HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-04-18, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL 18th ,1035
The Virginia Jubilee Singers un
der the auspices of the Crediton ‘Wo
men's Institute will give a concert
in the Town Hall, Crediton on Fri
day, April 26th. Keep the date
.FOR SALE—White Field Peas.
We offer tne same at $1,10 per bus.
cash. ^Secure your requirements now.
—‘Cook Bros. Milling Co., phone 54,
Hensall. 4-4-3t.c
lyirs. Holland Little, of Hanover,1
visited on -Sunday with friends in
town.—Mrs. E. Sheffer left Friday
to visit lor a few weeks with her
daughter apd son-in-law, Dr. and
Mrs. Reid, at Port Rowan,—Mrs.
Robert Douglas, of Blake, visited on
Friday at the home of ..her mother
Mrs. Thomas Dick.--Mr. and Mrs.
Clare Vanhorn also Mr. Wm. Van
horn, of London, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Hudson.—I.Z.. ~i- ZZ-
gan visited over the week-end with friends in Port Rowan.—Mrs. John .Sunday with the "former’s sister Mr. day.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Fahner, Kit
chener, spent, last Sunday with their
tnends in Crediton.
I Mr. and Mrs. .Garnet Baker, ' of
i Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
I Everett Fahner last week.
Mr. Spencer, of Chesley, is substi-I tuting at the bank for Murray Wil
lison who is on vacation.
Miss Alma Smith, of London, '
Dr. H, H, Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
Finger Waving, Marcelling and
Phone 70 for appointments
Special services will be conducted
■Mr. Joe Ha- spent a few days at hei’ home here.’ by Mr, Chambers of Toronto in the
Cochrane, of Hillsgreen, visited with
friends in town on Thursday.—Miss
Olive Lemmon, of London, visited
over the week-end in town.—Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Knight and children
of Kitchener, were week-end visitors
with Mrs. Knight’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Higgins.—Mr. and
Peppier, of Hanover, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and, Mrs. J. W.
thron.—Mrs. A. J. /Sweitzer
children, of Beach-o’-Pines, return
ed home Sunday after a pleasant
week's visit with relatives in town.—
Miss Irene Hoggarth has been con
fined to her room through illness.—
The many friends of Miss Minnie
Reid will be pleased to hear she
was able to return home on Friday
last from St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon
don, where she underwent an opera
tion some time ago.—-Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Hildebrandt were visited last
week by a number of relatives from
London.—Dr. Ivan Staillie accom
panied by his mother Mrs. A. Smil-
lie and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. -Smillie
visited over the week-end with their
friends in Toronto.-—/Mrs. L. Simp
son, Miss Mae and Mr. Wm. Simp
son, of Detroit, visited over the
week-end with Mrs. Simpson’s mo
ther Mrs. Robert Bonthron.-—Mr. E-
Smith, of London, was a recent vis
itor with friends in town.—The
many friends of Mrs. James Pater
son will be pleased to hear she is
improving after being confined to
her bed for the past icouple of weeks
with a severe attack of pleurisy.—
Miss Kay Dobbs is visiting with her
friends in Toronto.--Miss Ethel Mur
dock who has been spending the
winter with relatives in Toronto has
returned to her home here.—Miss
Jennie Murray, of Exeter, is visiting
with her nephew, Dr. Ivan Smillie.
—Mrs. Otto iStephens has been
spending a few days with relatives
at Hillsgreen.—(The LiberaLConser-
vative Convention held in the town
hall on Wednesday, April 10th was
well attended and considerable in
terest was taken in the .meeting.—
Mr. W. R. Davidson, who has been
in Victoria Hospital, London, for the
past two weeks and who underwent
an operation on Friday last’ is slow
ly improving. His many friends hope
to hear he will soon be much im
proved.—/Special Easter music will
'be furished by the choir of the Unit
ed Church on Sunday and special
serzftons by the pastor Rev. Arthur
Sinclair.—The special Holy
services which are
local churches this
The local Lodge
Order held a most _ .
at 'home in the lodge rdom of their
hall on Wednesday evening, April
10th when the'following interesting
program was given: solo, Mr. W. O.
