HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-06-06, Page 8THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1935 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE A Pleasant Holiday is assured when hair worries are eliminated. For style, individuality and natural effect Bonat surpasses all previous methods of permanent waving, Make your appointment early in order that we may serve you better. Phone 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat 80c. Malting Barley 65 c. Buckwheat 47c. Manitoba’s Best $2.50 Welcome Flour $2.50 Low Grade Flour $30.00 a ton Bran $28.00 a ton Shorts $28.00 a ton Mixed Chop $1.45 Creamery Butter 27c. Dairy Butter 2V24c. Eggs, A large 14c, Eggs, B 11c. Eggs, C 10c, Hogs $8.85 LOCAL NEWS ■Mr. Lloyd Foote, of Detroit, called on friends in town on Sunday. Mr. Ray Broderick was in Wind­ sor on Mriday and brought home a giew Ford V-8 coach. Miss Dorothy Ryckman, nurse-in- tTraining at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, is holidaying at her home here. tMr. Elmore Harness, Ken Hockey and Sandy Elliot were in Windsor Tuesday and brought home two- new Ford cars. Dashwood boys softball team met the Main Street team iu a scheduled game here Tuesday evening the lat­ ter winning 3-0. Mr. Fred Finkbeiner, of Manitoba is visiting with relatives in this com­ munity. Mr. Finkbeiner is a brother .to Mrs, W. H. Dearing of town. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Saliken, of De­ troit visited last week with M.r. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing. Mr. and Mrs. Dearing returned with them on a visit. Orville Twitchell, Joe Hogan, Roy Weber, Rev. Mr. Young and Fred Dobbs are in Windsor today (Wed­ nesday) for four more new Ford V-8 cars. Miss Calvina Macdonald, matron of Trinity Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Harness. Mrs. Harness is a niece of Miss Macdonald. LOCALS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, S, Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, organist < Evcry-Pi^esbyterian-Go-to-Churcli Sunday 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—“The True Church” 3.30—Diamond Jubilee of the Pres­ byterian church in Canada—Hur­ on County. A mass meeting for every Presbyterian in Huron Pres­ bytery in Knox church, Goderich, at 3:30 p.m. Transportation will be provided for all leaving Caven church at 2 p.m. if names handed to Mr. Pryde or Mr. Stanbury. Evening Service withdrawn in order to afford full opportunity for every­ one to attend the mass Service at Goderich. Pi |u== Real Values in Floor Coverings Perhaps you are in need of a Linoleum Rug. We carry a big stock. Compare these with catalogue prices. 12 by 12 feet—Sale Price .. 12 by 13i/3 feet—Sale Price.,, . $15,95 12 by 15 feet—Sale Price , , ...........$17.95 9 by 12 feet—Sale price............... . $10,45 10 H by 12 feet—Sale Price...........$12.95 ...........$14195 New Patterns in Borderless Rugs at the Following Prices .. $3:70 .. $5.20 2 yds by 3 yds. . . 3 yds. by 3 yds. . .........................$2.95 .........................$4.45 3 yds. by 4 yds. . . 2 1-2 yds. by 3 yds. 3 yds. by 3 1-2 yds. ...........................$5.95 Mr. and Mrs. Ruis. Skinner and Mr. and .Mrs. John Peart motored to Shallow Lake on Wednesday to "visit Mr. Skinner’s brother Mr. Thomas Skinner, who’ is very ill. Dr. and Mrs. Dunlop and D.r. and Mrs. Fletcher were in Toronto. Tues­ day and Wednesday where the two men are attending a convention of Ike Medical Health Officers of On­ tario. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Martin were in Hamilton on Wednesday attending tile graduation of their daughter. Miss Margaret Martin, who is gradu­ ating as a nurse from the * General Hospital. Mr. Hugh J. Creech mother, Mrs. R. N. Creech, Mrs. W. W. Taman and Misses Margaret and Jeanette Taman were in London Wednesday attending the graduation exercises at Western University. The former graduates with his M.A. de­ gree. is gradu- Hamilton and his A meeting of all who are interest­ ed in Lawn Tennis is called to meet at the Canadian' Bank of Commerce Thursday evening at 8 p.m. for the purpose of organization. The doctors of Exeter are again observing the legal holidays and Wednesday half holidays c___„ June, July, August and September as usual. A card indicating the duties appear in the office of each doctor and at the Telephone Central. 