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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-05-23, Page 8
THURSDAY, MAY 23ixl, 1935 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE BO2V A.T Permanent Waves The Bonat Method produces most effective Permanent Waves on all types and textures of hair with an ease and speed never' before •obtain able. Specials continued. Make your appointment early in order that we may serve you better. Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat 85c. Malting Barley 65 c. Buckwheat 47c. Manitoba’s Best $&50 Welcome Flour $2.50 Low Grade Flour $30.00 a ton Bran $28.00 a ton Shorts $28.00 a ton Mixed Chop $1.45 Creamery Butter 27c. Dairy Butter 21-24c. Eggs, A large 14c. Eggs, B 11c. Eggs, C 10c. Hogs $8.60 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, S. Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Coclumne, organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—.“The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven” 7 p.m.-—“The Sign of the Prophet Jonas” Friday, 24th—Young Peoples’ So. cieties of Huron picnic at Bay- field. Cars leave church at one o’clock. Get your films for the week-end at WALKER'S DRUG STORE HALF HOLIDAYS We, the undersigned merchants of the Village of Exeter, agree to close our place of business every Wednes day at twelve o’clock noon, begin ning Wednesday, May 29th, and dur ing the months of June, July, Au gust and the first two weeks in September. Southcott Bros. B. W. F. Beavers E. R. Hopper Garnet Flynn Norman Hockey H . C. Rivers Grigg Stationery Jos. Senior . Jones & May • H. S. Walter G. A. Hawkins , S. Fitton W. Martin Wm. H. Partlo Elmore Harness V. G. Essery Hazel M. Smith W. J. Beer R. N. Rowe Doris J. Salter Ward’s Ladies’ Wear G. M. Armstrong J. A. Traquair Chainway Stores W. W. Taman E. Lindenfield ' W. J. Hockey Ideal Meat Market Notice to Bicycle Riders Notice is hereby .given that bicycle riding upon side walks of the Mun icipality must be discontinued. Recent close accidents have been drawn to the attention of the mem bers of the Council and before any thing more serious does happen, this timely warning is given. By Order John Norry, Commissioner Notice to Painters Tenders will be received by the Municipal Clerk at his office for the Painting of the exterior of the Town Hall. Tenders will be received on or before 12 o’clock noon, of Saturday, May 25th, 1935. Specifications may be seen at the Clerk’s Office or by applying to Councillor, J. W. Hern. By Order.Jos. Senior, Clerk NOTICE—The race track at the fairgrounds has been put in order and notice is thereby given that tres passing is ‘forbidden and trespassers will be prosecuted. Horsemen desir ing to. use the track please commun icate with H. Bierling,-—By order of Ground Committee. FOR SALE—A. gent’s bicycle. Ap ply at Times-Advocate. WANTED—Position as maid. Ap ply at Timeis-Advocate. Town pre ferred. ltp. 'LOST—A ladies’ Parker fountain pen, rose color with band, treasured as a keep sake. Reward. Finder kind ly Teturn to Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—Some lumber and posts.—Mrs. R. Quance, Exeter . ltp FOR SALE—Hotel, completely furnished at Bayfield. Apply Mrs. A. R. Seeds. 2tc. MAN WANTED with car to handle Ward’s Quality Teas, Coffees, Cocoa, Bpices, Exracts, Toilet Preparations direct to established users in Huron County. Write T. H. Ward Comp any, John South, Hamilton. Z FOR SALE—On Main Street, Ex eter, 2 storey brick building, consist ing of good shop with living quar ters at rear and on second storey. Well located in business section. Priced so as to be a good buy as an Investment or for use. Apply to C. V. PICKARD, Phone 165. FOR SALE—-Several rebuilt and enclosed oil stoves, 2, 3 and 4 burn er. Apply to W. J. Melville. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen fo.r the year 1935, will hold its first meeting in the Township Hall, in Crediton, -on Monday, the 27th day bf May, 1935 at one o’clock p.m. Herbert' K. Eilber Twp. Clerk, Crediton, Ont. Dated at Crediton, May 6th, 1935 mw ti mu ii w iHatwMHwwXhm <i iw II wm 0 ■— ii im» (xmmt mm iQ 1 1 i LOCALS 1 1 1 o m— ri wm n mu n m <i mn * o wmi <i w 1.1 n u w— < The annual meeting of the Exeter W. I. will be held at Mi’s. George Etherington’s on Tuesday, May 28, at 2.30 p.m. Election of officers and reports of all committees will be given at this meeting. Mr#. Rd. Terry is confined to her home through illness. Miss Meta Salter visited in Strat ford over the week-end. Dr. Wm. Lawson, of Listowel, spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Lillian Hooper, R.N., Wing ham, is visiting with her brother, Mr. E. R. and Mrs. Hopper. Mrs. Chas. Tuckey is ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where she is undergoing treatment. CAVEN GUILD COOKING AND RUMMAGE SALE—Town Hall, Sat urday, May 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grant, London and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes and babe, of Hensail, visited on Sunday with Mr. H. S. Walter. Miss Gladys Penhale, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Penhale, has re turned to London after spending the past seven months at St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. James Horton, who- recently returned from Colon, the Public of Panama, spent several days with his sisters, Mrs. M. J. Horney and Miss M. A. Horton. Chief Norry is this week distrib uting the 19 35 tax notices. The first instalment of which will be due June 30th. The tax rate this year is 35 mills. Mr. C. L. Kress, member of the staff of the Canadian Bank of Com merce at Fort Erie, is holidaying with his brother. Mr. W. IL. and Mrs. Kress this week. Mrs. Anderson, of 'Crediton, who has been with her sister, Mrs. John Morley for a number of weeks has returned home. We are glad to re port Mrs Morley is mucih better. Mrs. Edna Hearts returned to To ronto Friday last after visiting.'for a few days with her parents here. Her mother, Mrs. E. A. Follick returned to Toronto with her on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and their son Cecil, of Ashfield; M,r. and Mrs. Hiram Moffatt and baby Keith, of Sarnia, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston recently. Dr. G. F. and Mrs. Roulston ac companied by Mrs. W. J. Beer mo tored to Toronto where the former is attending the Ontario Dental 'Con cention. Mrs. Beer is visiting with relatives. Mr. Ray Pryde left Tuesday for Toronto where he has accepted a position for the summer months with the Canadian Steamship Lines on one of the boats plying between To ronto and Lewiston. Mrs. Harry Smith, formerly of Exeter, but now of Ailsa Craig, who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, at London, has been able to leave the hospital and return to her home. Her condition however is far from satis factory. Mr. G. J. Dow held another suc cessful sale on Tuesday. The total sales amounted to around $1400. The highest price received for a horse was $172. Mr. Dow is continuing this sales every week and is cutting the commission to four per cent, as long as he finds it profitable. Master Harry Parsons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parsons, who has been hi Victoria Hospital, London., for the past four weeks receiving treat ment, returned to his home Tuesday. Mrs. Parsons spent a few days in London the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Treble. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis were at Embro on Sunday where Mr. Beavers was a special speaker. The male choir from Woodstock also assisted with this service, Mrs. E. Kaufman, Mrs, B. W. F. Beavers and Miss A. Eacrett' visited with their aunt Mrs. Mary Gould of Hay Township, who celebrated her 82nd birthday on Thursday last. Mrs. Gould lives alone in the house in which she was born and is still enjoying good health. The family were also with her for the occasion. WALKER’S DRUG STORE any snap enlarged to 4 by 6 inches coloured and mounted for 49c. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Eveljn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—The Minister 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday—Prayer Meeting JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A„ B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m.—Sunday School j 7 p.m.