HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-07-11, Page 4THURSDAY, W lXtlh 1035 THE EXETER TIMES-APVOCATE =3 PAINT UP FOR OLD HOME WEEK Exetei” old Boys will be here in another three weeks. That just leaves a short time to get what painting done you intended, yet there is time. Try our JAP-A-LAC. You will be another well pleased customer FARMERS’ HARVESTING NEEDS Manilla Sling R<W specially priced. Hay Fori; Rope, pure Manilla. Very reasonable. Hay Forks 95c., $1.00 and $1.25 Hay Fork Pulleys Floc;- hooks, extra heavy for only 15e, Horse Muzzles leaves worrying your horse, time and patience only 3Uc and 40c. Scythes good quality steel $1.15. Cattle Spray $1.»'O and $1.5u per gal. Can supply any quantity. Lindenfield’s Hardware, Exeter BIRTHS PARSONS—In Stephen Twp.. on Fri­ day, July 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parsons. a daughter. (Helen Marilyn) ROHLINS—In Stephen Twp., on Tuesday. July 9. to Mr. and Mrs. John Rollins, a daughter. MARRIAGES MERNER—STEWART—At the Main Street United Church parsonage on Saturday, July 6th, Lyda Pearl youngest daughter of Mrs. Stewart and the late Frederick Stewart, of Exeter, to Mr. Gordon Merner, son of M. Samuel Merner and the late Mrs. Merner, of Buffalo, N. Y., by Rev. A. E- Elliott. OKE—HARRISON—At the home of the bride’s parents in Hibbert on Saturday, July 6th Emily Viola, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison, of Hibbert, to James Wesley Oke, son of Mr. Mrs. John Oke, of Usborne, by Rev. S. M. Gordon. DEATHS ROLLINS—In Stephen Twp., on Tuesday, July 9 th, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rollins. COWARD—In Usborne Twp., on Sat­ urday, July 6th, 1935, Garnet Wesley Coward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Coward, in his 17th year. OKE—-HARRISON ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Frank Gollings an­ nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter, S. Bernice, to Mr. Lloyd Mervin Shier, son of Mrs. Shier and the late S- N. Shier, 'of Bryanston, the marriage to take place the latter .part of »July. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd an­ nounce the marriage of their elder daughter, Eleanor Estelle, to Mr. Thomas John Moffatt, on Saturday, July 7th, 1934. A very beautiful wedding was sol­ emnized on Saturday, 11.30 a.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison, of Hibbert Township, when their eldest daughter Emily Viola became the bride of James Wesley Oke, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, of Usborne Township. Rev. S. M. Gordon of Caven Presbyterian church Exeter, officiated. The bridal couple I took their place under an arch of evergreens banked with ferns with a profusion of flowers. The bride, who entered the .room on the arm of her father, was gowned in white silk net on the long lines with ros­ ette trimmings, wearing a bridal veil, of embroidered net caught with orange blossoms and carried a bou­ quet of pink and white roses and ferns. She was attended by her sis­ ter Miss Blanche Harrison, gowned in pink ensemble crepe suit with white accessaories carrying a bouquet of red roses and fern. The groom was supported by his brother Mr. Lome Oke.. Miss Kathleen Strang gave a fine rendition of “Because” during the signing of the register. She was accompanied by Miss Reta Oke sis­ ter of the groom who also played > the wedding march. At the conclus­ ion of the ceremony the wedding banquet was served by cousins and aunts of the bride. The table was centred with the bride’s cake, the color scheme, being pink and white The groom’s' gift to the oride was a silver tea service, to the bridesmaid a necklace, to the groomsman a tie clip, a brooch to the pianist and a silver bon bon dish, to the soloist. The young couple left at 4.30 p.m. fcr their honeymoon at Was ago Beach and other points. ‘The (bride travelled in a beautiful, girey crepe suit with grey accessories to match. Among those present from a dis­ tance were relatives from, Toronto, Kitchener, Stratford, Clinton and Lucknow. On their return they will reside on the groom’s fine farm in Usborne. Grand opening dance at Spruce Grove Danceland on Thursday, July 11th. Chas. Isaac, Proprietor. SHIPKA sMrs. Robt. Fountain and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cummings, of Flint Mich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent. SNELL BROS. & CO., Exeter Phone 100 EXETER COUNCIL Monday, July Sth, 493 5 A regular meeting of the Municip­ al council was held with all mem­ bers present. The minutes of the meeting held Monday, June 24, 1935 together with the special meeting of June 26, 1935, were lead and adopt­ ed on motion cf Councillors Rivers and Hern. Carried. Mi. Jack of the MePoll-Frontenac Company addressed the council ask­ ing for a removal of the water hy­ drant a short distance to the iwtli or aeiuss the street to the isouth so | a* to, all w a clear past-age for caas ' entering the ground of their service ! station. rh\v al.