HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-04-18, Page 8THURSDAY, APRIL 18th ,1»35 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE faster 'Special s Complete your Easter ensemble with A Bonat Permanent Wave The exclusive, scientific Bonat Meth­ od will assure you of a distinctive coiffure, Only genuine Bonat supplies used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone your appointments early 231w H. M. SMITH Exeter Markets Wheat 88c, Oats 36c, Barley 60c Buckwheat 47c. Manitoba’s Best $2.65 Welcome Floui’ $2.50 Low Grade Flour $29.00 a ton Bran $28.00 a ton Shorts $28.00 a ton Mixed Chop $1.45 Creamery Butter 28c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 23-26c. A large 13 c. B 11c C 9c,$8.25 BEAUTY SHOPPE • A 4 The fourth and last in the series of illustrated sermon lectures given in James St. church during the win­ ter months was given Sunday even­ ing by the pastor, Rev. J. H. Stain­ ton, the subject of the lecture being Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress.’ There was a large congregation pre­ sent for the occasion and the pastor in a very able and telling manner outlined this immortal story. Ap­ propriate hymns were sung during the course of the lecture. * MAGISTRATE’S COURT Countj' Magistrate C. shaw held Court in the on Saturday to try the reckless driving against Severne Winer and Francis Squire, arising out of the collision at the south boundary of the village on March 27th. F. Donnelly, 'of Goderich de­ fended Winer and J. G. Stanbury de- dended Squire. The Magistrate found Winer guilty and assessed a fine of $10 and costs and dismissed the charge against Squire. Qi ii r> wum n wb txwaso tn— u — i t,i ini n mm ■■■ iQ I I I LOCALS i I ________| Reserve the date May 2nd for the religious drama “Follow Thou Me" by the James Street Y. P. S. LOCALS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, S. Moore Gordon, B.A,, B.D, Minister Mi’s. J. G. Coclu-aue, organist EASTER SUNDAY 10 a.m.—Sunday School Rev. A. B, Winchester, D.D., Minis­ ter, Emeritis Knox Church, Tor­ onto. Subject—11 a.m., The Easter Mes­ sage and Commission 7 p.m., The First Resurrection Monday, April 22, 8 P-bi.—Dr, Win­ chester Subject—Prophetic Discourses of Our Lord Tuesday, April 23, 8 p.m.—Dr. Win­ chester Subject— The Day of Christ and the Day of the Lord. Wednesday, April 24, 8 p.m.—Dr. Winchester .Subject—The Millenium and After Dress up A very attractive range of new dresses in large sizes and good quality crepes now on display. These styles are exceptionally good and well made Also a fine range of cheaper material at $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 • • • Ladies’ Coats and Suits Featuring some very smart styles in, the new cloths and shades. The prices are very reasonable. Come in and see what we are showing. Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Spring Coats You will be wanting one for Easter. You will like the new cloths and snappy styles. * For quality and workmanship they are hard to beat t W. Hawk- Town Hall ■charges of WANTED—A gent’s bicycle, also have two ladies 'bicycles sale. Apply at Timee-Advocate. We •for BALED HAY FOR SALE—See W. T. C-olwill or .Seth Winer, Exeter.4-18-3 tc. FOR SAL®—Several rebuilt and enclosed oil stoves, 2, 3 and 4 burn­ er. Apply to W. J. Melville. $10.00 buys a 3-burner oil stove as good as new;. $5.00 buys a walnut oval parlor table; $2.00 buys a ma­ hogany settee. Good house for sale. See J. W. Powell. WANTED TO RENT—By reliable tenant’, small or medium house. Not­ ify Geo. Hay, phone 152j. 5 0o;FOR SALE—'Banner oats, Ithacan oats 55c; Liberty no-barb barley 85c; oat cut straw $5 a load. Frank Down >177 r 2. FOR RENT—Hall occupied by the Salvation Army; also eeperate living rooms with side entrance. Ap­ ply Mrs. H. Gidley. 4ill-tfc FLAX LAND WANTED Apply) to O. Geiger & Son, Hensail or Jos. Davis, Exeter.3tc cents Apply Mrs. Ella Heywood, 2tp. Custom Hatching at two an egg. R. R. No. 1, Exeter.- HOUSE FOR SALE The residence of the late Margaret Allen on the south of Gidley Street, Exeter. Frame, one storey. Parlour, living room three bedrooms and kitchen sink; furnace, .cistern, good well and hydro wired. Apply EDGAR ALLEN, Cromarty, Admin- GDAIDMAN & STANBURY, 1 and Hensail, Solicitors for Estate. 4-ll-3tc. Mrs. side and with FOR SALE—Underwood Standard Typewriter with 18 inch carriage. Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE OR RENT—'House in Crediton, owned by Mrs. Abr. Walk­ er. Apply to H. Eilber & Son, Cred­ iton. 4-4-3t TRACTOR PLOWING Distance no object for amount of work. Wm. Elimville. The W. A. of James St’. Church will hold a sale of home cooking in Mr. S. B. Taylor’s store on Saturday afternoon, April 20th, at 3 o’clock. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Priced at $15.95, $16.95, $17.95 Rev. A. E. EUiott, Pastor Miss Eveljn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader your open Oafe- For furnitur bargains see E. R- Hopper’s advt. on page 3. HOT CROSS BUNS for delivery ■Good Friday morning. Leave order at Middleton’s Bakery. Hold Monday, April 29 th, for Caven Church concert and teria Social. Mrs. Nash, of Sarnia, is at present visiting with her daughter Mrs, J. W. Powell. Help King George’s Jubilee Cana­ da Cancer Fund. Subscriptions will be received at any bank. Schools will close Thursday for the Easter holidays. They will re­ open Monday, April 29th. Miss Marion Bissett is visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. Irwin, of Waterloo.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock and their daughter Helen are spending the Easter holidays in Toronto. Mrs. D. Davis has returned to her home after visiting for three weeks in Brantford and Ingersoll. The Purple Martins are back. The advance guard arrived on Tuesday, three days earlier than last year. Mrs. W- H. Dearing, who has been confined to her hcime since early in the year, is at present improving nicely. Mrs. Anderson, of Crediton, has been with her sister Mrs. J. Morley, who has been ill but who is now im­ proving. Miss Stella Southcott spent a few days visiting with Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Southcott at Mt. Brydges and al­ so at Ridgetown. Miss Mary McGregor, of Hensail, visited in the home -of Mrs. Ketchen and Miss Bell also with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston recently. This section experienced a touch •of winter Monday and Tuesday when the weather turned cold and the ground was covered with snow. Mr. S. Fitton who recently under­ went an operation at Dr. Moir’s Hos­ pital has returned to his home and is making a splendid recovery. Mrs. William Gillespie was in Kin­ cardine recently attending the fun­ eral of her Moore, a ship. Mrs. V. Forte and several days last week with the fopm- er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ho- wald. Mr. and Mrs. L’oyd Beavers, De­ troit; Mr. Geo. Beavers, of Mr. Reg. Beavers and Miss sister Mrs. Matthew resident of Huron Town- Roulston and Mrs. Arthui* daughter, of Simcoe, spent Toronto, Barbara Sunday a.in.- p.m.- —Easter Message -Sunday School. ■The Minister 11 3 7 p.m.- Special Music Good Friday, 10:30 p.m.—Union Communion Service. Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday—-Prayer Meeting JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—'Sacramental iService. Every member urged to be present. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Easter Cantata “The Thorn- Crowned King” A cordial invitation is given to all. Union prayer service this (Wednes­ day) evening. Preacher Rev. Mr. Moore, of Grand Bend. Thursday—Y. P. S. ‘ 11 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M<. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemlss EASTER SUNDAY a.m.—Holy Communion 10 a.m.—Children’s Service 11 a.m.—Holy Communion 7 pmi.—Evensong Good Friday—Three hour service, 12 to 3 p.m. Union service at 8 p.m. 8 HAVE YOUR Permanent Wave FOR EASTER Croquignole, Spiral, Combination Phone 245 I). SALTER 1 !i I i = CHILDREN’S SPRING COATS They are decidedly smart in styles and come in bright new Tweeds PRICED AT $5.95 NEW FELT HATS Made by Biltmore. Showing the new­ est shapes and shades PRICED AT $1.95 TO $3.50 HOLEPROOF KNEE LENGTH HOSE Very new for Spring. They promise to be very popular and* come in season’s newest shades. PRICED AT $1.00 NEW MIRACLE TIES Gives wonderful wear and does not crease. We are showing new colors and Patterns for Easter EACH $1.00 New Wallpapers for Spring We have such a wide range of patterns to choose from. The new plain effects are very popular. The prices are very low. SUNFAST PAPERS AT 12c TO 25c ROOM LOTS AT 99c, $1.19, $1.29, $1.49 GROCERY SPECIALS AYLMER TOMATOES 3 Large tins .. 25c MINCEMEAT Very Choice Per lb.................10c McCormick’s Chocolate Marsh. Cookies 2 lb. for .... 25c Princess SOAP CHIPS 2 Large pkgs. 27c CATSUP Crosse & Blackwell’s 2 large bottles 25c CHOICE QUALITY CORN 3 cans for . . . 