Goodwin; reading, Mrs. F. Rath-
burn; vocal solo, Mr. W. A. Mac
Laren; vocal solo, Mrs. J. W. Bon-
thron; piano solo, Dr. Ivan iSmillie;
vocal solo, Mrs. W. A. McLaren; vio
lin solo, Mr. R. MacKay; vocal solo,
Mr. Cross; accompanists were Mrs.
J. Murdock, Mrs. W. O. Goodwin and
Dr. I. Smillie. After the -program
progressive euchre was enjoyed. The
prize winners were: ladies’ first Mrs.
J. Bowey; consolation prize, Mrs. J.
W. Bonthron; gents first, Mr. F.
Chapman; .consolation prize, Dr.
Is Smillie; lone hands, Mr. A. Tra-
quair. Dancing concluded the even
ing’s entertainment with music fur
nished by Mrs. J. Murdock, Mrs. J.
W. Bonthron, Mr. R. MacKay and
Mr. J. MacDonald. During the even
ing a dainty lunch was served, and a
very enjoyable evening was spent by
The April meeting of the W. M. S.
of Carmel Presbyterian church was
held in the schoolroom on Thursday
afternoon last. The meeting took
the form of an Easter thank-oflfer-
ing with the president Mrs. Hudson
presiding and opened by singing
Psalm 109, prayer was offered by
Mrs. Hudson. Mrs. Parks read the
scripture lesson from Isa. 1:2. The
roll was then called and answered
with some item of interest about a
missionary hymn 204 was then sung.
The offering received
The ladies quartette
Mrs. MacLaren, Mrs.
ITaylor, Miss Daters
Lover of my Soul”.
being held in the
week are well at-
or the Masonic
enjoyable annual
and dedicated
composed of
Dougall, Mrs.
song “Jesus
This was fol
lowed by a very interesting and in
structive address by Miss Jeckell of
Exeter. Miss McGregor led in pray
er. The meeting was closed with the
Lord’s Prayer in unison.
Easter Services at Cannel
Presbyterian Church
Rev. W. A, Young, Minister,
Friday 11 a.m. ‘'Commun^n.
vice”; solo, “There is a Green
Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Sunday,
21st, 11 a.m. duet, “The Easter Al
leluia” (Ashford), Miss Blanche
Mustard and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren;
anthem, “Jesus Christ is Risen To
day” (Lorenz); solo, “It was for
me” (Frisby), Mrs. J. W. Bonthron;
7 p.m., quartette, ladies, “Standing
at the Cross” (Lorenz); Misses Da-
ters, Hoggarth, Bell, Daters; anthem
“When I Survey the Wondrous
Cross” (Adams); soloists, Mrs. H.
Bell and W. A. MacLaren; solo, ‘Thy
Will be Done” (Wildermere), Mrs.
W. A. MacLaren.
St. Paul’s Anglican Church/
Church service at 10 a.m., The
Office for the Holy -Communion,
Benedictus and Agnus Dei (choral)
in A flat by C. Simper, 11 a.m. cele
brant and preacher, Rev. W. J. Hen
dry, L, Th.; sermon subject, “The
Dawn of Victory*’; offertory anthem
“Death is Conquered” (by B'eirly).
Evensong and sermon 7 p.m., ser
mon subject', “The Power of Christ’s
Resurrection”; antliom, “'Christ is
Risen”. Grace Church, Staffa, 3
■p.m,, Holy Communion and Sermon.
.... - --- ■ — - - --- .. ... ........................... -...■■■ ■
1 Large pkg. Lux Flakes ...........
1 Small pkg. Lux Flakes ....
SPECIAL 1 Royal Picture for Framing
Mr. and Mrs. W. Treitz spent last Evangelical Church on Easter Sun- In the evening the choir will
and Mrs. Dan. Finkibeiner. I render a cantata entitled “The Liv-Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Trietz,1 ing^Christ”^by HenryJWildermere.
of Harriston, visited, with Mr.
Mrs. Charles Treitz on Sunday,
We are sorry to learn that
Alfred Wuerth is confined to
home through illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dahm VVU1 ouc.. vdaughter Sonja where the guests of ter in Detroit list weekMrs. Violet Cockwill on Sunday ^^VeSe^ underwent an
last week. operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital,_ and Mrs Everett Fahrner and London, last Friday. “
and Mrs. Dan. Finkibeiner.
andv Mr. and Mrs. Sain Elsie, of
torit, pent a few days in town.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Routledge,
Kintore, spent the week-end with n|b ■ latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs.