-o asked the privilege ■ of erecting a sign in front of the station. The Reeve replied that the hydrant 'removal was a matter that should be dealt with by the Public Utilities Commissi n. The matter of a sign post was allowed providing the post wais placed on their own property not on the street line. Mr. B. M. Fiancis addressed the Ci un 41 regarding renewal of the Municipal Indemnity Insurance. Held ovt.r for further consideration. Councillor Morley asked leave to retire having an office engagement. Granted. Per motion .of Councillors Hern and Rivers that a grant of two hun­ dred dollars be made to the Band to help in providing unifomms and caps, as per agreement of commit­ tee. Carried. Per Rivers and Hem, that an ad­ vertisement be inserted in the Lon­ don Free Press of an iissue regarding Exeter Old Boys and Old Girls Re­ union. Carried. Per Roulston and Rivers that the concession as asked for by -the grounds committee of the Old Boys and Old Girls to the north of and in front of the Town Hall be granted. Carried. Per Rivers and Hern that the P. U. Commission be instructed to place the electric light on the East side of Gidley Steet one pole further east to give better lighting along said street. .Carried. The following letters were read: From Miss L. M. Jeckell, secretary treasurer of the Library Board ask­ ing a quarterly grant for the Bo-ard of two- hundred dollars. Granted on motion of councillors Morley and Roulston. A letter from Mr. F. W. Gladman referring to. water being allowed to remain in front of his premises. Re­ ferred to the Roads and Bridges Committee. A letter from Snell Bros. & Com­ pany asking the Council- to remove the curbing in front and- to the south of their garage to secure a better drive way to their gas pumps. Referred to. Roads and Bridges Com". A letter from the office of the Ontario Municipal Board, Toronto replying to the Council’s letter and plans, etc., for the erection of two cairns at the south entrance to the municipality, A’s at present advised the Board is not aware of any juris­ diction permitting it to deal with the matter set out in the letter as forwarded. Filed. A letter from the County Engin­ eer T. Roy Patterson giving approv­ al -of the County for the erection of the memorial cairns at the south end of Main- Street. Village to- assume any possible liability. Filed. A circular letter from the Hydro Power Commission, Toronto, regard­ ing audit of Municipal Hydro Accts. Filed. A circular letter .regarding the es­ tate of the late Charles B. -Snell with tables of receipts and expendi­ tures was referred- to and ordered filed. The auditors report for June and the first half of the year was read and accepted on motion of Coun­ cillors Rivers and Hern. Carried. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: Dr. M. C. Fletcher attending an­ nual meeting of Board of Health $50 John Hunkin, labor and material for walk $2.95; Mi’s. Alice Cudmore, gravel for walk $62; R. W- F. Beav­ ers, supplies $9.88; Kenneth Clark, gasoline and oil for walk and should­ er $14.70; Timers-Advocate ad­ vertising and supplies $46.53; Lon­ don concrete Machinery Co., Ltd., rent of mixer -foi’ walk $100; Glad­ man & Stanbury, re sidewalk deben­ tures $25; E. L. Johnston, painting town hall $107.50; E- Lindenfield, supplies 25c; Peter Coleman, team labor, $57.20; Wm. Laverty labor $27.50; Harry Smith, labor) $26.25; John Stire, labor, $22.88; Norman McDonald, labor. $16.00; Erwin Ford, labor $13.75; Raymond Smith labor 75c; John Chambers, labor. $5.75; Edward Harness, labor, $10; Richard E. Davis, team labor, $26.40 Stewart Bros, for C. Chambers labor, $9.00; Edward J- Coombes labor, $22.13; William Webster, lab­ or, $13.75; Charles Little, labor, $21.25; Lewis Kirk, labor, $21.25; Ernest Gervin labor $16.75; Oran Winer, trucking $94.50; Severne Winer, trucking $15.30. BBOARD OF EDUCATION The monthly of the Board of Ed­ ucation was held in the Public Library, Monday evening, July 1st at 8 o’clock. All members were present. Minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. Building and Grounds Committee reported new fencing very satisfac­ tory. Hay, seats, etc., to- be dispos­ ed of later. Resignation of Miss Mildred Rowe was accepted with regret. Per R. N- Creech and G. Lawson that Miss Love be offered position of primary teacher at salary -of $700. Carried. „ Pt r C. V. Pickard and A. O. El­ liott that Miss Reta Rowe be given the position formerly held by Miss Mildred Rowe. Carried. The position vacated by Miss Fr;rn was given to Miss Kirk, of Bayfield. Per L. Day and G. Lawson that Mi-s Mark be given a position on the teaching