles and shades in Ladies’ Dresses Full length navy silk crepe coats. Also House Dresses, Smocks, Hoovers, Lingerie, Hose and Children’s Dresses. WARD’S LADIES’ WEAR Look your Best for Old Home Week with a SHELTON PERMANENT WAVE M. Russell Phone 245 This shoip will be open during Old Home Week from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Last Call for LOW SUMMER PRICES Prices on D. & H. Cone Clean­ ed Anthracite will advance soon. Better put in your order to-day JAS. P. BOWEY Coal & Coke Phone 157 Sun Life Representative * Mr. Arthur Rowcliffe and daugh­ ter Darlene, of Detroit, and Mrs. Philip Rowclitfe, tof London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Jaques. Mr. RowcIIffe has returned to Detroit and Mrs. Rowcliffe and granddaughter, are remaining for the old Boys, I I i i to the Old Boys and Girls DECORATE FOR OLD BOYS Get your supply of Flags and Bunting while we have an assortment. Plain bunting in red white and blue at per yard 10c. Tri colored bunting per yard 20c. Flags in various sizes at 10c, 12 l-2c, 20c and 25c. Do your share to brighter up the old town. 50 PAIR OF CHILDREN’S SANDALS In brown canvas with rubber soles. Sizes 7 to lO1/^. Very low priced at Per^air 59c MEN’S WHITE AND BLACK AND WHITE SHOES They are both selling well and come in the newest styles. n Priced at $2.95 to $3.50 TERRY CLOTH PULLOVERS In short or long sleeves, colors yellow and white. Very new and popular. Boys $1.10 Mens $1.50 MEN’S WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS With separate or attached collar. Forsythe or Arrow make at $1.55 and $1.95 CHERRIES:—Cherries are now at their best. Your order will be appreciated and promptly attended to. All Summer Dresses Greatly Reduced Price Every summer dress on oUr racks has been greatly reduced in price. We still have a good assortment to select from. The low prices should interest you. Christie’s Cakes Strictly Fresh Ripe Tomatoes......................2 lbs. for 25c. New Clover Honey...............qt. gems 35c. Premier Salmon, fancy red . . 1 lb. tin 23c. Sandwich Spread...........6 1-2 oz. jar 20c. Large Jar Mixed Pickles .................... 25c. Nature’s Best Tomato Juice...........5c. tin Prepared Mustard.............................jar 10c. Tomato Catsup C. & B.................2 for 25c. Fresh Peaches, Blue Berries, Cabbage, Bananas/ Oranges and Lemons Southcott Bros FLAGS and Crepe Paper at a price you can afford to^dress up for Old Home Week Martins Music Store LOCAL NEWS Miss Mary E. Ramsay, of Toronto, is visiting for several weeks with Mrs. Elizabeth Turnbull. Mr. Donald Buckrell, of Leaming­ ton, and Mies Helen Buckrell, of London, visited on Saturday last with Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman. Mr. Chester Creech, of Toronto, and Bud Trimble, of Walkerville, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech. The morning services in the var­ ious dhurche* next Sunday will com­ mence at 10.30 o’clock instead of at 11 as usual. Kindly note the change of time. Mrs. Fletcher, of Strathroy, and Miss Mamie Fletcher, R.N., of the Receiving Hospital, Detroit, visited on Sunday with the former’s „*on, Dr. M. C. and Mis. Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newman, of Kingston, are visiting with the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon. Seldon Newman has been visiting /here for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris, Kings­ ville, spent Wednesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Sillery en route to Ottawa. On their return they will visit 'during the'Re-union. Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Burgess, of Clearwater, Mail., recently visited with Mr. and Mr*. Robt. Kydd and other friends. On returning foome they report the country better than they had ever seen it. iSonie fields of wheat five feet ihigh and gardens looking as well as around Exeter, Ontario. This is splendid news as they have had grasshoppers and drought so badly for a number Cf years. The Main St. Sunday School held a successful picnic at Grand Bend Wednesday afternoon of last week. During the afternooin many of those present enjoyed the refreshing wat­ ers of the lake a& the day was quite hot. Following a picnic supper in the pavilion at which all those pre­ sent did ample justice,, a list of sports was tun off and a softball gafne by chosen sides wa* much en­ joyed. ' astr I glllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM j Old Home Week Specials j H A complete line of gent’s summer 1= H apparel. > =| j|New Shirts, Ties, Socks, Hats, Caps, Etc j EE ~ EE H A DISCOUNT ALLOWED ON ALL SUITS || || ORDERED NOW. =| j QUALITY. SERVICE AND REASONABLE PRICES | Dresses & Suits ’ tZ SS1 79c j =E AL,L GARMENTS NOW 79C == I W. W. TAMAN I H PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. || ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ WANTED TO RENT—A modern house immediately if possible. Phone 15, Exeter. The Thame* Road Famers’ Club have received their twine. Custom­ ers please call and get same as early a* possible. We are also* booking or­ ders for home-mixed fertilizer or Gunn’s ’Shur-Gain Fertilizer. P. Pass- more, Secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wade, Ot­ terville, sipent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman. Dr. and Mrs. iS. R. D. Hewett and family (nee Edna Dow) of St. Johns N.B., are holidaying for two weeks at Turnbull’* Grove. Miss Ethel Dow, Of Woodstock, is visiting with them. Mr. Thos. Brooks, of Forest, Is holidaying at his .home here. Torn is stiff ering from injury to one of his hands having run a piece of galvan­ ized; iron under one of the finger­ nails. ; Mr, Ted. Hoskins, Of Cihicago, an Exeter Old Boy, arrived in Exeter, Saturday and is visiting with his sister Mr, and Mrs. M, Amy. He will be here for the Reunion of the Old Boys and Girls, s ■ FOR SALE—41,000 cash will buy store property on Main Street. Ten­ ant willing to sign, three yeai’ lease. Rental will pay 14 per cent, interest on investment. Apply box 280H. WANTED—Agents for Scottish Special Fertilizers. For further in­ formation and details write—(Stan- Onta<r^onpt>e11’ R‘R’ 2> Palmerston, rooms, unfurnish-Advocateally tocated> at Times- STRAYED—Onto the “Smith” grass farm, Concession 9, Usborne Township about six weeks ago, a yearling steer. Owner may have same by proving^ownership and paying ex­ penses. Apply to Warren Brock, Granton, R,R, No.l. ?AiVE~I?ave listed for sale several fully modern house*. If you buyln^ a house LrkuphXwi^ ar0, v-Plok- er. Apply to W. J. Melville.