HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-06-13, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JUNE 13111, 1035 HENSALL Mr. John Pudney, of London, was in town on Monday. Mr. and Mr©. George Beattie, of Varna, visited with friends in town. Mrs. fS. Merner is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Isaac Hudson, of Sea­ forth. Mrs. John Passmore took in the Cann family picnic in Usborne onCann family picnic in Usborne Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hemphill, Wroxeter visited with relatives Town on Saturday. Mrs. D, B. McLean has returned home after a pleasant friends in St. Thomas. Rev. M. B. and Mrs. Morpeth were calling on the village on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Park and Miss Margaret Johnson visited with Hyde Park relatives on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lancaster of Vancouver, visited on Monday with Mr. and M-rs. Geo. Follick. Rev. W- A. Young, Dr. and Mr. Orville Twitchell have purchased a new Ford V-8 car. Ronald Peck and sister, Elaine Peck, of Clinton, visited the week-end with Henall friends. Mrs. John Johnston is spending a few days visiting with her daughter, Mrs. A. F. Douglas and family at Hyde Park. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale and Mr. and Mre. J. M. Sunday visiting with chener. Quite a number of attended the funeral of the late Jas. B. MdLean, at Kippen on Monday afternoon. Mrs. John Pope has returned home after spending several month© with members of her family in London and Toronto. Wm. and Miss Hannah relatives and other points, Dr. Smillie is being week by his fathen and and Mr©. Alex. Smillie, brother, all of Toronto. •Mas© Marie Miller, of Windsior, who has been visiting for the past three 'weeks with relative© in1 town has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McNaughton have left to spend several weeks with their son, Mr. Peter McNaughton, in Hibbert township. Mrs. Geo. Miners, of London, ©pent a few -days last week visiting with her brother, Mr. Thos. Parlmer and other friends in town. Mr, and Mrs. Cross have returned from Toronto1 where Mr. Cross has been for the past two weeks and Mr©. Cross for the week. Mrs. McMullen and daughter, Miss Lilian McMullen and friend of Otterville, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brock and fam­ ily attended the Brock family picnic which was held at Springbank on Wednesday afternoon last. The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres­ byterian church held! a business meeting at the home of Mrs. Donald McKinnon on Mionday evening. Mr. Archie Filshie is moving this week into the house he recently rent­ ed from Mrs. W. C. Davis corner of Nelson and south Richmond St. Mr. and M.rs. W-m. McLean, of Hamilton, are spending a few days this week visiting with Lean’s parents, Mr. and Passmore. Mr. M. G. a good size elevator on railroad track which will add greatly to its convenience. The secretary of the Old Boys’ Re-uniion Committee has mailed out ■over 1200 copies of the program that will be given here on June 30, July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The baseball match that was to have been played between the Hen­ sall and Lucan teams at Lucan on Friday evening last was called ion account of -rain. Mrs. Roy Parlmer returned home on Saturday from Toronto, where she has been for several weeks taking treatment for her friends hope she proved in health. A large crowd of Mrs. contests after which a dainty lunch was served. This meeting conclud­ ed the Mission Band meeting for the summer months. The 10th anniversary of Church Union was held in the United church on .Sunday. .The services being conducted by the Rev. D. D. Barner, of Toronto, assisted by Rev. Arthur Sinclair the pastor. At the evening service Rev. Mr. Barner showed a number of lantern slides which were very interesting. A splendid atten­ dance was at both services and special music was furnished by the choir. Quite a number from Hensall at­ tended the service in Knox Presby­ terian Church, Goderich, on Sunday afternoon the occasion was the Dia­ mond Jubilee of the Presbyterian Church in 'Canada under tion of the Presbytery of number of Presbyterian took part in the service Rev. W- A. Young, pastor of Carmel Church, Hensall, who gave a inspiring and helpful address. Shower at Cliisellnirst The neighbors gathered at home of Miss Bernice Harris, bride­ elect and presented her with a mis­ cellaneous shower on Monday after­ noon. After, receiving the lovely and useful gifts Bernice replied in an appropriate manner. On Friday evening the uncles and aunts of the bride-elect with theii’ families met and also presented her with a mis­ cellaneous shower. About 25 were present and a pleasant evening was •spent, 1875, HENSALL’S DIAMOND JUBILEE 1935 'OLD BOYS AND GIRLS REUNION June 30th, July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Just think of it, four big days in Hensall, where you will meet all your old friends, Joe, John, Jim, Pete, Nellie and Maud, visit old ■haunts and many of you will recall the scenes of your childhood. The committee have not ©pared the price in providing for your entertainment and you will talk of the wonderful time you ihad, for years to come. Come' bring your family. Something doing all the time. Band, London Pipe Band, Citizens’ Band. grounds, midway attractions, horse­ shoe tournament, dancing every night calathumpian parade, baseball games, grand ©tand 'performance every evening. Death of Mrs. Peter McNaughton The death occurred in Victoria Hospital, London on Thursday, June 6th of Lillian Mae Selves, wife of Peter McNaughton of Hibbert Twp. in her 36th year. Mrs. .McNaughton had been in pooir health for some time and was taken to the hospital for treatment, but in spite of the best medical care and nursing she failed to rally and passed away on Thursday morning. She was a dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Selves., of the Boundary and spent her early life there. About twelve years ago she was married to. Mr. McNaughton and they went to live on the Mc­ Naughton farm, Lot 26, Con. 13, Hibbert Twp., just east of Chisel­ hurst and have resided there .since She was a member of the Chisel­ hurst United Church and highly re­ spected by all w.hio knew her. Be­ sides her bereaved husband she leaves to mourn hei’ loss one little daughter, five year© old, her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Selves of the Boundary; three bro­ thers, Clifford, of London; Bart, at home and John of the Usborne boundary and one sister, Mrs. Jesse Jaques, of Usborne Twp. The funeral took place form her late home on Saturday afternoon and was con­ ducted by Rev. Arthur .Sinclair, pas­ tor of the Hencall and Chiselhurst United Churches. Mr. Sinclair spoke very highly of the deceased and how she will be missed by her family and the community in which she lived. Interment took place in the Hensall Union cemetery. The pall bearers were all neighbors of the deceased Wm. Brintnell, Bert Riley," Thos. Drover, Jas. Dougall, Carl Stoneman and Norman Passmore. The flor­ al tributes were very beautiful. The sympathy of the whole community goes to Mr. McNaughton and little daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Selves in after-’their sad bereavement. were Clin- of in Visit with Parker, of friends in the direc- Huron. A ministers including very Collyer each Miss over Ortwein spent friends in Kit- Hensail- people John Craig and sister Craig are friends in visiting Toronto with and visited mother, i, also this Mr. his Mrs. Me- Mrs. John Thompson is addition to the west side putting up his grain io f the throat. Her many will be much im- attended the sale Davis on Saturday noon last, when good prices realized. Mr. Geo. Elliott, of ton was the auctioneer. Mrs, D. Canteilion returned Saturday after visiting -for the past two weeks with her son and daugh­ ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Can- tel-on of Stromberg. Mr. Geo. Forest, of tihe- West, is visiting with his sister Mrs. Edith Forest and other relatives in the vicinity. This is Mr. Forest’s first visit home in 40 yea-r-s and no doubt finds many changes in that time. Among those who attended the Deanery meeting in Goderich on Wednesday last were Mr. Hendry, Mr. G. C. Petty, Wm. Fee, Miss Mary and Sarah Fee, Mrs. Jas. Simpson, Mrs. Thos 'Simpson and ©on Mr. T. Simpson. Mr. Thos. Simpson accompanied by -his mother, Mrs. T. Simpson, who have been visiting with relatives and friends for the past week, left Tues­ day for London, a few days before returning home in Straffordville. Mr. Erickson, proprietor New Commerical -Hotel is considerable improvements also hav­ ing the hotel nicetly painted which Will add greatly to its appearance. Everyone is getting ready for, the Old Boys Reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson, Mr. Thos, Hudson and Mr. and Mrs, S. Hudson, Of Pontiac, Mich., motored over on Friday to attend the Hud­ son picnic at Bayfield .oil Saturday, Mr Thos* Hilclsoii will visit with. lils motlie-r Mrs. Joseph Hudson. •! a few weeks. The Mission Baiid of the ‘church were entertained ion day afternoon by the W»M.S. school room- o£ the church- afternoon was spent in games and home They will visit for to theii’ of the