P.1 Fassold.
Mrs. Wm. Snell visited her daugh-
.. We are pleas
ed to report he is improving nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rinker and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rinker, of
Mr. Richard Hill attended the fun
eral of the late R. Baker in London
. lvir- auu lvirs. jchuusu xviH'Kur, u.i Mrs. Fraser Brown and family Thedford were Sunday visitors with have moved back into Crediton. We M and Mrs> ChaSt ^inker.
TMf 1 n ,v> +■ K o x-K-n ♦- z*\ -»v» »,r* j _ _ _welcome them to our midst.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton and
. son and lady friend o£ McGillivray
Township were guests of Mrs. Violet
Cockwill on Sunday of last week.
Mrs. Nelson St. Clair and Mrs.
Bruce Mitchell attended the funeral
of their aunt, the late Mrs. Rudolph
Pohl, beloved wife of Rudolph P-ohl,
who died at her home in Detroit on
April 6th. Her maiden name was
Elizabeth Eg'gert. She was born at
Greenway. She is survived [by. her
husband and three sons, Otto, Ar
thur and Oscar, also one sister, Mrs.
Wm. Smith, iSr„ of Crediton.
The regular meeting of the W. A.
oif Crediton United Church was held
in the basement of the church on
Thursday, April 11th. The presi
dent Mrs. Lovie in the chair. The
Travelling box is proving both in
teresting and profitable under the
convenors,hip of Mrs. Kerr and Mrs.
Lovie. Mrs. Woodall read an Easter
poem and Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Bak
er sang a duett which was enjoyed
by all. At the -close of the meeting
a dainty lunch was served by
Ed. Beaver and Mrs. F. Kerr.
Decision Day was held in
United Church Sunday School
Sunday. Rev. Johnson gave a
touching talk on Decision. Reception
services will be held next Sunday ev
ening. Next Sunday, being Easter
special services will be held both
morning and evening. A good pro
gram is being prepared consisting of
recitations and exercises by the
Primaries. A pageant entitled “The
Easter Jubilee” will be given by the
young people.
Members of the Men’s Brother
hood of the Evangelical Church
were guests recently of the Men’s
Brotherhood of- Main St."'Church,
Exeter. A brief address of welcome
was .given by Mr. Wm. Peartoe. With
Arthur Amy presiding. The visitors
presented the program, which includ
ed selections by the orchestra; vo
cal solo by Charles Hoffman; sever
al selections by a Men’s .chorus. Rev.
A. E. Pletch gave an address entitl
ed “Environments of Life.” At the
close of the program the men ad
journed to the dining room where an
excellent supper was served. Com
plimentary -ceremonies were given
by the visitors. Every moment was
made delightful by the solicitations
of the hosts of Main Street.
Elect Officers /
The Christian Endeavour of the
Evangelical Church met recently in
the Sunday School room flor the
annual election of officers. 'The pro
gram was enacted before the elec
tion took place. Clinton Morlock oc
cupied the chair and conducted the
opening devotion. Scripture lesson
Loreen Hirtzel; contralto solo, Mrs.
William Smith. Earl Haist the re
tiring president for three years gaye
a paper emphasizing c’o-operation in
every department of Endeavor work.
Rev. A. E. Pletch presided at the
election of officers which resulted
as follows: President, Eldon Smith;
Vice-Pres., Agnes Lamport; Record
ing Secretary, Nonma Finkibeiner;
Corresponding secretary, Earl Haist
Treasurer, N'ola Faist; Superinten
dent of Juniors, Addie Gaiser; As
sistant Secretary, Lloyd (Lamport;
pianists, Gladys Ratz and Thelma
Weber; Convenors of Departments,
Worship, Ruby Finkbeiner; Instruc
tion, Clara Gaiser; Sympathy and
Service, Irene Fahner; Stewardship
and Missions, Marguerite Amy; Re
creation, Gordon Ratz.
I Mr. Oluf Pedersen is all smiles
over the arrival of a son.
Messrs. Lawrence and Orlando
Ireland and Mrs. Susan Ireland, of
Guelph, were week-end visitors
Mr. and Mrs. E. 'Tieman.
Mr. and Mrs .A. Koessel and
ily, of Lansing, Mich, spent
week-end with relatives. Mrs.
