HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-06-27, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE (THURSDAY, JUNE 27tli, 1935
Hensail Old Boys’ Reunion
Grandstand Performance every afternoon and evening
Three bands
Athletic Events
Aerial stunts
Midway Attractions
Dancing—New and Old Time each evening
See programs for further particulars
Anyone who can furnish beds or meals for the Old Boys please
notify Miss Johnston at Post Office or telephone Hensall Central.
onThe Hensall school will close
Friday for the summer months.
Mrs. Margaret Vair is spending
this week visiting friends at Have
Miss Mae Simpson, of Detroit is
visiting with relatives and friends in
Mrs. Earl Drummond has return
ed home after a week’s visit with
Guelph friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. All’ Hun
kin of Farquhar.
Mrs. Earl Drummond spent a
days last week visiting with
Stiatford friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
and took in the circus.
Mrs. Kathreen Drysdale ha® taken
a position for the summer months
with Mrs. Agnes Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and
children spent the week-end visit
ing relative® at Ridgetown.
Miss Margaret Cleveland, of Tor
onto, was a week-end visitor with
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Paterson.
Mrs. John Parks has returned
home after spending the past two
weeks ’with friends at Hyde Park.
Mrs. Doig and son Allan, Strat
ford spent last Sunday the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drummond.
'The Hehsall Citizen’s Band were
out again on Sunday for practice
and gave a concert on the street.
Mr. Wm. White and daughter,
Mrs. G. Eby, of Collingwood, were
recent visitors with friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Acvek, of California
visited for a day last week with
their aunt, Mrs. Agnes Ross.
Mrs. Hannah Workman and her
daughter Miss Mabie are visiting
with Mr. and Mr®. Brittan at Dub
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beaver and
little daughter, Norma, of Farquhar
visited with relatives in town on
Mr. W. J. Anderson, of Chicago^
was a recent visitor with his sister.
Mrs. George Dick and other rela
Miss Dorothy McQueen has taken
a. position with Mrs. Archie Morgan
of Usborne Township foir a few
Mis® Ruby Churchill, of Clinton,
visited last week with her sister and
brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ortwein, of
Detroit, are visiting with Mr. Ort-
wein’s parents, Mr. and Mr®. J. W.
Mrs. Robt. Bonthron and daughter
Mrs. L. Simpson have returned home
from Barrie where they visited for
the past week.
Quite a number from Hensall
were in London on Tuesday, taking
in the Big Cole Bros, and Clyde
Beatty circus.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott
family of Cromarty visited with
Wm. Henry and Mr. and Mrs.
McQueen on .Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. /Sweitzer
little son Ralph, of the Beach-o’-
Pines, were in town on Saturday
calling on relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Filsliie and
family have got nicely settled in
their new home, corner of Nelson
and South Richmond Sts.
A big sale of ladies dresses was
were in London Tuesday
put on at Rannie’s store on Monday
under the management of Mr. and
Mrs. Lome Zuefle of St. Thomas.
Mrs. John Dinsdale and Mrs. Fred
Simmons were in Clinton on Monday
attending the funeral of their rela
tive the late Mr®, Margaret Smith,
of Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Henry, of Cass,
City, Mich., are visiting
and friends in Hensall and
this week. They are also
the Reunion.
Mis® Dorothy Kyle, who
erated on in a London hospital
appendicitis a couple of weeks
has recovered sufficiently to he able
to return home.
Mrs. John Bonthron, of Moose Jaw,
Sask., is visiting hero with her sister
Mrs. Robt. Paterson Jr. Mr. Bon
thron is down to attend the Old
Boys and Old Girls Reunion.
The ladies of the United Church
have all their
pleted for their
tival to be held
on the evening
There will oe tree open air danc
ing on Saturday evening at the open
ing of the Hensall Old Boys’ Re
union. The mjisic will be supplied
by the DennomA nrchestra.
Dr. and Mrs. Collyer and children
are spending a couple of weeks at
Grand Bend. During the doctor’s ab
sence his practice is being taken
over by Dr. Stewart of London.
Mrs. J. W. Peck and two children
Ronald and Elaine, of Clinton, at
tended the funeral of the late
than Peck in Stanley township
Friday. They spent Saturday
town calling on friends.
At the auction sale of the house
hold effect of Mr. George W. Davis,
held on Saturday afternoon last a
large crowd attended and everything
sold high, M.r. George Elliott, Clin
ton was the auctioneer.