—“The Second Coming of Christ” Wednesday—Prayer Meeting. Rev. Mr. Hunt as speaker. Thursday—Y.P.S, The last meeting for the season. Miss A. Brown, of the High School staff will be the special speaker. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemlss Fifth Sunday After Easter ROGATION DAY (Flower Sunday) 10 a.m.—Children’s service in the church. 10 a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class 11 a.m.—A Morning Prayer and Sermon “Lessons from the Flowers” 7 p.m.—'Evensong and Sermon “Thinking and Doing” Prepare for the Holiday by having a Croquinole PERMANENT WAVE $2.95 I). SALTER Phone 245 NEW SUMMER DRESSES — and — SILK CREPE SUITS Also a new line of Millinery New House Dresses, Smocks and Hoovers Also a full line of Silk Hose and Underwear WARD’S LADIES’ WEAR Your Family Protection The Great West Life Assurance Company offers up-to-date contracts to meet every insurance need. For real family protection 'choose the type of policy you prefer and have the new rider included. This rider will, In case of your death, provide a Monthly Incom© For Your Family for the period required. At the end of the income period the policy will mature in the regular way. This policy may be secured at low cost. C. V. PICKARD We welcome inquiries Insurance of all Kinds Phone 165, Exeter SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW DUE Will the subscribers to the Old Boys’ Reunion please hand in their subscriptions. 2tc. J. Hubert Jon,es, T'reas. TOP NOTCH CHICKS AT BARGAIN PRICES Day olds. Leghorn 8c, Barred & White Rocks 9c., Leghorn pullets 18c«, Barred & White Riock Pullets 14'C,, Barred & White Rock! cocker els 6c. Leghorn cockerels 2c- Start ed chicks 2c. per chick., feet week more than dayolds. Lower prices for June. TOP notch chick hatchery 29 Ontario St. Phono 1257 Stratford! MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the County Council Chambers, Court Houfie, Goderich at 2 o’clock on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 4th, 1935. All accounts, notices of deputations applications and other important business requiring attention at the meeting' should be in the hands of the Clerk not Hater ’than Saturday, June 1st. J, M. Roberts, County Clerk Dated at' Goderich this sixth day of May, 1935. NOTICE The Exeter United Farmers’ Club are booking orders for another truckload of salt. This is, No. 1 quality. Coarse, 55c per cwt. Fine 43c, per cwt'. Iodized, 34c per 50 lb. bloCK White,' 29c per 50 lb. block. Have you secured your Fertilizer ’re quirements for the season? If. not join the Exeter Club and obtain a substantial reduction in price. Club meeting at’ L. V. Hogarth's Hatchery, Monday, May 27th at 8 p. m. All members are requested to attend this meeting. M. CUDMORE, .Sec’yJTreas Phone 13 r 2 Exeter MR. FOOT was friendly with Bum py Bunion and Burny Callus until Cress Corn and Bunion Salve# were sold by Browning’s Drugstore Exeter, ANNUAL MAY SALE | We o;ffer you many money savers that we have not room j to mention here. Our sale closes on Saturday, May 18th, |l Be sure to come in and see our many bargains. 1 LARGE LINOLEUM RUGS AT | REDUCED PRICES I 9 by 12 feet—Sale price..................$10.45 | 10^ by 12 feet—Sale Price...........$12.95 | 12 by 12 feet—Sale Price................$14.95 1 12 by 13% feet—Sale Price ...... $18.25 i 12 by 15 feet—Sale Price...............$17.95 50 PAIR OF FRILLED CURTAINS | Fine for Bedrooms, Kitchens or Small ! 1Windows. Cream ground and colored borders. SALE PRICE, per pair...........................49c. | | CURTAIN MATERIAL AT BIG SAVING | 5 pieces of Curtain Nets; our regular 50c. lines reduced. | SALE PRICE .......................................... 39c. CURTAIN SCRIMS AND NETS Values to 35c. A number of small lengths in this lot. SALE PRICE, per yard...........................15c. BIG SAVING IN WALL PAPER THIS WEEK || TABLE OILCLOTHS Newest Patterns 1 li yd. wide reg. 45c. Sale Price .... 49c. 1IS yd. wide reg. 55c. Sale Price .... 49c. GREEN BLINDS Green Paper Blinds, each .................... 15c. Green Linen Blinds, seconds..................69c. MEN’S FINE WORSTED SUITS Smart styles and New Patterns. Your | choice of any including plain blue. SALE PRICE ........................................