1 nnil> 11 WO 11 11 rTllw 6 —* 6 — i i I O’­ Mr. Ed. Willis is confined to his home through illness. The mid-summer examinations at the Exeter High School began Mon­ day. Miss Helen Stanbury, of Hamilton, visited over the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Laura Elston, of London, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Elston on Monday and Tuesday. Huron County Council is meeting in Goderich this week. Reeve Pryde, is in attendance. Miss Annie Fish, who has the winter in Detroit, arrived on "Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis, Jeanette and Billy, of St. Marys, spent Sunday and Monday with relatives here. Mrs. J. Ketchen, of Toronto, visit­ ed over the holiday with Mrs. Ache­ son and her sister Mrs. Dunsford. Miss Margaret Penhale, of Bel­ mont, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Penhale. Mr. J. C. Horton, of Osliawa, spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week with Mrs, Horney and Miss A. Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardiner and daughter Shirley, of Meaford, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Parsons. Mr. W. A. Fisher, manager of the Montreal branch of the Dominion Bank, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher, of town. Rev. R. E. (Southcott, of • Mt. B'rydges, attended the London Con­ ference in Stratford last week and also visited his mother in town. The U-Go-I-Go Class of Trivitt Memorial church were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Bruce Tuckey oa Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern, of Norwich, visited with the former’s tended the Masonic parents on Sunday, afternoon. Main Street and day Schools began ten o’clock in the morning day. The service has been from the afternoon to the for the summer months. The first of the weekly half holi­ days for the summer months was held Wednesday afternoon of last week and will be continued until the second week in September. The King’s birthday, June 3rd, was quietly observed on Monday. The banks, the post office and the school were closed for the day. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader ^Sunday School -“Ten years of Church 10 11 Th os. spent home a.m.— a.m.- Union” 7 p.m.—The 7 p.m.—The Thursday, 8 June 16th— d^y” Minister Minister. p.m.—Prayer Meeting •“Flower and Bird Sun- JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader Tenth Anniversary of Union a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—Service of Thanksgiving 7 p.m.—“Is There a Hell, if so what is it and where is it?” Second in the series of great ques­ tions on the Life Everlasting. 10 11 l service in the Mr. Hern at- James St. Sun- their services at on Sun- changed morning TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Whitsunday 8.3 0 a.m.—Holy Communion 10 a.m.—'Sunday School and Rector’s Bible Class 10 a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon “The Mission of God the Holy Ghost” p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “The Kingdom’’ St. Matthew 4:23 This being the birthday of the church a full attendance is requested. 8 p.m.—Wednesday—Prayer Service 7 NEW SUMMER DRESSES — and — SILK CREPE SUITS I a o clH CL 1during Otherwise business was as usual. POSITION WANTED—By a boy ',18 years* having 4 years High School education and is a licensed 4 chauffeur; a job with chance of pro­ motion. Communicate with Times- Advo.cate. MAN WANTED with car to handle Ward’s Quality Teas, Coffees, Cocoa, Apices, Exracts, Toilet Preparations direct to established users in Huron County. Write T. H. Ward Comp­ any, John South, Hamilton. FOR SALE—On Main Street, Ex­ eter, 2 storey brick building, consist­ ing of good shop with living quar­ ters at rear and on second storey. Well located in business, section. Priced so as to be a good buy as an Investment or for use. Apply to> C. V. PICKARD, Phone 165. WANTED TO RENT — Medium sized house by June 22nd. Modern conveniences. Apply Box C., town. FOR SALE—McLary’s Electric range, first class condition. Apply to Times-Advocate. Blank check books for sale at the Times-Advocate 10c. each, or 3 for 25c. FARM HAND WANTED—Married or single, for six months, if suited would keep all winter. R.R. No, 1. Hensall, phone 6 on 73, Francis Ryckman. 