The Woman’s Association of Car
mel Presbyterian church are busy
this week getting the store building
of the late Alex Murdock ready for
the Old Boy®’ Reunion where they
will serve meals every day during
the reunion. They also intend .having
a rest room.Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Goderich oc
cupied the pulpit of Carmel Presby
terian church at both services
Sunday taking the place of the
tor Rev. W. A. Young, who was
ducting Imemor\ia.l services! at
Guelph Agricultural College.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale
brated their 20th wedding anniver
sary on Saturday. During the evening
a number of their friend® gathered
at t'heir home and presented them
with some beautiful china and wish-'
ed them many more happy anniver
Mrs. O. McKenzie and children
have returned to theiir home in Kin
cardine after a week’s visit with
Mrs. McKenzie’s parents Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Drummond. Mrs. Agnes
McDonald has returned home after
spending a month visiting with her
friends in Guelph.
Hensall baseball team defeated
the Ilderton team on Monday even
ing the game at Ilderton in the
Western Counties league by a score
of 6 to 3. On Friday evening of
this week Ilderton will play a return
game with the local team on the
Hensall diamond.
The Exeter Canadian Legion of
which the Hensall veterans are a
here for
was op-
arrangements oom
big Strawberry Fes-
on the church lawn
of July 3rd.
Important Announcement
Special Hensail Reunion Bargains
Reconditioned Cars
from $25.00 up
Do not miss this opportunity
| part, will .conduct a bingo game in
the building next to Hess’s jewellery
store during the Old Boys’ Reunion.
Ladies and children can play as well
■as the men and the executive com
mittee have secured a large number
■of very suitable prizes,
The many friends here of Mr. T.
Willis were very sorry to learn of
his death which occurred at his
home in Centralia on Sunday. Mr
Willis who for a great many years
conducted the Shamrock Creamery
at Centralia and had cream routes
all through this district where he was well and favorably known.
On Monday, Tuesday and Wed
nesday nights, July 1, 2, and 3rd
there will be Old Tyme dancing in
the town hall . Music will be sup
plied by the Denomime orchestra At the opeq air dance on Mon
day evening the music will be sup
plied by the Seaforth Red Jackets,
and on Tuesday and Wednesday
nights by Shorty Grant and hie 10
Red Coats of Exeter,
The -Public School examinations
aer being held this week with about
half of the scholars trying. The re
mainder passed on their term’s re
cord. As a number of the entrance
classes passed the same way the en
trace class will not be so large as
last year. The entrance examina
tions will start on Wednesday morn
ing with Mr. Robt. Moore principal
of the Continuation School in charge
The paint brush is much in evi
dence in Hensall this week nearly
every business place on King Street
being repainted also a number of
homes. A number of street lights
both coloured and plain are being
added and a number of new electric signs put up. The whole village is
being decorated and will have a very
handsome appearance for the com
ing of the old boys.
Old Boys and Old Girls as well as
tho .general public are cordially in
invited to attend the services in St.
Paul’s Anglican Church both morn
ing and evening: 10 a.m., Sunday
School; 11 a.m., Holy Communion.
7 pan., Evensong and sermon. The
lector, Rev. W. J. Hendry will be
the preacher and celebrant. Rev.
Mr. Hendry, who has been in charge
of St. Paul’s Church for this past
six months, will preach his farewell
Mrs. William Henry, one of Hen
sail’s grand old ladies celebrated her
91st birthday at her home here on
Saturday last. A great many friends
called at the home during the after
noon and evening to extend best
wishes. Mrs. Henry was the recipient
of many beautiful bouquets of flow
ers; several boxes of chocolates and
fruit also a number of letters and
cards from friends at a distance. In
spite of her advanced age Mrs. Hen
ry is very bright and fairly active.
I-Ier many friends hope that she
may enjoy many more happy birth
On Sunday, June 30th the first
day of the Hensall Old Boys Reunion
Rev. D.r. Henderson of St. Andrew’s
Vestry Church, Vancouver, B.C. will
occupy the pulpit of the United
Church in the morning and Carmel
Presbyterian Church in the evening
Dr. Henderson was a former pastor
of Carmel Church. Rev. E. S. McL
Smith also a former pastor of Car
mel church will take the service in
the United Church in the evening
In the afternoon a memorial and
Decoration service will be held in
the Hensall Union cemetery and Mc-
Monday, July 1st will be one of
the big day® of the Old Boys Reunion
held here on June 30, July 1, 2, 3.
