HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-04-11, Page 8THURSDAY, APRIL 11th, 1935 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Saste?' ^Specials Complete your Easter ensemble with A Bonat Permanent Wave The exclusive, scientific Bonat Meth­ od will assure you of a distinctive coiffure. Only genuine Bonat supplies used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone your appointments early 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat 85e, -jzOatS 36c. Barley 60c • Buckwheat 47c. f. ; Manitoba’s Best $2.50 d Welcome Flour $2.40 Low Grade Flour a toBran $28.00 a ton, f ' . Shorts $28.00 a ton . Mixed Chc-p $1.45 Creamery Butter 2Sc. Dairy Butter 23-26c. Eggs, A large 13c.^ Eggs, B 11c. A PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING S. BfOardman, formerly 11 years with Heintz- man Co. will ‘be in this district on Wednesday next the 17th. Orders left at S. Martin’s will receive prompt attention. All pianos thoroughly cleaned and demothed. Over 20 years exper­ ience. FOR SALE—Hay, etraw, and Seed oats. Apply to Mrs. W. Jones, phone Crediton 20 r 13. ltp. FOR RENT—Hall occupied by the Salvation Army; also eeperate living rooms with side entrance. Ap­ ply Mrs. H. Gidley. 4-ill-tfc FLAX LAND WANTED Apply to O. Geiger & Son, Hensall or Jos. Davis, Exeter. 3tc The 161st Battalion Reunion Com- imittee are anxious to communicate with Fred Hopkins, Charles Camer­ on, Edgar B. Boyle and Lome Cud- more, former- members. Anyone knowing their addresses kindly not­ ify M. W. Pfaff, Exeter. Custom Hatching at two cents an egg. Apply Mrs. Ella Heywood, R. R. No, 1, Exeter. 2tp. FOR SALE—A quantity of Tim­ othy hay. Apply to Geo. Hepburn, phone Crediton 2 6r2. STRAYED—Big black Persian cat with orange stripes. Call Wm. Sweitzer, Shipka. Phone 24 r 3, Crediton. Reward. HOUSE FOR SALE The residence of the late Mrs. Margaret Allen on the south side of Gidley Street, Exeter. Frame, one storey. Parlour, living room and three bedrooms and kitchen with sink; furnace, cistern, good well and hydro wired. Apply EDGAR ALLEN, Cromarty, Admin­ istrator ‘GDAIDMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall, Solicitors for Estate. 4-ll-3tc. NOTICE The office of Mr. S. Fitton will be closed for a couple of weeks. FOR SALE—Quantity of sweet corn seed; also Irish Cobblers seed potatoes one year from certified seed. 75 c. a . bag.—Canadian Can- ners Ltd. 4-4-2tc. FOR SALE OR RENT—House in Crediton, owned by Mrs. Abr. Walk­ er. Apply to H. Eilber & Son, Cred­ iton. ‘ 4-4-3t FOR RENT—Frame house in Hensall, one block south of the Un­ ited church. Apply to Mrs. Rd. Blatc'hford, Exeter. 4-4-2tp FOR SALE—<Seed Barley, O.A.C. 21; also a quantity of improved Banner Seed Oats. Alvin Essery, Centralia, phone 40r4, Crediton. tic FOR SALE—Turnips, hay, baled straw and seed grain; Ithacan seed oats, medium early; Linerty, Nobarb Barley; Banner Oats. Apply to Mr. Frank Down, phone 177r2, Exeter. 3-28-3tc. FOR SALE OR RENT—House on Andrew St. Apply Times-Advocate TRACTOR PLOWING Distance no object for amount of work. Wm. Elimville. & DISCING reasonable Bradshaw, 3-21-4tc. MISS SUFFERER had an accident. She cut her^corns. Now she uses Cress Corn Salve. Sold by Brown­ ing’s Drugstore, Exeter. Spring is Here! Now is the time for — OVERALLS,.SHIRTS, AND WORK­ SHOES — SPECIALS — C. & B. Tomato Soups .... 4 for 25c C. & B. Catsup ................... 2 for 25c Canned Cherries ............... 2 for 25c Canned Pineapple ........... 2 for ,19c Canned Apricots ...............2 for 28c Canned Peaches ............... 2 for 28c Canned Strawberries 2 for 38c. Raspberry & Strawberry Jam 32 oz. jars ...................................... 25c Choice Canned Corn ....... 