making Sr. for TJnited Satur- in the The the Forest Brass Hensall Free camping Death of Mrs. Will. Fairburn The death -occurred at the Scott Memorial Hospital Seaforth, of Luella Green on Thursday, June 6, wife of William Fairburn, Hensall. Mrs. Fairburn was taken seriously ill on Wednesday and was taken to the Seaforth Hospital on Wednesday ev­ ening for treatment but failing to rallyp passed away on Thursday morning. She was a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Cyrus Green, of Grand Bend and was born there 35 years ago. After her marriage to Mr. Fairburn they came to the Hensall district to reside and have resided here since. Besides her husband she is survived by one daughter lAgnee and one son Eldon, her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Green, of Grand Bend and five sisters, Ruth at Grand Bend; Mildred, Detroit; Esther, Pennsylvania; Beatrice, of Toronto; Mrs. John Taylor, of Chis­ elhurst and three brothers at Grand Bend. The funeral took place from her late home on Saturday afternoon the service being in charge of Rev. Arthur Sinclair. Interment in Hen­ sall Union oemetery. The pall bear­ ers were Albert Shirray, Wm. D-oug- al.1, Alex Mousseau, Geo. Armstrong Jake Ingram and Lome Chapman- Death of Mrs. Thos. Dick Another of the old pioneers of this district passed away on Sunday morning at her home here in the person of Mrs. Thos. Dick, aged 93 years. Up to a year or so ago she was quite active for her age, but during this last year she has gradually fail­ ed and the end canie Sunday morn­ ing She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sheffer and was born at Woodbridge, near Toronto-. When quite young the family moved to a farm near Hiltegrcen where Mrs, ( Dick spent her early life. When 18 • years of age she married Thomas s Dick and they settled on Lot 18, Con. 4, Hay Township and resided there i for 45 years. About 30 years ago l they purchased a home in Hensall on > King St., and retired from the farm , Mr, Dick died two years later. Mr. ’ and Mrs. Dick were industrious, hard ; working people and built up the fine i farm on the Blind Line now occupied i by their son George. She was a splen- • did neighbor and in the early days I was frequently called in cases of j sickness and death. She was a -con­ sistent member of the Presbyterian • Church and highly respected by all • who knew her, During this last few ' years, she has been nursed and well • taken care of -by her daughter Mrs. i Bertha Bell, She leaves to- mourn ■ her loss four sons and five daughters . all of whom are living. James Dick, i of Hensall; George on the farm in : Hay Township, Charles in Saskatoon and John Dick, of Orillia; Mrs, Taite of Toronto Mrs. Douglas of Blake Mrs. Caldwell of Parkside, Sask; Mrs. Bertha Bell, of Hensall and Mrs. (Dr.) Cawthore, of Tavistock there are 19 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren; also two broth­ ers Edward Sheffer, of Hensall- and Charles Sheffer, of Marlette, Mich. A private funeral took place from her late home King st., Hensall on Tuesday afternoon with -the service being conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. A. Young, of Carmel Presbyter­ ian ohurch, interment in the Hen­ sall Union cemetery. A/ great many relatives, friends and old neighbors of the deceased called at the home on Monday and Tuesday to pay their last iresrtects. The floral 'tributes were very beautiful showing the es­ teem and respect held for Mrs. Dick by the community in ed. The pall bearers sons of the deceased. Among those who funeral of -the Hate Di-ck were: Miss Muir Taylor, Mr. Curants, __ ___ Ross Dick, Mr. and Mrs. S. Tait and son, of Toronto; Mr. Arnold Bell, of St. Catherines; Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Gawthorp© and sons, Roht. and Joe. of Tavistock; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blake and daughters Gladys and Margaret of Blake; Pail bearers were (Robt. and Joe Caw-thiorpe, Glenn Tait, Arnold Bell, Rex Dick and E. Dick. Death of Janies B- McLean James B. McLean-, one of the best known and highly respected farmers of the township of Tuckersmith pas­ sed away at his home, Lot 18, -con. 1, Tuckersmith, three miles north of Hensall-1 on Friday. He has been seriously dll fan over a year with stomach trouble, but in spite of the Monday night. Mrs. A. Y. Haist and Mr©. Rev. Wing, of Kitchener, visited Mrs. T. Mawhinney on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth, Reg­ inald and Reynold and Mis© Elva visited in Hanover on Sunday. A Strawberry -Supper will be serv­ ed at the United Church on Thurs­ day evening, June 20th by the men of the -congregation. Children's Day will be held next Sunday at the Evangelical Ohurch. Service in the morning will be ac­ companied by a junior choir. The real program will be held in the ev­ ening beginning at 7.30 p.m. when Beginner©, Primary, Juniors and Young People will take part. Mission­ ary offerings all day. Everyone cor­ dially invited. Mr. W. C. F. Oesriclier had a very successful sale of cattle on Tuesday. The Crediton Evangelicals defeat­ ed the Crediton- United 8-7 in a sche­ duled softball game here on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barber and son Bob, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fahner and other friends last week. The annual picnic of the United Church Sunday School will be held at Grand Bend on Saturday, June 15. A good program of sports is being prepared. Ladies Aid and W. M. S. The regular meeting of the Evan­ gelical Ladies Aid and W. M. S. met on Thursday afternoon, June 6th at the home of Mrs. Chester Mawhin­ ney. The Vice-President, Mrs. E. Wenzel took charge of the devotion­ al exercises. The roll call was called when twenty-two responded and also one visitor. The Society reported 35 sick visits, 20 calls, 31 treats, 27 bouquets, 4 cards and 1 plant. Let­ ters of appreciation were read from those that were remembered while sick. It was decided to have a Strawberry Festival on July 4th al­ so that the Society invite the W.M.S, convention to be held here next May. The program followed when Mrs. J, Morl-ock took the chair and the meet­ ing was opened by song; a chapter of the Study Book was read b>y Mrs. Hugo Schenk. Then the reports of the W. M. S. convention were given by Mrs. Art Amy -and Mrs. Dan Fink- beiner which were very much en­ joyed. Followed by song and prayer after which lunch was served. Mrs. Tom Mawhinney expressed her ap­ preciation to the hostess; the dele­ gates for their excellent reports and different committees in charge. Anniversary Services Large crowds attended the Anni­ versary services of Zion Evangelical ___, __ __ __ ■ church Sunday, June 9th, morning best medical skill and nursing he* and evening. This was the 3 8th An- -niversary of the present church building and the 79th Anniversary of the -organization' -of the congregation. Rev. G. F. Barthel, of Calvary, Evan­ gelical Church, Kitchener, was the Anniversary speaker and delighted the audiences with spirit-filled and inspiring messages. At the morning service Mr. Barthel spoke on the “Old Landmarks of the Christian Church” which in so many instances are being removed today which re­ sult in spiritual dearth and -of power. He earnestly appealed for the res­ toration of the old landmarks where ■removed to restore the individual and the church to a place of power and efficiency. At the evening service the United Church joined the Evan­ gelicals in worship and the spacious church was filled Mr. Barthel spoke on the “Poss-ibilties of Faith” show­ ing how practical faith is demon­ strated in this modern day, where the conditions of faith are met. Mt. Barthel spoke briefly to the Sunday school on the “Place and use of the W-ord of God in life.” The choir rendered excellent music at both services. Chas. Hoffman sang “God loveth His Dwelling Places” at the evening service. A beautiful spirit of fellowship existed among the people throughout all the services of the day and this Anniversary will long be remembered. The regular meeting of the Senior Christian Endeavor was held Wed­ nesday evening in the Sunday School auditorium with a splendid atten­ dance. The department of Recrea­ tion had charge of the program. Gor­ don Ratz acted as chairman. M topic “Hymns” was cussed by Cuthbert responding Scripture Hirtzel. Marguerite which she liv- were all grand attended the Mirs, Thomas and Mrs. Jas. Mr. and Mrs. gradually sank till he passed away. He was a son of the late Robt, and Mrs. McLean and was born 5 8 years ago- on the same farm where he died and -where the spent (his whole life. He was a very successful farmer. A fine type of a man, honored and re­ spected by all who knew him. Out­ side of his family he was best known in his church, St. Andrews, of Kip­ pen, w-here he served a/1-1 his life. He was .Sunday .school superintend­ ant -for over thirty years and up till the time of his illness we believe he only missed four Sundays that he was not in his place in the Sunday school. He was also the and an active worker in of church work. He is his widow, formerly Crawford, who -before her marriage lived on the Crawford farm 114 miles north of Hensall and 4 -sons, Robert, of Waubaushene; ‘William J. of Hamilton; Feme, of Kirkland Lake; Clarence, of