staff of the Exeter High School at the salary of $1,300. Carried. Per G. Lawson and F. J. Delbridge payment of the following accounts: Times-Advocate, supplies $18.85; Walker’s Drug Store supplies 40c.; G. Hawkins, supplies $5.42; John Campbell, fencing a*nd labor $51.00; Rd. Quance, labour, $1.00; William Johns, team labor $2.00; Jno. Per­ kins, laborer $2.00; Grigg Station­ ery, supplies etc. $13.81. Carried. Adjournment per A. O. Elliott. K. MacFaul, Secretary ANTIQUE TEA The July meeting of the Kippen East Women’s Institute will be held on Wednesday aften’oon, July 17, at the home of Mrs. David McLoy, un­ der the direction of Mrs. Robert Simpson. This meeting will be in the line of historical research and there will be a large exhibit of an­ tiques followed by a ten-cent tea; al­ so a sale of cakes. Everyone is wel­ come. CENT A’MILE Round Trip EXCURSION (Minimum Fares: Adults 75c; Children 40c.) Friday, July 19 th from Exeter IN LOVING MEMORY of • WILLIAM T. LUTMAN who passed away JUly 8th, 1931 Wife and Children To TORONTO, Stratford, Kitchener, Guelph, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Paris, Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, and all Intermediate Points, between Stations named. ALSO ON FRIDAY, JULY 19 To Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg.Trenton, Belleville, Kingston, Gananoquc. Brookville, Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro,. Campballford, Aurora, Newmarket, Allendale, Collingwood, .Meaford, Penetang, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurat, Bracebridge, Huntsville, NortRBay and all intermediate points, ALSO TO All Towns in New Ontario on tines of Temiskamiiig&hkitthern Ontario Rly., Nipissing Central Bly, and on G. N. Rlys. to Kapuakusing, Hearst, and Longlac Mining Fields. ..................“ .............. ,............................. _......... ..... „ Fores, Tickets, Return Limits and Train Information from Agents. Ask for Handbill. * CANADIAN NATIONAL ■ II Inn—I—................ N. J. DORE, Agent# phone 46w. Grand B^j Casino DANCING NIGHTLY to GENE FRITZLEY and his 10-piecft orchestra Featuring Enid Lee, Soloist SURPRISE NIGHT MONDAY# JULY 15th ‘’Big Night of Fun’* iftree Sunday Evening Urogram in the Casino DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Slock, Dash­ wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neeb and fam­ ily, of Pontiac, Mich., are visiting bis mother Mrs. Mary Neeb. Miss Eileen Schroeder, o.f Detroit is spending her vacation with her grandmother Mrs. Hamacher. Miss Mary Burke, of Detroit, is visiting with Mr. -and Mrs. Sidney Baker. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Guenither, of Windsor, spent a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gueh- ther. | Mr. and Mr. Bruer and family, of New Hamburg visited a .few days last week Mr. and Mrs. J. Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Kleinstiver and family and Mrs. P. Mclsaac attend­ ed the funeral of the late Mrs. S. No-ll, at Stratford, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Eckstein Mrs. C. Hoffman and daughter Lily, of London, viisited relatives here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Basil O’Rourke, of Brucefield, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmer. Rev. and Mrs. Luft and family Spent a .few day-s at Niagara Falls this week,. The Y-oke fellows, of Stratford, will conduct services in the Evan­ gelical church on Sunday both in the morning and evening. Mr. S. Weismueller, of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neuschwanger on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schader at­ tended camp-meeting in-fLondon last week. Missels jean and Many Mclsaac and Miss Maxine Bishop, of Detroit, are Spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mclsaac. Miss Zeta Nadiger, nurse-in- tiaining in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadigdr. Mr. Wm. Nadiger, who has been on the sick list for some time is still under the doctor’s care. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Jane Guenther moved her household effects to- Kitchener last week where she will reside. Miss Helen Nadiger left last week for Corunna, where she will spend the summer. Rev. Mr. Henrich who- is confined to his home with an infection in his foot is improving slowly. Milss Helen Luft is spending a few weeks at Beach-O’-Pines. Mrs. Vernon and son Melvin, of Detroit, visited with Mr, and Mrs. O. Restemeyeir last week. Rev. and Mrs. Graupner and fam­ ily, of Famington, Mich., "called on friends here on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell, Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmer and Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Ziler, Mr. and Mrs. Basil O’Rourke, of Brucefield, and Miss Antoinette