HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-06-27, Page 4THUBSDAY, JUNE 27U1, W35 -2BEX. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE BUG KILLERS ALL KINDS FOR DUSTING OR SPRAYING Hand Sprayers for spraying catte and plants. There is no better way to keeps your cows contented and free from Warble flies than to use cattle spray. We have a splendid choice in kitchenware and utensils for the June Bride Many articles in Aluminumware at only 79c. We have in stock 2 only second-hand, 3-burner Perfection Stoves at very reasonable prices Would you like to dispose of that old stove? If so let us show you what we have to suit your jpuirse and taste. No obligation to purchase. Many customers are telling us how well they like our Jap-A-Lac Paints and Enamels. Let us serve you for your next paint job. Lindenfield’s Hardware, Exeter BIRTHS SAYERS—In Victoria Hospital, Lop- dun, on Saturday, June 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sayers, a •daughter, (stillborn) MITCHELL—In Bethesda Hospital, London on Tuesday, June 25th to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell, a daughter. DEATHS RUSSELL—In Exeter, on Friday June 21st, Mrs. David Russell. WILLIS—In Centralia, -on Sunday June 23rd, Thomas Willis, in his 62nd year. ROBINSON—On lot 4, con. ?>. Ste­phen Twp., en Saturday, June 22 William J. Robinson, in his 75th year. MARRIAGES BEAVERS — O’CONNOR — At Our Lady of Lourdes, Church, Toronto, on Saturday, June 22nd, Mary Helen O’Connor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O'Connor, to George E. Beavers, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, by Rev, Father G-. F. Kelly. BJATTERSBY—HEYWOOD-At Hen- sall on Wednesday, June 26th. Elsie Isabelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Heywood, -of Us- burne, to Launcelot Paul Batters- by, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Batters- by, of Hensall, by Rev. A. Sinclair’ DELBRIDGE — COOPER — At the home of the bride’s parents on Wednesday, June 19th, Lilie La- vona, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper, to Horace An­ drew Delbridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge, of Win- chelea, by Rev. J. R. Peters. announcement Mr. and Mrs. James H. Harrison, of Hibbert, announce the engage­ ment of their eldest daughter, Emily Viola, to Mr. James Wesley Oke, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, of Usborne. The wedding to take place July 6th. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Lyida Pearl, youngest daughter of Mrs. Rebecca Stewart and the late Mr. Fred C. Stewart, .of Exeter, Ont., to Gordon Samuel, eldest son of Mr. Samuel D. Merner Jr., of Buffalo N. Y., the marriage to take place quietly in July. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Robt. Gambrill and her par­ ents, Mr. and' Mrs. Rogers, also Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gambrill and family wish to express their sincere thanks for the many kindly expressions of sympathy Which have been expres­ sed in many ways particularly by letter and card during their recent bereavement. BABY CHICKS Order your chicken from Switzer's A-l Baby Chick hatchery. They are cheap. As low as $6.00 per hund­ red in June. We are hatching Bar­ red Rocks, White Rocks, White and Brown Legh'orns, Anconas, Jersey Black Giants and White Indian Run­ ner ducklings. Get your catalogue- before you buy your chickens. Get prices on 5 week pullets. Custom hatching after May 20th; Hen eggs 2c; Duck eggs and Turkey eggs 3c; trays hold1128 hen eggs and between 9 0 and 100 duck and turkey eggs. A. H. SWITZER Granton, Ont. nmMnwrw'BMimMWMm DASHWOOD Dr H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. A Strawberry Festival will be given under the auspices of the La­dies’ Aid of Zion Lutheran Church on Wednesdsay, July 3rd. Supper will be served from 5 to 8 o’clock. A program will be given by the Wal­ther League consisting of musical numbe rs and a short play entitled "A Ba.rgain’s a Bargain”. All are cordialJy invit-ed. Mr.and Mrsj. Wilber Graybell and family , of