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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-05-23, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1935 HENSALL Mr. A. W. E. Hemphill spent sev eral days last week in Toronto. The Salvation Army will -hold a tag day here on Saturday next. Miss Mae. Simpson, of Detroit was a visitor in town over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson, of Detroit, spent the week-end with re latives. Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit of the Auburn United church on [Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin, of Far quhar were visiting with relatives here on Saturday. Mr. Ed. Shaffer, who has been in very poor health for some time is now much improved. Mr. Wm. L. McLaren visited on Sunday with his brother, Mr. John McLaren, of Seaforth. The Hensall Public Library Board held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron has return ed home after visiting for a week in Waterloo and Kitchener. Mr. J. W. Bonthron was calling -on relatives and friends in Waterloo and Kitchener on Monday. Miss Annie 'Carlisle, of London, spent Sunday here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carlisle, Mrs, Fred Corbett is spending' a week or two- visiting With, her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Harding of -London. Miss Olive Walker, of Toronto, is spending a few days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Lavender and son Jack spent a few days last week visiting with relatives at Hillsgreen. Mrs. Wm. Chapman, of Hay Twp., is visiting with Mrs. D. A. Cantelon. Mrs. Cantelon has been, quite poorly lately. The public library will be closed on Thursday afternoon and evening during the months of June, July and August. The W. M. S. of the Chiselhurst United church entertained the W. M, 'S. of the United .chiurch here on Tuesday last. Mr. John T.royer, of Courtland, was a guest over the week-end with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson. ' Mr. Joe. Cawthrope, o-f Tavistock, spent the week-end with his grand mother, Mrs. Thos. Dick and aunt, Mrs. Bertha Bell. Word has been received from Mrs. Roy Parlmer that she is doing nice ly after her recent operation in a Toronto Hospital. y The Young People’s Societie&ydf the Huron Presbyterial will ''hoja a joint picnic at Bayfield ‘pa the after noon of May -24th. I\t . Mr. George Douglas and /daughter Miss Irene Douglass were recent vis itors with Mr. Win. Loganjririd sifter Miss Logan at Varna. \ y Mr. Nathan Pecjc," suf fetedyjano th - er severe heart' aXack) uast/ week while visiting at the'-dibme of his son in Stanley township.J Mrs. Hannah Wor19map is spending a week or two visifShg with her son-in-law and. daughter, Mrs. Herbert Britton,U)f 1 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Britton,U)f Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett and Mrs. McLaren attended the funeral of their .relative, tihe late J. B. Hard ing, in London on Wednesday last. 'The many friends of Mrs. Robert Bonthron will be sorry to hear that she is again confined to her room, suffering from a .severe heart attack. Miss Nellie Carmichael, of Exeter assisted in Hemphill’s Drug Store several days last week in the absence of Mr. Hemphill who was in Tor onto. Mrs. Thos. Dick, residents has been ]y and is being granddaughter, Miss Gladys Douglas, R.N. Mrs. Archie Hamilton, who under went an operation for appendicitis on Saturday, May lfth, in the Clin ton Hospital, was able to return home on .Sunday. Harold Hedden, who' left here a couple of months ago for New On tario has returned home. Harold says that both, money and work are scarce up in that .country. M'iss Emma Johnston left on Thursday for Alberta, where she will spend several nronths visiting with [her brother,; Mjr. Jamep Johnston and other relatives and friends. The first Court of Revision on the 1935 assessment roll of the Village will be held in the town hall on Monday, May 27th, at 7.30. The vil lage council will comprise the court. Little Bobby Collyer, son 'Of Dr. and Mrs. Collyer, was brought home on iSunday from the 'Children’s Hos pital, London, where he had been taking treatments for trouble. Mr. W. O. Goodwin had fortune to fracture one of last week while moving some chinery in his clothing factory, was lifting on a board, when board broke, throwing him 'heavily to the floor. A new refreshment booth will be opened up 'in the McCall-lFrontenac Service Station, corner of King St', and London Road. This