HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-06-27, Page 8THURSDAY, JUNE 27th, 1935 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE A Bonat Permanent Wave that will eliminate your hair worries for the remainder -cf the summer. Simplicity -ef ojmthn combined with the Bonat 'revitalizing process assures perfect results in the shortest possible time. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 231w This shoppe will be closed from July 15 to July 36 inclusive. H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Manitoba’s Best $2.40 Welcome Flour $2.40 & Low Grade Flour $28.00 a ton Brun $25.00 a ton Shorts $26.00 a ton Mixed Chop $25.00 a ton Govt. standard screening Chop $22-00 a ton. Creamery Butter 24c-26c Dairy Eggs, J’-ggs, Eggs, 11’ g# Butter 18c-21e A large 16 c. B 14c. U 12 c. $9.50 CANNING DEMONSTRATION A ‘demonstration -on canning and the use of vegetables in the home will be held in the Library base­ ment, Seaforth, on Friday, June 28. The morning session from 10.00 to 12.00 o’clock is intended for the members of the Seaforth Girls’ Gar­ den and Canning Club. The after­ noon session from 1.30 to 4-00 p.m. is open to the public. This meeting is in charge of Miss Flora Humin of Dungannon and members of all Junior and Senior institutes in the County are cordially invited to be in attendance at the afternoon’#1 pro­ gram. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.D« Minister Mrs. J. G. Oochrane* organist 10 a.m,—Sunday School 11 a.m.-—“The Greatest Thing in the World’’ Evening service withdrawn in fa­ vour of Cromarty Anniversary, For the first three weeks of July, Rev. W. A. Young, of Hensall, will have charge -of the morning service. The evening service will be withdrawn. ni| i I fe IIS New Summer Dresses In Voile, Plain and Printed Crepes, and Suits, You will find a very fine assortment on our racks, showing some very smart styles for hot weather, Very moderately priced. The bounty convention of the W- C. T. U. will be held i: lis Church, Clinton, Sth. The speakers Craw, of Dorchester, ens, of Clinton and Mr er, also 'of Clinton morning and afternoon sessions, Wesley WIL on Friday, July will be Mrs, Rev. Mr. Cous- r. A. T. Coop- There will LOCALS be MKUfHMXNHII »» I IQ Don’t f-’rget the Strawberry Fes­ tival t ’-night (Thursday,) at James Street Church. Legion Meeting The regular meeting of the Exeter Branch -< f the Canadian Legion will be held Friday. June 28 at 8.30 p.m. Veterans also invited to join Hen­ sall comrades in their decoration services to be held Sunday, June 30, nt 2 p.m. This service is being held in connection with Hensail’s Old Boys* Reunion. Exeter veterans leave club room at 1.45 p.m. Dress Berets and Medals. COME TO GODERICH DOMINION DAY Ontario Firemen will annual tournament at Western hold their Gc derich on July 1st, with a grand parade and program of sports at Agricultural Park. Six bands and many other features. Also -open athletic events for residents of Hur­ on County. Admission 3De, child­ ren 10c, tax included. Gala time on Square in the evening. Come and spend the day. Free pavilion and picnic conveniences at Harbor Park. I CHOICE YOUNG SHORTHORN BULL FOR SALE—dark red 18 mos -of age. Wm. Oestrieher, Cloverdale •Stock Farm, Crediton, Ont. LOST — A two-year-old heifer, spotted, without horn.#, strayed since Monday. Anyone having information notify Bill Westlake or Times-Ad- vocate. FOR SALE—I have listed for sale several fully modern houses. If you have any intention -of buying a house let us show you these.—-C. V. Pick­ ard, Phone 165, Exeter. WANTED—Young couple interest­ ed in starting laundering. No required. Apply box 166. Miss Lona Frayne is confined to her Inane through illness. Mr. H. O. Southcott #peut the fore­ pat t of the week in Toronto. Monday, July 1st, will be Domin­ ion Day ana a public holiday. Mrs. G. T. Mantle Miss A. Consitt in urday. Mr. and Mrs. Uric ed to their summer Bend. Miss Mary Switzer, of Rannoch, has been engaged as teacher of S. S. No. 2, Usborne. Miss Mabel Whiteman, of Kippen, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. P. Bowey. Mr. and Mrs. T. H- Newell, tot Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. N- Creech. Mr. E. S. Hogarth, of Hamilton, visited with relatives in town over the week-end. Mrs. W. J. Heaman, of London, visited for a few days with her moth­ er, Mrs. Skelt..n. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Beavers, of Medina, visited with Mr. and Mr#'. M. L. Beavers on Tuesday. Mrs. W. W. Millson and little son Brian, of Vancouver, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welsh. One of our citizens reports a bottle of milk stolen from his back step one morning last week. Mr. and Mrs. Griff, of Goderich, visited with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Rd. Hunter on Sunday. Monday being a holiday the Times-Advocate will not be pub­ lished until Thursday of next •week. Bower and on Sun- G. Sel- visited with Hensall on Sat- Snell have mov- cottage at Grand BATTERSBY-HEYWOOD A pretty June wedding took place on Wednesday, June 26th when Elsie Isabelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Heywood, of Usborne was united in marriage with Mr. Launeelot Paul Battersby, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Batter-shy, of Hensall. The ceremony, which to'o’k place at high neon was performed by Rev. A. Sinclair, at Hensall. The bride w re a becoming gown of pink satin with jacket of lace with white ac­ cessaries and, carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. The bridesmaid was Mis# Irene Hoggarth of Hensall, friend of the bride, wear­ ing a swagger suit of peach crepe with white accessories and a bouquet of roses. The groom was supported by his brother Mr. Frank Battersby. A dinner was served at the home of the bride’s parents to the immediate friends. Misses Beryl Battersby, Lena Heyweod, Audrey Prance, Mae C iward and Greta Fletcher acted as waiters with Mr#. A. Groves, of Clin­ ton presiding. The dining room was tastefully decorated in pink and white. The young couple left on a short honeymoon trip the bride wearing a blue flowered crepe dress with blue coat. They will make their future home in Hensall, DELBRIDGE—COOPER UNION SERVICES Rev. A. E. Elliott in charge The Main St. Chair under the direc­ t-on of Miss Huston will lead the ser­ vice of song. 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Service in Main St, Church 7 p.m.—(Service in James St. Church • Thursday at 8 o-’clock union prayer meeting in Main St. Church. 10 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFauI Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlecniss a.m.—Sunday School and Rector’s Bible Class 10 a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon 7 p.m,—Evensong and Sermon 8 p,m.—-Wednesday—Prayei* Service THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. capital ltp. chair.FOR SALE—Child’# high Apply to Mrs. Taylor, Thames Road. ■GIRL WANTED—Ap-ply at tial Hotel.Cen- FOR SALE— Maxwell washer, Beatty washer, oak sideboard, ex­ tension table, Doherty organ. R. E. Balkwill, ltp. FOR SALE OR RENT—House -on corner of Simcoe and Elizabeth streets. Apply to J. W. Morley or Miss Mabel Clank, Granton, R.R. 1. Dr. Atkinson wishes to announce that his office will be closed from July 8th to July 21st. 6-20-4tc. Choice named varieties of Iris for sale—Come and see while in bloom. Mrs. F. Gollings, Thames Road 2 1-2 miles east of Church. FOR S-ALE—Several rebuilt and enclosed oil stoves 2, 3 and 4 burn­ er. Apply to W. J. Melville. $12.00 buys a -rebuilt oil stove, good as new; $6.00 buys a Detroit Vapour.—J. W. Powell. For Sale McCormick-Deering binder, nearly new; several Massey-Harris binders; Deering mowers, cream separators and other farm .machinery. All in good condition. Get our prices on new machinery. V. L. BECKER, Agent International Harvester Company Phone 91. Dashwood Mr. and Mrs. H. family, of Ingersoll, day with Mr. don. Sch.'ol will this week for Examinatic ns present. Mrs. A. Traquair cijuple of days in week. Mr. for her on Mrs. H. Grant are _ _ _ . . „ the former’s father while Mrs. Grant is visiting in Tcnont-o, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Francis and Mr. and Mrs. Holibrook, of Cros­ well, Mich., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis. Mr. Selden Newman, of Kingston, is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon. Mrs. New­ man visited here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Koch have mov­ ed from the residence of Mr. G. Lay- ten, Main St., into the residence of the -late Mr. J. Miners on Albert St. Miss Mena Gould, Mrs. Morrison and daughters Marion and Jean and Dr. Eidt, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Cutbush on Sun­day. The Town Hall has received a new coat of paint. It present#- a very striking appearance with back­ ground of yellow trimmed with green. Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Stainton and -two #ms, Ronald and Keith and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Guulding and son Dawson are holidaying this week at -Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred_ Salteib Mr. Kenneth Salter Webster, of day at Salter. Mrs. visiting T. visited and Mrs. R. close at the end or the summer vacation, are in full swing at visited for a Hamilton last motcring downTraquair Sunday. C. Carey in Glenc-oe , visiting with and Malcolm the St. and Miss Leona London, visited on Sun­ home of Mrs. M. F. A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper; Elimville, on Wednesday of la#t week at high neon, when their eldest daughter, Lilie Lavona, be­ came the bride of Horace Andrew Delbridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge, of Winehelsea. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. R. Peters, pa#tor of Elim­ ville United Church, under an arch of evergreens and white wedding bells with pink and white decorations in the presence of the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. The bride, who entered on the arm of her father to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Alea- tha Ogden, of London, was charm­ ing in a gown of white petal crepe, wearing her mother’s veil of silk chiffon, arranged in cap effect with a circlet of orange blossom. White shoes were worn and she carried a bouquet of red roses and fern. The bridesmaid Miss Marjorie Delbridge sister of th bridegroom, wore blue flowered crepe and carried pink car­ nations and fern. Delmar Skinner, cousin of the bride was groomsman. An interesting feature of the cere­ mony was the baptism of the bride’s niece, Pauline Lenore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper. The ser­ vice was conducted by Rev. J. R. Pe­ ters immediately after the wedding ceremony.Wedding dinner was served by Miss Aleatha Ogden, of London and Miss Helen Murch, Elimville, assist­ ed by Mrs. C. Knight, of Winehelsea, and Mrs. T. Hodgert, of Seaforth, at a table centred with the wedding cake and the bridegroom’s cake and arranged with pink and white dec-or­ ations. The bridegroom’s gift to the bride was a black leather travelling case; to the bridesmaid, a pendant, to the groomsman, gold cuff links and to the pianist and Miss Mu.rch who de­ corated the saucer. Later in Mrs. Horance Andrew Delbri-dge by motor for Niagara Falls points east, the bride travelling in a suit of navy all wool crepe with sleeves trimmed with wide bands of grey fur, and accessories to- match. On their return, they will reside on the groom’s farm at Winehelsea. Offers up-to-date contracts to meet every insurance need. We welcome inquiries Insurance of all kinds C. V. PICKARD Phone 165, Exeter In a few days the price of D. & H. Cone Cleaned Anthracite will advance. Order next win­ ter’s supply now and take advan­ tage of present low prices. D. & H. leaves less ash; it does not clinker and require s less atten­ tion. Don’t wait, telephone now! There are only a few days left. Auto Insurance, Sick and Accident JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative Summer Dresses We have in stock all the new summer Ladies’ Full length navy silk crepe coats. Also Hoovers, Children’s Dresses. styles and shades in Dresses House Dresses, Smocks, Lingerie, Hose and WARD’S LADIES’ WEAR wedding cake, a cup the afternoon Mr. and and left and Beauty Shop Having recently taken a five months’ course in beauty culture I have taken over the Beauty Parlor of Miss Doris Salter and solicit the patronage of her many customers. the or a >or for Thomas, of Lindsay, is „ with her daughter, Mrs. and Mr. Leo. Hennessey, jean Hennessey returned with her after visiting for several weeks. Mrs. Hugh Taylor, of the Manse. Thames Road, is this week moving to Exeter with .'her family of four daughters and one son. We welcome them to our midst. Miss Jean Stanbury has ’been as­ sisting for the last ten days as typist in the office of Gladman & Stanbury. Miss Merna Sims is also assisting her sister, Miss Hilda Sims of the regular staff this week. Mr. Archie Lamond, caretaker at the Exeter depot, who was taken ill a few weeks ago is still indisposed at the home of his brother in Lon­ don and M-r. Ray Lammie, of Hen­ sall, is her© relieving in his stead. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Miss A. Eaorett, Mr, Reg. Beavers, of iSa-rnia, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Lloyd Beaver#’, of Detroit were in Toronto Saturday attending the marriage of Mr. George Beavers to Miss Mary Helen O’Conner. ■Several of the new ornamental hydro standards have been erected on the Main Street. The underground wiring or the standards is almost complete. There has been some de­ lay in the shipment of the standards but they are expected here in the near future. The Ontario Agricultural Devel­ opment Board has discontinued the making of loans to farmers loans being now looked after by1, the at Bruce Isaac, -of Centralia, while as-sisting in remodelling a barn met with a nasty accident when one of t’he large beams fell on his left hand crushing some -of the bones. The injury was dressed by Dr. Fletc-her. M. Russell Phone 245 LOCAL NEWS Use Pasteurized Milk NOTICE TO THRESHERS According to the provision# of Weed Control Act, 1935,— 19—(1) Every person, firm company owning or operating threshing machine or separator, causing the same to be operated hire, shall, each year, before com­ mencing operations, register such threshing machine or (separator with the Minister and shall procure a cer­ tificate of registration as in Form A in the schedule hereto. (2) Such registration certificate shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place upon the machine or separator by the owner or operator during the whole of the threshing season. (3) The fee for registration shall, be $1.00 but in case of a machine not used for hire there shall be no fee: ! Notice of any transfer or change of ownership of any machine regis­ tered. under this Act shall be prompt­ ly forwarded to the Minister, (4) Failure to comply with the provision# of this section shall be an offence and the offender shall be liable to a penalty of not less than, $10 nor more than $25.Application forms for the regis-1 tration of a threshing machine or separator may be obtained from the I undersigned Weed Inspector appoint- Uro .w;or^ laying the now as-i ed by the Township of Stephen. Ap- 1£ obtained before iU"-1 1st of July. plated together with the new lighting Canadian Farm Loan Board, tario branch being located Bay St., Toronto. The work of laying the such the On- 15!) new C*20-2tC. Edward Willert, Weed Inspector Centralia, Ont. proud. system, Exeter will have a business section lof which it might well feel Be on the safe side Our price is only one cent per quart more than raw milk. Protect yourself and children DRINK KRIM-KO A new chocolate drink made from whole 'pasteurized milk. It is. delicious, wholesome and nutri­ tious, Get it from our drivers. W. HATTER DAIRY gg i 1 i 1 HOLE PROOF KNEE HIGH HOSE A very popular hpse fpr hpt weather io the newest summer shades. PRICED AT $1.00 WHITE HAND BAGS In six different style?. They are very smart. YOUR CHOICE EACH $1.00 ANKLE SOX In all the shades wanted. These twe num­ bers are real values. All sizes in each range, PER PAIR 15c and 25c WHITE GLOVES In a very fine range of fancy cuffs. PER PAIR 50c Pretty Voiles for Hot Weather Ypu will find a gppd assortment of new Voiles in floral effects and dots to choose from Make youir choice while we have a good assortment. PER YARD 29c.—39c—50c. HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR Always a popular line for boys and men. Cool and comfortable, BOY’S 75c MEN’S $1.00 * TERRY CLOTH PULLOVERS Quite the new thing for Boy? and men. Comes in White and yellow. BOYS $1.10 MEN’S $1.50 MEN’S HALF HOSE 10 dozen men’s hose in six different shades and patterns. These are exceptional values sizes 10 1-2 to 11' 1-2. PER PAIR 25c MEN’S BLUE WORK SHIRTS Made full and roomy. A good wearing material. These are real values. EACH 89c Inlaid and Printed Linoleums See our new patterns in inlaid Linoleums. These will last a lifetime of wear. We also have a good range of printed Linoleums in 3 and 4 yard widths. Bring in the size of your room and get our prices. ■* GROCERY SPECIALS Kellogg’s CORN FLAKES 2 pkg..................15c CHICK OATMEAL 10 lb. for .. . 25c SODAS Fresh and Crispy 2 lb. for............25c 3 Cans for 25c 1 PEAS, 1 CORN, 1 TOMATO Wonderful Laundry SOAP 8 bars for . . . 25c Kellogg’s BRAN FLAKES 2 pkgs, for . . 19c CERTO For Jams and Jellies per bottle . . . 29c BREAD FLOUR Gold Quality 98 lb. bag. . $2.29 PUFFED WHEAT 2 pkgs, for . . 19c LEAVE US YOUR ORDER FOR FRESH STRAWBERRIES. Quality & Price Guaranteed i i -X Southcott Bros. Used Cars 1934 Ford V8 Coach. Like new* 1934 Ford V8 Coupe. Good con­ dition. 1934 Ford V8 Light Dei very A real good one, 1930 Chevrolet Truck 116 ton. . .Good condition. 