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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-04-25, Page 3
KS3B THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL, S5tb, 1935 ■W ■ The public have been quick to take advantage of our sale but we still have a good assortment at very attractive prices. SKS Sale positively ends Saturday May 4 We have plenty of furniture that we have not room to advertise. Come in and look around awsi 1 only X-Rayed Chesterfield Suite UPHOLSTERED IN SILK TOP TAPESTRY REPP WITH FANCY REVER1SABLE CUSHION. SOLID WALNUT HAND CARVED SHOW WOOD Marshall Spring Filled Mattress Hundred of soft coils in cotton pockets upholstered in deep layer of cotton felt. Fancy English panel ticking. Fully guaranteed for five years SIZES 4-0 and 4-6 AE* Regular price $28, Sale Price . . , . STUDIO Couches Spring Filled Mattresses LARGE CHESTERFIELD, CHESTERFIELD CHAIR, 1 only 3-piece Bedroom Suite SOLID BIRCH, WALNUT FINI SH WITH BURL WALNUT OVERLAYS LARGE SIZE DRESSER, CHIFFONIER FULL SIZE BED $4100Special Sale Price . . . . One Only La-z-y Boy Chair FIRESIDE CHAIR Reg. price $115, Sale price *5* With Reclining Back, hair stuffed, upholstered with silk tapestry Repp. This is a comfortable lounge chair. Price $40.00. Sale Price . . $30 These Couches have spring filled mattresses. Uphol stered in high quality tap estry. A comfortable couch that can be made into a double or twin beds. Values up to..........$33.00 Sale Price $25.50 & $29 Bed Outfit Complete Extra Special These Mattresses are made of Helical Tied Coil Springs, Upholstered with Fancy Panel Damash Ticking tied with Sanitary Bows SIZES 3-3, 4-0 AND 4-6 dM I QC Regular price $15, Sale price Felt Mattresses Guaranteed All New Material. Upholstered with fancy Floral Ticking SIZES 3-3, 4-0 AND 4-6 4 C REGULAR PRICE $6.50, SALE PRICE ... High Riser Cable Springs 1 only Gibbard Solid Walnut 9-Piece Dining Room Suite WITH BURL WALNUT FRONTS Card Tables 99c SALE PRICE $4.75 (wuX&iN Quaranteed Sagless Sizes 3-3, 4-0 and 4-6 EXTRA SPECIAL 1 only solid quartered cut oak 9-Piece Dining Room Suite OLD ENGLISH FINISH BUFFET, 60 inches with long linen drawer CHINA CABINET, with drawer S-LEG OBLONG EXTENSION TABLE, 8 FEET SIX DINERS, Upholstered with brown leather. Regular price $105 Sale Price..............$86-50 — SPECIAL — .« s !• 1 TfeFOR THE BABY 1 Oilly EUgllSh P 1*8111 ALL STEEL BODY WITH HEAVY RUBBER TIRES MAROON FINISH WITH MAROON TOP AND STORM CURTAIN Regular Price $10.50; Sale Price.$15.95 These are good strong tables Green and Black Enamel with Black Upholstered tops 60 INCH BUFFET with Long Linen Drawer CUPBOARD, full length LARGE CHINA CABINET, with Dome Top DOUBLE PEDESTAL BASE TABLE, with folding leaf SIX DINERS Upholstred in Brown Leather Regular price $135.00 $11 SALE PRICE . s : s 5 s . 111/ walnut finish, steel bed, 2 inch post HIGH RISER CABLE SPRING, ALL FELT MATTRESS SIZES 3-3, 4-0 AND 4-6 fh O /IF*5 Sale Price complete ... A «©</<# 1 only Genuine Walnut Bedroom Suite ORIENTAL WALNUT WITH DOUBLE TOPS, VENETIAN MIRRORS gibbard Dinner Wagons AS SHOWN These dinner wagons are made of solid Wal nut with Butt Walnut Tops, Two Shelves, Drawer and • Drop Handle. Sale Price $16.00 and $20.00 LAMPS! Bridge, Lamps, Cellon Junior and Table with Silk tailored and Transparent parchment shades ANY LAMP IN THE STORE 15 per off LARGE HOLLYWOOD VANITY, CHIFFONIER, FULL SIZED BED *00 Special Sale Price . . Every article in this store greatly reduced in price. Buy now! WE DELIVER Phone 99 E. R. HOPPER Furniture Dealer, Exeter, Ont. Open Evenings