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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-04-11, Page 5
THURSDAY, APRIL lltli, 1935THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE HENSALL FOR SALE—-White Field Peas. We otter the same at $1.10 per bus. cash. Secure your requirements now.—'Cook Brog. Milling Co., phone 54, Hensail. 4-4-3tc. I * I 6 & ' I 4 < Mr. Casey Hudson wag in Toronto over the wegk-end, Mr, T. C. Joynt is spending a few day© in Tortonto this week. Mr. Arthur Dick, pt London, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. Wm. fiispson, of Detroit, spent the week-end here with friends. Mr. Rex Dick of the London Rd. south has purchased a new Maple leaf truck, Mrs. Hawthorne of Texas, is visit ing this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brock. Mr. hnd Mrs. John Miller o'f Ex eter visited on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. H. Q. Dayman. Miss Doreen Caldwell, of Exeter, has been engaged as assistant at the home of Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. Mrs. Bertha Bell is spending a couple .of weeks visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Cawth'orpe, of Tavistock. Mrs. Marjorie Smith, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. ijohn Richardson of the Parr Line. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren and Mrs. Hannah Workman spent iSun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brit tain, of Dublin. Messrs, W. D. Sanders, Wm. Coates and Fred Ellerington of Ex eter, werq in town Saturday taking in the show. Mrs. Herbert Brittain, of Dublin, visited last week here with her m'other Mrs. Hannah Worldman and sister Miss Mabel Workman. Mrs. A.'J. Sweitzer and two child ren of Beach-O-Pines are visiting this week with Mrs. Sweitzer’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin and family of Farquhar spent Saturday here with Mrs. Hunkin’s father, Mr. W. McLaren and also taking in the Spring Show. The different onion sett ware houses here will be about cleaned out this week. The onions have gone out in splendid shape with very little picking. There will be special Easter ser vices in all our local churches on Easter Sunday. Special music will be furnished by the choirs and all are cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Bert King and daughter Dona, Mr. J. Fleming, Misses Martlha and Annie Carlisle, all of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Richardson. The W. M. S. of Carmel Presby terian .church will hold their annual Easter Thank Offering service on. Thursday afternoon of this week. Miss JecikelJ of Exeter will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Ferris Cantelon, of Stroms- berg, who has been visiting here with' Mrs. sDavid Cantelon this last two weeks returned home on Sun day, Mr. Cantelon cdming up from Stromberg for her. Mr. Fred Kalbfleisch, of Zurich, is making a number of improvements on his property on Oxford St., re cently rented "by Mrs. Albert Bell. He is having the old barn torn down and a new garage erected. Mr. Wm. Lemmon was taken to the Seaforth Hospital on Sunday and operated on for a severe attack of appendicitis. Mr. Le/mimon stood the operation well and is now doing as well as can be expected. The many relatives and friends of Miss Minnie Reid of this village who a few» weeks ago underwent a very serious operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, will be pleased to learn she is recovering rapidly. The services o'f the United church on Sunday were well attended. The pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied his pulpit at ..both services. At the morning service Miss Kay Dobbs took the solo part in the anthem and Mr. W. 0. Goodwin sang a solo. In the evening Mrs. Geo. Hess sang a solo "An evening Prayer” which was beautifully rendered. Mrs. John Johnstone celebrated her 84th birthday here on Sunday, ed the meeting with devotion and a Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Douglas and son and daughter Allan and Mona, of Hyde Park; Mrs. H. Van, of St. Thomas and Miss Kathryn Cox, of Toronto. Mrs. Johnston is ^fiale and hearty and her many friends wish her many happy re turns of the day. At the Presbyterian church on Supday both services were well at tended. At the morning service the pastor Rev. W. A. Young gave a special talk to the children before his regular sermons and the solo part of the anthem was taken by Mrs. W. A. McLaren. In the evening Rev. Mr. Young gave a very able address taking as his subject "New Men and a New World.” The Y. P. S. of the United church held their regular meeting on Mon day evening in the school room of the church. The n;eeting opened .by singing a hymn after which Rev. Mr. Sinclair led in prayer followed ■by the reading" of the minutes of the previous meeting and the Scrip ture lesson was ’read responsively. Mr. Moore gave a very interesting topic on "The Folly of Worry and Fear” and which was very much en joyed by all. Miss Greta Lammie gave a piano instrumental. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. On Sunday afternoon title Mission Band of the United church held their meeting in the school room of the church. The meeting opened by singing hymn 405, prayer by Jack Rowcliffe. The Scripture lesson was read by Elva McQueen, after which the minutes were read and roll call and offerin,g taken. A solo by Bobby Hess; reading by Marion Freshnie, instrumental by Miss Greta Lammie. The topic was taken by Miss Lettie Love. JHymn 425 was sung and .the meeting closed’ with the Mizpah, benediction. CREDITON NOTICE Numerous complaints are being received that dogs are running at large over flower beds, gardens, etc., causing considerable damage. We would ask the owners of dogs to kindly keep them on a leash. Signed VILLAGE TRUSTEES The Virginia Jubilee Singers under the auspices of the Crediton Wo men’s Institute will give a concert in tlie Town Hall, Crediton, on Fri day, April 2 6th. Keep the date open. Mr. and Mrs. Sparling and. son Claire, of Walkerton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber spent Friday in Lambeth. The Ci’editon Evangelical Orchest ra provided music for the Religious Drama Finals at the Jaimes St. church, Exeter last Friday evening. The Men’s Brtotherhood of the Evangelical' church have received a fraternal invitation tu meet in con junction with the Men’s Brotherhood of Main St. church, Exeter on Wed nesday evening. A program is being prepared. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. Ri chard Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Lorence Hill and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mawhinney, Goshen Line. Mr. and Mrs. Wlm. Lamport, near Thames Road, spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lamport. Mr. Melvin King has had his house repaired after the recent chim ney fire. Mr. and Mr®. Willis, of Colborne Township are spending their honey moon with Mrs. Violet Cockwill. About forty friends and neighbors and young people of the United Church gathered Friday’ evening at ■the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lake port and gave Mr. and Mrs. William Lamport an old time charivari. Mr. and Mr®. Everett Haist, Zur ich, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haist. Mr. Murray Willison, of the local bank is on vacation. The Crediton orchestra held their annual election recently which resulted as follows: Leader, Emery Fahner; President, Everett Fahner; Sec’y.-Treas., F. W. Morlocik; Libra- rain, K. Kuhn. Decision Day will be held in the United Church next Sunday morning. Rev. Johnson will give a brief talk leading up to the decision. Invocation services have been held the past three week® with special musical nupihers; a duet by Mrs. J. Woodall and Mrs. F. W. Clark; quartette by Dorothy Hill, Audrey Yearley, Mar garet Jones and Ila Lamport also an appealing talk by Mr. Trevethick. The officers of the Evangelical Sunday School were elected recently. The” results are as follow®: Supt., A. Amy; Assist. Chester Mawhinney; Secretary, Harry Hirtzel; assist. Har old Fahner; Treasurer, G. E. Faist; pianists Margaret (Amy, Ruby Fink- beiner; choristers, Clayton Sims, William Schwartz; b'ook librarians, Arthur Gaiser, Roy Morlocik; paper librarian, Aldona Wuerth; Supt. of Holme Dept'., Mrs. G. E. Faist; Supt. of Cradle Roll, Mrs. Huge SchenkJ Convenor of- Temperance Committee, Emmery Fahner; Convenor of Moth ef’is Day Committee, JMr®. Jacob Ratz., “ Car Damaged Mr. W. R. Davidson who was tak en seriously ill a week ago and taken to Victoria Hospital, London, for treatment, is now showing some im provement. His many friends here hope for his speedy recovery. While Dr. Collyer was taking Mr. David son to the hospital on Tuesday last and while passing Exeter. North corner he was run into by another car coming from the Thames Road. Neither the Dr, nor Mr, Davidson were hurt although both received a severe shock. IThe Dr’s, car was badly damaged and he had to get another car to go to London. The Hensail Minstrel Show Big crowds attended, the Minstrel Show put on in the Town Hall on Wednesday and Thursday evening last by the Hensall Minstrels under the auspices of the Hensall Chamber of Commerce. The large hall was crowded, to the dooris and the show was greatly enjoyed by all present and was directed by Dr, J. G. Smillie while Miss Florence Welsh was the accompanist. The program was varied, providing solos and choruses as well as clever exchanges between the end. men and the interlocutor the latter part being taken by Laird Mickle. A special feature of the evening was tap dancing by Miss Lorna Zuefle. The W. M. S. of the United church held their regular monthly meeting in the school room of the church on Thursday afternoon last. There was a good attendance of members and the President of the society occupied the chair. The meeting opened by singing hymn 180 followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The .Scrip ture lesson was read by Mrs. Cross. The minutes of the previous.meeting were read by the secretary and ap proved. Mrs. Charles MoDonell was appointed as- delegate to the Presby tery to be held in Exeter on April 30th. The visiting comlmittee re ported making 3 0 calls ton the sick and shut-ins during the month. The treasurer reported. $93,00 on hand and that $21.00 expenses had been paid. A solo which was very much enjoyed was sung' by Mrs. Thos. Sherritt. A dialogue