London; Rose teacher at Matheson; Gladys, teacher in Hibbert Township and Dorothy, nurse-in-training at the Clinton Gen­ eral Hospital are daughters; Mrs. Fowler, of Toronto. Mrs. John Hen­ derson, of the Landon Road and Mrs. Ear-l Spivat, of the 2nd Con, of Tuckersmith are sisters of the de­ ceased, (one brother, William Mc­ Lean of Kirkland Lake. The funer­ al was one of the largest seen in this district for years, took place from his late home on Monday afternoon. A short service was .held at the house after which the remains were taken to St. Andrew’s where a public was conducted Mr. Chandler, A. Bremner, of church was crowded to the doors by neighbors and friends who wished to pay theii’ last respects to one who they had known and loved so long.- During the service a nephew of the deceased, Mr. Crawford, of Ripley, sang a solo, “Just Going Home.” At the close of the service the children of the 'Sunday school- matched in a body up through the church to take a last look at their, beloved superin­ tendant and each deposited a spray of lillies of the valley on the casket. Interment took place in the Exeter cemetery. The honorary pall bear­ ers were: Messrs, Paterson, of Clin­ ton Joseph Sellus, of Blueville; Wm. Crawford, of Ripley; Isaac Jarrott, Thos. Forsyth and Alex. Monteith, Kippen. The pall bearers were J. C. Bell, John Passmore, Earl Sproat, John Henderson, James McLean and Edgar Butts. The floral tributes were very beautiful. Among others beautiful wreaths were sent from the public school at Waubaushene. Ontario; the Westinghouse Company Hamilon and the London Life suranc Co., London. choir leader all branches survived by Miss Nellie church, Kippen service was held and by the pastor, Rev, assisted by Rev. W- Brucefield. The large . CREDITON ’ Rev. and Mrs. Schmidt, of In- Kit­ chener, spent the week-end with Mrs. E. Kuhn. Mr, Wm. Roeszler is the proud father of a baby .girl, Mr, and Mr©, E. Oestrfcher, Windsor are visiting friends In community. A number of men of Crediton of this and vicinity gave Mr. and Mrs, Richard Hill a real old-time charivari ion pjj I I I I t THE Big Red & White ANNIVERSARY SALE ,,r“T-|-r"rrinriTrirmi«MBwnwmi«iMnTiimwnwwniinim»m»iinni-iw— mi imuawii.j. iiimini - - - - - - Given Away Free Each Day - i June 13, 14, 15 1 ten pound sack of Redpath Granulated Sugar to the lucky person COME IN AND REGISTER YOUR NUMBER ( Extra Specials SUGAR CRISP CORNFLAKES .................... MAPLE LEAF SALMON, &lb. tins............. RED & WHITE VANILLA EXTRACT, 8 oz GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, Choice Quality HEREFORD CORN BEEF............................... CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES, Large tin 4 pkgs for 25c ..... 2 for 35c bottle, each 15c .... 2 for 23c. . 2 tins for 23c .... 2 for 19c P. & G. Soap ..........................................................10 bars for 33c DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, Assorted flavors .. 6 for 25c SALT, Free Running or Iodized......................2 boxes for 15c CHOICE QUALITY PEAS, No. 4......................2 tins for 19c GOLD MEDAL ORANGE MARMALADE, Large Jar 25c GINGER COOKIES ............................................. per lb. 10c PEANUT BUTTER, in Bulk...................................2 lb- for 25c Redpath Granulated Sugar s . . . . 10 lbs. for 51c ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT. 1 Phone 102 DASHWOOD “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, id Zurich, last three days of week. be pleased to know that she was able to return home Friday last from Victoria Hospital, London hav­ ing being operated on for appendi­ citis eleven days previous-. -Several from here attended Anniversary on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire ELIMVILLE Zion The very ably dis- Carr with cor- read by Loreen Amy and Earl Haiet rendered a vocal duet, A piano duet was given by Shirley Fahner and Ruth England, gave a eluded Eldon Smith reading. Several contests con- a very interesting meeting. SHIPKA Ivan Sharpe underwent of Mr. operation for the removal tonsils at Dr. Taylor’s Hospital, at Dashwood, -on Tuesday. He i© getting along nicely. The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid was held June 5th in the even­ ing at the home of Mrs. Wm. Sweit­ zer with ten members -present. The president presided. The meeting opened by ginging hymn “Pass Me Not, Oh Gentle Saviour” and prayer by Rev. J. Johnson. Roll being call­ ed the Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. L, Finkbeiner. Different re­ ports were given, The evening was spent in making plans for the straw­ berry Festival which is