Kuntz returned with them after hav
ing spent the past six week with his
Mrs. Addison Tieman spent Satur
day in London.
Mr. Chambers, of Toronto, is hold
ing special meetings in the Evan
gelical church this week.
Confirmation services were held
in the Lutheran Church last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hopcroft,
bridal couple, of Bolton, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft on Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Hartman Elsie and
•Thelma returned home on Saturday
after spending a few weeks with
fiends in Sarnia.
Mr and Mrs. Mercer of Windsor
spent Sunday with relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westlake and
daughter, of Wyoming, Mrs. Hilger,
of Port Huron and Mrs. Sandercott
and son of London were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
FRESH DATES ....................
All for 25c
.........//■/y"""... "......"
... 1 lb. pkg* each 10c
...... 4 pounds for 25c
....... per pouind 19c
.... 2 poulnds for 25c*
..................per pound 5c
.........3 poutids foir 14c
.........3 pounds for 25c
DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, assorted flavours ... . 6 for 25c
Big Five Cleanser.......................per tin 5c.
Choice Sweet Corn..................3 tins for 25c
Falcon No. 4 Peas..................2 tins for 19c
Aylmer Tomatoes..................tall tin each 5c
Peanuit Blitter in bulk...........2 lbs. for 25c
Libby’s Pork and Beans, large tin each 10c
Tomato Juice.................................per tin 5c
C. & B. Catsup..........................2 bottles 25c
New Cabbage..........................2 lbs. for 25c
Texas Seedless Grapefruit.........6 for 25c
Sweet Juicy Oranges per doz. 29, 39, 49c
Fresh Mushrooms.........................per Ibt 39c
Fresh Leaf Lettuce ........................ 2 for 17c.
New Tomatoes.............................per lb. 19c.
New Rhubarb........................per blanch 10c
New Pineapples............................. each 29c
1 LARGE FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER—1 goblet free for 25c
Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver
A softball team is being organiz
ed for the coming year.
Miss Nora Petty is visiting with
her sister at Denfield.
Miss Thelma Rader, Miss Grace
Pepper and Maurice Kluimpp, of
Dashwood visited at the home of Mr.
Wilfred Weido.
Mrs. P. Tippett is with her mother
Mrs. L. Petty who is poorly.
Mr. Wm. Alexander has disposed
of his Soya Beans to a party from
Miss Beatrice Willert is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Koehler, Parr Line.
Order your chickens from
zer’s A-l Baby -Chick Hatchery,
ate cheap. As low as $6 per
dred before the season is -out.
are .hatching Barred Rocks, White
Rocks, White and Brown Leghorns,
Ahconas, Jersey Black Giants, White
Wyandottes and White Indian Run
ner ducklings. Get our catalogue
before you buy your chickens. Get
prices on started chicks and 5 weeks
old pullets.-—A. H, SWITZER, Gran
ton, Ont.
Miss Ella Robinson, who has been
ill with- influenza is not at all well
and has been confined to her room
under a nurse's care.
Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Lamport were
given a large reception in the hall -oh
Thursday evening by their many
friends. We are glad they will still
reside in this community. The gifts
were a handsome day bed and silver
half o,f himself and Mrs. Lamport.
Lunch was served and the usual
merry making was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Robt. Kydd is ordered to a
complete rest by her doctor. Mrs.
Rydall, of Shallow Lake, is staying
with her and Mr. Rydall was a week
end visitor.
Mrs. Campbell is visiting in
with her daughter.
A quiet but pretty wedding
solemnized at the Main St. parson
age, in Exeter on Wednesday, April
10th, when Beatrice M. Knight, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Knight, became the bride of Albert
Roy Ballantyne, second son of Mr.
and Mrs.
Mr. _____ _ ___
was charming in a dress of Marina
blue. The attendants were Miss B.
Ballantyne and Mr. Lloyd Knight.
A sumptuous dinner was served at
the home of the bride by Mrs. Reg.
Knight, of Toronto; Miss Mary Gar
diner and Miss Lavona Cooper.
Afterwards the happy -couple left for
Toronto and points East, the bride
wearing a beige tweed suit and ac
cessories to match. On their return
they will 'continue their residence
---------x 3 on the groom’-a fine
We extend best wishes.
vase. Will expressed appre-
of the kindness of all on be-
Thos. Ballantyne. Rev.