entitled "Stew ardship of Thankfulness” was very ably given by Mrs. Annie McDonald and. Miss Margaret Hopkirk. The 8th chapter of the study book was taken by Miss Ctonsitt and this very interesting meeting closed by .sing ing hymn 179 and the Mizpah bene diction. Goodly Share of Brizes Wm. Oestrichei' took in the Spring Stock Show at Clinton on Thursday, and Hensall on Saturday and as us ual took a goodly share of the cattle prizes. He reports that Clinton ha® had an exceptionally good showing of both cattle and horses. Mr. Graham, the Agricultural Re presentative of Perth, who super vised the boys’ judging competition at Clinton, made the comment that the boys in Huron County show ex ceptionally good ability in judging and attributes a lot of this to the Calf Club, which was staged at Wingham several years ago when a goodly number of calves were sup plied by this part of the County and goes to show that cattle judging and feeding is not learned by book know ledge but must be a combination of actual experience with college edu cation, The regular imeeting of the W. I. was held in the hall on April 2nd with the president in charge. IThe meeting opened by singing the Ode, followed by repeating the Lord’s prayer. Our Motto for April—Culti vate a disposition that is cheerful, generous and charitable.—Roll Call —How to take care of household waste. It was decided the Institute would visit the County Home some time in the near future. Mrs. L. Schwartz then presided over the fol lowing program: song "Rock of Ages;’’ an Easter reading entitled "The Bearer of the Cross” was given by Mrs. L. Mawhinney; piano, solo by Mrs. E. Lawson. A well prepared paper on “Home Economics” was given by Mrs. W, Oestreicher; a vocal duet entitled "Spring is Here” by Mrs. E. Fahner and Margaret Amy; Miss Lavina Smith gave a very interesting current events. An ob servation contest followed, after which lunch was served by the fol lowing hostesses, Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs. T. Mawhinney, Mrs. C. Zwick- er and Miss A. Gaiser. Reception About sixty friends and neighbors met recently at the home tof Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer of Stephen to present their daughter, Mrs. George Clark (nee Virginia Moore) with a miscellaneous shower, she being a recent bride. The reception rooms were tastefully decorated with pink and yellow strealmers. 'The bride thanked the well wishing friends for the many beautiful gifts. Mr. Al bert Gaiser and Mr. William Sweitz er had charge of the evenings cere- mtories and amusements. Mrs. Wil liam Stade and son Melvin provided music for the evening entertainment. A '.dainty lunch was served. The bride and groom have the best wish es of their many friends. Annual Church Meeting The annual meeting of the Evan gelical church was held last Wed nesday evening with a splendid at tendance. The pastor, Rev. A. E. Fletch, occupied the chair and open ed the meeing with devotion and a brief address. H. K. Eilber was* ap pointed secretary. Reports of the different organizations were read, all of which showed a very profit able year Ezra Faist treasurer of the Cemetery Board stated there was $255 in the bank and $1,700 in vested in Government bonds for the perpetual care fund. Harry Beavei’ was elected trustee of the general board in the place of John N. Mor- lock who asked to be relieved.. Other members of the board are: Harry Kuhn and George Finkbeiner. John Hirtzel’was elected trustee of the cemetery board. J. N- Morlock on behalf of the trustee board also gave a report and stated, that minor repairs had been made to the church property also stated that Roy Fink beiner had been re-appointed care taker and Miss Addaleen Gaiser re engaged as organist for the present year. Joe Finkbeiner and H. K. Eilber were appointed auditors; F. W. Morlook ,financial steward and C. G. Morlock treasurer of missions and, benevolences. It was decided to have the evening services com mence at 7.30 p.m. starting the 1st of April and continuing until the last' Sunday in November. The fol lowing were appointed ushers: Wm. Schwartz, Gordon Morlock, Everett 'Fahner, Roy Ratz, Irvin Stahl, Clin ton Morlock, Harry Hirtzel, Joe Fnk- beiner, Jacob Ratz, Albert Gaiser, i Chester Mawhinney, and H. M. Faist. The trustees and the pastor 'were ap pointed to make plans for union services with the United church dur ing the summer months. Votes of thanks were passed to the choir, the Ladies’ Aid and the different Sun day School classes who had assisted the general treasury throughout the year. STAFFA Rev. T. R. and Mrs. Turner and family visited the former’s mother Mrs. Turner, of Walkerville. Misses Marion and Muriel Drake with Misses Martin, at Kippen. Miss B. Turner and Miss Dorothy Gray at the former’s ihome in St. Paul’s. Mr. and Mrs. H. Leslie and fam ily, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fawcett. ELIMVILLE Master John Mears visited his parents in Toronto on Sunday. /The sympathy of friends is ex tended to the relatives of the late Mrs. John Jo'hns Sr., who died in Exeter on Tuesday morning. Mr. Robert Robinson is ill with pneumonia. Miss Ina Jaques R.N., and Mrs. Geo. Hunter of Exeter are in attendance, Miss Ella Ro'binson has also been confined to her bed for a few days. Since the above was written Miss Jaques suffered an at tack of appendicitis and was rushed to Victoria Hospital, London, Tues day, for a operation. Mr. and Mrs. Will Elford .attend ed the funeral of their aunt the late Mrs. sanders In St, Thomas on Mon- ™E RED & WHITE STORE MAPLE LEAF SALMON . PURE MAPLE SYRUP ... GOOD COOKING APPLES f Grocery Specials CROSSE & BLACKWELL’S VEGETABLE SOUPS 3 for 25c FRESH DRIED PEACHES......................................per lb. 19c. RED PLUM JAM, 40 oz. jars..................,............ each 27c. GOLD MEDAL ORANGE MARMALADE .... per jar 25c. RED & WHITE PUMPKINS........................2 large tins 21c. GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE...................... 1-2 pkg. 2 for 25c. WONDERFUL LAUNDRY SOAP..........................10 for 25c. I PURE CANE SUGAR Singapore Sliced Pineapple . . per tin 10c. Peanut Butter in Bulk...........2 lb. for 25c. Broken Soda Biscuits...........3 lb. for 25c. Fresh Dates............................4 lbs. for 25c Good Cooking Figs.............3 lbs. for 25c. Large Meaty Prunes...........2 lbs. for 25c. Palmolive Soap 3 cakes for 14c. Large Seedless Grape Fruit .... 5 for 25c. Fresh Pineapple ........................... each 29c. Fresh Celery Hearts...........per bunch 15c. New Tomatoes..........................per lb. 19c. New Carrots........................per bunch 10c. Fresh Cocoanuts ............................ each 5c< Good Cooking Onions .... 10 lbs. for 19c. LARGE TIN FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER—with Goblet ... . for 25c. FRESH WHITE FISH. ALSO SMOKED FILLET OF HADDIE i ROLLIE’S grocery Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” EXETER, ONT. We Deliver day. Mrs. P. Murch is confined to the house with a bad attack of bron chitis. Her friends hope for a very speedy recovery. Mr. Melville Skinner and Delmar are both ill with the mumps. Mrs. Harry Johns is not as well as usual and is confined to her room. Mr. Gilbert Johns was in Toronto the first of the week. The Y. P. S. met on Monday ev ening. 'The Pesident, Horace Del- bridge had charge of the meeting which was opened with hymn 190 followed 'by the Lord’s Prayer in 3 "HOW TO PAINT" BOOK ALLFOR 2^ Fill in your name and address and take this coupon to your dealer. Adults only — One gift to a family ALSO INFORMATION ON I Enameling furniture Painting a kitchen ' Painting a bathroom Painting walls Painting woodwork Painting a house Painting floors / Varnishing Painting a car These 3 Convenient Home Painting Accessories Here are three articles which we will give to you for only 5c. One, a Brush of the latest type with bristles set injubber. The second, a Metal Guard to protect surfaces such as window glass, wall paper, etc., while you are painting or washing. With it you can paint window sash, woodwork and other surfaces quickly and cleanly without muss or smear. The third gift offer is our beautiful book, “How to Paint”. This’fattractive four-color book contains numerous helpful suggestions for making your home more attractive and beautiful. Our reason for making this exceptional offer is this: We want the names of women who are-interested in brightening up their homes, as we have other helpful literature on home decorating and other free gift offers which we send out from time to time. 1 BRUSH 2 PAINT GUARD Lindentield’s Hardware Just sign the coupon to register your interest. The articles will be yours, with any other help we can give. FOR THREE ARTICLES The Glidden Company Limited: Please give those three articles to me for 5c without any other obligation. Name ........................................................................................................................................................... .. Address ....................................................................................................................................................... .. ptyjL............................................... .Province........................... (Dealer's Name......... ........................................................................................................................................ unison. The minutes of tlhe last meeting were read and adopted. Some business was dealt with and the Missionary Convenor, Howard Johns took charge of the meeting. The topic "Our People in Trinidad and Their Background” was given by Lome E'lford. The worship per iod was opened with quiet’ music and hymn 174. The Scripture les son was read by Ronald Elford. The talk on the lesson was read by Fred Long. Margaret Johns then led in prayer. The meeting was closed with hymn 81 and the Mizpali bene diction. ..... 2 for 35c. .. . per qt, 50c. 6 qt. basket 35c. 10 lbs. for 53c. lii BABY CHICKS Order your chickens from Swit zer’s A-l Baby Chick Hatchery. They are cheap. As low as $6 per hun dred before the season is out. We are hatching Barred Rocks, White Roc'ks, White and Brown Leghorns, Anconas, Jersey Black Giants, White Wyandottes and White Indian Run ner ducklings. Get dur catalogue before you buy your chickens. Get prices on started chicks and 5 weeks old pullets.—A. H. SWITZER, Gran ton, Ont.