to be- held on June 24th. Miss Leia Mollard ren­ dered two piano solos. Lunch was- served by the hostess. Meeting was closed by prayer, by Rev. J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. I. Tetreau spent last Sunday in Lucan, !A number from here attended the funeral of the date A. M. Wilson, -of Greenway on Thursday afternoon last. Mr. and Mrs. R. Patrick, of York* ton, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sher- ritt and Mrs. Aaron Slierritt, Gran­ ton called on relatives ihero Thurs­ day last. Mrs. Hotson, of London, is at pres­ ent visiting at the homo of Mr, and Mrs. L. Finkbeiner, an his The Strawberry Social in the Lu­ theran Church has been postponed until July 3rd. Mrs. Milton Goetz and -daughter Virginia of Erie, Penn., are spending a week ~ Mrs. Sunday hagen. Rev. sary services in Kitchener day. Mr, and Mrs. Heywood and fam­ ily, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft. Mr. J. Raschke, of Detroit, spent the week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mr©. Ezra Tieman, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tieman and Mr. and Mrs. G. Wildfong attended the grad­ uation of the former’s s-on Eugene, who graduated as a Doctor in Lon­ don last week. Eugene’s many friends extend congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz and son, Al­ bert and Mrs. Milton Goetz daughter motored to Sarnia Tuesday. Mrs. Jos. Willert was taken to Joseph’© Hospital on Wednesday last week and was operated Thursday by Dr. Taylor. We hope for a speedy recovery. Steplien-Messner A quiet wedding with a few of the intimate friend© took place on Wed­ nesday at noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Messner when their daughter Elda Dorothy was united in marriage to Edward John Ste­ phan, of Bornholm, only son of John Stephan and the late Mrs. Stephan of Bornholm. The performed by Rev. Ayton, -cousin of home was prettily pink and white. The ed in white Canton a veil and carried pink roses and Miss Mary Stephan, of Walkerton cousin of the gr-oom, was bridesmaid dressed in pink cre-pe with hat to match and Mr. Elmore Groos, of Ayton, cousin -of the bride acted as beet .man. During the signing the register Mr.. Lloyd Code, of Han­ over sang and Mrs. G. L. Groos play­ ed the wedding march. The young couple let on a trip to Saginaw, Mich., the bride travelling in a blue crepe dress trimmed with grey with accessories to match. On their return they will reside on a farm near Mit­ chell. Death of AD. Daniel Vincent Daniel Vincent aged 78 passed away on Saturday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Clarence Koebel. 20 Strange St., Kitchener, the re­ sult of a stroke. Deceased was born in Hay Township. Four sons and four daughters survive; there are Daniel, Jacob, Joel and Rudolph, all of Preston; Mrs. Leonard Wurm, of Moonlake, Alta.; Miss Ahna, Paris; Mrs. Clarence Koebel, of Kitchener and Mrs. Ferdinand Schoeder, Pres­ ton. One brother Abram Vincent of Flint, Midi and 25 grandchildren also- survive. He was predeceased by his wife 17 years ago. The fun­ eral was held privately on Tuesday morning from the home of liis daugh­ ter, 20 Strange St., at 11.30 with interment in Dashwood Lutheran cemetery, Rev. Mr.. Hirtlo, officiat­ ing. with Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz. Chas. Cann, of Exeter, spent with Mr. and Mrs. T. Luft will attend C. 'Stein- Anniver- on Sun- and on St, of on and daughter Violet attended the ©how- er on Friday night last at the home ‘ of Mr. and Mrs. T. .Harris given in 1 honor of the bride-to-be, Miss Pearl Harris. ■ Mis© Elizabeth Lovegrove, London • visited Sunday at the home of her •_ parents here. The Woodham annual’- Sunday School picnic will be held at Strat­ ford park Saturday, June 15th.. Come and bring your baskets and have a good time. The W. M. S. held their regular monthly meeting at the home of 1 Mrs. Fred Doupe on Wednesday af­ ter-noon of last week, There were twenty-six members and one visitor present and the Vice-President Mrs. W. Switzer presided. The meeting was opened by quiet music- on the piano- by Mrs. C. Camm afte-r which a hymn was ©ung followed -by prayer by Rev. W. M. Lovegrove. A few minutes was taken foir business and the minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Mrs. Arthur Rundle read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Gordon Sinclair took the devotional leaflet and Mrs. Clarence Gunning read a poem. M-rs. Jas. Squire and Mrs. i Fred Doupe gave readings and Mrs. J Camm read a very interesting pa­ per ion Temperance. This was fol­ lowed by Rev. W. Lovegrove giving a very able talk on the .Study