HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-05-02, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, HENSALL Owen Geiger & Son are putt/ing in a large flax acreage this spring. Mr, and Mrs. Mark Drysdale vis­ ited with Hanover friends on Thurs­ day, Mr. and Mrs. James Vincent, Clin­ ton, were in town on Sunday calling on friends. Mrs. A, L. Case was in London last week taking treatments at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Miss Gibson and Mrs. Nesbitt, of Brucefield, were visiting last week with Mrs. James iSangeter. Mrs. Robt. Higgins i® confined to her home this week suffering from a severe heart attack. Billy Higgins spent the Easter holidays visiting his sister, Mrs. O. Beavers, at Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs, Ferris Cantelon and babe, of Schomberg, spent the week­ end with relatives in town. Master Ray Reid, of London, vis­ ited with his aunt Miss Minnie Reid and other friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, of Centralia, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flynn. Mr, and Mrs. Harris, of Detroit, spent the week-end here, with Mr. Harris’ mother, Mrs. -E. Rannie. Miss Ollie Lemon, of London, vis­ ited for a few days last week with her father, Mr. William Lemon. The Hensall Public- and Continua­ tion Schools reopened on Monday morning after the Easter holidays. Miss Mabel Workman, of London, visited for a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Hannah Workman. May 12th will be Mother’s Day in the United Church and the address and music will be suitable for the occasion. Mr. Lloyd Hedden has secured a position for the summer on the cement road under foreman Ray Mc­ Arthur. Miss Jean Venner, of Chiselhurst, spent several days last week visiting here with her grandfather, Mr. W. L. McLaren. 'Mrs. Agnes McDonald spent a few days last week visiting with rela­ tives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Sunday in London, visiting with Mrs. McLaren’s uncle and aunt', Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harding. Mr. J. Sutherland, formerly of the Bank of Montreal staff, but now of Watford, was a friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Miss Sunday with Mr. Clark, of Crediton. Mr. William Simpson, of Detroit, accompanied by hi® mother, Mrs, L. Simpson, were week-end visitors with relatives in town. Mlsse® Janet and Ruth McAllister of Hillsgreen, were visiting here week with their grandparents, and Mrs. Thos. Consitt. Mr, and Mrs, Norman Cook companied by Mr®. Garnet Case Mrs. Mark Drysdale visited week for several days, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hemphill, of Wroxeter, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill and Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook on Sunday. Mrs. Carl Schaeffer, of Palmer­ ston and little daughter are visiting this week at the home of her aunts Miss Kate Scott and Mrs. Ballanty­ ne. Mr. Thos. Welsh has been con­ fined to his home for several days suffering from a severe sprain in the muscles -of his side. He receiv­ ed the injury while lifting in the saw mill. Mies Lois Moffatt, of Brucefield, spent the Easter holidays visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Peter Fisher and aunt Mis® Eleanor Fisher. The Women’s Guild of the St. Paul’s Anglican Church are holding a sale of home-made cooking and tea in the church on Saturday after­ noon May 11th. Among those who have lately pur­ chased new cars are Dr. Campbell, A. L. Case, Fred Bonthron, Ferris Cantelon, Joe Hagan, William Fos­ ter and Sam. Rannie. Rev. W. A. Young is attending a meeting of the Hamilton and Lon­ don Synod, of the Presbyterian Church, which is being held in St. Andrew’s Church, Owen Sound, this week. The Odd Fellows of Hensall Lodge No. 223, I.O.O.F. had a most inter­ esting meeting on Tuesday evening last, the occasion being the visit of the D.D.G.M., of 'Goderich ficers.' Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne the wedding of her son, Mr. Ballantyne in Detroit on Saturday, April 20 and is now visiting with her daughter, M.rs. Dr. E. Davids, of Shelby, Ohio. Mrs. Laird Mickle entertained her group of the Ladies* Aid of the Un­ ited church at her home here on Fri­ day evening. A very pleasant even­ ing was spent in music, contest®1 and games. A dainty lunch was served by the .hostess. Mr. John Elligson, proprietor. of the new Commercial Hotel, is going to make a number' of improvement® on the hotel this summer, painting, papering and redecorating and Other improvements. The hotel when fin­ ished will be one of the finest of the smaller hotels in the province. M.rs. Dr. Reid, of Port' Rowan, wa® here on Thursday visiting her father, Mr. Ed. Sheffer, who has been in very poor health for some time. Mrs. Reid returned home on Friday, taking here father with her so she could give him better atten­ tion. Mrs. Sheffer w-ho' has also been very poorly, is with her daugh­ ter at Port Rowan. The Canadian Legion of Exeter, headed by the Hensall band will par­ ade to St. Paul’® Anglican church next Sunday morning and will be ad­ dressed by Rev. Mr. Hendry, .rector of the church. . _ The Hensall Minstrels put’ on their show at Staffs on Wednesday even­ ing under the auepices Of the Staff a recent visitor with Robt. D. Bell and Margaret, spent and Mns; Matt last Mr. ac- and last and of- attended J. Lome United Church. On Monday evening the same show will be put on in Wingham, A number of friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. William Chapman met at their home one evening last week and presented their daughter Miss Grace, bride-elect of this week, with a miscellaneous shower. A very pleasant evening was spent in musric ana games and a dainty lunch serv­ ed. A dance was put on in the town hail on Wednesday evening last un­ der the auspices of the Junior Farm­ ers sent and a very enjoyable evening’Laren”of'HenTall’while*at* the ceme- lotte Brown and Mrs, Floyd Lee, of Fenton, Mich.; Mr®. George Marty, of Hew Baltimore, Mich.; Mrs. p. H. Delvin, of Stratford; Mrs. Charles Perley, of Winnipeg and Mrs. Mary’ McQuade, of Port Huron. The fun­ eral took place from her late home, Lobo Township on Wednesday after-* inoon, May 1st. At 1.30 a service was held at the home after which the re­ mains were taken to Exeter for in­ terment in the Exeter cemetery. Among those who attended the ser- I vice at Lobo where, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. John dub. A J?o°d crowd was ^LeZ|Porbett of-Hay and Mr®. Roy Mc- spent. The music was furnished by the Lelinas Bros, and Moss or-chestra of Zurich and were ably assisted by The floor The Mrs. Irwin, of -Clinton, manager was Harold Lelinas. ladies served lunch and Mrs. Roy McLaren ,of Hensall, won the lucky lunch ticket. The Oddfellows of Hensall Lodge No. 223 I.O.O.F. will parade to the Carmel Preeibyterian Church on Sun­ day evening next, May 5th, for Di­ vine service. Rev. W. A. Young will address the brethren and special music will be furnished by the choir. The congregation of Carmel Presby­ terian Church are looking forward to their anniversary services will be held on Sunday, May The speaker of the day wri.ll Dr. Kitchen, of McNab St. terian Church, Hamilton, music for the occasion will nished iby the church choir. lili’S. John Hey, of Zurich, Rest Mrs. John Hey, formerly . Miss Mary Decker, passed away at her home in Zurich on Thursday an illness of several months, was in her 79th year- and her band died three months ago. is survived by three daughters, “ - - - of Zurich; Mrs. Philip tery in Exeter a large number relatives, friends and former bor® of the deceased gathered their last respects, of neiglr- to pay T7 I Lux 1 1 1 LARGE PACKAGE LUX ... SMALL PACKAGE LUX............................. PORTRAIT OF KING AND QUEEN ,., REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR ... f Grocery STORE • •• 25c FREE x. . 10 lb. for 53c which 12 th. be Rev. Presby- 'Special be fur- Laid to after •She hus- She Mrs. E. Stelck, Fassold, of Dashwood; Mrs. J. Wrick- ens, of Ingersoll; three sons, John, of Zurich; William of the Babylon Line, Sam o.f Blake and a brother, John Decker, of Zurich. The fun­ eral service was held 'Sunday after­ noon at her home and at St. Peter’s Lutherian church, Zurich, with Rev. E. Turkheim officiating. Interment took place in Zurich (Lutheran cem­ etery. The pall bearers, the same as those for her husband, were Henry 'Steinbach, David Gingerich, Harry Yungblutt, Charles Hagan, Brenner and Edward Daters. The funeral of the late Mrs. David Robinson, who died after a long ill­ ness on Tuesday last, took place from her late residence, on Thurs­ day afternoon, interment in the Hensall Union Cemetery. The pall bearers were all neighbors of the deceased, George Follick, Frank! Coleman, Levi Rands, William Davis Wilson Carlisle and William Sang- ster. Those who attended the fun­ eral from a distance were, Mr. and Mrs. F. Anderson and Mrs. A. Wilsie, of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Black Mrs. Macllrea, of Woodham; and Mrs. Wakins, Clinton; Mr. Mrs. Howard Black, Lucan; Mr. Mrs. Towers, Strathroy and Robert Robinson, of Huntsville. Mrs. Rob­ ison was a member of the Followers of Christ Society and the funeral service was in charge of that order, being conducted by Mrs. Carrie Walker and Mrs. Isobel McCrumb, who are stationed at (Lucan. Mrs. Robison moved here several years ago, with her husband, Councillor David Robison and family and was highly respected. On Wednesday and Thursday a great many relatives and friends called at the pay their last respects. Hensall, April Special meeting of the Council was held this evening at 7.30 in the council chamber to consider road oil and street conditioners. All members of the council being pres­ ent also two members of the Zurich Police Village, Trustees, namely Stade and Echmeyen. Petty and Shepherd that the citi­ zens be asked to observe May 6th as a public holiday and govern them­ selves accordingly. Carried. (Shepherd and Petty that this coun­ cil wish to express a deep note of sympathy to Mr. David Robison, a fellow councillor in his1 recent and sad bereavement. Carried unanim­ ously. Mr. H. Irwin, of the Domiinion Tar and Chemical Co., of Toronto, ad­ dressed the council re their road oil or primer. Mr. W. H. Atkinson, of the Imperial Oil Co., of Hamilton, addressed the council re their road oil or primer. Petty and Robison that we pur­ chase a tank can of primer from the Imperial Oil Co. Robison and Petty that we now ad­ journ. John and Mr. and and home to 29, 1935 Village J. A. Patterson, Clerk Death of Mrs. Hannah Colvin The death occurred on Sunday, April 2S at her home, lot 16, con. 5, Lobo Township, of I-iannah Corbett, wife of the late Alexander Corbett in her 60th year. She had been in her usual health up until Friday night, when she suffered a severe heart at­ tack from which she failed to rally and passed away on Sunday. 'She was a daughter of the late Mr. and ■Mrs. John Corbett, of Hay Township, and was born on the Corbett home­ stead just southwest of Hensall and spent all her early life in this dis­ trict. About 35 years ago she mar­ ried Mr. Colvin and went with him to live on the Colvin farm, lot 16, con. 5, Lobo Township, where she resided till heri death. Since the death of Mr. Colvin about seven years ago she has managed the 150- acre farm with the assistance of her son John. She was well known and highly respected by a large circle of neighbors and friends. She leave® to mourn her, loss three sons, Gerald Colvin, of London; Dr. Graham Col­ vin, of Grand Rapids, Mich.; John at home on the farm. Four brother® Fred Corbett, Hay Twp<; Will Cor­ bett, of Fenton, Mich.; Joseph Cor­ bett, of Port Huron; John Corbett, of Sarnia and six sisters: Mrs. Char- CREDITON Last Friday evening a large assembled in the Town Hall to hear the program rendered by the Virgin­ ia Jubilee Singers. The group under the direotion of Mr. Wallace Gra­ ham presented a program of song® and choruses to the intense delight of everyone present. The Jubilee Singers favorably impre®sed every­ one with their excellence and beauty of arrangement. The program was sponsored by the members of the Crediton Women’s Institute. The pro­ ceed® amounted to $40,00. The Missionary- Committee of the Evangelical Sunday School under the convenorship of Mr. Emmery Fahner presented a program during the Sunday morning session. Alvin Finkbeiner occupied the chair.-Lewi® Faist gave a Missionary reading; Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hoffman sang a duet entitled “Fling Abroad the Lo­ yal Banner.” Mt. Harry Beaver has been award­ ed the carpenter work on Mr. Ward Fritz’® new house in Zurich. Monday, May Jubilee Day. A served in town. Mr. and Mrs. Sarnia, called on friends in town last week. Mr. George Minielly, of Kingston, was a gueet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morlock a few days last week. There was quite an excitement in town one day last week. Wein had an unusual while starting his car. backfired causing a loud considerable smoke, found that an auto joke had been attached to his car. Ever since Saturday the people in the community are wearing a broad smile because of the fine rain we . had. The crops are looking good for the coming summer. Mr. Hugo Schenk is veneerring his home, which is greatly improving the appearance thereof. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunsford, of near Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fahner. Mr. and Mrs. G?E. Faist, Mrs. J. Haist ed in We Th os. are on the sick list, a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Albert King have re­ turned from a week’s visit in Wind­ sor and Detroit. They were accom­ panied by Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Rodgers. Crediton Town Trustees Meet The town trustees held their reg­ ular meeting on Monday evening, April 29th. Several items of business were discussed. They have proclaim­ ed Monday, May 6th a public holi­ day. All places of business will be closed in honor of the King’s Silver Jubilee. The trustees have chosen, Friday, May 3rd as Arbor Day for the town. A truck will call at houee and all waste material must be either .in bags or boxes on the curb so there will be no delay. The truck will call at nine o’clock. Dump­ ing space has been rented and paid for by the town on Mr. H. Kuhn’s farm, the co-operaton of every citizen in cleaning up and beautifying the town. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. of the Evangelical church was held at the home of Mrs. Hy. Kuhn on Thurs­ day afternoon, April 26th, with a splendid attendance, visitors. ' answered pertaining Amy took exercises, reported 211 sick visits, 29 calls, 20 treats, 9 cards, 4 bouquets. Baking sale committee reported $16.75. Par­ sonage committee reported work completed amounting to $25.32. W. M. S. convention is to be held at Bridgeport to which Mrs. Dan Fink­ beiner and Mrs. A. E. Pletch were chosen as delegates, to charge $2.00 for quilting a large quilt, thread to be supplied and $1.50 to members of the society. The pro­ gram followed when Mrs. Joe. Fink­ beiner took the chair, opened by song “Just as I am.” A chapter of the Study Book was divided into two parts given by Mrs. Hy. Kuhn and Mrs. Albert Morlock. A solo by Miss Agnes Lamport followed by a read­ ing on Easter by Mrs. H. M. I-Iaist; a duet by Edward Schenk and Or­ land Gaiser “How Beautiful Heaven Must be.” Current events- of our missionaries by Mrs. Hy. Kuhn and Mrs. Albert Morlock, closed with the Lord’s Prayer, after which tea was served. Mrs. Roy Finkbeiner ex­ pressed appreciation to the hostess and Specials crowd \ GOLDEN WAX BEANS.......................................2 tiijs for 19c. LIBBY’S PORK AND BEANS, Large tin..................each 10c CROSSE & BLACKWELL CATSUP .... 2 large bottles 19c BRUNSWICK SARDINES.....................................4 tins for 19c RED PLUM JAM.....................................................large jar 27c CHLORIDE OF LIME.............................large pkg. each 10c * 9 DE LUX JELLY POWDERS, Assorted Flavors 6 for 25c 6th will be Silver holiday will be ob- Percy Humble, of Mr. Chris, experience The motor report and Mr. Wein and Mrs. John Morlock, visit- Dashwood on Sunday. are .sorry tO' report that Mrs. Trevethick and Mrs. Isaac Hill We wish them Good Cooking Ried................. 3 lb for 14c Cooking Figs ..........................3 lb. for 25c Large Meaty Prunes...........2 lbs. for 25c. Peanut Butter in Bulk...........2 lb. for 25c McCormick’s Sodas ... 1 lb. pkg. each 10c McCormick’s Ginger Snaps , . . per lb. 10c Aylmer Tomatoes, large tin .... 2 for 19c Juicy Grapefruit . . . . Sweet Juicy Oranges Leaf Lettuce............. Fresh Tomatoes......... New Pineapples .... New Carrots............. No. 1 Cooking Onions .... 5 for 25c . per doz. 23c per bunch 10c . . . per lb. 18c .... each 25c per bunch 10c . 10 lb. for 25c 1 LARGE CAN BAKING POWDER, 1 GOBLET FREE for 25c ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver Marie and Joseph Regan attended the funeral of the former’s sister, Mrs. J. Burke at St. Thomas Tuesday of last week. A number from here attended the dance in Centralia on Thursday ev­ ening, Mrs. James -Carey, who took sud­ denly ill last week are pleased to say she is able to be out again. Miss Madeline Glavn left' on Sun­ day for Colgan to take charge of -her school after spending Easter at her home here. Miss M. Fischer, of Preston, is the guest of her cousin Miss Mary Mc­ Cann and other relatives here. Mi', and Mrs. Sorenson, accompan­ ied by Mrs. Gormerly, of Detroit', spent the week-end with their sister Mrs, T. Collins. Mr. M. Doyle is visiting friends at Toronto the past week. Mr. Anthony Dietrich left week for