HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-07-11, Page 8THURSDAY, JULY 11th, 1035 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE For Old Home Week... A Bonat permanent W-ave that will eliminate your hair worries for the remainder of the summer. Simplicity of operation combined with the Ronat revitalizing process assures perfect results in the shortest jpoesible time. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Phone 23Iw Tliis shoppe will be closed from July 15 to July 26 inclusive. H, M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Manitoba’s Best $2.49 Welcome Flour $2.40 Low Grade Flour $28.00 a ton Bran $25.00 a ton Shorts $26.00 a ton Mixed Chop $25.00 a ton Govt, standard screening Chop $22.00 a ton. Creamery Butter 24c, Dairy Butter lSc-21c Eggs A large 17c. Eggs B 15c. Eggs C 13 c. Hoge $S.75 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.J>. Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Rev. W< A. Young, Bengali Evening service withdrawn. w' LOCAL NEWS Mrs. R. Skin­ know she is? Mich.. Wm. been last and Mrs. J. N. Perkins spent last week visiting in London. Mrs. McAvoy is visiting in Lam­ beth fo'r a couple of weeks. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor and Grant visited in Lucan on Sunday. Miss Gladys Kestle, teacher at Copper Cliff, & home for the holi­ days. Miss Lucy Harwood, of London, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pollen. The many friends of ner will be pleased to improving slowly. Mr. Ben. Eilber, of visited with hfe sister, Kuntz for the 4th of July, Miss D« Herbert, of London, is Spending a few weeks with her cousin, Miss Viola Hodgson. Miss Mary Wells, who has serif-uly ill for seme time was taken to Victoria Hospital in London. Master Harry Perkins spent ■week in Hensail with his uncle aunt Mr. and Mite. Ezra Willert. Miss Maud Horton and niece, Ger­ aldine Hagerman, are visiting Mrs. McAllister, bf Zurich for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, James D. Milne, of Detroit, spent the latter part of last week with ” ' " Weekes. Mr. and Mrs. Detroit, visited parents, Mr. and Mite. Wm. Kuntz on July 4th and 5th. Mrs. Roy Bell, of Hensail, who had her tonsil's ’removed last week is recuperating at the home of mother, Mrs. Eunice Stone. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Batson children, Mr. Batson'fe mother Dr.and Mrs.W.E. Ralph McDonald, of with Mrs. Donald’s her and and his sister Miss Adeline motored to Chatham, Kingsville and Detroit on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas, Gloria and Geraldine, Toronto, spent Thursday with Miss Horton. are remaining Visitors with Mrs. Jas. Sweet during were Mite. Nellie Latimer, of Komo- ka; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blackwell and two children, of Lansing, Mich.; Mrs. Wm. Blackwell and Mr, Cope­ land, of Hay and Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ bur Harrison, of Detroit. Don't forget the Skinner reunion at Bayfield, cn July 17th, pinner at 12 o’clock sharp. R. Hagerman, of Wednesday and Mite. Horney and Gloria and Geraldine for the vacation. Egan and Mr. the past -week NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS OF USBORNE The Council requests the rate­ payers to cut the weeds opposite their own frontage to save expense. Council will undertake to cut sideroads. Hy. Strang, Clerk the TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by Miss K. MacFaul up to noon, July 15 th, <fcr painting and murescoing some of the rooms at the Exeter School. Specifications may be seen at the school or at Grigg’s Station­ ery. Lowest or any tender, not nec­ essarily accepted. FOR RENT—Modern cabin trail­ er, 2 wheel. Weight 1050 lbs.Trails perfectly. Albert G. Hess, Ont. Zurich, ltp “Smith” Usborne ago, a STRAYED— Onto the grass farm, Concession 9, Township about six weeks yearling steer. Owner' may haVe same Jby proving ownership and paying ex­ penses. Apply to Warren Brock, Granton, R.R. No.l. NOTICE We are booking orders, for fertili zer. All order to be in by August 15th. We have in stock:Pure Manilla Rope— | J in. for sling ropes at lie. per ft. % in. for hay fork at 4c. per ft. Also Salt—Fine, Coans© and Blocks Exeter United Farmers’ Club M. R. Cudmore, Sec’y.