HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-04-25, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1035 HENSALL Mr. Geo. Follick has 15 or 20 men at work this week planting on.u..M Mrs. W. E. McLaren, c£ oromarrv, visited w.th friends in town on Mon­ day. Mrs. Langford and daughter Dor­ othy are visiting here with Keys. Miss Nellie Carmichael, of was an Eaoter visitor with here. Miss Jean Venner, of visited on Tuesday with town, Miss Emily Morrison a week visiting with Chatham. Mrs. Agnes McDonald a couple of weeks visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton, of Port Dover, were holiday visitors over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy visited over the holidays with friends Otterville. Miss Marie Bell, of London, is spending the holidays at her home near Hensail. Miss Aldith Eacrett, of London, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Eacrett. Mr. Thos. Palmer is visiting with relatives and friends in London for a few days this week. Rev. W. J. Hendry was visited by members of his family from Ilder- ton for over the week-end. Mr. James Sangster, Ladd McEwen and William Pfaff, spent Good Fri­ day at the Beach-O-Pines, Mr. Archie Dick, of London, vis­ ited over Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dick. A number from Hensall attended service at the Caven Presbyterian church, Exeter, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, For­ est, visited over the holidays, with their relatives and friends in town. Miss Margaret MacLaren, oif To­ ronto, is visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. MacLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fisher visit­ ed over the week-end with Mr. Fish­ er’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Fish­ er. Miss Jean is spending parents, Mr. thron. Mr. Harry visited over the week-end home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Drum­ mond. Miss Mary McKaig, of Exeter, vis­ ited over Bunday with her mother Mrs. M. McKaig also Newell. Miss Annie Carlisle, spent the holidays at her parents Mr. and Carlisle. Mr. Talbot, of Oshawa, visited during the holidays with his sister and brother-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Collyer. Mr. Milton Ortwein and son Lloyd of London spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin and daughter Mary and Mrs. Mankinson visited on Monday with friends at Lakeside. Mr. Lloyd Passmore and friend of Delhi, visited on -Sunday with Mr, Passmore’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore. Miss Alice Dougall, of Toronto, spent the Easter holidays here with her parents Mr, and Mrs. William McDougall. Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron­ to, visited during the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McNaughton. Mrs. Charles Hart and two child­ ren, of Toronto, are visiting here with Mrs. Hart’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster. Mrs. John Dinsdale, Mrs. John Murdock, Mrs. Fred Simmons and son Jack spent Easter Sunday with Kippen relatives. Miss Grace Brock has returned to [London after spending a few days at the home of her parents Mrs. Geoge Brock. Mr. and Mrs. William babe, cf Lansing, Mich., Easter holidays here with Mr. Mrs. Geo, Gram. Mr. IT. Workman and daughter, Miss Mabie, are spending a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Her­ bert Britain, Dublin. Dr. and. Mrs. Campbell and fam­ ily, of Toronto, visited over the holi­ days with Mrs. Campbell’s sister, Miss Ethel Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Cantelon ana babe, of .Schromburg, visited during the holidays with the former’s moth­ er, Mrs. David Cantelon. Rev. G. M. and Mrs. Young, of Nairn and daughter, Miss Young, of Toronto, visited on Bunday with Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Young. Miss Alice Higgins, of Woodstock, who is spending the Easter holidays at the Beach-OPines, spent Satur­ day here with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Monahan, who mov­ ed here from Clinton a few months ago have moved back to Clinton and will make their home there. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie and little daughter, of Toronto, visited over Sunday with Mr. McMurtrie’s mother, Mrs. Alex McMurtrie. Miss Amy Lammie, of Toronto, visited over the holidays here with her mother Mrs. William Lammie, and sister, Miss Greta Lammie. Miss Mary Hemphill, of Whitby Ladies’ College, is spending the Easter holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. . W. E. Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ball and son Stanley, of Auburn and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ball, of Tuckersmith, spent Tuesday here with Mrs. John Mur­ dock. The many friends and neighbors are sorry to hear of Mrs. Wm. Fair­ bairn being operated on for appendi­ citis in Seaforth Hospital. Wd hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Loughton and two sons, of Toronto, are spending the holidays here with Mrs. Longton’s (parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Me* friends. Mrs. j. Exeter, friends Chiselhurst', relatives in is spending friends in is spending Bonthron. of [London, the holidays with her and Mrs, J. W. Bon- Wilson, of Woodstock, at the with of the Mrs. Miss E. London, home of Wilson Mr.and Gram spent and the and Donell, Mr. Robt. Robison, of Aspdin, Muskoka District, is visiting here with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, D. Robison and hts sister, Mrs. James Sangster. j me ministrel show sponsored by j the Chamber of Commerce, which’ was so successful here a few weeks ago is being put on at Staffa on the1 evening of May 1st. |Paul’s Anglican church London, j. Mr. a CREDITON The Virginia Jubilee Singers un­ der the auspices of the Crediton Wo­ men’s Institute will give a concert m the Town Hall, Crediton on Fri­ day, April 26th, Keep the date open. Mr. Gerald Smith is attending the Modern United Training School at At .St. Rev. W. J. Hendry, rector, had charge of the services, who. spoke very ably and special Easter music was rendered 'by the choir. Mrs. John G. Scott and Mrs. Roy Dow, of Cromarty, returned home on Sunday after a ’four day visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. McQueen and other friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buchanan, of Toronto, spent the Easter holidays with the former’s mother, Mrs. Wm. Buchanan, also his sister, Mrs. Agnes McDonald. ; Mr. Fred Kalbfleisch, of Zurich, in is building a new garage and mak­ ing other improvements to his prop- ’ erty on Oxford- fit., now occupied by > Mrs. Albert Bell. The Band Committee have rented , a room in the King George Hotel [ and in future will hold band prac­ tice there and expect a full attend- - ance of the members. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden and children, who have been living at ' Chiselhurst foi* the last two years ■ have moved back to town and are now occupying the Reichart house . on South Richmond St. The post department have receiv­ ed instructions that May the 6th be- ■ ing a public holiday it will also be a holiday for all post masters and mail carriers and the public are asked to take this into, considera­ tion so as not to cause themselves later inconvenience. (The Y. P. S. United church rally met in the United church on Monday evening. There was a splendid at­ tendance from the different church­ es in Huron. Grand' Bend Y. P. S. furnished the program, except for the topic which was most ably given by Rev. Arthur Sinclair and greatly enjoyed. The service in Carmel church on Sunday were taken in the morning by Rev. W. A. Young, the pastor, whose sermon was very appropriate. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang a beauti­ ful solo. “It was for me.” At the evening service Rev. G. M. Young, of Nairn, preached. Rev. W. A. Young sang a solo “Open the Gates of the Temple. A quiet wedding took place at the Presbyterian manse on Saturday afternoon, when Lily Grace Dal­ rymple, of Tuckersmith, was united in marriage to Henry Ward Forest, of Hay Twp., Rev. W. A- Young per­ formed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Forest left on a trip to London and other points. .'On' their return they will reside on the groom’s fine farm near Hillsgreen. Mr. Thos. Dickson quietly, celebra­ ted his 83rd birthday on April 21st with members of his family at his home here. Mr. Dickson is still en­ joying good health and almost all his faculties are unimpaired and he may 'be seen almost daily enjoying walks in the village and calling on his relatives and friends. Mr. Dick­ sons many relatives and friends hope he may be spared to enjoy many more happy birthdays. Service to be held in St. Paul’s Anglican church Sunday, April 28th, Rev. W. J. Hendry, L. Lh. 10 a.m. Church School; 11 a.m. Litany and sermon; preacher, Rev. A. M. Hunt. 7 p.m . Evensong and sermon, preacher, Rev. W. J. Hendry, Easter music will be repeated at both ser­ vices. Staffa, Grace church, 3 p.m. Evensong and sermon, Rev. W. J. Hendry. Easter music will be re­ peated. On Saturday afternoon the child­ rens story hour closed for the sea­ son. The Librarian, Mrs. R. Cam­ eron gave the children a unique party. The council beautifully greens and pussy willow, while on the large table sat five sedate look­ ing bunnies guarding an immense nest of colored eggs. After the story which was in keeping with “Holy Week” the children enjoyed rollicking games. Lunch was then served and the happy children had many remarks about “The Real Easter party. The special Easter services in our local churches on Sunday were all well attended. At the United church in the morning communion was heldjpipe organ, and 18 new members joined the church, 14 by profession of faith and 4 by letter. Rev, Arthur Sin­ clair, pastor, had charge of the ser­ vices. Besides the anthem a duet was beautifully rendered by Mr. S. Rannie and Mr. Launce Battersby, while Mrs., Hess and Mrs. Drysdale took the special part in the anthem. At the ' evening service the choir sang two lovely anthems, the spec­ ial solo parts being taken by Miss Florenco McDonald and Mrs. R. Paisley.’ A quarette by Mrs. Drys­ dale, Mrs. Hess, Dr. Smillie and Mr. W. O. Goodwin. Death of Mrs. David Robinson There passed away at her home early Tuesday morning, Sarah Jane Lannon, wife of David Robinson, in her 63rd year. Mrs. Robinson has been in poor health for the past six months and for several weeks has been a great sufferer, in spite of the best medical attention and kind nursing by members of her family she pasfjpd away Tuesday morning. She leaves- to mourn her loss her husband, four daughters and one son, Ont.; James Sangster, Ethel at home and Robert, of Hunts­ ville. The funeral will bo held from her late homo on Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m, Interment at Hensall Union cemetery. “Service by her own workers, Followers of Christ." Mrs. Robinson will be much missed by a large circle of chamber was decorated with ever- Mrs. Carneth, of Millbrook, Mrs. Sims, of Calgary; Mrs. of Henisall; Miss As a token of remembrance of the’ bygone days we would ask you to* accept this small gift and in the years to come perhaps you will! sometimes think of the Young People of Crediton. THAMES ROAD i ™ RED & WHITE store Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parsons t son Bobby, of Cromarty spent Sun­ day with relatives here. Miss Lulu Kerr, of Toronto, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Haumeller and Russell Eilber, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. Chas. Eilber. Mrs. Wm. Oestreicher was called home to her mother’s bedside, Mrs. James Gibson Sr,, who passed away on April 12 th at her late home on James street, Blyth. Mrs. Gi'bson was a sterling Christian character and a idealistic mother, a faithful member of the United Church, The service was ’held at her late resi­ dence on April 16th by the Rev. Mr. Brooks. Interment in the Blyth cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Albert King, Cred- iton are spending the Easter holi­ days with their children in Windsor and Detroit. Mrs. Albert Rodgers, of New York is visiting with her mother and sis­ ter in Windsor and her brother and sister in Detroit. Holiday visitors in the village and community were: Miss Lulu Gaiser, 0>f McMaster University, Hamilton; Miss Edna Beaver, of London; Miss Alva Wuerth, of Detroit; Mr. Royal Haist and Miss Velma Guettinger, of Chicago; Miss Lulu Morlock, of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs, E. French and fam­ ily, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Oestreicher and Miss Matilda Oes- treicher, of Windsor and Miss Clara Oestreicher, of Detroit, spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oestreicher. Miss Myrtle Pletch, R.N., of the Mountain fianitoriam, Hamilton, spent a few days at the Evangelical parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scriven and son Ross and Miss Wealthy Schoeder, of Toronto, spent Easter with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroed­ er. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scriven and Miss Wealthy Schroeder attended the fun­ eral of the late George Mitchell of Strathroy on Friday. Posse Goes in Hunt for Wolf An animal believed to be a wol-f, was seen crossing the farm of Mark Wilds, Goshen Line. This is the third time such an animal has been seen in the district. Farmers are becoming alarmed on account of little children going to school. Re­ cently a drive was organized by Alt. Holtzmann and Peter Martene of 100 men, consisting of farmers and others from Crediton and Dashwood. A district of about three miles square was combed, but no signs were seen of the intruder. Sunday Services in United Church Special Easter services were held in the United church on Sunday. Ideal weather conditions brought out a large congregation in the evening. Reception service was held and nine new members were accepted into the church. Rev. Mr. Johnson preached a very inspiring Easter sermon and special music was rendered by the choir. Their first' anthem “He Lives Again” with echoes of Hand­ le’s Halleluiah Chorus was greatly enjoyed as was also “Ring Ye Bells of Heaven” with full obligato ably taken by Mrs. C. C. Misener. An ex­ cellent