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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-04-04, Page 6
TIIXTB31>AY, 4PRIR 4th, 1935 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE #0%I ORDER ROOFING NOW Two great values in Metal Roofing. Ex clusive patented features guarantee weather-tightness and easy- applica tion. For new roofs orre-roofing. Send ridge and rafter lengths for free estimate. We use *. “Council Stan dard” for great est durability. Eastern Steel Products PRESTON ONT, HtqotWMMAr Montreal & Toronto Sunday School lesson THE HEAVENLY FATHER Sunday, April 7th—Psalm 103:1- 5, <10-14; Isaiah 40:27-31; Matthew 6:24-34; Luke 11:2 jonn 3:3-5; 8:- 40-47; 14:1-31; Romans S:14-17; Hebrews 12:5-11. Golden Text Death to the His disciples, not spoken, to to unbelievers, But to those God comes the their Heavenly God cannot show tms fatherly in terest in those who reject Him. ‘But they that wait upon the -herd shall renew their strength." The Sermon on the Mount was ad dressed by Christ to or believers. It was the world in general, for it could not be. who trust the Son of assurance that God, Father, who cares for the birds and the flowers of the field, cares much more for His children. Why should we be anxious or w’Orried about what we are to- have as food or clothnig? "For your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you, Warble Fly The farmers of Ontario start this month to wage a fight to a finish with the warble fly. No longer are they content to waste feed and spoil good hides by permitting grubs to live in the backs of their cattle. No longer will they stand for the agony and exhausting of their cattle in the summer caused by the chasing of the heel fly. one small township, Bar- organized to kill the on the backs of all the cattle thirty-four farms on the is- cattle on the island en- from grubs; naturally required .no treatment On others where only “Said the Robin to the Sparrow: T should really like to know Why these anxious human beings Rush about and worry so?" “Said the Sparrow to the Robin; ‘Friend I think that it must be "That they have no Heavenly Father Such as cares for you and me.’ " is all of the men the Like as a father pitieth his chil dren, so the Lord pitseta them that fear Him. (Psa. 103:13.) Of whom is God the Heavenly Father? Many people have a mis taken idea of the answer to. this question. A popular expression is: "The universal Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man.” But there is no sanctum for this in the Bible; it does not teach that God Father of all men, or that are brothers. Seven different books Bible are drawn upon, in this lesson to show us what God's Word teach es as to the Heavenly Father; Psalm Isaiah, Matthew, Luke, John, Ro manis, Hebrews. From these Scriptures, written by six or seven different men, the first and last of whom lived more than a thousand years apart, vet all sup- ernaturally and infallibly inspired by the same Holy Spirit, .we find the same divine teaching concerning God the Father. God is not the Father of all men, but only of "them that fear Him”; "that wait upon the Lord”; that, as disciples of Christ, "seek first the kingdom of God and his righteous ness”; that look to Christ as Sevior and LoTd; that are bcm again of the Holy Spirit; that show they are "of God” by believing and loving His Son; that have come unto the Father by the Son; that are "led by the Spirit of God"; tened as sons of their Father. These striking the lesson passages, and must understood If we are to understand what the Bible teaches about the Fatherhood of God. The lesson Psalm tells of God’s great blessings of forgiveness, re demption, healing, love, mercy and many good things, incsuding the re moving of our sins from us "as far as the east is from the west." But God does not do this, He cannot do this except for those who trust Him in reverential fear. Then, "Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him.” The prophet Isaiah, declaring that God, "the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is angry, declares also that this omnipotent God "giveth power to the faint.” But unbelief cute men off from God. and that are chas- God because He is facte ail appear in be Shingles! British Columbia XXXX X Best grade at $3.60 per square A. J. CLATWORTH? ’Phone No. 12, 1 I season a total of 15,99 4 ..........................IT-!',"".!- .1-.W1 count for 1935, giving the results of last year’s treatment, will be made as the treatments are applied this spring. More interesting than the average count, however, is the fact that in 1934 there were 547 head out of the total of 736 tirely free these cattle that spring. two or three grubs were found only these individual grubs received treatment, thereby greatly reducing the amount of powder required. Any heavy infestation of the cattle was found only on that section of the island where the untreated cattle were taken. Sixteen heads were en tirely free from the grubs. Christ's disciples asked “Lord teach us to pray," the gave them the prayer that has used countless times since he it: “Out' Father which art in But only disciples, believ- When Him, Lord been gave Heaven ers in the Son of God, caii truthful ly utter those words and offer that prayer. To Nicodemus, religious teacher, yet one who had believe in Christ Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world, he Lord said: "Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God . . . That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that u hich is born of the .Spirit is spirit” In other words, Christ was teaching Nicodemus that our natural birth, from our human fathers, does not make us children of God, but only the birth from above, as we are born again by the Holy Spirit when we receive Christ as Saviour. For "as many as received Him, to them gave He power to .become the sons of God even to them that believe on His name.” (John 1:12.