3 for 23c 16 oz. bottles of Maple Syrup 20c Canned Peans ............... 10c Brooms ..... 35c to 75c. each Orange Pekoe Tea, china premium with every pound .......... 05c H. BIERLING CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—The Minister expects to take the service. All will welcome him back, Subject—“What ing” Evening service Thursday, April M. S. Thanko.ffering Guest Speaker, Mrs. G. M. Young, of Nairn. Monday, April l'Stli, 8 pan,—Holy Week Service, Rev. Mr. Hendry, t'he world is miss- withdrawn. 11th, 8 p.m.—W- 9 — \ MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Main St. W. A. will hold a Cooking Sale, Saturday April 20th, at 3.30 at B. W. F, Beavers’ Hardware store. 2tc. 1 11 1 LOCALS 1 i — 1 II l>m-m-l mil » 1 —»< i—-0 Sun Tor- over Thirty-two community potatoes on practically no of has returned sons Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor visit­ ed in Lucan on Friday. Miss Emily Frayne, of Staffa, is visiting with relatives in town. Mrs. H. Elworthy left Sunday to visit in Detroit and Battle Creek. Mr. J. G. Stantoury was at Wing­ ham on Wednesday on court business Miss Adeline Stone, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Olive Wood R.N., of Toronto, spent the week-end at her home in Usborne. Mr. James Sweet visited with Mr. Walter Sovereign of the Lucan on Friday. Miss Helen- Brown, R.N., of onto, visited Miss L. M. Jeckell the week-end. Mr. Norman Flood} of the Bank of Commerce staff, is holidaying at his home in Blyth. Miss Ila Hunter has accepted a position in London aud ccmimenced her new duties on Monday. There was a good demand for horses at the auction sale of Mr. G. J. Dow on Tuesday, were sold. The farmers in this have a large quantity hand and there is market for them. Mrs. G. Aidworth home after visiting with her Mr. Francis Hill of Hamilton and Mr. Nelson Hill, of Toronto. Mrs. Ella French, who has spen-t the winter in Nebraska and Detroit is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick before returning to her home in Toronto. Mr. J. C. Horton, Mrs. Louisa Horton and Miss Margaret Daley, R. N., of Oshawa, spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Horney and Miss Maude A. Horton. Mr. E. S. Hogarth, B.A., of Ham­ ilton and liis. cousin Mr. G. H. Ho­ garth, B.A., of Toronto, spent a few days with the former’s brothers and sister, returning to their home Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Sam’l Elsie, of De­ troit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harness over the week-end. They were accompanied h-o-me by Mr. and Mrs. Harness who are spending the week there. Mr. Alvin Finkbeiner, of Credit­ on, gave a splendid missionary ad­ dress at the James St. Sunday school on Sunday afternoon, the oc­ casion being the regular missionary service. Arrangements have been made to celebrate the King’s Silver Jubilee in Exeter on May 6th. A service in which the scholars of both high and public schools will take part will be held in James St. ChuTch. Miss Irene Van Camp was winner of the first prize for the best letter written by a High School student in connection with the Old Boys and Girls’ Reunion. Her Dame was omit­ ted through an error last week. Mrs. F. W. Gladman was called to Toronto on Saturday! morning owing to the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Passmore. The latter’s imany friends here will be glad to Hearn that she is much improved. Mrs. Gladman has returned. Mr. Saxon Fitton, who underwent a serious operation at Dr. Moir’s Hospital on Tuesday afternoon of last week is making a satisfactory recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Raulston, of Highland Park, Detroit, and Mr. Fitton’s two grandchildren, Gerald and Joyce Fitton spent the week-end visiting with him. The members of the first degree team of the Exeter lodge of Odd­ fellows visited the Bruceifield. Lodge Friday evening of last week and conferred' the degree on a Bruce- fielld candidate. Short addresses were given at the close by Bros. E. M. Dignan, H. O. Southcott and a read­ ing by Bro. Hyde. Noble Grand, Geo- .Swan, presided. Refreshments were served. 