program was given in the Sunday school under the leadership of Miss Illa Lamport. Easter Services at the Evangelical Church Easter services at the Evangelical church were of very impressive and all who morning service the “Reality of Miss Eleanor Hudson and Miss Ruth Lyons, of Londesboro, are vis-iiuui uvuui3} ui uyttuvsuuru, are hlld'iting with Mies Mary Gardiner. Mr. last special interest and to the congregation attended. At the the pastor spoke on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ”. The choir supported the service with two triumphant an­ thems. The attendance at ,S. School was exceptionally good. Rev. A. E. Pletch gave a very impressive ad­ dress on “Decision ’,to which a num­ ber of young people responded. In the evening service the members of the choir and others very effectively presented the cantata “The Prince of Life” in the iform of story and song under the direction of Arthur Amy and F. W. Morlock. Addileen Gaiser efficiently presided at Presentation and Address About sixty 'friends and ; the SPECIAL LARGE PACKAGE CHJPSO PURE CANE SUGAR..........* Rev. Mr. Mair, of Sudbury preach­ ed very acceptably at the Easter* Sunday services. The theme of his address' was on four gates “The Gate of Conversion” “The Gate of Holi­ ness” “The Gate of Service” “The gate of Life, not Death.” The choir rendered suitable Easter music. Mrs. Margaret Fletcher sang “Lead Me to Calvary”. Beautiful flowers Lilies, Primulus, etc. adorned the pulpit being loaned by friends. We are glad to say there is a little improvement in Miss Ella R'obinson condition although a continued rest is essential. Mrs. Campbell returned from Galt after spending a couple of amongst her family. Mrs. Sr., of Exeter, is visiting son Mr. The Thames held at tyne on ■meeting lowed by prayer. The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s re­ port were given. The roll call was taken. Jeanette Stone and Evelyn Hunkin were appointed delegates to the Presbyterial. Invitations to Elimville and Main St. Mission Circ­ les were read and accepted. Jeanette then took charge of the meeting. Hymn 100 was sung. The Scripture reading was given by Lillian Miller followed by the Lord’s Prayer in un­ ison. An instrumental was given by Evelyn Hunkin gave the topic, Mary Gardiner followed by a Rhode. Hymn collection was taken. A half was then spent going over the play. A dainty lunch was served. The friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle gathered at the hall to spend a splendid evening and to express their good wishes and extend a welcome to Mrs. Cottle The gifts were a handsome chiming clock and a pair of silver candle­ sticks and candles with the follow­ ing address: Dear Ray and Lauretta,— We, your friends and neighbors have gathered here tonight to spend the evening with you and as this1 is a very momentous and happy occa­ sion in your life, we cannot let it go by without showing you our good will. You Ray, have always been a good pal and it is with pleasure that we welcome your bride to our midst and as a slight token we wish you to accept this clock and as the years go by and you gaze upon it’s face may you think of us who gave it' and these candlesticks may they help to brighten your home and our earnest wish is that you may have and Grocery Specials f ■< FRESH McCORMICK’S SODAS...........1 lb* pkg. each 10c FRESH DATES........................................ 4 pounds for 25c FRESH DRIED PEACHES.......................... per pound 19c LARGE MEATY PRUNES..........................2 pouhds for 25c* READY-CUT MACARONI.......................... per pound 5c GOOD COOKING RICE.............. ,3 pounds for 14c GOOD COOKING FIGS ..............................3 pounds for 25c = DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, assorted flavours .. 6 for 25c weeks Campbell with her Arthur Campbell, monthly meeting Road Mission Circle the home of Beth Ballan- Saturday, April 13tli, The opened with hymn 102 fol- prosperity. of the was then Ruby Chambers A duet was given by and Beth Ballantyne reading 574 was sung. The hy Anna hour long life and Mrs. the week Nora Die-Lizzie the holiday of Toronto, i and Mrs. Mrs. MT. CARMEL Mrs. Mitton, Shirley, Mr. Rowcliffe, of Detroit, spent with the former’s mother Mrs. Hall. Miss Marjory Regan, trich, of London, spent at their homes here. Miss Winnie Madden, was a week-end visitor at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Denomme family, of Detroit, are visiting Denomme’s parents, Mr. and J. Ragier. Mr. Clement Murry and friend Miss K. Morrissey and Miss K. Moir, of London, spent the holidays with friends here. The death of Mrs. John Rowland took place on Thursday, April 18th, at her home after two weeks’ ill­ ness, sorrowing Miss Mrs. four Des Winnipeg; James O’Neil, and William O’Neil of Kingsbridge. The funeral took place on Monday at 10 a.m. with solemn mass cele­ brated by Rev. Fr. M. D. O’Neil, a brother of the deceased. Fr. Mc- Cradle, as Deacon; Fr. Fogarty P.P. sub. deacon with Fr. Doyle, of Lon- Mrs. Rowland is survived by husband, two sisters Margaret O’Neil, of London; B. O. Loughlin, of Kingsbridge brothers, Fr. M. D. O’Neil, of Moines. Iowa; Thomas O’Neil, Goderich , , - . young' don; Fr. R. Glavin, Watford in Sanc-people of the United church recently. tuary. Pallbearers Joe Carey, John met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.