HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-05-16, Page 8THURSDAY, MAY l«th, 1933 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE BONAT Permanent Waves The Bonat Method produces most effective Permanent Waves on all types and textures of hair with au ease and, speed never before obtain­ able. Specials continued. Make your appointment early in prder that we may serve you better. Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 231w H. M. SMITH Exeter Markets Wheat 85 c. Malting Barley Buckwheat 47c. Manitoba’s Best Welcome FlourLow Grade Floux; §30.00 a ton Bran §28.00 a ton Shorts §28.00 a ton Mixed Choip §1.45 Creamery Butter 27-2 Sc. Dairy ■■ Eggs, Eggs Eggs Hogs 65c §2.65 § 2 * 5 V Butter 21-2 4c A large 15 c. B 12c. C 11c. §8.85 JtSEAUTX SHOPPE PALE HOLIDAYS We, the undersigned merchants of the Village of Exeter, agree to close bur place of business every Wednes­ day at twelve o’clock noon, begin­ ning Wednesday, May 29th, and dur­ ing the months of June, July, gust and the first two weeks September. Southcott Bros. B. W. F. Beavers E. R. Hopper Garnet Flynn Norman Hockey H . C. Rivers Grigg Stationery Jos. Senior Jones & May H. S. Walter G. A. Hawkins S. Fitton W. Martin Wm, H. Partlo Elmore Harness V. G. Essery Hazel M. Smith W. J. Beer R. N. Rowe Doris J. Salter Ward’s Ladies’ Wear G. M. Armstrong J. A. Traquair Chainway Stores W. "W. Taman E. Lindenfield W. J. Hockey Ideal Meat Market 1 Au- in Collection of Refuse Citizens having refuse intended for the Exeter dump ground have the same placed in boxes or bags and in front of their residence. As collections will be made by Municip­ al teams commencing Tuesday, 21st day of May, 1935. Notice to Bicycle Riders Notice is hereby .given that bicycle riding upon side walks of the Mun­ icipality must be discontinued. Recent close accidents have been drawn to the attention of the mem­ bers of the Council and before any­ thing more serious does happen, this timely warning is given. By Order John Norry, Commiseioner Notice to Painters Tenders will be received by the Municipal Clerk at his office for the Painting of the exterior of the Town Hall. Tenders will be received on or before 12 o’clock noon, of Saturday, May 25th, 1935. Specifications may be seen at the Clerk’s Office or by applying to Councillor, J. W. Hern. By Order. Jos. Senior, Clerk NOTICE Property owners along Main St. adjoining the proposed new walk who< are .desirous of connecting with the drain or water works are re­ quested to have the same attended to before the new pavement is put down.By Order of the Council FOR bicycle. SALE—A lady’s and .gent’s ..Apply at Times-Advocate. SALE—On Main Street, Ex-FOR eter, 2 storey brick building, consist­ ing of good shop with living quar­ ters at rear and on second storey. Well located in business section. Priced so as to be a good buy as an investment or for use. Apply to> C. V. PICKARD, Phone 165. SALESMAN WANTED for automobiles, real opportunity liable man. Commission and . Apply Cook Bros., Hentsall, Ont. 5-9-2tc selling for re­ salary. WANTED—Distributor for motor oils and greases to call on farmers, truckers and car owners. Quality and competitive products being success­ fully sold in both the U. S. and Can­ ada. Apply American Lubricants, Hamilton, Ontario. FOR SALE—Choice Delphiniums and Strawberry plants 80c a 100. Delphs. 50c each. F. Gollings 33 r 2 Kirkton. FOR SALE—Several rebuilt and enclosed oil stoves, 2, 3 and 4 burn­ er. Apply to W. J. Melville. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that. ------- „___ ___ a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen for the year 1935, ■will (hold its first meeting in the Township Hall, in Crediton, on Monday, the 27th day tof May, 1935 at one o’clock p.m. Herbert' K. Eilber Twp. Clerlt, Crediton, Ont. Dated at Crediton, May 6th, 1935 Down! Down! Down! ■ Here’s the news many have been waiting for Coal prices have dropped, to their greatest yearly low. Find out how much, you can save by buying your Winter supply of D. & H. Cone Cleaned Anthracite.-— NOW. We aim to please. Phone JAS. P. BOWEY Siui! Life Representative 157 Stationery—In slightly damaged boxes, values as high as §1.00 for 19c.—Walker’s Drug Store, Exeter 1T’ i LOCALS i l CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, S. Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Coclirane, organist 10 a.m,—-Sunday School 11 a.m.—“God’s High Priest Vindi­ cated.” Morning service follow­ ed by communion. 7 p.m.—“The Vision of Obadiah,” Thursday, May 16th at 6 p.m.— Mother and Daughter banquet fol­ lowed by Margaret Strang Auxil­ iary. Friday, May 17, at 8 p.m.- atory Service. ....... ........................ — •Prepar MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Eveljn Huston Organist and a.m.