London where he will main for a time. ZION BABY CHICKS THAMES ROAD this re- ■ Miss M. Go.rle, of Toronto, was a visitor on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. Hunkin. At a joint meeting of the congre­ gations of Roy’s and Thames Road churches a unanimous invitation was extended to Rev. Mr. Mair, of Char­ ton Station, N. Ontario, to become the pastor of the charge beginning with the next conference year. The meeting was well attended. The in­ vitation has been accepted by Mr. Mair. Rev. Mr. MacMillan, of Dungan­ non, ministered to this congregation and Roys’ on Sunday. Speaking from the text “Blessed are the pure in heart.” At a joint meeting of Thames Road and Roys’ an unani­ mous invitation was extended to Rev. Mr. Mair, of Charlton Station, N. Ontario to become the pastor for the next conference year. The in­ vitation has been accepted. At a reception held 'in Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques and daughter Ina, of Exeter, visited on ''Thursday last with Mr. and Mr®. M. Hern. Mr. Henry Hern is visiting in Ex­ eter with his daughter Mrs. H. Kyle. Miss Menerva Brock is at present with hem uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brock. ' Laurene and Hazel Hern spent Thursday last with Marion and Ethel Po'oley at Wlnchelsea, Lloyd Hern is at present with his brother Elgin in Crumlin, near London. A number of the W. M. S. ladies attended the Presbyterial which was held in Main Street United Church, Exeter on Tuesday. Hazel Hern was the guest of Miss Madeline Rodd, of Woodham, a few days last week. Kenneth Hern, Mary Earl, Mar­ garet Hern and Laurene Hern re­ sumed their studies at the Exeter High School on Monday. Mrs. Robins, recently of Toronto, has been engaged as house-keeper with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hern the summer. Swit- They hun- We White Order your chickens from zer’s A-l Baby Chick Hatchery, are cheap. As low as $6 per dred before the season is out. are hatching Barred Rocks, Rockis, White and Brown Leghorns, Anconas, Jersey Black Giants, White Wyandottes and White Indian Run­ ner ducklings. Get our catalogue before you buy your chickens. Get prices on started chicks and 5 weeks old pullets.—A. H. SWITZER, Gran­ ton, Ont. ELIMVILLE for fill- R. Don’t miss the opportunity of ing your furniture needs at E. Hopper’s Furniture Sale. Sale ends Saturday, May 4th. their honor at the Town Hall on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ballantyne were presented with a beautiful walnut The trustee® are asking for (chest, cedar lined and a stool as an ' expression of good wishes extended to them from friends and neighbors. The recent rains have added a touch of beauty to the countryside. Seeding operations are about com­ pleted in this locality. Mrs. Percy Passmore and Mrs. W. Stone were delegates to the W. M. S. Presbyterial at Main Street church, Exeter, on Tuesday. Communion eeawice Sunday morn­ ing next at 11 o’clock conducted by Rev. A. E. Elliott. We had five The roll was called and with a verse of scipture ; to Easter. Mrs. Arthur : -charge -of the devotional The visiting committee WOODHAM Master Roy Shier, of London, spent the week-end at the home of his parents here. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lovegrove at­ tended the funeral of the former’s niece at Galt on Monday of last week Rev. Mr. Lovegrove officiating. Mis® Violet Squire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Squire, we are sorry to say was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Saturday after­ noon last and operated on for ap­ pendicitis. Violet’® many friends will hope for her speedy recovery. Friends of Mrs. Morley, Woodham, are sorry to know she is quite ill and confined to her bed. We hope she will soon be around again. Mr. Wesley Shier and sister Aman­ da and Sarah were in ' London on Thursday of last week to visit their sister Mrs. Doupe, who is ill in Vic­ toria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson and children were in London on Sunday last and called on friends. Anniversary Services will be held at the Woodham United Church on May 19th. Further particular® will be given later. It was decided different committees in charge. MT. CARMEL 'The H. N. S. will hold a Social in the Hall on Friday evening of this week. Misses Mary and Ellen Houlahan, of Chatham, are visiting friends in the neighborhood. Mr, and Mr®. Mat Regan, Miss CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe, Wal­ kerton, visited with friends in the village over the week-end. Miss Marilyn Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills, of Wyoming returned home on Sunday after spending the holidays with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills. Mr. and Mrs. James Glavin and daughters were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. O’Brien. Mrs. George Thompson and Jean visited with the former’s mother, Mrs. Durham, in Brantford for a few days last week. Miss Catherine Elliott, of Blue­ vale, is visiting with Mr. and Mr®. G. Hamilton. Miss Hazel Jones, of Exeter, visit­ ed with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sleamon last week. Miss at her week. Rev. the Presbyterial meeting held Exeter on Tuesday of this week. A number of the members of the W. M. S. attended the convention held-in the Main Strpet, Church, Exeter on Tuesday of this week. Miss Marie Fletcher spent the Eas­ ter holidays with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie, -Of the Thames Road, CUSTOM HATCHING AND BABY CHICKS We are prepared to do Custom Hatelhing ait very reasonable rates. Setting. Saturday and Wednesday. No lots too large or too small. Baby Chicks for sale from Blood-Tested Stock. We can supply- you with day old cockerels, day old pullets, either light, or heavy breeds, poultry Feeds We handle only the best. Pioneer ■Chick Mash, Chick Scratch, Grow Mash, etc. Try us for service. HOGARTH .HATCHERY SALES CO. AND L. V. Hogarth, Mgr. Phone 184 Exeter, Ont. The regular monthly meeting of the Live Oak Mission Circle was held ou April 24th at the home of Mar­ garet Johns with 10 members and 7 visitors present. Gladys Johns had charge of the meeting . which was opened with hymn 177 followed by prayer by Mrs. (Rev.) Peters. Flor­ ence Bell read a poem and different part® of the Scripture Lesson was; read by Dorothy Johns, Mary Johns,. Hazel Johns, Mary Herdman Helen Murch. let was read by Margaret Marjorie Delbridge read a piece on Temperance. Hymn 180 was sung and the roll call was answered by a. verse on Easter. The -minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Some business was also dealt with. The girls were then favored with a piano instrumental by Mary Johns. The chapter on the Study Book “Out o.f the Mire” was given by Audrey Prance. A vocal duet “Let the Lower Lights be Burning” was sung by Lavona Cooper and Helen March. Eula Herdman read a poem on Eas­ ter this was followed by prayer by Marjorie Delbridge. A story “Good Material” was read by Gladys Johns. The meeting then closed with hymn 414 and the Mizpah benediction. The Y. P. S. of Kirkton paid a vis­ it to the Soicety here on Monday ev­ ening and put on a much enjoyed program. The chair was taken by Mr. Gerald Cluff and the meeting was opened with hymn 22'6 followed by prayer by Rev. Lewis. The Scrip­ ture Lesson was then read. Hymn 384. Miss Genevieve Kerslake gave a reading. A piano duet was given by Mrs. Alvin Crago and Mrs. Alex Crago. A reading was given by Miss Reta Mollend. The address- of the ev­ ening was given by Rev. Lewis ;'M.iss Thelma Marshall sang a solo and the meeting closed with hymn 223 and the benediction. A social time was spent at games’ and contests after which lunch was served. Miss Lula Hunter left on for Boskung, Haliburton where she has secured teaching school. Miss Phyllis Bierling, of visited at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Johns last week. The W. M. S. of this church held a very successful supper last Thurs­ day night. The program which was supplied by the Centralia people was of a high order and consisted of piano and vocal duets, ladies’ and men’s quartette®, solos and readings, musial numbers, banjo, mouth-or­ gan, guitar and piano. Rev. Stuart ably acted as chairman. The proceeds amounted to about' ?39.00. Miss Bessie Hartnoll, of Exeter, visited with her cousin Mrs. Chas. Johns last week. and. The Devotional Leaf- Johns.. a Monday County, position Exeter, her sister Dorothy Davis has been rill homo in Exeter for the past Mr. R. N, Stewart attended in United Lindenfield’s Hardware, Exeter Many will be Needing Lawn Mowers WE HAVE A FULL LINE FROM $5.75 UP Gahr Window Screening and Poultry Netting in 1-2 and 2 in. mesh all width of 2 inch in stock Try our Aero, Cyanamid and Sheep Manure. A real fertilizer for your garden Are you in need of a coal stove or coal oil stove. Come in and look ouis over