|.Rvrtn Tr. Mwimni n-Neii. P.Ezra Lamport, of Stephen, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Lamport, of Thames Road. During the even-, - .. _. Ting an interesting program was held. were: Thomas O Neil, Winnipeg, J. A mock wedding was one of the O’Neil a^d daughter, of. Goderich; features and several young people! William O’Neil, Kingsbridge; Mrs. enacted the bride and groom. Mists P Jean Baynham and Miss Marion Lovie rendered guitar selections. __o.................. , ..._______, On behalf of the young people of the Miss Margaret O’Neil, Mrs. Costella United-church Mr. and Mis. Lamport and daughter of London; Mrs. John ....- beautiful Larkin and family; Mr. Lewis Row- j-.* ..... „—----’pRyap, Joe Ragier, Michael O’Neil, P. --- 1 1 Sullivan, J. Dietrich. Those who at- Du'rin" the even-1 tended tbe funeral from a distance were presented with a ■ fernery, walnut end table an accom­ panying address was read by Gor­ don Ratz. Russell Finkbeiner and Jack Galloway made the presenta­ tion. Games and contests were con­ ducted by Helen Finkbeiner, Alwinna Hill and Ila Lamport, after which lunch was served. Dear Elizabeth and Bill: We as your’ friends and neighbors have gathered here to night to share in your recent happiness and to re­ call pleasant memories of the happy days you spent with us, You Bill, were ever ready to join in our sports and social activities which wo very much appreciated and when you left this community to a new field of labor we missed your ready smile and helping hand. And now you have returned again with your re­ cent 'bride and I am sure our sincere wishes go out to both of you tonight for the best of good luck and many years of happiness as you journey over life’s pathway and may many a golden thread run through the web that (fortune weaves for you. ; Mrs. B. O. Loughlin and son Matthew Of Kingsbridge; Mrs. John O’Neil and daughter and two sons, of Goderich; land, of Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. Lo'cklin McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon, of Bornish; Mr. M. Has- ’ sett, of parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. John i Hayes, of Goderich; Mrs. Mary Ann Rowland, of London. ELIMVILLE Mr. forth, week, Mr. Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob and joe, of London, called on relatives here recently. Master Andrew Bierling, of Exe­ ter, is holidaying at the home of his sister Mrs. K. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson, of Ro­ mulus, Mich., and Mrs. Larry Knox, io,f Wayne, Mich., called one day last week on Mr. and Mrs. Sid Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner, of S03lwand Mrs. Sam Hanna, of visited at Mr. Thos. Bells last and Mrs. James Jewell, of Wm. Bradt, Big Five Cleanser.......................per tin 5c. Choice Sweet Corn..................3 tins for 25c Falcon No. 4 Peas..................2 tins for 19c Aylmer Tomatoes..................tall tin each 5c Peanut Butter in bulk.............2 lbs. for 25c Libby’s Pork and Beans, large tin each 10c Tomato Juice .................................per tin 5c C. & B. Catsup........................2 bottles 25c New Cabbage........................2 lbs. for 25c Texas Seedless Grapefruit.........5 for 25c Sweet Juicy Oranges per doz. 29, 39, 49c Fresh Leaf Lettuce....................... 2 for 17c. New Tomatoes ...............................per lb. jgc New Rhubarb..........................per bunch 10c New Pineapples............................ each 29c 1 LARGE FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER—1 goblet free . for 25c ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver London; Mrs. Martin and Mr. Frank Halls, of Toronto, were Easter Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Skinner and Mrs. Wm. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirkland and Malcolm, of Centralia, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones Miss May Jones, of London Eaeter visitors with Mr. and Henry Johns. Master John Mears the holidays with her parents Toronto. Mr. Irwin O’Reilly, holidaying with his friend Mr. Clif- Jon Brock. Rev. and Mrs. L. C. White also Betty and Bob, of South Woodslee, were visitors in the community last week. Mrs. White also visited in Lucan. Miss Violet Langraff came with them and is visiting her friend Miss Florence Bell. Miss Jean Ogden and Mr. Gordon Ballingall, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Wil­ son. Mrs. Wilson returned to Lon­ don with them. Miss Joy Whitl-ock, of St. Thomas, spent the week-end in the vicinity. Mr. Chas. Long, of Milverton, is visiting at Rev. Peters’. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Herdman, of Toronto, were Easter visitors in the village. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bazeley, of Sar­ nia, visited Mr. Johns last week moon. Misses Helen Cooper, Messrs. Lorne Elford sang an Easter ‘Alone” at Sunday School on Sunday last. Mr. Mervyn Wilson, of London and cousin Miss Margaret Dobbs, of ■Woodstock, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. S. Shier. The Biblical Drama “The Tragedy of Judas Iscariot’” which was pre­ sented on Friday evening last for the first time was well portrayed by the actors and was enjoyed by all present. Mr. Kenneth Johns sang a solo and Rev. and Mrs. Peters sang a duet also. The Y. P. S. met on Monday ev­ ening when Mr. Howard Johns in­ troduced the topic “What is Peace and Why Do We Hate War.” Gilbert Johns read the lessons. talk on the Bell led in chosen for test which ening. teresting and educational. On Wednesday afternoon April 17, about thirty ladies met in the base­ ment of the church for a combined Easter meeting of the W. M. S. and W. A. The first part of the meeting was in charge of Mrs. Thos. Bell of the W. M. S. who opened with the: hymn “Look ye Saints, the Sight is Glorious” after which Mrs. (Rev.) Peters led in prayer. Mrs. Ed. Johns read the Easter Scripture lesion. Mrs. Wes. Horne read the minutes of the March meeting which were adop­ ted and thirteen members' answered the roll call, the subject foi’ response was “Abiding.” The Devotional leaf­ let was given by Mrs. Hy. Delbridge, The hymn “Christ the Lord is Risen Today,” was sung and some business discussed and the meeting then was in charge of the president of the W. A., Mrs. Will Routly. Mrs. H. Murch the secretary read the minutes which were adopted and called the roll. Rev. and Mrs. Peters then sang a pleasing duet “Out of the Ivory Pal­ aces." Mrs. Chas. Stephen gave an Easter reading “The Story of the Eastern Bells. A very interesting debate “Resolved that it is better for a girl to engage in domestic ser­ vice than office work was given by Mrs. Hy. Murch and Mrs. Alvin Cooper on the affirmative and Miss Dora Delbridge and Mrs. Gar. Johns on the negative side. Both sides had many good points and arguments were well put. The judges, Mrs. R. D. Hunter and Mrs. Ed. Johns were some timo deciding and finally gave their decision in favor of the negative side with three points in their favor, Mrs. Freeman Horne gave a pleasing violin solo accompan­ ied by Mrs. J, Borck on the organ. After the meeting was closed a very sumptuous lunch was served by the W. A. and a very enjoyable social timo was spent. and are CUSTOM HATCHING AND BABY CHICKS and were Mrs. is spending in of Sarnia, is and Mrs. Kenneth on their honey- Murch and Lavona Fred Long and “ song Mr. Scripture Mr. Ronald Elford gave the lesson and Miss Florence prayer. Sides were then the Bible Baseball con- commenced Monday ev- Tliis promisee to be very in­ KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts little son Norman, of Toronto, holidaying with Mrs. A. Tufte. Mr. Carman Hazelwood, of Walton is visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hazelwood. Mr. and Mrs. Hogarth, of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cluff. ' A number of our Y. P. attended the Eastei’ Rally at Granton Monday night. Miss Agnes Greason R.N., of Lon­ don, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greason of Mt. Elgin, are home ory. Mr. to, is with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C. Duffield. One Time a Citizen of Kirkton Word was received last week of the death of Mrs. Delaney formerly Mrs. Thomas Short who died at the home of her sons Eric and Hector Detroit, on April 15th in her 57tli year and was buried in Grand Lawn cemetery Detroit on Tuesday, April 16th. Mrs. Delaney is well known in Kirkton and we much regret her passing. We are prepared to d>o Custom Hatching at very reasonable rates. Setting, .Saturday and Wednesday. No lots too large or too small. Baby Chicks fo. sale from Blood-JTested Stock. We can supply- you witn day old cockerels, day old pullets, either ligh|t or heavy breeds, poultry Feeds We handle only the best. Pioneer Chick Mash, Chick Scratch, Grow Mash, etc, Try us for service. holidaying at the of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Greg- Allen