The program in the afternoon and
evening will be put on by London
talent. At a meeting of the Hen
sall Old Boys and Old Girls now liv
ing in London, held recently a
strong committee was formed. Wil
liam White was appointed chairman
and will be assisted by Milton Ort
wein, Roy White, John Coleman, W.
Caldwell, Clarence Johnson and
others. With this strong committee
to lead and about one hundred and
fifty Old Boys and Girls coming from
London to take part, London day(
should 'be a great success. The Re
union will open on Saturday night (
with a big new and old time dance
in the town hall and on the street.
Death of Nathan Peck
The death occurred on Wednes
day, June 19th. at the residence of
his son, Robert M. Peck, Lot 9, Con.
9, Stanley Twp., of Nathan Peck ag
ed 78 years. Mr. Peck ihad been in
poor health for several years, having
suffered a stroke and also had heart
trouble. Several months ago he
went to visit his son and family but
his health still continued to fail and
in spite of the best medical and nurs
ing care he passed away on Wednes
day. He was born in Stanley town
ship and spent a part of his life
there farming the Peck homestead.
He was a very successful farmer and
stock man. While his sons were at
tending the Seaforth Collegiate he
moved to Seaforth and lived there
for several years. He later moved
back to the farm till about eighteen
years ago. He and Mrs. Peck retir
ed and came to Hensall to live hav
ing purchased a .home on Albert St.
His son Robert M. Peck having tak
en over the farm. He whs a splen
did type of citizen, highly respected.
He was a Conservative in politics,
always taking a great interest in
political affairs. He was a consist
ent member of the United church
and an elder of the church for many
years, always taking an active part
in church work. He was also a
very strong temperance advocate.
His wife, who was formerly Eula
McKinley passed away about four;
year® ago. i ■ “ “ * „............. .... ______„ ____ _
died about ten years ago. After the peOpIe. The'play was well put on
death of his wife, his daughter-in- and greatly enjoyed by all present,
law Mrs. (Dr.) Peck kept house for: Tho Crediton young people are pre-
liim till about a year ago, when she renting their play “Welcome Homo
moved with her family to Clinton.’ Jimmie’’ at Greenway on Thursday
Since then up till a couple of months evening, June 27th, in connection
ago he has .had his relatives, Mr. and wjtjx ^1G strawberry supper there.
Mrs. Andrew Armstrong, of Seaforth
for company. He leaves to- mourn
his loss one son Robert M. Peck, of
Stanley Township. Ronald and
E. aine Peck, of Clinton are grand
children of the deceased. The fun
eral took place on Friday afternoon
fiom the residence of his son. Inter
net was made in the family plot
at Bayfield cemetery and was con
ducted by his pastor Rev. Arthur
Sinclair of the United Church, Hen
sall. During the service a beautiful
quartette was given “Sometime we'll
Understand" by Misses Florence
Welsh, Greta Lammie and Messrs.
Thos. Sherritt and Frank Battersby.
The pall bearers were: George Doug
las, Harry Howard, William Consitt,
Henry Horton,
Frank Coleman,
largely attended.
of old neighbors and friends from
Stanley 'Township and quite a num
ber from Hensall attended to pay their last respects. The floral tri
butes were very beautiful. Mr. Peck
will be greatly missed in Hensall.
He was a familiar figure on the
streets and on the bowling green in
the summer; kindly and courteous
to and one of nature’s gentlemen.
John Zuefle and
The funeral was
A great number
and Mrs. Ernie Hill, of Port
‘ ‘ ■ ' 1 L Mrs.
Mr. j ' z ■_
Huron, visited with Mr. and ......
Richard Hill over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tucker and
suns, Bud and Arthur, Mr. and Mrs.
(Herman King and son Bobby, all of
! Detroit, visited on Saturday at the
home of Mrs. Tucker’s brother, Mr.
J. Woodall.
Mr Garnet Sweitzer, of New York,
is spending a few weeks’ vacation
with friends in the community.
An item of last week’s news stated
that Mr. Traquair, Exeter, installed
the water system- in Mr. Woodall’s
home and barn. It
been Mr. Lindenfield.
Dr. and Mrs. Orme
Toronto, are spending
with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holtzmann
and Mr. Harrison Holtzmann, of De
troit, spent the week-end with Mrs.
Leah Holtzmann.
Friends of Mrs. Isaac Hill are glad
to learn that she is improving after
her recent illness.