—Rev. G. p.m,—Sunday Choir-Leader E. Morrow, B.A. School. ANNUAL MAY SALE We offer you many money, savers that we have not room to mention here. Our sale closes on Saturday, May 18th. Be sure to come in and see our many bargains. LARGE LINOLEUM RUGS AT REDUCED PRICES 50 PAIR OF FRILLED CURTAINS Mr. Homer Bagshaw left last week for Sudbury. Rev. Robt. Hicks, of London, vieu ited in town on Tuesday. Miss Hazel Clarke, of Guelph, spent Sunday with her parents here. Mr. Tom Brooks, of Forest, spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Leary at Staffa. Mr. Frank Strange, of spent Sunday roof. Mrs. W. T. with her son Sound. Mrs. I. M. Little, of Ingersoll, vis­ ited with Miss Alice Handford on Sunday. Mr. John N. Willis is erecting a new verandah to the front of residence. Mr. Wm. McKay, teller at Bank of Montreal, is confined to room through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McIntosh, of Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey, on Sunday. Workmen have been engaged with teams and. grader in fixing up the race track at the fair grounds. The report of the Exeter Council and various Church have been crowded .put James Street Young present their religious low Thou Me” at Kirkton on Friday evening of this week. Rev. M. A. Hunt and Messrs. W. E. Middleton and M. W. Pfaff are in London this week attending the meeting of the Synod. Mirs. Ralph Willis, of Stephen, who recently underwent an opera­ tion in Victoria Hospital, London, has returned to her home. Misses Elaine and Helen Street have returned to’ their home in Lon­ don after visiting for six weeks with their grandmother, Mrs. W. Johns. Mrs. Edna Hearts, who has spent the winter in Florida and whoi re­ cently returned to her home in To­ ronto, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. F/ollick. Miss Helen O’Connoir and Mr. G. Beavers, of Toronto, Mr. W. Simp­ son and Reg. Beavers, of Sarnia, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers over the week-end. - Mr. John Caldwell, Doreen and Mrs. Edgar Rundle were in Guelph on Wednesday attending the gradu­ ation of Misis Berniece Caldwell from the Guelph General Hospital. The first of the weekly half holi­ days in Exeter for the summer months will be 'observed on Wednes­ day, May 29th and will continue un­ til the second week in September. Mr. Elmo Richards, who has1 been the agent in Exeter for the Metro­ politan Life Insurance Co., has re­ signed his position and expects to leave town in the course of a few weeks. Mr. Peter Coleman received word on Tuesday of the death of his brother Robert who passed away in Detroit. Mr. Coleman left for De­ troit on Wednesday morning to at­ tend the funeral. Interment will be made in Wyoming, Ont. Mr. W. R. Goulding has been con­ fined to his home for several days with influenza. He is improving and was able to be up for the first time on Sunday. In his absence the or­ gan in the James Street United Church on Sunday was presided over by Mrs. G. Williams. 11 3 7 p.m.—-The Minister, subject “The Man Who- Came Back.” Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday—Prayer Meeting JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA under the London, parental Acheson is Charles’, in visiting Owen his the his organizatons this week. People will drama “Fol- Special Services at Main Street Two special services were held in the Main Street United church on Sunday. The W. M. S. Thankoffer­ ing was held in the morning. Rev.1 A. E. Elliott gave an address on “The Romance of Missions.” An anthem was rendered by the choir and a duet was sung by Mrs. Beer and Miss Mabel Follick. At the Sunday school Mr. B. W. F. Beavers gave a special Mother’s Day address while Messrs. Harold and Gerald Skinner sang a duet. In the even­ ing the pastor gave a very appropri­ ate and inspiring message on “Re­ ligion and the Home” paying tribute to mothers and their influence in the moulding of characters. A duet was sung by Misses Hilda and Merna Sims.. Rev. J. H. Staiuton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader Special Missionary Services with Rev. H. S. Forbes, of Honan, China, speaker at both services. 3 p.m.—Sunday School Prayer Meeting Wednesday night. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, air. Middlemiss <4th Sunday After Easter A. Y. P. A. SUNDAY 8.30 a.m.— Corporate Communion for the A. Y. P. A. 9.3 0 a.m.—Breakfast in the Parish Hall 10 a.m.—-S. S. in the church. 11 a.m.—A. Y. P. A. .Service .Speaker—Mr. Frank Lehey, Lon­ don. full attendance >of young people is expected. p.m.