Duffield Jr., of Toron- ispending the Easter holidays SHIPKA Mrs. Isaac Tetreau spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wil­ liams of Crediton. Mr. Milford Mason spending the Easter holidays with friends. Mr. Sam. iSweitzer from Toronto, spent the holiday at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams and babe; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Patter­ son and Phyllis and. Mrs. Mary Adams from London spent the week­ end at their home here. The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid will be held Wednesday, May 1, at the home of Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer. Mrs. Mary Adams, of London, spent the week-end at the home of her son Mr. Elgin Adams. Miss V. G. Sharpe, of Auburn, is spending the Easter holidays at her home here. Mr. . and Mrs. Geo. Shepherd, of Parkhill, Mr. Howard Shepherd and Miss Olive, of London, spent (Sunday with relatives here. Mr. Harold Kellerman, of Fergus, spent Easter Sunday at the home of his father Mr. Jacob Kellerman. Last Sunday in the Sunday School a Temperance talk was given by Mr. Matt. Sweitzer and a piano solo by­ Miss Ila Sweitzei* entitled “At the Cross of Calvary”. Baptism and re­ ception were held last Sunday at the regular service, there was one bap­ tized and four came into full mem­ bership. Mr. Samuel Sweitzer, oif Toronto, spent the week-end at his home here Miss Edith Ball, of London itod and i. W 11 Cl U JLL , last week at the 'bonne of Mrs. Wm. .Sweitzer. CENTRALIA vis- Mr. Visitors in the village for Easter were Miss Mary O’Brien with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. O’Brien. Miss Wilma Pollock R.N., .of Kit­ chener, with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hicks. Misses Margaret and Helen Hicks R.N., of London; Mr. and Mrs. A. Copeland and son, o.f Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Miss Gwen. Hicks, of Lon­ don, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills and daughter Marilyn, of Wy­ oming with Mr. and Mrs. Hy Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huxtable HOGARTH HATCHERY AND SALES CO. L. V. Hogarth, Mgr. Phone 184 Exeter, Ont. daughter Marie, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. Miss Mitchell R.N., of London, Mrs. Bor­ den and daughter of Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitvneil. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe and son Ted dy, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Procter and family, of St. Mrs. Julia Scandrett and Miss Corinne, of Belgrave and Mrs. Arthur Brooks. Mrs. Margaret Fletcher ily spent the holiday -with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie in Usborne. Mr. Sidney Henry spent his home in Ottawa. Mr. Cecil Hodgson, of spent the week-end at his Mr. Garfield Neil spent end with his brother Mr. Maurice Neil, in Detroit. Miss Evelyn Clarke is the holidays at her home ich. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Miss Pollock R.N., of visited on Ripley. Mr. and young son village on Sunday afternoon. The Easter services in the church here were largely attended both in the morning and evening, a recep­ tion service was held in the morn­ ing for those uniting with the church. The service in the evening on the “Crucifixion” was illustrated by slides. Rev. R. N. Stewart, the pastor took charge of the services both morning and evening. Special music was provided ny the choir. Rev. and Mrs, A. V. Robb, Blue­ vale, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ thur Brooks and other friends in the village on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hodgson spent the week-end in Chatham visiting with their son Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson daughter and Mr. and Mrs, S. visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Parsons. Mr. J. Kesell and Mrs. Brown, of Dashwood visited with Mrs. Arm- trong one day last week. The Late John Dempsey The funeral of the late John Demp­ sey was held on Thursday of last week -from the residence of Mr. C. J. Murdy, in Lucan with interment in St. James cemetery, Olandeboye. Rev. R. N. Stewart pastor of the Centralia United Church conducted the service. Mr. Dempsey passed away suddenly on Monday, April 15 at the homo of his son John Demp­ sey in Windsor. The deceased is sur­ vived by two sons John of Windsor and James of Neepawa, Man. Sunday with Acta Marys, daughter witn Mr and fam Easter at Toronto, home, the week- and Mrs. spending in Goder- Hicks and Kitchener, relatives in Murray andMrs. Harold called on friends in the Earl and Davis Lindeiifield’s Hardware, Exeter See our Eureka Electric Washer It is the best value money can buy. 100 per cent. Canadian Build. Come in and let us demonstrate it to you*I