HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-05-16, Page 350 YEARS AGO ■On Saturday last a l’our-year-old son of Mr. Jas. Creech noticing a roller attached to a wagon passing along Huron Street resolved to' take a ride. While in the act 'Of climb­ ing on. the frame of the implement his legs were drawn between the roll­ er and the frame until they became perfectly fast. A man driving be­ hind called to the driver and the boy was released. The boy’s clothes were nearly all torn' off and his flesh frightfully mangled. We are glad to learn that J, R. Miller P. S. I. has passed a success­ ful examination as .solicitor. Mr. James Swenerton has menced the erection of a large on the corner of Station and Streets, The many friends of Mr. Alfred Wilson of the Canada Company Of­ fice, Toronto, will be glad to’learn he has been appointed as one of commissioners of the company fill the vacancy occasioned by death of Col. Moffatt. Mr. Paul Madge :hae taken a tour to the Old Sod, having sold several very fine fat steers which are being shipped to England. BAPTISM Sunday, May 19.-—Matt, 3:13-117; 28:19, 20; Acts 2:38, 41; 8:20-39; Rpm. 6:1-14. Golden Text THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE com- store Main the to the Go ye therefore, and teach all na­ tions baptizing them in the name of tho Father, and of the (Son and of the Holy Ghost. (Matt. 28:19.) Baptism has the meaning of wash­ ing or purification effected by means of water. The Greek verb baptizo means “to make clean with water”. Baptism in the New Testament and in Christian practise today fe a rite, with water, symbolizing our being cleansed from sin. John the Baptist’s message to his nation, .Israel, was: “Repent ye; for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” He plainly declared that he was sent in fulfilment of a prophecy of Isaiah (40:3), to “Prepare . , . the way of the Lord,-make His paths straight.” Great multitudes flocked after him. It was more than John the Baptist speaking to them—it was God Him­ self by the Holy Spirit, speaking through John. Men were convicted of their sins, and multitudes “were baptized of him in Jordan, confess­ ing their sins.” People were ready to think that John was the Messiah. But he cried out: “I indeed baptize you with wa­ ter unto repentance: but He that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.” Then a strange thing happened. Men were coming to John confessing their sins; and water baptism is a rite standing for cleansing from sin, “Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordon unto John, to be baptized of him.” But Jesus Christ was sinless. And John recoiled from the suggestion that he should baptize his Lord: I have need to be baptized of Thee, and comest Thou to me?” It was a marvellous demonstration of His humility, and His identifica­ tion with men, that the sinless Son of God, who had condescended to' be “Therefore we are burled with Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of we also should life.” There is the baptism by the body of Christ, our sins, we in sin, and are given His resurrection life,, now so that “sin shall not have dominion over you.” the Father, even so walk in newness of glorious meaning 'Of Holy Spirit into the As Christ died unto Him have died unto HAPPINESS 25 YEARS AGO May 26, 1910 Mr. and Mrs. George Powell, 'Of Mill Street’, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage last week, Mr. H. Levett has sold his produce business in Parkhill to Mr. Anderson of Chicago. Mr. Wm. Triebner has resigned his position as teacher in- S. S. No. 3, Stephen, to take effect at the end of June and will attend Chatham Busi­ ness College. The Exeter 'Football team won a victory over the Kirkton boys 'on Fdiday last at Kirkton., the score being 1 to 0. The Exeter line-up consisted of: goal, M. Hoskins, backs B. Anderson and S. B'Obier; half­ backs, S. G. Bawden and C. North- cott, G. Walker; centre forward T. Carling; right wing, B. Wilson, H. Axt; left wing, G. Taylor and Dr. Rouliston. Mr. James W. Bawden, of London, who for-many years has been con-1 nected with the firm of Lawson & I “made in the likeness of men,’ now Jones, has moved to Winnipeg, where he has charge of the Bulman Bros. Drug Label and Box Department. Statistics from the 1910 Assess­ ment’ Roll of the Village of Exeter we take the following: The village contains 1044 acres; the land value is $128,637; value of buildings $391,896; business assessment $41,- S77; taxable income $8,463; total assessment 606.’ Mr. Paul farm stock and leaves this week or Alberta. be s,0' now; to fulfil all $570,873; population 1,- Madge 'had a isale of his and effects ion Tuesday 15 YEARS AGO May 20, 1920 Dr. Coliin Fletcher has resigned his charge Oit Thames Road and Kirkton ’ and it was agreed by the Presbytery to make application on his behalf to the Assembly for leave to retire from the active work of the ministry. Mr. and Mrs. Williams (nee Bella Treble) of Winnipeg, are visiting with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mrs. (Dr.) D. A. Bowerman, of Menomonie, Wis., is visiting her mother and sister Mrs. J1. O. Tom and Mrs. W. D. Yeo. Mr. George Willis returned to his home in London, Monday, after vis­ iting several days with his mother here. Mrs. Erickson, who has been vis- friends her iting among relatives' and for a few weeks the .guest of aunt Mrs. W. G. Bissett, left for her home in Aberdeen, N.D., Thursday. The sawmill owned and operated by Mr. Wm. Sweitzer, Shipka, was totally destroyed by fire (during Tuesday evening. Mr. Leon Treble, som of Mr.. and Mrs. Ed. Treble, last week passed hie first year examinations in the On­ tario College of Arts, Toronto, win­ ning two' scholarships. Zu- t'he ZURICH JUNIOR INSTITUTE The monthly meeting of the rich Junior Institute was held in Town Hall, Zurich, last Wednesday evening, May 1st. The meeting was opened by the president, Miss Irene Mousseau followed by the Institute Ode and the Lord’s Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were then read, by the Secretary Annie Coleman and adopted. The business was then dealt with. The roll call was answered to by "Charactersitics Off an Attractive Personality.” Next was the motto “The Correct Act of Waiting” by Miss Anfitoinette Gu~ mier. Miss Irene Mousseau then told the girls about :her Visit to Hur- ondale and 'Clinton where they dis­ cussed the District Annual and Achievement Day which are to' be held in Seaforth. Next was an dllus- *tration and talk on ‘Care of the Sick’ by Miss Mary Coleman followed by a nut contest. Then Misses Irene Mousseau and Mary Coleman gave a demonstration on making a crepe paper flower out o f a tobacco can and the meeting closed by singing “The Maple Leaf Forever.” We then joined with the boys for the joint meeting at which an enjoyable time was spent. The next meeting will be held oni Wednesday evening, June 5. There is a whole sermon in a re­ mark that Henry Ford’s secretary made the other day. In Mr. Ford’s business creed, he said, if one goes out primarily for profit he misses it, profit, like happiness, being a by­ product. Happiness as a by-product will strike many as a new idea; but that is precisely what it’ comes to. Hap­ piness is not something than can be captured by pursuing it. It is only attained by pursuing something else. The road to1 happiness is the road of self-respecting duty, of loyalty to obligations, of unselfish goodwill to­ ward others. It may not be-—seld­ om is— the iroad to riches or to power, The time comes in every­ body’s life when the decision has to be .made between the pursuit’ of plea­ sure or the pursuit of duty. Exactly the same is true of busi­ ness. Business that does not put service and quality, ifair dealing and honesty first, never in the long run makes a real profit. If profit is the sole motive of a business, that busi­ ness lacks the solid basis that will enable it to weather depressions and meet competition. TIICBSPAY, MAY 16th, 1933 You get real blow-out Protection FREE! Goodrich Safety Silvertowns give months more mileage TAON’T you* want the safest tires you can buy—especially when they cost no more’ than other standard tires? ’And wouldn’t you like to get months more mileage at no extra cost? Of course you would. And now we can supply you with tires that give you real blow­ out protection and give you that extra mileage. For The Canadian Goodrich Co., Limited, has appointed us as headquarters for Goodrich Safety Silvertowns — the only tires in the world that give you the blow-out protection of this new Life-Saver Golden Ply invention. And you get positive protection against dan­ gerous, “tail-spin” skids with Safety Silver- towns. You see why when you press your hand on the deep-grooved tread and feel the big, husky cleats grip. And remember, Goodrich Safety Silvertowns cost no more than other standard tires. Don’t take chances. Come in today. Let us show you this tire that saves lives. O’NEIL—FOSTER RUN Here's How We Do Gasoline Motor. Oil A thorough Tune-up Job Lubrication Battery Service GOOD PRICES QUALITY WORK Christ sure- identified Himself »o completely with sinful humanity that He could say to John: “Suffer it to for thus if becometh us righteousness.” The baptism of Jesus ly was a prophetic parable, in actual fact, of His bearing the sins of all the world in HA own body on the cross, as He “who knew no sin” was “made ... to be sin for us” (2 Cor. 5:21) What followed this unique baptism “The heavens were opened unto Him and He saw the .Spirit .of God des­ cending like a dove, and lighting up­ on Him; and io a voice from Heaven saying, This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” There is one of the many Scripture passages that declare the Trinity— God in three persons. Here was the Son of God on earth. Here was the Holy Spirit of God coming upon Him And here was the Father in heaven speaking of His Son and to His Son. After Christ liad'died