service'1 station has a very attractive appearX anoe and under the management of Mr. W. A. McLaren, will no doubt do a good business. \ /-s ix- XT V one of our oldest quite poorly late- attended by her mastoid the his mis fibs ma- He the the United church on Sunday last with the Rev. Dr, Mortimer, of Au burn as the speaker for the day. ■ The choir gave special music were assisted by the the Four Smilers of ■ Stratford, who sang at both morning and evening services. Large congre gations were out to enjoy the ser vices. The .church was beautifully ! decorated with flowers. The Y. P. S. of the United Church held their regular weekly meeting in the school room of the church on Monday evening. The meeting was opened with a hymn after which Rev. Mr. .Sinclair led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Vera Watson and the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The following program was then given; Solo, Bella Smale; vio lin solo, by Miss Lammie; solo, L. Elder. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. A number of contests were held. II Rector Appointed Rev. Beverly Farr, son of Rev. T. H. and Mrs, Farr, of St. Johns, Lon don Township, has received the ap pointment' of Rector of St. Paul’s Anglican church he're. He graduat ed from Huron College two years ago and this is his first appoint ment, He will take' the place of Rev. Mr. Hendry, who is at present relieving here and will take Charge the second week in June. His father and mother, Rev. T. H. and Mrs. Farr, who are living retired at St. Johns, will come to Hensail with him and they will occupy the Rectory. We understand that Mr. Archie Filshie and family, who are now liv ing in the Rectory, have leased Mrs. William Davis’ house, just north of the one they now occupy. Sacred) Band Concert The Hensail Citizens Band gave their first Sacred Concert on Sunday evening in the Town Hall and was a wonderful success. The large hall was crowded to the doors and a great many were unable to get on King St. and the streets running into lit were crowded with cars showing that a great many from out' of town, at tended. Rev. Mr. Hendry, rector of St. Paul’s Anglican Church made a very capable chairman. The band was assisted by members of local church choirs and the four Smillers of Stratford. The baud was dressed in their new uniforms and although only organized three months ago their playing was wonderful. The fol lowing was the program: Selections by the band were interspersed with the chairman’s remarks; “Christ the Lord is Risen” by the band; violin . solo, Miss Gerta Lammie; vocal quartette, ladies, Presbyterian church instrumental quartette, W. Batters- by, L. Battersby, F. Battersby, and C. Passmore; bass solo, W. B. Cross; mixed quartette of United Church; violin solo, Miss Greta Lammie; cornet trio by N. Battersby, L. Bat tersby and F. Battersby; vocal solo by Rev. W. A. Young; vocal quartet Four Smillers, of Stratford. Death of Mrs. Geo. Webb There passed away suddenly on Tuesday evening last, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Moore, a well known resident of the Lucknow district in the person of Mrs. George Webb in her 66th year. She came . to Hensall last fall to spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Moore, and : although not being in good health her sudden passing was a severe : shock to her friends. While here , she made many friends and was highly respected by all who knew . her. Mrs. Webb was formerly Miss : Annie L. Wellwood, a sister, Miss . Carolyn Wellwood, a missionary in ( China is now on her way home. Her , husband, the late George Webb died ' five years ago. They lived for years : on their home farm on the 12th ■ Con. West Wawanosh, near St. ’ Helen’s where they were highly re- ( spected. The remains were taken ‘ to her late home on Wednesday, the . funeral taking place on Friday after • noon, interment taking place in the < Green Hill Cemetery, Lucknow. She , leaves to mourn her loss two sons, j Harvey at home and Lome, of Blyth; , two daughters, Mrs. Robt. J. Moore, 1 of Hensall and Mrs. J. R. Lawrence, , ‘ Mrs,of Fort William. Mr. and Moore attended the funeral. Death of John Traquair M^. John Traqua'ir, a well-known jighly respected farmer of theand AU -third ! concession of Tuckersmith passed away Wednesday of last week at Dr. Moir’s Hospital, Huron Springs Sanitarium, where he u had been taking treatments. He has been in poor health for about six months and about six weeks ago was taken to the sanitarium. He was showing considerable