The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-04-11, Page 3I THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL iXtlh 1935 TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the Council of the Township of Hay up to six o’clock p.m., Monday, April 15t'h, 1935, for the following; For supply of power to operate Township crusher in Welsh’s pit. Contractor to supply drive belt. Amount to be crushed about 3,000 cubic yards, more or less, A11 tenders fax’ supplying crush­ er with gravel and stone from pit. Tenders to be per cubic yards for material delivered from crusher. Al­ so Tenders for trucking crushed stone from crusher unto township roads. Tender to be pex* yard mile. Tenders ma y be made separately or for t'he whole contract, Success­ ful contractor to assume all risk of accidents and give satisfactory bond for $300.00 for faithful performance of work. Contract to be completed on or before September 15th, 1935. Lowest .or any Tender not necessarily accepted, Tenders to be mailed or handed to Fast Growing CHICKS Bring Quicker Returns llensall Spring Show, held the auspices of the South Agricultural Society on Sat- A. F. HESS Clerk Township of Zurich, Dated April 2nd. 1935. Ha; Ont. 2tc. Notice to Creditors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of GEORGE TODD late of the Village of Hensail, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on the Tenth day of May, A.D. 1934, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the un­ dersigned on or (before the Fifteenth day of April A. D. 1935. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Ex­ ecutor will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED, at Exeter, Ont., this 23rd day of March, A.D. 1935. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and ^Hensall tor’s Solicitors BUY chicks that put on weight fast. and begin earing, money for you Profit” chicks are known for rapid growth—you can almost see them grow! According to many of last year’® customers, chicks from “Xtra-Profit” stock weighed more than a .pound at 5 weeks old and 2i lb. at 9 weeks old. And they kept right on grow­ ing through the Summer months and made profitable, early laying flocks. Take the flock of Bray pul­ lets raised by Wm. Kirkpat­ rick at Burgessville last year. He had pullets weighing up to 6 lb. 10 ounces at 6 months old—and they were giving him a 75% egg yield at that age. The success of Bray chicks is a direct result of the careful selection of our breeding stock. Our breeders are chosen 'for their actual capacity for work. Bray chicks have the qualities that make for profitable poul­ try keeping, bred right into chicks heavier- market develop They mature earlier sooner. Bray’s “Xtra- thelm. The cockerel make early broilers or than-average Fall chickens. The pullets rapidly and .make early pro­ ductive layers. We don’t claim that every Bray flock will.be laying 75% at 6 months. But it is not out of the way to say that tmost flocks of “Xtra-Profit” pullets begin laying" at 5 months old, and many of them are laying 50% or better at 6 months old. Stop in and get a copy of our Free booklet. See for .your­ self what Bray “XtranProfit” chicks can bring you in dollars and cents next Fall. BRAY CHICK HATCHERY Plxone 246 > EXETER, ONTARIO THAMES ROAD NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and other® having claims against the estate of MAR­ GARET ALLEN late of the Village of Exeter, in the County, of Huron, Widow, who died on the Fifteenth day of February, A.D. 1935, are re­ quired to forward tlxeii' claims duly proven to the undereigned'on or be­ fore the 22nd day of April, A. D. 1935. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Ad­ ministrate X’ will proceed to distribute the estate claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED day of March, A.D. 1935. GDADMAN & STANBURY Hensall and Exeter Administrator’s Solicitors S. meeting April 4th at* Mrs. A. Stewart the vice­ Mrs. J. Selves in the chair. having regard only to the at Exeter, Ont., this 27th NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of MARY H. WALKER, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Wi­ dow, .who died on the Twenty-first day of March, A. D. 1935, are re­ quired to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or be­ fore the Twenty-second day of April A.D. 1935. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- ■ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutor will proceed to distribute t'he estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont'., this 3rd day of Apr.il, A.D. 1935. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hehsall Executor’s Solicitors GOMES FROM CENTALIA 12Mr. Wm, Skelto'n, for the past year® cream tester at the Centralia creamery, has joined the staff of the local creamery, taking over the du­ ties of Mr. McCabe, who has been promoted to the Walkerton .plant. Mr. Skelton has already taken on his new duties a'nd will move to Clinton as iscon as possible.—Clin­ ton News-Re'cord. ■ The infant daughter of Mr. and ^■rs. James Simpson passed away oix ^Bxturday night, April 6th. A short ^■ii’vice was held at the home on Sun­ nily afternoon, Rev. Mr. Down, of ^■xeter officiating. A number of the ^■dglxbors and friend®' gathered to ^Riow their sympathy. Interment took Rlace on Monday at their former ■xome neai’ Toronto. f Mrs. Pollen, of Exeter hospital, Bspent this week with Mr. and Mrs. /Ed. Pollen. She also spent a few days with' her brother George Tuff in, of Staffa who is not in very good health. W. M. home of president The meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. Selves and hymn 25 6 followed by prayer by Mrs. Taylor. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. J. Allison 16th chapter of Mark and. roll call and minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Mrs. Will Stone and Mrs. Percy Passmore were appointed del­ egates to the Pres byterial held, at Main St. United Church, Exeter, on April 30th. Hymn 25 8 wa®'then sung followed by the readings from Mrt. Percy Passmore and Mrs. Wiseman. A piano solo, by Mrs. Aylmer Stew­ art and then a reading from Mrs. F. Dawson on “Temperance.’’ Mrs. N. Hunkin then gave a reading from the Study Book. Meeting closed, with singing hymn 30 4 followed by, sen­ tence prayers. Receive Presentation On Thursday evening a large num­ ber of relative® and, friends gather­ ed at.the hall to wish Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Ballantyne bon voyage on a matrimonial journey. At the hour of midnight lunch was served and the bridal couple were not allowed to part without home tangible expres­ sion in the form of a handsome day bed with hall tree and mirror with the following address. The address was given by Mr. ,I-Iarry iStone. Lloyd then expressed their appreciation of the kindnetes shown them and all joined in singing “For they are jolly good fellows.”. The address is as follows: We, your friends and neighbors cannot let thi® important and happy occasion of life pass 'by without showing in some way that our good wishes are with you. You have al­ ways given ungrud,ingly of youi’ time and talent in all our social event®, and we have had many splendid times together. We are very glad that you are not leaving oui' community for it would have left two vacant places that could not have been filled, by any one else. We wish you to accept these gift's which carryi with them oux’ heartiest congratulations and best wishes. May you have many years of health, happiness and pros­ perity. I GROW SOYA BEANS A NEW DEAL We guarantee payment in cash for .your crops at' a price per bushel not les® than the price for standard Write us for our Growers* Contract and SOYA MILLS LIMITED 45 RICHMOND STREET, WEST wheat, particulars. TORONTO ONT. under Huron urday. afternoon, was an outstanding success both a® regards quality and the nuimber of entries. The Hen­ call Spring Show is one of the best in the province and attracts exhibitors from a large area. The Show was held on the station .grounds and the day being fine a big crowd attended. There were some splendid houses shown and not for a good> many years has there been such a large number of entries in the different cattle classes or in the quality of stock. A. B. Weber, of Kitchener was here again with his big display of driving horses, taking first prize for hfe roadster team, first and second in the single roadster class; best gentleman’s turnout and. Mrs. Weber won for the best lady driver. Dr. W. J- R- Fowler, of Guelph, was judge of the horses and Mr. Hum­ phry Snell, of Clinton, judged' the cattle. Horses Aged Clyde Stallion, Robert Bur­ chill; Belgian Stallion, J, C. Smillie; Draft Brood Mare in Foal, Russell Scott, William Urquhart; Draft Filly or Gelding, 193'2, Warren Brock, A. Wright; Best Filly or Gelding 1933, E. A. Key®, Alex. Wright; Draft of Agricultural Foals, E. A. Key®, Wm. Dale, A. Buchanan; Draft Team, R. S'cott, Jas. Scott; Agricultural Mare in Foal, Fred Roney, A. Wright, F. R'oney; Agr. Filly or Gelding, 1932, W. Brock, Fred Roney, W. Brock; Agr. Filly or Gelding. 