$16.95 MEN’S COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS Tooke’s make. Our regular $1.25 value an outstanding value at e SALE PRICE .......................................... 99c. GROCERY SPECIALS I] SWEET MIXED PICKLES Large Jar .. . 25c Extra Special SUGAR, Gran, or Brown 10 lb...................50c One lot to a customer Pineapples-Pineapples They are now at their best We have all sizes Prices GauSranteed We would appreciate your order PLUM JAM Large Jar .. . 25c | Crosse & Blackwell TOMATO CATSUP 2 bottles .... 25c I Pqre Orange Marmalade Large Jar . . . 25c AYLMER TOMATOES Large Tin .... 8c DAIRY BUTTER per lb.................21c , Fresh Vegetables — New Cabbage, Carrots, Lettuce, Tomatoes, cukes and Green Beans. FRESH SOPAS 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 25c | CHEESE Very Choice New Cheese 1 per lb.....................: 15c Tasty Old Cheese per lb........................20c I i 1 We have in stock some real good table potatoes. 1 E Southcott 1 Bros. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell and Miss Muriel Hogarth, of London, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Hogarth. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was in Goder ich both Monday and Tuesday of this week where he was engaged as Counsel for the Defendant in the High Court case between the Allen Bros, of Goderich, horse buyers. Salvation Army Tag Day' The Salvation Army are having a tag day in Exeter for their Self Denial effort Saturday, May 25th next. 'Officers and others from Lon don will be here for the day to as sist in this noble effort for the best of causes “humanity.” They are asking your most earnest support i and 'help in this campaign. Their motto for the day will 'be “A tag on every coat and dress.” Main Street Y. P. S. Citizenship night was observed at the Main Street Y.P.S. on Monday evening with Miss Hilda Sims as convenor. A duet was sung by Messrs. Jas. Francis and Gerald Skinner. It was decided to go to the County Home on Monday even ing next. A question bureau on Temperance was led by Miss Sims. Mr. W. H. Johnston gave a timely topic on “Civic Improvements.” Successful Dance A successful dance was held in Leavitt’s dance pavilion Friday night with Shorty Grant’s orchestra pro viding the music. It was novelty night and a large crowd attended. Three door prizes were given. Miss F. Baker won the prize for the bal loon dance. E. Beaver won the prize dancing w'itlh Miss Exeter (Helen Bawden). Miss Irene Brunsdon, of Clinton was winner of the prize with Mr, X (Wm. Davis.) Miss Florence Baker and Mr. Wein won the fox trot and Miss Irene Brunsdon and Wm. Davis the waltz. Dr. J. and Mrs. Ward were the judges. Down! Down! Down! Here’s the news many have been waiting for Coal prices have dropped, to their greatest yearly low. Find out how much, you can save by buying your Winter supply of D. & H. Cone Cleaned Anthracite.— NOW.We aim to please. Phone 157 JAS, P. BOWEY gun Life Representative I The Men’s Store i = Where Quality and Low Prices Prevail s Our New Suitings are Very K = Attractive '|| Smart New Spring Hats Specially = Priced at $2.7 5 || A beautiful Range of New Ties, s Shirts, Socks, Etc/, for the Well- = Dressed Man. . == H Dresses and Suits Tailor Pressed 59c. | I W. W. TAMAN 1 = PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. == Missionary Speaks Special missionary services were held in James St. United churOh on Sunday when Rev, H. S. Forbes, a returned missionary from Honan, China, was the special speaker at both services. Mr. Forbes in a very interesting and impressive manner told of the work that is being car ried on in China and of the man ners and customs of the people. He also spoke to the Sunday School in t'he afternoon and pupils and teach ers were delighted with his message. “Say It With Flowers — so — Say It With Ours.” CUT FLOWERS AND POTTED PLANTS Also Every kind of flowers for transplanting and large vegetable plants — REASONABLE PRICES — Gloria Cann EXETER, FLORIST PHONE 150 ■..... 1.. """. ....... ....... .............. .... .......... 1 "" """..■■■■■■■ "11