Representatives of the Temperance
Federation took the services in both
churches on Sunday. Splendid ad
dresses were given.
Mr. Eldon Burn, of Zurich, visit
ed for a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Fahner.
Mrs. Wenzel has returned home
after spending the winter months in
Mr. Fred Finkbeiner has returned
to Manitoba after spending a month
with his sisters Mr®. Ed. Fahner
Mrs. W. J. Mallett, Mrs. W. J. Nich
olas and Mrs. W- H. Dearing and his
sister-in-law Mrs. S. J. Finkbeiner.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Steele, of Detroit,
spent a day at the Central Hotel with
Mr. Fred Finkbeiner.
The regular meeting of the Chris
tian Endeavour was held on Wednes
day evening in the Sunday
auditorium with a splendid
dance. The Sympathy and
committee was in charge
meeting with Miss Agnes Lamport
presiding. The theme of the even
ing was “Cultivating an eye for
goodness" which was discussed by
Alma Ratz. The scripture was given
by Gladys Weber. Appropriate piano
solo by Addie Gaiser; guitar solo by
Ruth Kenney and a poem read by
Alma Smith. An interesting discus
sion on questions taken from the old
and new Testaments conducted by E.
Haist completed the program.
... _ Gardiner, o>f Londes-
boro, will be the preacher in the
United Churcih on Sunday evening
in the absence of the pastor.
The annual Strawberry Social
given by the Ladies’ Aid of the Evan
gelical church will be held on the
church lawn on July 4th. The choir
will again have charge of the pro
gram to follow. In case of rainy
weather other provisions will be
Mr. and F. W. Clark and Miss
Laura, of Crediton and Mr. and Mrs.
Penhale, of Exeter, visited with
Mrs. Clark’s sister in Fergus on
Wednesday last.
Rev. and Mrs. Pletch, Mis® Mar
garet Amy and Miss Gladys Ratz at
tended the Evangelical convention
in McKillop last week.
Rev. Mr. Pletc'h and Harold spent
the week-end in Hamilton. The
former took charge of the services in
the Evangelical cliwrcih of that city
on Sunday.
A very successful Strawberry sup
per was served in the United church
on Thursday evening last by the men
of the congregation. Owing to uncer
tain weather conditions the supper,
which was to have been served on
the church lawn was served in the
Sunday School auditorium. A large
crowd was present and partook of a
bountious repast, oonsiting of an
abundance of berries and cream and
all the extras required to complete a
sumptuous supper. The men all fill
ed their places with their usual
marked ability. The following were
the table convenors, Messrs. F. Clark
J. Lovie, M. Telfer and J> Mawhin-
ney, The convenor of the supper
J Woodall expressed appreciation of
the loyal support given by the men.
Following the supper a play entitled
“George in a Jam” was given in the
should have
and Lois, of
a few days
of the
■One son Dr. J. W. Peck town Hall by the Greenway young
. The play was well put on
I is
™ RED & WHITE store
Redpath Granulated Sugar . . 10 lbs. for 52c
AYLMER NO. 4, PEAS.................
MAPLE LEAF SALMON ..............
Choice Golden Bantam Corn ... 2 for 23c.
Choice Quality Tomatoes...........2 for 19c.
Crosse & Blackwell Catsup 2 bottles 25c.
De Luxe Powders assorted .... 6 for 25c.
Fresh Dates............................4 lbs. for 25c.
Calay Toilet Soap.........••........per cake 5c*
Hensall Old Boys Reunion 4
• • • •
..................4 for 25c*
each 25c.
1 lb. pkg, 2 for 25c.
........ each 15c.
...... per tip 10c.
.... 9 bars for 25c.
... 1-2 lb, tin 17c.
.,. ONE LB. TIN EACH 17c*
Fresh Ginger Cookies ..
Fic Nic Plates................
Large Slicing Cucumbers
New Carrots........ ..
New Potatoes.................
Large Watermelons ....
. . per lb. 10c.
.. per doz. 9c.
.... each 10c.
per bunch 10c.
6 lbs. for 25c.
.... each 49c.
n™——............................................................ ........ ..............
PER LB. 49c.
Phone 102
“Quality always higher than price.”
Several of Mr. Will Johns’ family
attended tho McDonald picnic at
Stratford last Wednesday. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman and
family, Mrs. Will Bradshaw and
David attended the Squire re-union
at Grand Bend on Saturday.