WO ndstock, spent Sunday with h■is paren ts Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graybt •il. E. O’Neil, of Prospect Hill Mr. Ray Parkinson, of Devizes, tspent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ge). Parkinson. , The W. A- met at the home at Mrs. Thus. Gunning on Thursday af­ ternoon last. & Squire Reunion The sixth Squire reunion was held at Grand Bend on Saturday, June 22nd, when about seventy five were present. After dinner was served a full list of sports were enjoyed by all including a ball game. The re­ sults of races are; Boys 5 to 12. Ar­ nold Cann, Cecil Squire; girls 5 to 12, Shirley Squire, Dorothy Squire; boys 12 to 15, Orland Squire. Clay­ ton Herdman; young ladies, Gladys Squire, Velma Squire; young men, Edgar Baker, Amos Herdman; mar­ ried ladies, Mrs. Nelson Squire, Mrs. Win, Bradshaw; married men, Nel­ son Squire,, Frank Squire; kicking the slipper, Hazel Gunning, Velma Squire; chewing gum contest. Verna Scott; Marshmallow contest, Orville Cann; bottle contest, Violet Squire and Mervin Baker, Mrs. Arthur Ba­ ker, Mr. Albert Scott. The guests from a distance were, Mr. Marshall Squire, his son Mr. Harvey Squire and wife of Farmington, Mich.; Mr. Henry Squire, Exeter was the oldest member on the grounds. Mr. Squire has reached the wonderful age of 86. At supper his birthday cake was served. Audrey Dalyrmple, great grand daughter of Mr. Sauire aged 3 'months was the youngest, on the grounds. After supper was .served the following officers were elected: President, Jas. Squire; Secretary, W. Redd; Sport committee, Frank Squire Orville Cann, Tom Woodward, Mrs. Oke, Mrs. Geo Squire, Mrs. Nelson Squire. It was decided to hold the next reunion at Grand Bend. CHOIR PICNIC Members of the James Street choir held a picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday afternoon last. A splen­ did line uii of sports were heartily entered into and a softball game. Following the supper hour Mr, and Mis. Stainton were presented with a beautiful silver flower basket, the presentation being made by the president, Mr. Elford and the ad­ dress read by Miss Jean Sheere. Mr. Stainton made a very fitting reply expressing his appreciation of the many pleasant associations with the choir during his pastorate in Exeter, The following is the address:Exeter, Ontario, June 19th, 1935 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stainton: As the time for your departure from -our midst draws near, we real­ize more than ever what your piesenee and help have meant to us. For the past three years you have established many warm friendships. We have profited by your example and teachings. In our choir we shall greatly miss Mrs. Stainton for ■her talent, which has been so gen­ erously and cheerfully given at all times. In our social gatherings the presence of Mr. -Stainton has always been an added enjoyment. We are sorry that you are to leave us so soon but our loss is tempered with joy when we realize that our loss must be another’s gain. As a token of the esteem in which you are held and as some visible ex­ pression of our very best wishes we vculd ask you to accept this gift. We join in wishing you and yiur family every success in your new field of labor. Signed by tlio members of James Street Choir. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, -of Clinton; are visiting with their parents Mr. and Mils. Arthur Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden and family spent the week-end with Miss Lillie Do-bbs in Stratford. Don’t forget the garden party on the churc'h lawn on Friday evening of this week. A good program will be provided after the supper. A soft- ball game between the single men and the married men, will be played on the school grounds. Dec. ration Day will be held on Sunday afternoon on the Gos'hen Line cemetery. Dashwood C. E. band will be in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac spent a few days in Detroit attending the wedding of their granddaughter Miss Lucille Mclsaac on Saturday.Rev. W. S. Henrich is confined t) his home through illness. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W- Henrich and family of Toronto, -spent the week­ end with Rev. and Mrs. Henrich. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter and Mur­ iel, -of Kitchener called on friends on Sunday.Messrs. Simpson and Ed. Geiger of Cavalier, N. D., are visiting with relatives in this vicinity. Miss Marie Allemang, of St. Cle­ ments, spent Sunday with Miss Helen Nadiger. Master Claire Musser had the misfortune of cutting his foot two weeks- ago and is under the doc­ tor’s care. Miss Thelma Elsie has returned home after spending a few days in Sarnia. HARPLEY Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill ac­ companied Mr. and Mrs. Orval Hay- ter on a motor trip to Muskoka Lakes over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Person and Mrs. S. Campbell, of California visited on Sunday with Mr. F. Love. A number from here attended the picnic of the Ladies’ Guild of Grace church at Ipperwash on Saturday. Misses Ruth Love and Ruby Hicks are writing Entrance exams this week. We wish them every success. The highway men have done con­ siderable work on the road and ex­ pect to have the job completed very soon. . SHIPKA Rev. Mr. Lavery, of Toronto, gave a very interesting address on Tem­ perance in the United Church here on Sunday last and also addressed the Sunday School. Miss Alma Ratz has been engaged to teach in S. S. No. 7, Shipka, start­ ing at the fall term as Mrs. K. Love has re-signed. We c ugratulate Miss Leila Mol- lard on passing her final exam, in music cn Friday of last week. Mrs. John Gower is at present con­ fined to her home through illness. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Evelyn Clarke left last week for near Exeter where she .has se­ cured employment with Mr. Prout. Mr. Elijah Earlton and son Mr. Arthur Harlton of Granton, visited on Tuesday at the home of Mr. Herb Harlton. Miss Mildred Lamport, of Strat­ ford spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. Wilfred Adams, Miss Veva Adams and Miss Blanche Morenz spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams of London. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and Ross spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz. The Ladies’ Aid will meet on Wed­ nesday, July 3rd in the evening at the home -of Mrs. Major Baker. CENTRALIA A shadow of gloom was cast over cur community this week with tliq passing away of Mr. Thus. Willis and Mr. Wm. Robinson two of our well- known and esteemed residents. Miss jean Simpson u-pent the week­ end at her home in Sebringville, Mr. S. Henry spent the week-end in Guelph. Mrs. Kenneth Simps-m, of Ailsa Craif, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P. Simpson. Mrs. A. Procter and family, of St Marys; Mrs. Ewart Powe, of London 20 PUPILS G,RANTED ENTRANCE CERTIFICATES The Entrance examinations start­ ed Wenes-day morning. -Of the 34 entrance pupils of the Exeter school 20 were granted entrance certificat­ es by the Entrance Board without writing the final examinations. Those who receivegd this standing were as follows: Richard Gordon, Murray Gordon, Patsy Russell, Mar­ garet Clarke, Jean Appleton, Rich­ ard Stanbury, Robert Soutlicott, Eileen Andrew, Hazel J’ones, Billy Jones, Irene Kydd, June Bartow, Jack Smith,. Labelle iSims, Lilyan McDonald, Lorraine Armstrong, Ger­ ald Law-son, Evenly Lawson, Carl Sti-re, Thelma Hockey. The princi­ pal is Mr. A, R. Dodds. Imported Clydesdale Stallion MILTON MAC [25325] (21358) Foaled 19th of May, 1925 Will stand for mares this season as follows: Monday will leave lws own stable Exeter North and go to Chas. Aid­ worth’s, Hay, for noon; thence home for night. Tuesday to Wm. Bow­ den’s 2nd con. of Stephen for noon; thence to Wm. Grieve’s Town Line, Con. 7, for night. Wednesday, by way of Crediton to Chri&. Haist’s, con. 6, for noon; thence to his own stable. Thursday, to John Allison’s N. Thames Road for noon; thence to Albert Etlierington’s Lot 28, Con. 4, Usborne for night. Friday to his own stable, TERMS—To insure a foal $10.00. Payable February the list, 1936. J. J. MILLAR, Proprietor & Manager REVISED SOFTBALL SCHEDULE June 26th—Thames Rd. at Shipka June 27tli—James St. at Crediton U. June 23—Thames Rd. at Crediton U Das'hwood at Shipka Crediton U. at James St. July 1st a.m.