-Treas. Phone 13-r2, Exeter TENDERS WANTED For the shingling of the School of S. S- No. 3, Stephen. For further particulars apply to Wilfred S’hapton phone 17r3, Crediton. HOUSE TO RENT—A storey and a half brick house on Huron Street with all modern conveniences. Pos­ session given August the first. Ap­ ply at Times-Advocate. 7-4-3tp. UNION SERVICES Main St, And James St. United Churches l| New Summer Dresses In Voile, Plain and Printed Crepes, and Suits. You will find a very fine assortment on our racks, showing some weather. Very moderatelyvery smart styles for hot priced. 4 Ql i II iIMl li HWW il l|l—B * I |MM IM.1 WWi H W H —i'l H 1— I Hll'O 1 i i LOCALS I 1 01 ott<1 <1 wm I) 0 nwu n m <x iib» »i Rfi n «■> iii.bh » «»■ Dr. Atkinson wishes to announce that bis office will be closed from July Sth to July 21st. 6-20-4tc. LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott spent the forepart of the week in Toronto. Rivers’ Meat Market is being up with a fresh coat ofbrightened paint. Mr. and don, spent S. Walter. Mrs. Jets. Grant, of Len­ the week-end with Mr. H. Mr. Theis. Harton, of London, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Day­ man, "of Usborne, Principal E. J. Wethey, Cif the Ex­ eter H. S. is in Toronto marking ex­ amination papers. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bowey were in Detroit ovex- the week-end attending ti Baird family reunion. Dr. and Mrs. Best of Winnipeg spent Thursday night last with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Birney. James St. Sunday School will hold their annual picnic at Grand Bend cn Wednesday of next week. Mis. Hall, of Mitchell, visited with hex' brothers, Messrs Wm. and F. A. May for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wib. Harrison, of Detroit, sent the week-end with Miss Hettie Sweet and othei' relatives. Mr. Stephen Powell is spending a few days with his friends, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Washburn, of Kir'k- tcn. Rev. Mr. Elliott addressed the .Sunday School of James Street on Sunday morning last in connection with their missionary prog-ram. Mr. and Mrs. Wr. L. Kress and two children and Hilton Sanders camping for a couple of Grand Bend. Miss Helen Pfaff has heme after visiting with and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Love, of Thedford. Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Snell and daughter, of London, visited with the former's parent, Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Snell, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer have tran-sferxed their rolling home to a lot at Grand Bend and have fixed it up for the summer, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Weekes and son Billy and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey spent Sunday visiting with re­ latives in Glencoe. Miss Mary Ruth Harvey, of Gran­ ton, and Miss Marion Stacey, Wil­ low Grove, are visiting -with their grandmother, Mrs. J. S. Harvey. Dr. W. Stuart Stanbury, wife and two little daughters, of Hamilton spent the week-end at his home here and with the family at Bayfield. Rev. and Mrs. Borden Cunning­ ham and daughter Betty, of Mill­ bank, are spending the holidays with the former’s parents and la fives. Mr. Arthur Roth, who the Exeter branch of the Bank of Commerce from Pt. Elgin, is relieving while Mr. Kress is on vacation. It was stated last week that Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor were in Lon­ don attending a wedding. This should have read Mr. and Mrs. Hect­ or Heywood. Mr. Allan Pickard, of Regina, spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. C, V. Pickard. Mr. Pickard is again taking a summer course at the Western University, London. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Person and Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell, of Ontario, California, visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield and with Mr. and Mrs. J, Rowe. The Exeter canning factory is busy canning the pea crop. The crop this year is none too good. The early peas have not filled out and the late peas have been affected with an insect. Mr. and Mrs. Orby Kestle and Miss Ret-a Elworthy of Detroit, vis­ ited over the week-end with relatives in Exeter. Miss Mary Elworthy has been ill for some time in a .hospital in Detroit. Miss Irene Mooney’s many friends are rejoiced to hear and are congrat­ ulating her on her fine success in gaduating from the London 'Tech­ nical School with first-class honors in a General Business Course. Bartle Matz, Leonard Harvey Murray Moore and Robert Southcott are this week attending a boys camp miles in of of as are weeks at returned her uncle other re­ comes to Canadian CHOICE YOUNG SHORTHORNM the United BULL FOR SALE—dark red 18 mos north >of Goderich. «f aae. Wm. Oestricher, Cloverdale Stock Farm, Crediton, Ont. FOR SALE—I have listed'for sale Several fully modern houses, if you have any intention of buying a- house let us <=how you these.—C. V. Pick­ ard, phene 165, Exeter, FOR SALE—Several rebuilt and enclosed oil stoves 2, ?> and 4 burn­ er, Apply to W. J, Melville. church three The camp is charge of Rev. Mr. Anderson, Wingham, with Mr. Gordon Lapp, the Ontario Boys* Work Board instructor. Recent visitors at the’home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith were Mr. Archie Nicholson and daughters Beryl and Evelyn, -of London; Mr. and Mrs. McBaine and -daughter, of j Vancouver; Mrs. Woods and daugh­ ters Elsie and Kathleen, Mrs, Lapse! I Mr. Alfred Edwards, Mr. Thois, Wil-HAY FOR SALE—-A quantity of (Hamson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith timothy hay for sale, standing on lot anq scn> Mrs. Allred Smith, Mn«. 19, con, 3 Hay township. Apply to Taylor and daughter, all of London John Bell estate, nnd Evelyn Carrie, of Detroit, Rev. A- E. Elliott in charge The Main St. Choir under the direc­ ton of Miss Huston will lead the ser­ vice of song. 10 a.m.,—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Main Street. 7 p.m.—James Street Thursday at 8 o’clock union prayer meeting in Main St. Church, TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH 10 Rector, Rev. M». A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss a.m.—Sunday School and Rector’s Bible Class 10 a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon 7 p.m,—Evensong and Sermon 8 p.m.—Wednesday—Prayer Service THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO, Offers up-to-date contracts to meet every insurance need. We welcome inquiries Insurance of all kinds C. V. PICKARD Phone 165, Exeter Permanent Waves For the holiday season have a ’ermanent Wave. CROQUINOLE SPIRAL, COMBINATION CROQUINOLE ENDS M. Russell Phone 245 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Pension Yourself at Age 60 or 65 Rates on Pensions Bonds or Long Term Endowment gladly quoted. JAS. P. BOWEY Coal & Coke Phone 157 Summer Dresses We have in stock summer styles and Ladies’ Full coats. Also Hoovers, Lingerie, Children’s Dresses. Dresses length navy all the new shades in silk crepe House Dresses, Smocks, Hose and WARD’S LADIES’ WEAR Mrs. S- Hardy ihas been visiting her daughter Mrs. A. A. Ingram at Detroit. Mrs. Hardy will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Ingram this week on a .motor trip to Worthington, Minn., to visit her daughter Mrs. Fred Rick- beil. Mrs, Fissette, of Brantford, and Mrs. Ewing and little daughter, of Sherbrooke, Que., called on friends in town on Sunday. Mrs. Ewing and daughter are holidaying at Grand They motored here with returned I Bend. Jack Ewing who has Sherbrooke. c The two- new stone entrance to Riverview most completed. The colored s-tones and are about four feet square and eight feet -high. The name of the nark is cut in a marble slab and placed in the centre of each pillar. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Gibson, bar- ristens, of Galt, accompanied by her brother, Ward Gordon, of Toronto, and her aunt, Mrs, Dr. Belva Tyson, of Frederick, Maryland, came tip on Sunday to visit their cousins, M-r. and Mite. J. W. Powell. Dr. Tyson is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Holland, residents of Exeter and vicinity for very many years. Mrs. Gibson and her brother Ward, are the children of their sec­ ond daughter, Dr. Addie Gordon. Gland opening dance at Spruce Grove Danceland on Thursday, July 11th. Chas. Isaac, Proprietor. Mr. to thepillairs at Park, are al- pillans are of The Women’s Institute will hold Week, Open to in Howey's Coal Office reason­ risk. July p.m. a Bazaar during Old Home for the sale of handicraft, the public, All articles must be priced ably, and at the owner’s own Goods . must he in the store 20th between 1,30 and 5.30 For any information apply to Mrs, W. H, Harness, Gidley St., President Women's Institute, II ■ !be~ i HOLE PROOF KNEE HIGH HOSE A very popular hose for hot weather in the newest summer ^shades. PRICED AT $1.00 ANKLE SOX In all the shades wanted. These two num­ bers are real values. All sizes in each range. PER PAIR 15c and 25c WHITE HAND BAGS In six different styles. They are very smart. YOUR CHOICE EACH $1.00 WHITE GLOVES In a very fine range of fancy cuffs. PER PAIR 50c Pretty Voiles for Hot Weather You will find a good assortment of new Voiles in floral effects and dots to choose from Make your choice while we have a good assortment. PER YARD 29c.—39c—50c. HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR Always a popular line for boys and men. Cool and comfortable, BOY’S 75c MEN’S $1.00 TERRY CLOTH PULLOVERS Quite the new thing for Boys and men. Comes in White and yellow. BOYS $1.10 MEN’S $1.50 x MEN’S HALF HOSE 10 dozen men’s hose in six different shades and patterns. These are exceptional values sizes 10 1-2 to 11 1-2. PER PAIR 25c MEN’S BLUE WORK SHIRTS Made full and roomy. A good wearing material. These are real values. EACH 89c GROCERY SPECIALS i CORN STARCH Durham 2 pkgs .... 19c ORANGE MARMALADE large jar . . . 25c SALT YOUR HAY 100 lbs. fine .... 45c 100 lbs. coarse . . 55c CANNING SEASON IS NOW ON Let us supply your wants Fruits Jars—pts. and qts. Rubber Rings & Zinc Rings at Lowest Prices CERTO For Jams and Jellies per bottle . . 29c SHU-MILK For White Shoes per bottle . . 25cWonderful LAUNDRY SOAP 8 bars for . .. 25c SPECIAL CHOICE CLOVER HONEY 10 lb pails . . 75c Kellogg’s CORN FLAKES 2 pkg..................15c WASHING SODA per pkg 7 ... 5c KELLOGG BRAN FLAKES per pkg ... 10c MAGIC COFFEE Excellent Coffee Always Fresh per pound . . . 29c RYCKMAN FAMILY PICNIC i! Mr. James Ryckman and his sister Mrs. (Susan E. Dick, <of South Board­ man, Mich., and also the latter's son Mr. Ray Dick and his wife from Tra­ verse City, Mich., were here for the Old Boys reunion in Hensall>. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ryckman here for some days. It is sixty years since he went to Mich­ igan from Chiselhurst. On Saturday last the Ryckman family picnic was held in the old Ryckman home­ stead now occupied by Mr. Grant Ryckman. 