> But the most unequivocal, unan swerable and convincing pronounce ment in all the Scriptures on the subject of the Fatherhood of God is found in our Lord’s words to the Jews who were rejoicing Him. They were plotting to kill Christ, and He told them plainly: "Now ye seek, t-o kill Me, a Man that hath told you the truth.” They were running true to form, He said, as He declared: "Ye do- the deeds -of your father.” They countered by saying: "We have one Father, even God." Then came this terrific indict ment from the Son of God: “If God were your Father, ye would love Me ... Ye are of your father ye will do. He was murdered from the be ginning. . . . He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.” Paul gave inspired teaching when he wrote: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” The Spirit always honors and glorifies Christ points men to Him. Finally, if we are truly God’s dren by faith in His Son as our lour, we must expect Him to with us an any true father deals with his children: chastening us for our good. "If ye endure chasten ing, God dealeth with you as with sons: for what son is he whom the father chastenth not?" a theologian and leader of the Jews not then come to as God’e Son and’ and I chil- Sav- deal1 ELIMVILLE The regular meeting of the W. A. was held on March 11 at the home of Mrs. Garnet Johns. Mrs. W. Brad shaw took charge of the meeting which opened with a hymn followed by prayer by Mrs. (Rev.) Peters. The Scripure lesson was read by Mrs. J. Brock. Ruth Skinner then gave a reading on Korea and Mrs. Freeman Horne gave a Missionary reading. Mrs. W. Routley read an article "The Doll that Talked.” The president took charge of business period and some items cussed. The minutes of the meeting were read and adopted fifteen members am* one answered Roll Call. Another hymn •was sung and meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, A dainty luncheon afterward served by the hostess.GRANTON ■WBMWtl the dis- last and visitor Those Nasty Little Pimples Prove Very Embarrassing , RURDOCK^ Blood Bitters j What is necessary for all those who are troubled with pimples, and other facial blemishes, and who wish to have a clean, clear and healthy complexion is to put their blood into a good condition by banishing the blood impurities from the system. Burdock Blood Bitters is the Temedy you need to do this; not a now and untried one, but one that has been on the market for the past 56 years; a remedy that drives out the impurities in the blood, and leaves the complexion clear, smooth} and healthy, © In 1932, rie Island, warbles on the land. That grubs were killed on 703 head of Cattle, or an average of 22.7 grubs per animal. Severn 1 animals had over 100 grubs each oyi actual count From the information he has re ceived he has received regarding all these various efforts at warble fly control, Dr. Stevenson estimates that a half million, or approximately 20 per cent, of Ontario’s 2,500,000 cat tle were treated for warbles during he spring of 1934. As already stated, this year’s cam paign starts now. With the exper ience gained from last year: with the impetus given to the work bi' last year’s results; with scores of farmers in the areas where treating of the cattle was most general re porting that they did not see the cattle running in the fields in the characteristic wild chasing caused by the heel fly; with scores of others Stating that- they omyi saw cattle running once or twice as compared with the previous more or less daily occurrence of this chasing in hot weather, there is eyery reason to expect that at least half of Ontario’s cattle will have the grubs killed in their backs this spring. Five counties, Oxford, Elgin, Bruce Waterloo and Middlesex, ready reported under way for wide 'campaigns not all of the extend the areas treated last year and if individual farmers who have not yet treated their stock at all will discuss the results obtained with those who have, treatment will soon <be so general that the killing of warble fly grubs will be as much a matter of 'common farm practice as the killing of the Colorado pota to bettie on the potato crop. Warble flies may not be entirely driven from the province but they will be reduced to such numbers that they no longer cause untold suffering to cattle, with serious losses in milk flow and growth in the summer from the fly, and serious damage to hides and meat by the grubs in the winter. But why all this sudden enthus iasm for the removal of the warble fly pest? Why, if these control measures are so effective, were they not applied years ago? The native warble fly and its more damaging blood relation, the European warble fly or heel fly, has been a fairly common pest attacking Ontario cat tle for twenty-five years or more. There are several- reasons for this delay in any general attempt to bring the fly