—James St. at Main St. July 2—Crediton E. at Dashwood James St. at Centralia Thames Rd. at Main St. July 4—'Shipka at Thames Road July 5—’Centralia at Crediton U. Crediton E. at James St. July 8—Shipka at Credit-on U. July 9—Main St. at Thames Road James St. at Dashwood Crediton E. at Shipka July 10—Centralia at James St, July 11—Dashwood at crediton U- July 12—Shipka at James St. ■Centralia at Crediton E. July 15—James St. at Thames Road .SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDING P W T L P Dashwood .........8 7 1 14 Centralia............8 5 3 19Main street.......8 4 1 3 9 Ciedlton Evang,7 4 3 3Thames Rd........5 3 0 w 6- S'hiplka...............4 1 3 2James st............2 1 1 1Crediton United 7 7 0- Two unreported games MT. CARMEL July 16—’Centralia at Main St. Shipka at Crediton E. July 17—James St. at Crediton E. July 18—Shipka at Main St. Centralia at Thames Road July 19—-Thames Road at James St. July 22—(Crediton U at Main St. James St. at Shipka Dashwood at Thames Road MIXED AUCTION SALE ---/Of--- HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS AND SPRINGERS at Our Sales Barns, Exeter, on THURSDAY, JUNE 27tli at 1:30 o’clock Maxwell washing machine and wringer, Al condition, nearly new. Anyone having livestock to part with let us know, we will either buy them or take them in on commission of 4 p. c. and sell them or any horse over $100 may be sold for $5.00. I will try to have buyers for all kinds of stock. Farm implements or household ef­ fects may be consigned to this sale. These sales will be held every week until further notice. TERMS—CASH G. J. DOW, Proprietor1 W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer MORTGAGE SALE of VALUABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY The undersigned will offer for sale on SATURDAY, JULY 13th, 1035 at 11 o’clock a.m, at t'he offices of Messrs. Gladman & Stan- bury the property known as: ALL and SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Vil­ lage of Exeter, in the County -of Huron, and Province of Ontario, con­ taining by admeasurement thjrty- two perches be the same more or les® being composed of Lot Number (3) on the West side of Main Street, North of Victoria Street, in said Vil­ lage of Exeter, a® shown on the map -or plan of the subdivision of part of Lot Number Twenty-three (23) in the First Concession of the Town­ ship of Stephen under the name of Carling's survey. On the property is a fine stucco house, 2 storey-—3 bedrooms with clothes clo-sets, fully equipped bath­ room, sun room, parlour with fire­place, dining room, den and kitchen with built-in cupboards, sink and hot and cold water facilities, 3 room cel­ lar, cement cistern, air furnace and hot water heater, good garden with small fruit®. TERMS 10 per cent. Balance in thirty days. Further particulars and conditions upon application to GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Mortgagee WHALEN Mrs. Alice Parkinson, of St, Marys, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Millson for a time. Mr. and Mrs Alex Baillie are holi­ daying in Toronto with relatives. The sympathy -of the community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pul­ len in Joss of their infant daughter. Mrs. Frank Parkinson visited for several days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swallow, Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson and Mr. D. Johnson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks, of Lucan on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Waterton and fam­ ily, of Kirkton, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Switzer. Mrs. Wm. Morley returned home on Sunday from London where she spent several days during last week with her sister Mrs. Phil. Porter. Mr. Vincent Elliott, of Windsor, has been engaged as teacher for. the coming year at this school. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. The garden party held here on Wednesday evening of last week and in spite of the inclement wea­ ther a large crowd was present from Stratford, Exeter, Crediton, Lucan. Centralia, London, Dashwood, De­ troit, Greenway and Corbett. Mr. Joe Glavin, of St, Michael’s College, Toronto, is spending his holidays at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietrich spent a few days last week with friends in Detroit. Mr. Arthur Keogh’s three chil­ dren are suffering from an attack of bronchitis and are under the care of Dr. Bateson of Parkhill. Rev. Father .Sullivan, of Toronto, is visiting his father Mr. P. Suliivan Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Keogh and two sons Donald and Harold and the former’s sister, Mrs. Russel Wil­ son, of Seattle, Washington and Miss Susie Keogh, of Detroit, call­ ed on their aunt Mrs. M. Madden and other relatives here Wednesday of last week. Mr. Alonzo McCann received the news on Sunday of the death <of his brother-in-law Mr. Kenny, of De­ troit. Mr, and Mrs, Mack McDonald attended the funeral of the latter’s uncle Mr. Thomas Willis of Centra­ lia on Wednesday. CROMARTY LAST CALL! Eggs for our Last Regular Hatch Now in the Incubators! Last regular hatch comes off July 15th, Many orders already on hand. Come into the hatchery and get your chicks before they’re all gone. White Leghorns— Mixed male and female ............................. (Sexed—guaranteed 90% pullets ............ . Barred Bocks, White Rocks, White Wyandotte®, Mixed male and female ...................... ..... Sexed—guaranteed 90% pullets .............. New Hampshire Reds, Jersey Black Giants— Mixed male and female ......................... 3-wceks-old cMcks—heavy breeds ...................... Standard Xtra-Profit Grade Grade Per 100 Per 100 .$ 6.95 $ 8.95 . 15.90-17.90 1, R. I. Reds— ,$ 7.95 $ 9.95 . 12.90 16.90 $8.95 $10.95 ,$16.59 $18.95 (Note: Weekly hatches after July 15 td supply orders received well in ADVANCE. Prices on inquiry,) Pullets for immediate Delivery Leghorn Pallets— 3 weeks Old ..................................... $23.95 $2,5.95 N. IL Red Pullets—6 week® to laying age—prices on inquiry Bray Chick Hatchery Phone 246, Exeter, Ontario All statements in this advertisement Government Approved insofar as Baby Chicks are concerned. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weitzman, of Niagara visited over the week-end with Mns. Weitzman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKellar, Mr. and Mrs. McKellar returned with them and will visit for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott motor- to Niagara on Thursday to spend a few days with friends. Miss Ada Speare, of Seaforth, is at present under the parental roof. Mr®, Tufford, of Toronto, who was a visitor at her home in the village for a couple of weks returned to To­ ronto a few days ago. Miss Chalmers, icf Scotland arriv­ ed on Wednesday and will spend some time with friends in the neigh­ borhood. She is at present at the home of Mrs. Scott. Mr. and Mrs, Reid Sr., left last week to make their homo in Forest. Mrs. Rhode of the village is spend­ ing a few weeks with her mother Mr®, Yellow at the Thames Road. The fence in front of the church has been greatly improved in appear­ ance by receiving a coat of paint, the work being done by the Ladies’ Aid. The Young People nf the congre­ gation are serving a Strawberry and Ice Cream .Social ion Thursday even­ ing. a play will he given by the Young People of Walton, entitled "The Wild Rose of the Hills.” for uniform'top'performance Just compare Blue Sunoco’s performance in your car with any other gasoline at any price •.. that’s all we ask! Check them all for1 quick starting, traffic-jumping acceleration, knockless action and reserve power, plus mileage economy. You’ZZ come back to Blue Sunoco for uniform “top” performance! / r,p AbZT~~ ' o,t - FOR SALE BY S. J. V. Cann, J Passmore & Sons, Ed Nadiger, A. E. Ravelie, L. Prang & Son, Exeter Hensail Dashwood Grand Bend Zurich