Elliott officiated. The bride
onshire, England, and came to Can
ada with his parents when a few
months old. The family settled in
Usborne Township and became one
of the pioneer families when the
whole countryside was a ast woods.
Mrs. Brock was one of a family of
nine and was born on Decembei’ 2,
1851, in Ful'larton Township near
Mitchell, moving later to Grey Twp.
After their marriage in 187-5 Mr. and
Mrs. Brock took up residence in Us
borne Township for some years, go
ing to Biddulph Township 45 years
ago where Mr. Brock was a well
known farmer for 19 years moving
to Centralia 26 years ago, where he
has since lived retired. There were
five children, Mrs. John Hutchinson
of Dorchester, Albert Brock of Us-
Township and Jonathan Brock, of
London. Two other children, Mar
shall and Clara are deceased. There
are 23 grandchildren, and three
great grandchildren, one other hav
ing died recently.
Women’s Association
The April meeting of the Women’s
Association was held i'n the School
room of the church on Thursday af
ternoon April 4th. Mrs. Andrew
Hicks had charge of the Devotional
exercises. The meeting was opened
’by the use of hymn 3 61 after which
th Lord’s Prayer was repeated in
unis-on. The Scripture lesson was
read from Psalm 113 by Mrs. John
Thompson; a vocal duet was given
by Mrs. Wm. Essery and Mrs. Pen
warden. Mrs. A. Hicks gave two very
pleasing readings entitled “TWO
Cures for the Same Disease.’’ and
“People Will Talk,’’ Hymn 225 was
sung and Mrs. Bowden took the chair
for the business. After the reports of
the various committees, two new
members were welcomed into the As
sociation. Mrs. Brown convenor of
group one reported that $49.00 was
made from January l'5th to Febru
ary 15th. Mrs. Skelton convenor of
group -two reported $55.60 was rais
ed from February 15th to March
15th. It was decided to buy a new
rug for the study at the parsonage.
After the meeting a dainty lunch
was served (by Mrs. O. Brown, Mrs.
N. Baker, Mrs. J. Neil a'nd Mrs. W-
The W. M. S. held
meeting at the home of
Earl. They had a good
Mr. Geo. A. Stewart, __
township, spent a few days last week
with his daughter, Mrs. Warren.
Miss Lulu Hunter is at present'
with her sister Mrs. Ward Hern.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaques and
family spent Friday of last' week
with Mrs. A. Gunning in Exeter,
Messrs. Morris Hern and Jack
Hewson were in London on Friday
last and attended the show “Lest
We Forget.”
Mr, and Mrs. Warren Brock spent’
Sunday with the former’s mother
who is ill at the time of
the home of her brother
Routly of Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
sons visited on Sunday at the_ home
of Mr. and Mrs. Milne
The .Sunshine Workers
-Band... will hold their April ______
in the -church on /Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johns spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern and babe
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank 'Gunning, Whalen.
A number from this vicinity at-
their April
Mrs. James
Easter pro-
of London
tended the celebration at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Brock, Cen
tralia, on Monday, April 13, it be
ing the occasion of their diamond
Harold Kerslake is at present’ em
ployed with his uncle, Mr, Melville
Mr, Warren Brock sold and deliv-
I ered one of his prize teams to Buf-
falo last Thursday. He is to .be
■congratulated on the success he met
in obtaining so many prizes and
sweepstakes at the Spring Pairs at
(Seaforth, Clinton and Hensall. We
wish him continued success.
writing at
Mr. James
Hern and
We are prepared to do Custom
Hatching ait very reasonable rates.
Setting, Saturday and Wednesday. No
lots too large or too small. Babyi
Chicks for sale from Blood-Tested
•Stock. We can supply, you with day
old cockerels, day old pullets1, either
lighjt or heavy breeds, poultry Feeds’
We handle only the best. Pioneer
Chick Mash, Chick Scratch, Grow;
Mash, etc. Try us for service.
L. V. Hogarth, Mgr. r>
Phone 184 Exeter, Ont
See How Much More You Get
When You Purchase a
amongst_ us
Margaret Fletcher and chil-Mrs.
dren visited ion Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Clare Pickard in Exeter.