1927 Chevrolet Sedan 1928 Whippet Coach 1927 Ford Coach 1927 Ford Coupe These cars have all been taken in on 1935 V8 Fords during the past week. They are priced right and will be sold before next week. «ac The Men’s Store Where Quality and Low Prices Prevail Our New Suitings are Very Attractive Smart New Spring Hats Specially Priced at $2.75 A beautiful Range of New Ties, Shirts, Socks, Etc., for the Well- Dressed Man. Dresses & Suits S,"r 79c i Mis# Leola Johns is holidaying in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton, of Wawanosh, called on their aunt and uncle, Mrs. and Mr. W- H. Jo’hnston ■on Saturday. Mrs. W. F. Abbott spent the week­ end with her sister in Detroit also calling on her daughter Mrs. Arto Delve in Forest. Messrs. W. J. Beer and Gerald Skinner were in Toronto attending a Rogers-Majestic Radio convention at the Royal York Hotel. •Mr. and Mrs. R. Doinrance and son of Seaforth, accompanied by Mrs. Dorrance’s mi other, Mrs. Johnston, visited with friends in town on Sun­day. Mr. and Mrs. No.rman Hern, Nor­ wich, visited with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hern on Wednedsay of last week. The Salvation Army Officers of the Local Corps have been transferred to other spheres of labor. Capt. En­ nis ‘Who ,has been here a year is now moving to Trenton, N. S. and Lieut. Gammon, who has been Captain with us six months is moving to Goderich where we trust lie (has a profitable stay for the Lord’s work. The incom- . ,, ____. -illy officers are Lieut. Gentle from Savarm Toronto and Hamilton. ' “1“’’ Mr. and Mre. James Drew and son Jack, of Winnipeg, Man., accom­ panied by their daughter and son-in- law called on friends in Exeter on Friday last. Mr. Drew is an Exeter Old Boy being a son of the late John Drew, who at one time conducted a furniture store in the building occu-l pied by Mr, R. N. Rowe. It was many years ago that he left Exeter' but he was interested in the scene of his childhood. He revisited the I — ----- -------— -J— ____ _ store where his father did business the house on Huron Street the pro- which at that time was fitted up as perty of the late Thomas Sanders a residence as well. Estate. Sandy Elliot Phone 64 Ford Dealer “Watch the Fords go by” n ALL GARMENTS NOW 79C W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 reunion of McDonald family Grand fiend Casino Dancing Every Evening Spend Dominion Day, JULY 1ST. at this popular resort Midnight Frolic 12.15 to 4 a.m. Afternoon ball games with popular London teams Enjoy the big holiday! Dance with a real orchestra, GENE FRITZLEY, ®-and his 11 artists, formerly of the " ' l “Chez Mau- ■'{rice’’ Montreal featuring Enid Lee and the Windsor Room Trio. [Admission 15c. Dancing 5c, phis tax Inclement weather marred the at­ tendance at the annual McDonald Family reunion, Queen Park, Sttrat- fcrd on Wednesday afternoon. There were about 80 people in attendance at the reunion and the sport# pro­ gram was under the direction of John McDonald of Hensa-ll and Mrs. Percy Passmore, of Exeter. Members of the McDonald “clan” were pres­ ent from Hamilton, Seaforth, Kirk­ ton, Hensall, Kippen, Exeter, chelsea and Granton. The results of th© sports were-, races, Children under ---------------------. —----------------------• grandfather’s race, John Passmore, John R. McDonald, John Cann. The softball team captained by Carmen Cann defeated the team led by Rob­ ert Cann by the score o£ 27-17. i FIDDLERS’ and STEP DANCING CONTESTS MONDAY, JULY 8th . Mr. Cliff Brintnell has purchased Win- events four. Jack Cann, Joyce Broadfoot, Gerald­ ine McLean; 10 years and under,’An­ nie McGill, Eileen Johns, Ethelene Johns, Jean Cann; 13 years and un­ der Freeman McGill, Aylmer Pass- more; 19 years and under, Dorothy Johns, Margaret Johns, Alice Pass- more; young ladies’, Gladys Pass*, more, Lulu McDonald, Gardiner, Tenia McCurdy, married women’s, Mrs. Mary Broad­ foot, Mrs. Robert Gann, Mrs, W. Mc­ Lean; married women’s race, Mrs, J. Pass-more, Mrs. G. Duncan, Mrs. W. Green; graceful walking contest Mrs, G, Duncan, Mrs. J, Passmore Mrs. J. R. McDonald; peanut race, Tenie McCurdy, Lulu McDonald; Mary young TEACHER HONORED The students of Hu-rondale school together with tihei>r parents and -resi­dents of the section very pleasantly surprised their teacher Miss Dorothy Manning at the school ,on Monday afternoon and spent -a sociable time together. Miss Manning who has successfully taught in the school for the past five years has resigned her position and the pupils took advan­ tage -on thiis- occasion to show their appreciation of the high esteem in which they held their teacher by -presenting her with a half dozen isherbert glasses. The address was read by Grace Bechler and the pres­ entation made by Jack Kestle, the two entrance pupils. Mrs, Kestle read an address on behalf of the section and Mrs. Earl Mitchell pre­ sented her with a bridge lamp and a wicker flower stand. Miss Manning replied very suitably ail’d all joined in a happy picnic and lunch on the lawn. The little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin King, of Stephen, is serious* ly ill.