under control. Up un til about fifteen years ago only a few scattered research workers knew the life history .of these flies and the re lationship between the grubs in the backs of cattle and the flies that at tack the cattle when on pasture in the summer. Of even more recent date has been the discovery, of der ris root powder as a safe, effective and easily applied method of killing the grubs in the backs of cattle. At tempts to squeeeze the grubs out by hand were made spasmodically but were too slow and accompanied by too much pain and discomfort to the animal to be widely adopted or thor oughly carried out. Lastlyi, it has only been as the flies and grubs be came .ni’ore numerous and definite figures were obtained from packing plants and other damage to hides production, that how expensive a become. On March 24th, 1932, Dr. Steven son held a meeting in a little school on Barrie Island and described to farmers who attended, life history of the measures might be ganized campaign grubs on the backs in the community, council was taken as the organiza tion unit, each councillor holding himself responsible for enlisting the interest of all the farmers in his district to make certain that all the cattle were treated under the direc tion of Dr. Stevenson. Treatment started on March 25, on the farm of Percy RunnaWs, who had taken the two-year course at the ■Ontario’ Agricultural College. A total of 179 head were treated that day and on them were found 2,318 grubs. The second day, 277 cattle werso treated, with 4,730 grubs. And so it went until the whole island .was covered, with the results given The first year’s treatment reduced the grabs found the following spring from nearly twenty-three per head to just over nine. The 1933 treat ment of the same cattle still further reduced the number of grubs to an average of 5.86 .grubs per head and some untreated cattle had been taken onto the island by a careless individual in the meantime, The AILSA CRAIG CHURCH RECEIVES $100 REQUEST under the late Miss of London 19 34, Miss Ailsa Craig United Church receives a cash .bequest of $100 terms of the will of the Betsey Hannah Edwards, who died on February 4, Edwards leaves an estate valued at $6,385.43 and composed entirely of personal property, The bulk of it is divided among sisters and nieces. Purdom and Purdom are the solict ors. FAREWELL PRESENTATION their high- far e- who :, have al- arrangemente well complete county- this year. Most if other counties will sources, as to the and losses in milk farmers realized pest the fly had the actual fly and what taken for an or- to destroy the of all the cattle The township Friends and neighbors of Mr, and Mrs, Ben Robinson and their daugh ter, Miss Lucy, were guests at home Townline West, on No. 7 way when they gathered for a well evening to; the residents are leaving to reside in Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson have been .prom inent farmers in the district practi cally all their lives but owing to failing eye sight, Mr, Robinson has been obliged to give up farming. They were presented with an address and an electric toaster. Cecil Lightfoot, of McGillivray has rented Mr. Robinson’s farm and is moving there next week. BROWN LABEL - 33< '/2 lb ORANGE PEKOE - 40' '-.lb LOSE AILSA CRAIG LANDMARK 'The grist mill, an old landmark, at one time one of the busiest places for miles around, is being torn down The building has been purchased by W. Kennedy who has already dispos ed of a quantity of brick to the Hunt Milling Co., of London. The machin ery was sold some time ago, also to a London firm. A man arrested for murder bribed an Irishman on the jury to- oppose the death penalty, and hold out for a verdict of manslaughter. The jury were out for a long time and finally came in with the verdict of manslaughter. The man rushed up to the Irishman and whispered: "I’m tremendously obliged. Did you have a hard time of it." "The devil’s own time, me lad, the other eleven all wanted to ac quit you." Lift the HoocL.Open the Door! Value U. everu|urhe^e in the Hear PONTIAC 7LOWPI SOLID STI TURRET TOPI HYDRAULICBRAKES PONTIAC’S new streamline almost tells the story of this car’s smooth performance. But not quite! Let’s take for granted that Pontiac is the smartest looking car of the year; that it is low- priced. Let’s look beneath the beauty of the car . .. under the hood . .. inside the doors. There, after all, lies value! ence! Pontiac’s interiors are finished in rich upholstery; expensively fitted for, satisfying comfort and convenience. Pontiac’s engine is basically the same reli able unit that establish ed Pontiac’s reputation. In improvements only can you tell the differ- GfcfltRAL MOTORS PRODUCTS Associate Dealers priced $ Q Q A FROM V W U (for the Standard Six 2-Pass. Coupe) Delivered nt factory, Oshawa, Ont., fully equipped. Freight and Government license only extra. Prices of 8-cylindeT models at factory begin at $1185. Throughout the Six and Eight you will discover extra-value features not available in competitive cars. Every where is evidence of an honest endeavor to give full worth for the money you invest in Pontiac. Why not prove this by seeing and driving the new models on display at our showrooms? A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE *P-65C SNELL BROS. & CO., EXETER John Passmore & Son, Hensail, Ont. C. Fritz & Son, Zurich; John Sprowl, Lucan