Miss Wanda Willis was confined
to her home for a few days last week
with an attack of appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hodgins and
family of London, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Milt Mitchell and other
friends in
Mrs. Ed. Willis, of Exeter, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis on
Monday of this week.
Misses Jennie and Rachel Wilson
visited last week with Dr. and Mrs.
Hamilton in Ailsa Craig,
On Wednesday evening of this
week a Prayer Service will be held
in the auditorium of 11.
Rev. Mr. Chandler, of Kippen, will
be the speaker for the evening. Ser
vices will begin at 8 p.m.
On Friday evening of this week,
members of Gra'nd Bend United
Church will present an Easter pag
eant in the church here. This pro
gram. is put on under the auspices
of the Sunday School and a large at
tendance is requested. The admis
sion will be a silver collection.
On Sunday next special Easter ser
vices will be held in the church here.
The services will be at the usual
hours of 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m., Eas
ter music will be provided by the
60th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. John Bi’ock of Cen
tralia celebrated the GO th annivers
ary of their marriage on Monday.
On April 14, 1875, Mr. Brock and
Elizabeth Squire were united in
m&rrihge by Rev. Mr. Kakefield of
the St. Marys Methodist church. Mr,
Brock, who was one Of a family of
nine was born 85 years ago In Dev-
the village >on Sunday.
the church.
A series| of union services for
Easter week are being held under
the direction of the South Huron
Ministerial Association. Services
were held at Caven Presbyterian
church, Chiselhurst and Elimville
on Monday evening; at the Salvation
Army hall, St. Paul’s church, Hen
sall and at Grand Bend on Tuesday
evening; at James St. church, Car
mel Presbyterian church, Hensall,
and at Centralia on Wednesday ev-
I ening. The remainder of the ser
vices will be held as follows:
Thursday, April 18th, Main St. Unit
ed, Rev. W. A. Young.
Friday, April 19th, Trivitt Memorial.
Rev. L. C. Harrison.
Good/ Friday Communion Service
at Main Street United Church.
Good Friday morning, 10.30 with
Rev. A. E. Elliott in change as
sisted by ministers of the Afesocia-
Thursday, April 18th, United Church
Rev. J. R. Reidde.
Chiselhurst, Monday, April
Rev. R. N. Stewart.
Centralia, Wednesday, April
Rev. E. F. Chandler. *
Cromarty, Friday, April 19th,
R. Ennis.
Kippen, Friday, April 19 th,
J. H. -StaintOn.
All services to coimlmence at 8 p.m.
except otherwise noted.
15 th,
A meeting of special interest to the
Young People’s Societies -of this dis
trict' is the Easter Rally to bo held
in the United. Church, Hensail, Easter
Monday night, April 22nd at 8 p.m.
Grand Bend Society is in charge and
Rev. A. Sinclair is to be the speaker.
The societies at Main St', arid James
St, are withdrawing
that week in favour
Simillar rallies are
same night in the
Wingham and Eginondville,
their meetings
of the rally,
being held
The Finest Motor Available in any car costing less than $3500.
The Finest Rear Axle in any cai’ costing less than $5000, con
sisting of % Floating and Baddie Mounted Pinion, with 4 differ
ential Pinions.
Baked Enamel Finish in '5 different colors exclusive to Ford
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Safety Glass in all windows in all models (only car so equip
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Full torque tube Drive: Dual down draft Carburation.
17-Plate Heavy D-uty Battery (19-plate optional at slight ad
ditional cost).
6 inch. Tires on all models (Air Wheel Type).
Independent wheel suspension on all four wheels (Exclusive
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Houdaille 2-way Automatic Shock Absorbers (Exclusive to Ford
with the exception of 2 cars costing over $500(0.)
Centri fugal weights on clutch to assist in cluttoh operation
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All Steel Body welded into one piece.
The V-8 has big (brakes and more braking area than found on
any car per pound of weight.
Yes, a 4, a 6 and an 8 — 4 cylinder economy, 6 passenger capac
ity and 8 cylinder performance.
'Come in and let us explain these features along with several
others iby use of a talkie .picture -or better still let us show it to yo-u
and give you a demonstration the same way in your own home.
Watch the Fords Go By. 5,000 More Since Yesterday
Always ask for Jap-a-Lac
Paints, Varnish Stain and Enamel
W H Y!
If you are Painting your House come in and get our prices.
Lindenfield’s Hardware, Exeter