193 3, W- R- Kinsman, E. A. Keys, John Riley; Agr. Tealrn, W. Brock, F. Roney; General Purpose Team, Wm. Decker, Wm. Decker;lFarmers Driver, E. N. Rily, H. 'Truemner, J. & C. Smillie; Roadetei' Team, A.. B. Weber; Single Roadster, A. B. Weber, A. B. Weber; Championship Mare or Gelding any age, Russel Scott, W. Urquhart, W. W. Brock, James Sctott; Township Prize, Hibbert, James Scott; Fullar­ ton, Fred Roney; Geiger’® Special, Championship Draft Stallion, Robt. Burchill; Dr. A. R. Campbell special Best wagon horse, Wm. Decker; Gentleman’s Turnout, A. B. Weber; Lady Driver, A. B. Weber, H. True­ mner. Judge, Dr. W. J. R. Fowler, Guelph Cattle POILL ANGUS—Aged Bull, Hunsberger, Bert Klopp; Bull -Calv­ ed in 1933, L. Hunsberger, B. Klopp Cow, L. Hunsberger, Bert Klo.pp; Heifer, under 2 years, L. Hunsberg- er 1st and. 2nd.’ .Sh'orthorns—Aged Bull, R. M. Peck, Win. Oestricher; bull, calv­ ed in 1933 or later, Wm. Ostrich- er, R. M. Peck; Cow, R. M. Feck, Win, Oestricher; heifer, under two years old, R. M. Peck, W. Oestrelch- er. HEREFORDS—Aged Bull, How­ ard Wright, O’Neil Brothers; Bull, calved in 1933 oi‘ later, Howard Wright, O’Neil Brothers; Cow, O’Neil Brothers, Howard Wright; Heifer, under 2 years old, O’Neil Brothel'S, Howard Wright. MARKET CATTLE — Butcher Steer or Heifer, Howard Wright, O’Neil Brothers; Baby Beef. L. Hunsberger, O’Neil Brothers, Howard Wright. Judge, Humphry Snell, Clinton GRAND REND Mr. and Mrs. Walter Statton yis- ited their son Nelson ixx Forest on Sunday. Mr. Frank Statton boasts of being, the earliest through seeding, having finished in March. Miss Beulah Holt and Miss Melba Turnbull, of London, visited their homes here on Sundaj. Mr. and Mrs. John Mouuseou ana daughter Ella spent the week-end with friends around Hensall. Rev. J. B. Moore sports a new Chevrolet ear purchased from Snell Bros, at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Giles, ct Royal Oak, Michigan, is the first of the campers to come to theix- cottage to stay for the season. Earliest for some years. Mrs. Lillian Matthews, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ulens call­ ed oix Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ulens on Saturday. I Quite a number spent the week­ end at their cottage. Some from De­ troit', Kitchener, Stratford, London and Cleveland. Mr. alxd Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon of Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baird and family, of Crediton visited Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sturgeon on Sunday. Mrs. Carol Moncur, of Windsor, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, H. Gill fox- a couple of weeks. Edwardsburg [ROWN BRAND rnnu Evnun LU KNsyrup . clergy pood that NOURISHED MORE CANADIAN CHILDREN THAN ANY OTHER CORN SYRUP A product of The CANADA STARCH CO.. Limited SEAFORTH SPRING SHOW eleven entries, the first five being prize winners. Prize Winners Clydesdale, stallion, any age, R. Burchill, G. Bisback, Geo. Mann, Jr. Stallion, over one year and under three, A. B. Chalmers; sweepstakes R. Burchill. Roadsters, stallion in harness, 1, Gus. Bisba'ck; horse in harness, 15- 3, ox* under, S. J. Miller; J. C. Smil- ie, L. W. Guy. Carriage horse in harness, over, S. J. Miller. Agriculture brood mate in Roney, Fred Roney. W. S. foot. Agricultural filly or gelding, any age, Warren Brock, A. B. Chalmers, 15-3 or foal, F. Broad-Under the auspices of the Seaforth Agricultural iSoiciety, the annual Sea­ forth spring show was held on April 2nd was a decided success, the weather being favorable and the at­ tendance large. A .parade of all the | filly or gelding, 3 years, Fred Ron- animal® entered for competition headed- by the Seaforth Highlanders Band opened at 1.30 p.m. The entries were about the aver­ age and the quality of the horses of high standard, some of the en­ tries being '‘made from a® far away as Guelph. Three townships were represented in the township special. There were also three entries in the aged Clydesdale class which in form­ er years had no competition. In the boys judging competition there were ey, Warren Brock; filly or gelding foal of 1933, John Riley, P. <Simp- son, Elmore Keyes; colt of 1934, V. Dale, Elmore Keyes, A. Kii'k; team in