25c McCORMICK’S BUTTER SODAS 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 23c McCormick’s FIG BARS 2 lb. for ... . 25c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 cakes for . . 14c GOOD COOKING RICE 3 lb. for ... . 14c PURE CLOVER HONEY 10 lb. pail . . . 95c PRUNES Large 2 lb. for 25c Med. 2 lb. for 19c Southcott Bros. IT P-A-Y-S ■s B ■V to put in the winter’s coal during the spring months. The price is better, your household expenses then are lighter, and it makes you surer of next winter’s com­ fort. Phone 157w for that good “D. & H.” cone cleaned anthra­ cite. Dress up for Easter Exeter | Winters, of Sarnia, spent with Mr. and Mrs. B'. W. F. Beavers, | Sunday*will be "Easter. Mr. Paul Coates, who some time ago underwent an operation, has not been as well of late and on Wednes­ day of last week was Joseph’s Hospital, for ment. Mrs Harold Fisher operation for appendicitis Palmerston Hospital on last. . pleased to know that she is doing nicely. Mr. Frank Trace, Mrs. Jefferson and Mrs. J. Blatchfiord, of .Shedden, were in Exeter on 'Saturday attend­ ing the sale of the residence of the late Walter Keddy. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and Miss Ila Westcott, of Toronto; Mrs. Davis and Miss V. Fisher, of Hamil­ ton, motored up Monday and visited 'with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates. They returned home on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murray babe, of Halifax, are moving to eter and are now visiting at home of Mrs. Murray’s parents, and Mrs. Geo. Hay. We welcome them to our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carey and Master Malcolm Grant', visited in Glencoe on Sunday, with Mrs. Car­ ey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant. Mrs. Grant returned with them on a visit. - Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Copeland and family and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fos­ ter and daughter, (cif Win-gham and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rann and two children, of Mr. and Mrs. day. The James ____ Tuesday afternoon with 42 present. A violin selection was given by Catherine Armstrong and a duett by Lois and Edith Hunter. It was the Easter Thankoffering meeting. Eas­ ter lantern slides were shown by the pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton. Messrs. Gordon Appleton and M. W. Pfaff were in Clinton on Thurs­ day evening attending a meeting in connection with the l'Gl’st Battalion Re-union. Plans are under way for a three-day celebration;’with a ban- •Friday will be Good Friday and taken to St. further treat- underwent an in the Saturday Her many friends here will be & DISCING reasonable Bradshaw, 3-21-4tc. FOR EASTER SPRING COATS AND SWAGGER SUITS in Cloth and Silk Crepe Also a new line of MILLINERY and Ex- the Mr. NEW HOUSE DRESSES, SMOCKS AND HOOVERS, PICTURE TUNICS Also a full line of Silk Hose andi Underwear WARD’S LADIES’ WEAR Attention !!Brussels, visited with E. R. Hopper on Sun- Autotmobile Insurance— From now on you will be making full use of your car. Drive with the satisfaction of knowing you are Fully Protected. Let us explain our Automobile policy tc you. Wind Insurance— Farmers! Are your buildings In good shape? If so take advantage of the especially low rate offered by the MaWanesa Mutual*. No premium note. St. Mission Band met C. V. PICKARD We welcome inquiries Great West Life Assurance Company Phone 165, Exeter Mrs. L. Westlake, of Strathroy, visited with Mrs. E. Passmore over the week-end. - The H. S. students have been writ­ ing their Easter examinations during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. I. Lindenfield, Lon­ don, visited on .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield. Mrs. A. S. Davis is visiting for a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Wells, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Passmore and family, of iSarnia, visited with the former’s mother Mrs. Elizabeth Passmore and other relatives for the week-end. Mr. Jos. Kernick, of Usborne, had the misfortune to have the top of the forefinger of the left hand taken off in a root pulper a little over a week ago. JAS. P. BOWEY “Sun. Life” Auto, Sick, Accident and Fire Insurance The New Spring Suitings are very attractive in novelty stripes checks, blue, grey or brown. Linings and trimmings of the highest quality 'V Smart New Spring Hats in Snap Brim or Fedora styles, various shades specially priced at $2.75 MEN’S AND