improvement but on Wednesday passed away quite sud denly. He was 76 years of age. He was born in Tuckersmith Township where he lived all his life, being a successful farmer. Since the death of his wife, formerly Miss Janet Moir, daughter of the late James Moir, of Usborne Township, who died about 16 years ago, he has made his home with his son Melvyl. He was a staunch Liberal in politics. .Before the union he was a membei’ Xf/tlie Presbyterian, church but since TOo union he has been a consistent member of the Hensail United Church. The funeral took pl^ce Quite a number from the villagb/from the residence of his son Mel- sre in Seaforth on .Sunday after- Vyl Friday afternoon. The servicewere in Seaforth on .Sunday after noon attending the anniversary ser vices being held in the First Presby terian church and to hear the Rev. Dr. J. S. Short, moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, who was the principal speaker. The Sunday morning service in St. Paul’s Anglican Church will be con ducted by Rev. W. Hendry. Ser mon subjest' “Modern Gods.” At 7 ip.m. members of A.F, & A.M. Lodge No. 224 will attend Divin.e service. Mr. Hendry will be the speaker, his Subject being “Temple Builders.” At Grace church, Staffa, a united service will b© held in the interest of the Bible Society. The public are Invited. Anniversary services were held in Vyl Friday afternoon. -------------- was in charge of his pastor, Rev. A. SiriMaii the*§m ment took place in, the Hensall Un ion cemetery. The bearers were six nephews, viz: Robert and John El- gie, Earl Kinsman, Dan Ross, Robert Kinsman and Arthur Jones. The fun eral was largely attended, many coming quite a distance to pay their last respects to the deceased. The floral tributes were many and were very beautiful showing the respect held for the deceased. He is survived by two sons, Melvyl, at home on the farm and Albert, hardware merchant of Exeter; several grandchildren and great grandchild. One son Roy died a few years ago, lair, who spoke very highly of te life of the deceased., Inter- CREDITON 51 The business men of the. town > have decided to start the half holi- ! days on Wednesday, May 29th clos-’ ; ing at 12.30 and will continue on • through June, July, August ■ September. Mr. and Mrs, Lester Maclsaac family, of Detroit, are spending weeks’ vacation yf.ith Mr, and Mrs. • Dan Maclsaac. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, iFahrner , daughter Carrie and Mr. Wm. Tie bold, of Zurich, spent Sunday evening , at Adelaide village with Mrs. Sam, . Finkbeiner. Miss Margaret Kuhn, nu-rse-in- training at Victoria Hospital, Lon don, spent Sunday at her home. Mr. John Roeszler is somewhat improved after his recent illness. Mr. Martin Morlock returned to his home after undergoing an oper ation at Victoria^Hospital. We un derstand <he is improving nicely. Mr. Beet Carr has been working at Sarnia for the past few months. He has returned and has accepted a position with Mr. G. E. Wenzel. Seven fine lake trout we're caught at Grand Bend recently by Mr. Hickey, of London. Mr. F. J. Gibbons, of the Depart ment of Insurance, Toronto, was in the village last Thursday making his annual inspection of the Treasurer’s books of The Hay Township Fire In surance Company. Mr. H. K. Eilber was 'in Dashwood Saturday attending the directors’ meeting of the Hay Township Fire Insurance Company. Miss Gertrude Haist, of Goderich, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Ha'ist. Miss Lyla Haist, of (London, spent a few days at he'r -home here. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Dodds, Peterboro, were the guests of and Mrs. Art Amy, a -few days week. Rev. and Mrs. Schmidt, Mr. Mrs. Milton Schmidt, Mayor and Albert Schmidt, of Kitchener; and Mrs. Godfrey Oestricher and and Mrs. Aa'ron Oestricher, Dash wood, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Oestricher. Many friends are ready to greet these familiar faces and welcome them in -our church circles. Mother’s Day Services at the Evangelical Church Mother’s Day services in the Evan gelical church were exceptionally well attended by the members of the church and a lai-ge number of visit ors. At the morriing service the pas- 't'or spoke on “M-other and Home.” Gertrude Haist sangha solo “I’d Love to be a Child on Mother’s Knee.” The attendance at iSu-nday 'School was exceptionally good. A) program was rendered consisting of songs and a recitation. A special feature of the program was the presentation of a pageant entitled, “No- Laurels on