48 guests were present, made up of relatives and some of the surviving old neighbors years ago. IA very pleasant noon was spent by all. The Men’s Store Where Quality and Low Prices Prevail Our New Suitings are Very Attractive of 60 afteir- sports Street JAMES ST. AV. A. PICNIC An interesting program of was carried tout at the James W. A. picnic held ion the chuir'ch lawn on Thursday afternoon, July 4th. The following were tihe prize winners Weight guessing, Mrs. Ed. Westcott; Novelty -race, Rev. Mir. Page, Mrs. R. Goul>ding; soap race, Mrs. C. Kestle’s side; quintuplets race, Mrs. F. Presz- catoir; walking tight nope, Mrs. W. Shapton; balloon fight, Mrs, M. Hey­ wood, Rev. Mr. Page; grandmother's race, Mirs. Pollen; pencil trace, Mrs. C. Fisher; musical race, Mrs. Wil­ fred Slhapton’s side. A picnic tea was much enjoyed. Rev. and Mirs. A. Page and so'n John were present, having moved to- Exeter from Thamesville the day previous. w. w. PHONE 81 Smart New Spring Hats Specially Priced at $2.75 A beautiful Range of New Ties, Shirts, Socks, Etc., for the Well- Dressed Man. Dresses & Suits tKSS? 79c ALL GARMENTS NOW 79C HIGHWAY MERRY MAKERS AMA EXETER, ONT. =5 lii JAIMES ST. MISSION CIRCLE The Willing Worker’s ‘Mission Circle of James Street United Church held their .regular meeting at the home of Miss Beta Rowe on Monday evening. An invitation was extended by Miss May Jones to hold the Au­ gust meeting at their cottage at Grand Bend. Miss Reta Rowe took charge of the following devotional exorcises and program.' The devotion­ al leaflet was read by Miss Gertrude Francis; missionary for prayer by Miss May Joneis followed with pray­ er by Miss Reta Rowe. A much ap­ preciated duett was rendered by Mrs. A, O. Elliot and Miss Jean Sheer© accompanied by Mies Hazel Elliot. A very interesting and well prepared paper was given by Miss Ruby Finkbeiner; a humorous read­ ing was given by Miss M. Horton and a chapter froxn "A Viking Heart” was read by Miss Ella Link. Meeting (lo-ed with the benediction follow­ ing which refreshments were served, The “Highway Menry Makers Picnic” was held at the home of Mr. andt!Mrs. Geo. Jones, south of Exe­ ter on July 1st, 1935 with about 60 of the residents of London Road south being present. Weather being ideal a splendid line of sports includ­ ing races for young and old, horse­ shoe pitching and ball games were enjoyed and a splendid program was given under the leadership of Mr. Hector Taylor. / Following are the results of the sports: Girls and boys under 5: Howard Perkins. Girls and boys 5 to 8: Ho­ ward Glanville, Verin Jones. Girls 8 to 12: Josie Kerslake, Gretta Web­ ber. Boys 8 to 12: Grant Tayloir, Fred Glanville. Young ladies’ race; Josie Kerslake, Elsie Reid. Young men’s race: Howard Kerslake, Ray joneis, Married women’s race: Mrs. Geo, Jones, Mrs. A. Day. Married nnen’s race: H. Godbolt, Frank Par­ sons. Hoop race; H. Godbolt’s side, Elephant race: L. Jones, H. Kers- lake. Balloon race, Gretta Webber, Hazel Jones. Slipper race; D. Glan­ ville and H. Godbolt; H. Kerslake and Elsie Reid. .Pillow fight: H. Kerslake, H. Godbolt. 'The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Ceo. Jones; Sec­ retary-Treasurer, Gerald Godbolt; Sports Committee, H. Kerslake, A. Day, H. Godbo-lt, J. Jones, F. Per­ kins, Miss H. Snell, Mr. and Mrs. ' H. Lightfoot. Miss Hazel Snell and Mrs. A. Day were presented with cut­ glass disihes for naming the picnic. Lunch was served by the ladies. PRESBYTERIAN SUMMER UAMpg’ On Monday morning five young ladies of Caven Presbyterian church went to the David Petrie Memorial Camp at Kintail to attend summer School for a week. Miss Helen Grieve went as the representative of the Young People’s Guild and Miss Ethel Kydd from the Sunday School. The others attending are Miss Barbara Atkinson and Misses Jean and Elaine Stanbury, Murray arid Richard Gor­ don attended the Boys camp last week and are remaining this week for the Young People’s Camp.