BOYS’ CAPS For Flowers Phone 150 See the Lovely Easter Lilies Roses, Carnations,, Daffodils, Tulips, single or double also potted plants, REASONABLE PRICES Prompt attention to all orders Funeral wreaths and bridal bouquets a specialty Gloria Cann, Florist / Main Street W. M. S. The W. M. S. of the Main Street United Church met in the church parlor on Thursday last. The leader MraK J. W- Powell presided. After the usual opening exercises, Mrs. H. Horton read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Powell read the devotional leaf­ let after which a hymn was sung. /The chair was then taken by the president, Mrs. F. J. Wickwire who conducted the business. Mrs. Jaques conducted the suggested program, leaflets being read by Mrs. William Ward, Mrs. M. E. Quance, Miss White and Mrs. K. J. Sims. Mrs. W. C. Pearce read an account of the wonk in India of Miss Florence E. Gruchy, after which she prayer. The meeting closed benediction. offered with the s. of ■on Guaranteed Oil Waves .. $2.50 Marcel or Finger Wave . ?, . 35c. Croquignole Waves a Specialty MET. 5440quet on Saturday evening, August. DUNDAS ST. 3rd. A Drum-head Church Service | on Sunday, August 4th and a sports Over Strong’s Drug Store meet on Civic Holiday ending with! _ a carnival at night, LONDON James Street W. M. The regular monthly meeting the James St. W. M. S. was held Thursday afternoon with the presi­ dent, Mrs. C. W. Christie, in the chair. The meeting opened with singing and prayer. Ways and means were discussed for raising funds. An invitation was extended from the Mission 'Circle to be their guests along with the C. G. I. T. on May 7. Mrs. Velera Armstrong and Mrs. Amy were appointed delegates to Presibyterial. The W. M. S. will Ca­ ter to the Presbytery dinner to be held in James St. Mrs. Goulding pre­ sided over the program which con­ sisted o/f a piano instrumental by Annie Kernick; reading by Mrs. H. Jones, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Stone sang for a pantomine 'Rock of Ages’ by Miss ,F. Hunter. There was a sea­ son of singing and prayer and a piano solo* (by Dawson Goulding. The meeting closed with the ibene- diction. See Hopper’s full page advt'. on page three. *1 A WONDERFUL RANGE OF NEW TIES, ALSO SHIRTS AND SOCKS Dresses and Suits Tailor Pressed W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81 James Street Young* People The regular’ meeting of the James Street Young People was held on Thursday evening with Mr. Howard Kerslake in cnarge. Following the opening exercises the scripture les­ son was read by Chais. Cox. A reading was given by Doris Greb. The topic was taken by Mr. James Francis, the president of the Main Street .Young People who gave an interesting ad­ dress that was enjoyed by all pres­ ent. Eldon Luxton gave a splendid reading. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah .benediction. Union Entertain Crediton United Church Men’s From Street _ on Wednesday evening Main Street Men The Main Men’s Union April 25th entertained the men of the Crediton Evangelical Church Mr. Charles Pearce, acting-president, opened the meeting and read the Scripture Lesson after which Mr. A. Amy took charge. A very interesting program was given. The orchestra played several selections and was comprised of three violins played by Messrs. F. W. Morlock, E. K. Fahner and Earl Haist; cornet by Mr. Em­ mery Fahner; trombone by Mr. A. E. Wuerth; cello Mr. Albert Morlock and piano <by Mr. H. Eilber. A male chorus of eleven voices gave sever­ al numbers. Mr. Charles Hoffman rendered two pleasing vocal solos. The speaker for the evening was Rev Mr. Pletch wlro spoke on the subject “The Three Factors of Life—'Here­ dity, environment a'nd response.’’ He said that while we have had no choice on what we have we have ronment. tion and God has lives and . _ _ ____w____ _____ environment. Several great lives such as Moses, Lincoln,'Helen Keller and Fannie Crosby were cited to show that even under adverse circum­ stances or environment one can make good and be successful. He said that the cause of failure in life was due . to the improper exercise of those powers which God has give'n us to make the best of those forces over which we have little control. In clos­ ing the speaker appealed to the men saying “The Church is calling you, GOd is calling you, respond to these calls-.” inherited some power over our envi- By proper training,'educa- reeponse to the revelation given us can mould our prepare the highest type of