2tp. STRAYED— Onto the farm of Chas. Kertslake, a ©air Of ducks, Owner may have same by ©roving property and paying for advt. TOP NOTCH CHICK HATCHERY WEEKLY SPECIALS These prices arc good from June 6th to June 13th Chicks are R.O.P, Sired, Govern­ ment approved from bloodtested breeders. Lehorn cockerels l^c. White Leghorn day olds $5.95 per 100. Barred and Whitte Rock day Olds $6.95. Leghorn Pullets $13.90 Hehvy breed Pullets day old $9,95, one week old $11.95, Started chicks, all ages, at rock ibottom prices, TOP NOTCH CWtCK HATCHERY Stratford Phone 1257 20 Ontario St- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer and Miss May Skinner motored to Detroit for the week-end and were accompanied home by daughter with the Quance. Mr. William Cutting, sectionman at the C. N. R. was taken ill with appendicitis on Friday of last week and was rushed to Victoria Hospital London, where he underwent an op­ eration. He is getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. W. E. Middleton, Mrs. H. Jen­ nings and children were in London Sunday attending the ordination ser­ vice in St. James Anglican church in which Rev. Harry Jennings was or­ dained as a deacon. The Salvation Army’s Tag Day here was a good success and the of­ ficers and comrades wish to heartily thank all who with their co-operation and help contributed to make it so. The total raised for the day in both here and Hensail was $37.67. About twenty five members of the Exeter Women’s Institute and more than that number from the Huron- dale W. I. were in .Seaforth Tuesday attending a district convention. A splendid representation was also present from Crediton and Zurich. Mrs. W. T. Acheison returned home Saturday after visiting for a month -with her sons, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Acheson in Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Acheson in Toronto, She was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Acheson and Jane, who spent the holiday-here. The public have heard a lot about quintuplets. The latest reports come that there are quintuplets in the tulip family. Mr. H. T. Rowe in his beautiful bed of tulips one with five blooms. In fact has them with two-, three, four five iblooms. Mr. -and Mrs. Erie HUrdom, of troit, visited with Mrs. W. H. Cooper of Kippen and were in town on Sun­ day, While here Mr. Plurdon met an old friend, Mr, Joe Follick, whom he had not seen since they last at Orpington camp in England fore the Armistice. Mr, and Mrs, R. F. Damrow, and Mrs. D. E, Damrow, of Kinde, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ross, of Detroit, Mich., Mt. and Mrs, W. Tar- bok, of Los Angeles, Cal., Were Sun­ day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Simon Gfeb and family, the occasion being the celebration in honour of four wedding anniversaries. Also a new line of Millinery New House Dresses, Smocks and Hoovers Mrs. C. J. Patterson and Manion, who are visiting former’® mother, Mrs. R. Also a full line of Silk Hose andi Underwear WARD’S LADIES’ WEAR Your Family Protection The Great West Life Assurance Company offers up-to-date contracts to meet every insurance need. For real family protection choose the type of policy you prefer and have the new rider included. This rider will, in case of your death, provide a Monthly Income For Your Family for the period required. At the end of the income period the policy will mature in the regular way. This low cost. c De­ met be- Mr. policy may be secured V. PICKARD welcome inquiriesWe Insurance of all Kinds Phone 165, Exeter NOTICE at New Patterns in Printed & Inlaid Linoleums , I We carry a big stock of Linoleums in the different widths. We lay all printed linoleums free of charge New Designs in Verandah Rugs Showing some new colorings and designs in grass ritgs for porches. You! will be surprised at the low prices we quote. 54in x 90in $1.35; 6ftx9ft $2.39 New Striped Awnings We are showing new patterns in awning material. We can supply you with any size awning for any style window. Let us quote you prices. GROCERY SPECIALS SWEET MIXED PICKLES Large Jar.. . 25c CHICK OATMEAL 9 lbs. for . . . 25c Pure Orange Marmalade Large Jar . . . 25c AYLMER TOMATOES Large Tin .... 8c DAIRY BUTTER per lb...................19c B CHEESE “Princess” Very Choice New Cheese per pound . . .15c Tasty Old Cheese per pound ... 20c Fresh Vegetables — New Cabbage, Carrots, Lettuce, Tomatoes, cukes and Green Beans. We have in stock some real good table potatoes. SOAP FLAKES 2 large pkg for . . . 27c PLUM JAM Large Jar . . . 25c Crosse & Blackwell TOMATO CATSUP 2 bottles.... 