Quite a number from this corner
were at the presentation to Miss
Elsie Heywood at Mr. Sherwood
Brock’s on Monday night.
Several car loads of young people
went to Clinton on Thursday night
of last week and gave a program to
the inmates of the County Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns and Dr.
Walter Johns spent a few days last
week visiting with Rev. L. C. White
of South Woodslee. They
ed Mr. Jack Miners’ bird sanctuary
at Kingsville.
Messrs. Martin Johns, Lome El
ford, Harold Johns and
Johns motored to Windsor
Thursday. Harold and Howard are
taking a new Ford V-8 from the fac
tory to Milk River, Alta., for Mr.
Martin Madge. Martin and Lome
returned home on Friday after hav
ing experienced considerable car
trouble en route.
Rev. A. E. Johns, of Hamilton,
spent a couple of days last week with
Mr. Wes. Johns. Edward came up
with him and will spend the sum
mer in the vicinity.
Miss Hattie Westman, of London,
has been visiting with her sister.
Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Peters during the
past week.
Mr. Chairles Long, of Milverton,
commenced work at Mr. Rich. Johns
on Monday.
Quite a few took in
London on Tuesday of
Miss Florence Bell,
spending the holidays
Miss Dorothy Johns
aunt, Mrs. Gilbert Duncan at Far
quhar the first of the week.
Mr. A. C. Whitlock and Miss Joy
Whitlock, of St. Thomas, also Muriel
Allison, of Springfield, called at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ford last
Bear in mind the Sunday school
anniversary services to be held next
Sunday at 10.30. Rev. Mr. Breinner
of Brucefield will preach at both
Greenway to Grand Bend.
Measles and mumps are very
alent in the community.
Mr. C. H. Curts spent last
in London.
Mr. Jas. Wilson assisted by
Lyle Woodburn and Miss Dorothy
Belling entertained a few friends
and relatives in honor of his daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mr®. C.
Taylor on their return home from
their honeymoon.
We are glad to repcirt M.r. and Mrs.
T. Bullock are somewhat improved
in health.
also visit-
the circus in
this week.
■of Lucan, is
at her home
visited her
services. Special music is
Gratton, Lon-
Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Muriel
Remember the Strawberry
at the United Church on Thursday
night. Program a royalty play
entitled “Welcome Home Jimmie”
by Crediton talent.
A very interesting temperance ad
dress was given in the United
Church on Sunday afternoon.
Next Sunday the open air services
begin at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
don, are guests with
J. Hotson.
Mr. Claude Fallis,
Fallis, Miss Hutchinson, Mis® Jean
and Miss Annie Brodie spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mason and Miss
Devina Mason attended the funeral
of the late Mr. McLean of Kippen.
Several from here attended a mis
cellaneous shower that was given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh-
Love in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Car
lyle Taylor.
Greenway has growing pains. Full
particulars next week. y
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Webb visited
their daughter Mrs, T. Gunning last
Mrs. I). Steeper, of Parkhill has
been a guest with her daughter Mrs.
Dean Brown.
Mrs. W. Toll and Aileen, London,
are guests with Mr. and Mrs. E.
There were a number of local mon
employed repairing the road from
We Deliver
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker, of
Cromarty, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Newton Clarke, on '.Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fletcher __
Marjorie spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Stone at Kirkton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Batten
is of
Mrs. A. Bickell returned
having spent the past two
with her daughter, Mrs. Stanley, of
St. Catherines.
Mr. Lome Marshall spent Tuesday
and Wednesday in Oshawa and Tor
onto last week.
We are glad that Mrs.
Doupe is much improved.
In one of cur village gardens
to be seen a very nice showing
Zinnas. This is a little early for fall
Mr. and Mrs. E. Gunning attended
the Francis re-union held at the
home of Mr. Roy Fletcher on Satur
Mrs. D. Roger and Mr. A. Bichall
received word on Saturday of the
death of their brother Mr. Tho®.
Bichall, of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Fletcher were
Sunday visitors with Mr. Wm. Moody
Thames Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Thelma and Mrs. F.
Sunday with Mrs. Wm.
Quite a number from
and community attended
services at Thames Road
Marshall and
Tuft® visited
Lankin of
our village
on Sunday.
A damp and showery morning on
Sunday did not daunt a large congre
gation at anniversary services here.
The minister for the day was Rev.