11 Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Eveljn Huston Organist and Choir-Leade-( -Communion Service. .Sixth in the series Words From the "Ita.m.- is Finished.” on the Seven Cross, p.m.—Sunday p.m.—“Father Command my Spirit.’ the series on the Seven Words From the Cro-ss. Monday—Y. P. S. Wednesday, May 10—Men’s Union, open meeting. Tuesday—Union service, Rev. Mr. Young, of Hensall, will preach. Good Friday, 10:30 p.m.—Union Communion Service. £ 3 7 School. into Thy Hands I ” Seventh in = JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 3 7 1 . a.m.—The Minister p.m.—Sunday School p.nn.—“The Pilgrims Progress” by John Bunyan. •Fourth and last in< the series of illustrated sermon lectures. This is just the story of the average Christian’s struggle to leave the City of Destruction and strive to­ ward the City of Wednesday—Prayer home of Mr. Ed. Thursday night—Y. God. Meeting at Shapton. P. S. the TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M« A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Palm Sunday a.m.—-Sunday -School will ‘be 10 o’clock for the summer months 11 a.m.—Morning pr-ayer and Ser­ mon 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon 10 at FOR EASTER SPRING COATS AND SWAGGER SUITS in Cloth and Silk Crepe Also a new line of MILLINERY NEW HOUSE DRESSES, SMOCKS AND HOOVERS, PICTURE TUNICS Also a full line of Silk Hcso andl Underwear WARD’S LADIES’ WEAR HAVE YOUR Permanent Wave FOR EASTER Croquignole, Spiral, Combination 4 ——’ Trivitt Memorial W. A. The regular meeting of the W. A. met at the home of Mrs. O. S. Winer ! recently. The meeting opened with hymn number 318 followed -by the Litany and prayers, by the president. The roll call was responded by a verse from the Bible containing the naixne of a tree. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A business meeting was then con­ ducted after which Mrs. Acheson read the Scripture lesson, Mrs. Middleton gave a very interesting address on “Current Events.” After which Miss Phyllis Blerling gave a synopsis of the first half of the Study Book, “Stewards of a Goodly Heritage” in, a very capable manner. | Miss Rosa Dearing gave a [L-ohton reading which was followed by al hymn- and the benediction. Phone 245 I). S ALTER ATTENTION! MR. CAR OWNER Have you your automobile in­ sured against Legal Liability, Property Damage and Passenger Hazard? If not come in and let us fix it up for you before that accident happens. “We Aim to Please” COAL, COKE & ALBERTA COAL Sun Life Insurance JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 157w or 157j Dress up A very attractive range of new dresses in large sizes and good quality crepes now on display. These styles are exceptionally good and well made Also a fine range of cheaper material at $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 • • Ladies’ Coats and Suits Featuring some very smart styles ip the new cloths and shades. The prices are very reasonable. Come in and see what we are showing. Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Spring Coats You will be wanting one for Easter. You will like the new cloths and snappy styles. For quality and workmanship they are hard to beat Priced at $15.95, $16.95, $17.95 CHILDREN’S SPRING COATS They are decidedly smart in styles and come in bright new Tweeds PRICED AT $5,95 NEW FELT HATS Made by Biltmore. Showing the new­ est shapes and shades PRICED AT $1.95 TO $3.50 HOLEPROOF KNEE LENGTH Very new for Spring. ‘They to be very popular and come in newest shades. PRICED AT $1.00 HOSE promise season’s NEW MIRACLE TIES Gives wonderful wear and does not crease. We are showing new colors and Patterns for Easter EACH $1.00 New Wallpapers for Spring We have such a wide range of patterns to choose from. The new plain effects are very popular. The prices are very low. SUNFAST PAPERS AT 12c TO 2 5c ROOM LOTS AT 99c, $1.19, $1.29, $1.49 GROCERY SPECIALS AYLMER TOMATOES 3 Large tins .. 25c MINCEMEAT Very Choice Per lb. . .10c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 cakes for . . 14c PURE CLOVER HONEY 10 lb. pail . 95c ) \= McCormick’s Chocolate Marsh. Cookies 2 lb. for ... • 25c Princess SOAP CHIPS 2 Large pkgs. 27c McCormick’s FIG BARS 2 lb. for . . .25c GOOD COOKING RICE 3 lb. for ... . 14c PRUNES Large 2 lb. for 25c Med. 2 lb. for 19c CATSUP Crosse & Blackwell’s 2 large bottles 25c CHOICE QUALITY CORN 3 cans for . . . 25c McCORMICK’S BUTTER SODAS 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 23c =) Southcott Bros B Attention!! Automobile Insurance— From now on you will be making full use of your car. Drive with the satisfaction of knowing you are Fully Protected. Let us explain our Automobile policy ta you. Wind Insurance— Farmers! Are your buildings in good shape? If so take advantage of the especially tow rate offered by the Mawanesa Mutual'. No premium note. C. V. PICKARD We welcome inquiries Great West Life Assurance Company Phone 165, Exeter Announcement ! FLOWERS MACHINE SHOP is. again open for business. General Machine Work and Acete- Ine Welding. Across from Exeter Creamery NOTICE The Exeter Women’s Institute will operate a Community Bazaar at the Old Boy’s Reunion, July 27-31, 1935 for the sale of handcraft. • We do not buy anything but sell only on a commission basis. All articles must be reasonably priced, for to your price must be added' a selling commission. All articles must be place at owner’s risk. The bazaar is for the public. For further in­ formation phone 203 or 112, Exeter. 1 Dress up for Easter The New Spring Suitings are very attractive in novelty stripes checks, blue, grey or brown. Linings and trimmings of the highest quality Smart New Spring Hats in Snap Brim or Fedora styles, various shades specially priced at $2.75 MEN’S AND BOYS’ CAPS A WONDERFUL RANGE OF NEW TIES, ALSO SHIRTS AND SOCKS Dresses and Suits Tailor Pressed 59c W. W. T A M A N - 1 Y-'MrV-'FTIV'l A birds nest with four eggs was discovered in a field by Mr. W- Herdman, of Usborne, on the last day of March. The eggs were grey with touches of brown. Finding birds eggs in a field in March something out of the ordinary. A group of friends surprised Mrs. Wm. Passmore at her home last Tuesday night it being the anniver­ sary of her birthday. Mrs. Passmore was the recipent of a lovely birthday cake and several beautiful birthday gifts. Aftei’ a pleasant evening of games a dainty lunch was served. I Would you like to make your home-made bread in four- and-a-half hours ? Delicious, wholesome bread can now be baked without the long, tedious over-night method. No * wonder the PURITY FLOUR 4’^-HOUR BREAD recipe i§ being warmly welcomed by busy housewives! By setting your dough at 10 o’clock in the morning, and keeping it warm- at all stages, the baked loaves will be ready to remove from the oven at 2.30 p.m. We would like you to have this recipe—send for it! COOKBOOK Every recipe tn the New MacPhcrsori Ave,« Toronto ^5OC Purity Cook Book la tested by a practical housewife# Send, 50 tents for your copy rd DcpatthScnr 701, 287 PF34 BEST FOR ALL YOUR BAKING .......-.....—............. .......................... -