their lives” directed by Mrs. J. Ratz after wh'ich recognition was given to the oldest mother, Mrs. Charlotte Braun and the oldest father, Mr. Bernard Braun and the y-oungest babe Russel Frederick Beaver. At the evening service the church was almost filled and the pastor preach ed an excellent, helpful and practical sermon. A full men’s choir render ed two selections “Faith of our Mothers” and “Mother and Home” Cha'rles Hoffman sang “Tell Mother I’ll be There. Christian Endeavor League Meeting The Young people’s League of the Dashwood Envangelical Church were the guests -of Crediton Evangelical Young People’s League last Wednes day evening. The visitors delighted a large audience with an excellent musical program furnished by a large band directed by the pastor Rev. W. S. Henrich. The program consisted of .selections by the band, solos, duets, choruses, readings and a trio. An interesting feature of the program was the presentation of a religious drama entitled “In the Claws of the Russian Bear” portray ing the prosecution of the Chris tians under the Soviet' Government. The different characters portrayed their parts cleverly under the direc tion of Mrs. -Oestricher. Tihe icast of characters included: Harry Hoffman Grace Guenther, Phyllis Reid, Ger ald Mason, Gertrude Hoffman, Lloyd Eagleson, Aldene Eagleson, Ila Ma son, &uth Weber, Stuart Wolfe, Mer vin Tieman, Donald Oestricher, Alvin Williard and Milton Williard. After the program the Young People spent an hour in delightful fellowship in Biblical contests after which lunch was served. Words of appreciation were exehanged by representatives of both leagues the meeting closed by singing “Blest Be the Tie Binds.” |i ZION and and two and of Mr. this i and Mrs Mr. Mr. That The W.M.S. will hold their meeting on Thursday afternoon, May 3 0th at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Batten. The softball game which was played last Friday evening between Zion and Elimville at Mr. Welling ton Brocks was much enjoyed. There will be Another game on Friday af ternoon, May 24th. Mrs. Geo. Jaques and Miss Ina, of Exeter, spent Saturday of last week with the former’s brother Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Adamson and daugh ter Miss Roslen, of Blanshard, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Ephriam Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock and daughter Jean visited on Sunday with the former’s mother Mrs. Wil liam Brock at the home brother, Mr. James Routly, ham. A large number attended niver^ary services at Woodham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Earl and fam ily and Mr, and Mrs. Allan Jaques and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Scott. June io f her Wood- the. an- i i ™ RED & WHITE store REDPATH ^GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lb. for 53c Grocery Specials f FRESH WATER ICE WAFERS......... GREEN GAGE PLUMS...........*........... KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES............. SWEET MIXED PICKLES, large jar FREE RUNNING IODIZED SALT .. RED PLUM JAM, large jar ............... FRESH DATES....................................... HURON TOILET TISSUE.................. per lb. 19c. .. . 2 tins for 19c, .. 3 pkgs, for 25c, ............. each 25c. ................2 for 15c. ....... each 27c. . 41^ lbs, for 25c. ,, 6 rolls for 19c. DE LUX JELLY POWDERS, Assorted Flavors ..t • • • • ♦6 for 25c Good Cooking Rice . , Large Meaty Prunes . Peanut Butter in bulk Fresh Broken Sodas . Ginger Snaps............. Aylmer Tomatoes ,.. ................3 lbs. 14c, .............2 lbs. 25c. ................2 lbs. 25c, .............3 lbs, 25c. ...........per lb. 10c. large tin 2 for 19c. Sweet Juicy Oranges , Fresh Leaf Lettuce ,. . Fresh Tomatoes ..... New Cabbage............. New Carrots............. . Juicy Grapefruit . . . ,, . per dozen 29c. . per bunch 10c. . 2 lbs. for 35c. , . 2 lbs, for 15c. . per bunch 10c. ..... 5 for 25c. 1 LARGE CAN BAKING POWDER, 1 GOBLET FREE for 25c ...... . ...................... I ..............,"""1................ ■ PINEAPPLES ARE NOW IN STOCK. ALL SIZES. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT AND YOUR ORDERS WILL BE APPRECIATED. ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT. Phone 102 KIRKTON “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver DASHWOOD Mr. Robert More, of Kitchener, called on friends in the village on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routly. We are glad to hear that Mr. O. Routly, who has been bedfast since the first of March is up and much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Hammond visited on iSunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Wynn, of Woodham. HARPLEY Hugh Love visited in ExeterMr. for a few days last week. Mrs. Annie Hicks spent a few days last week Hicks. Miss Chrystal staying with Mr. Hatyer for a couple of weeks. Miss Beulah Holt, of Toronto, has returned home for the summer va cation. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgins, of Corbett and Mrs. Annie Hicks visited with Mr. and Mrs. David Eaglesori' on Sunday. We are glad to report Mrs. J. Car ruthers is much improved in health and able to be around again. Mr. Wm. Eagleson and family were in Seaforth on Saturday. Mr. Ken. Hudgins, of Centralia, spent the week-end at his home here. Messrs. Lloyd Bender and Ervin >Fis'her don. with Miss Hayter has and Mrs. Doris been | Orval spent the week-end in Lon- CENTRALIA Mary O’Brien, of London,Miss spent the week-end at her home here Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hodgins and family, of London, visitors with Mr. Willis. Mrs. Thos. Lee visited on Sunday Richard Parker. Mr. Henry and Blyth, were week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. George Hepburn and family and Mrs. Sanford were Sunday visitors es Wilson. Mrs. C. J. O’Brein last week attending her brother-in-law the late Mr. Wm. Lundy. Mrs. Otto Brown is confined to her bed owing to illness. Miss Dorothy Davis spent the week end. at her home in Exeter. Miss Lillie Dobbs, of Stratford, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden. Mrs. Clara Abbott and Miss Edith Davis visited at the latter’s home in Exeter on Sunday. Mrs. Hugh D. Taylor and family, of Thames Road and Mrs. , Walker, of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Cain, of Byron, vis ited on .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Cn Sunday, May 26th Anniversary Services will be held in the church here. The guest speaker for the day will be Rev. Findlay, a former pastor of this charge. Special music will be provided by the choir assist ed by Mr. Herbert, bass soloist, of Jjondon, Rev. R. N. Stewart took charge of the anniversary service in the Ilderton United Church -on Sunday evening last. The pastor fnom the Ilderton church conducted the even ing service here. Mr. Fred Werner, better known'as Fritz, the barber, is remodelling his barber shop. From now on he will operate two chairs and will be as sisted by a first class barber and will be able to render better service to. the public. Miss Gwendolyn Hicks, of London spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks. Miss Ada Mitchell R.N., of London and Harold, of Ilderton, spent’ Sun day With their parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Norman Mitchell. were Sunday and Mrs. Thomas and s-ons, Brinsley with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Elliott, of with Lawson with the Miss- was in Detroit the funeral of Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Blo-ck, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Messrs. E. Tieman & Son will have a grand display of Ladies’ Summer Dresses and hats on Thursday, May 30th for one day only. A cordial in vitation is extended to see them. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sch'roeder spent the week-end at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter and Miss Fanny .Preeter, of Kitchener, and Mrs. Lena Willert and son Ed., of Centralia were Sunday visitor^ with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman. I Mr. and Mrs. C. Wildfong, of St. I John, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ha- ! mac'her. Miss Anna Hess, of Zurich, called on friends in town on Thursday. Miss Verna Kraft, of London, is spending a few days with her mother Mrs. T. Kraft. The Evangelical church intend holding a Strawberry Festival on June 2 6th. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kascnae, of De troit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Merner on iSunday. Robert* Hopcroft left on Saturday for Niagara Falls and Crystal Beach where he has secured employment for the summer. Miss Esther Graybeil, who spent the winter in Toronto has returned to her home here. Mrs. Hy. Hoffman gave a dinner as a surprise on Sunday in honour of her mother Mrs. Stacey, who cele brated her 80th birthday on Tues day. The dinner table was centred with a huge birthday cake contain ing 80 candles which when lit was a beautiful sight. Mrs. Stacey also presented with numerous We extend congratulations to Stacey and wish her health happiness to celebrate many birthdays. Among those who present from a distance were and Mrs. J. Preeter and Miss Fanny Preeter, of Kitchener, and Mrs. Lena Willert and son Ed., of Centralia. Mrs. Wm. Musser is confined to her bed with an attack of chronic appendicitis. GRAND BEND Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Lovie spent Sunday in Strathroy. Miss Annie McGregor visited Mrs. Gordon Ulens on Saturday. Miss Gora Oliver, of London, spent the’ week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Oliver. Mr. C. Carmichael, of [Florida, vis ited friends around the village last week, going south again this week. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Desjardine visited Mr. and Mrs. Geary, of Strathroy, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank) StaUon rin Sunday. Rev. Mr. Malcolm, of Egmondville preached, two very impressive ser mons on Sunday exchanging churches with Rev, Mr. J. B. Moore for the day. The B'renner House looks much improved with a coat of paint also the Lakeview Hotel has bad same renewed. 'Our Used cars AIRE priced No car over $50.00 value has in stock over ten days. ELILI-OT the right been SANDY WHALEN was gifts. Mrs. and more we're Mr. Kirk-Miss Evelyn Parkinson, of ton, visited on Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson Messrs. Thos. Gunning and Frank Squire attended a Conservative meet ing in Stratford on Thursday eveh- ing when Denton Massey, of Toron to, was the guest speaker. Friends of Mrs. H. Langford will be glad to learn that' she is gaining in Victoria Hospital, London, lowng her recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson, and Mrs. Geo. Squire and Mr. Mrs. Frank 'Squire were iSunday itors at the home of Clarence Gunn- ng, Woodham. Service in this church will be withdrawn on Sunday for the Cen tralia anniversary. fol- Mr. and vis- CREDITON EAST Mr.' and Mrs. L. Pifer, of Chat ham, spent the week-end with Mr. Sam. Merner and Mr. and Mrs. D. Baird. Mrs. Harry Lewis has returned to her home after spending a couple of weeks with her daughter and eon-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton, at Grand Bend. Mrs. Alex Hamilton and baby son of Grand Bend, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mrs. Wilson Anderson is visiting at the home of her grandson M.r. Harold Taylor near Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, of Windsor, spent Sunday with the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Law- son. Mrs. Isaac fiims and two children of Exeter, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Job. ’Sims and other relatives. Miss Verda Hoffman, of Kerwood, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. C. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman. Mr. Arthur Benedict and son Gor don and daughter Muriel and grand daughter Betty of Kitchener; and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brown and her daughter Kay, of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday with Mrs. C. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman. BABY CHICKS Order your chicken from Switzer’s A-l Baby Chick hatchery. They are cheap. As low as $6.00 per hund red in June. We are hatching Bar red Rocks, White Rocks, White -and Brown Legh'oirns, Anconas, Jersey Black Giants and White Indian Run ner ducklings. Get your catalogue before you buy your chickens. Get prices on 5 week pullets. Custom hatching after May 20th; Hen eggs 2c; Duck eggs and Turkey eggs 3c; trays hold1 128 hen eggs and between 90 and 100' duck and turkey eggs. A. H. SWITZER Crediton, Ont. HARDWARE SPECIALS Chamois Skins, the real thing for washing cars and windows 60 & 75 Sponges ................................................................................ 25 & 50c. Garden Hoes, special for Saturday ...................... 49c. 1-2 inch Lawn Hose'in 50 ft. coils, complete with couplings .. $4.49 Garden Rakes for Saturday ..... ..................... 49^. and 59c. We are offering at a specially valued price Eureka Electric Washers with .girator, one-piece enamel tub regular $79.50 for only $69.00 2 Clothes Line Pulleys, 2 Heavy Hooks and 50 feet of Galvariteed clothes lino wire complete for only ......................... 49c. 2 4th of May is a good day to get your painting' done see us for your requirements in Jap-a-Lac Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. RockiSpar Varnish gfeatly reduced Lindenfield’s Hardware, Exeter