Robert Hicks, of London, and many
old friends, some from quite a distance, made a point of meeting their
old friend who gave two splendid
addresses. In the morning the
children rendered sweet music under
the direction of Mrs. Taylor. A
number was given by three little
boys and three little girls viz Misses
Jean Cann, Marion Hodgert, Winni-
fred Hodgert, Allison Morgan, Gerald
Campbell and Beverley Morgan.
Miss Margaret Allison and Mis® Mil
dred Hodgert were heard quite nice
ly in a duett. The church was nice
ly decorated by the Mission Circle
girls. At the evening service there
was a Tecord congregation. The
music was rendered by the choir as
sisted by Mrs. Margaret Fletcher,
who also rendered a fine solo “Be
yond the Dawn," by Weatherly.
Amongst the visitors in our com
munity were; Mis® Joy and M-r. Clif
ford Whitlock, of St. Thomas with
their parents; Mr. and Mr. Wm. Sil-
lery with Mr. and Mrs. Hunkin; Mr.
and Mrs. Benson Tuckey and Mr.
Edgar Hunkin, Mr. and Mrs. Faw
cett and Miss Teale, of Mitchell with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pollen; Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Watson with Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Cottle; Mr. and Mrs Edwin
Hawkins, of Seaforth and Mr. Wm.
Stewart, with Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
/Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. Hilburn, Mr.
and Mrs. Seers, of Grand Bend, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Marshall with Mr. and
Mrs. Kerslake; Mrs. Rebecca Stew
art: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCullagh,
of Woodham; Mr. and Mrs. Harper, of Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rimpson and
friends spent Sunday at Auburn, Mr.
Simpson’s sister remaining for a visit.
On Tuesday evening a Strawberry
Supper was .held in the church and
was largely attended. The Indie® sup
plied a sumptuous repast leaving
nothing to be desired. A softball
game was played between Crediton
and Thame® Road and resulted in
favour of the latter 4 to 3, A splen
did program b.v local talent was also (given in the cliurcb.
___ and
Gladys, of Elimville, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Godbolt spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Fletcher.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Davis were-: Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Smyth, of Saintsbury, Mr. and Mrs.
Warner McRoberts, of Lucan.
Miss Grace Collier, of Kirkt-on.
spent a few days last week with, her
grandparents Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. M. Fletcher, Exeter,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Bride Elect Showered
About sixty neighbors and friends
of Miss Elsie Heywood gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs., Sherwood
Brock on Monday evening and pre
sented the bride-to-be with a fern
ery, bridge lamp and an end table.
The address was read by Miss Helen
Murch and the presentation made by
Mises Audrey Prance, Eula Herdman and Laura Ford. Evening was spent
in contests and games- after which
lunch was served.
The following is the address:
Dear Elsie: —
A few of your host of friends we
have gathered here tonight to cele
brate the beginning of your wedded
life. Great days and great friend
ships are few in the lives of most of
us. Next Wednesday will be a great
day for you and you have been one
of our best friends so we feel the oc
casion merits an evening -of fine fel
lowship together.
We wish you happiness
Not just the kind that bubbles up
But happiness that is a quiet peace
Within your heart
Trials will come
They always do—but somehow
They will go away because that peace
Of happiness is here.
We wish you Faith,
Not the fair weather kind of faith
But faith that faces the blackest skyAnd says “I trust.”
We wish you
So many dreams
Because we do
other side.
If Ave would open our self blinded
We woud see what they see and seeing
We would understand.
Our three wishes for you
We do not wish you Fame, or Power or Gold
But we think the share of theseThat comes your way
Will be the brighter and the dearer And still more sweet
Because these other things
Belong to you.
As a token of these our wishes we
give you this fernery, lamp and end
are shattered petal-
no t try to see the
We trust it will always re-
you of our love and keep your
abuvning and flowers bloom-
and Mi’fi'. Oscar Pfaff andMr.
daughter Dolores, of Woodham, and
Mrs. Nelson Schenk, of north of town
spent Sunday with their parents Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Pfaff .Sr.
ML'S Thelma McPherson, who was
operated upon Thu.rday for an abcess
on her leg in the Wai' Memorial
Children’s Hospital, London, is get
ting along fine. Mr. and Mr®. Mc
Pherson visited Sunday with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and
Mrs. Frank Seheiding and Mr. and
Mrs, Stanley Kelly, all of London
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr®.
H. Motz.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Esinshaw, and
Mr. Bob Sharpe, of Stratford, and
MLs Nola Allister, of St. Marys,
were visitors at tho .home of Mr. and i'Mrs. Joe Oliver on Sunday.