Book. A hymn and prayer brought this very ’ ' " ... - A the interesting meeting to a close, ten cent lunch was served by hostess and her helpers. CREDITON EAST marriage was G. L. Groos, -of the bride. The decorated with bride was dress­ crepe and w-ore a bouquet of white carnations. WOODHAM of and■ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pf-aff daughter Dolores, of Woodham, spent the week-end with the form­ er’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. James Brock spent Friday in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and daughter Mrs. Stanley Kelly, Lon­ don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. Henry Motz spent the week­ end with his daughter Mrs. William Heatherley and Mrs. Frank Scheid- ing in London. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stephen, of Mitchell (nee Elda Messner, Dash­ wood, who were recently married) visited Wednesday -with the latter’s aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon and son Russell, of Grand Bend, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Baird and Mr. Sam. Merner, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Peters and three children, iof Cleveland, Ohio, spent the week-end visiting at the parsonage the guests of Rev. J. Peters. A pleasant feature of the visit was the baptism of their little daughter Catherine Lucille Peters, Mr. and Mrs. A. McFall© and children, of Biddulph, spent Sunday at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw. The Junior Bible Class of the S. 6. held a lawn social at the home of Miss Mildred Bell last Monday even­ ing when supper on enjoyable games. Quite a ed the Anniversary services at Zion, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sparling and children, of Anderson, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen: Pyne. Mr. and Mrs. .Staples and son, of England, are visiting at the home of their cousin Mr,. Jackson Woods. Miss Hazel Long, of Milverton,, visited her cousin Miss- Catherine Peters recently. Mrs. Morley, -of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner. Next Sunday the Tenth Anniver­ sary of the Church Union will be ob­ served in the United Church. Spec­ ially printed programs will be used and a special anniversary address will be given by the pastor. There will also be a place for our Quarter­ ly Communion service, and reception of those who wish to unite with the church. This arrangement becomes necessary owing to anniversary ser­ vices at Thames Road on the 23rd and our awn S. S. Anniversary ser­ vices on the 30th. The S. S. of Elimville will hold their anniversary services on June 30 th and Rev. W. A. Bremner, of Brucefield will be the minister for both services. There will be morning service at 10.30 at which the chil­ dren will render special music and the address will also be in keeping with the occasion. The evening ser­ vice will be at 7.00 o’clock at which the choir will be assisted in suitable selections. Rev. J. R. will R. and Mrs. about thirty set down to the lawn after which an time was spent playing number from here attend- be at Brucefield for the WINCHELSEA spent David Blank check books for sale Times-Advocate 10c. each, or 25c. Mrs. A. St. John©, of London, is the guest of Miss Mary J. Brethonr for a few days. Mrs. C. Hazelwood and eon, De­ troit were (recent visitors in the neighborhood. Rev, J. R. Peters, of Elimville occupied the pulpit here Sunday ev­ ening last while Rev. W. Lovegrove preached, anniversary services at Zion. Friends of Miss Merle Squire will at 3 the for SPECIAL giving Peters day. a number from this com- attended the anniversary at Zion on Sunday. Quite m unity services Mt. and Mrs. Percy Foster and family, of St. Thomas, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Foster. Mr, and Mrs. Sherwood Brock and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Brock- Mr. and Mrs. Mardie Colbert and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Need­ ham, Mr. Ivan Needham and Miss Mabel Powell of London Township, were Sunday visitor© at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher. For this week only 2 Doz. Clothes Pins FREE with a $1.00 or over cash purchase*«*•«««* Porcelain plates wired for all sizes of electric ranges and hot plates ..... 75c. and up Lot us repair your electric iron,. Elements now in ©took, also coils for electric heaters Large dairy pails of exceptional weight will outwear several cheaper pail ....................... for 1.80 Bug Killer For Dusting 5c. lb.; 0 lbs. 25c; .12 lbs. 400.; 25 lbs. 756. We also have arsinate of lead; arsinate of Limo and Paris Green Lindenfield’s Hardware, Exeter