harness Warren Brock, Fred Ron-! Chalmers; sweepstakes, W. draft brood mare Urquhart, Russel any age, James in foal, Scott; James Scott; ey, A. B. Brock. Heavy William filly or gelding, Scott, Russel iScott, filly or gelding, 3 years, A. Wright; filly or gelding, foal of 19 3 3, Elmore .Keyes, A. Wright; foal of 1934, W. J. Dale; team in] harness, Russell Scott, James Scott, Boardfoot Bros.; sweepstakes, W. Urquhart, General purpose filly or gelding, any age, W. Decker, W. Decker. Dale Nixon; filly or gelding, three years, W. Decker. Township special, Fullarton, U®- borne, Hibbert. Boys judging, Wilfred Shortreed, Walton; Stuart McEwen, Clinton; Stewart Bryans, Blyth; Clifford Henderson, Clinton; Frank Moylan, Dublin. Norman Jamieson, .St. George was the judge of both l.ight and heavy horses. In the evening a successful play and dance under the auspices of the Seaforth Agricultural Society was held in Cardnos’ Hall, when an in­ teresting four act play entitled “'The Road to the City” was .cleverly stag­ ed by the Seaforth Junior Women’s Institute under the direction of Miss Jeap Smith. The cast was (composed of Frank Reynolds, Murray Savage, Cameron Rintoul, Edmund Jones, Jean Gemmell, Vera Hudson, Alice Thompson, Jean Scott and Aonona Crozier. Music was furnished by the Collins’ Orchestra. WOKING AT fly cerelmony was perform- and the Miss Catherine Jane Lucan was united in The Only Car in its Class that Gives Tow the New Solid Steel TURRET TOP COLLINS—THOMSON A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Centralia Parsonage of the United Church on Wednesday even­ ing, when Thomson of marriage to Thomas Collins also of Lucan. The ed. by Rev. R. N. Stewart bride and groom were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Lome Beattie. After a short honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Col­ lins will reside on the groom’s farm Highway No. 4 in Biddulph Town­ ship. WINCHELSEA ' Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wightman and family, of Seberingville, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and. Mrs. W. A. Cole­ man. Quite a number from this com­ munity attended the Spring Show held at Hensall oix Saturday last. Miss Ethel Coward is spending some time with Mi®. Ray Francis of Plvgsown. Mr. and Mr®. Amos Francis of St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher, We are sorry to heax1 that Mr®. W. E. Fletcher had the misfortune to fall breaking the legiments of hex’ leg. We hope fox' a speedy recov­ ery. Mr. and Mrs. M. Fletcher of Ex­ eter. spent Wednesday with Mr. and Ms. Walker Kei’slake. Mr. and Mr®. Henry) Delbridge vis­ ited, with friends at Clinton on Sun­ day. Mrs. Theron Creery and two child­ ren of Detroit, have moved into their new home on the Sunshine line. Mr. Creery will join her in the neat future. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Gunning of Kirktoxi' spent one day last week with Mr. and, Mr®. Wm. Clarke. 1 IK w k'wll BLUE FLAME ENGINE . KNEE-ACTION RIDE with shdcitloss steering' CABLE-CONTROLLED " • BRAKES Bodies by Fisher NEXT time you look at the Master Chevrolet look at the roof! You’ll notice something hugely important to you as a buyer. And that something is the new “Turret Top’’ construction—the safe, modern roof of solid steel! Now, the entire Fisher Body —steel floor, steel sides and steel roof—is welded into one virtual unit of solid steel. Look at all cars with an eye for quality and you’ll choose a Master Chevrolet. No other car offers you its matchless combination of Body by Fisher—Knee-Action— Blue Flame Engine—Cable-Controlled Brakes—Fisher No-Draft Ventilation. Come to our showrooms, drive the car yourself! Easy GMAC monthly terms. PRICED $ 0 0 E (for the Master FROM O O O 2-Pass. Coupe) Delivered, fully equipped, at factory, Oshawa, Ont. Freight and Government license only extras STANDARD SERIES MODELS AS LOW AS $722 CLINTON TAX RATE IS UP FOUR MILLS ■ An increase of four mills in the tax rate, from 40 to 44, was announ­ ced at the regular meeting of town council. Twp year® ago rate was reduced from 4.8 to 40 although the amount of unpaid es compares very favorably other municipalities, only about $7,- 000 in the past three years, an in­ crease lil thi® year's rate has been found' .necessary. ! the the and tax- with < FISHER NO-DRAFT VENTILATION C-85C . SNELL BROS, & CO., EXETER Associate J. PASSMORE & SON, HENSALIj Dealers 0. FRITZ, ZURICH J. SPROWL, LUCAN