Ziler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, H. Zimmer, Strawberry Social A large crowd enjoyed the annual Strawberry social which was held by the Dashwood Lutheran Church last week,. An interesting program by members of the Walther League opened with a musical selection by the Walper boys after which Alvin Walper president of the League in­ troduced the chairman Rev, T. Luft.' who delivered an appropriate address This was followed by a musical sel­ ection by a string orchestra, after which Otto Becker delighted the au­ dience with a humorous reading. Misses Helen Luft and Reta Faseo-ld played a piano duett. A, play, entitled "A Bargain’s a Bargain” was pre- WAS CONSTIPATED FOR 30 YEARS Womens’ Long Search for A Remedy The trouble with most remedies foi* constipation, as this woman found, is that they give only tem­ poral y relief. Having at last found a permanent corrective, she writes to tell us about it:— “For upwards of thirty. years 1 was a victim of acute constipation. I tried practically everything that it was possible to try. I admit I was a chronic case, and every new remedy I tried helped for a day or two- after that I was just as bad as ever. Three months ago I took my first taste of Kruschen Salts, and every morning since, and every morning as long as I live, my first duty upon rising is my Kruschen. 1 honestly feel a different woman. My bowels act to the clock, any my friends re­ mark. how well I am looking. My only regret is that I didn’t try Krus- chn years ago.”—(Mrs.) A. M. Kruschen Salts is Nature’s recipe lor maintaining a condition of inter­ nal cleanliness. 'The six salts in Kruschen stimulate your internal organs to smooth, regular action. Your system is thus kept clear of those impurities which, allowed' to accummulate, lower the whole tone of the system. London is homo on vacation, and in­ tends leaving Monday of this week for Lange, near Lake Nippissing with her parents and brothers Tommy and Harry foi" their holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern leaves this week fo*r a vacation in the North Country, a distance of 350 miles. The Horticultural Society intends holding a Garden party on Wednes­ day afternoon of this week on Dr. Campbell’s lawn, Kirkton. A good program is being provided and lunch will be served. Admission 20c. Much sympathy is extended to the parents of Mr. Garnet Coward, whose sudden death by lightning took place at the home of Mr. Wel­ lington Batten on Saturday after- n.ion while drawing in hay. Mr. Hairry Rodd, Madeline ancl Donald intends going this week for a short vacation in the North Coun­ try. sented, the cast including Misses Martha Ra-der, Kathleen Merner and Verda, Burmeister, Edward Gack- fetetter, Otto Becker and Melvin Res­ tem eyer. The program was brought to a close with a quartette selection by Edward, Alvin, Milton and Glen W,alper. The proceeds amounted to $13 6. -The committee in charge of the supper was Mrls. Jacob Schroed­ er, convenor, Mrs. Philip Fassold and Mns. F. Schlunt. The program wafe arranged by Alvin Walper. THAMES ROAD The induction of Rev. Wm. Mair into- Thamefe Road and Roy’s church­ es was held Friday evening last the service being conducted by Rev. A. E. Elliott who- addressed the minist­ er. He was assisted by Rev. J. B. Moore, of Grand Bend who address­ ed the congregation. There was a good attendance and a splendid ser­ vice. At the close a social half hour was spent when Mr. and Mrs. Maier we’re introduced to those pre­ sent. Mr. and Mrs. Mail* and little daughter Betty have taken up their residence at the Manse. Tw-o- sons are at present visiting with relatives at Oldham, Manchester. Mr. and Mi’s. Fint Brown and Mr, and Mrs. Stratton, of Michigan, at­ tended the funeral of the late Gar­ net Coward on Tuesday and are vis­ iting ’with relatives in this commun­ ity. Miss Vera Pollen has returned to Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett, who- visited here the forepart of the whek. Vera is to1 be congratulated on passing her entrance exams, with honors. Miss Ruby Simpson is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson near Toron­ to-. Mr. and Mrs’. Walter Ry dal, of Shallow Lake, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kydd. Jack is spend­ ing the summer with them. Mrs. Jas. Simpson, of Mt. Pleasant is visiting with Mrs. Ken. McNic.01. Miss Anne Allison, R.NM of New York, arrived home last week to spend the summer with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Allison. GRAND BEND All roads lead to Grand Bend on July 17th for the chicken supper at the United church. Mrs. Moore, of Toronto, mother of Rev. J. B. Moore, is spending her vacation with her son. Mrs. Arnold Ravelie is quite ill at present with a special nurse caring for her. The camp ground is filling in fast and looks as if a "good crowd will be spending the summer here. Mrs. Martha Allister, of St. Marys is visiting with friends and rela­ tives for a w^ek or so. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mathers, of London returned to their home Sun­ day after a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lovie. JMr, Walter England is improving very fast. Mrs. Joe Collwell, of Toronto, spent Sunday wWr friends. Quite a number took in the Old Boys at Hensalk Mr. and Mais, Jim Hanan, of Cam­ rose, Alberta, are visiting Mrs, Ezra and Morris Brenner this week. Mais. Hanan was a Grand Bend girl and enjoys coming back to see the folks. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pollock, Of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Don Webb, Of Guand Rapids returned to their hope after a week’s- stay with their parents here. WOODHAM The Mission Circle meets Tuesday evening of this week at the home of Miss Evelyn, Camm, Rev. W. Lovegrove preached an excellent sermon on Sunday evening last the subject being “Is Thine Heart Right.” Miss Violet Squire has been holi­ daying with her sister, Mrs. H, R. Anderson, of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNaughton and Lome spent Saturday last in London, Wss Elizabeth Lovegrove, nurse-» in-training at St. Joseph’s Hospital'-, CREDITON EAST Mr. Eldon Merner is all smiles, a baby girl arrived at his home on Monday. Mrs. Wm. Motz spent the week­ end with her sister, Mrs. Ann* Col­ lingwood, in Hamilton. Miss Shirley Motz, of Exeter is (holidaying with her aunt and uncle Mi-, and Mils. Wm. Motz. Miss Verda Hoffman, of Kerwood. spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. H. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoffman. Ma” and Mrs. Duncan Drummond and daughter Ruth, of Ailsa Craig, visited Sunday with Mrs. H. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoffman. Mrs. Sam Sims and children spent Monday in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sims. Mr. Howard Truemner has return­ ed to Espanolo after visiting for some time with his father, Mr. Dan Truemner and sister Mrs. Aaron Wein. Miss Jean Baynham is visiting at Grand Bend. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Merner who were married in Exeter on Saturday and welcome them to our midst. MIXED AUCTION SALE ---<0 f — HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS AND SPRINGERS at Our Sales Barns, Exeter, on THURSDAY, JULY 25th at 1:3 0 -o'clock Sale will be held only once in July and once in August. Anyone having livestock to part with let us know, we will either buy them or take them in on commission of 4 p. c.jand sell them or any horse over $100 may be sold for $5.00. I will try to have buyers for all kinds of stock. Farm. implements or household ef­ fects may be consigned to this sale. TERMS—-CASH G. J. DOW, Proprietor W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer MORTGAGE SALE of VALUABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY The undersigned will offer for sale on SATURDAY, JULY 13th, 1935 at 11 o’clock a.m. at the offices of Messi’s. Gladman & Stan­ bury the property’ known as: all AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Vil­ lage of Exeter, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, con­ taining by admeasurement thirty- two perches be the same more or less being composed of Lot Number (3) on the West side of Main Street, North of Victoria Street, in said Vil­ lage of Exeter, as shown on the map o,r plan of the subdivision of part of Lot Number Twenty-three '(23) in the First Concession of the Town­ ship of Stephen under the name of Carling’s survey. On the property is a fine stucco house, 2 storey—3 bedrooms with clothes closets, fully equipped bath­ room, sun room, parlour with fire­ place, dining room, den and kitchen with built-in cupboards, sink and hot and cold water facilities, 3 room cel­ lar, cement cistern, air furnace and hot water heater, good garden with small fruits. TERMS 10 per cent. Balance in thirty days. Further particulars and conditions upon application to FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensal) Solicitors for Mortgagee NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlmt all creditors and others, (having claims against the estate of WIL­ LIAM james Robinson, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the Twenty-second day of June,* A. D. 1935, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the un­ dersigned on or before the Twenty- second day of July A.D. 1935. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER ’GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claim# of which they then shall have notice. BATED at Bxeter, Ont., this 3rd day of July A.D., 1330. GLADMAN & STANBURY ESketoV and Hehsall * Exeetors’ Solicitors