on the cross and had risen again, He .gave His disciples their- marching orders foir foreign missions, “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.” On the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit had come upon the apos­ tles in power, Peter preached one of the greatest sermons in Christian history, He declared to “all the house of Israel” that “God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye (have cru­ cified, both Lord and Christ.” They were cut to the heart, convicted of sin, anjl cried out asking what they should do. Peter had good news for them: “Repent, and be baptized every one of you. in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gifts of the Holy Ghost They believed now, in the saving power of Him whom they had cru­ cified; and “they that gladly receiv­ ed His word were baptized,” and these saved souls were “about three thousand.” • Ethiopia is on the front' pages of the newspaper just now; and Ethio­ pia was prominent nineteen centuries ago in God’s plan for the evangeliza­ tion of the world, “A man of Ethio­ pia,” and “of great authority under Candace, Queen of the Ethiopians, who had charge of all her treas­ ure,” ihad gone to Jerusalem to wor­ ship and was returning in his chariot to his own land, when Philip was di­ rected by the Holy Spirit to join him. The Ethiopian was reading the Bible in the book of chapter, one of prophecies of death of Christ. stand the meaning of what he read, but Philip “began at the same Scrip­ ture, and preached unto him, Jesus.” The light and truth flooded the Ethiopian's heart, and he asked to be baptized. After he had made his confession of faith, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the 'Son of God,” Philip gladly baptized him as the sign of the forgiveness of his sins and his new birth. Best' of all, to Paul was revealed the full Gospel, inspiration that were baptized were baptized Isaiah, fifty third the most marvellous the substitutionary He could not under­ and he declares by ‘'so many of us as Into Jesus Christ into His death.” A pretty spring wedding took1 place at St. Thomas Anglican Church in Granton, when Elizabeth, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Foster, .of Granton, was united in marriage to Ernest’ R., youngest son of Mrs. and the late Arthur O’Neil,, of Denfield. The bride, given in mar­ riage by her father, was charmingly attired in pink net gown and veil with gloves and shoes to match. She wore a shoulderette of .nose buds and sweet peas and carried a white ivory covered prayer book mounted with a sterling cross, the gift of the groom. Her only ornament was a cameo brooch, which has been a keepsake in the O’Neil family for a 125 years. The bridesmaid, Miss Mary O’Neil, the groom’s youngest sister chose rose chiffon with blue net hat and mulff, and blue satin slippers. Hillis ounger brother of the bride, acted as best man. Mr. P. Matthews, of Deleware and Mr. D. Beatson, of /Teat causes blow-outs- I THE LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN PLY RESISTS HEAT-PREVENTS THESE BLOW-OUTS Check Spark Plugs Adjust Timing Check Carburetor Test Battery let us Make your old car LIKE NEW JTte njew Goodrich Silvertown WITH MFE-SAVER GOLDEN PLY Thos. Coates, ExeterBUY AT THE SIGN OF THE M0UNT1E! Granton, acted as ushers. Leverne Morley, A.L.C.M., brother-in-law of the bride, played the wedding music. The ceremony was performed, by Rev. T. Hicks, rector of the church. Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served at the home of the bride’s parents. Later the hap­ py couple left foir Detroit where they will spend a short honeymoon the bride travelling in suit, with navy hat coat and other accessories to match. Mr. and Mrs. O’Neil will take up their .residence at Prospect Hill. h’s a Kidney Warning When the Back Starts to Ache Do you ever feel that you simply can’t go any further; that you must have rest from that lame and aching back; relief from that constant dead- tired feeling; freedom from those stabbing, darting pains through the small of the back. One of the simplest and most effective remedies for weak, lame and aching backs is Doan’s Kidney Pills. They act directly on the kidneys and assist them in flushing away the irritating kidney poisons, and when this is done there will be no more backache. a navy satin BIGGEST MOST POWERFUL at its price.. 117 and 124-inch wheelbase .. 113 or 124 horsepower AND NO OTHER EIGHT AT ANY PRICE HAS THESE HUDSON ADVANTAGES: Small Car Economy (see sworn statements from local owners). . Canada’s ONLY Bodies ALL of Steel.. Hudson Rotary-Equalized Brakes. . The Electric Hand (op­ tional) .. Road Balance (from exclusive Hudson design). .World Record Performance. See Your Nearest Hudson Dealer Today HUDSON EIGHT j I J .4* and up, Retail at Factory, Tilbury, Ont,, including full factory equipment, spare wheel and tire, all taxes paid, freight and license only extra. Electric Hand stand- Ord On custom models. 537