25c FRESH SODAS 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 25c Southcott Bros n CARD OF THANKS On behalf of the firemen I wifeh to extend their thanks to Mr. Wilbur Martin for kind letter services. his liberal donation and of appreciation for their James Weekes Chief of Fire Dept. Install Lights on Bowling Green The newly organized bowling club: have put the greens in fair shape for bowlin-g. Lights have this week been installed. It is expected that a ©resident and vice-president’s tournament will be held one even­ ing this week. The greens should [ prove one of the popular places for. recreation this summer. There is al­ ready a large membership. It is hop­ ed to organize the ladies. I The Main St. Young People met on Monday evening with Miss Evelyn Howard in charge. The scripture was read by Verda .Sims and Ina Jaques. A musical number by Violet Gam­ brill on the guitar and Harry Stan- lake on the saw was enjoyed by all. James Francis took charge of the business. Rev. Mr. Elliott gave a very interesting topic on “The Bible’’ Mrs. J. G. Inglis and little daugh­ ter, Marion, of Kitscoty, Alta., cal­ led on friends in Exeter on Wednes­ day. Mrs. Inglis was formerly Miss Baynes, of the Exeter H. S, staffOwing to the illness of Miss Doris Salter, Miss Margaret'and her many'friends were pleased rj n , V __I to see her again. She has been vis-Russell, who has recently taken iting. Q-iemcioe and was on' her way a course in hairdressing, will be1tq vfeit at Brucefield and was ac- in charge during this week and is prepared to do marcelling, finger waving and shampooing. D. SALTER Phone 245 Make sure of comfort this winter Order your D. & H. Anthracite today. Take advantage of Sum­ mer prices and ask for the cele­ brated D. & H. Anthracite pre­ pared by the Modern Scientific Process of Cone-Cleaning. Auto Insurance, Sick and Accident aim to please. Phone JAS, P. BOWEY companied by her cousin, Miss Cam­ eron. The regular -meeting of the Main Street Mission Circle was held Tues­ day evening at' the home of Miss Marjory Medd under the leadership of Miss Olive Lawlson. Miss Eileen Andrew was in the chair. A piano solo was given by Miss Violet Gam­ brill; a missionary reading by Miss Merna Sims. The topic was taken from the study book “Eastern Wo­ men Today and Tomorrow” by Miss Olive Lawson. Business was con­ ducted by the president Miss Evelyn Howard. Lunch was served at the close. =3: 711 IS Wo 157 Suh Life Representative DOVER GAS AND OIL FIELD Three new wells have ibeen locat­ ed in the Dover Gas and Oil field in the County of Kent. Number 4 Prairie is now drilling, Number 1 Bruett location on Which Work 'will start in the near future and Number 1 Duphette upon which the drilling rig is how being erected and work wll start in about 10 days. All this work is under the direction of E, P. Rowe, Toronto petroleum geologist, The Men’s Store Where Quality and Low Prices Prevail Our New Suitings are Very Attractive Smart New Spring Hats Specially Priced at $2.7 5 A beautiful Range of New Ties, Shirts, Socks, Etc., for the Well- Dressed Man, Dresses & Suits Tailor Pressed $1.00 ALL GARMENTS NOW 5$ 1 .OO I- Former Resident Honored'. Mt. John J. Knight', former C.N.R. freight agent in London who recent­ ly retired on' pension, was honored recently when more than sixty- members of the -C.N.R. execu­ tive staff and of the London divis­ ional .office-staff .tendered him a luncheon at the Longwood Inn. Mr. Knight was presented with a set of lawn bowls and Mrs. Knight with a bouquet of flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Knight are former resident' of Exe­ ter. BABY CHICKS Order your chicken from Switzer’s A-l Baby Chick hatchery. They are cheap. As low as $6.00 per hund­ red in June. We are hatching Bar­ red Rocks, White Rocks, White and Brown Leghorns, Ahconas, Jersey Black Giants and White Indian Run­ ner ducklings. Get your catalogue before you buy your chickens. Get prices on 5 weeks pullets. Custom hatching after May 20th; Hen eggs 2c; Duck eggs and Turkey eggs 3c; trays hdld' 128 hen eggs and between 90 and 100 duck and turkey hggs. A. Hi SWITZER Granton, Ont, Presentation in' Usborne About’ thirty friends of Miss Verna Kleinfeldt, pleasantly surprised her on Tuesday, May 28, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kydd, prior to her marriage. Mrs. Harvey Perkins read an address and Miss Beatrice Warren presented the bride-to-be with a beautiful table cloth, a run­ ner and a platter. Although taken wholly by surprise Verna thanked the donors very kindly. A pleasant evening with music and games was enjoyed. Visit to Huron County Home On Monday evening May 27th the Main St. Young People visited the County Home and gave a program with Chas. Pearce providing. Evelyn Howard read the scripture and Rev. Mr. Elliott led in prayer. A piano duet was given by Violet Gambrill and Mr. Koch and Mr. Harry Stan- lake gave a selection on a saw and also some sleight of hand tricks. The quartette also1 contributed three nuittibers. Mr. w. G. Medd in a few words brought greetings from Main Street. Mishi Hazel Smith gave two humorous readings. We were also’ fa­ vored with a solo by Violet Gambrill and a duet by Hilda Sims and Gerald Skinner,