—Evensong and Sermon A 7 Prepare for the Holiday by having a Croquinole PERMANENT WAVE $2.95 I). SALTER Phone 245 WANTED I Poultry, Feathers, Old Feather Beds, Horse Hair, Rags and Scraps of Kinds. Best Prices Paid Phone 100 Joseph & Neuman SPRING COATS AND SWAGGER SUITS in Cloth and Silk Crepe Also a new line of MILLINERY 'I all NEW HOUSE DRESSES, SMOCKS AND HOOVERS, PICTURE TUNICS Also a full line of Silk Hose and Underwear WARD’S LADIES’ WEAR Your Family Protection The Great West Life Assurance Company offers up-to-date contracts to meet every insurance need. For real family protection 'choose the type' of policy you prefer and have the new rider included. This rider will, in case of your death, provide a Monthly Income For Your Family for the period required, the end of the income period policy will mature in the way. This low cost. c. At the regular policy may be secured at V. PICKARD welcome inquiriesWe Insurance of all Kinds Phone 165, Exeter With the Sick Mrs. Arthur Mitchell, who has been seriously ill following a recent! stroke, is showing some signs of im­ provement. Mr. 'Sidney Snell, south of Exeter, has been critically ill with pleuro­ pneumonia and pleurisy, hut at pres­ ent life condition is improved. Two nurses have been in attendance. The many friends of Miss Mary Wells, who 'hais been ill for some time, will regret to know that she is at present in a very critical con­ dition. Mrs. Clarence Johns, of Us bonne, young people in Huron County. Mr. is suffering from blood-poisoning in Gordon then told some interesting 9 by 12 feet—Sale price . , , 10^ by 12 feet—Sale Price 12 by 12 feet—Sale Price , . 12 by 131/2 feet—Sale Price 12 by 15 feet—Sale Price . . $10.45 $12.95 $14.95 $18.25 $17.95 Fine for Bedrooms, Kitchens or Small Windows. Cream ground and colored borders. SALE PRICE, per pair 49c. CURTAIN MATERIAL AT BIG SAVING 5 pieces of Curtain Nets;' our regular 50c. lines reduced. SALE PRICE 39c. CURTAIN SCRIMS AND NETS Values to 35c. A number of small lengths in this lot. SALE PRICE, per yardr. .15c. BIG SAVING IN WALL PAPER THIS WEEK I fl!TABLE OILCLOTHS Newest Patterns 134 yd. wide reg. 45c. Sale Price .... 49c. 1 Mt yd. wide reg. 55c. Sale Price .... 49c. GREEN BLINDS Green Paper Blinds, each.................... 15c. Green Linen Blinds, seconds..................69c. MEN’S FINE WORSTED SUITS Smart styles and New Patterns. Your choice of any including plain blu<e. SALE PRICE ................................... . $16.95 MEN’S COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS Tooke’s make. Our regular $1.25 value an outstanding value at z SALE PRICE .......................................... 99c. MEN’S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Penman’s make. Our regular 59c. value SALE PRICE .......................................... 49c. MEN’S COTTONADE PANTS In grey stripe and plain blue. A .real good value SALE PRICE, each...............................$1.39 A Good Time to Save Money on Footwear MEN’S FINE OXFORDS This is our regular $2.95 line. SALE PRICE, per pair...................... $2.49 WOMEN’S STRAP SLIPPER & OXFORD We have added a lot more shoes to this assortment. Values to $5.00 SALE PRICE ........................................ $1.49 CHILDREN’S & MISSES’ SANDALS i Some real savings in this assortment SALE PRICE .......................................... 69c. MEN’S WORK SHOES With Panco or Leather sole. These are shoes hard to beat SALE PRICE, per pair $1.98 Southcott Bros Mr. Laverne Wells was the win­ ner of the Congoleum Rug given away Saturday by Jones & May. The correct number was 110 3 and Mr. Wells guess was 1104. R. Colling­ wood was second with 1110. At Southcott Bros, the winner of the rug was Miss Mary Chambers, of Crediton, whose ■'guess was 2 390. The correct number was 23 95: Mr. M. Quance was the winner of the bean guessing contest conducted by Grieve’s Sandwich Shop. The number of black beans mingled with white ones in a jar numbered 1107.. Mr. Quance’s guess wais1 1123. Mrs. H. Hammond, of Kirkton, won.sec­ ond prize with 10 60; Lome Lern, third, 115 6; J. H. Jones, 4th, 1054; Mr. M. Hammond', fifth, 1200. The building and grounds commit­ tee of the Board of Education visit­ ed .the school Friday afternoon of last week and inspected the fences. The old high board fences that were erected many yeans ago are down in many places and beyond repair. It was decided to erect some new wire fencing. Thurs., May 23 WILL BE AT THIS STORE After many weeks with no regul­ ar meeting the Haven Presbyterian Guild held a missionary meeting on I Monday night. It was decided to have a rummage sale and a cooking sale in the town hall on May 25th. A committee wa& appointed to select the delegate to Kintail Camp this summer. Plans were made for tak- 1 ing the Guild to Bayfield on the 24th of May when there will be a picnic in JOWettfe Grove tof all the “ “ . Mr. We issue this invitation in plenty of time because we are anxious that our customers, who know the value of Berger ” CLOTHES OF QUALITY ” Brand, have the benefit of head office representative’s advice as to styles, colors and woollens. Mr. M. R. Park rates high in the tailor­ ing craft. His knowledge of what is correct is based on years of experience. W. W. TAMAN her arm. A few days ago she suf- things about Japan, which he had fered a burn on the arm and it has seen personally, Thv turned to blood-poison. At present ed by repeating the Mizpah benedic- sho is Improving, tioil. The meeting clos- -